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The Ultimate USAEC secrets per the JFK hit.

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Ive done original research on Scribner, Hall and Casey (1963 law.firm) Casey was reported as a outside of the CIA Dulles operative. Hall was a Republican Party stalwart (heading Republican Party Congressional division and working on JFK-Nixon TV debates). The Dulles were also Republican Party stalwarts helping Dewey write his speeches and setting up with illegal CIA monies the Ethnic Republican division. Scribner was head lawyer Treasury Dept.

------------------------------ then is replaced by

Gaspard d'Andelot Belin as head lawyer of the Treasury Dept. who socialized with Bundy,James Jesus Angleton,Mary Bancroft and Allen Dulles


Posted 27 August 2005 - 08:02 PM

Fletcher Prouty in his book ,The Secret Team, discussed Allen Dulles ambition to have the CIA penetrate all areas of the US government.Prouty used the existence of a high level FAA bureaucrat that was really a CIA asset to example CIA penetration. It is my supposition that Dulles started to penetrate the US Secret Service in the early 1950s. I come to this idea by my finding the 1963 lawfirm of Scribner,Hall, and Casey in Wash. DC area. Casey being William Casey,who was identified as a POST (thats post) WWII operative of Allen Dulles in the, The Secret War Against the Jews Book.
In 1952 Dulles had a dangerous plan to aid the Republican Party's control of the US Presidency. Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division (aka with some variation Heritage Groups today). THe Ethnic Division was organized initially in five states. These groups in the 1950s were a danger to the Republican Party in that key leaders were made up of recent displaced WWII Fascsists,Nazi and neo-Nazis.
Though information was reported circa 1979-1980 about these groups, this information on the Ethnic Divisions was never given the emphasis it should have gotten (LIBERAL PRESS ???). Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division to counter the Jewish vote that he felt caused Governor Dewey's razor thin loss to Truman.
A portion of the money for the creation of this Ethnic Divison would come from the money-laundering organization, The Crusade for Freedom,which was aided by William Casey and Ronald Reagan in the early 1950s. The head of the Republican Congressional divison in 1952 was Leonard (W) Hall. Mr. Hall would also chair the Republican Party. Hall had to have full knowledge of this fascists operation. Some of the money also came from the CIA (very illegal). In 1963 we see the lawfirm of Scibner,Hall and Casey. Who was Fred Scribner ? Mr. Scribner was head lawyer for the Treasury Department from the mid 50s till late 50s and also later the Under Secretary . On the internet I found a document that had Scribner working in the hiring of IRS agents. Now Dulles was so fixated on Presidential control he started the Ethnic Divisions which could have distroyed the Republican Party.
What strenghtens this theory is that Dulles also was a friend of another Head Lawyer at the Treasury Deptment, Gasper d' Andelot Belin. Dulles,his lover Mary Bancroft, JJA (Chief CIA CI), the Belin's,and the George Bundy's (Bundy being brother of Belins wife) ,would all share lunch and tennis at the Belin's. "Nobody could beat Allen ,at tennis",mused Mary about the Belin lunches. (A very competitive man, NO ??) There are some misspellings at NARA ,but you can find that Belin did work on the still secret (along with his mother's) Oswald tax returns. It is my supposition that via his relationship with the head lawyers of the Treasury Dept, Dulles penetrated the Secret Service.



"Pop" Howley died on Sept. 1, 2000. He was 93. At Princeton, he was Phi Beta Kappa. He then attended Harvard law school, graduating in 1932, and was with the firm of Donovan, Leisure, Newton & Irvine until WWII, when he followed "Wild Bill" Donovan, senior partner of the firm, into the Office of Strategic Services (now the CIA), which Gen. Donovan headed throughout the war. After the war, together with Leonard Hall, who was later the Republican national chair, and William Casey, who later headed the Securities and Exchange Commission and the CIA, they formed the law firm of Hall, Casey, Dickler and Howley, a renowned law firm.


I believe that a few members of the Secret Service were part of the assassination.

This does not fit into the "ROGUE" hypothesis.


The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11
Peter Dale Scott
The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld
Peter Dale Scott
The National Security State and the Assassination of JFK The CIA, the Pentagon, and the `Peace President`
Edited by Steven Gaal
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I've done original research on Scribner, Hall and Casey (1963 law.firm) Casey was reported as a outside of the CIA Dulles operative. Hall was a Republican Party stalwart (heading Republican Party Congressional division and working on JFK-Nixon TV debates). The Dulles were also Republican Party stalwarts helping Dewey right his speeches and setting up with illegal CIA monies the Ethnic Republican division. Scribner was head lawyer Treasury Dept.

------------------------------ then is replaced by

Gaspard d'Andelot Belin as head lawyer of the Treasury Dept. who socialized with Bundy,James Jesus Angleton,Mary Bancroft and Allen Dulles



Though information was reported circa 1979-1980 about these groups, this information on the Ethnic Divisions was never given the emphasis it should have gotten (LIBERAL PRESS ???). Dulles set up the Republican Ethnic Division to counter the Jewish vote that he felt caused Governor Dewey's razor thin loss to Truman.


Well, Steven, I've also done my own research, and I just don't find the Republican Party to be dangerous to the USA. Yes, they may be guilty of dirty tricks in politics now and again -- but politics is politics. They aren't fascists (though I don't typically vote for them).

As for the "Liberal Press" charge, I'd like to comment on that.

In the 1970's I was very interested in the Cold War, and I read everything I could get my hands on from the extremes to the moderates. The extremes were more interesting.

The left-wing writers were all very predictable -- they were parrots of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and so on. The same old blather about the industrial proletariat destined to defeat the industrial bourgeoisie, blah blah blah. They never changed that tune.

The right-wing writers were more creative. Rather than grand theories about the "inevitable tide of history" and so on, they challenged the key tenets of the left-wing as it hit the street, building on the Red Scare tactics of old Joe McCarthy. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society led the way, as follows:

-------- Begin quotation of Robert Welch 1959 --------------

"This brings us to the most important of their separate Big Lies. The first is that Communism is a movement of the downtrodden masses against their oppressors. The truth is exactly the opposite. Communism is imposed on every country, from the top down, by a conspiratorial apparatus, headed and controlled by suave and utterly ruthless criminals, who are recruited from the richest families, most highly educated intellectuals, and most skillful politicians within that country. The rest of the show, including all of the noise made and work done by the poor 'revolutionary' beatniks and dupes at the bottom, is mere pretense and deception." (Robert Welch, 1959, The Politician, p. xxxxv)

------------ End quotation of Robert Welch 1959 ---------

That stunned me back in the 1970's. The "real" Communists are the rich and powerful in New York City? The working class protest crowds on the street are really dupes of the rich? Wow, I really had to stop and think about that.

The right-wing had lots of other tricks up their sleeve -- for example, they named all these rich, alleged Communists from New York, and they even named the main group they belonged to -- the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). That group was named by the John Birch Society in 1960, in a book by Dan Smoot, entitled, The Invisible Government (1960).

They published the names of CFR members like the names of wanted criminals -- including John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Thomas Dewey, Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas Fairbanks, Harvey Firestone, Felix Frankfurter, John Kenneth Galbraith, Harry Guggenheim, H.J. Heinz, Herbert Hoover, Herbert Hoover Jr., Hubert Humphrey, Henry Kissinger, General Edward Lansdale, Owen Lattimore, Henry Cabot Lodge, George Cabot Lodge, Walter Lippman, John Loeb, Henry Luce, Stanley Marcus, Edward R. Murrow, Richard M. Nixon, Fritz Oppenheimer, Robert Oppenheimer, David Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, George Emlen Roosevelt, Alexander Sachs, David Sarnoff, John Schiff, Adlai Stevenson, General Maxwell Taylor, Paul Warburg, Eric Warbug, James Warbug, General William Westmoreland -- and if that sounds like a long list, Steven, I assure you that the JBS listed an additional 1,350 names in their "roster of shame."

At first I was impressed -- and then I realized the real roots of this political screed, namely, Southern Politics. I noticed that these were the names of the politicians of The Eastern Establishment. Some early John Birch Society material actually used that term. It was with this sort of nonsense that the John Birch Society gained membership from the small manufactuers in the North, and the Southern Dixiecrats in the South. It was a winning political strategy, exploiting the small business class with fears of Communists under the bed.

Building on the McCarthyist Red Scare, the Birchers made a ton of money and had millions of sympathetic Americans believing in their nonsense. Abolish the Federal Reserve! Abolish Social Security! Impeach Earl Warren! Flouride in your water is a Communist plot!

Then, in the early 1990's, the Red Menace simply collapsed. The USSR vanished into thin air. It had been built on a Big Lie -- not the Big Lie that Robert Welch warned about -- but simply the Big Lie that Communism was the will of the People, and that the USSR had no crime, no alcohol problem, no race problem, and was a perfect society. What a hoax. It couldn't stand on its own two feet to endure even three generations.

But here's the worst part -- after the Red Menace vanished from International Politics -- after Marxism-Leninism was humiliated in the eyes of intellectuals everywhere -- what ideology did the left-wing in the USA have to cling to anymore? You guessed it -- the John Birch Society!

What makes me laugh loud everyday is observing left-wing intellectuals spouting the same nonsense that we heard in the 1960's coming from the John Birch Society! Beware of the Council on Foreign Relations! Beware of the Trilateral Commission! Beware of the Bilderbergers! Beware of International Banks! Beware of the Eastern Establishment! The US Mass Media and Press is somehow biased toward the "LIBERAL"!

And they fail to see that all this echoes the radical right-wing of the 1960's.

It would be funnier if it wasn't so sad. The left-wing in the USA is basically a burnt chicken wing today -- with no substance of its own, and only a twisted form of Right-wing ideology to cling to desperately. I even hear Democrats complaining about Social Security and the Federal Reserve Bank today -- the irony is tragi-comic.

After all that, Steven -- my point is this. Grand political theories of the JFK assassination are noise-level to me. The only politics that are valid motives for the murder of JFK are the politics of 1963. Period. Nobody in 1963 knew what politics would arise after 1963. People can't predict the future. People react to the politics that they perceive under their noses today -- to the best of their ability.

The issues in 1963 in the USA were basically twofold: the Cuba Crisis and the Civil Rights movement. This is what moved the USA, both left and right in 1963, and this is what motivated the murder of JFK. That's my position because it's rational and verifiable. By contrast, grand political theories can give conspiracy research a bad name.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Here’s a great and very long inter­view of Russ Bel­lant on the OUN-B and its ties to both Svo­boda and the GOP and why it’s still very rel­e­vant his­tory today: (LINK)

For­eign Pol­icy In Focus
Seven Decades of Nazi Col­lab­o­ra­tion: America’s Dirty Lit­tle Ukraine Secret

An inter­view with Russ Bel­lant, author of “Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Repub­li­can Party.”

By Paul H. Rosen­berg, March 18, 2014


As the Ukrain­ian cri­sis has unfolded over the past few weeks, it’s hard for Amer­i­cans not to see Vladimir Putin as the big vil­lain. But the his­tory of the region is a his­tory of com­pet­ing vil­lains vying against one another; and one school of villains—the Nazis—have a long his­tory of engage­ment with the US, mostly below the radar, but occa­sion­ally exposed, as they were by Russ Bel­lant in his book Old Nazis, The New Right And The Repub­li­can Party (South End Press, 1991). Bellant’s expo­sure of Nazi lead­ers from Ger­man allies in the 1988 Bush pres­i­den­tial cam­paign was the dri­ving force in the announced res­ig­na­tion of nine indi­vid­u­als, two of them from the Ukraine, which is why he was the log­i­cal choice to turn to illu­mi­nate the scat­tered men­tions of Nazi and fas­cist ele­ments amongst the Ukrain­ian nation­al­ists, which some­how never seems to war­rant fur­ther com­ment or expla­na­tion. Of course most Ukra­ni­ans aren’t Nazis or fascists—all the more rea­son to illu­mi­nate those who would hide their true natures in the shadows…or even behind the momen­tary glare of the spotlight.

Your book, Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Repub­li­can Party exposed the deep involve­ment in the Repub­li­can Party of Nazi ele­ments from Cen­tral and East­ern Europe, includ­ing Ukrain­ian, dat­ing back to World War II and even before. As the Ukrain­ian cri­sis unfolded in the last few weeks there have been scat­tered men­tions of a fas­cist or neo-fascist ele­ment, but some­how that never seems to war­rant fur­ther com­ment or expla­na­tion. I can’t think of any­one bet­ter to shed light on what’s not being said about that ele­ment. The dan­ger of Russ­ian bel­liger­ence is increas­ingly obvi­ous, but this unex­am­ined fas­cist ele­ment poses dan­gers of its own. What can you tell us about this ele­ment and those dangers?

The ele­ment has a long his­tory, of a long record that speaks for itself, when that record is actu­ally known and elab­o­rated on. The key orga­ni­za­tion in the coup that took place here recently was the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists [OUN], or a spe­cific branch of it known as the Ban­deras [OUN-B]. They’re the group behind the Svo­boda party, which got a num­ber of key posi­tions in the new interim regime. The OUN goes back to the 1920s, when they split off from other groups, and, espe­cially in the 1930s began a cam­paign of assas­si­nat­ing and oth­er­wise ter­ror­iz­ing peo­ple who didn’t agree with them.

As World War II approached, they made an alliance with the Nazi pow­ers, they formed sev­eral mil­i­tary for­ma­tions, so that when Ger­many invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, they had sev­eral bat­tal­ions that went into the main city at the time, where their base was, Lvov, or Lwow, it has a vari­ety of spellings [also ‘Lviv’]. They went in, and there’s a doc­u­mented his­tory of them par­tic­i­pat­ing in the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and round­ing up Jews in that city, and assist­ing in exe­cut­ing sev­eral thou­sand cit­i­zens almost imme­di­ately. There were also involved in liq­ui­dat­ing Pol­ish group pop­u­la­tions in other parts of Ukraine dur­ing the war.

With­out get­ting deeply involved in that whole his­tory, the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists to this day defend their wartime role, they were back­ers of form­ing the 14th Waf­fen SS Divi­sion, which was the all-Ukrainian divi­sion that became an armed ele­ment on behalf of the Ger­mans, and under over­all Ger­man con­trol. They helped encour­age its for­ma­tion, and after the war, right at the end of the war, it was called the First Ukrain­ian divi­sion and they still glo­rify that his­tory of that SS divi­sion, and they have a vet­er­ans orga­ni­za­tion, that obvi­ously doesn’t have too many of mem­bers left but they formed a vet­er­ans divi­sion of that.

If you look insignia being worn in Kiev in the street demon­stra­tions and marches to the SS divi­sion insignia still being worn. In fact I was look­ing at pho­tographs last night of it and there was a whole for­ma­tion march­ing, not with 14th Divi­sion, but with the Sec­ond Divi­sion, it was a large divi­sion that did major bat­tle around the Ukraine, and these marchers were wear­ing the insignia on the arm­bands of the Sec­ond Division.

So this is a very clear record, and the OUN, even in its post­war pub­li­ca­tions has called for ethno-genetically pure Ukrain­ian ter­ri­tory, which of course is sim­ply call­ing for purg­ing Jews, and Poles, and Rus­sians from what they con­sider Ukrain­ian ter­ri­tory. Also, cur­rent lead­ers of Svo­boda have made bla­tantly anti-Semitic remarks that call for get­ting rid of Mus­covite Jews and so forth. They use this very coarse threat­en­ing lan­guage that any­body know­ing the his­tory of World War II would trem­ble at. If they were liv­ing here, it would seem like they would start wor­ry­ing about it.

Obvi­ously these peo­ple don’t hold monop­oly power in Ukraine, but they stepped up and the United States has been behind the Svo­boda party and these Ukrain­ian nation­al­ists. In fact the US con­nec­tions to them go back to World War II and the United States has had a long-standing tie to the OUN, through the intel­li­gence agen­cies, ini­tially mil­i­tary intel­li­gence, and later the CIA.

Your book dis­cusses a cen­tral fig­ure in the OUN, Yaroslav Stet­sko, who was polit­i­cally active for decades here in Amer­ica. What can you tell us about his history?

Yaroslav Stet­sko was the num­ber two leader of the OUN dur­ing World War II and there­after. In 1959, Ste­fan Ban­dera, who was head of the OUN, was killed and that’s when Stet­sko assumed the lead­er­ship. Stet­sko in 1941 was the guy who actu­ally marched into Lvov with the Ger­man army June 30, 1941 and the OUN issued a procla­ma­tion at that time under his name prais­ing and call­ing for glory to the Ger­man leader Adolf Hitler and how they’re going to march arm in arm for the Ukraine and so forth. After the war, he was part of the key lead­er­ship that got picked up by the Americans.

There’s a num­ber of accounts I’ve seen, at least three cred­i­ble up reports, on how they were in the dis­placed per­son camp, the Allied forces set up dis­placed per­sons camp and picked up tens of thou­sands of these for­mer allies of Hitler from coun­tries all over the East, Hun­gary, Latvia, Lithua­nia – there weren’t Pol­ish col­lab­o­ra­tors I think most peo­ple know the Ger­mans heav­ily per­se­cuted and mur­dered mil­lions of Pol­ish res­i­dents – but Bul­garia, Roma­nia, Croa­tia, and so forth, Belorus­sia. They had them in these camps they built and orga­nized them, where the Ukraini­ans were assas­si­nat­ing their Ukrain­ian nation­al­ist rival so that they would be the undis­puted lead­ers of Ukrain­ian nation­al­ist move­ment, so they would get the spon­sor­ship of the United States to con­tinue their polit­i­cal oper­a­tion, and they were suc­cess­ful in that regard. So when Ban­dera was out of the pic­ture, Stet­sko became the undis­puted leader of Ukrain­ian nationalists.

The Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists in 1943 under Ger­man spon­sor­ship orga­nized a multi­na­tional force to fight on behalf of the retreat­ing Ger­man army. After the bat­tle of Stal­in­grad in ’43 the Ger­mans felt a height­ened need to get more allies, and so the Roman­ian Iron Guard, the Hun­gar­ian Arrow Cross, the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists and oth­ers with mil­i­tary for­ma­tions in place to assist came together and formed the united front called the Com­mit­tee of Sub­ju­gated Nations and again worked on behalf of of the Ger­man mil­i­tary. In 1946, they renamed it the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, ABN. Stet­sko was the leader of that until he died in 1986.

I men­tion this in part because the OUN tries to say well dur­ing the war we fought the Ger­mans and the com­mu­nists. The fact of the mat­ter is that they were the lead­er­ship of this whole multi­na­tional alliance on behalf of the Ger­man the last two years of the war and in the war there­after. All the post­war lead­ers of the unre­pen­tant Nazi allies were all under the lead­er­ship of Yaroslav Stetsko.

What hap­pened when Stet­sko, and oth­ers like him from other Ger­man allied forces came to the United States?

In the United States, when they came, his groups orga­nized ‘cap­tive nations’ com­mit­tees, they became, sup­pos­edly, the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of peo­ple who are being oppressed in East­ern Europe, the Baltic coun­tries, by the Soviet. But they were, in fact, being given an uncrit­i­cal blank check to rep­re­sent the voices of all these nations that were part of the War­saw Pact when in fact they rep­re­sented the most extreme ele­ments of each of the national communities.

The Cap­tive Nations Com­mit­tee in Wash­ing­ton DC for instance was run by the per­son who headed the Ukrain­ian orga­ni­za­tion of nation­al­ists, that was true in a num­ber of places. In my home­town area near Detroit as well, they played a major role. In the early 50s, when they were reset­tled in the United States, there was at least 10,000 of them that were reset­tled, when you look at all the nation­al­i­ties. They became polit­i­cally active through the Repub­li­can national com­mit­tee, because it was really the Eisen­hower admin­is­tra­tion that made the pol­icy deci­sion in the early 1950s, and brought them in. They set up these cam­paign orga­ni­za­tions, every four years they would mobi­lize for the Repub­li­can can­di­date, who­ever it would be, and some of them like Richard Nixon, in 1960, actu­ally had close direct ties to some of the lead­ers like the Roman­ian Iron Guard, and some of these other groups.

When Richard Nixon ran for pres­i­dent in 1968, he made a promise to these lead­ers that they would if he won the pres­i­dency he would make them the eth­nic out­reach arm of the Repub­li­can National Com­mit­tee on a per­ma­nent basis, so they wouldn’t be a qua­dren­nial pres­ence, but a con­tin­u­ing pres­ence in the Repub­li­can Party. And he made that promise through a guy named Las­zlo Pasz­tor, who served five years in prison after World War II for crimes against human­ity. He was pros­e­cuted in 1946 by non-Communist gov­ern­ment that actu­ally had con­trol of Hun­gary at the time. There was a period from ’45 to ’48 when the Hun­gar­ian Com­mu­nist Party didn’t run Hun­gary. They were the ones who pros­e­cuted him. He had served as a liai­son between the Hun­gar­ian Nazi party and Berlin; he served in the Berlin embassy of the Hun­gar­ian Arrow Cross move­ment. This is the guy that got picked to orga­nize all the eth­nic groups, and the only peo­ple that got brought in were the Nazi collaborators.

They didn’t have a Russ­ian affil­i­ate because they hated all Rus­sians of all polit­i­cal stripes. There were no African Amer­i­cans or Jew­ish affil­i­ates either. It was just com­posed of these ele­ments, and for a while they had a Ger­man affil­i­ate but some expo­sure of the Nazi char­ac­ter of the Ger­man affil­i­ate caused it to be qui­etly removed, but other [Nazi] ele­ments were retained.


Your book was an impor­tant rev­e­la­tion but was not alone. Your book notes that Jack Ander­son reported on the pro-Nazi back­grounds of some of the eth­nic advi­sors as far back as 1971, yet when your report came out almost two decades later, every­one responded with shock, sur­prise, and even denial. What lessons should we draw from this his­tory of buried his­tory? And how should it influ­ence our think­ing about the unfold­ing cri­sis in the Ukraine?

I don’t believe it’s ever too late to become famil­iar­ized and edu­cated about the his­tory of this phe­nom­e­non both the wartime his­tory and our post­war col­lab­o­ra­tion with these folks. There were a num­ber of exposés writ­ten about the émigré Nazis. There was a 1979 book called Wanted and it did a num­ber of case sto­ries of these peo­ple being brought in to the United States, includ­ing the Trifa story. Christo­pher Simp­son did a book called Blow­back that dis­cussed the pol­icy deci­sions, it’s an incred­i­ble book. He’s a pro­fes­sor at Amer­i­can Uni­ver­sity and he did years of research through the free­dom of infor­ma­tion act and archives, and got the pol­icy doc­u­ments under which the deci­sions were made to bring these folks together, and not just into the United States but to deploy them around the world.

Like my book, it didn’t get the atten­tion it deserved. The New York Times book reviewer was neg­a­tive toward the book. There are peo­ple that really don’t want to touch this stuff. There’s a lot of peo­ple who don’t want it touched. I think it’s really impor­tant for peo­ple who believe in open­ness and trans­parency and demo­c­ra­tic val­ues, who don’t want to see hate groups come back to power in other parts of the world to know what hap­pened.

There’s not very many Amer­i­cans that really even know that the Waf­fen SS was a multi­na­tional force. That’s been kind of kept out of the received his­tory. Oth­er­wise peo­ple would know that there were Ukrain­ian Nazis, Hun­gar­ian Nazis, Lat­vian Nazis, and they were all involved in the mass mur­der of their fel­low cit­i­zens, if they were Jew­ish, or even if they were co-nationalists that were on the other side of the issue of the war. They were just mass mur­der­ers, across East­ern Europe. And that his­tory, those facts aren’t even well-known. A lot of peo­ple didn’t even know this phe­nom­e­non even existed.

I think all Amer­i­cans have a respon­si­bil­ity to know what their gov­ern­ment is doing in the for­eign pol­icy in Europe as well as else­where around the world, as well as Latin Amer­ica as well as Africa. Since our pol­icy was to uphold apartheid in South Africa why weren’t Amer­i­cans chal­leng­ing that more? They began chal­leng­ing that in the 80s, but the apartheid regime was run by the Nazi party. They were allied with Ger­many in World War II, they were the Nation­al­ist party and they took power in 1948 and the United States backed that for decades. We backed the death squads in Latin Amer­ica, even though they mas­sa­cred tens of thou­sands of peo­ple – 30,000 peo­ple in Chile alone. Amer­i­cans aren’t being atten­tive to what their gov­ern­ment is doing abroad, even though it’s been doing done with their tax dol­lars and in their name, and I think we just have a gen­eral responsibility.

I went to these meet­ings, I went to these con­fer­ences, I went over a period of years. I met with them directly, most of the peo­ple I wrote about, I met with them per­son­ally or in group meet­ings. Peo­ple can’t afford to do that on their own, time­wise, but there’s enough lit­er­a­ture out there they can read and pur­sue it, they will get enough enough of a han­dle to get what the real pic­ture is, to demand change. I’m not totally par­ti­san in this, but I think the Repub­li­can Party was extreme on this, but the Democ­rats folded and didn’t chal­lenge this when they knew it was going on.

There is an old Roman poet that once said truth does not say one thing and wis­dom another. I’m a believer in that. Tell the truth and wis­dom will follow.




“Is the US Back­ing neo-Nazis in the Ukraine?” by Max Blu­men­thal [Alter­net]; Salon.com; 2/25/2014.

. . .
In Wash­ing­ton, the OUN-B recon­sti­tuted under the ban­ner of the Ukrain­ian Con­gress Com­mit­tee of Amer­ica (UCCA), an umbrella orga­ni­za­tion com­prised of “com­plete OUN-B fronts,” accord­ing to Bel­lant.
By the mid-1980’s, the Rea­gan admin­is­tra­tion was hon­ey­combed with UCCA mem­bers, with the group’s chair­man Lev Dobri­an­sky, serv­ing as ambas­sador to the Bahamas, and his daugh­ter, Paula, sit­ting on the National Secu­rity Coun­cil.
Rea­gan per­son­ally wel­comed Stet­sko, the Ban­derist leader who over­saw the mas­sacre of 7000 Jews in Lviv, into the White House in 1983.
“Your strug­gle is our strug­gle,” Rea­gan told the for­mer Nazi col­lab­o­ra­tor. “Your dream is our dream.”
. . .

Edited by Steven Gaal
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Here’s a great and very long inter­view of Russ Bel­lant on the OUN-B and its ties to both Svo­boda and the GOP and why it’s still very rel­e­vant his­tory today: (LINK)

For­eign Pol­icy In Focus

Seven Decades of Nazi Col­lab­o­ra­tion: America’s Dirty Lit­tle Ukraine Secret

An inter­view with Russ Bel­lant, author of “Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Repub­li­can Party.”

By Paul H. Rosen­berg, March 18, 2014



Well, Steven, nothing that Rosenberg said in that article was really news. I was already aware of the reach of the Nazi Party in the 1930's and 1940's, and that Racism is still alive and well in the world, even today.

The important thing today is that Racism doesn't hold official State powers. Racists can still vote -- that's their right -- and in a few US counties they have quite a lot of influence. But in most US counties they don't, and just as we have to live with our morons on the left-wing, we simply have to live with our morons on the right-wing.

Look at the outcome of the US Civil War: although the surrender of the South was attained and the Slaves were freed by Abraham Lincoln, that didn't mean that Racism simply vanished. It merely lost State Power. The Civil Rights movement was still needed a hundred years later to fine-tune those social gains.

In the same way, even though Nazi Germany surrendered in 1944, that didn't mean that White Supremacy simply vanished. It merely lost State Power. Nazi intellectuals from the Third Reich were immediately hired by the US Government to help in the immediate Cold War effort against the USSR as soon as WW2 was over. It was a practical matter -- not an ideological matter.

There is still a Nazi Party in the USA to this very day -- not very big, not very influential, and clearly crackpot. But it exists. Yet they are as harmless as a common street gang (or even more harmless) unless they actually get ahold of State Power -- which is their pipe dream. They also have the right to vote any way they want. It's simply part of American Freedom of Speech. (By contrast, the Nazi Party is illegal in Germany today. I guess they know their own limits.)

So, the existence of extreme right-wingers in the USA doesn't cause me to lose sleep at night, any more than the existence of extreme left-wingers. Both are tragi-comic relief in our Democratic Republic.

Their relevance for the JFK murder, however, is something different. What matters for JFK research is to outline the nature of Racism in 1963, in particular their specific opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, because JFK on 6/6/1963 made a speech in support of Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement.

The very night of that speech by JFK, Mississippi saw the cold-blooded murder of Medgar Evers, the NAACP official who had successfully supported Black American James Meredith, a US Air Force veteran, to become the first Black student at the University of Mississippi on 9/30/1962. Who opposed James Meredith and Medgar Evers with "ten thousand strong from every State in the Union?" None other than Ex-General Edwin Walker.

Walker led the riots at Ole Miss in which hundreds were wounded and two were killed, right in the middle of the JFK Presidency, and right in the same period as the Cuban Missile Crisis. This event -- which is underplayed in history books, and of which film-footage is still protected by FOIA exceptions at NARA -- is the apex of the Cold War. JFK confronted the two major issues of his Administration on that single day -- Cuba and Civil Rights.

Walker lost that battle that night. He had to lie to a Grand Jury to escape prosecution. But Medgar Evers would not escape murder, because Walker, after his acquittal, immediately went on the war path in a coast-to-coast speaking tour with segregationist preacher Billy James Hargis, slamming the NAACP and Fidel Castro -- and whipping up the ultra-right-wing in America.

The John Birch Society organized the turn-out for that speaking tour, but it was mainly the White Citizens Councils who attended those rallies (which were picketed by local NAACP members). Some say Billy James Hargis would target the NAACP in his speeches, while Ex-General Walker would target Cuba and JFK.

Who shot Medgar Evers in the back? That's well known -- that was the KKK member, Byron de la Beckwith. What is less well-known is that during his first murder trial in January 1964, Byron de la Beckwith recieved an encouraging visit from Ex-General Edwin Walker.

So, Steven, I'm interested in Racism in the USA as it pertains to the JFK murder. But I'm not interested in broad theories -- I'm interested in the ground-crew -- in specific names of those directly suspect in the murder of JFK.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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So, Steven, I'm interested in Racism in the USA as it pertains to the JFK murder. But I'm not interested in broad theories -- I'm interested in the ground-crew -- in specific names of those directly suspect in the murder of JFK.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


near zero comment from you on this thread


Dulles worked with Hall in promoting the Republican Ethnic Divisions and Hall worked with Scribner head lawyer of Treasury Dept. Dulles friend of next head lawyer Treasury Dept. These are names not fitting into "ROGUE" thesis.(GAAL)


See also AFA #‘s 15, 37, as well as FTR #158–DE re Oswald/assassination


FTR #778 The OUN/B File, Part 2
Posted by Dave Emory March 2, 2014

This pro­gram details more of the back­ground of the OUN/B, a Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion whose polit­i­cal heirs are front and cen­ter in the Ukrain­ian cri­sis. After set­ting forth the role of Sen­a­tor Thomas Dodd in the dis­sem­i­na­tion of the dis­in­for­ma­tion con­cern­ing links between the sup­posed KGB assas­sin Oswald and the alleged Soviet mur­der of OUN/B leader Ban­dera, the pro­gram high­lights the evo­lu­tion of the OUN/B dur­ing the Cold War. After becom­ing a major ele­ment of the GOP’s eth­nic out­reach orga­ni­za­tion, the OUN/B played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the Free Con­gress Foun­da­tion and, through that rela­tion­ship, the desta­bi­liza­tion of the Soviet Union. After the breakup of the USSR, Yka­te­rina Chumachenko–a key player in the OUN/B’s top U.S. front group and also Ronald Reagan’s Deputy Direc­tor of Pub­lic Liaison–married Vik­tor Yuschenko, the ben­e­fi­ciary of the “Orange Revolution.”


FTR #779 OUN/B Redux: The Underground Reich and the Ukrainian Crisis
Posted by Dave Emory March 9, 2014

For decades, we have cov­ered the OUN/B, a Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion allied with the Ger­man gen­eral staff in World War II. With a pro­found pres­ence in the GOP’s Eth­nic divi­sion, as well as the con­tem­po­rary Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal infra­struc­ture, the OUN/B is any­thing but an his­tor­i­cal relic. Cen­tered on the Swo­boda party, as well as the Pravy Sek­tor, the mil­i­tary and judi­cial processes in the Ukraine are firmly under the con­trol of the OUN/B heirs.



McCain Carries on an Old GOP Tradition, Working with Nazis
Posted by Dave Emory January 10, 2014

McCain and OLeh Tyanhybok

COMMENT: Dur­ing the recent polit­i­cal tur­moil in the Ukraine, U.S. Sen­a­tor John McCain repeat­edly net­worked with Oleh Tyah­ny­bok, head of the Swo­boda party. (McCain was Edward Snowden’s choice of Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates in 2008, with neo-Nazi/Ku Klux Klan asso­ciate Ron Paul being Snowden’s 2012 selec­tion.)

For Repub­li­cans, work­ing with Nazis is more or less stan­dard oper­at­ing procedure.

Swo­boda is directly descended from the OUN/B.

For decades, we have cov­ered the OUN/B, a Ukrain­ian fas­cist orga­ni­za­tion allied with the Ger­man gen­eral staff in World War II. Hav­ing staffed the 14th Waf­fen SS (Gali­cian) Divi­sion and the Ein­satz­grup­pen (mobile exe­cu­tion squads) in the Ukraine, the OUN/B was a piv­otal ele­ment in the post­war Gehlen spy out­fit in its CIA and BND incar­na­tions, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations and the GOP eth­nic out­reach orga­ni­za­tion.


Hein­rich Himm­ler inspect­ing troops of the 14th Waf­fen SS Divi­sion (Galicia)

For some time, the pro-EU/German bloc of Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal par­ties cur­rently gar­ner­ing head­lines with protests in Kiev and other cities has man­i­fested the fas­cist roots and alliances of the OUN/B.

Both Yulia Timoshenko’s “Father­land” party and the UDAR party net­work with the Svo­boda party of Oleg Tyag­ni­bok (“Oleh Tiah­ny­bok”), which has evolved directly from the fas­cist OUN/B of Stephan Bandera.

OUN/B has been deeply involved with covert oper­a­tions and fig­ures in the inves­ti­ga­tion into the assas­si­na­tion of Pres­i­dent Kennedy, as well as the de-stabilization of the Soviet Union dur­ing the cli­mac­tic phase of the Cold War. With a pro­found pres­ence in the GOP’s Eth­nic divi­sion, as well as the con­tem­po­rary Ukrain­ian polit­i­cal infra­struc­ture, the OUN/B is any­thing but an his­tor­i­cal relic. The devel­op­ment of the OUN/B in both the U.S. and the Ukraine is explained in great his­tor­i­cal depth in AFA #37.


Gali­cian Divi­sion Re-enactment

In the past we have noted that Yka­te­rina Chu­machenko, head of the OUN/B’s lead­ing front orga­ni­za­tion in the U.S. and Ronald Reagan’s Deputy Direc­tor of Pub­lic Liai­son, went on to marry Vik­tor Yuschenko and become First Lady of the Ukraine after the “Orange Revolution.”

With the Yuschenko regime in power, OUN/B founder Stephan Ban­dera was named a hero of the Ukraine. Roman Shukhevych was also granted that honor. Shukhevych lead the OUN/B-staffed Ein­satz­gruppe “Nightin­gale” in its liq­ui­da­tion of the Lvov Ghetto! (Lvov has also been known as Lem­berg at var­i­ous times in its recent history.)

On New Year’s Day, the Swo­boda party orga­nized and led a cel­e­bra­tion of Stephan Bandera’s birth­day. (See text excerpt below.)

“Far-right group at heart of Ukraine Protests Meet US Sen­a­tor” ; News 4 [uK]; 12/16/2013.

EXCERPT: Ukraine’s pro-EU protests show no sign of stop­ping – US Sen­a­tor John McCain dined with oppo­si­tion lead­ers this week­end, includ­ing the extreme far-right Svo­boda party.

Dur­ing his trip the for­mer US pres­i­den­tial can­di­date met with gov­ern­ment and oppo­si­tion fig­ures, but gave his endorse­ment to the pro-Europe protesters.

Sen­a­tor McCain later waved to pro­test­ers from the stage in Inde­pen­dence Square dur­ing a mass rally in Kiev, stand­ing with Oleh Tyah­ny­bok, leader of the anti-Semitic Svo­boda party. . . . .

“15,000 Ukraine Nation­al­ists March for Divi­sive Ban­dera” [AP]; USA Today; 1/1/2014.

EXCERPT: About 15,000 peo­ple marched through Kiev on Wednes­day night to honor Stepan Ban­dera, glo­ri­fied by some as a leader of Ukraine’s lib­er­a­tion move­ment and dis­missed by oth­ers as a Nazi collaborator.

The march was held in Ukraine’s cap­i­tal on what would have been Bandera’s 105th birth­day, and many of the cel­e­brants car­ried torches.

Some wore the uni­form of a Ukrain­ian divi­sion of the Ger­man army dur­ing World War II. Oth­ers chanted “Ukraine above all!” and “Ban­dera, come and bring order!”

How­ever, many of Bandera’s fol­low­ers sought to play down his col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Ger­mans in the fight for Ukraine’s inde­pen­dence as the leader of the Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists, Ukraine’s fore­most nation­al­ist orga­ni­za­tion in the first half of the 20th century.

Ban­dera, who died 55 year ago, remains a deeply divi­sive fig­ure in Ukraine, glo­ri­fied by many in west­ern Ukraine as a free­dom fighter but dis­missed by mil­lions in east­ern and south­east­ern Ukraine as a trai­tor to the Soviet Union’s strug­gle against the occu­py­ing German army.


His group also was involved in the eth­nic cleans­ing that killed tens of thou­sands of Poles in 1942–44. The Orga­ni­za­tion of Ukrain­ian Nation­al­ists por­trayed Rus­sians, Poles, Hun­gar­i­ans and Jews — most of the minori­ties in west­ern Ukraine — as aliens and encour­aged locals to “destroy” Poles and Jews.

Ban­dera was assas­si­nated in 1959 by the KGB in West Ger­many. [Actu­ally, it was prob­a­bly BND that killed Ban­dera, and his assas­si­na­tion at the hands of “the KGB” was involved in part of the cover-up of the JKK assas­si­na­tion. See AFA #‘s 15, 37, as well as FTR #158–DE.]

In Jan­u­ary 2010, less than a month before his term in office was to end, Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Vik­tor Yushchenko posthu­mously dec­o­rated Ban­dera with the Hero of Ukraine award. That led to harsh crit­i­cism by Jew­ish and Russ­ian groups. The award was annulled by a court in Jan­u­ary 2011 under Pres­i­dent Vik­tor Yanukovych.

Kiev has been the scene of mas­sive pro-European protests for more than a month, trig­gered by Yanukovych’s deci­sion to ditch a key deal with the Euro­pean Union in favor of build­ing stronger ties with Russia.

The nation­al­ist party Svo­boda, which orga­nized Wednesday’s rally, was one of the key forces behind the protests, but other oppo­si­tion fac­tions have said the Ban­dera rally is unre­lated to the ongo­ing protest encamp­ment in central Kiev.

Edited by Steven Gaal
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near zero comment from you on this thread ...
Dulles worked with Hall in promoting the Republican Ethnic Divisions and Hall worked with Scribner head lawyer of Treasury Dept. Dulles friend of next head lawyer Treasury Dept. These are names not fitting into "ROGUE" thesis.(GAAL)

I suppose I should repeat myself here, Steven; everybody knows that Allen Dulles and the CIA cooperated with officials of the fallen Third Reich in setting up US Intelligence Agencies to face off against the USSR. It was a practical matter. Also, everybody knows that the fallen Third Reich had tried to conquer the world based on their idea of Aryan supremacy.

Yet it's a major error of logic to jump to the conclusion that Allen Dulles and the CIA were therefore believers in Racism and wanted to perpetuate the goals of the Third Reich. It's a mistake of logic.

The USA has its own Racial problems, but they don't involve Aryan supremacy. They involve African American issues, such as wide cultural differences, and sharp economic differences going to African culture. But 19th century Southern politics never stooped to Aryan supremacy. That nonsense arose among a few fanatics during the Civil Rights resistance, and remains limited to few kooks on the ultra-right-wing, e.g. the American Nazi Party and sundry other wackos.

The vast majority of US Americans are, and have always been CHRISTIANS, and Christianity is totally incompatible with the Third Reich. (Knowing this, Hitler said in his Table Talks 1941, that he planned to replace the Cross with the Swastika. Also, remember the Pope said that Hitler forced him to take that photograph with Hitler kissing his hand, or Hitler would have bombed the Vatican.) Nazi's hate Christ because He was Jewish -- that's one of the key features of Third Reich Aryan ideology.

It was because of Christianity that is why the USA North put a stop to Slavery in the USA South (remember the Battle Hymn of the Republic), and that is also why the USA joined the Allies in WW2 -- to kick some Nazi butt.

Please recognize that the Third Reich surrendered. That doesn't mean that Racism vanished from the face of the earth -- but as I said above, it does mean that Racism no longer has State Power. (The same thing happened when the US South surrendered to the US North in 1865 -- the Racists lost State Power, but they didn't vanish from the face of the earth. Bluntly put, racists have rights, too.)

So, there are Racists in the USA -- but that does not in the slightest mean that the US Government is Racist. It follows the Will of the People, and since the Civil Rights movement and the recognition of Martin Luther King Day, racial discrimination in the workplace is flatly against the law. You simply can't compare that with the Third Reich and the Germany of 1935.

So, again, Steven, you haven't produced real proof of a CIA/Nazi connection. Nor have you changed my mind about CIA rogues (joined with ultra-right-wing US civilians) being responsible for the JFK murder.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul and Steven - maddening as this sometimes is I am reading this thread. I agree with Steven on his take.

One question for you Paul - a simple yes or no - do you agree with the a Dulles brothers 'practical' alliance with Nazis against the Communists post war? A little digging makes it clear that this practical alliance existed during the war as well.

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I will answer my own question - I completely disagree with the Dulles brothers on this. It was shameful, and as Steven points out it remains a relatively unknown collaboration, thanks to a spineless left wing press.

Paul - what you have never realized, though I have some glimmer of hope that you will, is that far from being marginalized, the fascists became the ruling elite of the US. It is the left that has been marginalized. The Republican Party was and is the mouthpiece for the fascists. You draw a false equivalence when you say that extremists on both sides have been relegated to the sidelines.

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I will answer my own question - I completely disagree with the Dulles brothers on this. It was shameful, and as Steven points out it remains a relatively unknown collaboration, thanks to a spineless left wing press.

Paul - what you have never realized, though I have some glimmer of hope that you will, is that far from being marginalized, the fascists became the ruling elite of the US. It is the left that has been marginalized. The Republican Party was and is the mouthpiece for the fascists. You draw a false equivalence when you say that extremists on both sides have been relegated to the sidelines.

Well, Paul B., I'm glad you put our differences in very clear terms. I absolutely disagree that the Nazi ideology has any hold at all on the Republican Party or has any remote semblance to State Power in the USA.

Your view is radically anti-Republican, Paul B., and I think you've gone to an extreme.

There's another extreme view that I've heard in contemporary scene, namely, that the two Parties (Democrat and Republican) have no differences at all, and only support the Ruling Class. That's nonsense -- there are sharp and even irreconcilable differences between the two Parties (except that they both respect the Will of the Voters ever four years).

So, I do agree with you this far, Paul B., that Democrats and Republicans have extremely sharp differences. Yet it's going way too far to demonize the "loyal opposition" and try to paint the opposing Party as treasonous.

It's flatly incorrect because it also suggests that the American People are dumb enough to be fooled by a Nazi Party that controls the Republican Party. That's going way too far.

I understand that there is competition between the Parties -- but we can't have a Democratic process if we call the Republicans nothing but Nazi operators, because that would imply outlawing them -- and that's no longer Democratic.

So -- we totally disagree, Paul B. And it also underscores why I don't agree with the CIA/Nazi theory of Steven Gaal. It should also explain, perhaps, why we disagree so sharply when I say that CIA Headquarters are innocent of the plot to murder JFK.

As you know I disagree with the Warren Commission -- I maintain that Lee Harvey Oswald never acted alone. But the nature of Oswald's accomplices (and framers) must be spelled out in ground-crew detail. HOWEVER, I am currently certain that the official CIA did not plot JFK's murder.

CIA rogues were involved (and we know many of their names) but so were many civilians, and I suspect right-wing racists, Cuban Exiles, and several prominent members of the John Birch Society -- not in subordinate roles, but in leading roles. I think that new discoveries in historical science will justify my theory in the years -- or possibly months ahead.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul and Steven - maddening as this sometimes is I am reading this thread. I agree with Steven on his take.

One question for you Paul - a simple yes or no - do you agree with the a Dulles brothers 'practical' alliance with Nazis against the Communists post war? A little digging makes it clear that this practical alliance existed during the war as well.

Paul - you may be interested in this story of US-Nazi collaboration, originally appearing in the Daily Mail. I cannot vouch for its complete accuracy, however.


Edited by David Andrews
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Paul Brancato, on 03 Aug 2014 - 01:45 AM, said:

Paul and Steven - maddening as this sometimes is I am reading this thread. I agree with Steven on his take.
One question for you Paul - a simple yes or no - do you agree with the a Dulles brothers 'practical' alliance with Nazis against the Communists post war? A little digging makes it clear that this practical alliance existed during the war as well.

Paul - you may be interested in this story of US-Nazi collaboration, originally appearing in the Daily Mail. I cannot vouch for its complete accuracy, however.


Well, Paul B., I'm glad you put our differences in very clear terms. I absolutely disagree that the Nazi ideology has any hold at all on the Republican Party or has any remote semblance to State Power in the USA. //PAUL TREJO

Paul your 100 % wrong (GAAL) Ukraine change is for a banker globalist supremacy and totally supported by Republican Party. Clinton/Obama corporatist Republicans see

How Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Congressional ...


Jul 11, 2014 ... Straight along, the opposition to the Clinton-Obama-Republican policy on this
has ... “Free Market” monopoly corporatism and “Free Trade




Fascism equals Corporatism equals Republican party philosophy.

Corporatocracy, Corporatism, Fascism - Rense.com

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is the ...
over industry - was to keep the playing fields equal - between players and


David I have many fish to fry. Help Paul out...he needs lots of help....(GAAL)


Nazis in the Attic, part 1
By Randy Davis

Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. Establishment and the Nazis, Before, During and After World War II
Nazis in the attic

This is part 5, click for part 6



In this section we will explore the Nazi connections of Richard Nixon. To do so we must return to the

years just after the end of World War II and, of course, a man named Dulles.

The irony of Nixon's political career ending with a cover-up can only be appreciated with the knowledge

that this turbulent career also began with one. Loftus and Aarons state that:

"According to several of our sources among the 'old spies,' Richard Nixon's political career began in 1945,

when he was the navy officer temporarily assigned to review . . . captured Nazi documents." The

documents in question revealed the wartime record of Karl Blessing, "former Reichsbank officer and then

head of the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale Ol A.G. 'Konti' was in partnership with Dulles's principal Nazi

client, I.G. Farben. Both companies had despicable records regarding their treatment of Jews during the

Holocaust. After the war Dulles not only 'lost' Blessings Nazi party records, but he helped peddle a false

biography in the ever-gullible 'New York Times.'"

The authors' sources reveal that not only did Dulles help cover up his Nazi client's record, he "personally

vouched for Blessing as an anti-Nazi in order to protect continued control of German oil interests in the

Middle East. Blessing's Konti was the Nazi link to Iben Saud [King of Saudi Arabia] and Aramco [the

Arabian-American Oil Company]. If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him,

including Allen Dulles. The cover-up worked, except that U.S. Naval Intelligence scrutinized a set of the

captured Konti records."

According to the "old spies," Allen Dulles made a deal with the young navy officer who was reviewing the

Konti files - Richard Nixon. Nixon would help Dulles bury the Konti files. In return, Allen Dulles "arranged

to finance [Nixon's] first congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis." (1)

Dulles's support for Nixon paid off in 1947 when, as the freshman congressman from California, he "saved

John Foster Dulles considerable embarrassment by privately pointing out that confidential government files

showed that one of Foster's foundation employees, Alger Hiss, was allegedly a Communist. The Dulles

brothers took Nixon under their wing and escorted him on a tour of Fascist 'freedom fighter' operations in

Germany, apparently in anticipation that the young congressman would be useful after Dewey became

president." [He would be useful anyway, despite the fact that incumbent President Truman won reelection

in 1948, defeating Dewey.] (2)

After Truman's victory, write the authors, "Nixon became Allen Dulles's mouthpiece in Congress. Both he

and Senator Joseph McCarthy received volumes of classified information to support the charge that the

Truman administration was filled with 'pinkos.' When McCarthy went too far in his Communist

investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door neighbor, CIA director Bedell Smith, to steer

the investigations away from the intelligence community.

"The CIA was grateful for Nixon's assistance, but did not know the reason for it. Dulles had been

recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department's Office of Policy Coordination, whose chief,

Frank Wisner, had systematically recruited the Eastern European emigre networks that had worked first for

the SS, then the British, and finally Dulles.

"The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes

than for political advantage. The Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans. One

Israeli intelligence officer joked that when Dulles used the phrase 'Never Again,' he was not talking about

the Holocaust but about Dewey's narrow loss to Truman. In the eyes of the Israelis, Allen Dulles was the

demon who infected Western intelligence with Nazi recruits.

"In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans formed an Ethnic Division,

which, to put it bluntly, recruited the 'displaced Fascists' who arrived in the United States after World

War II. Like similar migrant organizations in several Western countries, the Ethnic Division attracted a

significant number of Central and Eastern European Nazis, who had been recruited by the SS as political

and police leaders during the Holocaust. These Fascist emigres supported the Eisenhower-Nixon 'liberation'

policy as the quickest means of getting back into power in their former homelands and made a significant

contribution 'in its first operation (1951/1952).'"

The authors point out that "over the years the Democrats had acquired one or two Nazis of their own,

such as Tscherim Soobzokov, a former member of the Caucasian SS who worked as a party boss in New

Jersey. But in 90 percent of the cases, the members of Hitler's political organization went to the

Republicans. In fact, from the very beginning, the word had been put around among Eastern European

Nazis that Dulles and Nixon were the men to see, especially if you were a rich Fascist . . ." (3)

This relationship between Richard Nixon and the Nazis developed because both he and Allen Dulles "blamed

Governor Dewey's razor-thin loss to Truman in the 1948 presidential election on the Jewish vote. When

[Nixon] became Eisenhower's vice president in 1952, Nixon was determined to build his own ethnic base.

"Vice President Nixon's secret political war of Nazis against Jews in American politics was never

investigated at the time. The foreign language-speaking Croatian and other Fascist emigre groups had a

ready-made network for contacting and mobilizing the Eastern European ethnic bloc. There is a very high

correlation between CIA domestic subsidies to Fascist 'freedom fighters' during the 1950s and the

leadership of the Republican party's ethnic campaign groups. The motive for under-the-table financing was

clear: Nixon used Nazis to offset the Jewish vote for the Democrats.

"In 1952 Nixon had formed an Ethnic Division within the Republican National Committee. 'Displaced

Fascists, hoping to be returned to power by an Eisenhower-Nixon "liberation" policy signed on' with the

committee. In 1953, when Republicans were in office, the immigration laws were changed to admit Nazis,

even members of the SS. They flooded into the country. Nixon himself oversaw the new immigration

program. As vice president, he even received Eastern European Fascists in the White House. After a long,

long journey, the Croatian Nazis had found a new home in the United States, where they reestablished

their networks.

"In 1968 Nixon promised that if he won the presidential election, he would create a permanent ethnic

council within the Republican party. Previously the Ethnic Division was allowed to surface only during

presidential campaigns. Nixon's promise was carried out after the 1972 election, during [George] Bush's

tenure as chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Croatian Ustashis became an integral part of

the campaign structure of Republican politics, along with several other Fascist organizations." (4)

The authors describe Nixon's pro-Nazi activities in no uncertain terms: "Nixon himself personally recruited

ex-Nazis for his 1968 presidential campaign. Moreover, Vice President Nixon became the point man for the

Eisenhower administration on covert operations and personally supervised Allen Dulles's projects while Ike

was ill in 1956 and 1957." (5)

One of the Nazis recruited by candidate Nixon was Laszlo Pasztor, described by Aarons and Loftus as "the

founding chair of Nixon's Republican Heritage Groups council" who, "during World War II . . . was a

diplomat in Berlin representing the Arrow Cross government of Nazi Hungary, which supervised the

extermination of the Jewish population.

"[A]fter Nixon won [the 1968 Presidential Election], he approved Pasztor's appointment as chief organizer

of the ethnic council. Not surprisingly, Pasztor's 'choices for filling emigre slots as the council was being

formed included various Nazi collaborationist organizations.' The former Fascists were coming out of the

closet in droves.

"The policy of the Nixon White House was an 'open door' for emigre Fascists, and through the door came

such guests as Ivan Docheff, head of the Bulgarian National Front and chairman of the American Friends

of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN). . . . an organization dominated by war criminals and fugitive

Fascists. Yet Nixon welcomed them with open arms and even had Docheff to breakfast for a prayer

meeting to celebrate Captive Nations Week." (6)

"During Nixon's 'Four More Years' campaign in 1971-1972, Laszlo Pasztor again played a key role in

marshaling the ethnic vote. No longer a marginal player on the fringes, now he held a key position as the

Republican National Committee's nationalities director. . . .

"The Republican leadership cannot claim ignorance as a defense. [syndicated Columnist Jack] Anderson's

famous expose of Nixon's Nazis appeared in 'The Washington Post' at the same time as the November

1971 convention. Among those mentioned was Laszlo Pasztor, 'the industrious head of the GOP ethnic

groups, [who] was never asked about his wartime activities in Hungary by the four GOP officials who

interviewed him for his job.' It was too embarrassing for Nixon to admit that Pasztor had been a ranking

member of a Fascist government at war with the United States.

". . . . It is one thing to promote obscure Eastern European Fascist movements in the Republican party. It

is quite another to let the German Nazis have a major influence. After 1953, the Republican administration

changed the rules, and even members of the Waffen SS could immigrate to the United States as long as

they claimed only to have fought the Communists on the Eastern Front." (7)

The Republican/Nixon attraction to Nazism was also observed by Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward

Livingstone, authors of the book, "High Treason," dealing with the Kennedy Assassination. Groden and

Livingstone write: "Nixon surrounded himself with what was known as the Berlin Wall, a long succession of

advisors with Germanic names: We recall at the top of his 'German General Staff' as it was also known,

Haldeman, Erlichman, Krogh, Kliendienst, Kissinger (the Rockefellers' emissary) and many others.

"The selection of German names was no accident. Many of the brighter staff people close to Nixon came to

him from the University of Southern California, and the University of California at Los Angeles, where

there were fraternities that kept alive the vision of a new Reich. America has for a long time harbored

this dark side of its character, one of violence and the Valhalla of Wagner and Hitler.

"But Gordon Liddy was the one in whose mind 'Triumph of the Will' was the most alive. Some of these men

would watch the great Nazi propaganda films in the basement of the White House until all hours of the

night, and drink, in fact, get drunk with their power, with blind ambition, as one of them wrote." (8)

"According to several of our sources in the intelligence community who were in a position to know," continue

Loftus and Aarons, "the secret rosters of the Republican party's Nationalities Council read like a Who's

Who of Fascist fugitives. The Republican's Nazi connection is the darkest secret of the Republican

leadership. The rosters will never be disclosed to the public. As will be seen in Chapter 16 dealing with

George Bush, the Fascist connection is too widespread for damage control.

"According to a 1988 study by Russ Bellant of Political Research Associates, virtually all of the Fascist

organizations of World War II opened up a Republican party front group during the Nixon administration.

The caliber of the Republican ethnic leaders can be gauged by one New Jersey man, Emanuel Jasiuk, a

notorious mass murderer from what is today called the independent nation of Belarus, formerly part of the

Soviet Union. But not all American ethnic communities are represented in the GOP's ethnic section; there

are no black or Jewish heritage groups. . . .

"The truth is that the Nazi immigrants were 'tar babies' that no one knew how to get rid of. Dulles had

brought in a handful of the top emigre politicians in the late 1940s. They in turn sponsored their friends

in the 1950s. By the 1960s ex-Nazis who had originally fled to Argentina were moving to the United

States. . . ." (9)

It is clear that, even before the break-in at the Democratic Party Headquarters on June 17, 1972, the

Republicans were on the brink of having their pro-Nazi activities over the past four decades become a

matter of mass-media attention. After the Watergate Break-in, as the Congressional Hearings began to

reveal the slush-funds, money- laundering, illegal corporate campaign contributions, the political sabotage

of the 1972 Presidential election process, the involvement of ITT and the Nixon Administration into the

assassination of Salvador Allende, the democratically elected president of Chile, and many other aspects of

Nixonism, the floodgates of truth were about to open. Only one thing averted this wholesale learning of

the truth by the American people: Nixon's resignation and subsequent pardoning by his hand- picked

successor, Gerald Ford.

Continue (Part 6) ...


FOOTNOTES: RICHARD MILHOUSE NIXON -----------------------------

1 - The Secret War Against the Jews, p. 221

2 - Ibid., pp. 221-222

3 - Ibid., pp. 222-223

4 - Ibid., pp. 122-123

5 - Ibid., pp. 224-225

6 - Ibid., pp. 297-298

7 - Ibid., pp. 298-299

8 - High Treason, Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, pp. 417-418

9 - The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 300-301

Continue (Part 6) ...
Nazis in the attic, part 6

By Randy Davis



...Like Nixon, George Bush was deeply involved with supporting the Nazis in the Republican's closet. In fact, support for the Nazis was a Bush family tradition which goes back more than six decades and, once again, to Allen Dulles.

Loftus and Aarons write: "The real story of George Bush starts well before he launched his own career. It goes back to the 1920s, when the Dulles brothers and the other pirates of Wall Street were making their deals with the Nazis. . . ."


"George Bush's problems were inherited from his namesake and maternal grandfather, George Herbert 'Bert' Walker, a native of St. Louis, who founded the banking and investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company in 1900. Later the company shifted from St. Louis to the prestigious address of 1 Wall Street. . . .

"Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial supporters in the United States. The relationship went all the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party. As mentioned in earlier chapters, there were American contributors as well.

"Some Americans were just bigots and made their connections to Germany through Allen Dulles's firm of Sullivan and Cromwell because they supported Fascism. The Dulles brothers, who were in it for profit more than ideology, arranged American investments in Nazi Germany in the 1930s to ensure that their clients did well out of the German economic recovery. . . .

"Sullivan & Cromwell was not the only firm engaged in funding Germany. According to 'The Splendid Blond Beast,' Christopher Simpson's seminal history of the politics of genocide and profit, Brown Brothers, Harriman was another bank that specialized in investments in Germany. The key figure was Averill Harriman, a dominating figure in the American establishment. . . .

"The firm originally was known as W. A. Harriman & Company. The link between Harriman & Company's American investors and Thyssen started in the 1920s, through the Union Banking Corporation, which began trading in 1924. In just one three-year period, the Harriman firm sold more than $50 million of German bonds to American investors. 'Bert' Walker was Union Banking's president, and the firm was located in the offices of Averill Harriman's company at 39 Broadway in New York.

"In 1926 Bert Walker did a favor for his new son-in-law, Prescott Bush. It was the sort of favor families do to help their children make a start in life, but Prescott came to regret it bitterly. Walker made Prescott vice president of W. A. Harriman. The problem was that Walker's specialty was companies that traded with Germany. As Thyssen and the other German industrialists consolidated Hitler's political power in the 1930s, an American financial connection was needed. According to our sources, Union Banking became an out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine. . . .

"In [1931], Harriman & Company merged with a British-American investment company to become Brown Brothers, Harriman. Prescott Bush became one of the senior partners of the new company, which relocated to 59 Broadway, while Union Banking remained at 39 Broadway. But in 1934 Walker arranged to put his son-in-law on the board of directors of Union Banking.

"Walker also set up a deal to take over the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the United States. The shipping line smuggled in German agents, propaganda, and money for bribing American politicians to see things Hitler's way. The holding company was Walker's American Shipping & Commerce, which shared the offices at 39 Broadway with Union Banking. In an elaborate corporate paper trail, Harriman's stock in American Shipping & Commerce was controlled by yet another holding company, the Harriman Fifteen Corporation, run out of Walker's office. The directors of this company were Averill Harriman, Bert Walker, and Prescott Bush. . . .

". . . In a November 1935 article in Common Sense, retired marine general Smedley D. Butler blamed Brown Brothers, Harriman for having the U.S. marines act like 'racketeers' and 'gangsters' in order to exploit financially the peasants of Nicaragua. . . .

". . . A 1934 congressional investigation alleged that Walker's 'Hamburg-Amerika Line subsidized a wide range of pro-Nazi propaganda efforts both in Germany and the United States.' Walker did not know it, but one of his American employees, Dan Harkins, had blown the whistle on the spy apparatus to Congress. Harkins, one of our best sources, became Roosevelt's first double agent . . . [and] kept up the pretense of being an ardent Nazi sympathizer, while reporting to Naval Intelligence on the shipping company's deals with Nazi intelligence.

"Instead of divesting the Nazi money," continue the authors, "Bush hired a lawyer to hide the assets. The lawyer he hired had considerable expertise in such underhanded schemes. It was Allen Dulles. According to Dulles's client list at Sullivan & Cromwell, his first relationship with Brown Brothers, Harriman was on June 18, 1936. In January 1937 Dulles listed his work for the firm as 'Disposal of Stan [standard Oil] Investing stock.'

"As discussed in Chapter 3, Standard Oil of New Jersey had completed a major stock transaction with Dulles's Nazi client, I.G. Farben. By the end of January 1937 Dulles had merged all his cloaking activities into one client account: 'Brown Brothers Harriman-Schroeder Rock.' Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose board Dulles sat. The 'Rock' were the Rockefellers of Standard Oil, who were already coming under scrutiny for their Nazi deals. By May 1939 Dulles handled another problem for Brown Brothers, Harriman, their 'Securities Custodian Accounts.'

"If Dulles was trying to conceal how many Nazi holding companies Brown Brothers, Harriman was connected with, he did not do a very good job. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, word leaked from Washington that affiliates of Prescott Bush's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in time of war. . . .

". . . The government investigation against Prescott Bush continued. Just before the storm broke, his son, George, abandoned his plans to enter Yale and enlisted in the U.S. Army. It was, say our sources among the former intelligence officers, a valiant attempt by an eighteen-year-old boy to save the family's honor.

"Young George was in flight school in October 1942, when the U.S. government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those held by Prescott Bush as being in effect held for enemy nationals. Union Banking, of course, was an affiliate of Brown Brothers, Harriman, and Bush handled the Harrimans' investments as well.

"Once the government had its hands on Bush's books, the whole story of the intricate web of Nazi front corporations began to unravel. A few days later two of Union Banking's subsidiaries -- the Holland American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation -- also were seized. Then the government went after the Harriman Fifteen Holding Company, which Bush shared with his father- in-law, Bert Walker, the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and the Silesian- American Corporation. The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort." (1)


"Try as he did," continue the authors, "George Bush could not get away from Dulles's crooked corporate network, which his grandfather and father had joined in the 1920s. Wherever he turned, George found that the influence of the Dulles brothers was already there. Even when he fled to Texas to become a successful businessman on his own, he ran into the pirates of Wall Street.

"One of Allen Dulles's secret spies inside the Democratic party later became George Bush's partner in the Mexican oil business. Edwin Pauley, a California oil man, was . . . one of Dulles's covert agents in the Roosevelt and Truman admini-strations . . . a 'big business' Democrat. . . .

Among the key posts held by Pauley were: treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, director of the Democratic convention in 1944 and, after Truman's election, Truman appointed him the "Petroleum Coordinator of Lend-Lease Supplies for the Soviet Union and Britain."

Just after the end of World War II, "in April 1945 Truman appointed Pauley as the U.S. representative to the Allied Reparations Committee, with the rank of ambassador," as well as "industrial and commercial advisor to the Potsdam Conference, 'where his chief task was to renegotiate the reparations agreements formulated at Yalta.' As one historian noted, the 'oil industry has always watched reparations activities carefully.' There was a lot of money involved, and much of it belonged to the Dulles brothers' clients."

At the same time, report Loftus and Aarons, "the Dulles brothers were still shifting Nazi assets out of Europe for their clients as well as for their own profit. They didn't want the Soviets to get their hands on these assets or even know that they existed. Pauley played a significant role in solving this problem for the Dulles brothers. The major part of Nazi Germany's industrial assets was located in the zones occupied by the West's forces. As Washington's man on the ground, Pauley managed to deceive the Soviets for long enough to allow Allen Dulles to spirit much of the remaining Nazi assets out to safety. . . .

"Pauley, a key player in the plan to hide the Dulles brothers' Nazi assets, then moved into another post where he could help them further. After successfully keeping German assets in Fascist hands, Pauley was given the job of 'surveying Japan's assets and determining the amount of its war debt.' Again, it was another job that was crucial to the Dulles clique's secret financial and intelligence operations." (2)

After Pauley retired from government work he went back to being an independent oil man. Loftus and Aarons state that: "In 1958 he founded Pauley Petroleum which: . . . teamed up with Howard Hughes to expand oil production in the Gulf of Mexico.

"Pauley Petroleum discovered a highly productive offshore petroleum reserve and in 1959 became involved in a dispute with the Mexican Government, which considered the royalties from the wells to be too low.

"According to our sources in the intelligence community, the oil dispute was really a shakedown of the CIA by Mexican politicians. Hughes and Pauley were working for the CIA from time to time, while advancing their own financial interests in the lucrative Mexican oil fields. Pauley, say several of our sources, was the man who invented an intelligence money-laundering system in Mexico, which was later refined in the 1970s as part of Nixon's Watergate scandal. At one point CIA agents used Pemex, the Mexican government's oil monopoly, as a business cover at the same time Pemex was being used as a money laundry for Pauley's campaign contributions. As we shall see, the Mexican-CIA connection played an important part in the development of George Bush's political and intelligence career. . . .

"Pauley, say the 'old spies,' was the man who brought all the threads of the Mexican connection together. He was Bush's business associate, a front man for Dulles's CIA [Allen Dulles was CIA director then], and originator of the use of Mexican oil fronts to create a slush fund for Richard Nixon's various campaigns. . . .

"Although it is not widely known, Pauley, in fact, had been a committed, if 'secret,' Nixon supporter since 1960. It should be recalled that Nixon tried to conceal his Mexican slush fund during the Watergate affair by pressuring the CIA into a 'national security' cover-up. The CIA, to its credit, declined to participate. Unfortunately, others were so enmeshed in Pauley's work for Nixon that they could never extricate themselves. According to a number of our intelligence sources, the deals Bush cut with Pauley in Mexico catapulted him into political life. In 1960 Bush became a protege of Richard Nixon, who was then running for president of the United States...

"The most intriguing of Bush's early connections was to Richard Nixon, who as vice president had supervised Allen Dulles's covert planning for the Bay of Pigs [invasion]. For years it has been rumored that Dulles's client, George Bush's father, was one of the Republican leaders who recruited Nixon to run for Congress and later convinced Eisenhower to take him on as vice president. There is no doubt that the two families were close. George Bush described Nixon as his 'mentor.' Nixon was a Bush supporter in his very first tilt at politics, during his unsuccessful run for the Senate in 1964, and turned out again when he entered the House two years later.

"After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he ordered a general house cleaning on the basis of loyalty. 'Eliminate everyone,' he told John Ehrlichman about reappointments, 'except George Bush. Bush will do anything for our cause.' . . . According to Bush's account, the president told him that 'the place I really need you is over at the National Committee running things.' So, in 1972, Nixon appointed George Bush as head of the Republican National Committee.

"It was Bush who fulfilled Nixon's promise to make the 'ethnic' emigres a permanent part of Republican politics. In 1972 Nixon's State Department spokesman confirmed to his Australian counterpart that the ethnic groups were very useful to get out the vote in several key states. Bush's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Laszlo Pasztor's 1972 drive to transform the Heritage Groups Council into the party's official ethnic arm. The groups Pasztor chose as Bush's campaign allies were the emigre Fascists whom Dulles had brought to the United States. . . .

". . . Nearly twenty years later, and after expose's in several respectable newspapers, Bush continued to recruit most of the same ethnic Fascists, including Pasztor, for his own 1988 ethnic outreach program when he first ran for president.

"According to our sources in the intelligence community," state the authors, "it was Bush who told Nixon that the Watergate investigations might start uncovering the Fascist skeletons in the Republican party's closet. Bush himself acknowledges that he wrote Nixon a letter asking him to step down. The day after Bush did so, Nixon resigned.

"Bush had hoped to become Gerald Ford's vice president upon Nixon's resignation, but he was appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Nelson Rockefeller became vice president and chief damage controller. He formed a special commission in an attempt to preempt the Senate's investigation of the intelligence community. The Rockefeller Commission into CIA abuses was filled with old OPC [Dulles's Office of Policy Coordination] hands like Ronald Reagan, who had been the front man back in the 1950s for the money-laundering organization, the Crusade for Freedom, which was part of Dulles's Fascist 'freedom fighters' program." (3)

In 1988, Project Censored, a news media censorship research organization, awarded the honor of "Top Censored story" to the subject of George Bush. The article revealed "how the major mass media ignored, overlooked or undercovered at least ten critical stories reported in America's alternative press that raised serious questions about the Republican candidate, George Bush, dating from his reported role as a CIA 'asset' in 1963 to his Presidential campaign's connection with a network of anti-Semites with Nazi and fascist affiliations in 1988." (4)


FOOTNOTES: GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH ---------------------------------

1 - The Secret War Against the Jews, pp. 357-361

2 - Ibid., pp. 362-364

3 - Ibid., pp. 365-371

4 - The 1993 Project Censored Yearbook: The News That Didn't Make The News - And Why, Project Censored; Dr. Carl Jensen, Director., pp. 230.



The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics Second Edition, By Thomas R. Dye and L. Harmon Zeigler Duxbury Press, CA. 1972

The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed By Anthony Sampson The Viking Press, NY. 1977


Facts and Fascism By George Seldes (Assisted by Helen Seldes) Sixth Edition In Fact, Inc., NY. 1943

Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 By Charles Higham Delecorte Press, NY. 1983

Even the Gods Can't Change History: The Facts Speak for Themselves By George Seldes Lyle Stuart, Inc., NJ. 1976

Power, Inc.: Public and Private Rulers and How to Make Them Accountable By Morton Mintz & Jerry S. Cohen Viking Press, NY. 1976

The Plot to Seize the White House By Jules Archer Hawthorn Books, 1973

It's A Conspiracy!: The Shocking Truth About America's Favorite Conspiracy Theories By Michael Litchfield / The National Insecurity Council EarthWorks Press, CA. 1992

The Secret War Against The Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed The Jewish People By John Loftus and Mark Aarons St. Martin's Press, NY. 1994

One Thousand Americans By George Seldes BONI & GAER, NY. 1947

Spooks: The Haunting of America The Private Use of Secret Agents By Jim Hougan First Bantam Edition William Morrow and Co., NY. 1979

The Sovereign State of ITT By Anthony Sampson Stein and Day, NY. 1973

Democracy for the Few By Michael Parenti Fourth Edition St. Martin's Press, NY. 1983


Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time By Carroll Quigley Second Printing Wm. Morrison, NY. 1974

The American Establishment By Leonard Silk & Mark Silk First Discus Printing Avon Books (by arrangement with Basic Books), NY. 1981

The New Germany and the Old Nazis By T.H. Tetens Random House, NY. 1961

Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effect on the Cold War By Christopher Simpson Weidenfeld & Nicolson, NY. 1988

Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, the Nazis, and Soviet Intelligence By Mark Aarons & John Loftus First U.S. Edition St. Martin's Press, NY. 1992

Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes: From JFK to the CIA Terrorist Connection By Jonathan Vankin Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., NY. 1992


High Treason: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy By Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone Berkley Edition Berkley Books, NY. 1990


Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News -- And Why By Carl Jensen Shelburne Press, Inc., NY. 1993

Edited by Steven Gaal
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" Paul your [sic] 100 % wrong [...] Ukraine change is for a banker globalist supremacy and totally supported by Republican Party. Clinton/Obama corporatist Republicans "


Right, Stevie.

Ukraine should have kept its corrupt pro-Russian oligarch, Yanukovych, and allowed him to continue turning the country's back on Europe and the EU and, yes, NATO, so that Ukraine could continue to be just a buffer state for that huge, stagnating Mafia-owned Gas Station known as ... Mutha Russia!

You probably believe that Obama and the Clintons and the Bushes "own" Mutha Russia and its full-of-gas Putin, too. Do you also believe that "Fascist Obama" and the "Fascist Republicans" and the "Fascist Ukrainian Government" shot down that Malaysian airliner over Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, and that "Fascist UFOs" abducted the airliner before that, and that, according to the National Enquirer, the moon is made of green cheese?


I'm so glad you've decided to come back, Stevie!

--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Paul T - would you be so kind as to answer my question as to your opinion on Dulles' 'practical' alliance with nazis?

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Paul T - would you be so kind as to answer my question as to your opinion on Dulles' 'practical' alliance with nazis?

Paul B - I thought I'd already answered it. I said that in the early days of US Intelligence after WW2, the immediate situation of the Cold War, as nations globally lined up with either the USA or the USSR, made a "practical" necessity of the USA drafting former Nazi intelligence agents to help set up files and databases about known proto-KGB and KGB spies.

The Nazi intelligence service (the SS and others) had IBM computers by then, along with code-breakers and a relatively enormous database on Soviet agents -- their names and activities. The files of the former Nazi spy network in the USSR and in Europe became valuable resources for USA intelligence operatives like Allen Dulles when first establishing new agencies in the USA like the CIA.

That was entirely a practical consideration. It was not "collusion with the Nazis." The Third Reich was already defeated. The USSR was not playing nice.

In fact, it's a well-known historical fact that both the USSR and the USA would compete fairly aggressively to hire or otherwise "draft" former Nazi intelligence agents and scientists to obtain assistance in the race for rocket technology and other intelligence data.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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