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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Very glad to hear Clive... it definitely requires more attention and effort than to just read... if you PM me with your email addres I can send you the work I did with John to create a large spreadsheet which puts the events on a side-by-side timeline... makes things a bit easier to follow as the excerpts are from the book. I also recommend you keep the Baylor notebook website available since there is usually much more info and back-up documentation in the notebooks. There are docs scanned from the Archives that can only be gotten from the Archives. http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/tabs/collection/po-arm should take you to the index page... I've downloaded many of these notebooks so they are available in full as reference... on the site you can only view one page at a time. I asked John to see if he did not have any hi res scans of the poster itself... and what the back story was... I'm sure I'll hear soon since he's back in the US and at a location where much of the original records reside. While nothing is definitive in this case, the book, CD and notebooks do present a very thorough case for what the evidence provided and avoided points to related to H&L and their dual lives merged into one history.. The questions that seems to get forgotten in this mess is... Why would the FBI be so interested in the goings on of this man 5, and 10 years before the crime? What difference does it makie which Jr High school he attended for a few weeks or where he worked in 1957 & 1958 unless there were obvious conflicts which needed addressing? Palmer McBride's FBI statement was the initial problem since Oswald was in Japan during that time... Also a problem was his attending Stripling Jr High in the fall of 1954. Literally within 8 hours of Oswald being charged, the FBI shows up to take the Stripling records. Literally the week of the McBride interview (11/26) FBI agents are sent to Pfisterer's to confront the issue One only need check CE1961 to see what the WCR and USMC say about where Oswald was at the time. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/exhibits/ce1386.htm http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/html/WH_Vol22_0370b.htm Date 11/26/63 (Dictated 11/23) Airman Second Class PALMER E. McBRIDE was interviewed at Air Police Headquarters, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, and furnished the following signed statement: "Patrick Air Force Base,Florida November 23, 1963 "I, PALMER E. McBRIDE hereby furnish the following free and voluntary statement to JOHN R. PALMER who I know to be a Special Agent of the FBI. I have been advised that this statement can be used in a court of law. No threats or promises have been made to me. "I was born on November 29, 1937, at New Orleans, Louisiana. I enlisted in the United States Air Force on November 25, 1960 and since June 15, 1961, I have been assigned to Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. I am presently an Airman Second Class assigned to the 8550th Maintenance Group with Air Force serial number AF 25589222. "In about June, 1955, I went to work as a dental messenger for the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory Company in the 200 block of Dauphine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. In about December, 1957, a young man named LEE OSWALD was employed in the same capacity. Because we both enjoyed classical music I invited him to my home at 1416 Baronne Street, New Orleans, and he did visit my home perhaps two or three times. I was living with my parents at that time, and during his visits we would listen to records in my room. "During his first visit to my home in late 1957 or early 1958 the discussion turned to politics and to the possibility of war. At this time I made a statement to the effect that President DWIGHT EISENHOWER was doing a pretty good job for a man of his age and background, but that I did feel..... On 11/23/63 at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida File # TP 62-455 By SA JOHN R. PALMER Date dictated 11/26/63 Palmer McBride is not called to testify ================= In September 1957 Oswald arrived in Atsugi, Japan and was photographed standing in front of his locker. JFKlOl-03 Fellow Marine Zack Stout befriended Oswald and the young men spent a lot of time together. I asked Zack if ever saw Oswald study the Russian language. Zack said, "Most of the time we were with a mobile radar unit. Shortly after he arrived we left Japan and traveled constantly from location to location in the South China Sea (beginning in November 1957). I know Oswald didn't attend any Russian classes or read any Russian books or listen to any Russian records. He didn't have anywhere to get such materials and if he had them we (Stout and fellow Marines) would have known about it. We slept in the same bunkhouse and most of the time worked on the same radar crew. The idea that Oswald studied Russian in Japan is ridiculous-it just didn't happen."2 (2) Author's interview with Zack Stout, November, 1998 Sharing the cubicle with Oswald were Zack Stout. Robert Royce Augg. Ronald Crawley and Thomas Bagshaw Zack Stout remembered the day Oswald arrived and said, "I arrived in August, 1957, and Oswald arrived a month later. He was one of three or four who just came into the barracks one day dragging their sea bags." Zack became one of Lee Oswald's closest friends in Japan and worked with him for 10 months, but was not interviewed by the FBI or Warren Commission ========================== After repeatedly being challenged AND interviewed, Palmer had this to say about the experience. I too called Pfisterer's and got the same answer... Oswald was there when Palmer says he was. One needs to ask whether the evidence offered by the FBI to claim he was in Japan (and all the strings which come with FBI evidence) is more substantial than the unmotivated responses of civilians who claim he was. Over and over in this case we are treated to the evidence manipulations of the FBI... why this situation should be considered any different is to be proven... this is the same FBI that told us Oswald and Ruby did not know each other, that Oswald and 544 Camp were not related and that he took a bus ride to and from Mexico which required the wholesale manufacturing of evidence... the choice is for each of us individually Take care DJ
  2. So basically you're lost and have no answer for the facts provided and are hoping I call you both out for the XXXXXXs you are so I get banned? Try to stay focused little children.... you can't address the height issues - so you whine and quietly try insults you can't address the height issue when they are younger - so you whine and quietly try insults you don't like that you brought up Radionics as a basis for one your your thesis papers and I remind you of it - so whine and quietly try insults You have no answer for the other couple dozen issues so you make it about a website, a photo, a line from the book, something someone said 20 years ago or ANYTHING but having to deal with these issues - so whine and quietly try insults. You cannot defend a single thing you offer other then with remote statistical possibilities and Asperger's... and are amazed when no one buys the tonic you sell - so whine and quietly try insults... When any of the moderators continues to forgive your posting transgressions you get all pissy about why they haven't come to save you from the big bad mean man calling you out for the XX artists you are.. Poor you Greg... Don fight all your battles for you now? You and yours have been exposed for the cowards you are... Post a real response with real evidence just once and maybe someone will begin to believe anything you write again... But since all you have is Radionics, Asperger's, the Marines don't know how to measure and a weak argument about Osteopaths I can understand your reluctance to engage on topic with anything meaningful. gotta go now children... play nice...
  3. Which we are all sure you'd get nothing but jollies from... what does that site have to do with your inability to address this single item from that LONG list with evidence to back you? Parker wants us to believe they simply write down whatever comes to the Marine's mind when asked how much he weighs, how tall he is, what his blood pressure is, his eyesight and his hearing.... as opposed to actually measuring the marine for the results. Maybe via telepathy now that Radionics is such a favorite subject... Could be the Marines were doing ESP and transmission experiments which as a result shortens the subject by 2 inches in 4 years... while simultaneously lengthing his rifle by 4 inches... you boys have it all figgered out ...
  4. 15% is much too high... the actual figure is 6.1%... I was being generous and proving you never read the work to begin with... You really are so full of yourself that you'll go to any lengths to show just how wrong you are... and then get all pissy-whiny about it to boot. You remain a skidmark on this community & thinking people everywhere... thanks for posting and continually proving it Long term outcome of tonsillar regrowth after partial tonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea. AbstractOBJECTIVE:We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). METHODS:Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors. RESULTS:All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy. CONCLUSION:Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved And where can we read of all this on the Harveylee website? Has the webmaster removed it? I wonder why... Losers... So you did read all that and still wasn't able to convey/remember the info correctly? Can't stay on topic for 5 minutes and can't man up when you're wrong... no wonder Parker likes you so much. As for Parker... luckily all one need do is read your work - between Asperger's and tonsils you really have made some amazingly weak arguments here. but that's obvious to all. ... C'mon Parker... use those Radionics you trust in and move something on my desk... Maybe your crazy women shortened Oswald by those 2 inches using her mind as well... As to the long list of H&L conflicts - all you seem to be able to muster is a bad reply to only one of them... Stick with the first point - show us how the USMC simply guesses or asks the marine his height, weight, vision, etc... when he both enters and leaves the Marines... This should be highly entertaining. btw - the Autopsy of LHO shows him to be 69" and 135 lbs... you'll let us know when and where you find out the USMC just wings it on this subject...
  5. They do appear to be the same uniform at about the same time at what appears to be the same place - these are all LEE (except for the altered FWST photo)
  6. David, could you tell us where you think John Woods got these photos? Also David do you or does anyone else here have a better copy of the Evolution of LHO poster where the text under each image is readable? The book refers to it and when and why it was made with Jack White but points only to a collection of twelve mug shots on the CD with the date under each one, red background(jfk101-13). At least on my copy it does. I had no luck with Google. Hi there Clive.... John Woods would send me images from time to time as he knows I'm very focused on them and do a lot of imagery work... I don't know where/how he got it. Given that Pricilla Johnson was CIA connected, the photo is, as JA states, "LIKELY" to have been created by the CIA... If I had to guess, that's what I would think. Regarding the White work: I have also sent an email to John to see what he has... will let you know. DJ http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/JA/DR/.04-sources.html Jack White's "Evolution of Lee Harvey Oswald" poster was created at the suggestion of John Armstrong. It contains 77 images of Lee Harvey Oswald from the cradle to the grave, and is the single most valuable visual resource to seeing for oneself evidence that more than one person was using the name "Lee Harvey Oswald," as well as evidence that someone went to a lot of trouble in a few cases to blur the distinction. It can be ordered at Mr. White's Web site: www.flash.net/~jwjfk [LINK 30 of 30] A miniature version of the poster is reproduced in Robert Groden, *The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald.
  7. 15% is much too high... the actual figure is 6.1%... I was being generous and proving you never read the work to begin with... You really are so full of yourself that you'll go to any lengths to show just how wrong you are... and then get all pissy-whiny about it to boot. You remain a skidmark on this community & thinking people everywhere... thanks for posting and continually proving it Long term outcome of tonsillar regrowth after partial tonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea. AbstractOBJECTIVE:We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). METHODS:Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors. RESULTS:All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy. CONCLUSION:Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
  8. Pretty funny coming from some who only offers opinions and when given links doesn't read the info there in any case... nice job Bernie... Now how about the point at hand... The records put Oswald in Ping Tung at the same time he is STD treated in Japan... Kinda like the 2 inch drop in height... you have no answer other then to confuse the issue with "what ifs" or "maybe this or maybe that" responses... Maybe the tonsil regrowth took 2 inches off his height ?? There are also accounts of Oswald on Ping Tung, so we know he went ... and the Hospital records in Japan are pretty easy to follow even for you... With your 15% in 5 year olds "probability", the FACT he is listed in two places at the same time in the Marines, and the FACT that Felde and others are with Harvey while a different batch of marines is with Lee ... we do not just have some isolated incidences but a continuing pattern of conflict between two men known as Lee Oswald. So keep trying Bernie... between Radionics, Asperger's, tonsil regrowth and "no official records" your case against the evidence for H&L is proceeding as expected... how did you put it? As dog vomit is to hygiene You see the unit Diaries say one thing while the recaps and WCR exhibits say something else entirely The only time Oswald was in Taiwan was for the Sept/Oct '57 trip to Ping Tung. The Unit/Ship evidence shows him boarding and returning on the dates offered... yet the DoD attempts to say he never left... We know this to be patently false... unless one Oswald stayed and one Oswald didn't... It also seems to show (Folsom & Donabedian exhibits) one Oswald a radar tech and one an aircraft mechanic .... they can't seem to get anything straight.... the two separations are first, 3 weeks for a minor gunshot injury (Donabedian p.606) and second the is not listed in the medical records - that of Oct 7 thru Oct 13 1958 - but is listed in CE1961. Two men with two records combined into one... CE1962 corroborates this as do the USMC unit diaries and Folsom and Donabedian exhibits...
  9. That you remain clueless about this and the other evidence is really no surprise Parker... you want so badly to be right about anything in the face of real evidence stating the opposite... Keep digging buddy... even a broken clock gets it right twice a day !!
  10. Perfect. David's answer to No.1 is..."This does NOT happen 85% of the time, so therefore MUST be excluded as a possibility"!! Then insults me because I don't understand the stats... To No.2...? Well he has been asked many times to provide the proof they were ever taken out in the first place. Zilch. In between the passive aggressive condescension, instead of dealing with this lack of evidence, David will simply put the onus on you to provide proof that they weren't. And on and on it goes... You don't even bother to read Bernie... and there are a great many things you fail to understand - 85% of 5 year olds within 30 months... in THAT study. I wrote: which I have repeated posted I agree with the accusation that stating it is IMPOSSIBLE that Lee has tonsilitis since his tonsils were removed is discounting the remote possibility that a partial tonsilectomy was done AND that Oswald was part of the 15% of children experience some regrowth As to whether they were taken out... asked and answered... it's only Parker who thinks it was done with Radionics during a channeling... There were a few other things on that list Bernie... should keep you and the other minions busy So you also don't have an "alternative" answer to the question of how a 5'4" 6th grader becomes a 4'10" 8th grader... or a 5'11" 20 year old becomes a 5'9" 24 year old... How a boy attends 129 days of school between March 23 and May 30 while spending weeks at Youth House How his brother Pic can correctly choose Harvey from his brother in every case Why Robert lied about his NYC visits Who Louise Robertson is and why she contacted the FBI or became involved with the Oswalds at all Why the handwritten notes show North Dakota yet the final article changes it to NO... Why the FBI sends agents to Stripling Jr High on the morning ot 11/23 Why the FBI needs to speak with Pfisterer's employees about a job he supposedly had 6 years before, the week after the assassination Why Myra Rouse would make things up that amazingly corroborates the Youth House reports and the major differences between Lee and the boy playing Harvey. How Anna Lewis could have met Lee Oswald in February 1962 when Harvey was in Russia How trusted DPD sources puts Ruby and Lee together in all sorts of compromising situations along with Shaw and Ferrie How Oswald is both with his family and trying to over pay for rifles from McKeown How Oswald is proven to be both in Dallas and NOLA concurrently during the summer of 1963 How he can both be in Ping Tung and Atsugi concurrently How an Oswald is working for Pfisterer's while an Oswald is in the Marines How he can be with Allen Felde thru May yet be in Jacksonville at the same time How Major Gorsky has records of Lee Oswald leaving the Marines in March 1959 with all his records sent to DC. How Lee is in the 1000 series platoons (those attending radar school) while Harvey is platoon 2060 How Oswald can be working for both Tujagues in NOLA and ETI Realty in San Diego in the fall & winter of 1955 How he skips school to work at Dolly shoe yet shows near perfect attendance at BJHS Which PS #117 & #44 did OSwald attend - NYC, Bronx or Queens Why the southern boy entering 7th grade did not have a southern accent after living his entire life in either NOLA or TX What the story surrounding 2220 Thomas might be given that Marg was there in 1947, 54-55 and on Nov 22, 1963 Who Alan Graf was and why scores of marines who were with Harvey were never interviewed or called to testify Why the WCR considers the two separate Marine bases in Southern Califoria (El Toro & Santa Ana) as the same place How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory How in July 1963 while Harvey and family are in NOLA, Marshall Hicks delivers telegrams to "Lee Harvey Oswald" at the Rotary apartments which Ruby rented for Lee Why William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay claim that Lee worked for Ruby in Dallas all thru the summer of 1963 Who it was that Yates drives to Elm/Houston with a 4 foot "rifle shaped" package talking about Ruby and the shooting of the president on Nov 20th Why both an SMU professor and his friend, living next to Ruby claim that Lee Oswald came to their door in the evening of 11/21 looking for Ruby.. the professor's friend wrote a letter to Ramsey Clark about it Why Mary Lawrence claims that Oswald came to her restaurant at 2:15am 11/22 and Ruby joined him shortly afterward - Harvey is in Irving at the time asleep How Helen Forrest and James Pennington see a white shirted man leaving the TSBD and enter a Rambler and both ID the man as Oswald Why Belin changed Craig's testimony of the same activity to confuse the issue further
  11. The intersection of H&L and the assassination only occurs since Tampa and Chicago failed. The activities Oswald was involved in were easily converted to appear incriminating while during the actions themselves they were in the attempt to infultrate FPCC and related assets for the FBI/CIA/MIA...etc. We don't know the actual purpose for their being two men using the same name and each having their own passport... but the intelligence community was aware after the fact and did little to expose the situation. The ridiculous thing about the tonsils comes from a sentence claiming Lee having tonsilitis is impossible - which I have repeated posted I agree with the accusation that stating it is IMPOSSIBLE that Lee has tonsilitis since his tonsils were removed is discounting the remote possibility that a partial tonsilectomy was done AND that OSwald was part of the 15% of children experience some regrowth. I have referred to CE985, the Russian Hospital doc, which state the man's tonsils were not enlarged... IOW, they were normal... which when added to the actual stats on regrowth seems very unlikely... but not IMPOSSIBLE. So while the presentation in the book concludes what a normal thinking person would... that a boy with his tonsils removed has NO small chance of regular sized tonsils or tonsilitis over 10 years after the fact.. there is in fact a small probability he might... The bigger problem is the record of his travel to and from Ping Tung while being treated for a STD obtained in the "line of duty" - if that makes any sense. All these visits are at MACS-1 and it looks as if the Sept 16-Sept 29 reports are the same as Oct 6th... what we don't see is the hospital stay from Oct 7th thru Oct 13th - wonder why...?
  12. That's what I enjoy about the minions... don't bother them with actual evidence, actual research studies, actual stats. And then they call the corroborating evidence what I "think", not what the Nat'l Inst of Health has to say... Less than 15% of the time in children with a mean age of 5, and it usually occurs within 3 years of the operation... You guys must really HATE it when actual evidence trumps your speculation and opinions... "Less than 15% of the time in children with a mean age of 5, and it usually occurs within 3 years of the operation..." WHAT "usually occurs within 3 years" David? Regrowth? is this what you are trying to prove? That regrowth only occurs in less than 15% of children with a mean age of five? So this your rock solid proof that regrowth of tonsils couldn't possibly happen? Because only 15% of children experience that? This is a deliberate wind up or a desperate attempt to create a firewall. Sorry, but I'll just politely stick to the facts. Tonsils regrow. It's pure baiting because you have humiliatingly lost the argument. Then you actually take a haughty condescending swipe at "minions" who's sole point is this...TONSILS CAN REGROW AFTER REMOVAL!! Can you point me to where on the extensive HarveyLee site this tonsil issue is given any prominence? Do you agree it should be removed or hidden? I realize that keeping up is very hard for you Bernie so please try... The links you obviously did not visit reveal that of the 15% of regrowth that did occur due to partial operations (which you boy Parker has still yet to prove, only suggest since he has no clule) and that the average time of regrowth is within the first 30 months after the operation - the mean age of the children was 5 years old. See now here'e the tought part Bernie... if 15% of 5 years old showed regrowth within 30 months... 85% of these children DID NOT EXPERIENCE REGROWTH... 85% is larger than 15% which means there is over a 5 times chance that by age 8 a child with a partial tonsillectomy will NOT experience regrowth. (prove again that the operation was "partial" to begin with) Do you have anything to post which shows our little Lee experiencing ongoing sorethroats and many missed sick days at school from age 6 to 17? Do you have anything related to regrowth after the inital 30 month period? do you have ANYTHING other than standing on Parker's shoulders to deal with the actual stats from the NIH - or is this "national speculation without evidence" day? Better yet... ask Parker if the Dr. used Radionics to telepathically remove the tonsils - he seems to take stock in obscure witchcraft related evidence as fact...
  13. But Rather did try to show what that rifle under Lee's armpit might look like... Mr. BALL - You say he had the package under his arm when you saw him? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - You mean one end of it under the armpit? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; he had it up just like you stick it right under your arm like that. Mr. BALL - And he had the lower part-- Mr. FRAZIER - The other part with his right hand. Mr. BALL - Right hand? Mr. FRAZIER - Right. Mr. BALL - He carried it then parallel to his body? Mr. FRAZIER - Right, straight up and down. Representative FORD - Under his right arm? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Did he come in with anybody? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - He was alone? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; he was alone. Mr. BALL - Do you recall him having anything in his hand? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't see anything, if he did. Mr. BALL - Did you pay enough attention to him, you think, that you would remember whether he did or didn't? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I believe I can---yes, sir---I'll put it this way; I didn't see anything in his hands at the time. Mr. BALL - In other words, your memory is definite on that is it? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir. Mr. BALL - In other words, you would say positively he had nothing in his hands? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I would say that---yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Or, are you guessing? Mr. DOUGHERTY - I don't think so. Mr. BALL - You saw him come in the door? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes. Mr. BALL - How much of that back seat, how much space did it take up? Mr. FRAZIER - I would say roughly around 2 feet of the seat. Mr. BALL - From the side of the seat over to the center, is that the way you would measure it? Mr. FRAZIER - If, if you were going to measure it that way from the end of the seat over toward the center, right. But I say like I said I just roughly estimate and that would be around two feet, give and take a few inches. Mr. BALL - How wide was the package? Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I would say the package was about that wide. Mr. BALL - How wide would you say that would be? Mr. FRAZIER - Oh, say, around 5 inches, something like that. 5, 6 inches or there. Mr. BALL - But the right hand on, was it on the end or the side of the package? Mr. FRAZIER - No; he had it cupped in his hand. Mr. BALL - Cupped in his hand? Mr. FRAZIER - Right.
  14. Paul - just FYI, the measuring of facial features and distance in photographs is a demanding science... You "source" needs to pony up some photogrammetrical proof for what was done... not pixel counts or lines drawn on faces.. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2100273/ and http://www.academia.edu/2999539/PHOTOGRAMMETRY_WITH_THE_3_CAMERAS_METHOD_FOR_FACIAL_MORPHOMETRY is a start.... As for when the tampering begins - my GUESS is that it had something to do with the viewing of the zfilm late Friday night via Rowley... it was so obvious there were shots from the front a decision had to be made as to how to proceed... but that is total speculation at this point...
  15. Since the path to connect back to front travels UP, Ford's movement of the entry wound for clarity destroys that possibility... But if you look at where the entry is on the shirt/jacket... it is well below the hole in the neck... you can't have a connection from front to back with a bullet traveling DOWNWARD... so that it emerges HIGHER than the entrance... And David, if you can show us in the autopsy where it says this... you have a version of the autopsy nobody has Mr. Rankin: Then there‘s a great range of material in regards to the wound and the autopsy and this point of exit or entrance of the bullet in the front of the neck, and that all has to be developed much more than we have at the present time. We have an explanation there in the autopsy that probably a fragment came out the front of the neck, but with the elevation the shot must have come from, and the angle, it seems quite apparent, since we have the picture of where the bullet entered in the back, that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade to the right of the backbone, which is below the place where the picture shows the bullet came out in the neckband of the shirt in front, and the bullet, according to the autopsy didn't strike any bone at all, that particular bullet, and go through. So that how it could turn, and -- Rep. Boggs. I thought I read that bullet just went.in a finger's length. Mr. Rankin. That is what they first said
  16. The point of the matter was the origin of the photo... and how it was obviously altered in some way... Some suggest ROBERT provided it yet while he talks of the telegram printed in that article, no mention is made of the photo he is suppose to have provided while discussing the Star Telegram edition it appears in... Robert is asked many questions about photos, yet none related to that article or that image... If Robert does not provide the image... how again does the Star get it between the time of the writing of the story and its publishing? What JA wrote was that it was LIKELY that the CIA originated it and funneled it thru thru Newspaper assets so that the man in Russia was not revealed... only Lee's marine image is... The only people trying to deceive are those that provided the altered image to begin with.... and claimed this was the man in Russia.. it was not - as I posted the Russian images and they could not be less similar. Mr. OSWALD. After we were notified that Lee was in Russia. Mr. JENNER. Who notified you? Mr. OSWALD. Star Telegram reporter in Fort Worth, Tex Mr. JENNER. I take it from that you do not have copies? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir. However, they are printed in their entirety in the next edition of the Star Telegram, which I believe would be November 1st edition Mr. JENNER. There is a reference in your brother's letter of November 8 to his reluctance to engage in a telephone conversation. Had you attempted to reach him by telephone? Mr. OSWALD. I had decided to try to reach him by telephone on Sunday, November 1, 1959. I did not.
  17. That's what I enjoy about the minions... don't bother them with actual evidence, actual research studies, actual stats. And then they call the corroborating evidence what I "think", not what the Nat'l Inst of Health has to say... Less than 15% of the time in children with a mean age of 5, and it usually occurs within 3 years of the operation... You guys must really HATE it when actual evidence trumps your speculation and opinions...
  18. And all the FBI needed to do was to show any other single order for C20-T750 where any one of their 40" serial #'s was shipped in it's stead... But that never happened so your repeated "LIKELY" declaration is just that - a guess without evidence or corroboration. There are 99 other rifles on those 10 slips - you mean to tell me they could not find a single order for any one of these rifles to simply prove the point? They had the microfilm of hundreds of orders and Kleins had microfilm of their other orders - surely it would be a simple thing to find a C20-T750 order where a 40" FC rifle was "substituted". Dave, please produce the evidence that Rupp ever removed those 10 cartons of 100 rifles from Harborside... for this Feb 1963 shipment
  19. Bernie - you're once again wrong as usual - besides don't you think it's a bit infantile to keep butchering the name and disrespecting the work of another.. Harley Lee? what are you 5 years old? You must have missed this post... "Given the amount of time it takes for tissue to regenerate and a naturally limited growth period, it is unlikely that, should your tonsils grow back, they will ever grow back to their original size" http://ent.about.com...nsillectomy.htm Were you aware of this study with REAL stats... seems regrow occurs in the first 2.5 years after removal... did Oswald's history show signs of regrowth and Tonsilitis between age 7 and 16? http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24388693 OBJECTIVE: We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). METHODS: Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors. RESULTS: All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy. CONCLUSION: Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
  20. Wow Bernie... thanks so much. I guess you completely missed the entire post on the real probability of regrowth and the fact that the average age of regrowth occurs within 30 months of the operation - on 5 year olds. Also that Harvey in Russia had a complete set of normal tonsils... you just can't get anything right... but nice try. As for Harvey the defector in the same program as Webster, meeting the same woman and having a baby with her while LEE is in New Orleans with Anna, Martin, David and Guy... you'll just have to work that thru yourself... How about trying to address the first and second points - too much for you?
  21. I agree and I also agree with what Mr. Kelly said a while back in another thread: As a researcher, John Armstrong has made many contributions. But it's the "dogma" part and the conspicuous zeal of his followers that make it seem like he founded a religion as well. A cult, perhaps. That can bog one down. No "dogma" needed... just some common sense and a pair of eyes... So you also don't have an "alternative" answer to the question of how a 5'4" 6th grader becomes a 4'10" 8th grader... or a 5'11" 20 year old becomes a 5'9" 24 year old... How a boy attends 129 days of school between March 23 and May 30 while spending weeks at Youth House How his brother Pic can correctly choose Harvey from his brother in every case Why Robert lied about his NYC visits Who Louise Robertson is and why she contacted the FBI or became involved with the Oswalds at all Why the handwritten notes show North Dakota yet the final article changes it to NO... Why the FBI sends agents to Stripling Jr High on the morning ot 11/23 Why the FBI needs to speak with Pfisterer's employees about a job he supposedly had 6 years before, the week after the assassination Why Myra Rouse would make things up that amazingly corroborates the Youth House reports and the major differences between Lee and the boy playing Harvey. How Anna Lewis could have met Lee Oswald in February 1962 when Harvey was in Russia How trusted DPD sources puts Ruby and Lee together in all sorts of compromising situations along with Shaw and Ferrie How Oswald is both with his family and trying to over pay for rifles from McKeown How Oswald is proven to be both in Dallas and NOLA concurrently during the summer of 1963 How he can both be in Ping Tung and Atsugi concurrently How an Oswald is working for Pfisterer's while an Oswald is in the Marines How he can be with Allen Felde thru May yet be in Jacksonville at the same time How Major Gorsky has records of Lee Oswald leaving the Marines in March 1959 with all his records sent to DC. How Lee is in the 1000 series platoons (those attending radar school) while Harvey is platoon 2060 How Oswald can be working for both Tujagues in NOLA and ETI Realty in San Diego in the fall & winter of 1955 How he skips school to work at Dolly shoe yet shows near perfect attendance at BJHS Which PS #117 & #44 did OSwald attend - NYC, Bronx or Queens Why the southern boy entering 7th grade did not have a southern accent after living his entire life in either NOLA or TX What the story surrounding 2220 Thomas might be given that Marg was there in 1947, 54-55 and on Nov 22, 1963 Who Alan Graf was and why scores of marines who were with Harvey were never interviewed or called to testify Why the WCR considers the two separate Marine bases in Southern Califoria (El Toro & Santa Ana) as the same place How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory How in July 1963 while Harvey and family are in NOLA, Marshall Hicks delivers telegrams to "Lee Harvey Oswald" at the Rotary apartments which Ruby rented for Lee Why William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay claim that Lee worked for Ruby in Dallas all thru the summer of 1963 Who it was that Yates drives to Elm/Houston with a 4 foot "rifle shaped" package talking about Ruby and the shooting of the president on Nov 20th Why both an SMU professor and his friend, living next to Ruby claim that Lee Oswald came to their door in the evening of 11/21 looking for Ruby.. the professor's friend wrote a letter to Ramsey Clark about it Why Mary Lawrence claims that Oswald came to her restaurant at 2:15am 11/22 and Ruby joined him shortly afterward - Harvey is in Irving at the time asleep How Helen Forrest and James Pennington see a white shirted man leaving the TSBD and enter a Rambler and both ID the man as Oswald Why Belin changed Craig's testimony of the same activity to confuse the issue further
  22. I see you took lessons from the Lamson school of evidence presentation... couldn't crop those photos any closer? Don't try anything photographic Greg, you're very poor at it. - but thanks for helping to show the difference in the facial features of both men... you're a champ Well done Ray... even when he wants to make a point he fails miserably
  23. keep pitching Vol 1, 2 or 3 buddy... gotta be SOMEBODY out there who'll buy it... "MY" motorcade timeline...? look just a little deeper Greg... you'll find it...
  24. Well Greg, at least you've finally started separating "Lee" from "Harvey"... there's hope for you yet those in the US who knew the big, slope shouldered southerner would be all that mattered... just another of the many things you can't "figer" out...
  25. I seem to get you, bernie, parker and the other minions going pretty well... and nice avoiding the issues, again... lame, just pathetic and lame the whole lot of you
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