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4 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

Can you show this on a vector diagram?


   The critically important point here, IMO, is that there is no possible force vector originating from the TSBD that could have knocked JFK's head violently, instantaneously backward, as observed.

   Ergo, the fatal head shot came from the front.

   This has always been the essential problem for the CIA and their WCR sales people.

    It's the reason Luis Alvarez concocted his goofy Exploding Melon Model.

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:


   The critically important point here, IMO, is that there is no possible force vector originating from the TSBD that could have knocked JFK's head violently, instantaneously backward, as observed.

   Ergo, the fatal head shot came from the front.

   This has always been the essential problem for the CIA and their WCR sales people.

    It's the reason Luis Alvarez concocted his goofy Exploding Melon Model.

How does a shot from the northwest (grassy knoll) enter the northwest quadrant  of JFK’s skull (right temple) and exit the right rear of the skull (northeast quadrant) without any damage to the left half of the skull? That is almost a 90 degree left turn.

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1 hour ago, Kevin Balch said:

How does a shot from the northwest (grassy knoll) enter the northwest quadrant  of JFK’s skull (right temple) and exit the right rear of the skull (northeast quadrant) without any damage to the left half of the skull? That is almost a 90 degree left turn.


     Here's a map of Dealey Plaza.  Worth a visit, if you haven't been there.

     IMO, the fatal bullet hit JFK in the right upper forehead.  (Red line below.)



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13 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Here's a map of Dealey Plaza.  Worth a visit, if you haven't been there.

     IMO, the fatal bullet hit JFK in the right upper forehead.  (Red line below.)



The head was oriented approximately 25 degrees to the left of the direction of travel, placing the rear wound facing roughly where the second tree down Elm Street is located.

Why weren’t any of the motorcycle escort officers to the right rear hit with any exit debris?

What caused the bullet to change direction without causing any damage to the left side of the skull?

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50 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     Here's a map of Dealey Plaza.  Worth a visit, if you haven't been there.

     IMO, the fatal bullet hit JFK in the right upper forehead.  (Red line below.)



W, this is a great diagram of Dealy Plaza regarding angles.  I had to chuckle at the Marcello theory.   I believe there may have been another shooter along the picket fence line much closer to the railroad overpass.  A good bit closer to a straight on shot.  As well as one in close to or beyond the corner of the fence for the first shot, to the throat. 

I have not read Mantik, Chesser or Horne in great depth though a good bit.  The only radiologist and neurologist to examine the x-rays and photographs in the National Archives scientifically. 

But I think Mantik and Chesser agree if I remember right, please correct me.  A bullet entry over but slightly in front of the right ear in the hair line.  Another one over the right eye in the hairline.

Perfect shots, coordinated.  With one from the rear, the clean half-moon in the otherwise rear blow out?  A spit second before that happened?  

Someone here recently commented on high powered rifle bullets entering a brain did not explode on impact with bone but pierced it.  Then dispersing, causing a pressure release amongst the bones closest to it?  E.G. the Occipital and the Parietal, splitting them apart?  Maybe affecting one more than the other? 


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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

With one from the rear, the clean half-moon in the otherwise rear blow out?

I think this is what happened. It explains the extensive damage along the right side of the head seen it the Z-film, the absence of damage on the left side of the skull, the right rear wound seen by the Parkland doctors, the forward debris pattern and the debris striking the left-rear motorcycle escorts as they ride into a suspended debris cloud to the left of the limo aided by the prevailing wind and the absence of a similar debris splatter on the right rear motorcycle escorts. A transfer of momentum from an off-center hit could also at least partly explain the the leftward force on the body.

No need for triangulation of gunfire, only two assassins. I would say one but if the single bullet theory is correct, it couldn’t have been fired from the 6th floor of the TSBD and if it isn’t correct, that points to another shooter as well. Much simpler in execution and escape. Much easier coverup as all shots come from behind from similar locations (TSBD and DalTex).

Something I haven’t seen considered is that the body maintains a blood pressure about 2 psi over atmospheric pressure. Over a sudden opening of a wound several square inches in extent, that may provide a significant propulsive force.

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On 7/24/2024 at 6:19 PM, W. Niederhut said:

I used to teach physics, Jean.

This isn't rocket science.

If M1 is the mass of JFK's head and M2 is the mass of the bullet, and

V1 is the velocity of JFK's head before impact, and V2 is the velocity of the bullet before impact, and

V1' is the velocity of JFK's head after impact, and V2' is the velocity of the bullet after impact, then,

M1V1 + M2V2 = M1V1' + M2V2' (+M3V3)

(Where M3 and V3 are the mass and velocity of the displaced skull and brain matter)

Ergo, he was hit by a fatal bullet fired from the front and right of the limo.

Newton's Law of Conservation of Momentum.


Posted by Nick Nalli over at the JFK Truth Be Told Facebook group...


Nope, this is a literally non sequitur.

The so-called "Harvard Educated CT" should ask for his tuition money back.

In the Zapruder Film frame of reference, V1 = 0, M2 << M1, and V2' is also small. So we can simplify as:

M2*V2 = M1*V1' + M3*V3

M1, M2, V2, V1', and V3 are either known or may be reasonably estimated.

In the Zapruder Film, we *observe* both V1' and V3 to be left-to-right (> 0). Thus, V2 > 0, and the bullet is moving left-to-right.

This is still "handwaving," IMO, but one can get the gist. The reasoning in the 2018 Heliyon paper is a more thorough and conclusive.


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13 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Posted by Nick Nalli over at the JFK Truth Be Told Facebook group...


Nope, this is a literally non sequitur.

The so-called "Harvard Educated CT" should ask for his tuition money back.

In the Zapruder Film frame of reference, V1 = 0, M2 << M1, and V2' is also small. So we can simplify as:

M2*V2 = M1*V1' + M3*V3

M1, M2, V2, V1', and V3 are either known or may be reasonably estimated.

In the Zapruder Film, we *observe* both V1' and V3 to be left-to-right (> 0). Thus, V2 > 0, and the bullet is moving left-to-right.

This is still "handwaving," IMO, but one can get the gist. The reasoning in the 2018 Heliyon paper is a more thorough and conclusive.



     You get an "F" in Empiricism 101.

      But, at least, you're trying, diligently, to sell us your fraudulent WCR/Lone Nut product, eh?

      Anyone can look at the Z film and tell that V1' and V3 were moving right-to-left.  It's a no-brainer.

      In my experience, there's not much that can be accomplished by arguing with people who simply refuse to open their eyes and acknowledge the obvious empirical data.



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14 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


     You get an "F" in Empiricism 101.

      But, at least, you're trying, diligently, to sell us your fraudulent WCR/Lone Nut product, eh?

      Anyone can look at the Z film and tell that V1' and V3 were moving right-to-left.  It's a no-brainer.

      In my experience, there's not much that can be accomplished by arguing with people who simply refuse to open their eyes and acknowledge the obvious empirical data.




Explain V1 and V3 moving right to left.


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22 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Explain V1 and V3 moving right to left.



    First, imagine that you are Abraham Zapruder, standing on the Grassy Knoll.

    Next, raise your right hand, then raise your left hand-- to get oriented in space. 

   Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot.

    I hope this helps.

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25 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    First, imagine that you are Abraham Zapruder, standing on the Grassy Knoll.

    Next, raise your right hand, then raise your left hand-- to get oriented in space. 

   Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot.

    I hope this helps.


"Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot."

But you (mistakenly?) said that V1 "is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".

You're not making any sense.


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15 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


"Then, notice that V1' is knocked violently from right-to-left during the fatal head shot."

But you (mistakenly?) said that V1 "is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".

You're not making any sense.


Wrong, Bill.  You're confused.

Go back and read my equation (above.)

V1' is the velocity of JFK's head AFTER impact.

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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:

Wrong, Bill.  You're confused.

Go back and read my equation (above.)

V1' is the velocity of JFK's head AFTER impact.


Again, you said: "V1 is the velocity of JFK's head before impact".  That is a direct quote.

That is why you weren't making any sense.


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