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Crowd on the other side of the Triple Under Pass

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24 minutes ago, Denis Morissette said:

The story was not published in America. But it was in Toronto, Canada.


Thank you for sharing that correspondence with Gary Mack and for the article! That's the first real, solid info I've seen on the incident! I've read maybe two or three accounts in different books or forum posts but without solid corroboration you kinda have to take everything with a grain of salt.

To me, these eyewitness accounts and the newspaper article pretty much proves that it did happen, whether it's implications were sinister or innocent.

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Thanks for sharing that, Denis. I wonder whatever happened to the youth?


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2 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

Thank you for sharing that correspondence with Gary Mack and for the article! That's the first real, solid info I've seen on the incident! I've read maybe two or three accounts in different books or forum posts but without solid corroboration you kinda have to take everything with a grain of salt.

To me, these eyewitness accounts and the newspaper article pretty much proves that it did happen, whether it's implications were sinister or innocent.

I agree 100. It looks like Laird chased the boy to get his picture. I doubt he was hurt that much since he already left. 

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1 hour ago, Denis Morissette said:

I agree 100. It looks like Laird chased the boy to get his picture. I doubt he was hurt that much since he already left. 

It's things like this that most people (even some long-time researchers) have never heard of that makes me wonder how many other things people saw or heard that just got lost in the madness of that day.

Like the epileptic seizure guy. Since it was in the movie JFK, it has just become part of the folklore surrounding the assassination, but up until then few people really knew about that.

When you have things like the Coley puddle of blood and another small pool of blood spotted closer to the TSBD you would think that if someone else were hurt or injured enough for a pool of blood (let alone two pools of blood!) that someone would have seen what caused these! But it was utter confusion and possibly people did come forward and were told to keep their mouth shut or else. Who knows?

And the late David S. Lifton had said that he believed the limo stopped again after it turned up the on ramp. And he had multiple witnesses who were together and saw it. They said that Jackie once again tried to climb out of the back of the limo. Pretty wild stuff! And you just think that if this happened that surely someone else (a motorcycle officer or other bystanders) would have seen it and reported that.

You just never know with this case. That's why I tend to keep somewhat of an open mind and not ridicule someone else's theory, no matter how wild it sounds, until I've properly researched it and ruled it out. And even then I'd probably not ridicule it except maybe to myself, lol!

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