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Eugene Dinkin.

Guest Stephen Turner

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Thank you....it has been a while....life is a funny thing!

Currently interested in Oswald's supposed first note that he wrote requesting his passport be returned by the government so that he could return to the USA. In it he refers to a previous note that he had written but the Warren Commission Report suggests that no such note was ever written.......Question: "Why would Oswald refer to a note he never wrote?" and if he did write such a note "Why would the persons in charge of such things want to cover up that note if it was written?"

I believe these to be important questions. If Oswald did write a first note then someone was interested in the fact that he might return to the USA. Also, whoever that note would have gone to would not want it known who it went to.......just like Hosty's third note!

Jim root

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Here's what little I've got. Credit V Palamara.

Here's what I have compiled about Dinkin:

Document # 104-10015-10231 is a two page cable. This is a wild one. This originates from "John Scelso" C/WH/3. It is dated November 29, 1963. It went to the White House, State Dept. and the FBI. A report alleging that there was advance knowledge on the assassination of President Kennedy. On November 4 1963 a U.S. Army PFC. Eugene B. Dinkin, went AWOL from his unit HQ Co. U.S. Army general depot, Metz, France. He was scheduled for a psychiatric examination that same day. He apparently entered Switzerland using a false Army identification card with forged travel orders. On November 6 and 7, 1963 he appeared in the press room of the United Nations office in Geneva and told reporters he was being persecuted. He voluntarily returned to his unit on November 11, 1963.

On November 26, 1963 a Geneva journalist named Alex Des Fontaines who was a stringer for TIME-LIFE and was a correspondent for Radio Canada was reported to be filing a story about Dinkin's story. Dinkin said that "they" were plotting against Kennedy and that "something" would happen in Texas. The last paragraph of the cable is interesting, "All aspects of this story were known, as reported above, by U. S. Military authorities and have been reported by Military attache cable through Military channels."

Lisa Pease in alt.conspiracy.jfk 1/8/97

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Lisa Pease Jan 8 1997, 12:00 am show options

Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk

From: lpe...@netcom.com (Lisa Pease) - Find messages by this author

Date: 1997/01/08

Subject: Pre-assassination Evidence

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I went through the FBI's reels released in 1977 and found some interesting stuff on Dinkin. It would not surprise me if he'd "mad as a hatter" NOW, because he claimed to have been mentally tortured by the Army. Those of you who order our Nagell file (available by March from CTKA) will see that that's exactly what was done to Nagell, in spades. Anyway - this is from a 9 page FBI doc on the guy, dated 4/9/64. It's in report form and looks like this was what they gave the Warren Commission. Quote on: EUGENE B. DINKIN In December, 1963, it was reported that Beth Cox, who was residing in France with an American schoolmate, had a boyfriend named Howard C. Cowen stationed in Metz, France, with the United States Army.

Betch Cox was informed one of Howard C. Cowen's acquaintances "translated or decoded the G.I. paper's headlines to read 'Kennedy will be assassinated Thanksgiving Day,' and later changed it to read the very day he died.' On March 4, 1964, Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Adams, Jr., Assistand Chief of Staff, G-2, furnished the following...: Captain Howard C. Cowen, assigned to the United States Army Depot at Metz, France, advised on February 18, 1964, that during the evening of November 22, 1963, he conversed with an acquaintance named Dennis De Witt. During the conversation, De Witt said that a friend of his, Eugene Dinkin, had predicted President Kennedy's assassination for November 22, 1963. According to De Witt, Dinkin had first predicted that the assassination would take place on November 28, 1963, but later reportedly changed the date to November 22, 1963.

According to Colonel Adams, Captain Cowen reported the above conversation to officials of the 766th Army Intelligence Corps Detachment at Metz. A short time later, Captain Cowen also related his conversation to a girl friend named Beth Cox. ... Colonel Adams stated that Eugene B. Dinkin was the subject of a closed investigation by the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, United States Army Communications Zone, Europe. [Lisa's note: I've also read allegations that he was NSA, detailed to Army in Europe.] He advised further that according to local Army records at Metz, France, on February 18, 1964, PFC Eugene B. Dinkin, RA 16710292, was reassigned to Walter Reed Hospital, Washington D.C., as a patient on December 3, 1963 and was ordered to proceed to that destination on or about December 4, 1963. [skipping typical diagnosis that the guy was schizophrenic, pyschotic, history of depression, delusions of persecution - the typical stuff when someone badly wants to discredit everything you say.]

On April 1, 1964, Mr. Eugen B. Dinkin, ... advised Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had been recently discharged from the United States Army after having been in detention for four months while undergoing psychiatric tests. Dinkin advised that while stationed in Europe with the United States Army in 1963, he had begun a review of several newspapers including the "Stars and Stripes" as an exercise in "pyschological sets". He explained that he had taken courses in psychology at college and was extremely interested in this subject matter. He advised that "psychological sets" was a term referring to a series of events, articles, et cetera which, when coupled together, set up or induce a certain frame of mind on the part of a person being exposed to this series.

He stated that this method of implanting an idea was much in use by the "Madison Avenue" advertising people who attempted to influence one who was exposed to these "psychological sets" to "buy" the product being advertised, whether this product was physical or an idea. [subliminal seduction is another term for it. Such was in use here in early TV, then banned. But who checks, right?] Dinkin stated that while so reviewing the newspapers for "psychological sets", he discovered that "Stars and Stripes", as well as certain unidentified Hearst newspapers, were carrying a series of "psychological sets" which he believed were deliberately maneuvered to set up a subconscious belief on the part of one reading these papers to the effect that President John F. Kennedy was "soft on communism" or "perhaps a communist sympathizer". [Contrast that with today's line that he was a hardline Cold Warrior, ala Chris Matthews et al.]

Further study of these newspapers and the "psychological sets" contained therein made it evident to Mr. Dinkin that a conspiracy was in the making by the "military" of the United Stated, perhaps combined with an "ultra-right economic group", to make the people of the United States believe that President Kennedy was, in fact, a communist sympathizer and further, that this same group planned to assassinate the President and thus was preparing these "pyschological sets" to pave the way for this assassination to the point where the average citizen might well feel that "President Kennedy was sympathetic to communism and should have been killed."

In addition, Dinkin believed the "pyschological sets" were adjusted to present a subliminal predisposition to the effect that a "communist" would assassinate President Kennedy. Dinkin advised that he discussed his theories with certain individuals stationed with him in the Army, but had declined to furnish this information to persons of authority in the United States Army since he believed that the plot against President Kennedy was being set in motion by high ranking members of the military. He said that in October, 1963, his research into the "pyschological sets" appearing in "Stars and Stripes" had led him to the conclusion that the assassination of President Kennedy would occur on or about November 28, 1963.

He stated that his research had not, in fact, reflected a certain date, but that he believed the assassination would take place on or about a religious or semi-religious occasion which he felt would be picked by the group behind this plot in order that the murder itself would become even more reprehensible to the average citizen because of the religious connotations. Since he believed that the plot consisted in part of throwing blame for the assassination onto "radical left-wing" or "communist" suspects, he stated that the religious tie-in would lead the average citizen to accept more readily the theory that a "communist" committed the crime since "they were an aetheist group anyway." Dinkin advised that he had been in trouble with the officers of his military group, the 599th Ordnance Group stationed in Germany, due to his refusal to purchase United States savings bonds.

He stated that he was against the enforced purchase of these bonds because of his political convictions which made him believe that the United States should not spend 52 per cent of its income for materials of war, part of which would be financed by any enforced purchases made by him. He stated that he had been outspoken in his views concerning these bond purchases, and that he and others who felt that the compulsory purchase of bonds was an infringement on their civil rights, had been denied "passes" as a result of their stand. [He sounds totally sane to me!!]

As a result of his opposition to the bond purchases, according to Dinkin, he was removed from his position in the code section and transferred to an Army Depot at Metz, France. On October 25, 1963, Dinkin went to the United States Embassy at Luxembourg where, he stated, he attempted for several hours to see a Mr. Cunningham, the Charge d'Affaires at the Embassy. He stated that he sent word to Mr. Cunningham by phone. He said that Cunningham refused to see him in person or to review the newspapers and research papers which Dinkin said were evidence proving his theory of the impending assassination. Dinkin advised that he spent approximately two hours with the United States Marine Corps guard at the Luxembourg Embassy and had generally set forth his theories to this individual, whose name he did not know.

Following this incident, Dinkin was notified by his superiors that he was to undergo psychiatric evaluation on November 5, 1963. Due to this pending development, Dinkin said he went absent without leave to Geneva, Switzerland where he attempted to present his theory to the editor of the "Geneva Diplomat", a newspaper published in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to this editor, Dinkin spoke to a Mr. Dewhirst, a "Newsweek" reporter based at Geneva. Dewhirst would not listen to Dinkin's theories.

While in Switzerland, Dinking attempted to contact officials of "Time-Life" publication and succeeded in speaking to the secretary, name unknown, of this organization in Zurich. According to Dinkin, all of his efforts in Luxembourg and Switzerland were made to present to appropriate officials his warning of the impending assassintion of President Kennedy. He stated that he did not attempt to see these people in connection with his personal dissatisfaction with the program of the United States Army as regards to bond purchases. When he was unable to accomplish his purpose in Switzerland, Dinkin advised that he then returned to Germany where he gave himself up to the custody of the military authorities. Dinkin advised that he first became aware of this "plot" to assassinated President Kennedy in September, 1963.

At first, he did not have enough facts, as taken from the newspapers, to support his theory, but as of October 16, 1963, he felt that his research into the "psychological sets" had substantiated his theory. As of October 16, 1963, he wrote a registered letter to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy [let's get the review board to look for THAT] in which letter he set forth his theory that President Kennedy would be assassinated, adding that he believed that this assassination would occur on or about November 28, 1963. He stated that he signed this letter with his own name and requested that he be interviewed by a representative of the Justice Department. He said that on the envelope, he placed the return address name of PFC Deniis De Witt, an Army friend. He said he did this to preclude anyone from intercepting this letter since he felt that Army authorities might well be censoring his mail [again, sounds very logical, very sane.] He stated that he never received any answer to this letter, nor was he ever contacted by any representative of the Justice Deparetment prior to this interview with Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Dinkin advised that the following individuals would have knowledge of his theory and predictions, having been informed of these predictions by Dinkin prior to November 22, 1963:

PFC Dennis De Witt

United States ARmy


PFC Larry Pullen

United States Army Headquarters Company


Seargeant Walter Reynolds

Headquarters Company, WSAGD


Dr. Afar (phonetic), a civilian psychology teacher employed by the

United States Army at Metz, France;

R. THomas

...Switzerland. Thomas is an Indian student attending the University at

Fribourg with whom Dinkins discussed his theories immediately prior to

his return from Switzerland to France.

Dinkin advised that on his return to the custody of the United States

Army in November 1963, he was held in detention. While in detention, he

stated he was contacted by a white male who identified himself verbally

as a representative of the Defense Department. This individual asked

Dinkin for the location of the newspapers which Dinkin had compiled as

proof of the theory of the assassination of President Kennedy. This

individual stated that he desired to obtain these proofs and would

furnish Dinkin a receipt for the papers. Dinkin advised that he

instructed this individual as to where the papers were located at the

base, at which point this man left. Dinkin advised that on his release

from detention, he discovered that all of his papers and notes were

missing and presumed that the individual mentioned above had taken them.

He never received any receipt for his papers.

Mr. Dinkin advised that he had undergone numerous psychiatric tests at

Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C. He stated that he was aware

that the Army psychiatrist had declared him to be "psychotic" and a

"paranotic". He said that several of the tests given him were familiar to

him from his studies in psychology at the University of Chicago. Because

of his familiarity with these tests, and his background knowledge as to

what the test answers should be, he believed it impossible that the

results of these tests could have shown him to be "psychotic" and

"paranotic". He stated that if he had desired, he could have "faked" the

answer to prove he was sane even if he were, in fact, mentally disturbed.

Mr. Dinkin stated he believed that the psychiatric evaluation given him

by the Army psychiatrist was, in fact, an attempt on their part to cover

up the military plot which he had attempted to expose.

Dinkin advised that during his detention at Walter Reed Army Hospital,

arrangements had been made through his family for him to be given a

psychiatric test by a private psychiatrist chosen by his family.

He stated when these arrangements were finally made, he had declined the

services of this private physician. Dinkin explained that he had reached

a point where his only desire was to be released from custody and

discharged from the Army. He sated that in order to do this, he had felt

it necessary to "go along" with the examining Army psychiatrist and

pretend that he had, in fact, been suffering from delusions but was now

cured. He was afraid that should an outside psychiatrist examine him and

be told by Dinkin the facts as set forth herein, that this psychiatrist

would probably believe Dinkin to be mentally disturbed, and this would

result in further detention for Dinkin.

Mr. Dinkin stated that he was well aware that his theory and the facts surrounding his attempts to

bring this theory to the proper authorities was extremely "wild" and could be construed by a person untrained in psychology to be "crazy". Despite this, Mr. Dinkin advised he was still of the belief that there

had been, in fact, a plot perpetrated by a "military group" in the United States and aided and abetted by newspaper personnel working with this military group, which plot had to do with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


Lee Forman in the Education Forum 12/2/05

Dinkins story, which we've probably all seen before - but I had forgotten that last piece.



Russell presented the story of Private Eugene B. Dinkin, who had been trained as a army cryptographic code operator, which in effect made him a small part of the National Security Agency. In early 1962, he had been assigned to the 529th Ordnance Company in France, where he was awarded the requisite security clearances. When Dinkin became upset during his duties, he was given a psychiatric evaluation, and his security clearance was removed. In late October of 1963, Dinkin mailed a letter to Attorney General Robert Kennedy, warning him that an attempt would be made to kill President Kennedy during the latter part of November. In the letter he revealed, that blame would be cast on a Communist, while he claimed that the conspiracy involved elements of the military, especially far right elements of the same. An FBI report of April 3, 1964 acknowledged Dinkin's warning, but made no mention of attempts made to rectify the situation. Hearing via the grape vine that he was about to be locked up as a psychotic, Private Dinkin went AWOL and tried to warn media in Switzerland and Germany without success. He also made an attempt to warn the U.S. Embassy in Bonn but was advised to return to his place of military assignment. Defeated, he returned, and was immediately "hospitalized" at Landstuhl General Hospital in a closed psychiatric ward until Kennedy had been killed, whereupon he was flown to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. There he was given therapy to help him deal with his unfortunate condition of "schizo-assassination prognostication syndrome," a decease [sic] one would normally associate only with the former Soviet Union. He was made to understand, that if his condition did not improve, he would undergo electric shock treatment, whereupon his condition dramatically "improved." He was released from Walter Reed Hospital and the U.S. Army on a medical discharge. During the trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans, Garrison found out that Dinkin's duty had been to decipher telegraphic traffic originating with the French OAS, which was extremely close to factions of the CIA at the time. One surmises, that Dinkin caught his unfortunate disease while dealing with communications between the two venerable organizations.

Steve Thomas

Some people say Dinkin predicted the assassination by analyzing the Army's Stars and Stripes and "certain Hearst newspapers," and some people say he did it by "intercepting a cable" or two.

So, which is it? Both?

The Mary Ferrell website says that Dinkin was trained by the Army to be a "cryptographic code operator."

In trying to find out what that means, I googled "cryptographic code operator" and got about 480,000 results.

I then googled "cryptographic code operator" and Dinkin (together) and got about 419,000 results (87%).


What the heck is a "cryptographic code operator" ?

Do "cryptographic code operators" normally analyze publications for "psychological sets" (subliminal suggestions)? Do they "intercept cables"?

If they do intercept cables, are they supposed to analyze them, too?

(Was Dinkin doing any of this on his own time?)

FWIW, "Cryptographic Code Operator" is not listed in this (unofficial) list of Vietnam War - era Army MOSes.


Nor is it to be found in this list of Army MOSes from 1950:


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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I would love to have seen Dinkin's evidence file.

I would also love to have the time to review Dinkin's claimed sources and see if any "psychological sets" could be posited. It wouldn't be amiss to consider Dinkin's press sources as part of a research project in the cultural climate preceding the assassination. (Assuming any publisher wanted to deal with such a work.) Even if Dinkin had French or other communications sources, some psychological prepping for the assassination may well have been inserted into Stars and Stripes.

What is the significance of Josh Cron's Intelius finding that Dinkin worked for:

Army Corps
Central Intelligence Agency

Would a telegraph operator trained in coded transmissions have been trained by CIA? Might Dinkin have worked at CIA after the prediction incident? Of course, the Intelius reporting may have been in error.

Thanks, all, for the updates on Dinkin's fate.

Edited by David Andrews
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Does anyone know where Garrison got info that Dinkin was specifically working on cable traffic between OAS and CIA?

I find the idea that Dinkins picked up such detail in advance of the assassination from deciphering Stars and Stripes and other publications, using cryptographic code breaking techniques he learned in the CIA or US Army intelligence, rather untenable. I think this story may be a limited hangout, supported by Dinkins himself for fear of his own life. In any case, most people would find this explanation unbelievable, and thus dismiss his story too easily. Mission accomplished. On the other hand, if he was in fact privy to cable traffic between CIA and OAS, that would be very interesting.

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Well. it doesn't seem from the literature that Dinkin used his coding skills to "decipher" Stars and Stripes, only his interest and training in Psychology. Which if true, may have inpired the sort of paranoia that happens to be correct and predictive. I can't see how a person with a few Psych courses could have otherwise analyzed the press and validly predicted the information Dinkin presented, especially grasping the "religious holiday" timing.

The psychologizing, of course, may have been a cover for what Dinkin learned from intelligence wire traffic.

Still, some mind prepping of the military for Kennedy's fall, and some blaming of it on the communists, may well have been played out in Stars and Stripes as Dinkin maintained. Not having access to Dinkin, we can't replicate his method, if any - but we all know propaganda techniques, and it would be interesting to look for those where Dinkin said they were to be seen.

Edited by David Andrews
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Does anyone know where Garrison got info that Dinkin was specifically working on cable traffic between OAS and CIA?

I find the idea that Dinkins picked up such detail in advance of the assassination from deciphering Stars and Stripes and other publications, using cryptographic code breaking techniques he learned in the CIA or US Army intelligence, rather untenable. I think this story may be a limited hangout, supported by Dinkins himself for fear of his own life. In any case, most people would find this explanation unbelievable, and thus dismiss his story too easily. Mission accomplished. On the other hand, if he was in fact privy to cable traffic between CIA and OAS, that would be very interesting.

emphasis added and bumped

Edited by Thomas Graves
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David - do you believe the story that Dinkins decoded secret messages in this publication?

I am going to dig through my books a little and see if I can answer my own question.

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David - do you believe the story that Dinkins decoded secret messages in this publication? I can see where a certain political climate can be deduced, but not the detail he apparently provided.

I am going to dig through my books a little and see if I can answer my own question.

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David - do you believe the story that Dinkins decoded secret messages in this publication?

No, really not. I tried to say as much above. Take a second and re-read my post. I doubt Dinkin could have come up with this out of a few undergrad Psych courses.

But decrypting OAS-CIA traffic, plus slanted and leading articles in Stars and Stripes, may have made Dinkin both paranoid and predictive. And with the likes of Edwin Walker recently exiting the military in Europe, and Charles Willoughby hovering over the Euro theater - it might be worth looking at what kind of mind-prep was being disseminated to the troops via Stars and Stripes, such that Dinkin could try to claim that as his source rather than intelligence traffic. Revealing the true source could have landed him in Leavenworth.

Still - if the accounts are to be believed - someone in intel thought enough of the story to send an operative to elicit the whereabouts of Dinkin's clipping file, and steal it.

Looking at Stars and Stripes 1960-1963 would as well be useful to examining the anti-communist cultural climate, and its escalation in the assassination season. Would love to have the time and spare cash to do it.

Edited by David Andrews
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Analyzing the propaganda machine of that time is one thing, nailing the assassination date down to within a week is something else altogether. It would be interesting to know how he did it.

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Analyzing the propaganda machine of that time is one thing, nailing the assassination date down to within a week is something else altogether. It would be interesting to know how he did it.

I'm betting the OAS telegraph traffic. But had Dinkin told that to the press, they surely would have ratted him out on national security grounds. Perhaps they did anyway.

NB, speaking of the holiday angle, does anyone remember sources for past info that said that:

  • The plotters (the real "atheists" in this show) chose a holiday so they could spoil if for the American people, thus doubly mind-effing them into not thinking concretely about a conspiracy.
  • Also, the tale that the assassination plot was code named "Christmas package."

I've read these rumors, possibly on this Forum.

Robert and David, I've always been interested in phenomenological study of the assassination, in analysis of the cultural events that surround it, apart from the nuts and bolts of who set it up and how the crossfire was achieved. I feel that published work like this could enhance mainstream acceptance of the assassination as wide-ranging conspiracy. One good work in this vein is E. Martin Schotz, History Will Not Absolve Us, available below:


Edited by David Andrews
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David - I didn't mean to post that question twice, and thanks for clarifying your position. It is really odd that when one tries to research Dinkin the story quickly becomes what he may have gleaned from reading Stars and Stripes and other publications, rather than what he may have learned from cable traffic on the OAS. It makes sense that he protected his own skin, and he even says as much in regard to the psychological testing he underwent at Walter Reed hospital. Assuming this to be true, the interesting question is why that cover story? What were the other publications that he read? He claimed that all his papers were confiscated during his hospitalization. He also claimed that he could not report his 'theory' to his superiors because some of the plotters were US military.

Was he perhaps leaving us a clue as to who in the military he thought was actually involved? It is curious that he previously published in the Overseas Weekly, a newspaper considered 'leftist' by military brass ( in sharp contrast to Stars and Stripes) his opposition to being forced to purchase savings bonds because over 50% of those profits were being used to finance the US military. This brought him to the attention of his military superiors. The Overseas Weekly is the very same paper who had helped being down General Edwin Walker a few years previously. Dinkin was well aware of the negative view the US military had of the Overseas Weekly, a newspaper deliberately denied to US troops stationed in Vietnam at least by 1965. No doubt Dinkin was telling the truth when he claimed that the Military publications were indoctrination devices.

So perhaps Dinkin saved his own skin and apparently disappeared shortly thereafter. Assuming his story is basically true one would have to see him as a brave and patriotic individual, and not the paranoid he was painted as in all the post assassination documents circulated to the Warren Commission et al. One article I read compared him to whistleblower Edward Snowden. So shouldn't we consider that his last act was a defiant one? In a nutshell, his message was that certain US military brass were involved in a conspiracy to kill the president, that they were drawn from the ranks of the far right, those that resented the treatment of General Walker, perhaps Walker himself.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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