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Dr Revilo pendleton Oliver.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Guest Stephen Turner

Revilo Oliver wrote quite probably the first "conspiracy" article about the assassination in December 1963, It is noteworthy, not for its insights, but for the fact that it struck the tuning fork for all subsequent rightist arguements. (add a dash of Castro) Oliver recieved a Masters degree from the university of Illinois in the 1940s, and later a PHD. During WW2 he was director of research in a "Top secret" agency of the War dept. His politics were of the extreme right, and he fought all his life for such things as White rights, and a Europian America. He described his task as " Waking up my fellow Europian Americans to the grave threat posed by racial equality, and Communism." He was also a founding member of the John Birch Society(1958) and a close friend of Robert Welch. He remained a member until 1966, when he was expelled, almost unbelievably, for his extreme racist views


The article's charged that kennedy's assassination was part of a communist plot, engineered with help from the CIA, that LHO was a Communist agent trained in sabotage, terrorism, and guerrilla warfare, including highly accurate ambush shoting techniques. he was trained in a school for international terrorists near Minsk. It also claimed that under orders from sec of defence, Robert McNamara, that the US army began to rehearse JFKs funeral more than a week before it actually took place. It further claimed that LHO was sent to Dallas to murder Gen Edwin Walker, and that later LHO was sent back from New Orleans to Dallas, where a job at a suitably located buildinghad been arranged for him, and that something went wrong with the Communist plot, as a result of which LHO was apprehended, and identified..

Social network namebase for Revilo Pendleton Oliver.



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Revilo Oliver wrote quite probably the first "conspiracy" article about the assassination in December 1963,

Have you ever heard this guy speak?

You can go to his web site and listen to some of his speeches.

Quite the rabble rouser.

Steve Thomas

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Guest Stephen Turner
Oliver was obviously a brilliant man (professor of classics) but he was an incredible racist. If I recall correctly he was booted out of the JBS for his racism.

Tim, his downfall in the JBS came, I believe, when he penned an article accusing Welch of unwitingly aiding the "Jewish conspiracy"this tended to sour relations between them, leading ultimately to oliver's expultion. A brilliant man, but a sack of s*!# to boot. reminds me of Tomas Carlyle's description of a contempory, "Like mackeral by moonlight,he both shines and stinks"

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Speaking of insults, I read in dallek today that LBJ called Fulbright a "revolving son-of-a-bitch" because, per LBJ, he was a "son-of-a-bitch" anyway you looked at him.

But Stephen I think you are dead on right about Oliver (who was an atheist, by the way, but I say that not to imply any linkage between his atheism and his anti-Semitism).

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Revilo Oliver (Revilo of course being Oliver in reverse) was a very interesting character.

Here he is below shaking hands with John Martino.


Certainly a "player" who deserves full investigation.

They Shall Not Go Unpunished -- Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961: Dr. Oliver's favorite of his own speeches (mentioned here in 1993), given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.


Another Walker-New Orleans link is through George Soule, president of Soule Business College. In 1962, George Soule was "community chairman" of the New Orleans Indignation Committee. (NOTP; February 8, 1962; s2, p4) In January, Walker had addressed this group, via closed-circuit TV, at a meeting held at Soule College. (NOTP; January 4, 1962; s1, p14)





Charter/Organization ID: 03201800N


Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


In event one will check out the last name of the person responsible for having hired LHO at Reilly Coffee Company, and the above "Registered Agent" (who is not George Soule), then one will find more of the "common ground" for which they seek.


Thomas, I wonder if I might be catching your drift here? Oswald while portrayed as 'a lone nut' was in fact part of a wide network of families. Presumably then what he does, as with any family member in such a grouping, would be known through the 'grapevine' of families gossip et.c.. So any one within that family grouping or attached to it could be privy to intimate details. Whatever the inclinations of such individual/s could determine what happens in Oswalds life re employment, setup, collusion, information, whatever. JohnD


Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination.

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Tom"Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination."


Tom, I remembered these threads of yours. There's a lot of information there to follow. I think a lot will be relavant with John Simkins upcoming presentations.

With regards to Soule I remember there being a famous restauranteur in NY by the name of Henri Soule who had quite a falling out with Kennedy, I think Soule insulted someone and Kennedy took his custom elsewhere. Of course it may be and probably is just coincidental and irrelevant in this context.

My McCluskey query is so coincidental that until I've thoroughly reached some fini with regards to Harry Holmes (for which I'm grateful for the info, I'm followin up on it, and it may very well lead nowhere.) I'm not mentioning.

Overall I see the 'lurch' towards the truth a journey with many dead ends, but unless one is on the road step by step one is unlikely to get there. For direction, the maps that people like yourself provide are invaluable. Of course I'm independent in thought and will not hesitate to point out what I see as inconsistencies and I'm glad to se you (and others) do the same.

Edited by John Dolva
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Tom"Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination."


Tom, I remembered these threads of yours. There's a lot of information there to follow. I think a lot will be relavant with John Simkins upcoming presentations.

With regards to Soule I remember there being a famous restauranteur in NY by the name of Henri Soule who had quite a falling out with Kennedy, I think Soule insulted someone and Kennedy took his custom elsewhere. Of course it may be and probably is just coincidental and irrelevant in this context.

My McCluskey query is so coincidental that until I've thoroughly reached some fini with regards to Harry Holmes (for which I'm grateful for the info, I'm followin up on it, and it may very well lead nowhere.) I'm not mentioning.

Overall I see the 'lurch' towards the truth a journey with many dead ends, but unless one is on the road step by step one is unlikely to get there. For direction, the maps that people like yourself provide are invaluable. Of course I'm independent in thought and will not hesitate to point out what I see as inconsistencies and I'm glad to se you (and others) do the same.

Personally, I would have thought that John would have "jumped" onto this long ago.

Especially when one follows the "family line" such as the Bush & Taylor side.


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Tom"Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination."


Tom, I remembered these threads of yours. There's a lot of information there to follow. I think a lot will be relavant with John Simkins upcoming presentations.

With regards to Soule I remember there being a famous restauranteur in NY by the name of Henri Soule who had quite a falling out with Kennedy, I think Soule insulted someone and Kennedy took his custom elsewhere. Of course it may be and probably is just coincidental and irrelevant in this context.

My McCluskey query is so coincidental that until I've thoroughly reached some fini with regards to Harry Holmes (for which I'm grateful for the info, I'm followin up on it, and it may very well lead nowhere.) I'm not mentioning.

Overall I see the 'lurch' towards the truth a journey with many dead ends, but unless one is on the road step by step one is unlikely to get there. For direction, the maps that people like yourself provide are invaluable. Of course I'm independent in thought and will not hesitate to point out what I see as inconsistencies and I'm glad to se you (and others) do the same.

Personally, I would have thought that John would have "jumped" onto this long ago.

Especially when one follows the "family line" such as the Bush & Taylor side.


Peter Dale Scott describes Oliver in the context of a right wing 'independence inel. network" emmanating that was strong in the West and South. He sees connections to Gen Willoughby, the top advisor to MacArthur, and later an activist in the 'China Lobby" that fed info. to Sen. Mcarthy.

He claims that this group was more unilatteralist than the CIA and favored more direct intervention in L.A. and also was more interested in Asia than in Europe.

Southern racism and resistance to integration could have been another unifying anti-JFK theme among this group.

Scott also claims that this group could have had direct access and influence over J. Edgar Hoover, because of embarassing things they could revele about Hoover's relationship with the Mafia. This group included Murchison Sr. who owned a Hotel called the El Choro, where mobsters hung out.

The group seems to have had a lot of retired military intelligence in its membership.

Among the most intriguing paragraphs in this Chapter of Deep Politics is this:

In late 1963 the most conspicuous trans-national feature of the Hund-Willoughby network was their

close identification with madame Nhu, the widow of the recently assasinated Ngo Dinh Nhu in

Vietnam. The ongoing Willoughby interest in the Far East was represented by the presence of

Father Raymond de Jaegher of the Free pacific Association, tha patron in America of Ngo Dinh Diem

and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu. Thisw Hund-Willoughby-Walker intelligence network seems to have

taken care of Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu when she came to Dallas in the Fall of 1963 and was presented

with a bouquet of flowers at an October 1963 "US day" rally in Dallas. organized by General Walker

(23 WH 516), where Oswald was present.

Another thing that possibly might have united this group was a hight tarrif policy, which was generally favored more in the south and west than in the multi-latteralist east.

Soctt suggests, that although this intel network was highly critical of the CIA, it may have had some links inside the CIA.

I am probably imagining this but did John Singlaub, Claire Chenault SP??, Richard Secord have any of these

old Taiwasn, China Lobby links? Might this relate to a minority faction within the CIA, that could have insitigated the assasination, and then relied on the more internationalist CIA as a whole to help in the cover-up? The ties to Hoover could then also be usefull int he coverup.

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Scott also claims that this group could have had direct access and influence over J. Edgar Hoover, because of embarassing things they could revele about Hoover's relationship with the Mafia. This group included Murchison Sr. who owned a Hotel called the El Choro, where mobsters hung out.


It's not the "El Choro," but the "DEL CHARRO" in my hometown of La Jolla, Calif. (12 miles north of downtown San Diego). The Del Charro was conveniently situated for owner Murchison, Hoover, Tolson and their mob buddies in that it was only about ten miles south of the DEL MAR RACETRACK in Del Mar, Calif. The Del Charro no longer exists...


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Revilo Oliver (Revilo of course being Oliver in reverse) was a very interesting character.

Here he is below shaking hands with John Martino.


Certainly a "player" who deserves full investigation.

They Shall Not Go Unpunished -- Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961: Dr. Oliver's favorite of his own speeches (mentioned here in 1993), given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.


Another Walker-New Orleans link is through George Soule, president of Soule Business College. In 1962, George Soule was "community chairman" of the New Orleans Indignation Committee. (NOTP; February 8, 1962; s2, p4) In January, Walker had addressed this group, via closed-circuit TV, at a meeting held at Soule College. (NOTP; January 4, 1962; s1, p14)





Charter/Organization ID: 03201800N


Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


In event one will check out the last name of the person responsible for having hired LHO at Reilly Coffee Company, and the above "Registered Agent" (who is not George Soule), then one will find more of the "common ground" for which they seek.


Thomas, I wonder if I might be catching your drift here? Oswald while portrayed as 'a lone nut' was in fact part of a wide network of families. Presumably then what he does, as with any family member in such a grouping, would be known through the 'grapevine' of families gossip et.c.. So any one within that family grouping or attached to it could be privy to intimate details. Whatever the inclinations of such individual/s could determine what happens in Oswalds life re employment, setup, collusion, information, whatever. JohnD


Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination.



Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


ALVIN PRECHTER, Personnel Manager, William B . Reily Coffee Company, 640 Magazine Street, New Orleans,. advised on October 1, 1963, that subject terminated ...



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From a FBI/COINTELPRO point of view this seems to indicate that by at least May 7, 1962 (T2 report) Lee was known as a person of interest to the FBI.

Confidential Informant NOT2 is probably identifiable as NO PO Postal inspector. Apart from the local/washington people he would report to, he, like Holmes possibly had confidants in the power structure/PD of NO as well who it may reasonably be assumed to know.

Dotto informant NOT5, (NO?)T1. Possibly NOT6, (NO?)T7 and NOT8. Informants tended NOT to know of each other.

T1 is described as employee of government agency

These are all reports of reports and not the original reports nor anything on how they were dealt with at HQ.

"On May 16, 1963, a source advised that during the first two years of the FPCC's existence there was a struggle between Communist Party (CP) and Socialist Workers Party (SWP) elements to exert their power within the FPCC and thereby influence FPCC policy. However, during the past year this source observed there has been a successful effort by FPCC leadership to minimize the role of these and other organizations in the FPCC so that today their influence is negligible.

On May 20, 1963, a second source advised that the National Headquarters of the FPCC is located in Room 329 at 799 Broadway, New York City . According to this source, the position of National Office Director was created in the fall of 1962 and alas filled by VINCENT "TED" LEE, who now formulates FPCC policy . This source observed LEE has followed a course of entertaining and accepting the cooperation of many other organizations including the CP'and the SWP when he has felt it would be to his personal benefit as well as the FPCC's. However, LIZ has indicated to this source he has no intention of permitting FPCC policy to be determined by any other organization. LEE feels the FPCC should advocate resumption of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States and support the right of Cubans to manage their revolution without interference from other nations, but not support the Cuban revolution per se."

Again: signs of COINTELPRO. The struggle referred to is just the sort of thing COINTELPRO fostered and the result :

"during the past year this source observed there has been a successful effort by FPCC leadership to minimize the role of these and other organizations in the FPCC so that today their influence is negligible."

is precisely the result that the COINTELPRO sought. Through infiltration it then gained control of these organisations.

So FPPC at the time of Oswalds involvement was possibly dominated by the FBI not only regionally but at NY HQ level. This also makes figuring out who the Hidell in FPCC that Oswald got directions from important to know.

Edited by John Dolva
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Revilo Oliver (Revilo of course being Oliver in reverse) was a very interesting character.

Here he is below shaking hands with John Martino.


Certainly a "player" who deserves full investigation.

They Shall Not Go Unpunished -- Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961: Dr. Oliver's favorite of his own speeches (mentioned here in 1993), given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.


Another Walker-New Orleans link is through George Soule, president of Soule Business College. In 1962, George Soule was "community chairman" of the New Orleans Indignation Committee. (NOTP; February 8, 1962; s2, p4) In January, Walker had addressed this group, via closed-circuit TV, at a meeting held at Soule College. (NOTP; January 4, 1962; s1, p14)





Charter/Organization ID: 03201800N


Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


In event one will check out the last name of the person responsible for having hired LHO at Reilly Coffee Company, and the above "Registered Agent" (who is not George Soule), then one will find more of the "common ground" for which they seek.


Thomas, I wonder if I might be catching your drift here? Oswald while portrayed as 'a lone nut' was in fact part of a wide network of families. Presumably then what he does, as with any family member in such a grouping, would be known through the 'grapevine' of families gossip et.c.. So any one within that family grouping or attached to it could be privy to intimate details. Whatever the inclinations of such individual/s could determine what happens in Oswalds life re employment, setup, collusion, information, whatever. JohnD


Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination.



Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


ALVIN PRECHTER, Personnel Manager, William B . Reily Coffee Company, 640 Magazine Street, New Orleans,. advised on October 1, 1963, that subject terminated ...



Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


Research into the Soule family reveals much in regards to where the dissadent attitude generated.


One would also be remiss were they not to bring out the associations to Southern Mississippi, such as Bay St. Louis, Biloxi, etc; as well as family (or at least death) associations to the Fenner name.


Revilo Oliver (Revilo of course being Oliver in reverse) was a very interesting character.

Here he is below shaking hands with John Martino.


Certainly a "player" who deserves full investigation.

They Shall Not Go Unpunished -- Speech before the Dallas Indignation Committee; 1961: Dr. Oliver's favorite of his own speeches (mentioned here in 1993), given before a very enthusiastic audience of over 5,000. A powerful call to evict the traitors from Washington. Includes detailed discussion of the betrayal of the anti-Communist Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the mysterious CIA radio station Radio Swan on Swan Island.


Another Walker-New Orleans link is through George Soule, president of Soule Business College. In 1962, George Soule was "community chairman" of the New Orleans Indignation Committee. (NOTP; February 8, 1962; s2, p4) In January, Walker had addressed this group, via closed-circuit TV, at a meeting held at Soule College. (NOTP; January 4, 1962; s1, p14)





Charter/Organization ID: 03201800N


Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


In event one will check out the last name of the person responsible for having hired LHO at Reilly Coffee Company, and the above "Registered Agent" (who is not George Soule), then one will find more of the "common ground" for which they seek.


Thomas, I wonder if I might be catching your drift here? Oswald while portrayed as 'a lone nut' was in fact part of a wide network of families. Presumably then what he does, as with any family member in such a grouping, would be known through the 'grapevine' of families gossip et.c.. So any one within that family grouping or attached to it could be privy to intimate details. Whatever the inclinations of such individual/s could determine what happens in Oswalds life re employment, setup, collusion, information, whatever. JohnD


Certain individuals have, at various time, gotten onto the correct train.

If and when they remain on these tracks, then they may just get to where they are going.

Even if it is unknown as to the final destination.



Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing

Mailing Address: C/O GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Domicile Address: 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Incorporated: 04/06/1962

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE PRECHTER, JR., 1338 FERN ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70118

Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


ALVIN PRECHTER, Personnel Manager, William B . Reily Coffee Company, 640 Magazine Street, New Orleans,. advised on October 1, 1963, that subject terminated ...



Registered Agent (Appointed 4/06/1962): GEORGE SOULE', 1410 JACKSON AVE, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130


Research into the Soule family reveals much in regards to where the dissadent attitude generated.


One would also be remiss were they not to bring out the associations to Southern Mississippi, such as Bay St. Louis, Biloxi, etc; as well as family (or at least death) associations to the Fenner name.


Another "dissident" name would be "Weiss"!

Anyone bothered to count the number of times & places (aka persons) with this name?


Type Entity: Business Corporation

Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State)

Last Report Filed on 07/17/C-86

2005 Annual Report/Reinstatement form is required in order to reinstate Print Annual Report/Reinstatement Form For Filing


Domicile Address: 1424 WHITNEY BLDG., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Incorporated: 06/07/1948

Registered Agent (Appointed 3/19/1986): MARY BROOKS SOULE A. RODRIGUE, 1424 WHITNEY BLDG., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130

Registered Agent (Appointed 3/19/1986): WALTER J. SUTHON, III, 1424 WHITNEY BLDG., NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130




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