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Is this the man who shot Tippit?

Jim Feemster

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I've been giving it some thought. Let's go to some speculation and take on a sinister aspect to the facts.

Consider that Sam Pate saw a man running - all the way to Pacific. Would Pate have arrived in time to have seen Worrell continuing on his way? Clearly the description provided by Worrell doesn't match the man seen by Pate. Did Worrell really see the man he claimed to have seen? Out of breath and forced to pause for air due to too many cigarettes - after running, what, 20 - 30 yards? So he pauses for 3 minutes. He sees one man - doesn't get a look at his face - which is remarkable in itself. Where is he standing? How is Worrell dressed? Is he wearing an Eisenhower jacket? Why is it that most theories seem to involve multiple shooters in the TSBD? How does that fit with one man banging out the door? Pate said 4 weapons, and I think that fits in nicely. One is the decoy weapon. One is an Enfield. Another is a Mauser. All just speculation.

Let's go to the next problem. Oswald allegedly has a bus transfer ticket in his pocket, yet Roger Craig saw him getting into a Rambler Station Wagon. We know Oswald is the Patsy - would there not then have been a plan in order to establish his lone guilt? Of course there would have been such a plan, even if the original was to waste him there in the TSBD, you'd have to have a contingency plan. So where does 'Oswald' enter the cab? At Murphy, which isn't even a street. As per Armstrong, he believes that the young man on the bus who has knowledge of Kennedy being struck in the temple - isn't Oswald at all - and he provides a good case for that. And where is Murphy St? Between Griffin and Field. About a block from where the bus stopped.

Let's assume that what Pate saw was Worrell. Let's assume that Worrell goes off running, purposely, and draws attention. He boards the bus close to Griffin. He gets the transfer, exits the bus and then takes the taxi right there, to 500 North Beckley, as opposed to the address where Oswald lives at the time. 700 is good enough, and he walks off. The bus transfer ticket is introduced into evidence - evidence of what? That some guy that resembled Oswald was on it and got off. He's a lone nut. He wouldn't have been picked up. And there was a guy that resembled him running from the scene, jumping on a bus, jumping off a bus, and then taking a taxi.

Next - Worrell says he took the bus all the way back to his school and then hitchhiked. Well, that's great for an alibi. Did he get a ride? Who did he ride with? Does anyone remember him? What time did he call the Farmer Branch Police - not until the next morning. He isn't curious to know what the hell just went on with the Motorcade that day, until he gets up the next morning and turns on his television. Then for some odd reason, he has to adjust his height from the affidavit from 5'8" to 5'7" - who got it wrong?


The next major, and final, report of the second Oswald’s appearance is right after the assassination. One eyewitness to the shooting from the Book Depository, J. R. Worrell, saw a part of a gun sticking out of the building, heard four shots (and he is one of the few who heard four, rather than three) and ran behind the building. He there saw a man come rushing out of the back of the building, and run around it in the opposite direction. According to a Dallas policeman, K. L. Anderton, Worrell told him that when he saw Oswald’s picture on TV, “he recognized him as the man he saw run from the building” (24:294). (It is an interesting indication of the Committee’s concern in clearing up mysteries in the case, that when Worrell testified, all he was asked about this is whether he told the FBI the man looked like Oswald. Worrell said he didn’t know [2:201]. He was not asked if the man did in fact look like Oswald, which he had told Anderton.)

Mr. Worrell - how could he have looked like Oswald when you said you didn't get a look at his face?

Too bad we can't ask Worrell any of these questions - like, did you chase after the bus when you reached the stop on Ervay. How come you heard 4 shots when you were only supposed to hear 3. Did you get off the bus and get a transfer, since it was stuck in traffic, and you had witnessed what occurred there only minutes before, and then take a taxi, etc. - since he died in a motorcycle accident only 3 years later.


NOVEMBER 6, 1966, P. A-11.



A man and woman in their 20's became Dallas' 115th and 116th

traffic fatalities of the year Saturday when they were killed in a

motorcycle accident shortly before 2:30 p.m. in the 2100 block of Gus


Dead in arrival at Parkland Hospital was James R. Worrell Jr.,

23, of 13510 Winterhaven, Farmers Branch, operator of the motorcycle.

His passenger, Lee Hudgins, 22, of 9756 Skyview, died shortly

after arrival at Parkland.

Both suffered severe head and internal injuries.

Accident investigator J.N. Feinglass said Worrell was heading

north on Gus Thomasson in East Dallas when he apparently lost control

of the motorcycle, a 1965 Honda. It struck the median curb, jumped

the median, and overturned in the southbound traffic lane. Worrell

was thrown against the curbing.

Miss Hudgins was thrown into the front of a stopped car in the

southbound lane driven by H.E. Cooper, of 14229 Marsha Lane, Mesquite.

He was uninjured.

All theory. A lesser evil would be that Worrell was completely innocent - however his bus transfer would have been used against Oswald, and that still begs the question as to whom it was that Craig saw, and why Oswald would give a wrong address for his boardinghouse. It also begs the question as to why Oswald would tell Fritz that he got home by bus, when as per the Warren Report, he only took it one block, and then took a cab.

- lee


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McWatters. One interesting aside - Sam Pate has stated that the KBOX-AM broadcast ['I repeat, something has happened on the motorcade route!'] was a recreation. It was not a genuine on air broadcast made that day. The sirens in the background were not heard for some time after the shooting. McWatters appears to confirm this also.

It should be mentioned that another 'key point' in the Oswald 'setup' that was ostensibly 'staged' was the filming of the DPD's finding of the Mannlicher Carcano on the 6th floor, although I am not aware whether the followinng is cited in the Warren Report, in Robt. Groden's JFK The Case for Conspiracy, Groden mentions during display of the 'finding of the 'aforementioned Mannlicher-Carcano' that Billy Lovelady was present on the 6th floor and that he stated the rifle 'had already been found' and that the footage shot was also a 're-creation of the event.'

Anyone even vaguely familiar with Helen Markham should realize that it would be stretching the truth to call her a credible witness, something that the McAdam's and Posner's of the world [conveniently] omit. someone attempted to kill Domingo Benevides' brother [by a shot to the head, which he managed to survive] many early researchers felt the person responsible thought the 'shooter' mistook Benavides for his brother. Not to mention the discrepancy over Joe Poe's 'identification of the spent shell's markings,' (chain of possesion evidence, wouldn't have held up in any court not beginning with the word Kangaroo)

The biggest mistake students of the assassination make [especially those who are not familiar with the FBI's and DPD harrassment and intimidation of witnesses, is assuming that every investigation from the Warren Commission to present, involved a sincere attempt 'to solve the assassination,' while I am leaving myself open to the verbal broadsides of Warren defenders, [who are the real lone nuts] I stipulate that it is more accurate to describe the investigations as 'management of facts,' once that assertion is accepted as fact, the real work begins in sifting thru the material looking for the contradictions, [and believe me they are 'legion.']

and weighing and discerning the true facts, this thread is a good example of that. With all due respect to the dedicated followers of Warren apologist researchers, writing an opus supporting the official version of 11/22/63 has become part of the Curriculum Vitae of many researchers, whose pursuit of the truth rings very hollow, if one does not know of what I speak of read what Harold Weisberg had to say about Norman Mailer's Oswald epic, the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald is actually the Albert Dreyfuss of American history is a sad testament to 'truth in America'.

Edited by Robert Howard
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McWatters. One interesting aside - Sam Pate has stated that the KBOX-AM broadcast ['I repeat, something has happened on the motorcade route!'] was a recreation. It was not a genuine on air broadcast made that day. The sirens in the background were not heard for some time after the shooting. McWatters appears to confirm this also.

It should be mentioned that another 'key point' in the Oswald 'setup' that was ostensibly 'staged' was the filming of the DPD's finding of the Mannlicher Carcano on the 6th floor, although I am not aware whether the followinng is cited in the Warren Report, in Robt. Groden's JFK The Case for Conspiracy, Groden mentions during display of the 'finding of the 'aforementioned Mannlicher-Carcano' that Billy Lovelady was present on the 6th floor and that he stated the rifle 'had already been found' and that the footage shot was also a 're-creation of the event.'

Anyone even vaguely familiar with Helen Markham should realize that it would be stretching the truth to call her a credible witness, something that the McAdam's and Posner's of the world [conveniently] omit. someone attempted to kill Domingo Benevides' brother [by a shot to the head, which he managed to survive] many early researchers felt the person responsible thought the 'shooter' mistook Benavides for his brother. Not to mention the discrepancy over Joe Poe's 'identification of the spent shell's markings,' (chain of possesion evidence, wouldn't have held up in any court not beginning with the word Kangaroo)

The biggest mistake students of the assassination make [especially those who are not familiar with the FBI's and DPD harrassment and intimidation of witnesses, is assuming that every investigation from the Warren Commission to present, involved a sincere attempt 'to solve the assassination,' while I am leaving myself open to the verbal broadsides of Warren defenders, [who are the real lone nuts] I stipulate that it is more accurate to describe the investigations as 'management of facts,' once that assertion is accepted as fact, the real work begins in sifting thru the material looking for the contradictions, [and believe me they are 'legion.']

and weighing and discerning the true facts, this thread is a good example of that. With all due respect to the dedicated followers of Warren apologist researchers, writing an opus supporting the official version of 11/22/63 has become part of the Curriculum Vitae of many researchers, whose pursuit of the truth rings very hollow, if one does not know of what I speak of read what Harold Weisberg had to say about Norman Mailer's Oswald epic, the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald is actually the Albert Dreyfuss of American history is a sad testament to 'truth in America'.



I was actually apprehensive and anticipating the typical Warren Report response and why pick on Worrell, since he's the guy that said he saw someone that didn't resemble Oswald exiting the building, hence his eye witness account assists in defining a conspiracy. I received an email just yesterday from someone who was initially very interested by the facts of the case, but then later became disinterested, as he said, 'The Warren Report created an entirely new set of facts.' Roger Craig is the only real insight we have into how manipulative the process of assembling those facts actually was. Further, and thanks for your reply - that was new for me - Sam Pate also said that a lot of the Parkland stuff was also recreated - while the news he was reporting live was not aired.

If we look again at the carefully constructed accounts of Jarman, Williams and Norman - they walked through a recreation before providing their testimony. All off the record. This makes it highly suspect to begin with, but then add those photos and the discrepencies between them [Couch vs Power, vs eye witness accounts, Brennan for example] and it simply doesn't synch. I was trying to find the 'debunking' account of the Motorcop that 'jumped the curb' and tried riding up the lawn. I couldn't. Where did it go? It used to be proof positive of how eye-witnesses were unreliable, and how they remembered absurd things that never happened. Sam Pate said it happened, and that it was Hargis. As per that other thread, when I asked how he could know this, since that would have occurred prior to his arrival, he stated it very simply - Hargis told me. What's next to remove from their list? How about Norm Similas? :unsure: Wolper's 4 Days in November had LBJ arriving early in Dallas, since he was a speaker at the Bottler's Convention. That validates another piece of Similas tale. Also, one debunker has the Bottler's convention being held at the Trade Mart - incorrect.

Was thinking it may be worthwhile to locate the appropriate exhibits concerned with Worrells as well as to find him where he says he was standing in photos and films.

Use of the Ol' Warren Report for 'facts' should be done with caution, IMO. Most complicated Fairy Tale written in the modern age.

- lee

Roberdeau's location for Worrell on his Plat attached.


Edited by Lee Forman
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Small correction to the map, and I have taken the liberty of guesstimating the location for both Murphy St and the Elm St Extension. I may be in error here again - since I didn't study this very well. I don't fully understand the Greyhound Bus station reference.

The height he corrected - my error, was that of the man he allegedly saw exiting the building - a range of 5'7" - 5'10" for the Warren Report, as opposed to 5'8" - 5'10" - FBI affidavit.



BEFORE ME, Mary Rattan

a Notary Public in and for said County, State of Texas, on this day personally appeared:

James Richard Worrell, Jr., w/m/20 of 13510 Winterhaven, GH7 2378. Thomas Jefferson High.

Who, after being by me duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: Yesterday afternoon at approximately 12:30 pm I was standing on the sidewalk against a building on the corner of Elm and Houston Streets watching the motorcade of the President. I heard loud noise like a fire cracker or gun shots. I looked around to see where the noise came from. I looked up and saw the barrel of a rifle sticking out of a window over my head about 5 or 6 stories up. While I was looking at the gun it was fired again. I looked back at Mr. Kennedy and he was slumping over. I got scared and ran from the location. While I was running I heard the gun fire two more times. I ran from Elm Street to Pacific Street on Houston. When I was about 100 yards from the building I stopped to get my breath and looked back at the building. I saw a w/m, 5'8" to 5'10", dark hair, average weight for height, dark shirt or jacket open down front, no hat, didn't have anything in his hands, come out of the building and run in the opposite direction from me. I then caught a bus to my home.

/s/James Richard Worrell Jr.


/s/ Mary Rattan

Notary Public, Dallas County, Texas

As per Worrell's account, Kennedy was slumped over after the second shot he heard, and before 2 additional shots were heard. There is no mention of his hitchhiking, or taking a bus to his school. His suspect in the affidavit has on a dark shirt or jacket open down front. In the Warren Report it is definitely not a shirt - it is a sports jacket. Additionally, the individual he alleges to have seen had light colored pants. The man seen by Pate was wearing 'jeans' and had a tan Eisenhower jacket.

Mr. BALL. How was Lee dressed that morning?

Mrs. RANDLE. He had on a white T-shirt, I just saw him from the waist up, I didn't pay any attention to his pants or anything, when he was going with the package. I was more interested in that. But he had on a white T-shirt and I remember some sort of brown or tan shirt and he had a gray jacket, I believe.

Mr. BALL. A gray jacket. I will show you some clothing here. First, I will show you a gray jacket. Does this look anything like the jacket he had on?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. That morning?

Mrs. RANDLE. Similar to that. I didn't pay an awful lot of attention to it.

Mr. BALL. Was it similar in color?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir; I think so. It had big sleeves.

Mr. BALL. Take a look at these sleeves. Was it similar in color?

Mrs. RANDLE. I believe so.

Mr. BALL. What is the Commission Exhibit on this jacket?

Mrs. RANDLE. It was gray, I am not sure of the shade.

Mr. BALL. 163.

I will show you another shirt which is Commission No. 150.

Does this look anything like the shirt he had on?

Mrs. RANDLE. Well now, I don't remember it being that shade of brown. It could have been but I was looking through the screen and out the window but I don't remember it being exactly that. I thought it was a solid color.

Mr. BALL. Here is another jacket which is a gray jacket, does this look anything like the jacket he had on?

Mrs. RANDLE. No, sir; I remember its being gray.

Mr. BALL. Well, this one is gray but of these two the jacket I last showed you is Commission Exhibit No. 162, and this blue gray is 163, now if you had to choose between these two?

Mrs. RANDLE. I would choose the dark one.

Mr. BALL. You would choose the dark one?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. Which is 163, as being more similar to the jacket he had?

Mrs. RANDLE. Yes, sir; that I remember. But I, you know, didn't pay an awful lot of attention to his jacket. I remember his T-shirt and the shirt more so than I do the jacket.

Mr. BALL. The witness just stated that 163 which is the gray-blue is similar to the jacket he had on. 162, the light gray jacket was not.


In order for Worrell to have seen anything behind the building, he would have had to have travelled farther than indicated on ce361.

As an aside, on ce360, Worrell places a Y where he believes he saw the barrel of the rifle protruding [as he was looking back over his shoulder at a 90 degree angle].

Mr. WORRELL - Because that right there, I feel, would have obstructed my vision but I said it was either on the fifth or the sixth floor.

Mr. SPECTER - Well, now, will you mark with a "Y" the window which you have just pointed to?

(At this point Chief Justice Warren departed the hearing room.)

Mr. WORRELL - A "Y?"

Mr. SPECTER - A "Y."

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - You have marked the "Y" over two windows [which would mean that Specter is referring to the FIFTH FLOOR]. Was it the window - which window was it there as best you can recollect, as between those two?

Mr. WORRELL - I didn't mean to bring it down that far but this one.

Mr. SPECTER - Would you put an arrow then at the window that you have just indicated, was the one where the rifle was protruding from?

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - So the sum of it is you are not sure whether it was the fifth or the sixth floor, but you believe it was the floor [above] where you have marked a "Y" which is the sixth floor and that was the line of vision as you looked straight up over your head?

Mr. WORRELL - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Make a dotted line as to where he went, or take this black pencil and make a line as to where he went.

(Witness marking.)

Mr. SPECTER - Where did you see him eventually go?

Mr. WORRELL - Well, he went on further.

Mr. SPECTER - Is that the last you saw of him?

I can't make out on the copy I have of the exhibit what line this would be on ce360.

More from Armstrong, who seems to have gone a lot further, but is drawing the same conclusion...

Maybe they knew Oswald is supposed to be on a bus beforehand. Weston writes, "After the search was made, the bus was given permission to move on. The police had opened up a lane at Elm and Houston, allowing the buses - but not the cars - to go through." (Weston p. 7)

At some point during the exact same interrogation everybody figures this out, and there is a sudden and abrupt change. They have to get Oswald off the bus.

"As related by Kelly, Fritz asked Oswald if he had taken a taxi that day. And Oswald then changed his story and said that when he got on the bus he found it was going too slow and after two blocks he got off the bus and took a cab to his home." (emphasis mine). And Kelly's report gives Oswald the passive voice. The passive voice is always suspicious.

How convenient of Oswald to destroy his own alibi for the Tippit murder! How convenient of Oswald to pick up his cue from Fritz. The bus story, in trouble on many fronts anyway, had to be changed.

The entire bus story is a total lie. Oswald was never on it.

How is this bus transfer ticket "found" on Oswald?

So how did Oswald get a bus transfer from McWatters bus? The only logical conclusion was that Oswald was given the bus transfer, or it was placed on him, or the Dallas Police just put it together with his belongings. It is "discovered" supposedly on Oswald after he is arrested, 2 and a half hours after he is arrested!

Not at the time of his arrest as Bookhout's report states.

Walt Cakebread writes, "I would like to point out some of the improbabilities with the bus transfer story and present an alternate hypothesis to the official version of the story. The first and most obvious anomaly is the condition of the transfer. It is like the "magic bullet" in that it is in pristine condition. It just doesn't look like a piece of newsprint paper that has been in someones pocket, and especially some one who has been running, on a warm, humid Texas afternoon and wrestling with the police. It isn't even slightly wrinkled, not even a dog earred corner?? For the transfer to be in this condition it would have to have been encased in some sort of folder or purse, but there is no evidence that this was the case. Detective Sims states that he found the transfer by itself in Oswald's pocket. I defy anyone to hastily place a public transit transfer in their shirt pocket not just once, but at least twice and not even dog ear a corner!"

In McWatters' affidavit which he gave on the evening of the assassination he simply says that the transfer, #004459, "is a transfer from my bus with my punch mark" this statement doesn't even hint that this transfer was the one that had been in Oswald's pocket.

If Oswald did change his shirt at 1026 N. Beckley he would have had to remember the bus transfer and place that in his new shirt.

Keep in mind the transfer is only punched in two areas, Lakewood, to prevent the bearer from getting back on the same bus he got the transfer from, and a.m. or p.m. The actual punchmark, i.e. how the paper is cut through, is supposedly distinctive to a single bus driver.

Walt Cakebread shared a letter he wrote to The Fourth Decade. He goes even further than me, "Detective Sims found a transfer in Oswald's pocket that was punched " Marsalis 23" that had been issued at 1:00 o'clock. He was unaware that this transfer was proof that Oswald had not killed officer J.D. Tippet."

We do not need to confine the discussion to Oswald going only by bus to the Texas Theater for the bus transfer ticket to be an alibi for Oswald.

When Sims saw the Marsalis 23 slot punched and the time of 1:00 o'clock he assumed that he had proof that Oswald had left the scene of the assassination on the Marsalis bus. It was issued at one o'clock and it was valid until 1:15. Transfers were issued at fifteen minute intervals. Therefore, Oswald got the transfer at 1:00 p.m. If he had gotten the transfer prior to 1:00 p.m. it would have been marked at 12:45 and have been good only until 1:00 p.m. If Oswald got the transfer at 1:00 he can't have then gotten off McWatter's bus, walked to the greyhound bus station, gotten a cab (which leaves him of a few blocks further up Beckley), walk back to his room, perhaps change clothes, get his gun, walk to a point where Tippit accosts him and proceed to murder Tippit.

Why all these lies and manipulations?

It has to be explained how Lee Harvey Oswald got to Oak Cliff. Officially, he cannot drive. It would be conspiratorial if he had help escaping, i.e., anyone giving him a lift in a car would raise a hell of a lot of questions, one of the main reasons why the Roger Craig story is discounted, so public transportation is the only way. I'm convinced the real people behind the assassination thought they had it all worked out with the bus prior to the assassination, but someting goes wrong, it falls apart so easily even they realize it and change it the very next day. This casts serious doubts about the cab story too, because the taxi only appears after the bus story falls apart.

So the bus transfer is reduced in importance in favor of a taxi manifest, enter William Whaley.

While I haven't thoroughly researched this taxi cab ride, I have grave doubts about it. If it's real then why all the fuss over the bus? Why does Oswald not refer to it on November 22nd, but changes his story to incorporate it on November 23? Why is there still a time problem? If the idiots junked the bus story altogether, as they should have, it only adds time to Oswald getting to Oak Cliff, and this story of Oswald's post-assassination movements needs all the time it can get. He can leave the TSBD, go directly to the cab and go to Oak Cliff.

Whaley, based on his "manifest" places the person he picked up as getting in his cab anywhere from 12:30 to 12:45. [CE 370 16H966]

There is no mention of Lee Harvey Oswald taking a taxi on November 22, not by anyone. Lee Harvey Oswald does not refer to himself as having taken a taxi cab, no law enforcement official of any kind refers to Oswald as haven taken a taxi cab, no taxi cab driver comes forward to say Oswald took a cab, no witness of any kind places Oswald in a cab, and no paperwork of any kind refers to Oswald being in a cab on November 22, until November 23.

The story of Lee Harvey Oswald taking a cab to get to N. Beckley starts on Saturday, November 23, 1963 following a prompting by Captain Fritz after 10:30 a.m.

Whaley signs his affidavit on Saturday, November 23, 1963. This has to be after they figure out the bus story, as is, doesn't work. Whaley says the line-up he went to was around 2:30 p.m. that day. So, between 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. they get Whaley.

Whaley also screws up the identification process with Oswald in a line-up.

Of paramount importance is the fact that the Dallas police prepared a statement for him to which he signed and swore, identifying Oswald before he even views the lineup!!!!! (Weisberg p. 53; 6H431)

Yet, even with this someone still screws up because Whaley says Oswald in under #3. Nope, sorry, he's under #2. (Whaley counted from right to left, instead of left to right) Whaley is horribly confused. He seems to realize the importance of what he said identifying Oswald before he even sees him in the line-up, but fails to clear it up. He then states, "I signed my name because they said that is what I said." (6H431) Obliging, ain't he?

Keep in mind this is the second time he testifies, this second time on April 8th, 1964 by Belin in Dallas. He first testified to the Commission in Washington on March 12, 1964. In Washington Whaley states the time of getting Oswald from the Greyhound bus station to where he dropped Oswald off, several blocks up from 1026 N. Beckley, in the 500 block area as having taken 9 minutes. Belin gets that down to 5 minutes 30 seconds. All done to "correct", i.e. help, that manifest.

They really want to document Oswald's post assassination travel, even if the witnesses stories need help, even if the paperwork needs help.

Again, Worrell could be completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Still seems feasible that the man that boarded the bus could have been Worrell, he got off, he got a transfer ticket, this transfer ticket was later submitted into evidence when he reported in to the Farmers Branch cops the next day, and used appropriately. That doesn't solve the cab ride, however, and how Worrells would have gotten home - but this is an interesting match.

Mr. BALL - What did the man look like who knocked on your door and got on your bus?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I didn't pay any particular attention to him. He was to me just dressed in what I would call work clothes, just some type of little old jacket on, and I didn't pay any particular attention to the man when he got on-

Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. I didn't pay much attention to it right then. But it all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just ordinary work clothes. It wasn't khaki pants but they were khaki material, blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind of jacket, I didn't notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that almost matched the pants.

He, his shirt was open three buttons down here. He had on a T-shirt. You know, the shirt was open three buttons down there.

Sorry - one more item. If Worrell had been skipping school since October of 1963, why would he suddenly decide to skip on November 22nd? He was going to go to school that day, but then changed his mind, and decided to see the President?

Mr. SPECTER - How were you occupied back on November 22, 1963?

Mr. WORRELL - I was in school then. I skipped school to go there.

Mr. SPECTER - You were attending Jefferson High School on that day or were enrolled at that time?

Mr. WORRELL - I was enrolled but I hadn't been going since October.

Mr. SPECTER - Was there any special reason for your not going since October?

Mr. WORRELL - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Had you been employed anywhere from the time you stopped going to school?

Mr. WORRELL - Yes, sir. I was employed for El Capitan Oil Drilling out in Kermit, Tex.

Mr. SPECTER - What sort of work were you doing for them?

Mr. WORRELL - I was a floor man on a derrick.

Mr. SPECTER - Did you say floor man?

Mr. WORRELL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - On November 22, 1963, were you working on that day for your employer?

Mr. WORRELL - No, I didn't start this oil job until - it was the last of January.

Mr. SPECTER - Of 1964?

Mr. WORRELL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - And are you working for them at the present time?

Mr. WORRELL - No sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Who are you working for now?

Mr. WORRELL - I am not employed now.

Mr. SPECTER - Then going back to November 22, 1963, you had no job at that time?

Mr. WORRELL - Yes, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - And did you attend school that day at all?

? He already told you he hadn't been going since October.

Mr. WORRELL - No, sir.

Mr. SPECTER - Will you outline for us briefly what your activities were from the time you awakened until about noon time on November 22?

Mr. WORRELL - Well, I got up about, well, I got up at my usual time, about 6:30. I was going to go to school that day but I decided to go see the President...

Then he takes a bus back to his school? Then hitchhikes home.


James Richard Worrell, Jr., a senior in high school who'd skipped class

to see the President, was standing at the foot of the Book Depository

when he heard the first shot. Looking directly up he saw a few inches of

a rifle sticking out of the sixth floor window, and he saw the rifle

fire. Panicking, he ran around the corner, then stopped to get his

breath. About two minutes later he saw a white man, about 5'10", with

dark hair, wearing a sports coat, run from the back door of the Book

Depository and walk briskly south on Houston Street. He did not see the

man's face (23). Worrell identified the man as Oswald when shown Oswald's

photograph by the FBI, then denied to the Warren Commission ever

identifying anyone (24).

Apparently Mrs. Worrell gave an interview concerning his son, and his Warren Report testimony - perhaps she has something that clears up some of Worrell's account, and how he got home that day, what time, what he may have said, etc.

- lee


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What James Worrell saw and heard

Headline: (front page of the Times Herald on "Friday evening, March 6, 1964")

Dallasite Says Man Fled From Assassination Site

By DARWIN PAYNE, Staff Writer

A 20-year-old Dallas youth said Friday he will tell the Warren

Commission that he saw a man run from the rear entrance of the Texas

School Book Depository Building and disappear seconds after President

Kennedy was assassinated.

James Richard Worrell of 13510 Winterhaven in Farmers Branch said he

described what he saw in a signed statement to police officers and

FBI agents the day after the assassination.

His testimony in Washington, D.C., is scheduled for Tuesday before

the commission now investigating the slaying of President Kennedy on Nov. 22.

The youth told The Times Herald he had skipped school that day to see

the President. He said he was standing directly below the sixth floor

of the depository when he heard a shot.

4 SHOTS FIRED (mini-headline within the story)

"I looked up real quick and saw the barrel fire again. I looked to

see where it hit and saw President Kennedy hit in the back of the head.

"Then I looked up again and saw it fire a third time. I was `moving

out' by then and didn't see where it hit," he said. The youth,

currently unemployed and no longer enrolled at Thomas Jefferson High

School, also claims he heard a fourth shot as he ran around the corner.

"I heard four shots, I don't care what they say," he said.

He said he ran around the depository on Houston Street and crossed

the street to rest against a building after his dash.

"I saw somebody strike out of the back door ... I just saw his back

and couldn't say who it was. He came out and bolted alongside the

building parallel to Elm and then he cut to his right," the youth said.

MAN DESCRIBED (mini-headline)

"He was sure running like everything," Mr. Worrell said. He said the

man disappeared from sight while running toward Pacific Street.

He estimated he was about 200 feet from the man. The youth said no

one else had reached the rear of the building at that time.

"To me he looked about 5 feet 7 to 5 feet 10," he said. "He looked

like he weighed from 155 to 165 pounds and he had dark hair, a dark

sports coat. I don't know if it was blue, black or brown, but it was dark."

The man carried nothing and did not look around in his dash, Mr.

Worrell said.

The youth said he then returned home by bus. Next day, he said, he

called Farmers Branch police, who questioned him. "Then the Dallas

police came out and got me and took me downtown. I told the FBI and

another policeman what I had seen."

Mr. Worrell said he wasn't contacted again until Wednesday when a

Secret Service agent notified him he was requested to testify before

the Warren Commission.


He said he had left town and gone to West Texas to roughneck shortly

after Jan. 1, then returned to Dallas.

Mr. Worrell, who lives with his mother, Mrs. Martha Worrell and a

sister, said he saw the barrel and part of the stock when the shots

were fired. He said he saw no part of the assassin's hand or arm,


He said he ran from the scene because "everybody was hitting the

ground, and you never know how many might have been up there or how

many were going to get it."

"It was so coincidental," he said. "I had gone to Love Field to see

the President but it was too crowded. I came downtown and just

happened to pick that place."

Mr. Worrell said he is to meet a Secret Service agent at Love Field

Monday night and accompany him by jet to Washington. He said he

received a letter Thursday from President Johnson which described the

Warren Commission and its purpose and told who its members are.


Three other Dallasites also have been invited to testify at Tuesday's session.

Times Herald photographer Bob Jackson, who took the historic photo of

Lee Harvey Oswald immediately after he was shot, has accepted the

invitation to appear.

The others, Arnold Rowland and Amos Lee Euins, also have been

invited. Dallas police officials could not identify either man,

however, and Secret Service officials said they could release no

information on them. Efforts to locate the persons by other means failed.

A Warren Commission spokesman said official acceptances have not been

received from Mr. Rowland or Mr. Euins.

Stuck. If Worrell is the one mistaken for Oswald, it's still possible that he is the McWatter's transfer, and this just got baked in. Even if that is indeed the case, it doesn't explain the cab ride.

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McWatters. One interesting aside - Sam Pate has stated that the KBOX-AM broadcast ['I repeat, something has happened on the motorcade route!'] was a recreation. It was not a genuine on air broadcast made that day. The sirens in the background were not heard for some time after the shooting. McWatters appears to confirm this also.
Mr. BALL - What time are you due, according to your schedule, to leave the corner of St. Paul and Elm?

Mr. McWATTERS - 12:36.

Mr. BALL - What time did you leave there that day?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I left there that day on time because coming into town that day, I guess everybody done went to, down to, see the parade, I didn't have over four or five passengers coming into downtown.

Mr. BALL - Were you ahead of your schedule?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I stopped about a block before now, just a block before we get to St. Paul, there is a big theater there, and it has all loading zones, no parking there and a lot of times if we are a minute or two ahead of our schedule when we pull in in front of this theater before we get there in time, in other words, we kill a minute.

Mr. BALL - What did you do this day?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I was a little ahead of my schedule and I killed about a minute, I guess, before I went to cross St. Paul Street.

Mr. BALL - After your dispatcher checked you in what time did you leave that corner of St. Paul and Elm?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, the best I can remember I don't recall even picking up a passenger there. I think I discharged one lady passenger there on that, to the best I can recall, because I remember that I had, when I crossed Field Street, I think I had five passengers on my bus.

Mr. BALL - Well then, back to *the question, what time did you leave that day, leave Elm and St. Paul?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I would have to say I left there around, in other words, 12:36 because I know I was on good time when I come in there.

Mr. BALL - And you think you left at the time you were supposed to leave?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I am almost positive I did, because, as I say, we generally come in on schedules on good time because from that street on is where we generally--for the next seven or eight blocks--is where we get all of our passengers going through the downtown area.

Mr. BALL - Had you heard any sirens before you got to St. Paul and Elm?

Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.

Mr. BALL - Do you know if your dispatcher keeps a written record?

Mr. McWATTERS - The only way he keeps a written record is if you are ahead of your schedule. He has a little pad, and if a man is ahead of his schedule, in other words, he writes, of course, we all go by badge numbers, in other words, he would write your badge number, your bus number, and if you was ahead of schedule he would write how much ahead of schedule you were, and--

Mr. BALL - Do you think he did anything, did he write anything up on you on that day?

Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir; the guy that we have down there now, if you are ahead of schedule he will come out, in other words, because he stands on the corner all the time, and if you are a minute or two ahead of your schedule he will come out and if nothing else, converse with you for a minute or two to see that you leave it on time and very seldom, I mean, if ever--of course, a report goes in on you, it goes against your record.

Mr. BALL - In other words, if he did make a record it would be by way of a reprimand to you?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - As you went on down Elm you left your post at St. Paul and Elm, did you hear any sirens?

Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.

Mr. BALL - Did you pick up any passengers?

Mr. McWATTERS - I picked up within a period of from the time I picked up two or three passengers, I can't recall just exactly which stop. I have after I leave St. Paul Street, I have Ervay Street and Akard Street, and Field Street which would be three stops where I can't recall that, exactly where I discharged or picked up passengers, because I had the few passengers that I had which I came into town with.

Mr. BALL - Well then, do you remember picking up a passenger at a place other than at a bus stop as you went down Elm?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.

As I left Field Street, I pulled out into the, in other words, the first lane of traffic and traffic was beginning to back up then; in other words, it was blocked further down the street, and after I pulled out in it for a short distance there I come to a complete stop, and when I did, someone come up and beat on the door of the bus, and that is about even with Griffin Street.

In other words, it is a street that dead ends into Elm Street which there is no bus stop at this street, because I stopped across Field Street in the middle of the intersection and it is just a short distance onto Griffin Street, and that is when someone, a man, came up and knocked on the door of the bus, and I opened the door of the bus and he got on.

Mr. BALL - You were beyond Field and before you got to Griffin?

Mr. McWATTERS - That is right. It was along about even with Griffin Street before I was stopped in the traffic.

Mr. BALL - And that is about seven or eight blocks from the Texas Book Depository Building, isn't it?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir. It would be seven, I would say that is seven, it would be about seven blocks.

Mr. BALL - From there?

Mr. McWATTERS - From there, yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - What did the man look like who knocked on your door and got on your bus?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I didn't pay any particular attention to him. He was to me just dressed in what I would call work clothes, just some type of little old jacket on, and I didn't pay any particular attention to the man when he got on-

Mr. BALL - Paid his fare, did he?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; he just paid his fare and sat down on the second cross seat on the right.

Mr. BALL - Do you remember whether or not you gave him a transfer?

Mr. McWATTERS - Not when he got on; no, sir.

Mr. BALL - You didn't. Did you ever give him a transfer?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; I gave him one about two blocks from where he got on.

Mr. BALL - Did he ask you for a transfer?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - Do you remember what he said to you when he asked you for the transfer?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, the reason I recall the incident, I had--there was a lady that when I stopped in this traffic, there was a lady who had a suitcase and she said, "I have got to make a 1 o'clock train at Union Station," and she said, "I don't believe from the looks of this traffic you are going to be held up."

She said, "Would you give me a transfer and I am going to walk on down," which is about from where I was at that time about 7 or 8 blocks to Union Station and she asked me if I would give her a transfer in case I did get through the traffic if I would pick her up on the way.

So, I said, "I sure will." So I gave her a transfer and opened the door and as she was going out the gentleman I had picked up about 2 blocks asked for a transfer and got off at the same place in the middle of the block where the lady did.

Mr. BALL - Where was that near, what intersection?

Mr. McWATTERS - It was the intersection near Lamar Street, it was near Poydras and Lamar Street. It is a short block, but the main intersection there is Lamar Street.

Mr. BALL - He had been on the bus about 2 blocks?

Mr. McWATTERS - About 2 blocks; yes, sir.

Mr. BALL - Up to that time had you heard any sirens?

Mr. McWATTERS - Not up until--now just about the time that, let's see, that is when I left Griffin, right about the time this gentleman got on the bus the traffic was starting and that was about the first that I can recall of hearing the sirens, but when, in other words, when they started it seemed to me like they was coming from all over town.

What James Worrell saw and heard

Headline: (front page of the Times Herald on "Friday evening, March 6, 1964")

Dallasite Says Man Fled From Assassination Site

By DARWIN PAYNE, Staff Writer

A 20-year-old Dallas youth said Friday he will tell the Warren

Commission that he saw a man run from the rear entrance of the Texas

School Book Depository Building and disappear seconds after President

Kennedy was assassinated.

James Richard Worrell of 13510 Winterhaven in Farmers Branch said he

described what he saw in a signed statement to police officers and

FBI agents the day after the assassination.

His testimony in Washington, D.C., is scheduled for Tuesday before

the commission now investigating the slaying of President Kennedy on Nov. 22.

The youth told The Times Herald he had skipped school that day to see

the President. He said he was standing directly below the sixth floor

of the depository when he heard a shot.

4 SHOTS FIRED (mini-headline within the story)

"I looked up real quick and saw the barrel fire again. I looked to

see where it hit and saw President Kennedy hit in the back of the head.

"Then I looked up again and saw it fire a third time. I was `moving

out' by then and didn't see where it hit," he said. The youth,

currently unemployed and no longer enrolled at Thomas Jefferson High

School, also claims he heard a fourth shot as he ran around the corner.

"I heard four shots, I don't care what they say," he said.

He said he ran around the depository on Houston Street and crossed

the street to rest against a building after his dash.

"I saw somebody strike out of the back door ... I just saw his back

and couldn't say who it was. He came out and bolted alongside the

building parallel to Elm and then he cut to his right," the youth said.

MAN DESCRIBED (mini-headline)

"He was sure running like everything," Mr. Worrell said. He said the

man disappeared from sight while running toward Pacific Street.

He estimated he was about 200 feet from the man. The youth said no

one else had reached the rear of the building at that time.

"To me he looked about 5 feet 7 to 5 feet 10," he said. "He looked

like he weighed from 155 to 165 pounds and he had dark hair, a dark

sports coat. I don't know if it was blue, black or brown, but it was dark."

The man carried nothing and did not look around in his dash, Mr.

Worrell said.

The youth said he then returned home by bus. Next day, he said, he

called Farmers Branch police, who questioned him. "Then the Dallas

police came out and got me and took me downtown. I told the FBI and

another policeman what I had seen."

Mr. Worrell said he wasn't contacted again until Wednesday when a

Secret Service agent notified him he was requested to testify before

the Warren Commission.


He said he had left town and gone to West Texas to roughneck shortly

after Jan. 1, then returned to Dallas.

Mr. Worrell, who lives with his mother, Mrs. Martha Worrell and a

sister, said he saw the barrel and part of the stock when the shots

were fired. He said he saw no part of the assassin's hand or arm,


He said he ran from the scene because "everybody was hitting the

ground, and you never know how many might have been up there or how

many were going to get it."

"It was so coincidental," he said. "I had gone to Love Field to see

the President but it was too crowded. I came downtown and just

happened to pick that place."

Mr. Worrell said he is to meet a Secret Service agent at Love Field

Monday night and accompany him by jet to Washington. He said he

received a letter Thursday from President Johnson which described the

Warren Commission and its purpose and told who its members are.


Three other Dallasites also have been invited to testify at Tuesday's session.

Times Herald photographer Bob Jackson, who took the historic photo of

Lee Harvey Oswald immediately after he was shot, has accepted the

invitation to appear.

The others, Arnold Rowland and Amos Lee Euins, also have been

invited. Dallas police officials could not identify either man,

however, and Secret Service officials said they could release no

information on them. Efforts to locate the persons by other means failed.

A Warren Commission spokesman said official acceptances have not been

received from Mr. Rowland or Mr. Euins.

Stuck. If Worrell is the one mistaken for Oswald, it's still possible that he is the McWatter's transfer, and this just got baked in. Even if that is indeed the case, it doesn't explain the cab ride.

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Stuck. If Worrell is the one mistaken for Oswald, it's still possible that he is the McWatter's transfer, and this just got baked in. Even if that is indeed the case, it doesn't explain the cab ride.

Funny you would mention that, as indeed there are elements of the 'cab ride' that although have been 'explained away' still seem tenuous, at least to me.

Have you ever heard the name of 'Daryl Click?'

That was the name used by DA Henry Wade in reference to the 'cab driver,' who gave Oswald his 'ride to Oak Cliff.' He cited this name as late as Sunday November 24th, later inquiries revealed there was no such person registered as a Dallas Cab Driver.

Although it seems the mystery was over concerning the cab driver, I have always wondered if there might have been more to it than that. Two day's after the event would seem to be plenty of time to get a name right?


pages 49 and 50.

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Although it seems the mystery was over concerning the cab driver, I have always wondered if there might have been more to it than that. Two day's after the event would seem to be plenty of time to get a name right?


pages 49 and 50.

(Testimony of Mark Resumed In Open Session Lane)

Mr. Lane.

Some time after Mr. Wade stated that Daryl Click was the taxi driver, he then stated that a person by the name of William Whaley was the taxi driver who took Oswald from the scene after he left the bus to his home."

As Mark Lane had already pointed out in his "Lawyer's Brief" published in the National Guardian,


Wade made many egregious mistakes in his press conference on Sunday, Nov. 24th, including attributing the wrong name to the taxi driver. It seems unlikely that he could have seriously hoped to mislead anyone, since Whaley's lineup and affidavit were already matters of record.

Wade's performance that Sunday night was a catalog of errors, so much so that I have often wondered whether he was deliberately trying to sow confusion, or trying to cement the image of Dallas law enforcement as buffoons following the murder of Lee Oswald, or that Wade was actually

under the influence of alcohol or a drug.

Before the press had realized that the DA's word could not be trusted, the Warren Commission was created and the entire matter became shrouded in secrecy until publication of the 26 volumes 1 year later. By then the Press had already given their stamp of approval to the Warren Report itself, and the news media left study of the 26 volumes to those few "buffs" who cared enough to actually investigate the case.

Of course the Warren Commission glossed over the errors in this Sunday night press conference during Wade's testimony.

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On Daryl Click, here is a clipping regarding the mix up.


"An error that might have become embedded in the literature of the event but for preservation and use of an original sound tape," plus James Richards' research.

Thank you James, I don't think I ever heard this before.

This story reminds us once again that Lee Oswald's statements during interrogation were not recorded and therefore are likely to have been misheard or misinterpreted on certain points. For example, it is reported that Lee made no mention of a taxi at first and said he went home by bus. Without knowing precisely what question he was responding to, it seems unfair to conclude that he "changed his story," as SS agent Kelley claims in his report.

From what we know of the interrogations, Lee Oswald wanted to answer no questions until he had a lawyer. When he did answer he seems to have confined his answers to the question being asked. There was no reason for him to lie about the Taxi, IMO, so I would guess that either his first-day answer was interrupted before he got to mention the cab ride, or the question was phrased in such a way that the cab ride seemed irrelevant to the answer.

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It would be great to know what Mrs Worrell had to say about her son in the interview she gave - does anyone have it?

5358) {DVD of an earlier 1998 video} by Mark Oakes: EYEWITNESS VIDEO TAPE PART III. 2002, 1 hr 57 min., $27.00 9 Interviews includes motorcycle officer H.B. McClain, Dr. Malcolm Perry (Parkland officer), CIA Agent Regis Blahut, Eyewitness Ronald Fisher. Mrs. Worrell talks about her son's Warren Commission testimony and his death. ... $28.00

I find it most peculiar that James Worrell is essentially skipping school since some undefined time in October. At a minimum, in 1963, for the month of November, that is 16 days of school skipped. As per his witness account, his usual time to rise each morning is at 6:30am. He leaves on the morning of 11/22 at 8:00am. Is he fooling his Mother and pretending that he is still attending classes? Where is he spending his time everyday?

Is it far-fetched to make the assumption that perhaps Worrell was provided a 'job' of being in a certain location, at a certain time, and then being told to get out of the area, but be sure to collect receipts? Could Worrell have had friends on the 500 block of Beckley Street? Is it possible that this was a pre-arranged destination, and that he was the man riding in the cab? What did SAIC Sorrells have to say to Mrs. Worrell that took 15 minutes on the phone?

I don't have an email address for Mark Oakes - maybe I'll try again to look him up. A post he made on Lancer - if I have to remove it, someone please say so. Worrell was added to the mysterious death list. I looked up his companion, where she lived, went to school, etc. That was 1966 - doesn't appear to be a connection to the 500 block of Beckley.


NOVEMBER 6, 1966, P. A-11.



A man and woman in their 20's became Dallas' 115th and 116th

traffic fatalities of the year Saturday when they were killed in a

motorcycle accident shortly before 2:30 p.m. in the 2100 block of Gus


Dead in arrival at Parkland Hospital was James R. Worrell Jr.,

23, of 13510 Winterhaven, Farmers Branch, operator of the motorcycle.

His passenger, Lee Hudgins, 22, of 9756 Skyview, died shortly

after arrival at Parkland.

Both suffered severe head and internal injuries.

Accident investigator J.N. Feinglass said Worrell was heading

north on Gus Thomasson in East Dallas when he apparently lost control

of the motorcycle, a 1965 Honda. It struck the median curb, jumped

the median, and overturned in the southbound traffic lane. Worrell

was thrown against the curbing.

Miss Hudgins was thrown into the front of a stopped car in the

southbound lane driven by H.E. Cooper, of 14229 Marsha Lane, Mesquite.

He was uninjured.

You bet you would. As we were going into her house for the Interview, Mrs Worrell turned to me and sd,"Sometimes I wonder if he got a bullet in the back"--and I hoped she would repeat that on camera, but instead sd ,"I only got his wallet back, not his clothes or nothing!"

So I called the Coroner's office and the Funeral home and asked if in 1966 if the policy was to give the clothes back to the deceased family and they sd they would in all cases, unless they were,"Too soaked in blood" which was not the case for Worrell.(It's a law now)

The police report says clear road, not speeding, and it was not raining. So I went out to Gus Thomlision rd and it was a very wide open road, not where you could not see someone comming from the other side and too much room to fall on a cycle unless you were going 50 or so-but not only did Worrell die, His girlfriend did too! What are the odds on that at 35 miles an hour? Also, the man who owned the cycle never called to say I'm sorry, or get the Death Certificate to give to his Insurance company! Really weird.



So let's assume that Worrells was part of the clean-up program of 1966. Speculation would say, well, he heard one more shot than he should have, and his description of Oswald running from the building was too vague, and may have applied to Loy Factor, or Malcolm Wallace. Is that really sufficient cause? Three years later?

Who were the 4 boys teenagers Alfred E. Brooke witnessed being 'indoctrinated?'

Where was the bowling alley that was being converted into a Boy's Club located?

Is Lt Commander Barnes any relation?

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Sorry, I was a bit vague.


DECEMBER 19, 1965


Dallas Man, 83, Also Dies in Crash on Trinity Viaduct

By James Ewell


William H. Whaley, 60, the cab drive who picked up Lee Harvey

Oswald just after President Kennedy was assassinated, was killed

Saturday in a collision that also claimed one other life.

Whaley, of Lewisville, driving his cab, and John Henry Wells,

83 year old driver of the other car, were found dead in the wreckage

after their cars crashed head-on at Hampton Road Viaduct shortly after

8 a.m.

A third victim, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Maurice R. Barnes, Jr., of Salt

Lake City, Utah, a passenger in Whaley's cab, was injured and reported

in critical condition late Saturday night at Parkland Hospital.

Sheriff's deputies said the car driven by Wells, of 3102

Toronto, apparently crossed over the center stripe. Whaley was

driving south. The Wells car was heading north.

Whaley, who had more seniority than any man in the taxi

system, was a Navy gunner during World War II, winning the Navy Cross

for action off Iwo Jima.

The News broke the story of Oswald's getaway ride in the cab

on Nov. 28, 1963.

After becoming impatient with a city bus he had hopped near

the assassination scene, Oswald ran to Whaley's cab at the Greyhound

Bus Station and asked, "Can I take this cab?"

Whaley, commenting on the crowds milling near the Texas

Schoolbook Depository Building, drew no conversation from Oswald, he

said. Oswald sat tight-lipped until reached the address he'd given

Whaley, a few blocks beyond the rooming house where the assassin had

been staying in Oak Cliff.

The fare was 95 cents. Whaley later said, "If you can call a

nickel a tip, I guess he tipped me."

A drizzling rain was falling when the cars collided Saturday.

Lt.Cmdr. Barnes, 32, is a fighter pilot who had come to Dallas for a

weekend of reserve training at Dallas Naval Air Station.

Whaley was also a Navy reservist, attached to the air wing

staff at the Naval Air Station. Barnes is attached to naval Reserve

Fighter Squadron 703 at the air station.

Sheriff's deputies said identification cards found on the

injured man indicate that Barnes is an attorney.

Deaths in the accident raised the Dallas toll of road deaths

to 23 for the year, excluding traffic fatalities occurring within


A motorist pulled into Fire Station No. 36 and Hampton and

Denison to report the accident. Battalion Fire Chief J.R. McKim

arrived at the scene to find one of his firemen , Wayne Wilkens, who

had been en route to Station 36, already assisting Barnes.

McKim said it appeared that Whaley and Wells had been killed


Let's say that this was intentional - what purpose could it possibly have served? Could Whaley have recalled additional details, beyond those he already provided?

Where was the bowling alley located, as referenced in the Warren Report?


What were the boys names?

Dr. Albert E. Burke attending a meeting at the home of Haroldson L. Hunt in Dallas in 1961. Later he gave an account of the meeting.

I have listened to communists and other groups that can only be called enemies, accuse us of the worst intentions, the most inhuman ways of doing things, as the most dangerous people on earth, to be stopped and destroyed at all costs... But nothing I have heard in or from those places around us compared with the experience I had in the Dallas home of an American, whose hate for this country's leaders, and the way our institutions worked, was the most vicious, venomous and dangerous I have known in my life. No communist ever heard, no enemy of this nation has ever done a better job of degrading or belittling this country. That American was one of this nation's richest and most powerful men!

It was a very special performance by a pillar of the American community, who influences things in his community. It was a very special performance because in that living room during his performance - in which he said things had reached the point where there seemed to be 'no way left to get those traitors out of our government except by shooting them out' during that performance, there were four teenagers in that room to be influenced. His views were shared on November 22, 1963.

Interestingly, the man accused of that crime claimed to be a Marxist, a communist. But my host assured me - when I objected to his remarks - that he believed as he did because he was anti-communist!

What happened in that home in Dallas, of one of America's richest and most powerful men, shashed that goal of America as a united country for the four teenagers in on that conversation that night.

Probably no connection, and Worrell was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then perhaps he was mistaken for someone else. But it is odd that Oswald says he took a bus home - and the description provided by Whaley doesn't seem to add up - plus if LHO was the 'designated hitter,' I can't see letting him walk off unattended. Also, if I was James Worrell, running from the gunshots and folks yelling 'duck!' I think I'd be more interested in finding out what transpired before waiting until the following morning to find out on television. That just gets me.

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Probably no connection, and Worrell was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, and then perhaps he was mistaken for someone else. But it is odd that Oswald says he took a bus home - and the description provided by Whaley doesn't seem to add up - plus if LHO was the 'designated hitter,' I can't see letting him walk off unattended. Also, if I was James Worrell, running from the gunshots and folks yelling 'duck!' I think I'd be more interested in finding out what transpired before waiting until the following morning to find out on television. That just gets me. (Lee Forman)

Hi Lee,

Some time back I went down a path of research regarding Worrell. Being based in Australia it became impossible to keep up contacts and eventually the whole thing just dried up.

There were indeed some questions asked by Worrel's family and friends. If one has the time and inclination, it might just be fruitful to contact two gentlemen named Neal Griffin and Wayne Slovacek. Slovacek used to work at the Union Equity Cooperative Exchange but that was many years ago.

These guys were friends of the Worrel family; both men being pallbearers at Worrel's funeral.



Edited by James Richards
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