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The Magic Bullet Theory

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Oh give me a break. It is not lower.

James you may have done all the anatomy analysis, and I commend you for it, but your conclusions do not fit the evidence. There are two wounds, no bullets and no exits. The best solution for those facts is a single bullet passed through the president causing both wounds.

From that simple fact and the Arlen Specter picture above, I am confident that CE399 did not come from the TSBD. The angle of entry is too low.

In all my studies I have found there has always been some truth on both sides. Some things the LN'ers have right and some things the CT's have right.

This is just one more example of that. The LN'ers are right, the bullet did pass throught the president, but they are wrong also because it did not strike Connally. That is what the evidence indicates.

Edited by Mike Rago
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I did not think you would address my questions Lee because I do not think you can answer them without contradicting many things that you have already stated on this issue.

What happened to the bullets Lee? According to you there are two entry wounds, no exits and no bullets. Where did the bullets go Lee?

BTW, that bullet did not do any damage to Kennedy, it was a flesh wound. It did not strike any bones and it did not strike any organs. It just went through muscle.

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Did you actually even seriously look at the image.

Because Specter has the model bending forward it makes it much more difficult to clearly distinguish the position of the trachea wound from the back wound.

If you knew basic anatomy you would know that the position of the back wound at around T3 invalidates the theory.

However even with the model bent forward it still possible to show that the back wound [ The red line ] is lower than the throat wound [ The yellow line ] Albeit just lower.


Having studied anatomy I can better see the weakness in your arguments. For example you see nothing wrong with the back entry point in CE 903.

The difference between you and me is that I know that if the bullet is there then it is also around T3 and therefore there is no possibility of the lung not being pierced. It is anatomically impossible for the lung not to be pierced.

Bullets do not have satellite navigation.

When Specter created the SBT he never considered what the bullet would have to do to travel through the upper chest. He and the Commission gave that no concern.

All he was concerned with, just like you, is could he link entry and exit points so that two bodies can be injured by a single bullet. Now I do not deny that trajectories are important.

However people like you, with such theories, totally ignore the realities and laws of human anatomy.

Just because you can link entry and exit points does not make your theory a valid one, if in doing so you have given no thought to the implications of those trajectory points.

Anatomical laws may be inconvenient to you, but they are there all the same. And it these laws that make a nonsense of such theories as yours.

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Also I take it you can see where the pointer is with regard to the throat exit point. It is below the collar.

With regard to your version of the SBT, how does a bullet the exits through trachea rings 3 & 4 yet go on to leave the body below the collar of the shirt. How is that possible??


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I did not think you would address my questions Lee because I do not think you can answer them without contradicting many things that you have already stated on this issue.

What happened to the bullets Lee? According to you there are two entry wounds, no exits and no bullets. Where did the bullets go Lee?


For God's sake, put me on ignore. And when you hit the site make sure you log in before reading anything.

I haven't said anything about any wounds, exits or bullets in my conversation with you. So when you write "According to you...", you are "misstating" what I have said because I've said sod-all about them. Don't you hate it when people do that?

Quote me if you want to bring up things I have said. Like this:

I see why the SBT exists. I like it.

You need to define what you mean by the SBT? I am not validating the SBT.

I hate it when people misstate what I say.

I already informed you that I clarified what I mean when I refer to the SBT in a subsequent post. I divide the SBT into two components so that I can reason about its two aspects separately.


Lee I was asking you a question about the evidence.

If a bullet did not pass through the presidents body how do we explain two entry wounds, no exits and no bullets?

If you believe that CE399 is a planted bullet why would the conspirators use that bullet? That bullet does not help them. We all agree that bullet did not hit any bone structures. Why on earth would they plant that bullet? That bullet was not planted. It may have an imperfect chain of custody, but it is not a planted bullet. The only thing that bullet did not do that everyone said it did is this...that bullet did not hit Connally. A second bullet that missed the president completely hit Connally.

Edited by Mike Rago
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All those who handled the bullet at Parkland Hospital, and on the way to Washington, D.C. were unable to identify it as CE399. O.P. Wright told Josiah Thompson that the bullet he saw had a pointed tip, while CE399 was rounded. Why are you pretending there is ANY evidence that CE399 was involved in the assassination? There is far more than reasonable doubt here...

There was an entrance wound in the back, and a wound in the throat that was described by everyone who saw it before the tracheotomy as being of entrance. You can't match up a wound with another if the trajectory is competely impossible. A bullet being fired from above cannot, under any circumstances, exit at a point higher than the entry, if it strikes nothing inside the body. Period.

I apologize for calling you an LNer. At this point, I would say you in the same incomprehensible category as Tom Purvis is. Perhaps he can understand what you're saying.

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There is ambiguous evidence about what Tomlinson and Wright said.


This bullet has a point on it. Mr. Wright has given two different descriptions of the bullet. What is common between those two descriptions is that in both cases he was describing a bullet that looked like it had not hit anything, a "pristine" bullet.


I am going to ask you the same question that I asked Lee. Hopefully you will answer it.

If a bullet did not pass through the presidents body how do we explain two entry wounds, no exits and no bullets?

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I have already noted that there is evidence in the record indicating that the bullet that entered JFK's back didn't exit, and neither did the bullet entering his throat. And I don't discount completely David Lifton's thesis that the back wound was fabricated. There are questions throughout the record that were never resolved, because there was never a real investigation.

However, no matter how you look at it, those two wounds don't line up, unless you postulate that someone was shooting from inside the trunk of the car.

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I apologize for calling you an LNer. At this point, I would say you in the same incomprehensible category as Tom Purvis is. Perhaps he can understand what you're saying.

Actually, your theory is more incomprehensible than mine. Just look at what you said in your previous posts. You think that two bullets entered the president creating the back and throat wounds, did not exit and just disappeared or you think that the back wound is fabricated. That is pretty incomprehensible Don. The problem is you do not realize how far fetched it is.

The theory you endorse requires 3 simultaneous shots, with the bullets from two of those shots just disappearing!

The theory I am proposing is not that hard to understand...


I still have not seen any evidence to show that the back wound is lower than the throat wound.


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I actually did not mean to make this post. I was editing a previous post and messed up.

Well since I am here .....

I believe Wecht is describing two bullets. The first bullet exits the presidents throat moving downward and to the left. That bullet hits, grazes or startles Connally on his left side and he flinches in response to it.

When Connally turns back to the right he is hit by the second bullet.

There are two bullets in my theory. ( Your theory requires 3 bullets, two of which disappear)

But they both come from behind and they explain the wounds we see on the presidents body.

Connally flinches to his left before he turns to the right...

Look at it. Connallys flinch to the left is synchronous with Kennedy putting his arms up.

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Lets talk about CE399 and Mr. O.P. Wright

Mr. Wright has made conflicting statements regarding CE399.

In June of 1964 he told Bardwell D. Odum that that CE399 did resemble the bullet he saw at Parkland hospital.

Wright Odum

"On June 12, 1964, O.P. Wright, Personnel Officer, Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Texas, advised Special Agent Bardwell D. Odum that Exhibit C1, a rifle slug, shown to him at the time of the interview, looks like the slug found at Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963, which he gave to Richard Johnsen, Special Agent of the Secret Service. He stated he was not present at the time the bullet was found, but on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, as he entered the Emergency Unit on the ground floor of the hospital, Mr. Tomlinson, an employee, called to him and pointed out a bullet, which was on a hospital carriage at that location. He estimated the time as being within an hour of the time President Kennedy and Governor Connally were brought to the hospital. He advised he could not postiviely identify C1 as being the same bullet which was found on November 22, 1963."

In November of 1966 he told Josiah Thompson the bullet had a "pointed tip"


CE399 also has a pointed tip.


Both bullets, CE399 and the 30 cal picture above have pointed tips. Both bullets do not look like they hit anything hard.

The implication is that the 30 cal round is the real bullet that fell off the stretcher that day and that CE399 was substituted to frame Oswald.


Was the 30 cal round a full metal jacket round?

So, we can say that one of those bullets either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet (which we do not have anymore and may never have had it) was fired from a gun that day and ended up in almost pristine condition in Connally's clothes.

Nathan Pool, employee of Otis Elevator Company who was sent to Parkland Hospital to run the elevator while JFK and Connally were in the Hospital.


http://jfk.hood.edu/...han/Item 03.pdf

The bullet that Pool gave to Tomlinson was bronze, long, pointed and smooth and did not look like it had hit anything.

Something is a little out of whack.

Both Pool and Tomlinson "co-discovered" the bullet, however the FBI report says that it was Pool who bent over to pick up the bullet. However, in the following youtube video Tomlinson is identified as the person who bent over to pick up the bullet.

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David Josephs may I ask you a question? If you choose to answer it would you please keep your answer short.

Do you agree that one of the two bullets, either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet was in Dallas that day and fired from a gun and ended up in near pristine condition, looking like it did not hit anything?

So, we can say that one of those bullets either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet (which we do not have anymore and may never have had it) was fired from a gun that day and ended up in almost pristine condition in Connally's clothes.
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David Josephs may I ask you a question? If you choose to answer it would you please keep your answer short.

Do you agree that one of the two bullets, either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet was in Dallas that day and fired from a gun and ended up in near pristine condition, looking like it did not hit anything?

So, we can say that one of those bullets either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet (which we do not have anymore and may never have had it) was fired from a gun that day and ended up in almost pristine condition in Connally's clothes.

Sorry buddy, I don't do "short" - I prefer to support my posts with actual evidence and then authenticate/coroborrate that evidence..

I try not to deal with opinion unless I say I am expressing an opinion.

So Mike.... you can ask me anything you like... as long as you agree to provide evidence and authentication for your argument against.....

There is evidence that a pointed round was found... yet disappeared... it is SAID not to have been disformed and it looked intact

There is NO EVIDENCE that ce399 was in Dallas, in contact with either JFK or JC, and no Chain of custody until TODD gives it to Frasier in DC....

CE399 only appears on the scene as a result of Chief ROWLEY giving it to ELMER TODD on his way to Frasier...

(please remember that TODD was the agent sent to convince the Parkland docs, specifically Perry, that the throat would COULD BE either entrance or exit... after hounding him repeatedly..

Todd himself expresses regret at the manner inwhich he did his job regarding Perry....

Reading the Bell Article linked here will help with your understanding that the WCR conclusions are CRAP.... the physical evidence? more Bullsh!t

The medical evidence? Please.

As I've asked you in the past Mike... you can present any piece of evidence from the WCR or HSCA and we can show you how it is not only NOT supported by the evidence but more than likely the evidence states exactly the opposite - and not in a single instance, but in ALL instances.....


Wright's and Tomlinson's unanimous rejection of CE-399 was further confirmed by this top secret FBI airtel, which was never shown to the Warren Commission.

WFO (FBI Washington Field Office),

who found bullet at Parkland Hospital, Dallas, nor O. P. WRIGHT, Personnel

Officer, Parkland Hospital, who obtained bullet from TOMLINSON and gave

to Special Service, at Dallas 11/22/63,
can identify bullet

Instead, the FBI told the commission that the two civilians had been interviewed by special agent Bardwell Odum, who was told by the men, that the stretcher bullet "appears to be the same one". But when Josiah Thompson and Dr. Gary Aguilar contacted the National Archives, they found no record of such an interview, in spite of the fact that the FBI was required to document interviews like that. And when they contacted Bardwell Odum in person, he denied ever conducting such an interview and stated that he had never even seen CE399.


Considering the time zones, it was between 90 minutes and 2 hours after the arrival of those fragments at the FBI labs, that Tomlinson was awakened by someone from the FBI, demanding that he "keep his mouth shut" about the bullet he found at Parkland hospital. This is from the recorded 1967 interview of Tomlinson by Ray Marcus. The interview is also documented in the HSCA records.

Tomlinson: On Friday morning about 12:30 to 1 o'clock - uh, excuse me, that's Saturday morning (11/23) - after the assassination, the FBI woke me up on the phone and told me to to keep my mouth shut.

Marcus: About the circumstances of your finding the bullet?

Tomlinson: That is (one short word, unintelligible) what I found…

Marcus: I understand exactly what you mean, when they call you, it's pretty authoritative. But the thing is this, did they say - was there any particular thing about what they said or they just didn't want you to talk about it period?

Tomlinson: Just don't talk about it period.

and finally Mike... your graphic on the SBT and Specter shows just how little you understand here... you PROVE the SBT is impossible

without the 3 degree slope of ELM, the trajectory from 6th floor SE corner would be 20 degrees (17 plus the 3 degree slope)

What you've done is prove a shot MUST have come from Dal-Tex to enter at a SBT angle thru JFK.... which of course is unacceptable to the WCR

and if you look at Altgens 6 you see an open window on the 2nd floor behind the fire-escape....

Plus the bullet was moving RIGHT to LEFT... how far to the LEFT did the bullet travel between JFK's throat and JC's armpit given the extreme R2L angle

and where was JC sitting? how far to the LEFT and BELOW was JC's injuries?

The SBT is impossible Mike.... It was then and is now AN INSULT TO THE INTELLIGENCE.....


Plus, we show you the angles right here - as I did before... and asked that you draw an entrance and exit location that conforms to the SBT....

Burkley said the bullet entered at T3.... which is even lower than the throat.... and HUMES/FBI tells us the bullet only went in an inch or so and PROBABLY fell out due to external cardiac massage.

When/where did THAT bullet fall out and disappear to?


Edited by David Josephs
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David Josephs may I ask you a question? If you choose to answer it would you please keep your answer short.

Do you agree that one of the two bullets, either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet was in Dallas that day and fired from a gun and ended up in near pristine condition, looking like it did not hit anything?

So, we can say that one of those bullets either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet (which we do not have anymore and may never have had it) was fired from a gun that day and ended up in almost pristine condition in Connally's clothes.

As before you avoided answering the question.

Edited by Mike Rago
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David Josephs may I ask you a question? If you choose to answer it would you please keep your answer short.

Do you agree that one of the two bullets, either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet was in Dallas that day and fired from a gun and ended up in near pristine condition, looking like it did not hit anything?

So, we can say that one of those bullets either CE399 or a 30 cal bullet (which we do not have anymore and may never have had it) was fired from a gun that day and ended up in almost pristine condition in Connally's clothes.

As before you avoided answering the question.

Are you really that dense a human being Mike... or you taking stoopid lessons from GMACK and DVP?

You, yourself tells us that Pool/Tomlinson rode a SS agent up in the elevator and when they returned HAVING LEFT THE STRETCHER BY THE ELEVATORS UNATTENDED..

A bullet supposedly rolls out... which Tomlinson gives to Wright.... this is AFTER Seth sees and greets JACK RUBY at PARKLAND HOSPITAL...

I can state as FACT, CE399 was not in Dallas

I can also state as FACT, the bullet these men did see and touch was NOT ce399, nor has it been seen since...

so I PERSONALLY cannot conclude anything about THAT bullet (unlike you who can jump to any unsupported conculsions you want and declare them FACTS), other than that it was seen by witnesses, which SUGGESTS that it was in Dallas, at Parkland.

That there was mention of another whole, intact bullet by the SS, that was involved in the assassination.... the SEPARATE BULLETS that hit JFK and JC..

Tell me Mike... what did the BULLET that killed JFK look like? Given they SECURED IT that evening....


and please, Show me where, in either reply, I AVOID anything.... other than the pitfalls in your lack of knowledge...


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