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JFK Online Seminars

John Simkin

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I would like to organize an online conference on the JFK assassination during the week 21st November – 27th November. If I can persuade enough people to contribute a paper, I would like to start a couple every day during this week. Of course, there would be not cut-off date for contributions to these debates. Please post titles of the topics you would like to start. To get the ball rolling I am willing to produce an article/paper on “Florence Smith: The Forgotten Witness”.

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What a Difference a Day Makes. The Release of the Assassination Evidence to the FBI.

So right Mr. Marrs.

What a Difference a Day Makes!!!!

Love to see a topic on Watergate, past government corruptions. What people can look for prior to any government going sour.

Also A Topic on the Bush's terms in office both of them.

In it also Sen. Tower discussed. In case anyone wants to know the date of his death and daughter aboard a plane was 9/11/ Two towers went down in a plane. Forgot what year but former pres. Bush was in office at the time.

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TOPIC: Was John Kennedy's Assassination "Legal"? :

Understanding the 25th Amendment to the Constitution (1967).

Shanet Clark

I would like to organize an online conference on the JFK assassination during the week 21st November – 27th November. If I can persuade enough people to contribute a paper, I would like to start a couple every day during this week. Please post titles of the topics you would like to start.

Edited by Shanet Clark
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John, I could contribute a couple of unpublished chapters on the purported relationship between Malcolm Wallace/LBJ and the Estes scandal murders.

This may or may not be directly related to the JFK conspiracy but much of the primary source material on this is pretty hard to come by these days so for those interested it could clear up a lot of mininformation that is always floating around - and it is all sourced/footnoted.

-- Larry

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