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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. Well this is refreshing. I made a facebook post two days ago about her and it started a real fire. She has a lot of support there and her publisher jumped in accusing me of having an agenda for calling her a fraud. I stated that no serious researcher takes her seriously. And I also made the James Files analogy. I am stunned at how many are speaking at her conferences, lending credibility to her ever changing and ever growing tall tales. Dawn
  2. Opps I knew it was OCT 28, sorry. And you clearly have done ZERO investigation into the email stuff. It ain't about food but when one is blind all the evidence won't do a thing.
  3. RCD is probably the most knowledgeable person on this subject that I am personally aware of. Sure wish he'd come back to posting, I would visit here far more often just to read his brilliant prose and uncanny knowledge. As to the election loss, people crying over Killary need to listen to one of the many internet radio shows that discuss the emails involving "pizza" and "hot dogs". If that does not make you ill then you need to go back to first grade to learn deep politics 101. Comey could have gone much farther, I personally think his Sept. 28 press conference was to alert people to these very emails then allow researchers to dig and post.
  4. Thanks Tommy Yes I saw all the sweet happy birthday wishes on facebook. Thanks. The years go by all too quickly at our age.
  5. Wim certainly got sandbagged by Bob Vernon with this foolish "confession". I saw the video before I ever got on any forum and it was a total joke. Back in the day Wim used to get on me all the time for disbelieving Files without buying HIS (Wim Dankbar ) (sp?)'s video. Ya, the powers that be hired an 18 year old kid who would later confess. Makes sense to me.
  6. I had this site bookmarked and that no longer works. So I contacted Doug Caddy on facebook thinking EF was down and he told me it is not. So I had to find it via a search engine. Like the look of this.
  7. Hey...good old Ralph Cinque is now on facebook saying that it was a "Ruby lookalike" who shot Oswald.
  8. Sorry Vince, the fingerprint indeed is Mac Wallace's. As I will be showing when I can find the time. Joan Mellen's print examiner was given an altered fingerprint. Another person who no longer comments on JFK assassination issues, and who was a long time friend of J's (from the 50's) and is very well known in the critical community told me years ago that he had independent info on this to prove the match. I messaged him on fb two days ago but he said he is done with all of this, that "authors" just twist things to make their point. Yup Mac Wallace was a good guy who only murdered one time. J Harrison was a bad researcher because he never wrote a book or posted here. I did read the review when it was posted on my fb page and commented there. Life is too short to try to argue with those with an agenda. Joan should try living here in TX for awhile.
  9. Sadly no. Not that I am aware of. Walt would know more since he inherited all of J's files.
  10. Doug: The researcher was Richard Bartholomew. BK: I am unsure of how Jay will fit into a Chronology. And few will own it, so little will ever be known of all of Jay's life's work. Except how it will be spun by a woman who did not know him. Those who knew and loved him will just have to wait and see. Dawn Bumping this primarily so that readers can see the email Walt sent out. But he is totally quiet now that JM's book is out. (I read Jim D's review earlier, it was posted on my facebook page). I imagine it will soon be here.
  11. A minor point, but just another thing Joan gets wrong. She states that J "circulated his obit to friends". Not true. He sent it to two people: Walt and me. My copy was then forwarded to a close friend of J's and mine: Rachel Rendish. Later my email was accidently deleted when I changed computers but Rachel still had her copy which she sent back to me and I forwarded to Joan. And J never signed his name in morse code, except in THAT one email. He was just a few short months from death at this time and was still being his joking playful self. He'd often tell me he had "an ugly nurse" giving him shots. (Referring to himself). Does Joan mention anywhere in the book that another big thing on J's plate was exposing Mary Ferrell as an agent? Every time I visited in those last months that was what he talked about. And to refer back to a DiEugenio question: he did used to post on forums, but under an assumed title. I think it was the Dellarosa forum, but this was before I was on forums. (I read some where long ago that he posted under "Silver Glasses")
  12. Exactly. I wonder just when all of this happened. The "notes in his file" discrediting him. I wonder if they coincided with the break in of his home. Which did come very close in time to when he was being interviewed by Turner for The Men Who Killed Kennedy. That show aired on 11/22/03, the break in was summer of 03. Lots of questions that Joan just avoids. When she first asked for my help on this book it was pitched as a book to really show off J Harrison - let the world know what a great researcher he was. The final result is the total opposite.
  13. Me too. If I had the time I could outline so many errors in this one chapter. But to what end? J had an agenda : truth. Others do not share this and have their own pet theories that no amount of evidence will sway. I DID see what Nathan had an it was excellent. And after the box was stolen I saw the equally good film that Richard Bartholomew had. After the box was stolen I tried unsuccessfully to obtain what Nathan had been divested of but when the DA I asked what case it was connected to he told me it had to be one of his open cases. (This was a former DA in Hays county with whom I work). Dawn
  14. Ok So the Navy just up and gave Joan Mellen the real Wallace prints. Got that. And when J got Wallace's file from the FBI it was very blacked out. J, who had mil intel background and was a cop in Dallas. Yet Joan asks us to believe that when she- a professor and writer of books- obtained the same file it was clean and devoid of anything suspicious. Wow. (I have read the fingerprint chapter which was sent to me by a good friend- one who actually worked with J on this). As for all the background Joan sites on J, that came from his own obit that he wrote and emailed to me and Walt. I sent it to Joan. Great work Sandy. I can see that you have done some good study of fingerprint analysis. Dawn ps As Pastor Steve Darby told me this past Sunday she "needs to produce" this alleged not that Nathan Darby "wrote to his file".
  15. No words. Now it's down to name calling. J Harrison was a deep cover researcher. No he did not post on forums, (but sure read them). He was not out for fame and fortune. I am done here. Interesting that you bring up RCD. He left this place. Best of luck trashing dead people.
  16. Doug: I have had many "experiences" actually. But this is another topic altogether and not for the JFK forum. Hope they publish you again. Wow, that was 18 years ago? I still miss J even after so long. We talked every single day for the 8 years we were friends, often several times a day. When he wrote his own obit, just before his death from cancer he emailed it only to two people: Walt and me. I never uttered his name until the day he died. THAT is how secretive he was. That was the price of being his friend that I gladly accepted. Jim: No J did not believe Mac died that day due to all of the anomalies on the death certificate. Joan had that and we talked about it. But I have no opinion on this, and it was not something J and I discussed except one time in passing. That Wallace's brother would open an empty probate case in 1984 right around the same time as the grand jury was even weirder. The people with whom I spoke had no explanation for this and had never seen it done before. Onward.
  17. James, Didn't the "ringer" ask for a life imprisonment? (As opposed to the rest of the jury, who asked for the death sentence.) And then didn't the judge overrule the jury and give Wallace only a 5 year sentence? After which he suspended the sentence and immediately freed Wallace? That is my understanding. And yes I knew there was a "ringer" on the jury. I am not making pronouncements about this book. I am discussing J and Nathan. You Jim are the one doing this. On what basis do you "know" what Hoffmeister and his wife said? I know second hand from Jay. His wife freaked because they knew who Wallace was. And got him to back out. J KNEW them. Mellen does not. I am sure they are both dead now so she could not cite THEM. You do not even say who she does cite. If it is a family member that may have been a convenient secondary reason given to stay far away from the truth. I totally agree that Barr had enormous errors in his book. I read it when it first came out and then sent him a three page email regarding all the problems I had. I will read the book at some time and will be interested in your review but I am amazed that you are buying her hook line and sinker. I suspect it's because like others you just have some need to discount the entire TX connection. You do this with every book that discusses it. I am not wedded to some one theory of who killed Jack. He had powerful enemies. And many were here in TX.
  18. Amen Doug. But I don't expect the truth about this from Caro. I fact I doubt he will even go near it. I just listened to an interview with Stone for the first time ever. Most interesting. I agreed with a lot of it, but I do not see LBJ was the mastermind, just deeply involved. And I said THAT day one at age 14 . I no longer believe Joan had a mission for the truth. But that is as far as I will go on a forum. I spoke with Nathan Darby's son today to see if he had any proof - aside from his personal recollection- that his father had kept up his certification. He is not certain if such still exists. I also told him about an alleged note his dad had sent to the IAI and his response to that was "then let her produce this note". (Which no one will I am sure as I know that never occurred). J had told me about meeting with you Doug and had a copy of your book. A funny Jism: One day after I had returned from court he called and just told me to go find a copy of that day's Wall St journal. Nothing else. (Cryptic as usual) then to call him back So I did. Then it was "open to such and such a page", then lo and behold there was an editorial by you about your days as Watergate atty. I was taken aback as I knew you had represented Billy sol in his letters to AG Trott (etc). "Strange bedfellows", I thought at the time. I hope someone does a TRUE bio of Mac. Not a whitewash. He was truly a stone cold killer. I have a lot more on my mind about this but have a very early morning. I wonder if non Texan residents are quick to dismiss the TX connection out of some Democratic loyalty to LBJ. It simply baffles me. Dawn
  19. No Wallace was just a guy who got very lucky. Killed in cold blood in broad daylight, was tried and convicted, defended by LBJ's personal atty, and got a suspended sentence. Happens all the time in Tx.
  20. Larry I don't know exactly what J kept that went to Walt regarding this. But J gave a first generation print of Wallace known prints. Nathan kept all of his work related to this in a box under his bed in the home he shared with his son and family. The home had security. In early August someone bypassed the security and entered NATHAN's home taking only the box. (All of this is in posts I made above here). He called me very upset asking if I believed his life to be in danger. That was the only time I ever encountered him in fear. I was planning a joint birthday party for both Nathan and myself in later August but my mom died suddenly on 8/20 so the party got continued til 10/25. Richard brought the film (for lack of better term) he had and printed it off. We all sat on my couch with Nathan showing us the matches. No one was ever found who did the break in at the home. But it is clear to me that the person : 1. Had the know how to bypass an alarm system and 2. Not only knew what he or she was looking for but where to find it. Nothing else was taken but that box. As to what all Walt got you need to ask him that. And as to what Joan borrowed, she told me it was a large amount, I think she used a truck. J's paper files are extremely cryptic in keeping with his overall secret nature so she had a difficult time with them.
  21. No we can't see what Darby had to work with as it was stolen. Everyone just conveniently ignores this. J had friends in the police department including a relative of Kinser (who I will not name here as he has not been involved in any of this since Jay's death and is a private person that I met a few times with J. really nice guy. ) so he was able to get a first generation copy of the known prints. He had to wait the requisite 25 years from the date of Wallace's "death". (A date very much is question too as Joan well knows- does she even mention all the problems on the death certificate?). I just know that it was an excellent first generation copy of the known prints. Richard Bartholomew, who had worked with J for thee years just prior to the failed press conference May 29 1998 also has an excellent copy on film. He will be writing something after more information is gathered. I love how people here are posting what Hoffmeister said. Based on what? I base what he said on what J told me he said; he made a match and backed off out of fear of who it was. Walt Brown knows this too. Why is he not jumping in here to defend HIS "dear friend" J Harrison? I am not arguing with science. I am defending my friend Nathan against a perjury charge. By someone who took the word of people with motive to lie. Sandy, yes Nathan was elderly. He was 91 when he died in 06.But until his stroke in 05 was as sharp as can be. Dawn
  22. Sandy: When I first learned of this slanderous allegation a few years back I visited with Nathan's Pastor son (Steve) and wife, who live just down the street from me. Pastor Darby assured me that his dad had kept up his certification. I am awaiting receipt of that chapter and then I am going to re-visit the Darbys to see if they have any kind of proof of this. I do know that Nathan kept everything concerning this work in a box he kept under his bed, where the home security system was bypassed in August 03 and the thief took only that box, without disturbing anything else in the home. (I am told Joan re-counts this as told to her by me without bothering to even wonder WHY). Nathan called me very afraid that his life may have been in danger. So his cert. proof may also have been in that box. I just know that he was as honest a man as you could ever meet and that he NEVER would have committed perjury on an affidavit. He would have put "RETIRED CLPE" on said affidavit. I do not know that one has to do to re-certify. I do not know that his son would even know. But all this will come after I have the chapter and a copy for Nathan's family of this disturbing chapter. More when I know it. However what I do know for certain is that Nathan himself NEVER wrote a note to them declining to be recertified. We were very good friends and he visited our home often as well as often speaking with me on the phone. I was very close to all of this before it occurred, during and after. Til J Harrison died in 05 and Nathan had a stroke that summer as well, from which he never recovered. Interesting that Joan Mellen would take the time to speak with the son of Mac Wallace but never bother to speak with the son of Nathan Darby. Sloppy investigation or a pre-conceived agenda? Pick your poison. Dawn
  23. WOW. He wouldn't and he didn't. I can't speak about Hoffmeister but I can about Nathan. Do you also believe that Nathan also wrote a letter himself for his file stating he would not be re-certifying? ( A fb friend just messaged this lie to me). I have to just walk away from this because it leaves me shaking with anger. As I wrote a couple of years back on DPF my dear friends J and Nathan are rolling over in their graves. I will keep the rest of my opinions on this to myself and trusted friends. Not to be put in writing.
  24. I do not believe there has ever been an AG who was not a lawyer. The very name implies that one is an attorney.
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