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Oswald plus Beard equals Seymour?

Pat Speer

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Thanks, Gerry, for joining in in this discussion. Would appreciate your input to the main question addressed. Did Seymour know Ferrie? Is it conceivable that Russo met Seymour with Ferrie, and confused himself over time into thinking Seymour was Oswald. I don't think that his being with Ferrie necessarily reflects badly on Seymour, if that's a concern, as I imagine a lot of the get-Castro crowd knew Ferrie. Conversely, do you think Russo just made it all up? Did you meet Russo through Garrison? Was he just an attention-seeker?

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Thanks, Gerry, for joining in in this discussion.  Would appreciate your input to the main question addressed.  Did Seymour know Ferrie?  Is it conceivable that Russo met Seymour with Ferrie, and confused himself over time into thinking Seymour was Oswald.  I don't think that his being with Ferrie necessarily reflects badly on Seymour, if that's a concern, as I imagine a lot of the get-Castro crowd knew Ferrie.  Conversely, do you think Russo just made it all up?  Did you meet Russo through Garrison?  Was he just an attention-seeker?



When we were filming the "training camp" [alleged falsely, never was a camp !!] near LaFitte, LA, Russo came driving up to the high school [which we rented as a wardrobe. etc. base-camp] in his N.O. taxi cab [adorned in blazing flourish with his name, etc.]; and attempted to engage us in conversation. We profoundly ignored him. A. Kitman Ho, the Chinese producer/money man said afterword that we had been wise to avoid Russo, as he was a complete PHONY !!

[Kit Ho was responsible for the funneling of the Israeli movie money [managed by our buddy Arnan] through the Hong Kong banking systems.]

Bill Seymour was a quiet ex-Navy guy ["Squid"] who just went along with interesting schemes, but was very sharp, and was multi-lingual. I am confused as to this "William Seymour/Double-Chek Corp." spiel. Is somebody inferring that this is the same Seymour as ours ??

There is no way that Seymour could have met up with LHO or Ferrie, as in his travels with Hall, he, like Howard, were never allowed to ever meet [or attend meetings] with Lester Logue, et al. in Dallas, or the VIP folks in Los Angeles.

Seymour spent the maximum of his "off-duty" time working at shops, as did Bobby Willis -- and this was due to the fact that they didn't enjoy running around without beer money.

The entire Russo/Hall/Seymour/Howard tale was an invention of Jim Garrison, who relied upon Hoover's FBI bullxxxx story to the WC. Oliver Stone was well aware of this, but hesitated to confront Garrison with same due to his health problems, both mental and physical. Both Kit Ho and "bean-counter' [& Exec-Producer] Clayton Townsend argued with Oliver about much of Garrison's bullxxxx throughout the Camelot/JFK Production months, but to no avail.

Larry Howard told me during January 1981 [Los Angeles] that Garrison had made reference to the "coaching" of many "witnesses??!!, including Russo, when he finally went to N.O. to confront Garrison. "Big Jim" told him repeatedly that it would be wise for him {Howard] to go along with the same program, as this would "clarify" matters to everybody's satisfaction !! Larry refused, and this was because he was still operating as a "salaried CI" for Paul Hughes, ASAIC of the Los Angeles BATF field office. [Paul later became Under-Sheriff of the locale where the terrorist/bunko artist "Mahatma" WOG had his Ashram compound sited.


Gerry Hemming


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I don't see why all of Seymour's testimony has to be withheld, when the CIA and other agencies are famous for simply blacking out anything and everything that they don't want anyone to read. They could black out whole pages and still allow us to see what Seymour otherwise had to say.

But then what's the point of complaining about the guvment.


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Thanks, Gerry, for joining in in this discussion.   Would appreciate your input to the main question addressed.  Did Seymour know Ferrie?   Is it conceivable that Russo met Seymour with Ferrie, and confused himself over time into thinking Seymour was Oswald.  I don't think that his being with Ferrie necessarily reflects badly on Seymour, if that's a concern, as I imagine a lot of the get-Castro crowd knew Ferrie.  Conversely, do you think Russo just made it all up?  Did you meet Russo through Garrison?  Was he just an attention-seeker?



There is no way that Seymour could have met up with LHO or Ferrie, as in his travels with Hall, he, like Howard, were never allowed to ever meet [or attend meetings] with Lester Logue, et al. in Dallas, or the VIP folks in Los Angeles.

Seymour spent the maximum of his "off-duty" time working at shops, as did Bobby Willis -- and this was due to the fact that they didn't enjoy running around without beer money.



Gerry Hemming



How helpful were the Dallas VIPs (or LA for that matter) in funding anti-Castro operations? Were they all talk but short on funds?

What (very) little I know, Lester Logue was somewhat helpful in setting up some meetings. (With NB Hunt, Jeb Rose?)


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  • 9 years later...

While looking through an old book on the Garrison investigation, Plot or Politics?, I learned something new. Since most of what I've learned of the Garrison investigation came from On The Trail... or JFK, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, but it turns out the Oswald Perry Russo recalled seeing with David Ferry was wearing a scraggly beard. While I have seen no picture of Oswald with a beard, nor have read of him ever having one, I do remember seeing pictures of William Seymour with such a beard.

It then really hit home that Russo also said he remembered that Oswald was introduced as "Leon Oswald." Leon Oswald...William Seymour...four syllables in each with a similar rhythm. It then occurred that the last name "Oswald" is quite reminscent of the last name "Seymour," in that both are first names of the kid who gets beat up in school.

Perhaps I'm barking up a wrong tree. But does it make more sense that Seymour would be with Ferry at a party than Oswald? Does anyone know if Seymour was in New Orleans at the time of this supposed party? While it could be that Russo was just making stuff up to please Garrison, the man did stick to his story till the day he died.

If anyone can post a Seymour photo by the Oswald with a beard drawing shown in Plot or Politics? it might prove interesting to those who don't know what I'm talking about.


Kennedy-hater Kerry Thornley, from New Orleans, somewhat resembled Oswald and was known to wear a beard. (I don't know how tall he was or how much he weighed, etc). At the time of the assassination he was renting an apartment in New Orleans from John Spencer, a friend of Clay Shaw's. After the assassination he hurriedly moved Arlington, Virginia, and for six months, according to Jim Garrison, lived in an apartment which cost more that he was making as a doorman at that upscale apartment building. Then he moved to California and became a friend of Johnny Roselli. In 1992 he apparently confessed to being involved in the assassination plot on the TV program A Current Affair.



--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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