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Retraction and Apology

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I just want to add that although I disagree--I think one could fairly say vociferously disagree--with many of Shanet's theories--I certainbly would encourage him to stay on the Forum as well.

I THINK that perhaps the fact that I was willing to sue him and let a court investigation the ridiculous Sprague charge may have convinced Shanet that there was nothing to it.

And as I said before it took courage for him to make the public posting that he did. He made his retraction in a very gracious manner.

Although I disagree with him re Papich and Dillon, I think the main theory he was proposing, that JFK was assassinated by persons who honestly (in their minds) saw him as a threat to the national security-may be possible. I have told that to Shanet both here on the Forum and in private e-mails.

What I am hesitant to due is extrapolate from that theory to attempt to assign legal and moral responsibility to certain individuals who might fall into a broad category of "suspects" but against whom there is no actual evidence.

I also think that while his theory provides a plausible motive the people who were against JFK under his theory could have accomplished his removal from office through a simple public revelation of the facts. This I think is the main weakness of his theory.

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Guest Stephen Turner

[ also think that while his theory provides a plausible motive the people who were against JFK under his theory could have accomplished his removal from office through a simple public revelation of the facts. This I think is the main weakness of his theory.

Tim, JFK was assassinated in that horrific manner for a reason,the perper-TRAITORS who commited this outrage wished to send a clearly understood message for those with eyes to see,"Such is the fate of those who oppose us"

Le Roy Perdue, Warnings dont come much more explicit than that.

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Problem, Stephen, you are mixing coconuts with bananas.

Because Shanet's theory is not that JFK was assassinated because he opposed the politics of some murky big-wigs but rather because he was perceived as a threat to national security for his indiscretions--which had nothing to do with his politics per se,

So if Shanet's theory is correct, your theory of sending a message to (who? future presidents?) does not make sense because it does not fit the scenario. Unless the message was: don't be a threat to national security. But that does not make sense either.

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Guest Stephen Turner

Tim where in my post did I say I find Shanets theory persuasive? I have my own thoughts, which in fairness to you I should articulate, and will when time allows.


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Stephen, then you missed my point. My point was that if in fact there were sufficient "national security grounds" for otherwise law-abiding government officials to justify killing Kennedy, then they could have accomplished their purpose merely through public exposure of those concerns. Thus it seems there are some internal problems with Shanet's theory. Why risk the penalties of an assassination when a call to "The Chicago Tribune" would accomplish the same?

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Guest Stephen Turner
Stephen, then you missed my point.  My point was that if in fact there were sufficient "national security grounds" for otherwise law-abiding government officials to justify killing Kennedy, then they could have accomplished their purpose merely through public exposure of those concerns.  Thus it seems there are some internal problems with Shanet's theory.  Why risk the penalties of an assassination when a call to "The Chicago Tribune" would accomplish the same?

Tim, once again, I am not arguing Shanets theory ( He is quite capable of doing so himself.) You asked in a previous post if I believed that the assassination was to discourage future Presidents from displaying to much individual initiative. Now your getting warm Tim. BTW, we have heard very little from you recently concerning Mr Castro, is this because, as i suspect, you have painted yourself into a corner over Vecianna and Diaz, and have no idea how to extricate yourself. ;)

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In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz.

I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz.

He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm.

This will be my final posting in the forum.

Shanet Clark.

I like all others on the forum urge you to reconsider Shanet you are a valuable member here. Tims constant hijacking of all threads have made members (rightfully so) weary, so when possible links to Tim and dirty tricks come up you reacted in the way that alot of members wanted to. Unfortunately the links to dirty tricks and Tim cannot be proven so it was bad judgment to post about Tim in the fashion that you did. Shanet I say again that you are a valuable member here and should not let one case of bad judgment stop you from posting here, you only did what many of us wanted to. Come back Shane(t) Come back

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Guest Stephen Turner
In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz.

I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz.

He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm.

This will be my final posting in the forum.

Shanet Clark.

I like all others on the forum urge you to reconsider Shanet you are a valuable member here. Tims constant hijacking of all threads have made members (rightfully so) weary, so when possible links to Tim and dirty tricks come up you reacted in the way that alot of members wanted to. Unfortunately the links to dirty tricks and Tim cannot be proven so it was bad judgment to post about Tim in the fashion that you did. Shanet I say again that you are a valuable member here and should not let one case of bad judgment stop you from posting here, you only did what many of us wanted to. Come back Shane(t) Come back

Er, actually, I hijacked this thread.( See post #21) sorry bout that. But, yes Shanet should return, he is without doubt one of the most original thinkers on this Forum.

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  • 6 months later...

Shanet is a very, very thorough and articulate person concerning his posts to the Forum in the past. Apparently he 'left the Forum' before or around the time that I joined.

Shanet you need to come back because if you don't you are going to miss out on what promises to be the most interesting period, of the Forum's history.

Come back Shane(t)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shanet is a very, very thorough and articulate person concerning his posts to the Forum in the past. Apparently he 'left the Forum' before or around the time that I joined.

Shanet you need to come back because if you don't you are going to miss out on what promises to be the most interesting period, of the Forum's history.

Come back Shane(t)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Shanet you need to come back because if you don't you are going to miss out on what promises to be the most interesting period, of the Forum's history.

Come back Shane(t)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

But Robert, that thread was from July 2005? Where did he post that he's leaving, in February 2006? Am I missing something here?

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In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz.

I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz.

He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm.

This will be my final posting in the forum.

Shanet Clark.

But Robert, that thread was from July 2005? Where did he post that he's leaving, in February 2006? Am I missing something here?

It is of course this incident that began my conflict with Tim Gratz.

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In the past I made some references to Tim Gratz.

I disavow all of them and apologize to Mr. Gratz.

He is a scholar and a gentleman and I meant him no harm.

This will be my final posting in the forum.

Shanet Clark.

Apology made.

Shanet it is time you returned to the forum.

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