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CTers keep on covering up the truth

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1 hour ago, Denis Morissette said:

My request to participate to alt.conspiracy.jfk.research has just been declined. The cover-up continues…

I think Gil took over the group. Its sole purpose seems to be to increase traffic to his website.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

My request to participate to alt.conspiracy.jfk.research has just been declined. The cover-up continues…

The URL of the group in question specifically says it is "Not Moderated", so why would anybody be "declined" when trying to post/join? I would think it would have the same rules as the old alt.conspiracy.jfk newsgroup, which, of course, had no posting rules or restrictions at all.



Edited by David Von Pein
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The title of this thread is an oxymoron, at least in the case of JFKA research.

It's like writing, "Democrats Keep On Cutting Taxes for Billionaires."

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1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

The URL of the group in question specifically says it is "Not Moderated", so why would anybody be "declined" when trying to post/join? I would think it would have the same rules as the old alt.conspiracy.jfk newsgroup, which, of course, had no posting rules or restrictions at all.



NoTrueFlag wrote “Even Nutters can say what they will. If Google really does cut access to Usenet.” I can’t even join. 😂

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Posted (edited)
On 5/16/2024 at 8:24 AM, Denis Morissette said:

My request to participate to alt.conspiracy.jfk.research has just been declined. The cover-up continues…

The Google group is a format I started for critics and researchers to post their research into the assassination.

The content is not moderated, ( how's that for covering up the truth ? Are you listening, John McAdams ? ) but membership must be approved by me.

Are you a critic of the Warren Commission ? Are you a researcher ? 

When you applied, you stated that you wanted to "discuss the JFKA". It's not a discussion group or a format for debate like this forum.

And since I am not familiar with your research and you offered no insight into it, I assumed you were neither a researcher nor a critic of the Warren Commission. So your request was denied.

For example, Pamela Brown recently requested membership and was approved because I'm familiar with her research on the JFK limo. 


PS: For anyone interested, the group can be found at this link:


The postings can be read by anyone, but in order to post you must be a member.

If I am not familiar with your research, it might be a good idea to fill me in as to what it involves. A link to your website or work online would be helpful.


Since you consider your denial for membership a big enough deal to post it here, maybe you or your Lone Nut buddies can explain how your failure to qualify for acceptance "covers up the truth" or translates into my wanting to prevent "true facts getting in the way".


Edited by Gil Jesus
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Posted (edited)

The second Lee Harvey Oswald told the world press "I am just a patsy" the evening of 11,22,1963 in response to the press shouted question " did you kill the President?" only a dimwit would not be at least a little suspiciously curious about that statement as it was one not usually uttered by arrested perps and clearly suggests something more to the crime story and the perps involvement in it.

To rational people anyway.

Oswald's killing ( silencing ) just 46 hours after JFK's and under circumstances so improbable ( an armed, sleazy strip joint owner gets inside the DPD's own building and defeats the 70+ personnel wall of Oswald security? ) was the real kicker in the rational conspiracy consideration department. 

Half the nation instantly sensed some sort of conspiracy in the entire JFKA affair after that beyond belief security failure debacle ... as they should have.

IMO, kook defines anyone who instantly thought there was nothing more to the impossibly improbable Oswald security breakdown right inside the DPD's own building than just "luck" on the part of another kook who was so paranoid fear driven to prove to the world that Jews had guts.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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