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The mysterious decline of provocateurs

Jack White

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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

What is the definition of a 'provocateur'?

In my view there are three types of 'provocateur'.

1) A 'provocateur' is someone who 'provokes, insults, disrupts' etc., etc. all the time.

2) A 'provocateur' is someone who 'provokes, insults, disrupts' etc., etc. only some of the time.

3) A 'provocateur' is someone who perversely and deviously NEVER 'provokes, insults, disrupts' etc., etc. but who is always plotting and awaiting the opportunity to do so.

Therefore, I should suggest that 'false lulls' in 'provocateurs'' activity are to be viewed with deep suspicion.

These 'false lulls' are mere diversions but remain weapons in the 'provocateurs'' arsenal.

For 'provocateur' also read 'wrecker'.

How about a new type:

4) A 'provocateur' is someone who perversely and deviously NEVER 'provokes, insults, disrupts' etc., etc. and who has no intention of doing so.

There may be more types out there. Any ideas?

All aboard!


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

Jack :ph34r:

Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

Earth to John:

This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education.

BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own


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have the whinner himself drop by and post this drivel HIMSELF. Why is he hiding behind YOU?

David, Robert doesn't hide behind me ... in fact, had it not been for Jack's remarks where Jack said that I was lying to this forum as if Groden praises Jack's nonsense on the alteration claims .... I would not have passed along Robert's opinion. Groden doesn't waste time with forums anymore because who would he be preaching to ... you? You and so many others don't have the ability to understand the evidence when it comes to the photographical record and in your particular case - you don't want to understand it. I mean, why would Groden care to waste his time reading nonresponsive disjointed 'Baghdad Bob Healy' type replies ??? I meantioned on the knoll one day how you claim that unless you held the oriiginal photos and films in your hand - you would consider them all suspect. Once the laughter stopped over the absurdity that you'd even know what you were looking at and why ... someone asked why does Healy then bother with the forums. The answer was one that some people here may find offensive, so I will leave it to your imagination even though I have hinted to it many times in my past postings.

Bill Miller

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1) A 'provocateur' is someone who 'provokes

pro·voke (prə-vōk')

tr.v., -voked, -vok·ing, -vokes.

To incite to anger or resentment.

To stir to action or feeling.

To give rise to; evoke: provoke laughter.

To bring about deliberately; induce: provoke a fight.

Now go back to the initial post that started this thread for an example of being a provocateur. Take a look at who's name is attached to that inital post for without that jackass starting this thread - there would not have been a response by BS. In Jack's own words ... things had quieted down, but that wasn't good enough so Jack felt the need to stir the xxxx. Now I ask ... Who was the provocateur in this instance!

"Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.


Edited by Bill Miller
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Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

Jack B)

Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

Earth to John:

This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education.

BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own


Dawn – I agree with you that BS is obnoxious but as Bill pointed out in this case Jack provoked this. I remember when Jack accused BS, Craig, Bill and me of being accessories to the murder of JFK and you were silent, but when we replied with indignation you asked why we were ganging up him. When Evan got pissed off because Jack accused him of hacking the forum you told him it was a joke and that he should grow up. BS's comment however in bad taste could be considered a joke too. I sense a double standard, when Jack is obnoxious you're silent but when his 'victims' reply you jump to his defense and criticize them. I once said Jack was the worst provocateur on the forum, I was wrong that 'honor' probably belongs to BS but Jack probably comes in 2nd or 3rd.


Edited by Len Colby
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Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

Jack B)

Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

Earth to John:

This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education.

BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own


Dawn – I agree with you that BS is an obnoxious ass but as Bill pointed out in this case Jack provoked this. I remember when Jack accused BS, Craig, Bill and me of being accessories to the murder of JFK and you were silent, but when we replied with indignation you asked why we were ganging up him. When Evan got pissed off because Jack accused him of hacking the forum you told him it was a joke and that he should grow up. BS’s comment however in bad taste could be considered a joke too. I sense a double standard, when Jack is obnoxious you’re silent but when his ‘victims’ reply you jump to his defense and criticize them. I once said Jack was the worst provocateur on the forum, I was wrong that ‘honor’ probably belongs to BS but Jack probably comes in 2nd or 3rd.


This thread sucks ............ let it die !!!!!!!

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Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

Jack B)

Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

Earth to John:

This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH.

Oh really? Get thee to Google and unearth those three instances. For the record, I never called for Jack's death. Too tacky. I said that when God eventually takes him (i.e. natural causes), the end result will be greater harmony due to the lack of his daily spam. Jack thinks he can make the most wild and hurtful allegations and never be called on it. He is mistaken.

BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

Not everyone's as wimpy as you, Dawny.

I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own

Not true. My three aliases would vote for me.

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Am I the only one to notice the sudden decline in

provocateur postings? How peaceful!

The budget must be tight at Provocateur Central.

Jack B)

Admittedly, I've been busy doing things you can only dream of: making a living; making love; not falling asleep in a recliner; being regular; etc. Just think how much more peaceful it'll be when God yanks your cord.

Earth to John:

This is at least the third time this wacco has called for someone's DEATH. Free sppech is one thing but hate seech should not be tolerated on a forum dedicated to education.

BS has zero to offer the research community. His continued presence here probally drives away a lot of interested newcomers.

I would bet if we took a poll to ban him he'd get one vote to remain: his own


Dawn – I agree with you that BS is obnoxious but as Bill pointed out in this case Jack provoked this. I remember when Jack accused BS, Craig, Bill and me of being accessories to the murder of JFK and you were silent, but when we replied with indignation you asked why we were ganging up him. When Evan got pissed off because Jack accused him of hacking the forum you told him it was a joke and that he should grow up. BS's comment however in bad taste could be considered a joke too. I sense a double standard, when Jack is obnoxious you're silent but when his 'victims' reply you jump to his defense and criticize them. I once said Jack was the worst provocateur on the forum, I was wrong that 'honor' probably belongs to BS but Jack probably comes in 2nd or 3rd.


Perhaps we've been at this a while longer than you... Double Standard is the Lone Nutter bane -- you can deal with it, you're a big guy!

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When Evan got pissed off because Jack accused him of hacking the forum you told him it was a joke and that he should grow up. BS's comment however in bad taste could be considered a joke too. I sense a double standard, when Jack is obnoxious you're silent but when his 'victims' reply you jump to his defense and criticize them.

Len, I think what has happened is that Jack's being allowed to have a 'double standard' for so long has now made it become 'the standard' in some peoples minds.

Bill Miller

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