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Army Serial Number claimed to be that of James Earl Files, the prisoner : 14203781

Belongs to:

Name: James E. Files

Year of birth : 1926

Residence State: Alabama

Residence County : Walker

Place of enlistement: CP SHELBY MISSISSIPPI

Date of enlistement : 11/01/1944

can be found here:


Wim please look through your e-mails, I have given you that and more information about this James E. Files

in the past, I think it also included the location where James E. Files lived and also date and place he died,

which was not in Spain but in the US of A.

You know, you don't need to be a US citizen, to try to locate relatives of this James E. Files in Jasper (if I remember right) or Walker county in order to check about this gentlemans military past, maybe they

still have documents and if you're (un)lucky, they even have documents, which have the same

military ID on it.

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I can understand why you are unhappy with the Marrs interview snippet, for it proves undeniably ambiguity in your statements about Files.

What you said there was well after all the "events" you listed here. So why didn't you say it then, if you're so sure Files is a hoax? Who where you trying to please in violence of the truth, or at least your revised opinion of it ?

Certainly you had never heard of Wim Dankbaar at that time.

In that regard I also note that that I have gone from "a friend", honest researcher, someone you respect, to "a Con in it for the $$$".

So please do not ever call me "a friend" again, because I have another definition for the word.

I have never asked you to support Files, nor Jim Marrs or Zack Shelton, I have asked you to refrain from speculation about players you know nothing about. Something that you promised, a promise you broke. And if you do an interview, take into account that you may be confronted with your statements one day. That has nothing to do with "being played", but with "honest research". It is not used "to prove the Files story", but rather to give your audience a fair review of your statements. Besides, that snippet doesn't prove the Files story in any way, shape or form. It just shows that you were neutral on that story up to 2000, or whenever it was recorded. Are you saying now that Marrs led you into that statement? Boy, you sure a have tendency to being led into statements then.

Also I did not ask you any question other than a rhetoric one, which requires no answer, namely how the FBI reportedly came to the allegation that you have a tendency to embellish your stories. I think it's a smear with no basis and I just sought confirmation form you. With your temper and sensitivity about being attacked, you misinterpreted that.

Let's not beat around the bush, your turn against Files (and thus me) started when Pamela Ray ran off her big mouth saying that you were the pilot on the MM flight with Nicoletti on board, the one that you remember. That information was given to her in confidence and never intended to be disclosed by Files for the record. But from that moment onwards, you have displayed an urge to discredit Files. It's an easy game to play, and you were the victim of it also. I don't blame you for hating Vernon for it. You know he is the opposite from being my "friend", yet you sarcastically keep calling him that. Have you learned some skills from him?

You wrote me this once:

As to Files? I have only one question. The S/N of which I was given belongs to a Cpl Henry J Banner United States Army, who was killed in Si pan in 1944. The sequencing of the number indicates he was a draftee in 1943 from Phillie. That is all I am going to say on this Wim. I would hope you would check this out for your own information and confront Files on this. Remember you and I did talk about this last year and again when you gave me the S/N number. I have known about this for a few months now and found out from the VA death records center on a cross check I had done on that number you gave me and I did tell you of my findings. I DO NOT INTEND TO GET INVOLVED IN A DEBATE ON THIS.

So Uwe finds another guy in the records than you! Could you please provide a record of your find to me, plus where and how you found it?

You want to express your opinion so much? Then don't be pissed when I give mine:

About three years ago, a pen pal of James Files, Ms. Pamela Ray, told me a piece of information that James Files did not intend for public consumption.

The information was that James Files dropped off a three men hitteam, including his boss Charles Nicoletti, at the Palwaukee airport north of Chicago, to take a private flight to California. The date of this event was the early morning of 4 august 1962, the mission of the hitteam was to murder Marilyn Monroe. According to Files, he was told that Marilyn was pregnant of John F. Kennedy and refused to have an abortion, because she wanted to keep the child. She had also scheduled a press conference. Therefore JFK had asked Sam Giancana, apparently still on speaking terms, to take care of this problem. The piece of information that James Files did not intend for the public, was that Tosh Plumlee, whom he knew by the name Pearson, was the pilot on that flight.

Although I am convinced that Tosh would never have been privy to the mission of that flight, I could already imagine that Tosh would not be happy to be associated with this story. Therefore I called him and without saying why, I asked him if he ever flew Nicoletti from Chicago to California. I remember his confirmations clearly. Tosh said he flew Nicoletti to Santa Barbara and other places on the West Coast. I also asked Tosh if one of those flights could have been in August of 1962. He said he could not remember all the dates, but it could well have been. "I am not denying that".

Tosh started denying it when Pamela Ray posted this confidential information, against the explicit will of of James Files, on a public internet forum.

As you can see from the filmfragment below, Tosh has always been neutral on the veracity of James Files. He can't say yes, he can't say no.

But recently, he changed his opinion to no. It is my firm opinion that this is because he doesn't want to be associated with the Marilyn Monroe story, and has therefore an interest to discredit James Files.

My analysis remains that both James Files and Tosh Plumlee have told the truth about their roles in Dallas, 11/22/1963, but that Tosh is selective with his denial of the Palwaukee airport story.


Wim Dankbaar

Also, Tosh, your references to discussions with Joe West and Stone about James Files' army service and serial number, are baloney. Shall I ask Stone if you met in his office with Joe West amidst his series of heart attacks, after august 1992 (when he first met Files) and before february 1993 (when Joe Died)?

Maybe you should finally put the deed to your words for a change:

In Summation: I am sorry it has not worked out as some have hope. However, I am finished with all of this. My phone is being changed. My email also. I can not work with anyone because of you ALL know why. I wish you ALL the best in your work.

I will no longer be a part of this mess.

"I will no longer cast MY pearls before the SWINE"

I have nothing further to say on this matter. I wish the best for you and your project.

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You're getting too riled up in your frustations that your story doesn't hit the headlines. Join the club, man!

When will you get it in your thick stubborn head that I do BELIEVE your story and are not out to discredit you. I have answered all your questions.

You know where to contact Files. Send him a letter or send it to me. I'll make sure he gets it.

He's as fedup as you with all the bullxxxx put out on him out there. He's in jail , you are not.

You want answers? Then contact me, but don't ever tell me again you don't want to say anything anymore on this "mess", will change your contact data bla bla bla, and then come back on a forum with false allegations.

I got the Marrs interview through his producer friend Gary Beebe. For all I care, Marrs puts it online, at least something happens with it then. Wasn't that your goal in the first place? It was part of the deal we had, to make it available for the production we were making. But I won't use it in there.



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Sure Tosh,

You go nibble on stuff you know how to nibble. I'm sure it will grow better than when you nibble on my stuff :P

It would be a nice twist when you nibble on Chauncey Holt a bit more, you know, the guy that brought Nicoletti in.

In other words, concentrate on the stuff you know more about. You did know Chauncey, right?

He was more than a mob thug, right?


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Why is that every time someone says you got conned by Files and that it COST YOU A LOT OF $ YOU twist this into "Wim is a con and only in it for the $" ??? Tosh has NOT said this about you. I have not ever said this about you. Both Tosh and I believe you are sincere and that you were conned. Period. What friggen money? The only $ made in this case is by the whores like Posner. Real honest researchers don't make enough to even finance their work. I know a lot of researchers in this case and I can assure you none are in this for the damn money. But for justice for our nation.

Why don't you just give Tosh the damn number he's asking for, on Files.

Just my two cents. I certainly am NOT trying to get something started.


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When are you folks going to understand? I gave Tosh the damned Sn number numerous times! 14 203 781

Why is that every time someone says you got conned by Files and that it COST YOU A LOT OF $ YOU twist this into "Wim is a con and only in it for the $" ??? Tosh has NOT said this about you.

Read, Dawn, I will highlight what Tosh said in black and white:

Yes I am pissed about that You and Jim IMO CONNED ME. All of you IMO are a bunch of Conns in it for the $$$. Got to go with my honey. She is pissed that I waste my time with this crap. Tosh


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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When are you folks going to understand? I gave Tosh the damned Sn number numerous times! 14 203 781

Why is that every time someone says you got conned by Files and that it COST YOU A LOT OF $ YOU twist this into "Wim is a con and only in it for the $" ??? Tosh has NOT said this about you.

Read, Dawn, I will highlight what Tosh said in black and white:

Yes I am pissed about that You and Jim IMO CONNED ME. All of you IMO are a bunch of Conns in it for the $$$. Got to go with my honey. She is pissed that I waste my time with this crap. Tosh



I have been reading this site for about a year and a half. I have read alot of your posts and feel very honored to receive all of your informative research. Having said that, when push comes to shove on asking you to present facts about James Files, you seem to be combative. All we are trying to do(speaking only for myself) is to get to the truth. Would you please give Files service number and lets lay this to rest.

William, again I thank you in advance for your help in regards to this matter.


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When are you folks going to understand? I gave Tosh the damned Sn number numerous times! 14 203 781

Why is that every time someone says you got conned by Files and that it COST YOU A LOT OF $ YOU twist this into "Wim is a con and only in it for the $" ??? Tosh has NOT said this about you.

Read, Dawn, I will highlight what Tosh said in black and white:

Yes I am pissed about that You and Jim IMO CONNED ME. All of you IMO are a bunch of Conns in it for the $$$. Got to go with my honey. She is pissed that I waste my time with this crap. Tosh



I have been reading this site for about a year and a half. I have read alot of your posts and feel very honored to receive all of your informative research. Having said that, when push comes to shove on asking you to present facts about James Files, you seem to be combative. All we are trying to do(speaking only for myself) is to get to the truth. Would you please give Files service number and lets lay this to rest.

William, again I thank you in advance for your help in regards to this matter.


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Thanks for the nice words. Please understand I am only combative if people accuse me of promoting hoax stories for monetary gain, as Tosh now also did, hopefully in a burst of temper and frustration, as I still consider Tosh a truthful man, who just does not appreciate that Files does not want to go on record with all he has. What he did go on record with, has brought him more trouble than Tosh.

My opponents know this is my weak spot, so they like to punch it. And what I do is punching back. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being combative in my view.

Please also understand that I am not making any secrets of Files service number. I have given it many times, also to Tosh. It is Tosh suggesting that I am holding it back. I do not. Yes, I get combative from those suggestions alone.

Here it is AGAIN:


As far as I understand those are the sn number and claim file number that also Files says belonged to him. But I will ask for his confirmation through his friend Bruce Brychek. I can't help that John Grady is dead and cannot be asked anymore how he found that.

Now Uwe says he finds a different James E Files under that number. Tosh says he found a Cpl Banner under that number. Heck, I don't know! I know that any agency could have screwed those records up meanwhile.

Tosh is just difficult to deal with. One day he says he is my friend, who wants to help me, next he says he is so fed up with all the attacks, that he will leave the scene for good, no offense meant bla bla. Then he pops up again. That's fine with me because I never wanted him to quit anyway. What I don't like , are the negative allegations, putting me on the same pile with Vernon.


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Thanks for the nice words. Please understand I am only combative if people accuse me of promoting hoax stories for monetary gain, as Tosh now also did, hopefully in a burst of temper and frustration, as I still consider Tosh a truthful man, who just does not appreciate that Files does not want to go on record with all he has. What he did go on record with, has brought him more trouble than Tosh.

My opponents know this is my weak spot, so they like to punch it. And what I do is punching back. Besides, there is nothing wrong with being combative in my view.

Please also understand that I am not making any secrets of Files service number. I have given it many times, also to Tosh. It is Tosh suggesting that I am holding it back. I do not. Yes, I get combative from those suggestions alone.

Here it is AGAIN:


As far as I understand those are the sn number and claim file number that also Files says belonged to him. But I will ask for his confirmation through his friend Bruce Brychek. I can't help that John Grady is dead and cannot be asked anymore how he found that.

Now Uwe says he finds a different James E Files under that number. Tosh says he found a Cpl Banner under that number. Heck, I don't know! I know that any agency could have screwed those records up meanwhile.

Tosh is just difficult to deal with. One day he says he is my friend, who wants to help me, next he says he is so fed up with all the attacks, that he will leave the scene for good, no offense meant bla bla. Then he pops up again. That's fine with me because I never wanted him to quit anyway. What I don't like , are the negative allegations, putting me on the same pile with Vernon.


Wim, Tosh did not find the other guy with the number given by Grady, he says he was given

at least one different number.

Files says that is his number and claim number, because someone (maybe Vernon, maybe even Grady if they ever had contact) got back to him with that information after Grady was given the SN number that, from what it looks, belongs to James E. Files serving during WW2.

Prior to Gradys findings, whatever they mean, Files did nor provide this army serial number or claim number

if I remember right.

Files also talked about him being declared a threat to national security, again this is from memory,

that information came from Grady too.

I know that this is a weak point in the James Files story,there are others, but I am not blaming

you for it.

If you made a bad deal, that is your problem, not mine.

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I know that this is a weak point in the James Files story,there are others, but I am not blaming

you for it.


1st: this is totally NOT a weak point in the JF-story (how you call it...), Uwe: do you really believe that you from out of Germany get such information with a computer on American army serialnumbers? And if so: what do you think? Files shot JFK! They already changed or did something with it when you indeed have access to it as of today. It isn't that easy!!!

2nd: tell me the other weak points! I bet you come with the same old nonsense to discredit Files and/or Wim as others do and did.

Gr. Paul.

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I know that this is a weak point in the James Files story,there are others, but I am not blaming

you for it.


1st: this is totally NOT a weak point in the JF-story (how you call it...), Uwe: do you really believe that you from out of Germany get such information with a computer on American army serialnumbers? And if so: what do you think? Files shot JFK! They already changed or did something with it when you indeed have access to it as of today. It isn't that easy!!!

2nd: tell me the other weak points! I bet you come with the same old nonsense to discredit Files and/or Wim as others do and did.

Gr. Paul.

Bark up another tree Paul.

The army serial number given to Grady never did belong to James E. Files the prisoner,

the number is from a guy from WW2, who died in 2002.

This information is years old.

Take a look at Usenet.

He was born in Walker county, where relatives there may still be able to confirm that, once someone

takes the time to look for an answer.

Wim has no interrest in that it seems, else he would have easily been able to check it out a long

time ago, and I am not going to invest money on James Files claims.

That serial number never came from Files, it went the other way around, Files learned of that number

only after it was given to Grady, the same for the claims number.

You have to look at the presenter before Wim and also at the Roscoe White story and it's players,

in order to understand what realy is the James Files story and why and how it was tried to hype it,

once you get rid of all the hot air that is surrounding it, you'll see that there is no proof in the house

of claims.

Wim was framed, the product he purchased is worth xxxx IMO, without proof it is worth nothing, and there is none as of today, after 16 years of promises.

But that is Wim's problem now, and I am sure he can handle that quite well.

What I am totaly fed up with, is this personal thing that is always used, persons are declared

dis-info agends, agenda driven, liars, etc. etc., so me thinks you need to do that, in order

to advertize the product better.

The critics are desperate, because our product is too good for them, and they do everything they

can in order to get it off the market, that is the message you try to sell to the people.

If your product would be working, you might have a point, but your truth vehicle lacks the

magic liguid to make it move.

The magic liquid is called proof.

And btw. the way you and at times Mark come here, acting like bigmouthed teens parroting Wim's

believes word by word, claiming all but you are idiots, just because we are not buying Files claims

hook line and sinker, shows that there is no need to take you serious.

You make the claims on Files behalf, so put up, or shut up.

Prove he was in the military (you claim it)

Prove he was in Dallas the day JFK was shot (you claim it)

Prove he shot JFK (you claim it)

Then we can talk.

Wim knows of my position, and my concerns for a very long time,and he has learned that I am

in no way against him personaly.

He knows I have no agenda other than to learn the truth, but I also take the freedom to adjust my opinion once I seek anwers and find none.

So why all the fuzz about me myself and my opinion ?

Edited by Dave Weaver
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