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Kenneth Smith

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Does anyone happen to know if Kenneth Smith was ever successful in publishing his book?


Testimony of Kenneth Smith


Dallas, Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing



MR. SMITH: To follow-up here real quick, my name is Kenneth Smith, and I had the privilege of just stopping up in Washington in-between assignments and looking at Mr. Oswald's file which was very difficult to locate being it was in a boxcar running around in the Peoria, Illinois, area, and the essence of what I was told to check on with Oswald was the U-2.

You know, Gary Powers was shot down, and he was from Jenkins, Kentucky, which wasn't too far away from where I lived and where my father's brother lived, my father's sister lived. They wanted to be sure that Oswald wasn't going to Russia and divulging anything about this radar bubble, or what this gentleman has just went through on his job assignment. That is where I entered the picture historically with Mr. Oswald.

Now getting back to me personally, I collaborated with Mr. Schweiker under his Intelligence investigation committee. I transported documents, and liaisoned and discussed matters of the Kennedy assassination with him under Congressional privilege starting in 1972 up until the time that he ran for President with Mr. Reagan, at which time they felt, because of political considerations, it would be unfair for me to go ahead say anything with him.

In other words, that is when officially he lost his committee assignments as far as the people who felt I had the right to discuss matters with him.

Personally, I am involved -- personally I was misled to believe that I could publish on the Kennedy assassination, and I did a considerable amount of investigative work which has continued from the time that I looked at Mr. Oswald's file before I came out here to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to use training on crypto.

MK/Ultra is what you can look up in Crossfire, and the gentleman might be talking down here to ask about it, or Dick Russell's book that he has out on Oswald also. But I was more involved in electronic aspects of the equipment, radar equipment, than this gentleman here. His job was completely different than mine. I was interested in intelligence.

I had the privilege to talk with Mr. Kennedy when I was at Fort Mona Signal School. He confided in me that he was interested in running for the Presidency. He was campaigning in New Jersey at the time. I came out to New Mexico for a year, and then I went to Europe. But before I went to Europe I stopped by, and Kennedy was to have three speeches with Richard Nixon. These speeches were to be carried on television, which was a new media. Military intelligence was interested in anything that had that amount of national exposure.

I attended the Geneva Disarmament Conferences that was started at the end of the Nixon Administration. The gist of what happened on this follow-up was, there was an attempt on President Kennedy's life in Venice, Italy, which I don't want to go into at this time. However, because of that, and other personal knowledge I had concerning security, there was a bad problem for the CIA, military intelligence took over their own gathering of intelligence.

My job, to make it simple, was a nuclear football. I worked on NATO codes for nuclear weapons. Robert McNamara, the Secretary of Defense, insisted these codes be strengthened. I came into this job. Mostly warrant officers reported to me on intelligence. Because of this, I found the situation in Venice, Italy, which developed, and when I got out of the Service, I was asked by Military Headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, when I came back to the States, when I came back to the States, to Fort Harrison, to divulge what I knew. This came down through the chain of military intelligence.

I did work for Naval Intelligence which other people have talked about here, and there was a possibility of a plot to kill Kennedy. I knew that Oswald was in Minsk, Russia. There is also something nobody wants to say anything about, there were five different Soviet spy schools in Minsk.

When I came out here, I was understanding that Oswald's file was going to be released, whether or not he had been working for an intelligence agency prior to the time of the Kennedy assassination. This goes back to what another gentleman said about the District Court here.

I had to call the District Court in Dallas, and I might be your phantom witness one of these days, about security precautions on the Kennedy assassination. I did a lot of work and tried very hard to convince Mr. Kennedy, through the chain of command, not personally, but it ended up at the White House, Jack Palance, you know, of the Film Guild did a follow-up with me in Jenkins, Kentucky, and we looked into all this one time, which I intend to publish on.

In 1982, I attempted to publish my book, no go. They didn't want me to publish it. All right. Now I have talked to Mr. Gates at CIA Headquarters after Mr. Bush signed his directive in 1992 saying that the CIA wanted all this brought out, and they would go along with anybody if they didn't get into national security on the matter.

So that is the reason I feel I have the right to come here now and tell you that I want to go ahead and publish my book as long as it doesn't jeopardize national security.

Now States Rights is where I am held in. I obtained a Federal authentification through Marshall University, and the Dean of the College at Marshall University, at the time and prior to the time Kennedy was killed. Now my Congressman was Ken Heckler, he is now West Virginia's Secretary of State. He advised me of the procedures that I was to go through with this so that later I could publish what I knew about this prior knowledge. National security estimates are looked at six months and two weeks. Now this was brought up on C-SPAN, by the way. I am not telling any tales out of school, by the way.

At the beginning of the William Gates confirmation hearings, there was an agent that went into how you go about, if you are an agent and you feel somebody's life is in jeopardy. I talked to him on the phone and explained my situation to him, but I didn't have no way to explain what happened. So this is already in the public domain now.

I went through the same procedures that an agent of the CIA would have went through, and I didn't work for the CIA, I worked for Military Intelligence, I worked for Navy Intelligence, I have made trips behind the Iron Curtain.

But the gist of it is, to make a long story short today, the FBI knew that there was a plot to kill Kennedy at Dallas, and I have been held in limbo under States Rights. I had to go to Charleston, West Virginia, which is my state capital, and appear at the beginning of the Warren Commission hearings for approximately a day-and-a-half in court altogether, I was there more than that, but my testimony would amount to a day-and-a-half, and I have never been able to publish on any of this follow-up investigation.

In 1969, Richard Nixon said, I want all this looked at again. Well, I got a job as a long-haul truck driver. I really didn't like the idea because I am a college graduate, but I went along with it, and I investigated up in the Chicago, and wherever the judges from Charleston felt it was appropriate for me to go to.

What I found and finally proved that I confided in Mr. Schweiker about, Secret Service procedures were defeated at Dallas, and that is the reason the President stopped down here before he got to the Book Depository. They were worrying about what was going to happen.

I called Washington from Marshall University. I had a monitor set up. They let me monitor this. I had a monitor set up, and they said the Secret Service has been notified and Kennedy is going ahead, and that is where the matter ended, and you know what happened then on the news releases.

But there was prior knowledge. I was with the military. The military said, after 30 years, we are not hiding nothing as long as it don't have to do with national security. Stuttgart, Germany, was my battalion headquarters. I was under the authority of the Provost Marshal, Heidelberg, Germany.

I gave testimony to all of this in Charleston, West Virginia, in February after Kennedy was assassination, and the attorney that represented the State was Mr. Opplinger. He was the head of the Public Service Commission, and at one time they kept the files on this. Now, if you can get State files, everybody will get to see them. If not, I am still going to try to publish.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Thank you, Mr. Smith.

Are there any questions?

[No response.]

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Thank you very much.

MR. SMITH: Bob Smith of Huntington, West Virginia, WSAZ, showed your picture on TV and said he talked to you, that is where I approached the legal law clerk and started this procedure of obtaining this national security assessment.


MR. SMITH: You are welcome.

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Not only does this support my theory (prior knowledge and complicity of MI/ONI),

I can vouch for many of the minor details.

Ken Hechler was indeed a White House Aide to Harry Truman, a popular COngressman and Secretary of State of West Virginia.

I studied political science under Ken Hechler at Marshall University in the 1980's.

I was also interviewed by Bob Smith of WGNT/WOWK channel 13 in Huntington, West Virginia, for the Hearst scholarship.

Marshall University is located in Huntington, West Virginia, which was the center of the Kennedy 1960 primary election effort, and was the place where the Chicago cash was shared out to the county sheriffs for Kennedy..........

Thanks Lee,

this is more evidence of advance knowledge on the part of the government

and again shows an INSTITUTIONAL failure to protect the President.

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Was Smith taken seriously? There are parts of his testimony that seem strange--for instance, why would there be an attorney for the State of West Virginia involved in questioning him?

It appears that no one bothered was impressed enough to ask him any questions at all.

Shanet, a respectful suggestion: don't jump on every bandwagon just because it fits your theory. The fact that he mentioned a living soul that you once met IMO adds nothing to his credibility.

I could be wrong but I suspect no one was taking this guy seriously.

Edited by Tim Gratz
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Lee, Shanet, Tim:

While this Mr. Smith may or may not have any information of value, it appears to me that he has trouble following a train of thought, and that expecting him to link two sentences together rationally, cogently, and with any sense of chronology would exceed his abilities.

I'm simply basing this conclusion on the transcript presented above. Perhaps Mr. Smith actually has the ability to express himself clearly, but chose not to use it on this particular date; however, in my opinion, that's not likely.

[Perhaps there are three tramps intruding in his train of thought; and if we can identify them, maybe the mystery will be solved!]

Edited by Mark Knight
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Lee, Shanet, Tim:

While this Mr. Smith may or may not have any information of value, it appears to me that he has trouble following a train of thought, and that expecting him to link two sentences together rationally, cogently, and with any sense of chronology would exceed his abilities.

I'm simply basing this conclusion on the transcript presented above.  Perhaps Mr. Smith actually has the ability to express himself clearly, but chose not to use it on this particular date; however, in my opinion, that's not likely.

[Perhaps there are three tramps intruding in his train of thought; and if we can identify them, maybe the mystery will be solved!]

Hilarious Mark!

I thought something quite similar about the disconnectedness, but was under the impression that Smith was alluding to certain details, without being able to disclose them, as he was unsure as to their official status. Additionally, it may be helpful to get the context of the environment in which he was proposing these various pieces of information - as it appears some of it may have been voluntarily offered in reference to what he had heard previously, during the same hearing.

Looks as if Roy Schaeffer testified before Kenneth Smith, and he is referring to some of Schaeffer's comments. Schaeffer also loses his train of thought.

- lee

Testimony of Roy Schaeffer


Dallas, Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing


MR. SCHAEFFER: My name is Roy Schaeffer and I am a private citizen, and I never met Hal Verb, but I am --

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Could you spell your name for the record?

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay, it is S-c-h-a-e-f-f-e-r.


MR. SCHAEFFER: I am the person Hal Verb mentioned, I am the person who replaced Oswald after he left El Toro in 1960. He left in 1959, and I joined his unit. So I did have a crypt clearance. I don't want to get into that.

Basically, what I would like to mention is, I am a private probably an assassination buff more or less. In 1986, I contacted Jim Garrison, and before he died he had sent -- well, when he got the Zapruder film down at the trial on '66, he ran off 100 copies. Sometime in 1989, you know, I received a copy from him, and then I have been researching using a copy of the 100 that was made.

Now what I had found then at first, you know, I am interested in this flawed editing of the Zapruder film, and I wondered, Zapruder said that he had set his camera on a film speed of 24, and so over the years it got me thinking. In 1963, I worked for the Dayton Daily News, and Hess & Eisenhart was the company that rebuilt the Presidential Limousine, so I had gone down there with a fellow reporter because I had like a scientific background.

Okay, so anyway what was unique about that time was the emergency lights on the Presidential car. Now the lights were interesting in one aspect, they blinked, they would blink on one side and then on the other. So one problem I had in -- so I know there was a constant blink rate. Now, I have taken a lot of eight millimeter film. In other words, if something has a constant blink rate and you are photographing it through, like Zapruder, that Bell & Howell camera, then it would show a constant rate.

In other words, if it found that the blink rate was .41 seconds, so it would show a rate of nine blinks in the film. Now what I had submitted, I believe you have that record I gave to Mr. Gunn, I plotted from 133 to 238, and the pattern does not show up that way. So I am suggesting, you know, to yourselves that that proves that alterations was done to the Zapruder film.

Also on the night of the assassination, what I believe, the film -- in other words, Zapruder took the film to the Kodak lab in Dallas. Now I have some film expertise. I served a six-year government sponsored apprenticeship in film, and that had what they call a 14K process. This 14K process is how they developed Kodachrome. It is quite complicated. At that time, the only place that had that process was here in Dallas next to Love Field, and that was at the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

From my information on the Max B. Phillips minimal, I think Paul Halp talked about that on Commission Exhibit 450, that it shows that the Zapruder film, and I believe three copies were flown to Washington the night of the assassination, I believe they were taken into -- they had five hours from my timetable. I worked with a Dr. James Fetzer on this, and also Mike Pinser, he is an attorney. So any way, I interjected on that, but anyway I lost my place when I said that. Could you help me? I lost my place.

DR. HALL: You were saying only the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay. So anyway, it is a very complicated process, and it takes about 45 seconds, so it is called the K-14 but the 14K process because it is what they call a subtractive process. It is a reversal film that like comes into a color transparency after it is developed. So, in other words, I believe that they took the original film to the National Interpretation Lab and at that point they altered it down to approximately 18 frames per second. Like I say, in 1960 -- so what I am saying is that I believe Frame Z-133 to 238 is where they altered that.

Now the way I found that out was, I personally had the film and I went through and I plotted each blinking light per frame, and that is how I derived that the film was altered. Unless you have the actual film, you can't -- there is no way you can determine that.

So that is pretty much what I had to say. I thank you for your time.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Any questions for Mr. Schaeffer?

DR. NELSON: I have one. You say you replaced Oswald, that is to say you took over all of his functions, his job?

MR. SCHAEFFER: That's correct.

DR. NELSON: Which were? What was the job assignment?

MR. SCHAEFFER: We worked at TACC, Tactical Air Control Center, basically, and it was basically tracking IFF boxes. In other words Strategic Air Command, and then they had like IFF boxes. And then they would set those in the morning, and then your crypt orders would come down from Washington, and they were like Zulu Time Rated, 24-hour time, and then there was what you call authentifications. So that is what a person that has crypt does.

So our job was, when the planes left the United States through the EDACs area was to clear them and plot them, and so that was basically what our job function was there at El Toro, and I am sure Oswald did the same thing.

MR. MARWELL: Mr. Chairman, in fact, Mr. Smith had signed up earlier.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Thank you, Mr. Schaeffer, we appreciate your help.

MR. SCHAEFFER: Thank you.

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  • 6 years later...
Lee, Shanet, Tim:

While this Mr. Smith may or may not have any information of value, it appears to me that he has trouble following a train of thought, and that expecting him to link two sentences together rationally, cogently, and with any sense of chronology would exceed his abilities.

I'm simply basing this conclusion on the transcript presented above. Perhaps Mr. Smith actually has the ability to express himself clearly, but chose not to use it on this particular date; however, in my opinion, that's not likely.

[Perhaps there are three tramps intruding in his train of thought; and if we can identify them, maybe the mystery will be solved!]

Hilarious Mark!

I thought something quite similar about the disconnectedness, but was under the impression that Smith was alluding to certain details, without being able to disclose them, as he was unsure as to their official status. Additionally, it may be helpful to get the context of the environment in which he was proposing these various pieces of information - as it appears some of it may have been voluntarily offered in reference to what he had heard previously, during the same hearing.

Looks as if Roy Schaeffer testified before Kenneth Smith, and he is referring to some of Schaeffer's comments. Schaeffer also loses his train of thought.

- lee

Testimony of Roy Schaeffer


Dallas, Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing


MR. SCHAEFFER: My name is Roy Schaeffer and I am a private citizen, and I never met Hal Verb, but I am --

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Could you spell your name for the record?

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay, it is S-c-h-a-e-f-f-e-r.


MR. SCHAEFFER: I am the person Hal Verb mentioned, I am the person who replaced Oswald after he left El Toro in 1960. He left in 1959, and I joined his unit. So I did have a crypt clearance. I don't want to get into that.

Basically, what I would like to mention is, I am a private probably an assassination buff more or less. In 1986, I contacted Jim Garrison, and before he died he had sent -- well, when he got the Zapruder film down at the trial on '66, he ran off 100 copies. Sometime in 1989, you know, I received a copy from him, and then I have been researching using a copy of the 100 that was made.

Now what I had found then at first, you know, I am interested in this flawed editing of the Zapruder film, and I wondered, Zapruder said that he had set his camera on a film speed of 24, and so over the years it got me thinking. In 1963, I worked for the Dayton Daily News, and Hess & Eisenhart was the company that rebuilt the Presidential Limousine, so I had gone down there with a fellow reporter because I had like a scientific background.

Okay, so anyway what was unique about that time was the emergency lights on the Presidential car. Now the lights were interesting in one aspect, they blinked, they would blink on one side and then on the other. So one problem I had in -- so I know there was a constant blink rate. Now, I have taken a lot of eight millimeter film. In other words, if something has a constant blink rate and you are photographing it through, like Zapruder, that Bell & Howell camera, then it would show a constant rate.

In other words, if it found that the blink rate was .41 seconds, so it would show a rate of nine blinks in the film. Now what I had submitted, I believe you have that record I gave to Mr. Gunn, I plotted from 133 to 238, and the pattern does not show up that way. So I am suggesting, you know, to yourselves that that proves that alterations was done to the Zapruder film.

Also on the night of the assassination, what I believe, the film -- in other words, Zapruder took the film to the Kodak lab in Dallas. Now I have some film expertise. I served a six-year government sponsored apprenticeship in film, and that had what they call a 14K process. This 14K process is how they developed Kodachrome. It is quite complicated. At that time, the only place that had that process was here in Dallas next to Love Field, and that was at the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

From my information on the Max B. Phillips minimal, I think Paul Halp talked about that on Commission Exhibit 450, that it shows that the Zapruder film, and I believe three copies were flown to Washington the night of the assassination, I believe they were taken into -- they had five hours from my timetable. I worked with a Dr. James Fetzer on this, and also Mike Pinser, he is an attorney. So any way, I interjected on that, but anyway I lost my place when I said that. Could you help me? I lost my place.

DR. HALL: You were saying only the Dallas Eastman-Kodak lab.

MR. SCHAEFFER: Okay. So anyway, it is a very complicated process, and it takes about 45 seconds, so it is called the K-14 but the 14K process because it is what they call a subtractive process. It is a reversal film that like comes into a color transparency after it is developed. So, in other words, I believe that they took the original film to the National Interpretation Lab and at that point they altered it down to approximately 18 frames per second. Like I say, in 1960 -- so what I am saying is that I believe Frame Z-133 to 238 is where they altered that.

Now the way I found that out was, I personally had the film and I went through and I plotted each blinking light per frame, and that is how I derived that the film was altered. Unless you have the actual film, you can't -- there is no way you can determine that.

So that is pretty much what I had to say. I thank you for your time.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Any questions for Mr. Schaeffer?

DR. NELSON: I have one. You say you replaced Oswald, that is to say you took over all of his functions, his job?

MR. SCHAEFFER: That's correct.

DR. NELSON: Which were? What was the job assignment?

MR. SCHAEFFER: We worked at TACC, Tactical Air Control Center, basically, and it was basically tracking IFF boxes. In other words Strategic Air Command, and then they had like IFF boxes. And then they would set those in the morning, and then your crypt orders would come down from Washington, and they were like Zulu Time Rated, 24-hour time, and then there was what you call authentifications. So that is what a person that has crypt does.

So our job was, when the planes left the United States through the EDACs area was to clear them and plot them, and so that was basically what our job function was there at El Toro, and I am sure Oswald did the same thing.

MR. MARWELL: Mr. Chairman, in fact, Mr. Smith had signed up earlier.

CHAIRMAN TUNHEIM: Thank you, Mr. Schaeffer, we appreciate your help.

MR. SCHAEFFER: Thank you.

I can't believe a thread like this was left hanging, not to be blunt, but if this is minutae,...........anybody agree that this is not something deserving of being totally ignored?

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Yes Robert. I agree.

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Can anybody interpret this statement, from the testimony in the original post at the top of page?

I can't figure out where "down here" is.

Testimony of Kenneth Smith


Dallas, Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing

What I found and finally proved that I confided in Mr. Schweiker about, Secret Service procedures were defeated at Dallas, and that is the reason the President stopped down here before he got to the Book Depository. They were worrying about what was going to happen.

Edited by David Andrews
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Can anybody interpret this statement, from the testimony in the original post at the top of page?

I can't figure out where "down here" is.

Testimony of Kenneth Smith


Dallas, Texas -- November 18, 1994 Hearing

What I found and finally proved that I confided in Mr. Schweiker about, Secret Service procedures were defeated at Dallas, and that is the reason the President stopped down here before he got to the Book Depository. They were worrying about what was going to happen.

Well, the only real logical explanation I can think of is he probably meant that the presidential motorcade literally stopped, I realize there isn't unanimity about whether the motorcade, came to a complete stop, or slowed to a virtual stop, but that is my take on it.....I did some looking around at NARA and found a FBI agent with the same name, but

this doesen't seem to be the same person, at any rate; I am glad somebody answered.

My own view is that there were some people a little on the bubble ie testifying and/or coming forward, some were putting themselves on the line....

Howard Burris and son, certainly come to mind, although they may have just corresponded with HSCA .....

I guess when your rumored to be the bagman in the JFK assassination, things like that can happen..

Edited by Robert Howard
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What did Hal Verb say about this guy anyway?

And what ever happened to Sen. Schweiker?

I am not aware of anything he [Verb] said about Kenneth Smith, Roy Schaeffer mentions Hal Verb, so..........

Hal Verb’s ARRB Testimony is here,



There was a Kenneth Smith who was affiliated with Counterspy Magazine



I seriously doubt the NY Times Kenneth Smith is the same guy, but hey who knows.

Like I mentioned in my last post here is the reference to an FBI agent named Kenneth Smith

maybe he isn’t FBI, but it sort of seems like it.


As for Schweiker see page 170 of the Last Investigation

he basically was shot out of the HSCA aspect of the investigation, mainly because Sen. Daniel Inoyue

said we’ll take it from here, after Sprague's look see into the JFK stuff. Sprague predicted correctly that [inoyue’s efforts, assuming there were any genuine efforts]

would amount to zilch, which is where matters stayed until the HSCA formed.

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What did Hal Verb say about this guy anyway?

And what ever happened to Sen. Schweiker?

I am not aware of anything he [Verb] said about Kenneth Smith, Roy Schaeffer mentions Hal Verb, so..........

Hal Verb's ARRB Testimony is here,



There was a Kenneth Smith who was affiliated with Counterspy Magazine



I seriously doubt the NY Times Kenneth Smith is the same guy, but hey who knows.

Like I mentioned in my last post here is the reference to an FBI agent named Kenneth Smith

maybe he isn't FBI, but it sort of seems like it.


As for Schweiker see page 170 of the Last Investigation

he basically was shot out of the HSCA aspect of the investigation, mainly because Sen. Daniel Inoyue

said we'll take it from here, after Sprague's look see into the JFK stuff. Sprague predicted correctly that [inoyue's efforts, assuming there were any genuine efforts]

would amount to zilch, which is where matters stayed until the HSCA formed.

I get it now, Robert.

Hal Verb, in his ARRB testimony, mentions the guy who called in the radio show and wanted to talk to Harold Weisberg, and Hal was there and heard it.

Then we get his report to ARRB. He says that he replaced Oswald at Atzugi and both had crypto clearance and worked with the black box.

DR. NELSON: I have one. Yousay you replaced Oswald, that is to say you took over all of his functions, hisjob?

MR. SCHAEFFER: That's correct.

DR. NELSON: Which were? What was the jobassignment?

MR. SCHAEFFER: We worked at TACC, Tactical Air Control Center, basically, and it was basically tracking IFF boxes. In other words Strategic Air Command,and then they had like IFF boxes. And then they would set those in themorning, and then your crypt orders would come down from Washington, and they were like Zulu Time Rated, 24-hourtime, and then there was what you call authentifications. So that is what aperson that has crypt does.

So our job was, when the planes left the UnitedStates through the EDACs area was to clear them and plot them, and so that wasbasically what our job function was there at El Toro, and I am sure Oswald didthe same thing.

Also, did anyone answer the original question as to whether or not this guy Smith ever got his manuscript published? Or what became of him?


Edited by William Kelly
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