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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. The point of the matter was the origin of the photo... and how it was obviously altered in some way... Some suggest ROBERT provided it yet while he talks of the telegram printed in that article, no mention is made of the photo he is suppose to have provided while discussing the Star Telegram edition it appears in... Robert is asked many questions about photos, yet none related to that article or that image... If Robert does not provide the image... how again does the Star get it between the time of the writing of the story and its publishing? What JA wrote was that it was LIKELY that the CIA originated it and funneled it thru thru Newspaper assets so that the man in Russia was not revealed... only Lee's marine image is... The only people trying to deceive are those that provided the altered image to begin with.... and claimed this was the man in Russia.. it was not - as I posted the Russian images and they could not be less similar. Mr. OSWALD. After we were notified that Lee was in Russia. Mr. JENNER. Who notified you? Mr. OSWALD. Star Telegram reporter in Fort Worth, Tex Mr. JENNER. I take it from that you do not have copies? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir. However, they are printed in their entirety in the next edition of the Star Telegram, which I believe would be November 1st edition Mr. JENNER. There is a reference in your brother's letter of November 8 to his reluctance to engage in a telephone conversation. Had you attempted to reach him by telephone? Mr. OSWALD. I had decided to try to reach him by telephone on Sunday, November 1, 1959. I did not.
  2. That's what I enjoy about the minions... don't bother them with actual evidence, actual research studies, actual stats. And then they call the corroborating evidence what I "think", not what the Nat'l Inst of Health has to say... Less than 15% of the time in children with a mean age of 5, and it usually occurs within 3 years of the operation... You guys must really HATE it when actual evidence trumps your speculation and opinions...
  3. And all the FBI needed to do was to show any other single order for C20-T750 where any one of their 40" serial #'s was shipped in it's stead... But that never happened so your repeated "LIKELY" declaration is just that - a guess without evidence or corroboration. There are 99 other rifles on those 10 slips - you mean to tell me they could not find a single order for any one of these rifles to simply prove the point? They had the microfilm of hundreds of orders and Kleins had microfilm of their other orders - surely it would be a simple thing to find a C20-T750 order where a 40" FC rifle was "substituted". Dave, please produce the evidence that Rupp ever removed those 10 cartons of 100 rifles from Harborside... for this Feb 1963 shipment
  4. Bernie - you're once again wrong as usual - besides don't you think it's a bit infantile to keep butchering the name and disrespecting the work of another.. Harley Lee? what are you 5 years old? You must have missed this post... "Given the amount of time it takes for tissue to regenerate and a naturally limited growth period, it is unlikely that, should your tonsils grow back, they will ever grow back to their original size" http://ent.about.com...nsillectomy.htm Were you aware of this study with REAL stats... seems regrow occurs in the first 2.5 years after removal... did Oswald's history show signs of regrowth and Tonsilitis between age 7 and 16? http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/24388693 OBJECTIVE: We investigated the long-term effects of partial tonsillectomy, and potential risk factors for tonsillar regrowth in children with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). METHODS: Children affected by OSAHS with obstructive hypertrophic tonsils underwent partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy with radiofrequency coblation. Polysomnography was performed prior to and 5 years following surgery. Blood samples from all participants were taken prior to and 1 month following surgery to assess immune function. All participants were interviewed 5 years following surgery to ascertain effects of the surgery, rate of tonsillar regrowth, and potential risk factors. RESULTS: All parents reported alleviation of breathing obstruction. Postoperative hemorrhage did not occur in the partial tonsillectomy group compared to 3.76% in the total tonsillectomy group. Tonsillar regrowth occurred in 6.1% (5/82) in children following partial tonsillectomy. Palatine tonsil regrowth occurred a mean of 30.2 months following surgery, and 80% of children with tonsillar regrowth were younger than 5 years of age. All five patients had a recurrence of acute tonsillitis prior to enlargement of the tonsils. Four of the five had an upper respiratory tract allergy prior to regrowth of palatine tonsils. There were no differences in IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, or C4 levels following partial tonsillectomy or total tonsillectomy. CONCLUSION: Partial tonsillectomy is sufficient to relieve obstruction while maintaining immunological function. This procedure has several post-operative advantages. Palatine tonsils infrequently regrow. Risk factors include young age, upper respiratory tract infections, history of allergy, and history of acute tonsillitis prior to regrowth. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
  5. Wow Bernie... thanks so much. I guess you completely missed the entire post on the real probability of regrowth and the fact that the average age of regrowth occurs within 30 months of the operation - on 5 year olds. Also that Harvey in Russia had a complete set of normal tonsils... you just can't get anything right... but nice try. As for Harvey the defector in the same program as Webster, meeting the same woman and having a baby with her while LEE is in New Orleans with Anna, Martin, David and Guy... you'll just have to work that thru yourself... How about trying to address the first and second points - too much for you?
  6. I agree and I also agree with what Mr. Kelly said a while back in another thread: As a researcher, John Armstrong has made many contributions. But it's the "dogma" part and the conspicuous zeal of his followers that make it seem like he founded a religion as well. A cult, perhaps. That can bog one down. No "dogma" needed... just some common sense and a pair of eyes... So you also don't have an "alternative" answer to the question of how a 5'4" 6th grader becomes a 4'10" 8th grader... or a 5'11" 20 year old becomes a 5'9" 24 year old... How a boy attends 129 days of school between March 23 and May 30 while spending weeks at Youth House How his brother Pic can correctly choose Harvey from his brother in every case Why Robert lied about his NYC visits Who Louise Robertson is and why she contacted the FBI or became involved with the Oswalds at all Why the handwritten notes show North Dakota yet the final article changes it to NO... Why the FBI sends agents to Stripling Jr High on the morning ot 11/23 Why the FBI needs to speak with Pfisterer's employees about a job he supposedly had 6 years before, the week after the assassination Why Myra Rouse would make things up that amazingly corroborates the Youth House reports and the major differences between Lee and the boy playing Harvey. How Anna Lewis could have met Lee Oswald in February 1962 when Harvey was in Russia How trusted DPD sources puts Ruby and Lee together in all sorts of compromising situations along with Shaw and Ferrie How Oswald is both with his family and trying to over pay for rifles from McKeown How Oswald is proven to be both in Dallas and NOLA concurrently during the summer of 1963 How he can both be in Ping Tung and Atsugi concurrently How an Oswald is working for Pfisterer's while an Oswald is in the Marines How he can be with Allen Felde thru May yet be in Jacksonville at the same time How Major Gorsky has records of Lee Oswald leaving the Marines in March 1959 with all his records sent to DC. How Lee is in the 1000 series platoons (those attending radar school) while Harvey is platoon 2060 How Oswald can be working for both Tujagues in NOLA and ETI Realty in San Diego in the fall & winter of 1955 How he skips school to work at Dolly shoe yet shows near perfect attendance at BJHS Which PS #117 & #44 did OSwald attend - NYC, Bronx or Queens Why the southern boy entering 7th grade did not have a southern accent after living his entire life in either NOLA or TX What the story surrounding 2220 Thomas might be given that Marg was there in 1947, 54-55 and on Nov 22, 1963 Who Alan Graf was and why scores of marines who were with Harvey were never interviewed or called to testify Why the WCR considers the two separate Marine bases in Southern Califoria (El Toro & Santa Ana) as the same place How Marina amazingly meets both Webster and Harvey along with her backstory How in July 1963 while Harvey and family are in NOLA, Marshall Hicks delivers telegrams to "Lee Harvey Oswald" at the Rotary apartments which Ruby rented for Lee Why William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay claim that Lee worked for Ruby in Dallas all thru the summer of 1963 Who it was that Yates drives to Elm/Houston with a 4 foot "rifle shaped" package talking about Ruby and the shooting of the president on Nov 20th Why both an SMU professor and his friend, living next to Ruby claim that Lee Oswald came to their door in the evening of 11/21 looking for Ruby.. the professor's friend wrote a letter to Ramsey Clark about it Why Mary Lawrence claims that Oswald came to her restaurant at 2:15am 11/22 and Ruby joined him shortly afterward - Harvey is in Irving at the time asleep How Helen Forrest and James Pennington see a white shirted man leaving the TSBD and enter a Rambler and both ID the man as Oswald Why Belin changed Craig's testimony of the same activity to confuse the issue further
  7. I see you took lessons from the Lamson school of evidence presentation... couldn't crop those photos any closer? Don't try anything photographic Greg, you're very poor at it. - but thanks for helping to show the difference in the facial features of both men... you're a champ Well done Ray... even when he wants to make a point he fails miserably
  8. keep pitching Vol 1, 2 or 3 buddy... gotta be SOMEBODY out there who'll buy it... "MY" motorcade timeline...? look just a little deeper Greg... you'll find it...
  9. Well Greg, at least you've finally started separating "Lee" from "Harvey"... there's hope for you yet those in the US who knew the big, slope shouldered southerner would be all that mattered... just another of the many things you can't "figer" out...
  10. I seem to get you, bernie, parker and the other minions going pretty well... and nice avoiding the issues, again... lame, just pathetic and lame the whole lot of you
  11. For someone who doesn't care much about the topic you sure spend a great deal of time on it - your family must getting a little too much of you since you have all that free time to spend time with them... The cute little nicknames - for which the Parker minions are famous - have no effect here... but nice try. You read the book yet cannot for the life of you remember any of it or know how any of it comes together... as evident from your posts, your comprehension really must be that poor. How long have you been studying the WCR? Your understanding of that appears to be on the same level as H&L so time doesn't really help you anyway, now does it? Where again is ANYTHING you've done on your own? Looks to me all you do is parrot Parker while bobble heading.... the family must be so proud Ever actually write something or create an image which came from your own thoughts and post it to see if it too can stand the light of day or you like the rest - unwilling to put up or shut up... Valenti - you remain a little wannabe, partner-posting at the big boys table. you obviously don't have any subjects you've actually taken the time to learn so keep piggy backing on Parker so he can keep your head above water. You make me laugh out loud MV... PLEASE keep it up - btw - I only remain "smug" for the likes of you wannabe posters believing you've come to our forum to set us all straight.... and try to do so without evidence, sources, images, links or preparation... and then wonder and whine aloud why they get treated as they do... you read the book... now THAT is the best laugh of them all... take you all day to come up with "Larvey" did it - or did Greg and the minions help you ? See if they can help you with this... In October 1951 the boy on the right is a 6th grader who, when entering school in NYC in Sept 1952 is recorded as 5'4" and 115lbs. the boy on the left, taken at the Bronx Zoo in August 1953, known to Robert Oswald as his brother yet to John Pic as not, is barely 4'10" (like the Youth House reports suggest) and no where near the size/weight of the boy on the right taken over 18 months before. How then Mark - since you have all the "alternate" answers - does this boy shrink over those 18 months as he did over the 4 years from his departure from the Marines until his death? Both of these boys have been identified as Lee Harvey Oswald. (and yes, I did call the Bronx zoo to find out how tall those guard rails were - exactly... it's called research, try it sometime) you might alos notice the hands on the boy on the left and the hands of the man Ruby killed... as well as the shoulder slope differences which are the same throughout their lives...
  12. David, this is nothing more than a 2 year old's tantrum. If my work can be torn apart, it SHOULD be torn apart. But let me give you some advice.You need to actually do it honestly by NOT garbling the facts and mixing those garbled facts with total misrepresentations. Go away, take a deep breath and if you still want to do this, please do - just make sure you've got your facts straight next time. yeah, a 2 year old that can still see thru your smoke screens and the opinions which you present as factual conclusions based on sources you don't offer... Everything I posted is what you wrote... nice avoiding the Radionics though Greg.... and the fact that nothing in that essay even begins to touch on your stated conclusions.. Two plots and at least 4 snipers... at least you're finally taking the evidence and attempting your own conclusions... we'll just have to see if you ever post sources for these opinions and how they check out... or if this all about getting us to go buy the books.... For those without a dog in this fight, please read the FBI report originally pointed to by Ron http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11503#relPageId=107&tab=page and my post on that report, also pointed to by Ron http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t28-the-oxnard-riddle-explained and compare those with David's rants here, If anyone WITHOUT A DOG in this, agrees that David has accurately portrayed what those 2 links contain, please jump in and say so. I won't question an independant assessment and will address David's "concerns" on that basis. So far you have not addressed how this actually relates to JFK (only that you think it somehow does), how the wiki-article on Radionics relates to anything but your assumptions regarding this crazy woman (which remains on par with your Asperger assumptions) or how the conclusion of that along with the original article gets you to TWO PLOTS one with at least TWO snipers and one that succeeded which we know had to be at least TWO snipers... but evidence of TWO Oswalds is simply too much for you. The generalities which lead you to conclusions are simply amazing Greg... as long as it looks a little like a duck, makes a noise which you interpret as a quack and appears out of the corner of your eye as a waddle... it MUST be a duck and G~d forbid anyone disagree with your expert opinion and speculation.... or we get one of those dreaded "nicknames"... Radionics, Rosicrucians, Oxnard UFOs and a Whispering crazy woman - and you have the gall to disparage H&L's real evidence and proven situations... when you're out here talking witchcraft... We call people like that, "a piece of work" where I'm from... the do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do types.... The Oxnard Riddle Explained by greg parker on Fri 30 Oct 2009, 12:00 am Parker SullivanSullivan was President of the General Telephone Company in Santa Monica, California. On the morning of November 22, 1963, two of his experienced operators would overhear the forecasting of the death of JFK at 10:30AM (12:30PM in Dallas). Sullivan, upon learning of this, contacted the FBI at 11:35AM.[1] Mrs Doris M Bliss and Mrs Jean M Shores Special Agent John E Keane was dispatched to obtain statements from the two operators. SA Keane was advised that Mrs Bliss, operating a toll call board, could hear a "fuzzy" sound indicating someone had a receiver off the hook, but that she had got no response when identifying herself as an operator. Then, upon hearing someone whispering, the women related how Mrs Bliss had called Mrs Shores to listen in as it seemed the person may be in trouble. It was now around 10:07 AM local time.[2] Who was the Caller? The caller has never been, and is unlikely to ever be, identified. The General Telephone Company at the time said the call could not be traced. All that is known is that the call originated in the Oxnard-Camarillo region and was made by a female who sounded middle-aged.[3] How Did the Caller Sound? Despite what some have written over the years, the caller was not at any stage hysterical. The caller was described as whispering in a rapid manner which indicated to the operators that she was reciting something that was written. When Mrs Bliss interrupted to ask if she could be of assistance, the woman replied in a clear and normal voice before returning to her "recital" in what was now described as a "definite, rhythmic fast tempo".[4] What Did the Caller Say? After Mrs Shores joined Mrs Bliss on listening in, the caller dialled a few numbers and said faintly, "The President is going to die at 10:10". At hearing this, both operators looked up at the clock. The time was between 10:07 and 10:08. The caller, continuing in the same rapid whisper, next said, "the Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames." The two operators thought that the woman then placed the receiver on a table and there was no background noise as she proceeded to dial between 12 and 15 digits. It was at this point that Mrs Bliss interrupted. The quite normal, clear and matter-of-fact reply to this offer of help had been, "No. I'm using the phone." The interruption thus cut short, the caller continued as previously described, this time naming at least 12 courts in order of importance from the Supreme Court on down before stating that "The President is going to die at 10:30." But that was not yet the end of it. The caller followed those statements up with yet another recital of the courts and the words, "The Government takes over everything lock, stock and barrel.” That was the last thing Mrs Shores could make out. However Mrs Bliss caught the words "thermostat", "rheostat" and "heostat" before the whispers became inaudible to her as well, and she released the line. The call had lasted an estimated 10 to 15 minutes.[5] Other Facts Another piece of misinformation which circulates about this incident is that the predicted death of JFK had been made to a party on the other end of the line. The facts are however, that both operators stated to the FBI that at no time was there ever any other party on the line and in their opinion, no connection to another party had actually even been made.[6] Mental State Mrs Bliss and Mrs Shores thought that the caller must have been mentally disturbed. This is possibly what has led to the factoid that the woman was "hysterical". At this point it would be useful to revisit what the two operators actually reported her as doing and saying. To paraphrase, •the caller spoke in a low, rhythmic rapid whisper as if reciting from notes •she dialled a series of digits immediately prior to both times in which she made the assassination prediction •she was speaking for the most part, with hands free due to placing receiver on a table or some other surface •she was not talking to any other party •when interrupted with an offer of assistance, she replied in a normal, clear voice, before immediately resuming her "recital" •she repeated the names of all the courts a number of times •she used the imagery of buildings on fire •she ended this odd behavior with the names of controls for heat and energy The above facts brought to mind some of the practices of Wiccans, Rosicrucian and other fringe groups and cults, and so it was along such lines that further inquiry took me. Radionics Radionics originated in San Fransisco through the experiments conducted by Albert Abrams during the early 20th century. Originally meant as a means of remote diagnosis,[7] it can allegedly be used to remotely affect any "target" in any way desirable. A radionics device has three (external) working parts: a power source (your mind); an intention (what you want to affect) and; a "target" (place/person/object the energy is directed toward).[8] Rosicrucians (AMORC) are among a number of groups who practice and teach radionics.[9] One other believer was an inventor named Arthur Young. Young was also the step-father of Michael Paine, and had arranged for Michael to work as an engineer at Bell Helicopter.[10] Young, who had conducted radionics experiments with Frances Farrelly, took things to another level by declaring that "it was the mind of the operator that made the device function, and that it was the symbolic form of the device that dynamically functioned to make it work." This appeared particularly significant since others had discovered they could make the device work even though disconnected from its power supply. Thus, anything in fact that might substitute for the device could substitute, including a drawing of one. And so it was with the target. Where once it was thought you needed a sample of say, blood or hair from the target, now a photo or a signature would suffice. The Ends and the Means This was the heading used in an article published by Rosicrucian Forums magazine during 1963. The article stated that concentration was the most important tool available to the Rosicrucian and goes on to describe it as the "directing of mental processes toward a certain end. We are focusing those processes and powers upon a certain object in order to bring about a situation which we believe is to our advantage and will be to our satisfaction." Was the Caller Using Radionics? I believe she was using radionics or a similar means of remotely affecting the assassination. I have no opinion on whether it works. At this point, that is less important than the fact that the woman believed it worked, and that she had prior knowledge of what was about to happen in Dallas. This leads to a further question: was she trying to ensure the success of the assassination, or trying to prevent it? I believe that the totality of her invocations suggests she was trying to ensure success. Expert Opinion As research leads into areas of little personal knowledge, it is often wise to seek expert opinion as a guide to whether you are "on the right track". This is one of those areas, and as such I contacted Ellis Peterson, a retired maths professor and electrical engineer who writes on such esoteric practices as radionics under the pen-name, Ragnar Storyteller. I wrote to Ellis giving an outline of what I was looking into (but careful not to include anything about the assassination prediction lest it color his reply) and asking his opinion on what was happening. His reply in part was that “she was performing some kind of mental radionics magic; the phone numbers were her way of making the connection. Fire and windows were probably part of her personal incantations." Oxnard-Camarillo Circa '63 The Oxnard-Camarillo region during the Cold War could not look more like an Oliver Stone meets M. Night Shyamalan movie set if it tried. The area was home to: •A Rosicrucian (AMORC) "Pronaos" (in theosophy the term "from the crypt to the pronaos" indicates the start and the end of the process by which thought can be materialized). Here then, the name itself proclaims it as the place where all your wishes can literally be made come true. The address to go? 346 North H St.[11] •The Port Hueneme Naval Surface Weapons Center The Oxnard Air Force Base - cited as the source of UFO sightings in the area during the 1950s and '60s •The Camarillo State Mental Hospital RFK - An Afterword There was a second prediction, probably very much lamented, made by Harold Weisberg. Weisberg said that RFK would be killed if he ever started checking into JFK's death. It seems that Bobby paid a visit to Oxnard to look into this mysterious call.[12] He was shot and killed the next day, allegedly by a "lone nut" - and a member of the Rosicrucians (AMORC). ENDNOTES [1] Commission Document 1107 - FBI Gemberling Report of 15 May 1964, pp82-3 [2] Ibid [3] Ibid [4] Ibid [5] Ibid [6] Ibid [7] Wikipedia entry for Radionics [8] Email to author from Ellis Peterson, July 11, 2008 [9] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1943 [10] Arthur M Young Essay, Science, Spirit & The Soul, 1985 [11] Rosicrucian (AMORC) Digest, 1957 (with street address) - still listed in Oxnard in following years, but without street address [12] For details of RFK's efforts in Oxnard to find out about the call, see Peter Noyes, Legacy of Doubt, pp23 The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC is a community of Seekers who study and practice the metaphysical laws governing the universe. Seems pretty obvious to me that the "I'm using the phone" statement was not the same person as the whispering mad woman but a regular customer on the party line... which makes your assumption that the mad woman was a middle age woman a but suspect... but you go right on speculating all you want... when you get to some real evidence, you'll let us know. A wiki-link to the 1968 group who they say is one of the most recent which studied Rosicrucian ways.. this is what you've built your theory upon Greg? and H&L is beyond your acceptance level... whatever Tommaso Palamidessi (Pisa, February 16, 1915 – Rome, April 29, 1983) was an Italian esotericist. Precociously attracted by astrology, parapsychology and yoga-tantric doctrines, he was led by his manifold interests in the field of the occult and by his intense spiritual pursuit to build up an original form of Esoteric Christianity, which he called Archeosophy. In 1968, he founded in Rome the Archeosophical Society, which is still active and counts a few thousand members both in Italy and in the rest of Europe (mainly in Germany, Portugal, and France). Chronological list of groups formed for the study of Rosicrucianism and related subjects: Archeosophical Society, 1968
  13. Clive - no need to decide one way or another on H&L... there's enough room in the JFK assassination literature for everyone to be right and wrong about so many things... The bottom line point of the matter is that there could not be a photo published in the USA of Harvey... it had to be of Lee... which is why we do not see any of the "In Russia" photos ever published in mass media. Anyone seeing a photo of Harvey during those years would easily know this was not the 5'11" thick necked Marine who spoke with a southern drawl, fought and never spoke of politics... That image of Lee in Japan is shown at the top right and would be the only photo types we'd see until after Oswald returned... Notice how the head area is so much more washed out than the rest of the photo... must have been a special USMC issue lens
  14. David, this is nothing more than a 2 year old's tantrum. If my work can be torn apart, it SHOULD be torn apart. But let me give you some advice.You need to actually do it honestly by NOT garbling the facts and mixing those garbled facts with total misrepresentations. Go away, take a deep breath and if you still want to do this, please do - just make sure you've got your facts straight next time. yeah, a 2 year old that can still see thru your smoke screens and the opinions which you present as factual conclusions based on sources you don't offer... Everything I posted is what you wrote... nice avoiding the Radionics though Greg.... and the fact that nothing in that essay even begins to touch on your stated conclusions.. Two plots and at least 4 snipers... at least you're finally taking the evidence and attempting your own conclusions... we'll just have to see if you ever post sources for these opinions and how they check out... or if this all about getting us to go buy the books....
  15. The forum posts are a copy-paste of a piece of an older essay GP wrote... You spend years attacking Osteopathy trying to support your tonsil ideas and the first essay of yours I read is ultimately based on the overheard Oxnard phone call and your speculations and conclusions that it had to do with Radionics and that there was any connection to what actually happened.. Funny thing is there was another call to a Mrs Tippit that went along these same lines with revelations about Oswald’s father and brother… same MO, crazy person on the phone… but no Radionics with the Tippit call… was that the problem? There were in fact many calls reported which offer glimpses of foreknowledge... but this one stands out for you. You wrote: "Radionics Radionics originated in San Francisco through the experiments conducted by Albert Abrams during the early 20th century. Originally meant as a means of remote diagnosis, it can allegedly be used to remotely affect any "target" in any way desirable. A radionics device has three (external) working parts: a power source (your mind); an intention (what you want to affect) and; a "target" (place/person/object the energy is directed toward)." Basically a crazy sounding women is overheard making strange disjointed comments somehow related to the president's assassination and it is determined she is talking to herself. This becomes the basis for a theory of yours about foreknowledge of 2 Dallas plots & at least 4 shooters, and then you conclude she has prior knowledge - A POTUS is going to the south where he is hated... a woman talking to herself on a phone thinks he will be killed and is overheard... now THAT is some seriously far stretch, or not Greg. "JFK will be killed in Dallas" was talked about by many... many more even stated that they WISHED he was killed when he came to Dallas... no matter, to you Radionics is something worth considering... yet Osteopathy is demon magic… right. I (Greg) believe she was using radionics or a similar means of remotely affecting the assassination. I have no opinion on whether it works. At this point, that is less important than the fact that the woman believed it worked, and that she had prior knowledge of what was about to happen in Dallas. The other unanswered question: was she trying to ensure the success of the assassination, or trying to prevent it? I believe that the totality of her invocations suggests she was trying to ensure success. Radionics Greg? Using one's mind to affect a target at some other location - and you can spend all that time on Ostepathy as an unrecognized discipline. What did you conclude in this essay? "Conclusion: The Oxnard call hints at a plot where two snipers were in place (The original article tries to offer more info yet nothing related to a 2-sniper plot - ths only place in that article the word "sniper" appears is in the bold/italic sentences of the conclusion presented here.) (wow, no stretch there... care to tie that back into her phone call at some point... it's not in the article... and the motorcade was 20 minutes late leaving Love Field, not 5. all these 1st and 2nd plots yet you offer nothing to support that conclusion but more speculation...) The first sniper was in position for the kill shot at the location the motorcade was due to pass by at 12:10. A back-up sniper would also be in place at the Trade Mart. The fact that the motorcade was running 5 minutes late may have caused the first sniper to abort. The second sniper however, would still not be needed, as the second plot got the hit in Dealey Plaza. So you have two plots - one with 2 snipers - at 12:10 he would be scheduled to pass the TSBD but was 20 minutes late leaving Love field - sniper #1 gone. Yet then we have PLOT #2 which actually got him with the frontal shots in DP... what a surprise TWO plots, TWO snipers... gee, where have we heard "TWO" of things before ??? And all this from that one essay and a crazy woman in Oxnard... well done! This first plot was planned and (almost) executed by Californian Right Wing extremists with ties to intelligence, cults and probably also to military brass and/or politicians." We can even identify the would-be Trade Mart patsy: Russell McLarry. He was arrested after being overheard stating he would be waiting with a gun to shoot the President from a building as he neared the Trade Mart. So what did this crazy woman say - as recorded in evidence - which helped give you the "hint" there were two snipers in place? "The caller, continuing in the same rapid whisper, next said, "the Justice, the Supreme Court, there's going to be fire in all the windows, the Government is going up in flames." " The caller followed those statements up with yet another recital of the courts and the words, "The Government takes over everything lock, stock and barrel. " "The above facts brought to mind some of the practices of Wiccans, Rosicrucian and other fringe groups and cults, and so it was along such lines that further inquiry took me" and off you go into the world of witchcraft... but that's okay cause you're a serious researcher and since this is your work, it must be okay to use as a source for your theories. --------------------------------- Another part of this same essay.... You put John Pic at center stage for Ozzie's intelligence ties... he was in the PSU so he MUST be intelligence... with no sources offered to boot... doesn’t “I BELIEVE” suggest speculation on your part? OSWALD: DID HE HAVE INTELLIGENCE TIES? Yes – and much closer to home than the usual suspects. Much is often made of the influence Robert had on Lee – but I believe John Pic’s influence was far more significant. and you can still spend months attacking others when your own work is so supremely under/un-sourced, vague and speculative... Let's spend the next few months ripping your work apart - shall we? will it serve some purpose? guess we'll see... but first you'd have to actually identify your sources...
  16. Mark - would you take a breath already please.... There is not one or two or even 10 items of evidence and conflict in the man's life but many, many which you would be aware of if you actually studied the subject rather than ride Parker's coat tails and make obtuse comments. If the only thing we had to consider was the language issue, you might actually have something - yet EXPERTS who have analyzed Oswald Russia speech tell us that ENGLISH was the man's 2nd language, not the other way around. But you and the rest know better so there is becoming less and less reason to bother with your rebuttals - they wind up sinking themselves. It's the smugness of their presentation that is most amusing. Whether something is "easier for you to comprehend" is luckily not the measure of how covert operations and longer term infultration programs worked. Just ask Larry or read Nexus. It's as if , in your mind, the Cold War and it's participants just took all of JFK's presidency off... simply not true Mark... they had been fighting their battles real and imagined, killing people for years and trying to get info on Russia since WWII ended. That you cannot fathom the creation of spies with difficult to follow histories, doubles, triples and all other manners of "spycraft" just means to me you don't take an active interest in the time period or the context. I also understand you and the others not wanting to take 2 years to work thru the concepts and evidence... you aint gonna learn what you dont wanna know... So be it Mark... until you can show you have a decent grasp of the material as a whole - all you're doing is talking out the top of your head with a heavily influenced pre-concieved notion of what the material is telling you. Reminds me of a man named McAdams. H&L could very well be the result of a focused effort to create conclusions where the evidence does not offer any... until you bother to acquaint yourself with the details - you simply have no idea other than a very general and very broad speculation based opinion. sad to say, and as we've experienced, that does not make for fertile discussion... Hammer away at H&L and JA all you like... when one considers the value of the critque based on the extent of your knowledge... you're very easy to dismiss as someone purely guessing for the sport of it. That critics post as if they know what they are talking about is what's most irritating.... one would think they'd take a little time to learn the subject before attacking it so poorly or offering alternate explanations without grasping the context. Aren't there a number of subjects you actually know about and have studied that you can focus your time and effort upon and present information as the conclusion of some actual effort on your part to understand the subject - rather than just continue to whine and shirt-tail Parker about a subject you know so little about, simply because you either don't like it, don't believe it or have some beef with me personally?
  17. Ok Paul. At least you stick to your guns. As for your lists of civilians... Hemming a civilian? Banister? Intel assets, ex-CIA/FBI and ex military are not, in this situation, civilians. Good luck with your theories though Paul... We will just disagree and continue searching. Take care
  18. The Straus family and a link to your posting of Dr Lee's work which you happen to agree with... as well as links to Amazon IOW... please buy the book... With baited breath. Since, when asked how any of it relates to the JFK assassination, you're answer: "I understand that the lifestyle those into the old punk rock scene were exposed to took a toll on some, so I'll cut you some slack." "The possibility of Gabriel Turbay (another liberal Colombian politician) having been killed by a CIA doctor may have relevance to some of the tangential murders in the JFK story." and when it comes right down to it you'd rather play H&L games and get people to buy the book "The Youth House/Straus family connections do come into play at various times, including the weekend of Nov 22 - but as I have already said, I'm not prepared to go into details here." So only if you buy the book do you get the "details"... You and JVB have so much in common... And where can I find all the pre-publication postings of Armstrong's material again?Or any other author's for that matter... Your vol 1 is out and all we get is Dr Lee, Korea, and some speculation. Maybe go to CTKA and check out all the work offered, pre-publication, that ultimately becomes a book. At least someone cared enough to take the time to PDF H&L And to put all his research online so people like you can access it. this thread is titled H&L: JA. other than his research which produced so many images and docs from the archives That would not have seen the light of day and a theory that remains hotly debated Offering as much speculation as any of your work What is your real problem with the man where you have done anything so differently that you can take such a high road?
  19. Bart.... On Nov 29th the DPD recreated the BYP with Det Brown. Det Brown was placed in the pose found on 133-C... discovered and provided the HSCA on 12/31/76 by Roscoe White's widow Please explain how the pose in the recreation and the pose in the ghost cutout, made 11/29/63 can be in a pose of a photo that had never been seen unless the images were already created and known about by the men at DPD who perform the recreation and cut-out... No need to measure anything... The Evidence IS the Conspiracy and worse, the actual 133-C image does not even work inside the ghost image... wonder how the background gets so skewed in one image vs the other.. any ideas?
  20. Once again Greg... post a link to a photogrammical analysis of each of White's photos - no one offered such an analysis on these pages... they tried some lines to represent 3d space on a 2d image, but no photogrammetry was done... "the facial measurements are exactly the same in each photo used by White" - this is your comment... right? I think you misunderstand what photogrammetry is. This is what it is used for: http://www.wb.psu.edu/Academics/Degrees/32273.htm The work produced by Stan Dane and reproduced here By Randy S shows that the distances between various facial markers in all the photos is exactly the same. With the single exception noted. As explained Greg... lines (or # of pixels) on a 2d image of 3d reality cannot be used for measuring anything within two or more photos... But you can make as many excuses for saying one thing and delivering another as you like... you have plenty of experience... What's worse is that you believe that all those images of his face are even comparable... without knowing some key facts about the creation of each image... all Stan did was place some lines on some photos... get back to us when you have some science behind you...
  21. The Straus family and a link to your posting of Dr Lee's work which you happen to agree with... as well as links to Amazon IOW... please buy the book... With baited breath. Since, when asked how any of it relates to the JFK assassination, you're answer: "I understand that the lifestyle those into the old punk rock scene were exposed to took a toll on some, so I'll cut you some slack." "The possibility of Gabriel Turbay (another liberal Colombian politician) having been killed by a CIA doctor may have relevance to some of the tangential murders in the JFK story." and when it comes right down to it you'd rather play H&L games and get people to buy the book "The Youth House/Straus family connections do come into play at various times, including the weekend of Nov 22 - but as I have already said, I'm not prepared to go into details here." So only if you buy the book do you get the "details"... You and JVB have so much in common...
  22. Sounds good Bernie... Which kind of brings us back tot he differences in recollections between one man who was a big man, a fighter, a sourtherner who never spoke Russian or discussed politics... and the other whose partial record appears here... Terrible understanding yet somehow can read and write with some proficiency... just enough to get him recommended as an Aircraft Mechanic... Would you post the information that proves he took the time to learn to read/write the language while in the Marines or before, yet had poor proficiency... doesn't usually work the other way around where you can understand and speak a language and then one learns the grammar and syntax rules? Why do you suppose the Marines would give this man a Russian proficiency test and do you give any credence to Gorsky's claim that Lee Oswald left the Marines in March 1959, not Sept... only a few weeks after the test
  23. Once again Greg... post a link to a photogrammical analysis of each of White's photos - no one offered such an analysis on these pages... they tried some lines to represent 3d space on a 2d image, but no photogrammetry was done... "the facial measurements are exactly the same in each photo used by White" - this is your comment... right?
  24. Then Greg - post the photogramatical analysis of all those photos stating/showing they are the same... or a link... Who did the work, where was it done... etc.
  25. John, that is my work... the 2nd one over is a 70/30 mix one way while the 3rd one is a 30/70 mix the other to show the shoulders, position of features, etc... You are correct, these are not the same man yet since there are so many here who feel it there sorn duty in life to argue the obvious, it continues. Look what they teach in 7th grade History... when that changes to "WCR the lie" and "Oswald was not there", then we might have a chance... wonder what they teach in Australian school about that day? Did Ozzie do it in every country's history books taught in grade school?
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