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Lee Harvey Oswald

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As I just finished a book about Lee Harvey Oswald and specially his journey from Minsk to Rotterdam I like to ask a question about that. Also in line with Marina’s testimonies and statements being true or not.

Marina has stated before the HSCA that during their travel form Minsk to Rotterdam back in 1962 Lee did not leave the train and was always with her.

Curious thing is that there is a map of a part of Berlin drawn in LHO’s notebook. But also his passport did not have a stamp from the passing of the village of Helmstedt which was, in those day’s in eastern Germany. Marina has this stamp.

Is there more known about this? Did he got out of the train in Berlin to meet someone?

Martin Huis in ‘t Veld

Welcome to the Forum, Martin. As you might be aware, despite having the unenviable position of being the widow, of a slain presidential, so-called assassin, if I may be so bold; it has been documented over the course of both the Warren Commisison and the HSCA, that Marina has suffered with the fact that the words Marina and inconsistencies in her testimony have been very well documented. Everything from describing the activities of Lee in Russia to someone as "working with the RAND Corporation," a CIA front, which fit the description of another defector, but not Oswald, to the Warren Commission era statement, that Marina had lied to the Commission on areas of vital importance.

At the same time, it would not be fair to state the foregoing without also mentioning her being sequestered at the Inn of the Six Flags in the aftermath of the assassination, presumably being coerced to give the official version of events as described by the Secret Service, as well as having a translator who is on record as not "doing a very good job" of translating her statements, if not outright putting words in her mouth she probably never uttered.

Many members of the Forum have been keenly interested in the following website, which is on the other side of the Atlantic, and delves into the topics of Lee and Marina on their final leg home from Russia to the United States





The above document consists of 119 pages, it is one of the more lengthy documents from Oswald's 201 File.

I have not had a chance to look at it in detail, but it seems to contain a significant amount of material from Marina's sequestering at the Inn of the Six Flags, as well as material pertaining to the Russian period, before Lee and Marina returned to the United States in 1962, there is an interesting passage that Marina repeats regarding Ruth Paine's meticulous diary.

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As I just finished a book about Lee Harvey Oswald and specially his journey from Minsk to Rotterdam I like to ask a question about that. Also in line with Marina’s testimonies and statements being true or not.

Marina has stated before the HSCA that during their travel form Minsk to Rotterdam back in 1962 Lee did not leave the train and was always with her.

Curious thing is that there is a map of a part of Berlin drawn in LHO’s notebook. But also his passport did not have a stamp from the passing of the village of Helmstedt which was, in those day’s in eastern Germany. Marina has this stamp.

Is there more known about this? Did he got out of the train in Berlin to meet someone?

Martin Huis in ‘t Veld

Welcome to the Forum, Martin. As you might be aware, despite having the unenviable position of being the widow, of a slain presidential, so-called assassin, if I may be so bold; it has been documented over the course of both the Warren Commisison and the HSCA, that Marina has suffered with the fact that the words Marina and inconsistencies in her testimony have been very well documented. Everything from describing the activities of Lee in Russia to someone as "working with the RAND Corporation," a CIA front, which fit the description of another defector, but not Oswald, to the Warren Commission era statement, that Marina had lied to the Commission on areas of vital importance.



The above document consists of 119 pages, it is one of the more lengthy documents from Oswald's 201 File.

I have not had a chance to look at it in detail, but it seems to contain a significant amount of material from Marina's sequestering at the Inn of the Six Flags, as well as material pertaining to the Russian period, before Lee and Marina returned to the United States in 1962, there is an interesting passage that Marina repeats regarding Ruth Paine's meticulous diary.

At the same time, it would not be fair to state the foregoing without also mentioning her being sequestered at the Inn of the Six Flags in the aftermath of the assassination, presumably being coerced to give the official version of events as described by the Secret Service, as well as having a translator who is on record as not "doing a very good job" of translating her statements, if not outright putting words in her mouth she probably never uttered.

Many members of the Forum have been keenly interested in the following website, which is on the other side of the Atlantic, and delves into the topics of Lee and Marina on their final leg home from Russia to the United States



You might find your answer to the travels of Oswald in Berlin hidden somewhere in the mystery of Bogdhan Stashinsky, anohter Minsk trained Soviet programmed assassin. (Perhaps just like Oswald.) Get the book: "Murder to Order" by Devin Adair Press to find out more about the "Stashinsky Gun" made famous by Bogdhan Stashinsky which he used to kill 2 other Ukrainian Fascists, Lev Rebet and Stephan Banders, also in West Berlin where they were exiled. (One in 1957 the other in 1959 both in October, I believe, the dates made popular by "The Boys from Brazil") Check to

see if Yaroslaw Stetsko was in Berlin at the time of the Oswald's visit there. Yaroslaw Stetsko donned a Nazi uniform to lead the Ukrainian Nightengales in a pogrom at the Jewish ghetto in Lvov, Ukraine in 1941 or 1942, and later joined with Spas T. Raikin and Charles Willoughby on the American Friends of the Anti-Boshevik Nations. Both Raikin and Willoughby have been confirmed as having major roles in both the handling of LHO

and the assassination of JFK. Thomas J. Dodd from SISS, who had worked with LHO along with Senator James O. Eastland from Mississippi

on the Klein's Sporting Goods experiment, was so fascinated by the Stashinsky story that he travelled to West Berlin where Stashinsky was in jail

for murder to talk to him about the Minsk school for assassins and the deaths of Rebet and Bandera, two martyrs of the White Russian Orthodox Ukrainian communities including ROCOR. Methinks Dodd knew a whole lot more about the paths of Oswald and Stashinsky and wanted to find out how their backgrounds were very similar if not identical. They both probably used The Stashinksky Gun under hypnosis to kill Ukrainian Fascists.

"Hunter of Fascists. Ha! Ha! Ha!" was written on the back of the famous Oswald backyard photographs. I am the greatest living expert on the roles of ROCOR and the Ukrainian Fascists like Anastase Vonsitasky, by the way, bar none.

Exactly what part of Berlin was diagrammed in the map found in LHO's notebook? This might hold the real key as to the reason for his visit.

If it was the home of yet another Ukrainian Fascist like Stetsko, later a big wig with the World Anti-Commnist League, that would be SIGNIFICANT.

This would confirm my suspicions and those of the far right, that Oswald was a trained, programmed assassin, and that they had reason to hijack

him right into the hands of Spas T. Raikin and the de Mohrenshcildts for use not as a Hunter of Fascists but as a Hunter of Democratically elected

Presidents of the USA or as someone inserted into the plot to kill JFK just as insurance.

Bogdhan Stashinsky

Early biography

Born to a family of villagers not far from Lviv he completed his early education in 1948 and studied to become a teacher at the Lviv Pedagogical Institute. Stashynsky's family were supporters of the UPA.[disambiguation needed] His three sisters were members of the organization. In 1950 he was arrested for traveling without a ticket on public transportation to Lviv from his village. Upon accepting a position of informer he was released. Through his sisters he infiltrated the workings of the UPA and forwarded information to the MGB.

In 1953 he is sent to Kiev to continue studies in espionage. In 1954 he is sent to East Germany under the name Joseph Leman where he perfects his knowledge of German. In 1956 he often traveled to Munich where he begins to perfect his false identity.

[edit] Assassin

Stashynsky, received the instructions to carry out the assassination directly from the headquarters of the KGB in Moscow. At that time, Alexander Shelepin was Chairman of the State Security Committee at the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The assassination was known to and approved by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Nikita Khrushchev.

In 1957, the KGB trained the 25-year-old Stashynsky to use a spray gun that fired a jet of poison gas from a crushed cyanide ampule. The gas was designed to induce cardiac arrest, making the victim's death look like a heart attack. Stashynsky used the weapon to kill Lev Rebet in 1957. On October 15, 1959 he used an improved version of the same gas gun to assinate Stepan Bandera in Munich.

Stashynsky was honoured by Moscow with the Order of the Red Banner by Shelepin for his work and given his final assignment to kill Yaroslav Stetsko. Stetsko, also living in Munich, formerly the prime minister of the puppet Ukrainian Republic under the Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, was a prominent anti-Soviet Ukrainian nationalist leader and also the President of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations. He was to be assassinated in 1960, but it could not be perpetrated for reasons which have as yet not been clarified.

[edit] Indoctrination

His new German wife, was shocked to find herself married to an assassin, and following the KGB's stance that effectively broke their family life, he defected to U.S. officials in West Berlin in 1961.

Explaining what motivated him to kill Rebet, Stashynsky told a court that he had been told that Rebet was “the leading theorist of the Ukrainians in exile,” since “in his newspapers "Suchasna Ukrayina" (Contemporary Ukraine), "Chas" (Time), and "Ukrayinska Trybuna" (Ukrainian Tribune) he not so much provided accounts of daily events as developed primarily ideological issues.”

After Stashynsky's defection the Soviet government tried to avert negative exposure by means of propaganda. On October 13, 1961, it arranged a press conference in East Berlin at which another agent of the Soviet secret service, named Stefan Lippolz, appeared in order to make certain "disclosures" regarding the murder of Stepan Bandera. He blamed the murder on the cashier of Bandera's own organization, Dmytro Myskiv, who has died in the meantime. This diversion manoeuvre was a failure since it was established that the fictitious "assassin" was not in Munich when Bandera was assassinated, but was in Rome at the time, where he stayed for several days.

Stashynsky was given a short prison sentence for the assassinations, and was released in 1966. Under an assumed identity, Stashynsky and his wife settled in South Africa.[1]

[edit] See also

* List of Eastern Bloc defectors

[edit] References

1. ^ "Report Ex-KGB Agent Living in S. Africa". Associated Press. March 5, 1984.

[edit] External links

* Echo of the Arrest of the Murderer

* Lev Rebet

* How the KGB organized the assassination of Bandera. (Як КДБ організовував убивство Бандери) Template:Ref-uk

* Murder disarmed by Love

Edited by John Bevilaqua
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As I just finished a book about Lee Harvey Oswald and specially his journey from Minsk to Rotterdam I like to ask a question about that. Also in line with Marina’s testimonies and statements being true or not.

Marina has stated before the HSCA that during their travel form Minsk to Rotterdam back in 1962 Lee did not leave the train and was always with her.

Curious thing is that there is a map of a part of Berlin drawn in LHO’s notebook. But also his passport did not have a stamp from the passing of the village of Helmstedt which was, in those day’s in eastern Germany. Marina has this stamp.

Is there more known about this? Did he got out of the train in Berlin to meet someone?

Martin Huis in ‘t Veld


Could you scan and post this entry about the map of Berlin for us all? Since the Oswalds left for the USA shortly after this trip

into Berlin to meet up with Spas T. Raikin coming off the boat who was a close associate of Yaroslaw Stetsko of the Anti-Bolshevik

Nations, (and a resident of either Berlin or another German city at this time) this information could be ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL in

determining what the real role of Oswald was. Stetsko was the target of an assassination attempt by Bogdhan Stashynsky in

West Berlin or another German city. Bogdhan attended the "Soviet Academy of Assassination and Terrorism" run by the KGV,

in... hmmm... Minsk, Belorussia as described in Murder to Order by Karl Anders. Oswald has only been "rumored" to have been

attendance there, by word of mouth in this book or using hearsay type of evidence but for me it is very, very conceivable. Was

Oswald in Berlin in order to try to kill Stetsko? I postulated this over 10 years ago but could make no progress then. Assistance

is required from all who care about obtaining a real, verifiable solution to this particular conundrum. Oswald as a highjacked

programmed assassin has been postulated by others even before me and it remains an unanswered possibility.

Even highjacked programmed assassins can be either shooters or patsies as well for a given hit. Either way, Oswald in the TSBD

would have invoked the most paranoid cover-up in the history of mankind, voluntarily or via coercion. McCarthyites were the

very best in arranging for arm-twisted, or badgered and intimidated compliance with their goals and conclusions. Sound familiar?

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As I just finished a book about Lee Harvey Oswald and specially his journey from Minsk to Rotterdam I like to ask a question about that. Also in line with Marina’s testimonies and statements being true or not.

Marina has stated before the HSCA that during their travel form Minsk to Rotterdam back in 1962 Lee did not leave the train and was always with her.

Curious thing is that there is a map of a part of Berlin drawn in LHO’s notebook. But also his passport did not have a stamp from the passing of the village of Helmstedt which was, in those day’s in eastern Germany. Marina has this stamp.

Is there more known about this? Did he got out of the train in Berlin to meet someone?

Martin Huis in ‘t Veld

Here is the link to the Berlin map sketch drawn and signed by Oswald and used on June 12, 1962, I believe it was, with

the name Mrs. T. - Berlin with the letters FRG which might be Federal Republic of Germany or West Berlin.

If I can tie this Mrs. T in West Berlin to either Bogdan Stashinsky or his address or the murders of Lev Rebet and Stepan Bandera,

2 Ukrainian Fascists killed by Stashinsky in either West Berlin or a nearby city, this will be a COUP OF MAJOR PROPORTIONS, dudes.

And if I can tie Oswald's visit to an address known to be occupied by Yaroslaw Stetsko of Willoughby's ABN or WACL,

this discovery will rock the JFK assassination world. Count on it! Proving the thesis that Oswald was a hijacked programmed

assassin has been a long and arduous journey, but man is it going to be worth it. Stay tuned...

FRG refers to:

* Federal Republic of Germany, the official name of Germany since 1949. Even though the acronym still applies, FRG is mainly used to describe the history of the state (often called (West) Germany) from 1949 to 1990 until the socialist East German Democratic Republic (GDR) ceased to exist in 1990



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And... (trumpet blares please) Ta-taa-aaa-aaa...

I have just discovered who the "Mrs. T." (really "Ms. T" in 1962) probably was whose husband had already been abducted and murdered in 1954 by Stazi agents in West Berlin... Oswald abbreviated her name but I am now postulating that it was the wife of another slain

martyr... by the name of: Tymoshenko

At the gates to the cemetery, pallbearers removed the late political leader's casket from the hearse and carried it to her final resting place, located near the graves of other patriots who had committed their lives to a free Ukraine: Vasyl Stus, Valerii Marchenko, and Serhii Naboka. There, National Deputies Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, and Udovenko, and CUN Vice-Chairman Andrii Haidamakha eulogized Ms. Stetsko, remembering her deeds and accomplishments.

Here is this Ms. Yulia Tymoshenko, likely the daughter of the Tymoshenko who was martyred still writing for the Ukrainian newspapers...


More than 10,000 pay last respects to nationalist leader Slava Stetsko

by Vasyl Pawlowsky

Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

KYIV - More than 10,000 Ukrainians paid their last respects on March 15-16 to Yaroslava (Slava) Stetsko, one of the nation's staunchest and most-committed independence leaders, who was laid to rest following a short illness.

With her death on March 12, in a single stroke Ukraine lost the oldest member of its Verkhovna Rada, the chairperson of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (CUN) and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) as well as the president of the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations.

Mrs. Stetsko died of heart failure in Munich, Germany, where she had traveled for medical treatment. A woman who had made a lifelong contribution to the long struggle for Ukraine's independence, she was two months short of her 83rd birthday.

Thousands turned up at the tiny church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker on Askoldova Mohyla in Kyiv at a panakhyda (requiem service) held on the evening of March 15 for the first part of a two-day burial rite.

Yuri Shymko, former president of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians (today known as the Ukrainian World Congress), eulogized Mrs. Stetsko as a very principled woman and a hero of Ukraine. "Pani Slava lived a life without compromise from the time she joined the liberation struggle when she was 18," said Mr. Shymko, who was to have left Kyiv earlier for his hometown of Toronto, but extended his stay after hearing of the death.

"She never gave up on her ideals, even after the two assassination attempts on her partner and husband, Yaroslav. She constantly struggled in the halls of many different governments where she tried to convince them of Ukraine's place in a world of nations," added Mr. Shymko.

The next day, prior to the funeral procession to Baikove Cemetery, Mrs. Stetsko's body lay in state at the Teachers Building in Kyiv, which had served as the session hall for Ukraine's Central Rada during Ukraine's short-lived independence beginning in 1918.

Thousands of people came to pay their last respects, among them well-known politicians such as Viktor Yushchenko, leader of Our Ukraine. Tymoshenko Bloc parliamentary faction leader Yulia Tymoshenko and fellow National Deputy Lev Lukianenko also attended the viewing, as did Hennadii Udovenko, Borys Tarasyuk and Les Taniuk of the National Rukh of Ukraine Party and members of the Reform and Order Party, the National Party and the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. Other leading political figures who attended included Leonid Kravchuk, Ivan Pliusch, Stepan Havrysh and Volodymyr Yavorivskyi.

Representatives of local OUN groupings from Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Ternopil attended in large numbers. Mykola Plawiuk, leader of the OUN-Melnyk faction paid his respects at the Teachers Building. Germany's Ambassador to Ukraine Dietmar Studemann also was present, as Mrs. Stetsko had been a longtime resident of Germany, although she had never taken citizenship there.

Comments made by Mr. Shymko at St. Nicholas the previous evening referred to her conscious decision to take citizenship in no other country but her homeland.

"Slava Stetsko was adamant that she would remain a person without citizenship until Ukraine was independent, and she was true to her word," he stated.

As Mrs. Stetsko's casket was carried from the Teachers Building to a waiting bus that served as a hearse, those who had come to pay their last respects formed a human corridor through which the pallbearers passed.

Under a clear blue sky, approximately 12,000 mourners made their way by foot through the streets of Kyiv to Baikove Cemetery - approximately 4 miles away - led by an individual bearing a cross owned by the late independence movement leader and others carrying church standards, along with clerics and uniformed veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Directly following the hearse, walking arm-in-arm in the procession were National Deputy Andrii Shkil of the UNA-UNSO political group with Ms. Tymoshenko and Our Ukraine leader Mr. Yushchenko.

At the gates to the cemetery, pallbearers removed the late political leader's casket from the hearse and carried it to her final resting place, located near the graves of other patriots who had committed their lives to a free Ukraine: Vasyl Stus, Valerii Marchenko, and Serhii Naboka. There, National Deputies Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, and Udovenko, and CUN Vice-Chairman Andrii Haidamakha eulogized Ms. Stetsko, remembering her deeds and accomplishments.

The thousands who attended the service at the cemetery responded to each speaker's words with, "Slava Slavi Stetsko" (Glory to Slava Stetsko), followed by the Ukrainian nationalist cant "Slava Ukraini" (Glory to Ukraine), and the response to it: "Heroyam Slava" (Glory to Heroes).

After the last remembrances were uttered and the final prayers said, a military honor guard saluted one of the last Ukrainian nationalist heroes of the World War II era with three salvos from their rifles.

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And... (trumpet blares please) Ta-taa-aaa-aaa...

I have just discovered who the "Mrs. T." (really "Ms. T" in 1962) probably was whose husband had already been abducted and murdered in 1954 by Stazi agents in West Berlin... Oswald abbreviated her name but I am now postulating that it was the wife of another slain

martyr... by the name of: Tymoshenko

At the gates to the cemetery, pallbearers removed the late political leader's casket from the hearse and carried it to her final resting place, located near the graves of other patriots who had committed their lives to a free Ukraine: Vasyl Stus, Valerii Marchenko, and Serhii Naboka. There, National Deputies Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, and Udovenko, and CUN Vice-Chairman Andrii Haidamakha eulogized Ms. Stetsko, remembering her deeds and accomplishments.

Here is this Ms. Yulia Tymoshenko, likely the daughter of the Tymoshenko who was martyred still writing for the Ukrainian newspapers...


More than 10,000 pay last respects to nationalist leader Slava Stetsko

by Vasyl Pawlowsky

Special to The Ukrainian Weekly

KYIV - More than 10,000 Ukrainians paid their last respects on March 15-16 to Yaroslava (Slava) Stetsko, one of the nation's staunchest and most-committed independence leaders, who was laid to rest following a short illness.

With her death on March 12, in a single stroke Ukraine lost the oldest member of its Verkhovna Rada, the chairperson of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists (CUN) and the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) as well as the president of the Anti-Bolshevik Block of Nations.

Mrs. Stetsko died of heart failure in Munich, Germany, where she had traveled for medical treatment. A woman who had made a lifelong contribution to the long struggle for Ukraine's independence, she was two months short of her 83rd birthday.

Thousands turned up at the tiny church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker on Askoldova Mohyla in Kyiv at a panakhyda (requiem service) held on the evening of March 15 for the first part of a two-day burial rite.

Yuri Shymko, former president of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians (today known as the Ukrainian World Congress), eulogized Mrs. Stetsko as a very principled woman and a hero of Ukraine. "Pani Slava lived a life without compromise from the time she joined the liberation struggle when she was 18," said Mr. Shymko, who was to have left Kyiv earlier for his hometown of Toronto, but extended his stay after hearing of the death.

"She never gave up on her ideals, even after the two assassination attempts on her partner and husband, Yaroslav. She constantly struggled in the halls of many different governments where she tried to convince them of Ukraine's place in a world of nations," added Mr. Shymko.

The next day, prior to the funeral procession to Baikove Cemetery, Mrs. Stetsko's body lay in state at the Teachers Building in Kyiv, which had served as the session hall for Ukraine's Central Rada during Ukraine's short-lived independence beginning in 1918.

Thousands of people came to pay their last respects, among them well-known politicians such as Viktor Yushchenko, leader of Our Ukraine. Tymoshenko Bloc parliamentary faction leader Yulia Tymoshenko and fellow National Deputy Lev Lukianenko also attended the viewing, as did Hennadii Udovenko, Borys Tarasyuk and Les Taniuk of the National Rukh of Ukraine Party and members of the Reform and Order Party, the National Party and the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. Other leading political figures who attended included Leonid Kravchuk, Ivan Pliusch, Stepan Havrysh and Volodymyr Yavorivskyi.

Representatives of local OUN groupings from Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Ternopil attended in large numbers. Mykola Plawiuk, leader of the OUN-Melnyk faction paid his respects at the Teachers Building. Germany's Ambassador to Ukraine Dietmar Studemann also was present, as Mrs. Stetsko had been a longtime resident of Germany, although she had never taken citizenship there.

Comments made by Mr. Shymko at St. Nicholas the previous evening referred to her conscious decision to take citizenship in no other country but her homeland.

"Slava Stetsko was adamant that she would remain a person without citizenship until Ukraine was independent, and she was true to her word," he stated.

As Mrs. Stetsko's casket was carried from the Teachers Building to a waiting bus that served as a hearse, those who had come to pay their last respects formed a human corridor through which the pallbearers passed.

Under a clear blue sky, approximately 12,000 mourners made their way by foot through the streets of Kyiv to Baikove Cemetery - approximately 4 miles away - led by an individual bearing a cross owned by the late independence movement leader and others carrying church standards, along with clerics and uniformed veterans of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Directly following the hearse, walking arm-in-arm in the procession were National Deputy Andrii Shkil of the UNA-UNSO political group with Ms. Tymoshenko and Our Ukraine leader Mr. Yushchenko.

At the gates to the cemetery, pallbearers removed the late political leader's casket from the hearse and carried it to her final resting place, located near the graves of other patriots who had committed their lives to a free Ukraine: Vasyl Stus, Valerii Marchenko, and Serhii Naboka. There, National Deputies Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, and Udovenko, and CUN Vice-Chairman Andrii Haidamakha eulogized Ms. Stetsko, remembering her deeds and accomplishments.

The thousands who attended the service at the cemetery responded to each speaker's words with, "Slava Slavi Stetsko" (Glory to Slava Stetsko), followed by the Ukrainian nationalist cant "Slava Ukraini" (Glory to Ukraine), and the response to it: "Heroyam Slava" (Glory to Heroes).

After the last remembrances were uttered and the final prayers said, a military honor guard saluted one of the last Ukrainian nationalist heroes of the World War II era with three salvos from their rifles.

Here is a contemporary map of West Berlin showing 2 entries from Oswald's notebook and their relatively close proximity: Tempelhofer Damm, an airport, and the Hotel Savoy (Berlin) located in West Berlin on Fasanenstrasse (Fasanen Street). The mysterious Mrs. "T" not West but Mrs. "T" could also have been the wife of Alexander Trushnovich who was murdered in 1954 by another KGB or NKVD agent. Trushnovich started the West Berlin Rescue Committee at about that time but died as a result of injuries suffered during a kidnapping attempt in West Berlin 8 years before Oswald's visit there. I am finding out the addresses in West Berlin and Munich which would have been associated with likely targets for Lee Harvey Oswald during his little side trip, perhaps while acting as a "Hunter of Fascists!".

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  • 5 months later...

Original documents from the Warren Commission can be used to deleanate relationships which give an inside look at what relationships intertwine in the pre and post assassination timeline, and are of significance as compared to slipshod, allegations which run into a black hole....

Regarding the former, what follows would qualify as presenting a picture of persons who connect into still undocumented areas, including possibly the German Edwin Walker/National Zeitung and Gerhard Frey...Army Intelligence zone....

[ ] on March 6, 1964 furnished the following information to S.A. Paul Dorriss at Albuquerque, New Mexico:

About two weeks ago, EVERETT D. SCHAFER, Pyramid Commercial Refrigeration Services, 909 Bridgo Street SW,

Albuquerque, New Mexico, was heard to relate the following:

About January 10, 1964 EVERETT D. SCHAFER, and his wife, FRANCES SCHAFER, had to go to Beaumont, Texas in

connection with some litigation there. On the way back to Albuquerque, New Mexico, from Beaumont, Texas they

dropped at the residence of CARL SCHAFER or KARL SCHAFER, address unknown, Dallas, Texas. CARL SCHAFER is

EVERETT D. SCHAFER’s brother. He is an “oil promoter” and a “stock salesman” in Dallas. The two brothers were

formerly in this business together in Dallas.

At CARL SCHAFER’s residence while EVERETT D. SCHAFER was there, also present was a writer from Germany,

name unknown, who is working on the story of Mrs. LEE HARVEY OSWALD, aka Marina Oswald. This writer was

staying at the residence of CARL SCHAFER in Dallas. Also present at the CARL SCHAFER residence was the business

manager of Mrs. LEE HARVEY OSWALD, name unknown and an attorney whose first name is TOM, last name unknown,

but whose last name may be HOWARD.

While at this residence, EVERETT D. SCHAFER learned that the attorney for Mrs. Oswald and her business manager

are getting a percentage of the money donated to her and that some effort is being made to disbar Mrs. Oswald’s attorney.

TOM [LNU] or TOM HOWARD was concerned that other attorney’s would be hired to represent RUBY and that his services

would be discontinued.



Knowledgeable researchers, may also remember a somewhat similar incident at roughly the time of the Garrison investigation, where persons were meeting, you would not normally be inclined to think would get together.....

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  • 6 months later...

In the historical look at the Dallas White Russian community, the backdrop of Lee and Marina's interaction with the Russian-speaking community, it is practically

holy writ, that Lee Oswald's time spent in Minsk, and his subsequent marriage to Marina was the only recent interaction between a person living in the midst of the Dallas Community and Mother Russia.

The two documents below provide an example that, irrespective of its importance, shows that Lee was not the only person with any connections with the USSR.

Mr and Mrs Igor Voshinin 3819 Holland Ave, Dallas, Texas 201-132742; 22, Jan. 1957, employed as a structural engineer by Mullen and Powell, Dallas, Texas




This report includes a list at the end of the document detailing a series of letters from and to John P. Hall and Albert Norbert Tarulis.

The topic of this document is not a sexy story, as it pertains to purchasing “lift-slab equipment” and the Lift-Slab Corporation, of whom John P. Hall, was the President, in which said Corporation was located in the Meadows Building in Dallas, Texas. But the information was deemed important enough to be disseminated between various FBI offices, it also references Dresser Industries' John O’Connor’s heart attack, and his being unavailable........for what is not mentioned, but logic would dictate potential interest of Dresser Industries in some type of participation within this exchange of information, or whatever possible implications can be drawn......... probably any exchange between the two countries at that time would be of tremendous interest by the various governmental bodies, such as the FBI, always on the lookout for subversive actvitiy.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

"WILLIAM HYDE said he received a letter from RUTH PAINE, written October 19, 1963, in which she mentioned....LEE HARVEY OSWALD had proved himself to be a 'fine family man after all.' WILLIAM HYDE did not know the signifiance of this sentence...."

FBI Report CE 1831 p. 6

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I believe it was Senator Richard Russell who once said that the "fingerprints of intelligence were all over Oswald."

He could have added the seemingly benign persons, making inquiries and visiting Ruth Paine, before the assassination.

One of those persons was Colonel James Dudley Wilmeth.

With the advent of historians writing about history, who have nothing to hide, unlike

mainstream hucksters such as Vincent Bugliosi and Dale Myers, who recently

banded together on the soon to be forgotten Magic Bullet regurgitated, or whatever

it was called, I was able to discover that what Richard B Russell said about Lee Oswald

was ever so true. Without a doubt, many JFK researchers remember Col Wilmeth.

He expressed interest in the Russian language, and contacted Ruth Paine before

November 22, 1963.

As author James Lee McDonough illustrates in his 2009 book, the colonel

was involved in Russian intrigues way back in 1945.

As illustrated in the excerpt below.

If you want to know how the affair McDonough describes ends

Wilmeth becomes the trial judge advocate, who represents Lt. Myron King, who

may have been a sacrificial lamb, in much the same manner as Lee Harvey Oswald.

.......The final example cited by Antonov concerned US Army lieutenant colonel James D. Wilmeth, who had been working in

Moscow with General Deane for several weeks at the U.S.MM. In February, as described by Antonov, Wilmeth was

permitted to make the trip from Moscow to Lublin to get acquainted on the spot with the former prisoners of war—Americans.

At the end of what the Russian general termed "the established period" of Wilmeth's visit in Lublin which was declared by

Antonov, to have been March 11, Wilmeth "refused to leave for Moscow with the excuse that he did not have instructions

from Gen. Deane to return to Moscow, and that he did not consider it necessary for him to hold to the established time of

the visit to Lublin." According to Deane's later admission, Wilmeth several times had refused to leave when "invited" to do


See pages 169-170

The wars of Myron King: a B-17 pilot faces WWII and U.S.-Soviet intrigue

Chapter 12: Orchestrating a Court-Martial

By James Lee McDonough - 2009 - Biography & Autobiography - 246 pages

Fort Worth Star-Telegram (TX) - July 23, 1997

Deceased Name: James D. Wilmeth

FORT WORTH - James D. Wilmeth, 86, a retired Army colonel, died Sunday, July 20, 1997, in Fort Worth.

Funeral was at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Greenwood Funeral Home. Burial: Greenwood Memorial Park.

Col. Wilmeth was born Oct. 30, 1910, in Ballinger. He was a graduate of Fort Worth Central High School, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and the University of Texas at Austin. Col. Wilmeth served in World War II in North Africa and in Europe and was also a member of the U.S. Military Mission to Moscow. He also served in Korea and Japan.

He was awarded the Army Commendation Ribbon with one Oak Leaf Cluster, the Bronze Star Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, the World War II Victory Medal, the Army of Occupation of Germany Medal and the Army of Occupation of Japan Medal.

After his retirement from the military, he was a professor of Russian at the University of Texas at Arlington for 17 years and established the Russian Language and Soviet Studies program.

After his retirement from UTA, he and his wife traveled extensively throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Mr. Wilmeth was a member of Hemphill Presbyterian Church.

Survivors: Wife, Frankie K. Wilmeth of Fort Worth; son, James D. Wilmeth Jr. of Scottsdale, Ariz.; and nephews, R. Drew Furgeson and wife, Jody Anderson, of Fort Worth and Jerry Knoll and wife, Dianne, of Oklahoma City, Okla.

Greenwood Funeral Home 3100 White Settlement Road, 336-058

Edited by Robert Howard
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I believe it was Senator Richard Russell who once said that the "fingerprints of intelligence were all over Oswald."

"We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are fingerprints of intelligence."

(Republican Senator Richard Schweiker, member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Village Voice, December 15, 1975)

"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."

(Senator Richard Russell, former Warren Commission member, conversation with researcher Harold Weisberg in 1970, Whitewash IV)

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I believe it was Senator Richard Russell who once said that the "fingerprints of intelligence were all over Oswald."

"We do know Oswald had intelligence connections. Everywhere you look with him, there are fingerprints of intelligence."

(Republican Senator Richard Schweiker, member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Village Voice, December 15, 1975)

"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."

(Senator Richard Russell, former Warren Commission member, conversation with researcher Harold Weisberg in 1970, Whitewash IV)

In much the same vein as my last post, there has been another discovery, this one concerning a document discovered in May 1973 pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald. To be more specific, the document was a copy of a Minneapolis, and Oklahoma airtel, regarding a May 4, 1973 FBI Laboratory letter, along with a photocopy of a 4x5 piece of paper, (Q-635) bearing a "Western Union cablegram" letterhead and a typed message thereon addressed Jack Neville dated "Sept 20, 1963." purportedly to be transmitted via "W. U. Cables" at "Tulsa, Okla." and from "L.H. Oswald." Q-635 was further reflected to have been

previously submitted by re Oklahoma City airtel for appropriate laboratory examinations.

later in the document, it states [redacted] also pointed out that all WUTC-International Communications interests were then handled through the Regional Office, in Dallas, where [redacted] served as Manager for several years prior to 1963, and continued, thereafter under WUI until retiring in 1967. He added that [redacted] is now residing at [redacted] in El Paso, Texas, . . . . . . .


I cannot help but recall one of the most compelling incidents of 1963, regarding Antonio Veciana's meeting with his case officer

at what was probably the Southland Center, where Lee Harvey Oswald was present. This meeting, which Veciana described to Gaeton Fonzi, took place as stated in The Last Investigation, pages 126,141 "near the beginning of September, 1963."

I have known about this document for some time, but had never been able to discover a link to a Jack Neville, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or anywhere else for that matter, until today.

There was a John Neville who was a columnist for the Dallas Morning News, one of his many stories

is from the DMN December 15, 1963, entitled Showmen Help Fill Santa's Storehouse

The story is listed under the name Jack Neville, which is not too surprising. I mention it only

because, some persons named John do not care for being called Jack, I suppose he did not fall

under that category, at least as his writing name.

Dallas Morning News, The (TX) - May 18, 1993

Deceased Name: Rites Friday for drama critic John Neville

Services for former Dallas Morning News drama critic John Patrick Neville will be at 11 a.m. Friday at St. Francis Episcopal

Church in Dallas, with burial at Hillcrest Memorial Park.

Mr. Neville, 70, died May 10 in Fayetteville, Ark., after a possible stroke, his family said.

"John Neville was the epitome of the drama critic,' said Philip Wuntch, film critic of The News. "He was witty and articulate as

well as compassionate. And, as an individual, he had great flair.'

Mr. Neville was with The News' arts and entertainment department from November 1961 until May 1979. He worked as an art

critic, drama critic and arts editor. "Jack had one of the finest minds I've ever seen,' said Morning News staff writer Harry Bowman, who worked with Mr. Neville for more than 10 years. "He was very funny. He had a quick, factual mind that could be both witty and cynical. He could also be very analytical.'

Mr. Neville was born Nov. 1, 1922, in Tuam, County Galway, Ireland. He grew up in New York City after moving to the United States with his parents in 1929. Mr. Neville moved to Dallas in 1952 to teach English at St. Mark's School of Texas. He moved to Fayetteville in 1989.

Mr. Neville had a bachelor of arts degree from St. John's University in Brooklyn, N.Y., and a master's degree from New York University. He was shot down and wounded during World War II while serving in the U.S. Army Air Force in North Africa. He was rescued and guided through enemy lines by Italian partisans, his family said.

He was selected as a member of the U.S. Olympic Team in 1940 to run the quarter-mile and the 40-yard dash, his family said.

The 1940 games were not held because of the war.

Mr. Neville is survived by his wife, Dorothy Steckelberg Neville of Tyler; a daughter, Anne Neville of Paris, France; and a son,

John Carl Neville of College Station.

St. Marks School of Dallas, of course relates directly to Mrs. Ruth Paine.

there is at least one DMN Story from 1955 referencing Neville and Saint Marks

In an earlier DMN Story dated April 29, 1955 entitled

John Neville and Bride to Reside Here, it states that

Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick Neville, are at home

at 7807 Carlin Drive, following their marriage

at St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

The bride is the former Miss Dorothy Anne

Steckleberg, daughter of Mrs. Henry Steckleberg

of Henrietta, Okla. and the late Mr. Steckleberg

The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John

Joseph Neville of Brooklyn, New York.

Another DMN obituary,

Mrs. Ben Neville Burial Arranged

May 28, 1955

Mrs Ben G. Neville, 82, former Dallas

resident, who died Thursday night in

Odessa, will be buried at 2:00 pm in

Restland Memorial Park.

Funeral services for Mrs. Neville were

held Friday at Odessa, where she and her

husband had lived for the last four years.

She was born Eula Walker and lived in Dallas

many years before moving to Odessa.

Surviving are her husband; a daughter,

Mrs. H. S. Duke of Odessa, a sister Mrs.

David Vickers of Las Cruces, N.M.;

two brothers, Walter Walker and John Walker

of Lampasas.

Mobile Register (AL) - November 2, 1993

Deceased Name: Controversial general dies Edwin Walker said shot at by Lee Harvey Oswald , demoted by JFK


DALLAS Edwin Walker, an Army general who was allegedly shot at by Lee Harvey Oswald and demoted by President Kennedy

for espousing extreme right wing beliefs to troops during the Cold War, is dead at age 84.

The retired major general died Sunday in the Dallas home he bought after Kennedy removed him from his command in Germany

in 1961 for distributing literature to troops.

He died apparently of lung disease, said Joe McGuire, an investigator for the Dallas County medical examiner's office.

In Warren Commission interviews, Oswald's wife said he fired through the window of Walker's home in April 1963 with the

mail-order rifle believed to have been used to kill Kennedy in Dallas seven months later.

Marina Oswald told the commission her husband had planned the attack for two months. The bullet passed near Walker's head,

and Walker saved the glass as a memento.

In 1957, Walker appeared on the cover of Time magazine as a hero after he led federal troops integrating the schools in

Little Rock, Ark.

In fact, Walker led the troops only after Gen. Dwight Eisenhower refused his resignation, historian Don E. Carleton, author of

''Red Scare,'' told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

''He did not want to carry out that order,'' Carleton said. ''He did not believe in racial integration.''

After being pulled from Germany, he resigned his commission and demonstrated against James Meredith's integration of the

University of Mississippi.

Media coverage of the Meredith protests prompted Walker to file libel lawsuits against a dozen media organizations,

including The Associated Press.

Although a jury initially awarded Walker $500,000 from the AP for the 1962 report, the Supreme Court later reversed that ruling.

I also found a Chicago obituary as follows

James Brian Neville, M.D., Captain, USNR (Ret.), who practiced medicine in Lake Forest and Highland Park for over 50 years, died on March 12, 2010 at Lake Forest Hospital.

Dr. Neville was born on October 17, 1925 in Chicago, IL. He graduated from Loyola Academy in Chicago with class honors in 1942.

After three years at Loyola University, he entered Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine.

He graduated from Stritch at the age of 22 in 1948.

He was a resident at Henrotin Hospital in 1950.

Dr. Neville was then commissioned a Lieutenant JG and entered the US Naval School of Aviation Medicine in Pensacola, Florida.He was stationed at NAS El Toro and the deployed to Korea in 1951.

While in Korea, Dr. Neville served as the Flight Surgeon assigned to MAC 33-VMF-214 as well as the Marine 9th Infantry Battalion.

In 1952, Dr. Neville began his Internal Medicine Residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.

He completed his residency in 1954 and was a principle physician at the Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Chicago.

In 1959, Dr. Neville entered private practice at Highland Park and Lake Forest Hospital, and began a longstanding partnership with Dr. George Wendel.

He continued reserve duty at Glenview naval Air Station with 1st Marine Air Wing serving a tour in Vietnam.

In 1985, Dr. Neville retired from the Navy.

After a decades long career, he retired from private practice in 2001.

On September 12, 2001, Dr. Neville volunteered his services as a flight surgeon at Great Lake Naval

Training Station until 2006.

Dr. Neville is survived by Genevieve MacVeany Neville, his wife of 56 years; his children, J. Brian Jr. (Clare),

Arthur K. (Dana), Kathleen M., Edward P. (Beth), Michael S. (Elizabeth) andThomas M. (Kerri) and

15 grandchildren.

For the last ten years, he and wife traveled the world together.

He was a student of history and languages.

He enjoyed sharing his knowledge with his grandchildren.

He was caring, intelligent, quick humored and an inspiration to his children.

Services will be held 12 p.m. Saturday, March 20, 2010 at St. Patrick Church (Old Church), 991 S. Waukegan Road, Lake Forest, IL 60045.

Interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetery.

Info:Wenban Funeral Home, Lake Forest (847) 234-0022 orwww.wenbanfh.com.

Sign Guestbook at chicagotribune.com/obituaries


All of this made me go back and take a harder look at the subject of Western Union Telegrams,

which is where I read the following. The subject is money wired from various locations by persons staying at the YMCA

Mr. Liebeler.

And one dated November 22, 1963, to Frank or Grace Fitzell, from the Akron Dime Bank in Akron, Ohio, transmitting $200; is that correct?

Mr. Wilcox.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebeler.

And one dated November 28, 1963, to George McMurray from Mildred McMurray, Plainfield, N.J., transmitting $6; is that correct?

Mr. Wilcox.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebeler.

And the address in each case were located then at the YMCA on North Ervay in Dallas; is that correct?

Mr. Wilcox.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebeler.

Those were the only money order telegrams to individuals at the YMCA that you were able to find in the search of your records, and you are satisfied that those are the only money order telegrams in existence addressed to people in the YMCA during that period; is that correct?

Mr. Wilcox.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebeler.

Now, Mr. Lewis' statement of December 4, 1963, mentions that the individual with whom he had difficulty in paying the money order was a man of Spanish descent, is that correct?

Mr. Wilcox.

Yes, sir.

Mr. Liebeler.

Did you have any discussion with Mr. Lewis about that?

Mr. Wilcox.

We may have had it at the time we read this statement, but I don't recall anything specific.

Mr. Liebeler.

Did you have any discussion with Mr. Lewis as to whether he recognized this individual with whom he had difficulty order, as Lee Harvey Oswald, from pictures of Oswald which appeared in the newspaper?

Mr. Wilcox.

I asked him about that and he said he couldn't describe or associate the party to the extent that he could associate it with Oswald's picture or anything like that.


I want to be very clear, nothing is being stated, implied or insinuated regarding these

persons, the contents of the document, ie exact message, is not even known at this

point. So it would be illogical to go off on a tangent, there is also the matter that the Neville

in question is ostensibly in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but I believe, we have all run across documents

that contained factual errors, so I am not leaving anything to chance;

but it does make the desire to discover more about this document go up a few notches.

I am also very interested to know if the Walker's of Lampasas, could be related to the

family of General Edwin Walker.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that Malcolm Couch, a big name associated

with Dallas media on November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza had been present at a meeting

where funds were raised, listed as Mal Kouch.


3 DRE Meeting's held in Dallas/Ft Worth 2 on October 13, 1963

Among those present at the October 13th meetings:

[see Ana Silviera List DRE WCD 246 page 22]

The list made by Miss SYLVEIRA is as follows

Mr Les Baker

1417 Lincoln F.W. $250

Mrs Joseph D. Kennedy

Rt. 3 Box 111, F.W. $15

Mr J Paul Donovan

4721 Crestline Rd F.W. $5

Mr James S. Gallagher

4117 Whitfield F.W. 9 $5

Mr Peter Gifford

Gifford Hill and Co

Fidelity Union Tower, D $100

Mrs Rosemary Hambleton

4012 Marquett, D. $10

Mr Jim Woeber

1218 Brookholow Dr. $5

Mr and Mrs Peter Corolla

103105 Lake Gardens Drive., D. 28 $5

Mrs J.E. Evans

5706 Boca Raton, D. $15

Gen. Edwin Walker

P. O. Box 2428 D. $5

Mrs Bassett Watson

P. O. Box 6331, D. 22 $5

Mr and Mrs Dahm

11219 Shelterwood Lane D. $ 5

Rick Kilgore

2500 W Newton Cr., $1

Mrs W. A. Lanfer

5309 W Rutland $7

Dorothy Nuss

3101 W 6th Ave D.

Mrs Marlene Kelly

2901 Westfield Avenue F.W.

Ft. Worth Freedom Center

5505 W. Rosedale, F.W. 7

Mrs James L Minahan

2311 Warner Rd, F.W.

Mr W.G. Clarckson, Jr.

129 Williamsburg Lane

Fort Worth, 7 Texas

Mrs Gordon Fitzgerald

109 Westrein F.W. 7

Frances M. Kenna

1501 Hurley F.W. 7

Mrs Rene Sweet

3125 Major Street F.W. 21

H.G. Miller* F.W.

3560 Townsend Dr

J.J. Bewn

4004 Boyd Ave, D 21

Dr Anthony Kubek

P O Box 1330 D. 21

Dwayne Gentosch

3213 Pecan, Garland

Clifford M Derzapf "The Shield"

P. O. Box 1330 D. 21

Dale W K.K.

6731 Shadybrook apt 253. D 31

Steve Dwys

627 Kessley Lake D

Mrs James L Friemuth

9640 Lynbrook Dr, D 18

Mal Kouch

4215 Live Oak, Dallas

Karen Martin Dallas Morning News

Mrs Augustina Fernandez - Dallas University

P.O. Box 1330


*And yet on another note H.G. Miller happens to be the same initials as

Harrod G Miller, who was in the same group at SIS in the 1930's that

John Hurt [PURPLE Codebreakers] was in.

New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924

An image for this record may be available at:


Fees may apply.

Given Name: H. G.

Surname: Miller

Last Place of Residence:

Date of Arrival: 11 Jun 1919

Age at Arrival: 22y

Ethnicity: Amer

Port of Departure: Cristobal, C. Z.

Port of Arrival: New York

Gender: Male

results from familysearch.org

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 2 months later...

Oswald in New Orleans -- Anyone have anything on LHO applying for work work at Motion Picture Advertising, I believe also known as Alexander Motion Picture Corp, 1000 block of Carondelet Street?

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  • 2 years later...

Oswald in New Orleans -- Anyone have anything on LHO applying for work work at Motion Picture Advertising, I believe also known as Alexander Motion Picture Corp, 1000 block of Carondelet Street?

Summer of '63, he was also remembered applying for work for Katz & Besthoff, aka "K&B", leading locally based drug store & sundries chain at the time. At both the branch at Canal & Dauphine, and the main office on Camp & St. Joseph. The Canal St branch was the chain's camera and photography center.

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  • 3 months later...

Found in: HSCA Segregated CIA Collection (microfilm - reel 46: Nosenko, Soviets, MEXI Dispatches)
RIF#: 1994.08.10.16:43:08:350028 (12/8/1963) CIA#: 201-289248
The Soviet documents forwarded to this Agency under your letter of 20 May 1964 provide some additional detail on OSWALD. The information in these documents parallels
that already provided from other sources and does not contradict our previous information. The documents do clarify somewhat OSWALD’s alleged occupation at the Minsk radio
plant by giving the original Russian terms used in describing his job. It is referred to several times as “slesar” ‘ (“assembler”)...The functions of a regulator in an experimental shop are
not clear
page 7,
R. F. DEDKOV who translated OSWALD’s “application” for employment on 11 January 1960 is doubtless the same Roman DETKOV who also appeared in OSWALD’s diary.


Robert: There are duplicates of previous pages in this document nonetheless, I assume a lot of us are unaware this existed,

which is why I am posting it here.

Remember Sharing is caring....

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