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NBC New Story on Remaining Documents

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Republican congressman from AZ - last summer. We haven’t heard much about it since. 

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"In a statement to NBC News, the National Archives said that nearly half of the remaining documents are beyond the president’s jurisdiction to declassify... ... It asserts there are no classified documents that remain withheld in their entirety."

Can anyone advise if the statement in bold is a new claim or simply one that I have missed?


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41 minutes ago, Mart Hall said:

"In a statement to NBC News, the National Archives said that nearly half of the remaining documents are beyond the president’s jurisdiction to declassify... ... It asserts there are no classified documents that remain withheld in their entirety."

Can anyone advise if the statement in bold is a new claim or simply one that I have missed?


Mart, I had posted this in a previous thread. 2018 release

Exhibit A - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=148969

Some of Castillo's story - https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=103975#relPageId=6&search="luis_angel castillo"

There was also an Angel Luis Castillo. He was related to Eddie Perez aka Bayo from Operation Tilt. He tried to get the CIA (Rip Robertson) to infiltrate a team to rescue Bayo.

https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=39277#relPageId=4&search="angel_luis castillo"



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3 hours ago, Mart Hall said:

"In a statement to NBC News, the National Archives said that nearly half of the remaining documents are beyond the president’s jurisdiction to declassify... ... It asserts there are no classified documents that remain withheld in their entirety."

Can anyone advise if the statement in bold is a new claim or simply one that I have missed?


It appears that's a new statement from NARA issued in response to yesterday's story by the reporter.

The statement in bold is obviously false.

The other sentence is nonsense.  The JFK Act gave NARA the job of releasing for public view all JFK records, defined by the ARRB as *any* information relevant to understanding the murder, regardless of the form it takes and who currently possesses it (not just government agencies).

Despite what Biden is trying to do by imposing his "transparency plan", the president enters the picture only if the owner of a record objects to its release. That objection must be based on the national security grounds specified in the Act, as the article explains. The President can then "postpone" a release if he finds that releasing the record will cause harm on those grounds,such that the harm exceeds the public's right to know. 

The Act says the job of releasing records shall end only when the Archivist certifies to the President and Congress that all records have been released.  Ending record release is not the President's decision.

Note:  The judge in the MFF lawsuit has so far even denied that NARA is supposed to take over the job of releasing records the Act established the ARRB to do, when the ARRB was required to close down in 1998.  But that's another story.

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The President of the United States has authority to declassify any document in the entire federal government, at will. Curiously, so does the Vice President. 

President Biden's craven snuff job on the JFK Records Act notwithstanding. 

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1 hour ago, William Paris said:

If elected, could Trump or RFK Jr reverse Biden’s final determination of the JFK Act?

Yes they can.  

In fact, I still think its illegal, since the ARRB act was an act of congress not an executive order.

Boy is NARA putting out some BS or what.?

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16 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The President of the United States has authority to declassify any document in the entire federal government, at will. Curiously, so does the Vice President. 

President Biden's craven snuff job on the JFK Records Act notwithstanding. 

That's true, Ben, as far as I know.  But we're talking about Biden's ability to withhold JFK records, to not release them.  That is governed by the terms of the JFK Act.  Biden has consistently violated those terms.  The "transparency plan" is just the latest and most egregious violation.  So it's unlikely he'll be invoking his general powers to release JFK records. 

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5 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

That's true, Ben, as far as I know.  But we're talking about Biden's ability to withhold JFK records, to not release them.  That is governed by the terms of the JFK Act.  Biden has consistently violated those terms.  The "transparency plan" is just the latest and most egregious violation.  So it's unlikely he'll be invoking his general powers to release JFK records. 

We agree. I was just trying to highlight what you are highlighting. 

The craven, coprophagic "Transparency Board" created by the Biden Administration, as the means to a permanent snuff job on JFK Records Act. 

Maybe RFK2 will win, and we can finally see 60-year-old records.  

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