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Hosty notes of a Ruth Paine interview?

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Thank you Jean, and Claude! Yes I have never seen these handwritten Hosty notes from 11/23/63 before.

Question: why is there no Ruth Paine 11/23/63 interview report writeup by Hosty in the released documents or on the MFF site? (Not that I know of anyway.) 

Also, that Hosty did visit Ruth Paine on Sat 11/23 has never been a secret itself since that is when Ruth says she gave the Oswald Soviet embassy letter copy to Hosty. However, that does not appear in Hosty’s notes, and what is in Hosty’s notes does not appear anywhere (now) written up!

6 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

Interesting that Hosty's notes say "left NO (New Orleans) 9/23" and "arrived from NO 9/24"

That makes his visit to Silvia Odio's either the 24th or 25th. 



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Do we actually know the name(s) of the reseacher(s) where the copies (these and the other/previous) came from (since 1997) ?   Don´t know if it´s only his jfka-related notes, he was also investigating  extremist groups, etc, could have notes on Walker, and who knows what other stuff is in there.  Something to remember: it´s on old case, a lot has been released, but far from everything has been studied...

Now technology is beginning to work against time, file-types are getting outdated (auch... ), websites are being shutdown, private archives going who knows where...

It was all about making everything public, now it´s going in the other direction, slowly but surely. Many many years of work slowly vanishing...


Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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I wondered about the last set of notes.

It says, "wrapped in blanket in garage" and underneath that it says,, "Dallas Police".

I thought Ruth and Marina didn't know anything about a rifle in the garage.

Were there any blanket fibers found on the rifle?

Why is the source of this information the Dallas Police?

Did Ruth Paine tell the police that she saw a rifle wrapped up in a blanket?

Steve Thomas

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32 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

I wondered about the last set of notes.

It says, "wrapped in blanket in garage" and underneath that it says,, "Dallas Police".

I thought Ruth and Marina didn't know anything about a rifle in the garage.

Were there any blanket fibers found on the rifle?

Why is the source of this information the Dallas Police?

Did Ruth Paine tell the police that she saw a rifle wrapped up in a blanket?

Steve Thomas

From Buddy Walthers’ Supplementary Investigation Report of 11/22/63:

“A blanket was found at location that had a string tied around one end of it and still bore an imprint of a rifle. It was then determined that suspect, LEE OSWALD had spent the previous night at this house. It was also determined from Mrs Oswald that the day before a rifle was in this blanket.”


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