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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. As our paper points out, there was a pass-through between buildings on the third floor, in the senior DPD officer's wing, along Commerce.

    Anyone wanting to see Ruby leave the Western Union office could do so from the third floor windows of the court house... then just walk back to the DPD building where Oswald was being kept on the 3rd floor...  and signal that Ruby was on the way...  we speculate this being Westbrook...

    Thanks Gene


  2. On 2/10/2023 at 9:36 AM, Michael Griffith said:

    Oswald's "deserved death"? No need for the formality of due process under the Constitution, right?

    I'm guessing you also believe the fairy tale that Jack Ruby strolled down the Main Street ramp and shot Oswald in a spontaneous fit of grief in order to prevent Jackie Kennedy from having to endure the spectacle of a trial?

    One of the most outstanding pieces of work done by the HSCA was their thorough demolition of the myth that Ruby used the Main Street ramp to enter the basement. 

    And WC apologists almost never talk about the fact that at Jack Ruby's trial, the prosecution established that the night before Oswald's transfer, Ruby was monitoring DPD plans for the transfer and was overheard to say in a conversation about the transfer during a phone call at the Nichols Parking Garage, "you know I'll be there." The person who heard him say this was Garnett Hallmark, the general manager of the parking garage.

    Hi Michael...

    John Armstrong and I recently finished a paper about that in detail https://harveyandlee.net/Oswald_Killed/Oswald_Killed.html

    Yes, the HSCA concluded that the side door was the most likely but did not get deeper into it

    We do... and it's quite interesting...  Hope you enjoy

  3. 3 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    Do you see the Oswald image in the photo posted by Dave?

    Do you see a body in any of the images?  and how the image is simply an existing photo of Oswald?

    Very easy process in Photoshop Denis.

    In fact, here...  I call this "kneeling man"... to go with Badge-man and Hat-man

    NOT A REAL IMAGE but simply some manipulation with contrast and brightness.

    There was no one sitting there despite now seeing someone...  I did not add anything or take anything away... just played with contrast and light.



    Also try to remember that when it is darker inside than outside, the window will reflect, only when there is a decent light source will you see anything inside... 

    So if you see a face, there MUST be a body...  point out the body Denis.  

    If a face can be seen then the rest of the body would too...  this is the arrest image placed behind the window...

    If you now have the best version you've seen... please show the body holding up the floating head... Thx




    I also took the image at right and put it in that window... see the exact match?  

    Much of what I do is work with the photos...  and the DPD, DVP, FBI and anyone else wanting to incriminate Oswald can do the same...

    And oh, by the way...  OSWALD WAS NOT ON THE 6TH FLOOR AFTER 11:30 THAT DAY... 







  4. As bad as Humes and Boswell were at this, they still reflected the scalp as one is supposed to in a craniotomy..

    I don't think the diagram is too hard for anyone to follow and recognize the process.

    Top square image at the bottom right #10 and the one above it #9 SHOULD have been the way our expert surgeons would have done it.  Have not seen instructions which reflects the scalp over the ears from side to side..

    The cut in #9 looks like the extension of lacerations down towards the ear - meaning that the skin flaps we see in that autopsy image SHOULD be the same and that hole is in the right rear of the head... where virtually everyone who saw him placed it.  I was the one who created the image in Gil's post showing the correct orientation on the head itself. and could even be rotated clockwise slightly so the flaps of scalp reflect straight over his eyes.


    His second sentence is pure crap...  See VIII. 11. Detach the dura from the scalp... and then the number of cuts needed to separate dura from scalp...  Also needing cutting, IX. 4. a. the optic nerves, b. carotid arteries, c. "other nerves" as well as #5, #6, #7.

    Unless someone did all this before 8pm, the brain will not fall out of the skull...  pieces of brain separated from brain, yes, but if the brain was actually 1500 cc's there was A LOT more work to do to remove the brain...  Even if most of the brain was destroyed... whatever was left on the left side of his skull would need cutting through the dura at least, and the nerves for sure. 


    HUMES WC Testimony:

    To better examine the situation with regard to the skull, at this time, Boswell and I extended the lacerations of the scalp which were at the margins of this wound, down in the direction of both of the President's ears. At that point, we had even a better appreciation of the extensive damage which had been done to the skill by this injury.
    We had to do virtually no work with a saw to remove these Portions of the skull, they came apart in our hands very easily, and we attempted to further examine the brain, and seek specifically this fragment which was the one we felt to be of a size which would permit us to recover it.


  5. Again looking thru all the DPD copies of things I came across this version with a notation that the negatives were all returned to ROSE

    So maybe it was ROSE who needs to be held responsible for the loss of a negative.. or keeping it for posterity...

    Hicks' testimony is very short and there is no mention of this transaction or the copies...

    Rose is never questioned about these all important negatives and photo... and gives credit to McCabe for finding another photo while standing with him... huh?

    Mr. BALL. Did you find some pictures?
    Mr. ROSE. Yes; I found two negatives first that showed Lee Oswald holding a rifle in his hand, wearing a pistol at his hip, and right with those negatives I found a developed picture--I don't know what you call it, but anyway a picture that had been developed from the negative of him holding this rifle, and Detective McCabe was standing there and he found the other picture--of Oswald holding the rifle. 

    So... what is the follow-up question from BALL this master of getting to the truth?

    Mr. BALL. What color were the sea bags?  (YES, THIS IS HIS NEXT QUESTION.. no more negatives, photos, or Hicks)
    Mr. ROSE. I believe they were kind of an off white--I would call them--more of a greyish-white.
    Mr. BALL. What about the suitcases?
    Mr. ROSE. I don't remember the color of those suitcases. I know one of them was real worn.
    Mr. BALL. But you brought that property back here into town, did you?
    Mr. ROSE. Yes; we did.
    Mr. BALL. Now, you say you sat in on the interrogation of Oswald later that day?
    Mr. ROSE. Yes; we did.
    Mr. BALL. Now, you say you sat in on the interrogation of Oswald later that day?
    Mr. ROSE. On Saturday evening--that Saturday evening.
    Mr. BALL. What time?
    Mr. ROSE. I don't remember--it was late--it seemed like it was around 9 or 10 o'clock, I don't remember.
    Mr. BALL. Who was present?
    Mr. ROSE. Well, Captain Fritz, Detective Sims, and myself--I don't remember--there was an FBI agent and a Secret Service agent there, but I don't remember their names.


  6. On 2/11/2023 at 9:57 AM, Charles Blackmon said:

    I noticed a long time ago the peculiar, actually impossible stance of Oswald in the backyard photographs, which David's work here clearly shows. Who was the so-called expert who testified to the HSCA that these pics were legit? 

    I love how they tried to make excuses about this study of the image/negative...   The lines only appear after an Aerospace enhancement process... because the job done was so good...

    Wonder who, in 1963 had access to highly skilled photographic manipulators/creators....



  7. On 2/11/2023 at 4:28 AM, Pat Speer said:

    As a blow-up for one of the photos was shown to Oswald,


    First, I see Fritz lying about the timing by correcting his report... this is an earlier version from the DPD archives... the BYPs were not brought back until after the 12:35 he originally wrote... so he changed it.

    Second, there is little mention of the photo shown beyond him "holding a rifle"

    The/This "picture", not "pictures"... even though there is a CSSS form stating 2 negatives with prints of each...  so I was wondering where you learned he was shown the photo with the lost negative... and why they are not listed at all on any inventory from either the DPD of FBI...

    Same with the arrest wallet BTW...  the only wallets in evidence are marked as coming from IRVING...  no arrest wallet and no wallet found at Tippit scene other than the one acknowledgment from Croy written on a Tippit crime scene photo signed and given to Bentley, if I remember correctly

    p.s.  Reading the Gary Mack from 1985, he was quite the conspiracy advocate wasn't he...  till the Dark Side got him..




  8. On 2/11/2023 at 12:36 AM, Chris Bristow said:

    I have heard the 'Ghost Cutout' photos that show the near perfect outline of Oswald in 133c were found years later in with the contents from Roscoe Whites desk. I have also heard the official explanation was that White was tasked with testing Oswald's claim that the photos were faked by attempting to create a fake. Either way whoever made the cutout must have had other working copies of 133c to cutout Oswald and trace his shape into a background image.

    Couple things about the ghost image...  there are multiple images as we can see a drop shadow in one of them and not the other...

    As Pat mentioned, if Studebaker took photos, that could explain the drop shadow image along with the one that is flat...

    Also, below, see how skewed the actual 133-c is compared to the ghost image.. the 2 parallel lines in white are on the original ghost image, so if you paste Oswald in 133-c  back into the ghost image, everything is off...   if you rotate the actual image counter-clockwise it fits but also appears like he's going to fall over... the strange stance he seems to have.


    I thought Jeff mentions that 133-c was actually seen that weekend but suppressed for some reason as how else would they know to put Det Brown into that position?

    A 3rd image without a negative...  and a lost negative...  hmmm...







  9. 8 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    David, most of the members who have commented will not see what you're talking about. I think they should see, if they are able to see at all, an optometrist. Anyway... This is the clearest version of this that I've seen. But the image that looks like Lee does show in the HSCA copy. 

    C'MON Denis... that is not a real image of Oswald in the window...

    Of course it's a fake... there is no "body" below the face...  and as DVP is basically saying, he needed to be put up there since he was never there in the first place...

    Nice going Dave... :up

  10. 4 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    There is no reference to 133-C prior to the Dees copy, other than the recreation photo, which would be difficult to conceive as a coincidence. The Secret Service participated in the recreation so they also , with the DPD, knew of this photo in 1963. 

    My speculation as to why this photo was effectively “disappeared” it was the photo which was in DPD possession on the Friday night, and its removal from the record assisted the provenance established with the “discovery” of A and B the following afternoon.

    Really enjoyed the 5th part of the series on the BYP Jeff...  Thanks for the wonderful work.  :clapping:clapping
    And for showing Michael Paine for who he was and will always be.

    You feel the same about the 2nd negative? for which the HSCA is just plain stumped... but seems not to have done very much more about it.
    Despite there been quite a few sources of the information


    Maybe a different pose entirely, or maybe it had been tampered with so it needed to be gone...?
    Does seem to help support that 3 photos were produced from one negative.  

    And then what about when/how it was developed? Or are we to believe Oswald did that himself?

    Maybe I missed that in your write-ups.



  11. 1 minute ago, Ken Davies said:

    Cited from your studies in religion and UFOs perhaps?


    And so far, his most insightful and productive post to date...  ya gotta love the persistence and stickytoit-tiveness...

    Now I know why I hide all his posts... falling out a boat in the middle of the ocean and STILL misses the water...  :up

  12. Thanks for the great copy of the Claim Ticket...

    Greener Exhibit...   

    Hiding in plain sight under Greener...  too bad their testimony is so uncertain..

    Wonder how many old Carcano rifles Dial/Greener see in the course of a month for which mounting a scope was requested.

    Also wonder if disassembling the rifle does something to the scope's accuracy when reassembled... especially after paying for a Dry Bore and Sighting... and not being able to test the scope before using it.. (or Marina ever mentioning to her friend Ruth what they did with her car and that rifle she never saw)

    But since nothing happens before or after this event that has any bearing on this event or the assassination, the POS scope and rifle must have been zeroed in perfectly since he got 2 of 3 on target and only missed by a hair with one of the shots...  



  13. On 2/8/2023 at 10:59 AM, Greg Doudna said:

    HSCA panel of experts found no indication of inauthenticity. Like you, I don't have the expertise to dispute that.

    Here's a suggestion: I offer my paper for anyone interested, and if you don't like it, just don't read it, or put it on ignore. 


      That "rifle" was not received until March 1963, right? Fall of 1962?

    With them seeing the OSWALDs last in Jan 1963...  How is that possible? and how reliable is their story now?
    These are the only other people than Marina to claim to have seen a rifle.



    A slide from my SF rifle presentation...   no doubt all these people are wrong and you MUST be right about the 4 of them, despite Marina claiming they never went, Ruth saying she never took them...

    But hey, nice house of cards you built there...



  14. 2 hours ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

    David, the image in the viewfinder is inverted horizontally (the left side becomes the right side and vice versa.), not vertically.


    100% correct...  I blew it.  Saw a brownie box camera which inverts the image vertically...  I've been to that Camera's page so many times too...

    Sorry for the misrepresentation




  15. The is the WCR trying to explain away those line...


    At higher magnification and with some contrast the lines are readily apparent...  as if those who created it wouldn't try to do the best job possible...

    Of course it would take magnification and contrast to bring out the alteration...

    And don't forget the DPD losing one of the negatives, and keeping one of the hulls...  

    Greg will offer some benign explanation as usual...  amazing how much a LNer has to dismiss to get their conclusions to make any sense.





  16. 2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    David Josephs, you have suggested that the Furniture Mart and Sport Shop Lee and Marina expedition in Michael Paine's blue-and-white '55 Olds on Nov 11, 1963, that I have shown, was (a) fabricated by the FBI; (b) citizens making up stories to insert themselves into history; and (c) impersonators.

    Are you aware that these three explanations are mutually exclusive? It is like a lawyer arguing the client is innocent of the murder because he was fifty miles away from the scene of the crime and besides it was self-defense. You need to pick one and not try to have all three mutually exclusive alternatives at the same time.

    Do you think the FBI forged Dial Ryder's job ticket so well that it fooled Dial Ryder into believing it was his handwriting? Or do you think Dial Ryder was in on it with the FBI? But if he was in on it, why bother to have the FBI's top-secret forgers forge it? What exactly are you imagining?

    Your conclusions are one possible explanation for what happened... that you ignore months of his and his family being impersonated all thru Texas is yet another portion of the puzzle you leave out as it is not consistent with y our conclusions....

    That you are blissfully unaware of the FBI's creation and manipulation of evidence related to that rifle is really no surprise Greg, it conflicts with your conclusions again.

    You can make out handwriting on that ticket?  Other than the faint "Oswald" written at the top you can't make out anything and you take on faith evidence presented by the FBI...  I can't make that leap after everything I've seen...

    Not imaging anything Greg...  You want to believe the FBI of 1963...  when virtually every item of evidence has their stink all over it, is your choice to make...

    There are a few good books about the corruption of the Hoover FBI thru the 50's and 60's...  but again, if it conflicts with your presentation, why bother including it...

    Look up the DOLAN reports on the visit to Klein's... tell me why back to back FBI reports conflict on something as basic as who has the microfilm...

    You can believe in unicorns too Greg, doesn't make them real.

  17. 42 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

    It's totally understandable, at least it is from my perspective. That's why I've begun refraining from posting here often. It's genuinely difficult for me to continue arguing with LN's over the most basic stuff. I feel like I've been doing it for years because I have. I once went round and round and wasted a day arguing with someone who thought Oswald was trying to kill Connolly. It gets frustrating at times. And I personally believe some LN's seem to be doing it as an intellectual exercise.

    I'd like to know what actually happened that day and why, and it's hard to arrive at that conclusion by constantly arguing with people who think the case was satisfactorily solved in a couple of hours sixty years ago.

    Gotta love that ignore button...  removes the post and therefore removes the impulse.  Makes the forum a much more enjoyable place to have a discussion...

    As you've said, same basic stuff with the same tired WCR excuses.  Like the world stopped in 1964 and nothing has been done since...


  18. 3 minutes ago, Denny Zartman said:

    You really know your stuff @David Josephs, thanks for all your hard work and for sharing it here with us.

    Thanks Denny...  been doing this a long time. 

    Sorry for being so bad at suffering the fools though... Terribly hard to abide by any rationally thinking individual who can look at the evidence uncovered and still conclude there was no conspiracy, no cover-up and Oswald was alone and personally responsible.  And no, they don't get any benefit of any doubt...  The intellectual dishonesty necessary to come to those conclusions boggles the mind.

  19. 13 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    Photos of him with the rifle.

    You are kidding, right?  Now you're going to start telling us the backyard photos are genuine? :huh:

    Seems the forest has obstructed your view of the trees...   Marina is such a reliable witness too...

    She was asked how the camera worked... she testifies this is the first time ever working a camera and she held it to her face to take photos... and remembers little else..

    The way the camera worked she'd need to hold it at her chest, look down, hold it absolutely still and hit the shutter...

    Below, is what she would have seen...  and these details escape her.. as does her taking more than 1 photo... "But I must have".  3 times to produce 2 negatives of which 1 is lost at the DPD.  :up

    Are you truly willing to accept anything the FBI throws up on the wall hoping it sticks, as authentic evidence?  How can you defend them here of all places?

    So, you'll start defending the Silly Bullet Theory soon....  and next you'll tell us there were no shots from the front.

    Do it up Greg... show us all how wrong we are these past 40 years for showing the DPD/FBI/CIA evidence for what it was.




    We have Harry Holmes' story, and the "finding" of the Money order in Virginia, and this report as well...
    How many different stories can there be for finding one Money Order?





  20. 12 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Ol' "Four Wallets" Oswald. Why would anyone suspect Oswald was ever being impersonated? He was just your everyday average guy with four wallets.

    I didn't know the Irving wallet was the only one surviving in evidence. Of course they don't want to have to explain more than one wallet, much less four.

    It's amazing to me that anyone can take even a casual look at stuff like this and not think something suspicious was going on.

    I think there are actually 5 now...  the 2 in evidence, arrest wallet, Tippit wallet, and the studded wallet in the photo I posted...

    Been working with Armstrong on when exactly the HIDELL IDs are entered into evidence and how...  The D71 ID listing on the FBI inventory and is missing from their Wallet inventory as of the 23rd, but listed in BOOKOUT's report of the 25th with only 1 of the IDs listed on Clements' FBI report of the 23rd (CE1990-91).

  21. 13 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    I doubt the Klein's paperwork or the Oswald mail order or the PO money order was fabricated by the FBI.

    Why's that Greg...   Love to see the research and your paper on the rifle and Klein's situation... I've written a few on the subject and did presentations in Dallas and SF on the topic... but hey, if you have info I didn't, love to see it.

    And I posted the Repair Tag above...  


  22. Well, here is the REPAIR TAG ticket I have in any case... if Greg can post something more legible, like where it says what Ryder claims it says..

    that would be great...  this is what the FBI calls "Evidence". 



    Hmmm... now were else does his name and little else appears on FBI-related evidence that even gets disavowed by the FBI itself...?

    Again, if anyone can post Evidence which cannot be so easily shown for the "batpoo" it really is, and how the FBI so willingly accepts it until it is shortly proven fake or phony and they make no excuse for accepting it in the first place yet summarily drop it as evidence at all....    please do.




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