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Another photo from Jack.....


I want you to know Bernice that the images Jack is having you post look very familar to the paintings Van Gogh was creating just before he went totally mad and cut his ear off.


That is just your opinion..and you are one of a zillion....

And I want you to know Bill :

That no one, is having me do anything, that I choose not to......

I have and will continue, to help anyone in anyway, and with such as anything I may have in my files,

folders etc, whatever, I always have and I always will......

No matter what their personal opinions are, which after all, we all have our right to. Do we not.?

Be it the assassination, big foot, apollo photos, extraterestrials, whatever, that is everyones right..



Edited by Bernice Moore
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Another photo from Jack.....


I want you to know Bernice that the images Jack is having you post look very familar to the paintings Van Gogh was creating just before he went totally mad and cut his ear off.

Bill, do you happen to have a copy of the Dorman frame Jack had someone post in this thread. It seems to have gone missing and I could really use a copy for another subject.


Edited by Craig Lamson
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That is just your opinion..and you are one of a zillion....

And I want you to know Bill :

That no one, is having me do anything, that I choose not to......

I have and will continue, to help anyone in anyway, and with such as anything I may have in my files,

folders etc, whatever, I always have and I always will......

No matter what their personal opinions are, which after all, we all have our right to. Do we not.?

Be it the assassination, big foot, apollo photos, extraterestrials, whatever, that is everyones right..



Bernice, you're talking like a nut! I never said that you didn't have the right to post images for Jack. I just said that Jack's images look like Van Gogh's paintings before he went totally mad and cut his ear off.

Edited by Bill Miller
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Bill, do you happen to have a copy of the Dorman frame Jack had someone post in this thread. It seems to have gone missing and I could really use a copy for another subject.


Craig, most of my stuff is out of state, but as I am packing up the rest of my office, I will see if I have another copy of the DVD here.


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Guest Eugene B. Connolly
Photo from Jack.



To me the photo you posted is perhaps redolent of a man

who is wearing a white shirt

and has something flung over his left shoulder.

This 'man' also seems to be wearing black trousers.

Please remember this is merely my opinion.

I have neither the intention to denigrate your efforts nor

to be supercilious.

And I mean that most sincerely.

Best Regards

EBC ;):huh:

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OK - lets separate the game players from the sincere posters. Below is the image in question. I have marked several blotches on the image with red arrows. This image is obviously not a duplicate of what is seen on the actual film, but rather it has been taken from a digital image. When it was said that this was merely the background seen on a poor blurry image - a select few didn't seem to get it and thats now a matter of forum record. Now I am showing these artifacts that are alleged to make up articles of clothing and so on. These artifacts are scattered throughout the image. To understand what has happened here isn't as complicated as understanding simple cross checking procedures concerning the available assassination films and photos, nor is it as complicated as having to understand a beginners course on perspective. Instead it is a really simple matter of seeing these random artifacts as nothing more than something seen on an image so that a select few can play the "see what I can make out of nothing' game. Now people can look at this information and declare which ever claim they wish so that it too, can become a matter of forum record. The choice is pretty simple - its either a result of artifacts being seen on a blurry image or it is a person actually walking on top of the wall? (By the way, it would be interesting to have someone post another frame, possibly one that is a little sharper, so to compare the location of the artifacts seen on one frame with the artifacts seen on the other)


Edited by Bill Miller
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'Bill Miller' wrote:

OK - lets separate the game players from the sincere posters.



:tomatoes based on my experience with you over the past 6 years, LMAO!

Have a nice day! ROFLMAO!

David Healy

Edited by David G. Healy
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'Bill Miller' wrote:

OK - lets separate the game players from the sincere posters.



:tomatoes based on my experience with you over the past 6 years, LMAO!

Have a nice day! ROFLMAO!

David Healy

David ... no opinion as to the information that I posted? No rebuttal? We should probably then put you in the trolling player list. Can anyone else do better than David?


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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

Bill Miller:

OK - lets separate the game players from the sincere posters.


Could you give me/us (Others in this forum to whom it concerns)

a complete list of your 'game players' and 'sincere posters' and perhaps also

the names of those on your notional 'trolling player' list.

Just so we all know who the hell exactly you're talking about.

Be a man, Bill! Talk straight!

I should like to know for personal reasons.

Let's have your lists,Bill.

Post your multiple lists here in this forum now!


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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Could you give me/us (Others in this forum to whom it concerns)

a complete list of your 'game players' and 'sincere posters' and perhaps also

the names of those on your notional 'trolling player' list.

Just so we all know who the hell exactly you're talking about.

Be a man, Bill! Talk straight!

I should like to know for personal reasons.

Let's have your lists,Bill.

Post your multiple lists here in this forum now!



The list should be formed by the individual having to read these threads in hopes of being educated pertaining to JFK's assassination. I will let the ongoing lack of reasoning and the poor quality of the imagery being used to invent wall dancers represent who should and who shouldn't be on the list in question. I will leave it up to each person viewing these ridiculous presentations to decide who is serious and who is not.

Like I said before, if any one of you truly believe this to be real research, then let he or she present it to the news world and ask that it be investigated. So far, JFK assassination alteration claims pertaining to the films have been being made for years now and other than putting them into a book to sell to the public, I have not seen where any of its authors or supporters have taken it a step beyond so to present this alleged ground breaking/earth shattering news to the world. Why is that ... is it not important enough to these so-called dedicated serious researchers? How about you, EBC ... let you be the first to show up on MSNBC proclaiming these great finds pertaining to the "Zapruder and Sitzman Stand-In claim".

Bill Miller

Edited by Bill Miller
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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

The list should be formed by the individual having to read these threads in hopes of being

educated pertaining to JFK's assassination. I will let the ongoing lack of reasoning and the

poor quality of the imagery being used to invent wall dancers represent who should and

who shouldn't be on the list in question. I will leave it up to each person viewing these

ridiculous presentations to decide who is serious and who is not........

Enough of this infernal waffling!

Post your lists!


Edited by Eugene B. Connolly
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The list should be formed by the individual having to read these threads in hopes of being

educated pertaining to JFK's assassination. I will let the ongoing lack of reasoning and the

poor quality of the imagery being used to invent wall dancers represent who should and

who shouldn't be on the list in question. I will leave it up to each person viewing these

ridiculous presentations to decide who is serious and who is not........

Enough of this infernal waffling!

Post your lists!


Some of the names are in this thread - now contact MSNBC with your ground breaking finds!

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Guest Eugene B. Connolly

Some of the names are in this thread - now contact MSNBC with your ground breaking finds!

Cut the crap!

Either put up or shut up!

Post your lists!


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