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Henry Rybka

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if you notice,towards the end of the clip, the agent on the back of the running board gets in the back seat, leaving plenty of room on the board....

It's my recollection that the agent on the back of the running board never gets entirely into the back seat, his foot is still on the running board, because he sees that Rybka is not coming aboard. I assume that the agent then remained stationed on the running board.

As to whether or not Rybka was assigned to the QM, a duty roster would be needed as Brendan suggests. But it seems to me that Roberts would not have "erroneously" said on 11/22 that Rybka was in the car if Rybka was not supposed to be in the car. I suspect that Roberts "corrected" himself only because Rybka got left behind and Roberts did not wish to say so in his report.

Also, if Rybka was supposed to stay at Love Field, I don't understand what he was upset about as the car was pulling away, unless he was simply whining about his assignment.

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Also, if Rybka was supposed to stay at Love Field, I don't understand what he was upset about as the car was pulling away, unless he was simply whining about his assignment.

Or maybe he couldn't understand what Roberts was saying due to the din of the car and motorcycle engines. It's plausible.

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From Gary Mack:

"Rybka WASN'T mad OR upset. He was smiling. I have examined blowups of the original 1963 video tape, which is much clearer than what most folks are watching. It was all a joke, for he has a big grin on his face. So I have to think that, as the report states, Rybka was supposed to remain behind."

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From Gary Mack:

"Rybka WASN'T mad OR upset. He was smiling. I have examined blowups of the original 1963 video tape, which is much clearer than what most folks are watching. It was all a joke, for he has a big grin on his face. So I have to think that, as the report states, Rybka was supposed to remain behind."



Edited by Brendan Slattery
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From Gary Mack:

"Rybka WASN'T mad OR upset. He was smiling. I have examined blowups of the original 1963 video tape, which is much clearer than what most folks are watching. It was all a joke, for he has a big grin on his face. So I have to think that, as the report states, Rybka was supposed to remain behind."



The body language says it all..."You've got to be kidding!" While there is no real reason to think Rybka's presence in the motorcade would have made any difference, to think that he was just pulling a little joke is really silly. It seems clear there was a mis-communication. I wouldn't be surprised if such things occur all the time.

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At this time the U.S. Secret Service follow-up car seemed to slow and I heard someone from inside this car say: ''he's shot". I left the follow-up car in the direction of the President's car but was recalled by ATSAIC Emory Roberts (Secret Service) as the cars increased their speeds. I got back on the car and seated myself beside Mr. Roberts in the right front seat. The cars proceeded to the hospital several miles distance.

Is there any photographic evidence that Agent Ready did actually leave the running board as he claimed. ?

I don't recall seeing any !

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Is there any photographic evidence that Agent Ready did actually leave the running board as he claimed. ?

Ready's and Roberts's statements are contradictory. Ready says he "left" the follow-up car, while Roberts says "it appeared that SA John Ready was about to follow (Hill)."

What was Roberts doing, watching Ready's every little move during the shooting, so that it "appeared" to Roberts that Ready was about to do something? Or did Roberts actually see Ready leave the running board, and it therefore "appeared" he was going to run for the limo.

I don't know of any photographic evidence to resolve the question of whether Ready actually left the running board.

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Is there any photographic evidence that Agent Ready did actually leave the running board as he claimed. ?

I don't recall seeing any!

You can see him momentarily leave the QM in the Nix film. He did this when Hill was still struggling to get a grip on the limo. In other words, Kennedy was a corpse by the time Ready put one foot on Elm, so Roberts was right to recall him.

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IMO Rybka did do something suspicious on 11/22/63.

SS agent William Greer was given JFK's clothes in two shopping bags at Parkland. According to an HSCA summary of an interview of Greer, he directed Rybka at Andrews Air Force Base to put "the shopping bag" containing JFK's clothes in his locker at the White House.

Greer drove the ambulance containing JFK's body from Andrews to Bethesda, and was present at the autopsy. Was he so stupid that he didn't know he should take the clothes with him along with the body for the autopsy? Wouldn't Rybka think that the clothes ought to stay with the body?

Wouldn't Greer ask someone in charge, at some point between Parkland and Andrews, "What should we do with the clothes?" Did he just decide on his own to stash them in the locker, and Rybka did it for him? Did Rybka take orders from Greer?

My guess: They were both following the order of someone else, Greer passing it along to Rybka.

(Source: An ARRB Update, by Joseph Backes, Kennedy Assn. Chronicles, v. 2 no. 4, Winter 1996, p. 28, ref Document 1870-10099-10491.)

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The wallet and watch went into the locker with JFK's clothes. Greer took the wallet and watch a few days later to Ken O'Donnell. Lincoln may have then wound up with them.

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  • 2 years later...

We have to except that not everything that happened on that day was part of a conspiracy, some things just happened, this is a case in point. Pure speculation is poor ground for evidence gathering.

i'll give you some evidence,if the secret service had done their job that day,11/22/63 would be a footnote in history as the day of a foiled assassination attempt.....Palamara's work speaks for itself,i'm a huge fan.... you discount the uncovered Chicago and Miami plots against JFK, in the previous weeks prior to Dallas, as if they never happened and imply that Dallas was a routine trip in regards to security....

What happened to Rybka? All that I heard is that he in died ( in his thirties) in 1975.

At Love Field was he being playful? Simply angry for being left behind to guard Air Force One? Or, was he upset because he was not allowed to do his job and knew it was endangering the president?

I was looking for a "Greer Shootist" thread, but couldn't find one. I also found the following comment on a Greer shot JFK video which I think is right on the mark.

"The (unintentioned) result of this frame is

a stark reminder of the driver's looking back

twice (and many-if not most) people claiming

to have watched the limo slow to an almost

stop, when the first order of business is to

flee immediately at the first sign of

trouble. Whether the driver shot JFK is

secondary to the greater liklihood that he

was probably involved in the setup. "

Edited by Peter McGuire
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