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Under Cover of Night

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To give just one example: he did not write his book on RFK.

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10 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

In this instance, Harwood exposed a veritable bottomless pit of funds derived from West Texas Crude stashed in an off-the-books account at Republic National Dallas for decades. 

In a personal note to James Angleton dated July 23, 1964, special employee and friend Pierre Lafitte makes note that the rest will be worked out w/Howard group. In the early stages of analysis of Lafitte's records, it was easy to assume he means E. Howard Hunt's group; however, as will be presented in Coup Brief, it is  now reasonable to argue this is a reference to the accountholders of  Republic National Bank's client Howard Corp. and/or those on their payroll. 

That RNB's satellite Lakewood State hired Don Wright whose son ends up at American University Cairo where he learned at the feet of some of America's most successful international propagandists serving. witting or not, Frank Wisner's Wurlitzer should prompt at least a modicum of curiosity.  Wisner's son whose first posting as a foreign service officer was Tangier, currently holds a seat on the board of trustees of AUEgypt alongside John J. McCloy II.  I would remind researchers that Robert G. Storey, Jr. (who makes a cameo appearance in Lafitte's 1963 datebook) was a board member of RNB and served as Texas liaison with the Warren Commission.

Dean Robert G. Storey of the SMU Law School was LBJ's pick, along with LBJ/ Ed Clark Lawyer Leon Jaworski to cover up the JFK assassination if Texas were to have had a Texas Court of Inquiry.

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

About Heymann, it is not true that he did not make up books.

He did. 

He made up people who did not exist, and he created interviews that he never did. He made up police departments.  He put his name on books he did not write, forbidding the real authors to take credit for them.

Heymann represented all that was wrong about the publishing business and their lack of pre publication review.  Becuase Heymann manufactured so much salacious and sensational stuff, and he worked to sell the fabricated products, and the MSM bought into them since they have no standards also, his books sold.  And that is why they got published even though they were full of pernicious BS.  

I know someone who has done a lot of work on Heymann.  I mean a lot.  The guy was a skunk.  No one here should quote a man who was that amoral.

C. David Heymann convinced me that Robert Kennedy and Jackie Kennedy were having a sexual affair that occurred after the JFK assassination (and perhaps even before it). Jackie in the 1960s used to keep a photo of RFK on her piano in her NYC apartment. See Heymann's Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story. If 1/5th of Heymann's book were true, then RFK and Jackie were definitely having an affair. Heymann is pretty good on the LBJ-Kennedy hate levels which were, in fact, at an astronomical levels. 

Heymann interviewed LA cop Gene Scherrer who perfectly described drunken goon Lyndon Johnson's hateful behavior on the night of July 13, 1960 after he had lost the Democratic nomination earlier in the day to JFK. For those who know something about LBJ, this is exactly have he would behaved after having been embarrassed or when things did not go his way. Sean Fetter interviewed an Air Force steward Sgt. Thomas Michl in 2013 who described the exact same behavior out of a virtually naked Lyndon Johnson, so drunk that he could only crawl down the aisle of Air Force One as he cussed out his Air Force stewards and everyone else.

What that means is the Heymann has given us a legit LBJ anecdote from Gene Scherrer, and really it was at THIS VERY MOMENT that the planning for the JFK assassination began before Lyndon Johnson was even officially on the 1960 Democratic ticket. LBJ was going to kill JFK if he were only to be given the chance ...

Weirdly the next day, after a sexual blackmail arm-twisting session with a severely compromised JFK, Lyndon Johnson, to the surprise of 99% of the Democratic convention, was named as JFK's vice-presidential candidate.

Lyndon Johnson canceled Air Force plane for top Boston brain surgeon for a dying RFK

[C. David Heymann,  RFK: A Candid Biography Of Robert F. Kennedy,  p. 505]


      Ted Van Dyk: “In the middle of the night I was shaken awake by David Gartner, a personal aide to the vice president. And Dave said, ‘Humphrey says get up, Robert Kennedy's been shot.’ And I said, ‘David, that's a sick joke.’ He said, ‘No, no, Robert Kennedy's been shot.’

     “So I got up and Humphrey was absolutely distraught, he was just absolutely beside himself with anxiety and concern. And we then received a telephone  call from Steve Smith and Pierre Salinger in California. They said, ‘There's a brain surgeon we trust in Boston. Could you arrange for a private plane to fly him to Los Angeles? Because Robert Kennedy's still alive and there's a possibility of saving him.’

     Humphrey called up the commanding general of the air force, who happened to be there at the academy. And Humphrey said, ‘Will you please dispatch this plane?’ The general said, "I surely will."

     “Ten minutes later we received a call from an aide in the White House: President Johnson had canceled the plane because Humphrey had no authority to send it. The fact was, Johnson preferred Robert Kennedy dead.

     “It was one of the most heinous acts I've ever experienced in my life, and it all but broke Humphrey's heart.”


 [C. David Heymann,  RFK: A Candid Biography Of Robert F. Kennedy,  p. 505]

--Ted Van Dyk, Aide to then Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey

 Bio: Ted Van Dyk has been active in national policy and politics for more than 30 years. He began active military duty in 1957 as a U.S. Army intelligence analyst. His subsequent jobs have included Soviet specialist and intelligence analyst at the Pentagon; senior assistant to Vice President Hubert Humphrey and coordinator of foreign assistance programs in the Carter Administration, to name just a few. He also served as a senior political and policy advisor to seven Democratic presidential candidates. Since early 2001, he has been an editorial-page columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and has continued writing periodically for national publications. 


Wednesday night July 13, 1960 – a shirtless Lyndon Johnson with his pants’ fly open in the Biltmore hotel hallway, having lost the Democratic presidential nomination, was drunk as a skunk and cursing the Kennedys


          Advance word of Kennedy’s upcoming invitation did not sweeten Lyndon Johnson’s temperament as the convention proceeded. And late Wednesday night, whether angry at Bobby and his family over slurs traded between camps or suspicious that RFK opposed Jack’s decision, or perhaps simply chagrined at his own second-place finish in the just-completed presidential balloting – he’d gotten only half as many delegates at the victorious upstart from Massachusetts – LBJ was in a foul mood. “As I went up to the seventh floor of the Biltmore where Johnson was staying,” reported Gene Scherrer, then head of VIP security for the Los Angeles Police Department. “Johnson was in the hallway, ranting and raving about the Kennedys, saying things like, ‘Those motherxxxxers’ and ‘I’d like to piss on Bobby.’ He didn’t have his shirt on and his fly was open. He was very drunk and very obscene. Of course, the next day, he was named John Kennedy’s vice presidential candidate.”


[C. David Heymann, RFK, pp. 167-168]

LA cop Gene Scherrer also worked the 1985  “Ninja murder case:” https://www.crimelibrary.org/notorious_murders/family/mbb207_faye_kellerman_woodman_murders/7.html

          Dallas Times Herald reporter Margaret Mayer never saw a “more unhappy man” than Lyndon Johnson on the night that he was elected Vice President (11-8-60) with president-elect JFK. Lady Bird, however, was delighted that she was going to be Second Lady. Margaret Mayer was also a former aide to LBJ.

 Source: Margaret Mayer who was a longtime reporter for the Dallas Times-Herald. Previously Mayer had worked as an aide to LBJ so she knew him well.


           Lady Bird was happy; she was going to enjoy being Second Lady, she thought, and she did. Besides, she was always glad when a campaign was over, victorious or not. Lyndon? Did he hoot and holler? Did he even smile except for the photographers? He did not. He was demonstrably morose.

          Margaret Mayer: “The night he was elected vice-president – very late, when it was quite apparent that he and Kennedy had been elected – I don’t think I saw a more unhappy man. He had been at the Driskill Hotel with the Homer Thornberrys, the Connallys, Jesse Kellam, and sometime after midnight, maybe one in the morning, they all came downstairs and went across the street to an all-night café on Seventh Street.

          “There was no jubilation. Lyndon looked like he had lost his last friend on earth, and later he was rude to me, very rude, and I tried to remind myself he was unhappy, but he did the same thing the next day in the TV station. He was rude to just about everybody. Now I’ve known Lyndon a great many years, and I’ve never known him to act like that.

          “It was clear to me and a lot of other people that even then he didn’t want to be vice-president.”


 [Merle Miller, Lyndon: An Oral Biography, p. 273]

 Picture of Dallas Times-Herald reporter Margaret Mayer here:


 Margaret Mayer - https://discoverlbj.org/item/mayerm

 The First time Margaret Mayer met LBJ in 1946 when he was laying on a couch wearing only boxer shorts and he was “unfazed by my walking in”

[Margaret Mayer Ward oral history, interviewed by Michael Gillette for the LBJ Library, March 10, 1977]


 Margaret Mayer Ward, 1977 on her first meeting with LBJ: “I mean the man’s lying there unclothed [in boxer shorts] when I first met him. (Laughter) There was certainly no discomfort on his part.”

 A Good example of LBJ’s casual cruelty: his remark to AP reporter Dave Cheavens in 1948:

Margaret Mayer Ward:


The one instance that

I remember that stuck in everybody's mind--and this was the type of

thing that turned the press off on him--Dave Cheavens was the corre-

spondent for AP, in charge of the AP bureau in Austin. He's now dead.

Dave was a fat, chubby little fellow, and as fine a reporter as ever

hit the Capitol Press Room in Austin. A sweet man, son of a Baptist

preacher, just a great fellow, but really fat and sensitive about it

to a degree. So one time when it came Dave's turn to fly in the chopper,

for some reason--I guess they had the chopper parked way away--anyway, they

were racing across a plowed field, and I mean the furrows were against

them. They weren't going down the furrows but across them. Johnson

turned to Cheavens, who was trailing him, and shouted over his shoulder,

"Won't those little fat legs carry you any faster?" It really offended

Dave and someone else present. everybody was offended by it.

Maybe there were two reporters present; It was the type of thing that Johnson

seemed to think he was entitled to say, and he wasn't any more than the next man.


 Margaret Lucile Mayer Ward died on Sept. 27, 2007. Her obituary:


 A very drunk President Lyndon Johnson, wearing only his underwear, would crawl down the aisle of Air Force One telling everyone on board “Eff you, eff you” while he blasted them with profanity. Source: 2013 interview of Air Force   Sgt. Thomas Michl by Sean Fetter


          With ludicrous piety, a key Johnson aide and sycophant Jack Valenti – a USAAF veteran of World War II – tried to claim in a later book (with a straight face) that LBJ ceased drinking Scotch during his presidency.

          It simply wasn’t true.

          Sergeant Michl share a disturbing incident related directly to him by his appalled USAF friends on the Air Force One flight crew. “They said one time going to Texas, [LBJ] had nothing but a pair of his undershorts on and he was crawling down the [aisle of the] aircraft saying ‘Eff you people! Eff you people!’ Every one of em. ‘I know you hate me; eff you. Eff you!’ … Every other word, you know – using a four letter word.”

          “He [LBJ was too drunk to walk,” said Michl acidly of that episode. “And that was our president!


 [Sean Fetter, Under Cover of Night, p. 144; Fetter interview with USAF veteran Thomas Michl in 2013]

 Furthermore Sgt. Michl said that the active duty Air Force people associated with Silver Dollar, who worked at Andrews Air Force base, were absolutely convinced that LBJ was behind the JFK assassination. Sgt. Michl said “We all thought that Lyndon Johnson did it – had it done [murdering JFK].” That is on page 145 of Sean Fetter’s Under Cover of Night.

Edited by Robert Morrow
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20 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:


speaking of Lawrence Wright . . . 
The Manchurian Journalist: Lawrence Wright, the CIA, and the Corruption of American Journalism

In his forthcoming book, The Manchurian Journalist, seasoned investigator Dan Luzzader tracks the career path of Lawrence Wright who miraculously evaded military induction that likely would have meant a stint in Vietnam and instead landed a slot at the American University in Cairo where he learned his trade[craft?]. It's a fascinating tale – as the title suggests – likely to create a stir.

Lawrence Wright's father Don was a senior executive of Lakewood State Bank, Dallas in the 1960s, a bank operated under the protective umbrella of Republic National Bank of Dallas.  Don Wright should be of particular interest to those familiar with the esteemed jurist Robert G. Story, Jr. who inherited major shares in Lakewood earning him a seat on the board of Republic National which – as many informed researchers will now concur – served as the Southwest satellite of US intelligence and the Military Industrial Complex in 1963.   

300 North Ervay — Republic National Bank and Howard Corp
The following from The Handbook of Texas compiled by the Texas State Historical Association and available online, offers an introduction to a little known fact behind the phenomenal success of Republic National Bank of Dallas from the 1940s thru the early 1970s: “In what some consider his most important management decision, [Fred] Florence [as head of Republic National Bank], organized a wholly owned subsidiary, the Howard Corporation, in 1946 to receive the petroleum properties of Republic National in exchange for its authorized capital stock. The company, which took its name from Howard County, Texas where some of the oil properties were located, acquired numerous shares of Teléfonos de México, invested in twenty Texas banks, Highland Park Village, and six other shopping centers, and undeveloped real estate, and paid huge dividends. By 1948 Republic was the largest bank in Texas. Howard's stock was transferred to a separate trust in 1955, but in 1973 the Federal Reserve Bank required Republic to divest itself of the Howard Corporation's non-banking assets in order to form a holding company known as the Republic of Texas Corporation.”

The veil of secrecy was lifted from ‘The Howard Corp” et al by officers of the Republic National Bank of Dallas  — Al Altwegg, Business Ed., Dallas Morning News, Feb 1964.

In the early ’60s, Business Editor of the Dallas Morning News, Al Altwegg began to delve into the shadowy Howard Corp. Under a March 10, 1963, headline, “The Howard Corp. Unique in Banking,” Altwegg reported that as early as 1959 someone had raised the question of whether or not Republic National Bank was in violation of the National Bank Holding Act. The trustees of Howard Corp., which included the president of Republic, James W. Aston, reporting directly to Chairman Karl Hoblitzelle, managed to convince Texas banking authorities that there was no violation of the state’s laws prohibiting branch banking. Republic’s scheme was to purchase majority shares in various banks around the area under what seem to have been shell corporations within the Howard Corp, trust, thereby skirting scrutiny because each corporation held the controlling shares independent of Republic Bank. Those thirteen “non-branch banks” included Lakewood State Bank, whose president at the time of the assassination, Robert G. Storey, Jr., was an alleged CIA asset after the war and looms large in our story. 

Many authors interested in the machinations of the Central Intelligence Agency have over the years referenced The Washington Post article by staff writer Richard Harwood published February 18, 1967, as evidence that Republic National Bank was a conduit for the CIA: In Dallas, Texas, a charitable foundation intimately associated with the Republic National Bank and other major companies, apparently has served as a conduit for at least $580,700 in CIA funds since 1958 . . . the Hoblitzelle foundation began making major grants to the International Development Funds, about which nothing is known, and the Congress for Cultural Freedom. 

With this, Harwood revealed that the Hoblitzelle Foundation, referenced in the prelude to this chapter, was a conduit for the agency and argued that by association the Republic National Bank was a CIA conduit: “Business Leaders Are Tied to CIA’s Covert Operations.” The report read in part, “There was mounting evidence yesterday that leaders of the American business establishment have been deeply involved in the cover operations of the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States. In Dallas, Texas, a charitable foundation intimately associated with the Republic National Bank and other major companies, apparently has served as a conduit for at least $580,700 in CIA funds since 1958. One of the foundation trustees is Federal Judge Sahar [sic] T. Hughes, who administered the oath of office to President Lyndon Johnson following the assassination of President Kennedy.” 

The roots of the reality that Republic National was a conduit for the CIA may run far deeper than reporter Richard Harwood was able to discover or at least report at the time. The CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird,” the inspiration of Frank Wisner and spearheaded by Cord Meyer, Jr., was part of the agency’s ongoing propaganda machine known as the “Mighty Wurlitzer.”  – Coup in Dallas

I don't read even a hint of the aforementioned in Lawrence Wright's attempt to lay his burden down on the 20th anniversary of the assassination of John Kennedy in his beloved Dallas found here: https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/why-do-they-hate-us-so-much/

Is it possible that Lawrence Wright was a CIA asset (not saying he was, but let's supposed he was) and ALSO possible that his father as a young Don Wright was asked to provide multiple hookers to take care of Cong. John Kennedy on his speaking engagement in Oklahoma.

Furthermore, I would like for someone to give me hardcore proof that Lawrence Wright (big time lone nutter that he is) was or is a CIA or intelligence asset. I would be interested to look at the evidence and I have ordered that book about him.

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Journalist Lawrence Wright is a longtime and extremely vociferous Lone Nutter on the JFK assassination:

Lawrence Wright:

As quoted in the Dallas Morning News – on 11/16/2013 in a lone nutter journalist Scott Parks’ article.


Web archive https://web.archive.org/web/20131119213827/http://www.dallasnews.com/news/jfk50/explore/20131116-jfk-conspiracy-theories-abound-despite-a-lack-of-evidence.ece

as quoted in the Dallas Morning News - Nov. 16, 2013. “JFK conspiracy theories abound, despite a lack of evidence” by Scott Parks

Lawrence Wright, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, grew up in Dallas during the 1960s and has written extensively about the assassination’s impact on him, his family and his East Dallas community. He is among those who believe acceptance of Oswald as the lone gunman is long overdue.

“Conspiracy theories, like flies, they gather around big dead things,” said Wright, a staff writer at The New Yorker. “Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. There is so much evidence, it’s ridiculous to think there is another explanation.”


Why Do They Hate Us So Much? November, 1983





American Univ. in Cairo – MA in applied linguistics

Lawrence Wright (born August 2, 1947) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author, screenwriter, staff writer for The New Yorker magazine, and fellow at the Center for Law and Security at the New York University School of Law. Wright is best known as the author of the 2006 nonfiction book The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11.

Wright graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in Dallas, Texas, in 1965 and, in 2009, was inducted into the school's Hall of Fame.[1] He is a graduate of Tulane University and taught English at the American University in Cairo in Egypt for two years, receiving his MA degree in applied linguistics in 1969

Awards and honors[edit]



Wright award - http://www.aaiusa.org/pages/2015-kahlil-gibran-spirit-of-humanity-awards-gala-awardees

Lawrence Wright

Anthony Shadid Award for Excellence in Journalism

The acclaimed career of Lawrence Wright began in 1971 at the Race Relations Reporter in Nashville, Tennessee where he provided critical reporting on the civil rights movement when the majority of news outlets had moved on. He later joined The New Yorker where he wrote several prize-winning articles, and garnered two National Magazine Awards. The author of one fiction and eight nonfiction books, his 2006 book, The Looming Tower: al-Qaeda and the road to 9/11, won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize.  The Looming Tower offered the first comprehensive look at the history of al-Qaeda, the lives of those who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks, and the counterterrorism professionals who tirelessly pursued them. It deepened the American public’s understanding of the context in which the events of September 11 occurred and was named as one of the best 100 nonfiction books ever written by Time Magazine. Wright then adapted the book into a called My Trip to Al-Qaeda, which was turned into a documentary for HBO. He went on to produce several plays exploring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including The Human Scale –  a 2010 one-man play offering a sharp exploration of the events that led up to the Gaza crisis; and, Camp David, a play that follows the thirteen days President Carter hosted Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat for negotiations at Camp David. Having made a career humanizing and demystifying some of the Middle East’s most complex people and conflicts, Wright is currently writing and producing a new series for HBO called God Save Texas, which is centered on the world of Texan politics. 

Lawrence Wright Amazon page https://www.amazon.com/Lawrence-Wright/e/B00456MI3W/ref=sr_tc_2_rm?qid=1522860538&sr=8-2-ent

Lawrence Wright (born August 2, 1947) is a Pulitzer Prize-winning American author, screenwriter, staff writer for The New Yorker magazine, and fellow at the Center for Law and Security at the New York University School of Law. Wright is best known as the author of the 2006 nonfiction book The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. Wright is also known for his work with documentarian Alex Gibney who directed film versions of Wright's one man show My Trip to Al-Qaeda and his book Going Clear. Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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12 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

Dean Robert G. Storey of the SMU Law School was LBJ's pick, along with LBJ/ Ed Clark Lawyer Leon Jaworski to cover up the JFK assassination if Texas were to have had a Texas Court of Inquiry.

. . . The parent company of RNB, Republic National Corporation headed by Fred Florence who as mentioned earlier was the inspiration behind The Howard Corp just after the war, purchased controlling shares of Lakewood State Bank, which was organized in 1941 by banker J. F. Parks, Sr. along with the Storey family of Greenville, Texas. Robert Jr. would be named to the board of RNB in 1949.
    The Howard Corp. which held approximately $15 million in assets, generating millions in profits annually represented a potential for channeling far more substantial funds for the CIA than the Hoblitzelle Foundation, far earlier, perhaps as early as the close of WWII when agency asset Robert Storey returned to Dallas to resume his law practice and join the boards of Republic and Lakewood, a bank that he would soon preside over as president in spite of having no experience in banking. 
    As noted earlier, both Storey and Houston lawyer Leon Jaworski had served under Judge Robert Jackson during the war tribunals which included the trial of SS Otto Skorzeny. The details of that trial have been elaborated on previously in this book. 
    Following the war, Robert Storey’s colleague, Jaworski returned to Houston and resumed the practice of law from his offices located in the Bank of the Southwest. He would soon be elected to the bank board and was retained as Legal Counsel for Schlumberger, Ltd., whose headquarters were also located in the Bank of the Southwest building. The reader will recall details of Schlumberger in the chapter focused on jack of all trades Thomas Eli Davis, Jr. Dallas offices of both Schlumberger, Ltd. and attorney Leon Jaworski were located in the Republic National Bank building. 
    In a 1973 article in the New York Times during that newspaper’s pursuit of the role that Leon Jaworski was to assume in the Watergate investigation, headlined, “Jaworski Reportedly Had Role in Setting Up C.I.A. Aid Conduit,” the newspaper followed up on Richard Harwood’s reporting in The Washington Post story six years earlier, and identified the M. D. Anderson Foundation as the Houston conduit for the CIA providing similar services to the agency as had the Hoblitzelle Foundation of Dallas. At the same time, the Houston Chronicle also revealed Jaworski’s acknowledged role in another alleged CIA conduit, the American Fund for Free Jurists when he told the newspaper that he “possibly helped channel Central Intelligence Agency funds” to the lawyers’ group. 
    Following the assassination in Dallas, Robert Storey and Leon Jaworski found themselves reunited at the formation of the Warren Commission investigation, Jaworski working directly with the federal commission’s legal team on behalf of the interests of the State of Texas, and Storey as direct liaison between the authorities of the City of Dallas and Allen Dulles, recently “retired” Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and de facto head of the commission. 
Robert G. “Bob” Storey, Jr.
[emphasis added]
Career highlights of Robert Gerald Storey, Jr., known to close friends as “Bob,” were achieved through the legal profession, but particularly significant to this saga was his role in the development of modern Dallas that included inspiration for an international merchandise mart, not unlike the New Orleans International Trade Mart envisioned by Clay LaVerne Shaw. Bob Storey’s concept came to fruition when developer Trammell Crow built the Dallas Trade Mart, Kennedy’s ultimate destination as the limo turned onto Elm. Crow is notorious as having been involved with Clint Murchison and attorney/ real estate developer Angus Wynne in their Great Southwest Corporation and the Six Flags project where, in another masterful move, Marina and Marguerite Oswald were secreted away and interrogated in the days following the assassination. 
    Storey also established the Southwestern Legal Foundation on the campus of his beloved Southern Methodist University, where he served as the Dean of the Law School for many years. But it’s Storey’s position among the elite of the oil industry, both national and international that confirms Rene Lafitte’s astute observation that “oil soothes the way.” His idea for an International Oil & Gas Education Center under the aegis of his Southwest Legal Foundation housed on the Campus of Southern Methodist University, placed him in the cat bird’s seat of the petroleum industry.    
    Identified by many as a “roving ambassador at large,” promoting freedom and the American way of life, a 1957 Dallas Morning News piece titled “Dean Storey: World Affairs Expert” reported that his recent trip around the world marked his fourth such journey since the war. Storey, a member of Neil Mallon’s Dallas World Affairs Council that most researchers agree functioned under the guidance of Allen Dulles and the CIA, was as anti-communist as any of those previously identified in this book. In a speech before the International Convention of Christian Churches in Kansas City, 1961, Storey spoke of the challenges that Christianity faced during the Cold War because of the power, growth, and dangers of the “Marxist virus.” Noting that “the Communists feel any means to reach their objectives are justified, a Christian is restricted by the teachings of Christ from committing certain acts which the Communist is free to commit”; ironic, considering he is named in records of the plot to murder a man in the harsh light of day in “Christian-centered” Dallas.
    Prior to assuming the mantle of his father who was held in high esteem in Dallas business circles, Storey served in both World War I and II. One official record reads: 
In World War II, the Air Force sent him to London as a combat intelligence officer. He was promoted to colonel for his work with the War Crimes Commission in the Balkans and later awarded the Bronze Star and the Legion of Merit. In 1945, Storey planned to return to Dallas and to the practice of law, but US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson had other thoughts. Justice Jackson had been appointed chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, and he wanted Storey by his side as special counsel. Storey was on the prosecution team that prosecuted Herman Goering, Rudolph Hess, and other high-ranking Nazi officials. Storey served as dean of the law school from 1947–1959. From 1952–53, he also served as president of the American Bar Association. During that time, he created the Southwestern Legal Foundation as a means of sponsoring the development of a major legal center and served as its director until 1972. 
However, the November 20th datebook entry. ‘Call Storey’ followed by the name ‘Duvall,’ and the initials ‘DeM’ penned by the project manager of the plot to murder Kennedy, reveals a darker side to the esteemed jurist. There can be little doubt that the Duvall mentioned is Judge Jesse C. Duvall of Fort Worth, TX. Judge Duvall had served as prosecutor during the Dachau trials at the conclusion of WWII. Among the defendants was SS Otto Skorzeny. 
    Duvall, a US Army Major during WWII was serving under Judge Robert H. Jackson at the same time Jackson had seconded Col. Robert G. Storey to search for evidence to support the charges against Nazi war criminals. Judge Jackson had known Storey through the American Bar Association before the war, and when he heard that Storey had uncovered valuable documents related to Russia, he tasked his friend with the search for evidence to be presented in the war crimes trials. That search resulted in the discovery of forty-seven crates of Nazi records.
    Now we see Storey and Duvall named side by side in private records of the manager of a conspiracy, two days before the assassination, followed by reference to DeM which we can safely assume was George de Mohrenschildt. During an interview with the FBI, Judge Duvall revealed that he had met the de Mohrenschildts in January 1963, and several months later had dined with the couple in Dallas. He reported that over dinner, de Mohrenschildt had asked if he might assist his new friend, the recently repatriated defector to Russia, Lee Harvey Oswald with his dishonorable discharge. 
    In one of the more odd twists of fate in this saga, Judge Duvall was also approached in the immediate aftermath of Jack Ruby’s shooting of Oswald. It seems that the man, an acquaintance of Judge Duvall for over two decades had worked as a bookkeeper for Ruby in early 1963, alleged that he had seen Jack Ruby and Oswald together in Ruby’s Carousel Club.
Bob Storey passed away in 1981. Judge Duvall followed him a year later. 

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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

About Heymann, it is not true that he did not make up books.

He did. 

He made up people who did not exist, and he created interviews that he never did. He made up police departments.  He put his name on books he did not write, forbidding the real authors to take credit for them.

Heymann represented all that was wrong about the publishing business and their lack of pre publication review.  Becuase Heymann manufactured so much salacious and sensational stuff, and he worked to sell the fabricated products, and the MSM bought into them since they have no standards also, his books sold.  And that is why they got published even though they were full of pernicious BS.  

I know someone who has done a lot of work on Heymann.  I mean a lot.  The guy was a skunk.  No one here should quote a man who was that amoral.

Btw, I am not doubting that C. David Heymann "made stuff up" and put it in his books. But he did not make up everything in his books or even most of what he put in this books and that is the kicker. What Heymann was describing about LBJ on the night of July 13th is perfectly consistent with how Lyndon Johnson behaved his whole adult life.

Name this "someone" who has done a lot of research on Heymann and then ask this person to put all that information up in a thread perhaps at Education Forum.

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