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Our Lady of the Warren Commission: Ruth Paine by Johnny Cairns

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5 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

You are better than this Bill. This is about the third or fourth time you have raised this entirely irrelevant point. I do not agree with everything Cairns says in his piece, I continue to think Ruth Paine has been mistreated by this community. But in fairness, Cairns standing in line for a signature or to meet for a moment his person of interest does not strike me as hypocritical or comical, and I do not know what you are on about on that. 

Better to stick to being responsive to the substance of what Cairns writes, not these ad hominem attempts and name-callings. 


"Better to stick to being responsive to the substance of what Cairns writes..."


By the way, it's coming soon.


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43 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:

This past November 22nd, for the 60th, I was in Dealey Plaza (with Ruth) and I saw James Files across the street (he was standing on the infield between Elm and Main).  I didn't make it a point to go talk to him.  If the guy is telling the truth, he's a murderer.  If he's not telling the truth, then he's simply a liar.  Either way, I don't hold him in high regard and had no desire to go meet him.  On top of that, there was no line at all; I could have walked right up to him.

Johnny Cairns is being hypocritical.


So James Files = Ruth Paine now? Brilliant logic Bill. 

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14 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

So James Files = Ruth Paine now? Brilliant logic Bill. 


I didn't say anything close to that.  Are you just trolling?  You must be.  I thought you were smarter.

My point, which should have been clear to those really interested in understanding, is that I hold James Files in the same low regard which Johnny Cairns apparently holds Ruth Paine.  Yet, I did not act like a complete hypocrite and run across the street to talk to Files, much less stand in line for 45 minutes to get his autograph and then run back home to write a shitty article about him.

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23 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


I didn't say anything close to that.  Are you just trolling?  You must be.  I thought you were smarter.

My point, which should have been clear to those really interested in understanding, is that I hold James Files in the same low regard which Johnny Cairns apparently holds Ruth Paine.  Yet, I did not act like a complete hypocrite and run across the street to talk to Files, much less stand in line for 45 minutes to get his autograph and then run back home to write a shitty article about him.

Right. You’re implying that James Files is of the same historical significance as Paine, who knew Oswald personally and testified for the WC. 

Since when do you have to unconditionally agree with someone to want to meet them without being called a hypocrite?

There’s not single historical figure you disagree with that you might want to meet, especially if you only had one chance? Really Bill? How about Lee Harvey Oswald… 

Give me a break. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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I am a researcher, forum lurker and secretary of Dealey Plaza UK. I do not post opinions, comments or assassination theories on the basis that I do not wish to be dragged into discussions that can be aggressive, adversarial and at times personal. However, I do feel compelled to make a statement on this thread and it will be my only one.

Your responses to Bill Brown's childish posts are on the money. Nothing that he has said is additive to the discussion, it seems that he has a personal agenda against Johnny Cairns. I was at the Ruth Paine talk in Irving that evening and I would like to set the record straight as Bill Brown's claims are inaccurate:

1) Johnny requested that Ruth Paine sign his copy of the WC volume that she appeared in, as a matter of historical record and for posterity given that she is a very important figure in this case.

2) Johnny had no interest in Thomas Mallon or his book.

3) Johnny did not wait 45 minutes in the queue to speak to Ruth Paine.





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1 hour ago, Neale Safaty said:


I am a researcher, forum lurker and secretary of Dealey Plaza UK. I do not post opinions, comments or assassination theories on the basis that I do not wish to be dragged into discussions that can be aggressive, adversarial and at times personal. However, I do feel compelled to make a statement on this thread and it will be my only one.

Your responses to Bill Brown's childish posts are on the money. Nothing that he has said is additive to the discussion, it seems that he has a personal agenda against Johnny Cairns. I was at the Ruth Paine talk in Irving that evening and I would like to set the record straight as Bill Brown's claims are inaccurate:

1) Johnny requested that Ruth Paine sign his copy of the WC volume that she appeared in, as a matter of historical record and for posterity given that she is a very important figure in this case.

2) Johnny had no interest in Thomas Mallon or his book.

3) Johnny did not wait 45 minutes in the queue to speak to Ruth Paine.





Cairns certainly did stand in line for 45 minutes (my rough estimate, no exaggeration).  I talked to him for a minute or two while he was in this line.

I had no problem with Cairns standing in line to meet Ruth until I later learn he ran back home only to post an article bashing her.

It's hypocritical, no matter how you slice it.

It tells me that he doesn't really believe in the backbone of his Ruth-bashing article.

In the article, Cairns implies that Ruth Paine is "delusional" (his word).  Once, when a photo of Ruth, Michael and Priscilla Johnson McMillan was up on the screen, Cairns and his cohorts had a good laugh saying the three must have been at a CIA BBQ.



Edited by Bill Brown
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On 4/4/2024 at 4:42 PM, Bill Brown said:

This past November 22nd, for the 60th, I was in Dealey Plaza (with Ruth) and I saw James Files across the street (he was standing on the infield between Elm and Main).  I didn't make it a point to go talk to him.  If the guy is telling the truth, he's a murderer.  If he's not telling the truth, then he's simply a liar.  Either way, I don't hold him in high regard and had no desire to go meet him.  On top of that, there was no line at all; I could have walked right up to him.

Johnny Cairns is being hypocritical.


What if Johnny Cairns wanted an autograph from Charlie Manson? Does that he means he suddenly thinks Manson was a good guy? Maybe he just wanted an autograph of an important historical figure. Or what if I see O.J. Simpson on the golf course and ask for an autograph? I still think he murdered his ex-wife. People collect JFK assassination paraphernalia. 

Edited by Robert Morrow
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