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Dr. Michael Chesser Documents JFK's Right Forehead Entry Wound

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7 hours ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

Below is a Gel Ballistics photo that I googled and rotated so that it matches the lateral x-ray in orientation.  It is exactly what I see in the lateral x-ray EXCEPT that half of the image is missing (the lower half) and is partly described by Chesser in his presentation (the large amount of particles nearer the front of the skull not visible to the naked eye). I believe an enhanced lateral x-ray would give an even clearer confirmation of this. It would also help to confirm that the reason the lower half of the frontal entry shot debris is missing is that a subsequent shot blasted part of the track out of the rear of the skull.



Interesting observation, Eddy.

I also wonder if the missing lower half of the frontal metallic fragment track is a possible result of the surgical mangling of JFK's skull and right cerebral cortex by the "secret team" that confiscated JFK's corpse from the coroner at Parkland.

But the fraudsters didn't manage to remove the tell-tale upper half of the frontal metallic track.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Interesting observation, Eddy.

I also wonder if the missing lower half of the frontal metallic fragment track is a possible result of the surgical mangling of JFK's skull and right cerebral cortex by the "secret team" that confiscated JFK's corpse from the coroner at Parkland.

But the fraudsters didn't manage to remove the tell-tale upper half of the frontal metallic track.

Thanks, Eddie and W. You guys just reminded me of something. Chesser is an acolyte of Mantik's. Supposedly. But Mantik had long claimed 1) the frontal bone was missing in the location Chesser now claims there is a bullet hole through intact frontal bone, and 2) "essentially no frontal brain tissue" is apparent on the lateral x-ray. 

You can't have it both ways. But these guys have been trying to do so. They keep bringing out new stuff that they want us to believe supports what they've said in the past and Adds to our understanding of the case...that contradicts much of what they've said in the past.

For further example...Horne claims there was no damage to the top of the head until Humes tore it apart in Bethesda. And yet Mantik has gone on record as saying the image below represents what the doctors saw at Parkland, and what Humes saw at the beginning of the autopsy. (To be clear, he told Sandy that the front part of this defect was covered up by scalp at Parkland. But the point is that he claims the bone Horne says was removed by Humes was already missing when Humes first saw the body.)


Edited by Pat Speer
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So, Pat, how did the frontal metallic bullet fragment trail get deposited in a front-to-back distribution in the frontal skull, as Dr. Chesser has shown?

IMO, that's the critical evidential issue on this thread.

The surgically-altered Bethesda scalp, skull, and brain "wounds" aren't really relevant to the definitive evidence that there was a frontal head shot and entrance wound.

And why is that important?

Precisely because the JFK assassination "team" was trying to convince the public that JFK was NOT shot from the front-- as we can all clearly see on the Zapruder film.

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39 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

So, Pat, how did the frontal metallic bullet fragment trail get deposited in a front-to-back distribution in the frontal skull, as Dr. Chesser has shown?

IMO, that's the critical evidential issue on this thread.

The surgically-altered Bethesda scalp, skull, and brain "wounds" aren't really relevant to the definitive evidence that there was a frontal head shot and entrance wound.

And why is that important?

Precisely because the JFK assassination "team" was trying to convince the public that JFK was NOT shot from the front-- as we can all clearly see on the Zapruder film.

Wait, what? 

The x-rays were taken at Bethesda, not at Parkland.

So...if the skull was altered at Bethesda prior to the taking of the x-rays, as pushed by Horne, and purportedly Mantik and Chesser, how is it that the x-rays show an entrance wound and front-to-back bullet distribution on the x-rays? 

Now, one might claim they cosmetically destroyed the entrance wound at the surface, but that it still showed signs on the x-ray. But doesn't Horne claim the pre-autopsy surgery was performed to remove fragments from the brain? And,. if so, wouldn't this "surgery" disrupt the pattern of fragments Chesser claims to see?

And even if one finds that all fine and dandy, there's still the MAMMOTH problem that Mantik had long claimed there was no bone where Chesser claims there was an entrance through intact bone, and no brain where Chesser claims there is a fan of fragments through the brain. 

The reality, IMO, is that the fragments he sees are fragments deposited in the scalp when the bullet exploded after impacting above the ear. And that he has fooled himself into believing these fragments suggest a bullet entered the forehead. 


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Pat, if I checkmated you in a game of chess, you probably wouldn't acknowledge it.

And you would keep talking for half an hour about the configuration of the chess pieces.

Using just a sentence or two, tell us how those metallic bullet fragments got distributed in a front-to-back trajectory in JFK's frontal skull, as we can all see on the lateral X-Ray.

Leave the rest of the altered Bethesda skull mumbo jumbo out of the discussion.

True intelligence consists in interpreting and explaining data straightforwardly, not in making the data sound unnecessarily complicated.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Pat, if I checkmated you in a game of chess, you probably wouldn't acknowledge it.

And you would keep talking for half an hour about the configuration of the chess pieces.

Using just a sentence or two, tell us how those metallic bullet fragments got distributed in a front-to-back trajectory in JFK's frontal skull, as we can all see on the lateral X-Ray.

Leave the rest of the altered Bethesda skull mumbo jumbo out of the discussion.

True intelligence consists in interpreting and explaining data straightforwardly, not in making the data sound unnecessarily complicated.


This is kind of funny. But not really. 

Check your assumptions. DOES the fragment pattern denote a front to back trajectory? Would you have seen it if Chesser hadn't told you to see it? And illustrate it on the x-ray? 

Dozens of people more qualified than Mantik and Chesser to interpret x-ays have studied the x-rays, and none of them have claimed the x-rays show a fragment pattern from front to back. 

Now I am sympathetic to them, and have spent time chatting with them at conferences. Because we are in the same boat. Outsiders studying the evidence and coming to different conclusions than the supposed experts. 

But you are acting like Chesser has proved something that should be taken as an established fact, when he has not. 

He was brought into research-land by Mantik, as was Horne. And Mantik was brought into this world and propped up as the top expert by Fetzer. 

If you need any background on what this means, and what it has meant to the research community, I can provide it for you. 

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2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

This is kind of funny. But not really. 

Check your assumptions. DOES the fragment pattern denote a front to back trajectory? Would you have seen it if Chesser hadn't told you to see it? And illustrate it on the x-ray? 



    Your loquacious, tangential posts are funny, and I'm not the only person around here who believes that.

     JFK was shot in the right upper forehead, from the front.  Period.

    As for my diagnostic acumen, I'm not a radiologist, but I did graduate from the top-ranked medical school in the U.S., before later being certified by the American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology.

    And, incidentally, I scored in the top 1% on my written board exams back in the day.

    Where did you go to medical school?


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15 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Interesting observation, Eddy.

I also wonder if the missing lower half of the frontal metallic fragment track is a possible result of the surgical mangling of JFK's skull and right cerebral cortex by the "secret team" that confiscated JFK's corpse from the coroner at Parkland.

But the fraudsters didn't manage to remove the tell-tale upper half of the frontal metallic track.

I am not persuaded by the 'surgical mangling' argument. I have spent time looking at Dr Hulme's conduct and I cannot decide whether he made a poor job of the autopsy, and subsequent reporting, or he was dishonest. The double reversal of his position on the low skull entry wound suggests to me he was pressured to alter his honest opinion by the HSCA. I can come up with no explanation for the notch above the eye, other than elicit surgery. The evidence seems to suggest Hulmes may have cut the notch, whilst removing the shattered pieces for brain removal.

I am utterly confused by the provenance of the medical evidence. I am open to forgery, but to me the extant lateral X-ray cannot be interpreted to indicate a rear headshot. This is why I want a better copy.

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16 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     JFK was shot in the right upper forehead, from the front.  Period.


And you are claiming what you want to be, as fact, when the evidence suggests it is not a fact. Period. 

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34 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

And you are claiming what you want to be, as fact, when the evidence suggests it is not a fact. Period. 

No, Pat, I'm stating the critical facts that the assassination team tried to conceal.

1) JFK's head was knocked violently backward and to the left by the fatal frontal head shot.

2) The Parkland docs described an occipital exit wound.

3) Bethesda witnesses described the right forehead entry wound.

4) The frontal bullet fragment trail on the lateral skull X-Ray confirms a frontal entry wound.

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47 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

No, Pat, I'm stating the critical facts that the assassination team tried to conceal.

1) JFK's head was knocked violently backward and to the left by the fatal frontal head shot. (But it first went forward, and the forward then back movement can be explained by other forces than a shot from the front.)

2) The Parkland docs described an occipital exit wound. (Yes, they did, mostly. But the Dealey Plaza witnesses, the Dealey Plaza photos, the Bethesda witnesses, the autopsy photos and x-rays all suggest a parietal wound.)

3) Bethesda witnesses described the right forehead entry wound. (No, they did not. The only one viewing the body who is purported to have seen such a wound is Robinson, and he denied seeing such a wound. He said there was a tiny wound by the temple and then later described it as two or more tiny wounds by the cheek.)

4) The frontal bullet fragment trail on the lateral skull X-Ray confirms a frontal entry wound. (Said one person who viewed the x-rays, who was not an expert in the field, and who viewed the x-rays at the request of someone who'd long been claiming there was a bullet hole in this location, but who'd also claimed there was NO BONE where this second person would come to claim there was a through-and-through hole, and NO BRAIN where this second person would come to claim there is a fan of fragments on the x-rays.)


P.S. While I do not doubt there was an "assassination team" there is no evidence an "assassination team" actively sought to misrepresent the medical evidence. There is, however, clear-cut evidence, as I've proved and discussed in numerous presentations, that the Johnson Administration actively sought to mold the interpretations of the evidence, so that the single-assassin solution could be supported. Most egregiously, men such as Ball and Specter pressured the doctors into moving the back wound into alignment with the single-bullet theory, and the Justice Dept. pressured the Clark Panel into "finding" a new location of the head wound entrance to sell that there was but one head shot, from behind. We have no reason, however, to believe that those involved were members of the assassination team.)

My responses in bold. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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On 9/3/2024 at 6:03 AM, David Josephs said:
On 8/26/2024 at 1:19 AM, Pat Speer said:

Doug Horne is not a member of this forum. We are as free to call him a liar as we are to call Arlen Specter a liar, or Gerald Posner a liar.

On 9/3/2024 at 6:03 AM, David Josephs said:

So we're all ok with a Moderator [Pat Speer] of this forum putting HORNE in the same category as SPECTER and POSNER?


Good point David. This is just another reason Pat is a darling among WC apologists.


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On 9/6/2024 at 2:26 PM, Pat Speer said:

Thanks for posting. You inspired me to dig out my old copy of Post Mortem and remind myself about what Harold had to say on this. 

Your memory of what Harold had to say is correct. 

I agree that the throat wound gave the appearance of an entrance wound. I think the small abrasion margin could have been caused from contact with the shirt, however. 

I agree that the hole on the back of the shirt is below the hole on the collar. And that no bullet passed from back to throat. 

I have long been a proponent of JFK being hit circa Z-190, and even made a video on this as part of the 50 Reasons video series. It's one of the few things the HSCA got correct, IMO. 

And I think he was hit again around same time Connally is hit at Z-224. 

Am I correct to assume then you believe JFK was hit between Z-190 and Z-224? Or are you saying that JFK was hit in the back at Z-224, at the same time Connally was hit? 




Sorry for the late response. I had written something but apparently it did not post. I then went out of town and so I want to catch up with some of these threads. If you have been a proponent of a circa Z190 hit, then what type of injury did JFK suffer at that time? The most logical conclusion I can still draw from the Z film is that JFK is responding to a neck injury as he has abruptly stopped waving and his mouth is quite open when he becomes visible from behind the sign. Dr. Perry had said privately on a number of occasions that it was an entry wound. To be very specific, I believe JFK was hit in the neck between Z186-190 and then struck in the back at Z224. I don't know exactly when Connolly was hit the first time nor how many times he was struck. I suspect he was struck at least twice. JFK being pushed forward at Z224 does not coincide with a back injury to Connolly in which his body is forced downward. That would be one heck of a magic bullet.... 

There is mention of the trachea being deviated to the left. That would make sense if a projectile of some sort was fired from the right. With all of the unsolvable issues that exist with the JFK assassination, I think the greatest one in my mind is where did the throat shot originate from.....

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