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My New Book, A Heritage of Nonsense: Jim Garrison's Tales of Mystery and Imagination

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Now, why did McCombs confide in Hugh?  Because he was best of friends with Clay Shaw.

Yep, the guy supervising the alleged re-investigation for Life was exchanging letters with Shaw.

So what happened?  The two best investigators on the case, Ed Kern and Josiah Thompson got retired. Thinking that the story cost too much money.  Not true, another reporter, Patsy Swank, stayed on the case until 1968.

Then, Aynseworth went to work for Shaw's lawyers.

Now there is an objective journalist for you. No wonder Fred admired him.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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BTW, if you do not believe me, here is the exact quote, I was not making it up.

“One of the many blessings of this project was getting to know Hugh Aynesworth … He’s one of the great reporters in America, and it’s been an honor to know him.” ~Fred Litwin


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Now if you think that is inexplicable, how about this one:

“The authors of the Warren Report were honorable men who conducted an honest investigation and reached the right answer.”

Honorable men?! That is an astonishing statement. 

I mean who the heck could say that about Allen Dulles, John McCloy and Gerald Ford today?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

What is this, Lone Nutter Appreciation Day on the Education Forum, with special guest, Greg Doudna-- the man who adamantly insists that CIA asset Ruth Forbes Paine wasn't a CIA asset?

I wouldn't be surprised if CIA regarded Ruth as an asset. I don't know that, just wouldn't be surprised if so.

But if you mean Ruth herself was in a witting paid or unpaid relationship with the CIA, if you mean that sense, you can assert that a million times as unqualified fact but it doesn't change there's never been evidence. I notice you don't seem to know, or more troubling, care, about the difference between suspicion and assertion of something as if it is a proven fact. 

I'm not saying that's impossible, but that would surprise me if so. 

Ruth Paine was a good and decent person who helped Marina, newcomer in a new land, the best she could, has had good values she lived to the best of her lights. There is nothing in the public record of known knowledge that contradicts the good person I knew Ruth to be in the St. Petersburg, Florida Friends Meeting. 

Does not the possibility of falsely accusing someone who might be innocent unjustly bother you? Apparently not. But I suppose that is between you and God. 

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Beautiful! Six nice disjointed DiEugenio rants in a row. (That might be a new record.)

Must be a full moon tonight. That usually causes a lot of tedious howling in the night.





Edited by David Von Pein
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