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Liebelers Cryptic Remarks on Sylvia Odio

Gerry Down

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During a Nov 7th 1966 radio show, Wesley Liebeler, who interviewed Sylvia Odio for her WC testimony, suggested Sylvia Odio had something to gain by perhaps manufacturing the whole Odio story:

Liebeler - I think she has her own problems and her own motivations for this story.

Questioner - You think she has something to gain by telling this story?

Liebeler - Yes, I do.

See 8 minutes in on the below video for the relevant audio:


I can’t see what Sylvia Odio had to gain by manufacturing the Odio story. Sylvia Odio was a member of JURE and the visitors to her apartment presented themselves as JURE members too. By telling this story, Sylvia Odio was potentially linking JURE to the JFK assassination. This would appear to be bad for JURE. In the same way the FPCC were inadvertently linked to the JFKA story through Oswald, and ended up having to close down in Dec 1963 due to the bad publicity, Sylvia Odios potentially connecting JURE to the JFKA could have potentially ended JURE as an entity as had happened to the FPCC.

So I don’t see what she had to gain my manufacturing the Odio story as Liebeler suggested.

Can you think of what Liebler might have been getting at? Had Odio anything to gain by making up the story?

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27 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

During a Nov 7th 1966 radio show, Wesley Liebeler, who interviewed Sylvia Odio for her WC testimony, suggested Sylvia Odio had something to gain by perhaps manufacturing the whole Odio story:

Liebeler - I think she has her own problems and her own motivations for this story.

Questioner - You think she has something to gain by telling this story?

Liebeler - Yes, I do.

See 8 minutes in on the below video for the relevant audio:


I can’t see what Sylvia Odio had to gain by manufacturing the Odio story. Sylvia Odio was a member of JURE and the visitors to her apartment presented themselves as JURE members too. By telling this story, Sylvia Odio was potentially linking JURE to the JFK assassination. This would appear to be bad for JURE. In the same way the FPCC were inadvertently linked to the JFKA story through Oswald, and ended up having to close down in Dec 1963 due to the bad publicity, Sylvia Odios potentially connecting JURE to the JFKA could have potentially ended JURE as an entity as had happened to the FPCC.

So I don’t see what she had to gain my manufacturing the Odio story as Liebeler suggested.

Can you think of what Liebler might have been getting at? Had Odio anything to gain by making up the story?

A petty bitter dude because she spurned his pervy advances I read somewhere, she was a looker by all accounts…

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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

During a Nov 7th 1966 radio show, Wesley Liebeler, who interviewed Sylvia Odio for her WC testimony, suggested Sylvia Odio had something to gain by perhaps manufacturing the whole Odio story:

Liebeler - I think she has her own problems and her own motivations for this story.

Questioner - You think she has something to gain by telling this story?

Liebeler - Yes, I do.

See 8 minutes in on the below video for the relevant audio:


I can’t see what Sylvia Odio had to gain by manufacturing the Odio story. Sylvia Odio was a member of JURE and the visitors to her apartment presented themselves as JURE members too. By telling this story, Sylvia Odio was potentially linking JURE to the JFK assassination. This would appear to be bad for JURE. In the same way the FPCC were inadvertently linked to the JFKA story through Oswald, and ended up having to close down in Dec 1963 due to the bad publicity, Sylvia Odios potentially connecting JURE to the JFKA could have potentially ended JURE as an entity as had happened to the FPCC.

So I don’t see what she had to gain my manufacturing the Odio story as Liebeler suggested.

Can you think of what Liebler might have been getting at? Had Odio anything to gain by making up the story?

I think Sean is right and that he was just being petty. It is claimed she rejected him sexually. If so, he would be worried about her coming forward and anxious to cut into her credibility,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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Way out of his league. The goddamn fool.



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4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

I think Sean is right and that he was just being petty. It is claimed she rejected him sexually. If so, he would be worried about her coming forward and anxious to cut into her credibility,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

I doubt though Liebeler would have made that comment on air unless he had something to back it up with. The questioner could easily have decided to probe him further on the issue and ask him exactly what she had to gain by making up the story.

Of course in such a situation Liebeler could have said he cant say on air why he thinks she might have made up the story, as he would be potentially opening himself up to litigation from Sylvia Odio for defamation on air about her making up stories etc. 

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6 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

I doubt though Liebeler would have made that comment on air unless he had something to back it up with. The questioner could easily have decided to probe him further on the issue and ask him exactly what she had to gain by making up the story.

Of course in such a situation Liebeler could have said he cant say on air why he thinks she might have made up the story, as he would be potentially opening himself up to litigation from Sylvia Odio for defamation on air about her making up stories etc. 

It was a very sexist time and Libeler was reportedly a very sexist person. He may very well have been alluding to the fact she'd been under a psychiatrist's care, and was essentially threatening her--"Don't talk any more about this incident or tell anyone about how I pressured you for sex or I will drop the bomb and make sure everyone knows you're noting but an hysterical female." 

Edited by Pat Speer
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Sean Coleman's picture of Sylvia Odio above is not even a good one of her that truly shows her alluring beauty.

She was simply stunning and exuded deepest primal urge charging sexual energy.

She was a "white" Cuban.  Her blood line was direct from Spain.

She and her family were of the highest class socially and economically in Cuba before Castro threw them out of the country. Sylvia went to private girl's schools outside of the country. She was educated. She knew more than one language and spoke well. She dressed well. Wore her hair well. Just a classy woman in so many ways.

Remember also that the leader of the three men group visiting her at her apartment in late September of 1963 also tried hitting on her after meeting her in person.

I am sure she was hit on constantly. She was just that exotically and classily beautiful.

She and her family were devastated financially when Castro took over.

Clearly, with her family violently displaced, torn apart with no permanent home and her struggling poverty ( and a single mom with children?) here in America was a cataclysmic event so traumatizing this easily explains her great anxiety that caused her to have panic attack like episodes and needing counseling for this.

Going from a wealthy life environment to a very poor one can simply destroy some people who simply can't adjust to such a rough, world changing shock.

Didn't Sylvia herself testify that more than one man in the circle of investigative agents of that milieu tried to put the make on her? Which gave her even more anxiety...as it would any women, especially ones in such a high-pressure state of psychological stress like she was?

The suggestion that Liebeler could have done this sexual come-on toward Sylvia Odio is totally believable to me based on my 73 years of real life living and experience. Men, especially in a situation of higher authority control are like this much more than acknowledged imo.

Beautiful young women like Sylvia ( especially vulnerable ones ) were subjected to this pressuring behavior all the time back in those days.

It's no harder to believe her claim against Liebeler than the reality of many thousands of Catholic priests molesting perhaps millions of young boys ( and girls) for over well over 100 years worldwide...which even the Church finally acknowledged.

Marina Oswald was hit on after 11,22,1963. We acknowledge that. Again, she was physically attractive and psychologically and economically vulnerable like Ms. Odio.

I actually heard an interview of Gerry Patrick Hemming on You Tube where he claimed he not just knew of Sylvia Odio...but that he was once tasked with driving her clear across Cuba for some political situation reason.

Hemming didn't go into the whole story except to say ( with lecherous fantasy remembrance ) "boy, she was one good lookin' broad!"

And, Sylvia's own younger sister Annie was also a beauty! And Annie backed up Sylvia's story 100% and has never wavered all this time.

I personally totally believe every aspect of Sylvia Odio's story as she related (under God oath) to the Warren Commission.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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