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Sy Hersh is at It Again

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This substack piece apparently is hitting home.

First, it has the most views of any article I have written so far.

It also has the highest open rate of any article.

Third it has the most shares, that is other substack sites are taking notice of it.

Good, the more that gets out about hack Hersh the better. 

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18 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

John Kennedy's gargartuan adultery and sexual promiscuity is one of the most credibly documented facts in historical research. The sources are it are many, varied, very close to JFK, and credible. Let's hear from Sen. George Smathers who used to chase a lot of girls with JFK in the 1950's:


According to Smathers, “No one was off limits to Jack – not your wife, your mother, your sister.” During their Senate days, Kennedy and Smathers shared a pied-a-terre where they could carry on discreet affairs. Once, when Smathers was called away to the Senate, leaving Kennedy with both of their dates, he returned to find the ambitious senator chasing both girls around the apartment. Having two girls at once was one of Kennedy’s favorite pastimes,” Smathers said. 

George Smathers said that “just in terms of the time he spent with a woman, he was a lousy lover. He went in more for the quantity than quality.”


 [Irving Wallace, Amy Wallace, David Wallechinsky, Sylvia Wallace, The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People, p. 362]

And while we are at it, let's hear from Evelyn Lincoln, JFK's secretary of 12 years. Although Lincoln greatly admired Kennedy, she had this to say (notice how Lincoln mistakenly blames the women "chasing" JFK and not the principal himself:

Evelyn Lincoln knew a lot of dirt on John Kennedy, the man she adored. She said in 1998 “I spent half my time talking to women.” 


 March 18, 1998
Web posted at: 1:41 p.m. EST (1841 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN) -- For more than a decade, Evelyn Lincoln was John F. Kennedy's personal secretary and one of his most trusted confidants.

Lincoln was by Kennedy's side from the time he became a U.S. senator until his death in Dallas, during his presidency. She kept hundreds of things she had collected from Kennedy until her own death in 1995, and she willed those items to collector Robert White.

"I one time asked her, 'Why pick through the trash and save his doodles?' and she said, 'because I knew he was special,'" White explained.

During Kennedy's presidency, Lincoln worked in a small room next to the Oval Office. In a 1989 interview with CNN's Larry King, Lincoln remembered Kennedy as a taskmaster.

"He wanted you to do the right thing at the moment. He wanted it done."

Lincoln said Kennedy even asked her to help sneak women into the White House.

"You know women chased him. Let's face it. There were young women. There were older women. They all did. I spent half of my time talking to women."

CNN's Tony Clark contributed to this report




I think I’ll let Arthur Schlesinger, JR. do the talking on this one…

“Some think today that there was an an unending procession of bimbos through Kennedy‘s White House and that the Washington press corps knew about it but covered up for him because newspapermen liked him… as one who worked in the White House I never saw anything untoward. Kennedy was a hard-working president concentrating intently on the matters at hand. One sometimes here’s the argument that recklessness in private life leads to recklessness in public life. But history shows no connection between private morals and public behaviour. Martin Luther King Jr. for example had wayward sexual habits but was all the same a tremendous moral force for his people and for his nation . On the other hand, Pol Pot of Cambodia was apparently devoutly religious and a faithful family man. All he did was to murder hundreds of thousands of his countryman.”  A Thousand Days- p. xiii, xiv. 

Edited by Johnny Cairns
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1 hour ago, Johnny Cairns said:

I think I’ll let Arthur Schlesinger, JR. do the talking on this one…

“Some think today that there was an an unending procession of bimbos through Kennedy‘s White House and that the Washington press corps knew about it but covered up for him because newspapermen liked him… as one who worked in the White House I never saw anything untoward. Kennedy was a hard-working president concentrating intently on the matters at hand. One sometimes here’s the argument that recklessness in private life leads to recklessness in public life. But history shows no connection between private morals and public behaviour. Martin Luther King Jr. for example had wayward sexual habits but was all the same a tremendous moral force for his people and for his nation . On the other hand, Pol Pot of Cambodia was apparently devoutly religious and a faithful family man. All he did was to murder hundreds of thousands of his countryman.”  A Thousand Days- p. xiii, xiv. 

That is really a pitiful attempt by Arthur Schlesinger both minimize and excuse John Kennedy's absolutely rampant sexual promiscuity which definitely had national security implications. The biggest result of all that was LBJ and Sam Rayburn were able to use SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on JFK to FORCE Kennedy to put Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Demo ticket as VP. That ended up costing JFK his live and having huge policy implications.

Btw, who do you think was having orgies with JFK in the White House swimming pool: was it Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen (the liberal brain trust) OR presidential pimp Dave Powers, Teddy Kennedy and a prominent railroad lobbyist who JFK used to chase chicks and party with? I am referring to man whore lobbyist Bill Thompson 


It was not Arthur Schlesinger who was provided JFK with sexual partners; it was Frank Sinatra (another JFK pimp) until he got cut out by the Kennedys.

Arthur Schlesinger is 100% wrong: someone who has absolutely gutter morals in "private" is also much more likely to have absolutely gutter morals in public and it absolutely effects policy. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump come to mind. Rampaging sex abuser and womanizer Bill Clinton (whose hero was the full-on sexually deranged JFK) actually LOST THE NUCLEAR CODES during the peak of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Bill Clinton's phone sex with Monica was TAPED BY THE MOSSAD who were outside Monica's apartment and had microwave listening devices aimed at her bedroom.


Arthur Schlesinger was totally wrong - many in the media of the 1960s knew all about JFK's risky adultery and they kept quiet about it. Hugh Sidey, the JFK-worshipping reporter of Time magazine, knew about JFK's adultery and was stunned that Kennedy could be so reckless (source: Sidey's stewardess friend Layte Bowden Dopp, who is still alive today in 2024).

Perhaps JFK's favorite book was The Young Melbourne by Lord David Cecil Lor. It is a biography of William Lamb who later became prime minister of Great Britain. Basically, it details "the young Melbourne" active in political affairs by day but extremely sexually promiscuous on nights and weekends. JFK loved the book and perhaps even modeled himself on it.



Finally, I refer you to LBJ's FBI henchman Deke DeLoach's April, 1960 memo of JFK's sexual recklessness; Kennedy's "extracurricular activities" were a standard joke around the Senate Office Building.

As Doug Caddy, who was in Wash DC at the time, tells it JFK was snarkily referred to as the "President Erect" as opposed to the "President Elect" by the Washington, DC crowd after he won the 1960 presidential election.

People definitely knew ...


Edited by Robert Morrow
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32 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

That is really a pitiful attempt by Arthur Schlesinger both minimize and excuse John Kennedy's absolutely rampant sexual promiscuity which definitely had national security implications. The biggest result of all that was LBJ and Sam Rayburn were able to use SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on JFK to FORCE Kennedy to put Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Demo ticket as VP. That ended up costing JFK his live and having huge policy implications.

Btw, who do you think was having orgies with JFK in the White House swimming pool: was it Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen (the liberal brain trust) OR presidential pimp Dave Powers, Teddy Kennedy and a prominent railroad lobbyist who JFK used to chase chicks and party with? I am referring to man whore lobbyist Bill Thompson 


It was not Arthur Schlesinger who was provided JFK with sexual partners; it was Frank Sinatra (another JFK pimp) until he got cut out by the Kennedys.

Arthur Schlesinger is 100% wrong: someone who has absolutely gutter morals in "private" is also much more likely to have absolutely gutter morals in public and it absolutely effects policy. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump come to mind. Rampaging sex abuser and womanizer Bill Clinton (whose hero was the full-on sexually deranged JFK) actually LOST THE NUCLEAR CODES during the peak of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Bill Clinton's phone sex with Monica was TAPED BY THE MOSSAD who were outside Monica's apartment and had microwave listening devices aimed at her bedroom.


Arthur Schlesinger was totally wrong - many in the media of the 1960s knew all about JFK's risky adultery and they kept quiet about it. Hugh Sidey, the JFK-worshipping reporter of Time magazine, knew about JFK's adultery and was stunned that Kennedy could be so reckless (source: Sidey's stewardess friend Layte Bowden Dopp, who is still alive today in 2024).

Perhaps JFK's favorite book was The Young Melbourne by Lord David Cecil Lor. It is a biography of William Lamb who later became prime minister of Great Britain. Basically, it details "the young Melbourne" active in political affairs by day but extremely sexually promiscuous on nights and weekends. JFK loved the book and perhaps even modeled himself on it.



Finally, I refer you to LBJ's FBI henchman Deke DeLoach's April, 1960 memo of JFK's sexual recklessness; Kennedy's "extracurricular activities" were a standard joke around the Senate Office Building.

As Doug Caddy, who was in Wash DC at the time, tells it JFK was snarkily referred to as the "President Erect" as opposed to the "President Elect" by the Washington, DC crowd after he won the 1960 presidential election.

People definitely knew ...


If you could please address the last part of my last comment that would be great. 

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7 hours ago, Johnny Cairns said:

If you could please address the last part of my last comment that would be great. 

The part about Pol Pott being devoutly religious and a family man? Pol Pott was a communist and a dictator and an atheist, which has nothing to do with John F. Kennedy being a grotesquely unhinged adulterer which is a warning flag on any person in the world.

Remember JFK provoked the Russians by 1) the Bay of Pigs invasion 2) Operation Mongoose and assorted assassination plots against Fidel Casto 3) putting Jupiter nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey in 1961.

Maybe if JFK had not been so sexually unhinged he could have clearly thought about NOT doing all of those things, because as a response to that the Russians put nuclear weapons into Cuba and they were ready to launch by the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Then we almost had WWIII under JFK's watch.

Uncontrolled sexual promiscuity (such as what JFK practiced) is a huge red warning flag whenever it is present in someone.


Edited by Robert Morrow
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Posted (edited)

For the record, Kennedy kept us out of two wars:

One in Cuba, and one in Vietnam. We know what would have happened in 1961 with Nixon since he told JFK to claim a beachhead and invade.  We saw what happened in Vietnam under LBJ and Nixon, 3.8 million dead in VIetnam, 2 million in Cambodia. What Nixon did there might even be worse than what Johnson did. He actually dropped more bomb tonnage on Indochina than LBJ, plus he ordered invasions of both Laos and Cambodia which set those countries back for decades.

One might also add that JFK defused Clay's attempt to start another in Berlin, and refused the military attempt to send 60,000 men into Laos.

To any objective person, the Russians provoked the Missile Crisis by secretly moving a first strike into Cuba and then lying about it to JFK.  The decision on the Jupiters was made under Eisenhower. Kennedy had ordered the Jupiters out already and was surprised they were still there.  But no objective person can compare that force with the three arms of the triad, including bombers, that Moscow moved into Cuba. That force could have demolished  almost every major city in America outside the Pacific northwest.

Kennedy chose the least aggressive reply in 1962 and he would not even order a retaliation after the Cubans downed a U2.  That was the only fatality during the two week crisis. Kennedy rejected even the air strikes against the silos because Taylor could not guarantee there would be no civilian casualties. JFK found his advisors so aching for a fight that he sent his brother to directly negotiate with the Russians. And RFK told them that the president was not sure how long he could control the Pentagon.

JFK was the best president this country had since FDR.  Period. Its been all militarization since. 

And Bob Morrow appears to have never gotten over hack writers like Heymann and Hersh. I mean please. On this site?


Edited by James DiEugenio
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10 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

That is really a pitiful attempt by Arthur Schlesinger both minimize and excuse John Kennedy's absolutely rampant sexual promiscuity which definitely had national security implications. The biggest result of all that was LBJ and Sam Rayburn were able to use SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on JFK to FORCE Kennedy to put Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Demo ticket as VP. That ended up costing JFK his live and having huge policy implications.

Btw, who do you think was having orgies with JFK in the White House swimming pool: was it Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen (the liberal brain trust) OR presidential pimp Dave Powers, Teddy Kennedy and a prominent railroad lobbyist who JFK used to chase chicks and party with? I am referring to man whore lobbyist Bill Thompson 


It was not Arthur Schlesinger who was provided JFK with sexual partners; it was Frank Sinatra (another JFK pimp) until he got cut out by the Kennedys.

Arthur Schlesinger is 100% wrong: someone who has absolutely gutter morals in "private" is also much more likely to have absolutely gutter morals in public and it absolutely effects policy. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump come to mind. Rampaging sex abuser and womanizer Bill Clinton (whose hero was the full-on sexually deranged JFK) actually LOST THE NUCLEAR CODES during the peak of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Bill Clinton's phone sex with Monica was TAPED BY THE MOSSAD who were outside Monica's apartment and had microwave listening devices aimed at her bedroom.


Arthur Schlesinger was totally wrong - many in the media of the 1960s knew all about JFK's risky adultery and they kept quiet about it. Hugh Sidey, the JFK-worshipping reporter of Time magazine, knew about JFK's adultery and was stunned that Kennedy could be so reckless (source: Sidey's stewardess friend Layte Bowden Dopp, who is still alive today in 2024).

Perhaps JFK's favorite book was The Young Melbourne by Lord David Cecil Lor. It is a biography of William Lamb who later became prime minister of Great Britain. Basically, it details "the young Melbourne" active in political affairs by day but extremely sexually promiscuous on nights and weekends. JFK loved the book and perhaps even modeled himself on it.



Finally, I refer you to LBJ's FBI henchman Deke DeLoach's April, 1960 memo of JFK's sexual recklessness; Kennedy's "extracurricular activities" were a standard joke around the Senate Office Building.

As Doug Caddy, who was in Wash DC at the time, tells it JFK was snarkily referred to as the "President Erect" as opposed to the "President Elect" by the Washington, DC crowd after he won the 1960 presidential election.

People definitely knew ...


Robert, you seem to be obsessing over JFK's sex life in relation to Jim's article about Sy Hersh.  13 of 35 posts in the thread, over 1/3, compared to his 6.  Kind of a double whammy there regarding the forums rule about sexually oriented posts and the penalty for stalking, taunting, harassing another member.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

For the record, Kennedy kept us out of two wars:

One in Cuba, and one in Vietnam. We know what would have happened in 1961 with Nixon since he told JFK to claim a beachhead and invade.  We saw what happened in Vietnam under LBJ and Nixon, 3.8 million dead in VIetnam, 2 million in Cambodia. What Nixon did there might even be worse than what Johnson did. He actually dropped more bomb tonnage on Indochina than LBJ, plus he ordered invasions of both Laos and Cambodia which set those countries back for decades.

One might also add that JFK defused Clay's attempt to start another in Berlin, and refused the military attempt to send 60,000 men into Laos.

To any objective person, the Russians provoked the Missile Crisis by secretly moving a first strike into Cuba and then lying about it to JFK.  The decision on the Jupiters was made under Eisenhower. Kennedy had ordered the Jupiters out already and was surprised they were still there.  But no objective person can compare that force with the three arms of the triad, including bombers, that Moscow moved into Cuba. That force could have demolished  almost every major city in America outside the Pacific northwest.

Kennedy chose the least aggressive reply in 1962 and he would not even order a retaliation after the Cubans downed a U2.  That was the only fatality during the two week crisis. Kennedy rejected even the air strikes against the silos because Taylor could not guarantee there would be no civilian casualties. JFK found his advisors so aching for a fight that he sent his brother to directly negotiate with the Russians. And RFK told them that the president was not sure how long he could control the Pentagon.

JFK was the best president this country had since FDR.  Period. Its been all militarization since. 

And Bob Morrow appears to have never gotten over hack writers like Heymann and Hersh. I mean please. On this site?


U-2's were getting shot out of the sky like turkeys.  Cuba (2x), China, Soviets.  The answer to the riddle lies there.  Follow that.  

Edited by Matt Cloud
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18 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Robert, you seem to be obsessing over JFK's sex life in relation to Jim's article about Sy Hersh.  13 of 35 posts in the thread, over 1/3, compared to his 6.  Kind of a double whammy there regarding the forums rule about sexually oriented posts and the penalty for stalking, taunting, harassing another member.

Ron, really?   He is linking it to the subject.   How is he stalking, taunting-which goes on a lot here, or harassing Jim?    The moderation seems to be getting out of control. 

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15 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Ron, really?   He is linking it to the subject.   How is he stalking, taunting-which goes on a lot here, or harassing Jim?    The moderation seems to be getting out of control. 

By becoming overbearing in his repeated detailed sexually oriented posts seemingly in an attempt to overwhelm the thread.  As mentioned over 1/3 of the posts in the thread at that point, it certainly violates the sexually oriented posts forum rule.  This is not a tabloid or Alex Jones.

Sorry, I'm the only moderator here on a daily basis.  Not what I anticipated when I agreed to become one.  Trying to do what I can to keep from things getting out of hand.

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6 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

By becoming overbearing in his repeated detailed sexually oriented posts seemingly in an attempt to overwhelm the thread.  As mentioned over 1/3 of the posts in the thread at that point, it certainly violates the sexually oriented posts forum rule.  This is not a tabloid or Alex Jones.

Sorry, I'm the only moderator here on a daily basis.  Not what I anticipated when I agreed to become one.  Trying to do what I can to keep from things getting out of hand.

Interesting you chose Alex Jones.  Why not cite Jerry Springer who was known for this?   Oh he was a democrat.  We only cite bad Republicans on the forum.    SMH.   

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2 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Interesting you chose Alex Jones.  Why not cite Jerry Springer who was known for this?   Oh he was a democrat.  We only cite bad Republicans on the forum.    SMH.   

Because Robert used to appear on Alex Jones.  I guess Sandy Hook was too much for even him.

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3 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Because Robert used to appear on Alex Jones.  I guess Sandy Hook was too much for even him.

But see no one, mostly, will get that reference.  It does not come off well and makes you not look independent.   That is a key for a moderator, respectfully.  

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47 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

But see no one, mostly, will get that reference.  It does not come off well and makes you not look independent.   That is a key for a moderator, respectfully.  

I meant it in reference to his sensationalism in multiple respects.  But he's not here for the next few days to defend himself, so I'll refrain from further comment for the time being.

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

For the record, Kennedy kept us out of two wars:

One in Cuba, and one in Vietnam. We know what would have happened in 1961 with Nixon since he told JFK to claim a beachhead and invade.  We saw what happened in Vietnam under LBJ and Nixon, 3.8 million dead in VIetnam, 2 million in Cambodia. What Nixon did there might even be worse than what Johnson did. He actually dropped more bomb tonnage on Indochina than LBJ, plus he ordered invasions of both Laos and Cambodia which set those countries back for decades.

One might also add that JFK defused Clay's attempt to start another in Berlin, and refused the military attempt to send 60,000 men into Laos.

To any objective person, the Russians provoked the Missile Crisis by secretly moving a first strike into Cuba and then lying about it to JFK.  The decision on the Jupiters was made under Eisenhower. Kennedy had ordered the Jupiters out already and was surprised they were still there.  But no objective person can compare that force with the three arms of the triad, including bombers, that Moscow moved into Cuba. That force could have demolished  almost every major city in America outside the Pacific northwest.

Kennedy chose the least aggressive reply in 1962 and he would not even order a retaliation after the Cubans downed a U2.  That was the only fatality during the two week crisis. Kennedy rejected even the air strikes against the silos because Taylor could not guarantee there would be no civilian casualties. JFK found his advisors so aching for a fight that he sent his brother to directly negotiate with the Russians. And RFK told them that the president was not sure how long he could control the Pentagon.

JFK was the best president this country had since FDR.  Period. Its been all militarization since. 

And Bob Morrow appears to have never gotten over hack writers like Heymann and Hersh. I mean please. On this site?


I couldn’t agree more Jim. By Mr Morrows insinuations, JFK was so unhinged and compromised that he was a reckless President. The reality is Jack Kennedy was the last great American President who wanted to take his country in a new direction, One of peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union.

Instead of blackmailing this “reckless, sexually unhinged” President with “gutter morals”, Mr Morrows words, President Kennedy was ear marked for assassination. Says it all really. 

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