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I have Ian Griggs' final manuscript on the Dallas Police 22nd-24th November '63

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Due to JFK/Lancer's Debra Conway suffering her illness (she is suffering from Alzheimer's) Ian Griggs' final manuscript covering the Dallas Police personnel over the assassination weekend had been inactive.

Ian's son Steve Griggs sent Ian's work via e-mail to Lancer some years back, but due to Debra's health issues nothing progressed towards publication.

After making enquiries to Lancer, through Larry Hancock, and to Steve here in the U.K. I am now in possession of said manuscript.  It's gold!  A huge piece of work.  The main body is an alphabetical listing of every DPD officer on the books over the assassination weekend, accompanied with a short biography of each, their rank, department & duties etc.  There are also around ten appendices covering such things as listings of personnel who were on duty at the Dallas Trade Mart, who were in the basement when Ruby shot Oswald, list of persons in Fritz's office during Oswald's final interrogation on the 24th., even a list of the nine African/American officers serving the DPD at the time.

Perhaps because it is such a huge and comprehensive work, it looks like it could only be published as an e-book, but it surely must be published.  I hope to connect Ian's son Steve with Lancer to once again push this seminal work to become available to the wider research community.

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Fantastic news, Pete. I always feared that the manuscript might fall into the wrong hands, but we can rest easy now that you are its custodian. 

Hope everything works out well with Lancer - I know it would be a fitting tribute to Ian if it could be published.



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On 7/9/2024 at 5:11 AM, Pete Mellor said:

Due to JFK/Lancer's Debra Conway suffering her illness (she is suffering from Alzheimer's) Ian Griggs' final manuscript covering the Dallas Police personnel over the assassination weekend had been inactive.

Ian's son Steve Griggs sent Ian's work via e-mail to Lancer some years back, but due to Debra's health issues nothing progressed towards publication.

After making enquiries to Lancer, through Larry Hancock, and to Steve here in the U.K. I am now in possession of said manuscript.  It's gold!  A huge piece of work.  The main body is an alphabetical listing of every DPD officer on the books over the assassination weekend, accompanied with a short biography of each, their rank, department & duties etc.  There are also around ten appendices covering such things as listings of personnel who were on duty at the Dallas Trade Mart, who were in the basement when Ruby shot Oswald, list of persons in Fritz's office during Oswald's final interrogation on the 24th., even a list of the nine African/American officers serving the DPD at the time.

Perhaps because it is such a huge and comprehensive work, it looks like it could only be published as an e-book, but it surely must be published.  I hope to connect Ian's son Steve with Lancer to once again push this seminal work to become available to the wider research community.

Please publish that book!

And btw, here is what Ian Griggs thought about the JFK assassination:

Some Very Nice comments on the Passing of Madeleine Brown in the Dealey Plaza Echo, Volume 6, #2, July 2002 by Ian Griggs


 Ian Griggs has a picture of Madeleine Brown from June, 1994 at the exclusive Top o’ The Cliff Club on West Jefferson Blvd. LBJ purchased a life membership for her there in the late 1960’s.

 Greg Jaynes tribute to Madeleine Brown, “Madeleine Brown was a sweet lady. I’m sad she passed away. More important than her book and her LBJ stories was Madeleine as a person. She was a classic old days Oak Cliff girl. She was always gracious. She had a beautiful personality.”

 Madeleine Brown died in the morning of June 22, 2002 at St. Paul’s Hospital in Dallas. She was 76 years old.

 JFK researcher Ian Griggs (1939-2019) thought that Lyndon Johnson was the driving force behind the JFK assassination. Source: his friend Wendi Dwyer

 10/29/23 Email from Ian Griggs’ friend Wendi Dwyer to Robert Morrow:

 A now deceased acquaintance told me it was a tragedy no-one ever got him [Clint Hill] to write a book- but he wasn’t talking. 

 That friend- Ian Griggs- attended Dallas for the memorial and the lectures every year.

 He was a police chief -but as a young constable he had been part of the team who arrested James Earl Ray when he landed in Britain. 

He never actually saw him- but his Chief at the time did the arresting.

 One year in Dallas, Ian was offered the entire Warren Commission volumes- not the report- but the 26 volumes of evidence!

In order to skip paying the heavy carrying charges on the plane- he (and possibly another friend) bought golf club bags- and jammed the books into the largest. You could carry golf clubs onboard back then-and stash them in an overhead locker. He said he was trying to act like his ‘golf clubs’ weren’t that heavy- 

while his shoulder was aching with the weight!

He died a few years ago.

He was certain all three assassinations were driven by LBJ.

 Robert Morrow 10/29/32 email: “Wendi, I am asking for confirmation. Did Ian Griggs tell you that he thought Lyndon Johnson was behind the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK?”

 10/29/23 Email from Ian Griggs’ friend Wendi Dwyer:


Yes Robert- that was Ian Griggs.

I was discussing  the book-‘An American Coup detat’-with him-

and he said  he agreed with me on the premise of the book that LBJ was the driving force behind the assassinations. His (LBJ’s) visceral hatred of the Kennedy brothers was raw and untempered.


 Ian Griggs demonstrates the process of assembling a Mannlicher Carcano. It is very hard to assemble quickly:



Edited by Robert Morrow
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7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Although I do not believe the DPD was involved in the JFKA, I applaud the publication of this work. 

Why not put on the MFF website? Just asking. 

"5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds" is absolute proof that "elements" of the Dallas police were involved in the JFK assassination. And there are many examples of the Dallas police covering up the JFK assassination afterwards.

Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html  Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960


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On 7/9/2024 at 12:30 PM, Chris Scally said:

I know it would be a fitting tribute to Ian if it could be published.

Absolutely Chris.  I have had strong support from the DPUK membership on this and the feeling seems to be that DPUK should advance Ian's manuscript to publication.

What I have so far perused, it is a definitive work, a complete compendium of the DPD personnel, their career background, their department within the DPD and their duties and actions over the assassination weekend.  Nothing of this depth and level of research on this topic has ever been published before and I'm certain would be greatly received by many in the JFKA research community.


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On 7/9/2024 at 1:34 PM, Michael Kalin said:

Fantastic news, indeed. Good luck with your endeavor.

Thank you Michael. I will update on the progress, as and when Ian's son Steve Griggs gives the go ahead.

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On 7/9/2024 at 1:48 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

What format is the document in?


Sandy, it was posted to me in an e-mail with Ian's work in attachments.  

The main file (1.7Mb) consists of 166 pages of DPD Officers listed in alphabetical order A-Z.  There is a further file of 31kb with further background notes on the main file.

The rest of the data consists of 1 Excel spreadsheet list of all the DPD personnel (261.8kb) & 9 Appendices that list various things like DPD Officers at the Trade Mart, DPD Officers who were in the basement when Ruby shot Oswald to DPD personnel who were Notaries Public etc., all totalling 234kb. 

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9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Why not put on the MFF website? Just asking. 

B.C. The work really belongs to Ian's son Steve Griggs.  Initially he would wish to have the work published as a book, hard copy or e-book or both.

What develops in the future is up to him.

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12 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Please publish that book!

I'm sure that will happen Robert.  Already, I can highly recommend what Ian Griggs has left us!  I'm sure that when published very many in the JFKA research community will find Ian's final work an essential addition to their book collection.

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8 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

I'm sure that will happen Robert.  Already, I can highly recommend what Ian Griggs has left us!  I'm sure that when published very many in the JFKA research community will find Ian's final work an essential addition to their book collection.

Sounds good to me!

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