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The True Perps Behind the JFKA/RFK1A? A Simple Math Idea

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13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Ben, your recent posts resemble trolling to me.  Which I think falls under the "Stalking, taunting or harassing a member" definition for forum penalties.  

There is a Laffite daybook for 1963, seen and possessed by respected author Hank Albarelli, also seen and read by Leslie Sharp and several others.  You provide no proof of existence of your claim of another.


"Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A."


"Mum's the word. These walls have ears.

Keep your eye on the sparrow. 

And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth."

"If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions."


"In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria....

It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions..."




Lighten up, Ron.  Ben is obviously attempting to parody the answers he thinks he was getting from Leslie when she was asked for authentication of the datebook.

Saying Ben's posts "resemble" trolling, a term which itself lacks clarity, is too vague.  Saying you think Ben's posts falls under the definition of  stalking, taunting or harassing another member requires more than an assertion.

Leslie has certainly been subject to harsher treatment by other members on the subject of whether the datebook is authentic. 

Your last sentence, "You provide no proof of existence of your claim of another" indicates you didn't get Ben's attempt at a parody.  Did you?.



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@Roger Odisio

@Benjamin Cole

Ben's "parody" serves to deflect from discussion, deliberare or not.

If he doesn't want to engage under the hypothesis: if the datebook is authentic, what secrets does it hold?  -- then he should step to the back of the room and merely observe.  I'm under absolutely no obligation to share the advances we've made. I do so because I know beyond a doubt the private record of Lafitte is a major breakthrough in the investigation.

Ben's further atempts to mock and intimidate are silly. Once he realized the futility, he resorted to taunting that he has access to Hank's archives. Highly unprofessional and, I posit, a lie.

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Stay tuned: I am working on a post "The Six Big Snuff Jobs" on the JFK investigation, the Garrison investigation, the RFK1A investigation, the Watergate investigation, the Scott Enyart heist, and the latest, the snuff job on the JFK Records Act. 

IMHO, the six snuff jobs are connected, and rule out the possibility that smaller organization, such as the Mob, or foreign nation, or LBJ, was primary or motivating force behind the JFKA. 

Ultimately, behind the 1960s assassinations was an organization with staying power and resources, and a long institutional memory. 

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