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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 5 hours ago, Chris Bristow said:

    That 2nd overlay titled " Harvey superimposed over Lee" is the famous 1/22 mugshot and the Marine induction photo.

    No it is not Chris... I would never compare Harvey to himself...  only to photos of LEE... and that overlay is made like the first, against the 1959 passport photo, just anchored on his left eye instead of right ear.

    Let's be clear... all you've shown that Harvey at 17 and Harvey at 24 matches...

    5 hours ago, Chris Bristow said:

     I will do a comp of the passport and other photo.

    Harvey on the left... Lee on the right (before the 1959 passport photo)


  2. 24 minutes ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    It may well have been Josh Plumlee. I have heard that name before.



    The following statements contained within this paper, are my personal story. Anything in previous publications is subject to question and is or has not been, reviewed, approved, or authorized, by me. My purpose in producing this unadulterated information and statement is to clarify previous errors of fact, which have been attributed to me. Therefore, this statement supersedes all previous versions of what others have claimed, speculated, or produced in media and print form, as being my true testimony and story. 

    Any reproduction of this article, in whole or in part, without written permission from the author is prohibited, and will be considered as a copyright violation and subject to the penalties provided by law. 

    I hereby declare the following to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

    Dated this 21st day of November 2004. 


    Part 2: Flight to Dallas - November 20-22, 1963. Beginning November 20, 1963, I was assigned to be a co-pilot on a top secret flight, which was attached to a Military Intelligence unit and supported by the CIA. Our mission, we were told, was to 'Abort' a pending attempt on the President's life which was to take place in Dallas. We were contracted as "cut-outs" a system used to shield a secret operation from public exposure. Our team was based out of South Florida. 

    These are his notes about the assassination


    Statement of TOSH PLUMLEE.docx

  3. 6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Did the Miami gang do it, with unspoken tacit nod from CIA HQ?

    A thought I've nurtured all along...

    The CIA was created to protect, to be the 150 lb Doberman in the public eye so that when anything goes down, the CIA is the first thing to look at... but in reality to protect the military intelligence entities which had been around much much longer: ONI and MID... Navy and Army intel who... as I see it, run all the shows.

    They are the ones who can make sure everyone never says a word on threat of court-martial, they are the ones whose justice system is of their own creation.  They are the ones virtually every CIA agent passes thru first in Mil Intel.  They are the ones who loan people to the CIA yet keep their original military status (Lucien Conein for example)

    ACSI :



    They are the ones with all the money.... and they are the ones who planned and executed the assassination with total control over most every aspect.  the is virtually nothing they don't monitor and know about...  it is they who flew AF-1... it is they who over saw the autopsy...  And sadly, deep dow, I blieve it was they who organized and implemented the plan to remove JFK from office in favor of LBJ and a war in Vietnam with CIA at point.

    Miami gang, George Joannides, seems to have had a hand in the process... but personally I don't think the CIA did much without the military ok.

    6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Great minds do not always think alike. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    With just enough time for Ruby to saunter down to the DPD ramp opening,

    AHHHHH... no, no, no...  he did not come down that ramp my friend... he really did go in the side door, down the stairs, across the vacant, unguarded parking area, thru the railing and was al of a sudden seen at that spot by a number of people...  I think you'd enjoy the essay.

    1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    No such switch could have been done as the armored car and follow up cars were right there in front of the press crowd, so they would see the real transfer vehicle.

    With TV cameras rolling they were going to switch and use a decoy...

    In reality Joe, the armored car could not back down the ramp as the ceiling was too low... this diagram is accurate except for the path Ruby is shown taking.  Did they actually think they were going to walk him up the ramp to the armored car?

    John and I wrestled with the timing issue for a long while.  Fritz had to have been told that the time was now as he abruptly stopped questioning Oswald and scooted him down to his death...  As I wrote, the 3rd floor windows in the courthouse look out over the parking lot, around the corner from WESTBROOK's 3rd floor office was an opening to the 3rd floor of the courts building...  All he had to do was to be at that window... Ruby was seen by the DPD earlier that morning and witnesses at his apartment saw a man supposedly Ruby who did not look or act much like Ruby at all...

    Coincidence within coincidence... I like it.  and by the way, his dog was not left in the car as originally thought.  He knew where he was going and what he had to do.  


  5. 29 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    Thanks Chris.

    I'm pretty sure that the one on the left is a drawing. I'm also pretty sure that the one on the left and one on the right are from the same source. They are almost identical.


    Maybe I didn't express myself adequately...  both the Marine photo and the center photo are of HARVEY OSWALD... we do not have Lee's induction photo... they should match.  I asked Chris to use the last known photo of Lee Oswald, the 1959 passport photo and do the comparison...

    When you place Lee over Harvey's face you get this.  these are 2 different people.  match the head size and the ears wont match.. line the eyes up and the rest of the face is as off as this image anchored on his right ear...  I see I'm a few pixels off to the left but that doesn't change the facial features not matching, or the sloping shoulders of Lee matching the straighter physique of Harvey...



    Here's the photo he's trying to use


  6. 3 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    So do you think Oswald could have been part of an 'Abort' team sent in to stop the assassination? There was some mention of this on the film Frame 313. I don't recall the name of the person they interviewed who said he was on this team. 

    No I don't Charles...  as I don't see any actions by the man in that direction at all.  I have not seen the film you mention, what would have been his role to help stop the assassination?

    I always wondered what would have happened in history if they had killed JFK in Chicago and we had Arthur Vallee instead of Lee Oswald... or in Tampa (I'm sorry but I forget the patsy's name there)

    Lee, it seems to me, was being played so that he could improve his bona fides in the cuban community to better infiltrate the groups he needed to for the FBI. Yet at the same time these activities also made him the perfect Patsy for the murder in Dallas...  and no, he did not go to Mexico, that was the CIA putting the screws to Hoover so he'd play along like a good boy... even if he did wear a dress.

    Does Josh Plumlee figure prominently in that film as I understood an "abort" plan was part of his story.

    There's also the story that the assassination would be an exercise to test the responsiveness of the Secret Service but was turned into a real murder to the surprise of the few who were in the know... there are tons of scenario possibilities, yet they all end with the FBI/DPD having you look over here while the real guilty parties left through the back door.  Arlen Specter a Senator... please.

    On the whole, we don't really know what Oswald knew or what he was doing and for whom...  the way he played both sides of the cuban situation and his involvement with Bannister suggests to me he was on assignment... The OSWALD PROJECT ala Wilcott.  You get some cuban sympathizer's names if you have people show up for a FPCC meeting... and he may have even been doing his "job" within the TSBD...  the hints and clues are there but they remain fuzzy and out of focus.

    So instead of trying to figure all that out I chose to focus my time and effort on illustrating to as many who will hear it that the Evidence is the only key we have to the conspiracy...  the more you get to know the evidence the more you see what they did.


  7. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    The three men on the fifth floor should be "rendered deaf"? What does that mean?

    It means, when the ears are exposed to a sound above 120dB the result is massive ringing in the ears and short term deafness...

    A rifle the likes of the Carcano produces 150dB at the muzzle and less of course as you move away from it...

    Being 10 feet below the muzzle and inches from the open windows these three men would have been deaf with intense ringing in the ears after the first shot, let alone 2 more...  they lied about what they heard.

    2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Roy Truly gave a same-day affidavit, as did Marion Baker. They more or less line up. Really, on the same day as the JFKA, within hours, Roy Truly was telling bald-faced lies? In other words, Truly was part of the JFKA? 

    Not sure how much you know about the goings on at the TSBD and the running of weapons thru its doors...  

    I have been doing this a long time Ben...  My focus has always been the visual evidentiary record and to take the time to research a subject as fully as I can before I open my mouth or write posts.  So many researchers live on an island of their choosing by focusing on a single aspect of the case without fully appreciating the interconnectivity of it all...  No Truly was not part of the JFKA but one has to wonder why he singled out Oswald as the only person who left when that was blatantly not true...

    Of why the first day affidavits become a completely different story when testimony time rolled around... Oswald was alive when the affidavits were written, dead during the testimony... with no one to present opposing thoughts or cross examination.

    And no, Euins wasn't in on it... but if you can honestly say you don't see how the Secret Service was involved there is little I can do but ask you to do some research... same goes for certain members of the DPD and Sheriff's department...  everyone was not needed to accomplish what was accomplished... it happened and the traces of the cover-up and conspiracy is etched into 26 volumes, 1555 WCDocuments, and evidence at the archives and personal collections which no one has gotten to see.

    Putting it plainly... the Evidence IS the Conspiracy... iow, what we are left to study will NEVER illustrate what happened that day... but it does tell the story of how the president's murder was poorly investigated with a 100% slant towards finding Oswald guilty regardless the cost... just ask Abe Bolden, or Ralph Yarborough...

    CE399 only comes into existence in the office of Rowley
    It is the SS who takes the body from its lawful place to remove the "best evidence" from prying eyes.

    Ever hear of Floyd Boring?  Look him up... and maybe ask Vince Palamara if the SS was involved or not.

    At DPD we had WESTBROOK, CROY, FRITZ and a handful of men under WESTBROOK in the personnel department worming their way into every incriminating scenario that day... the chief of personnel Ben... with a story so full of BS it drips as you read it.

    2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am a pacifist through and through, so I hope this comment is not taken out of context: No sensible person would plan a presidential assassination with more than two or three, or possibly four, accomplices, and those guys would be people you knew and trusted for a long time. Think Cuban exiles, related mercenaries, CIA true believers etc. The Miami Station. 

    Many became semi-complicit in the JGFK afterwards, in trying to make the WC findings hold water, in believing they were doing the right thing, fighting communism and lefties, stabilizing the country, doing what authorities told them to so, and so on. 

    Just IMHO. 

    And a good humble opinion at that... you seem very thoughtful and serious about the case and truly interested in digging deeper.  Compartmentalization my friend...

    There really weren't as many people directly involved as everyone makes it out to be... Oswald was the one and only suspect, don't you find it just a little strange that every single item of evidence incriminates Oswald with virtually no exceptions?  That is until you actually look at what the FBI is saying and doing a bit more closely... and little by little it falls apart... why do you suppose there are millions of pages of evidence?

    Blaming Oswald only takes a little faith, learning the truth takes a lifetime of dedicated work and analysis... and still the general public fells and knows there was something rotten in Denmark... well, actually Switzerland...

    60 years later and we only have shadowy ideas about who was shooting from the front...  but does it really matter who when the resulting world situation changed so drastically against the pursuit of Peace and Freedom?  Howard Zinn comes to mind.

    I'm guilty of dealing with the minutia.  I deal with the minutia because the major themes in this assassination are so mentally devastating they are hard to discuss... the way it happened should scare the #$% out of any reasonable thinking person...  but the minutia is both the trap and the escape.. expressed no better than these 2 paragraphs from Salandria many, many years ago...  I'm terribly sorry that I come off so heavy handed... to misunderstand what really happened that day is to turn one's back on the last 58 years of history, and the 4000 years of human intellectual existence before that.  The rulers, rich, and/or powerful want to stay that way and then some, regardless the cost... that is the human condition... in my humble opinion...

                "I'm afraid we were misled," Salandria said sadly.  "All the critics, myself included, were misled very early.  I see that now.  We spent too much time and effort micro-analyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy.  Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way?  They chose not to.  Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner.  The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny.  The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear:  'We are in control and no one -- not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official -- no one can do anything about it.'  It was a message to the people that their government was powerless.  And the people eventually got the message.  Consider what has happened since the Kennedy assassination.  People see government today as unresponsive to their needs, yet the budget and power of the military and intelligence establishment have increased tremendously.

                "The tyranny of power is here.  Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval both at home and abroad.  And that will lead not to revolution but to repression.  I suggest to you, my friend, that the interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities.  No doubt we are dealing now with an international conspiracy.  We must face that fact -- and not waste any more time micro-analyzing the evidence.  That's exactly what they want us to do.  They have kept us busy for so long.  And I will bet, buddy, that is what will happen to you.  They'll keep you very, very busy and, eventually, they'll wear you down."


  8. That's not how it works Pat...

    If brain was separated from skull, Humes or someone else had to separate it... with a scalpel.

    Read the dam illustration and learn something already please.  It doesn't matter what happens to the skull... and if you remember they claimed there was no damage to the left side at all...  Brains do NOT just fall out of a skull... sorry, but you are misinformed.


  9. 16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    For sake of conversation, let us accept your premise, that LHO was not involved with the rifle seen extending from the sixth floor, and firing, during the JFKA.

    But somebody was there with the rifle, and they left the scene without being seen on the stairs. Do you agree with that? How did they leave the building?

    Do you believe LHO, a longtime intel-state asset, was entirely in the dark of events on 11/22 (during which the intel state murdered JFK). 

    Why did he go home and get a revolver, and then decide to watch a movie? 

    Side note: The fact that some evidence would be successfully challenged in court...does that mean the evidence is truly bogus or just would not meet a court challenge? 


    Ok, for the sake of conversation...

    Are you aware that the Warren Commissioners were allowed to take testimony and evidence and simply change it... 
    that the FBI would go over the reports/testimony of their agents and and adjust them as needed before publication?

    I find it especially difficult to believe that an actual firing weapon was extended out the window and fired real shots... the three men but 10 feet below this rifle where not rendered deaf, no ringing ears... with a 150dB sound not once, but 3 times... and then have the gall to claim they not only could hear but that Norman claimed to hear the bolt and shells hitting the floor...  uh, yeah... not so much.

    Oswald said he was a Patsy... that is definitely an informed choice.  Did he know something may be up... very possibly...  had you ever considered he may have been the soldier to fall on his sword for the good of the assassination mission?  Not saying that's how it was, just saying have you considered it as it is a realistic option given as you say, his being a longtime intel-state asset.

    As to the revolver, that's a discussion for another time...  but no, I do not believe he retrieved a pistol.  Was Oswald in short sleeves or in that long sleeve brownish-red long sleeved shirt with buttons down the front?  Wonder why Applin would say this, right?

    Mr. BALL - Who pulled the pistol?
    Mr. APPLIN - I guess it was Oswald, because--for one reason, that he had on a short sleeve shirt, and I seen a man's arm that was connected to the gun.

    Finally, the reason physical evidence is not accepted in court is because it cannot be authenticated in the legal sense of the word... 1 of the ways is Chain of Custody except the FBI took all the evidence, all 250+ items, Friday night... and returned over 455 items a couple days later only to stage the retaking of the evidence like it was the first time... that's why Cadigan got in so much trouble...

    This is Dulles rewriting his testimony and here is how it appears in the WCR:  CADIGAN never said those words, they were written for him.  Now that you know what could be done to the evidence, still think we can rely on any of the evidence to explain what happened that day?

    Mr. EISENBERG. Do you know why Exhibit No. 820 was not reprocessed or desilvered?
    Mr. CADIGAN. No, this is a latent fingerprint matter.
    Mr. EISENBERG. Can you explain why the signature, "Lee Oswald" or rather "L. H. Oswald" is apparent, while the signature "A. J. Hidell" is not?
    Mr. CADIGAN. Different inks.



  10. 12 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Boswell's depiction of the damaged area on the skull includes his depiction of the area he thought was damaged beneath the scalp. A lot of the confusion about the head wounds stems from the doctors peeling back the scalp, and large chunks of bone falling to the table.

    As I explained, that's not how the skull and brain works...  Brain cannot just independently separate form the skull...  And as I posted, the McClelland drawing looks nothing like what Boswell did...  he drew a smaller hole at the rear of the skull...  

    You do get what I'm saying right?  A craniotomy requires much more cutting.. 

    Beveled exit in the front... right :up

     Just can't stand this...  you guys have fun... sorry for trying to bring some sense to the thread...

    Brains just fell out.. OMFG

  11. So you simply dismiss the rest of the analysis... sloping shoulders, different size heads, aircraft mechanic doing air traffic controller work at a U-2 base and Jenner/Rankin needing to seriously change the information found out by ELY...

    We don't exit in a vacuum... Evidence relates to each other like a spider's web..

    The 20 year old 5'10" 165lb Lee dies a 24 year old 5'8" 135lb man... ok



    Ok Pat...  So according to your man BOSWELL his entire skull was missing... and you think this is the same description the people at Parkland described?

    Notice where he puts the small entry hole in the last image....

    I'm done Pat.. As I've said before, I respect what you've done in the many many years you've been doing it... but the way you seem to have mangled the medical evidence simply doesn't fly.   Post whatever you like...  Common sense dictates a different course of action with.you here.

    Be well...



  13. 48 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Was the rear entrance door anywhere near Ruby's police buddy Blackie Harrison's favorite DPD basement level cigar/cigarette vending machine?

    If only Joe....   interesting point though, Ruby was a DPD fixture until he shoots Oswald, then no one knows him very well... 

    I was amazed at what we learned looking into the Ruby hit.  Until one points their sights on a specific subject and dig until there's no more dirt, you simply don't know the many details involved... and this is true in virtually every area of the case...

    If you spent a few months researching a specific topic, wouldn't you feel a bit more certain about the details then someone who didn't?  Getting the info on who actually moved the police from the basement was a chore...

    HSCA Vol 9 Section V subsection A.

    "This possibility (the alley route) was not considered or investigated by the FBI or the DPD as was virtually ignored by the Warren Commission"

    Gee, wonder why?


  14. On 2/4/2023 at 3:48 PM, Pat Speer said:

    A couple of points. 

    1. While I'm a bit shaky on his ever-changing claims, I'm 90% certain Mantik agrees there was an entrance by the EOP. If so, citing Mantik to shoot down that there was an EOP entrance makes no sense. 

    2. Only a few zealots continue to claim the Harper fragment was occipital. I demonstrate why on my website. It turned out that pretty much everything I said had been said years earlier by Dr. Joseph Riley, a neuroanatomist and thus one far more qualified to discuss this matter than Mantik. On top of the scientific problems with its being occipital, there is also a matter of the witnesses. The witnesses cited by Mantik et al routinely claim the large hole was on the right side of the head, above the ear. Mantik's placement of the Harper fragment puts it in the middle of the back of the head, including a large section of the left side of the head, and at the level of the ear. 

    2. Not one witness--Parkland or Bethesda--noted a small round entrance wound above the right eye. 

    Then what is that a photograph of?  None of then noted a V shaped cut out in that area either....  and HUBER was inches from the man... you gonna say he didn't know a "terrible wound" from there not being one?

    I'm in contact with MANTIK as he sends a group of us articles and critiques to review... I'll email him and ask ...  just for that 10%... B)

    Zealots? C'mon Pat, the huge hole was in the back right of his head... as all but 2 medical personnel point out... it was not the "side" of his head... and I'm terribly sorry but after Parkland all bets are off,  given what we know happened between 6:30pm and 8pm at Bethesda there is no way to know what the wounds actually looked like beyond the word of those at Parkland... and Clint Hill  if it was as you say, why does the SS punch out the FBI and refuse to let ROSE do the autopsy...  1+1=2 Pat...  if you think what was seen and done at Bethesda was an honest autopsy with honest results we truly have nothing further to discuss.

    Despite singing a different tune for the money... we have his 1964 statement to Specter...  kinda hard to get away from this one.

    Mr. SPECTER. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital?
    Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

    Mr. KELLERMAN. OK. This all transpired in the morgue of the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, sir. He had a large wound this size.
    Mr. SPECTER. Indicating a circle with your finger of the diameter of 5 inches; would that be approximately correct?
    Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, circular; yes, on this part of the head.
    Mr. SPECTER. Indicating the rear portion of the head.
    Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes.


    I don't understand why we need to keep having this same conversation year after year....  the BACK OF HIS HEAD WAS BLOWN OUT... you want to be contrary, fine.  Conclude whatever you Pat... and the gov't conducted a complete investigation and Humes was a gifted and talented surgeon...  wow



  15. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    I’m agnostic on the medical evidence so I’ll let Pat defend his own work, but I will say that if the mystery photo was taken from behind, there is a obvious hole-shaped spot on the skull matching the description in the autopsy report in the exact spot the doctors placed the rear entrance wound, which I think is pretty interesting. 

    Fair enough Tom...

    Entrance wounds are small, exit wounds are large... there is a trail of lead particles running from the right temple to the top center rear of the skull.. most people understand the Harper fragment to be occipital...  

    I think the image on the right is self explanatory...



    JFK - entrance would obliterated by Humes and this strange round black whatever-it-is...  this is one of the FOX images


  16. One final thought on this, we even considered that Ruby may have gone out and around the block on PEARL to the "alley" which leads to the side door...  much less likely to be seen by anyone on Main street and just as easy to be seen from the courthouse windows on the 3rd floor which then leads back to the DPD offices and the the pass-through

    That little alcove just to the right of the tree trunk is where the door is... and on that side of the building, there were only 3 floors.


  17. 34 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    There was an investigation as to how Ruby gained access. They ended up blaming one guard who they said got distracted and let Ruby sneak down the ramp. He insisted till his dying day that Ruby did not go down the ramp. It would later come out that the officer in charge of security, Patrick Dean, had failed a lie detector test about what had happened. The DPD failed to notify the WC of this, of course, and sat by when Judge Warren apologized to Dean (who had been scolded by WC counsel Griffin). 

    I met Griffin at the 2014 Bethesda conference. While he is an ardent defender of the WC, he remains outspoken about Dean, and continues to believe Dean committed perjury. Some think that Ruby actually came in through an unlocked door, and some think Dean (perhaps not knowing what was to come) personally allowed Ruby access. 

    Yes Pat, the unlocked door...

    We have testimony form some men who left via that door not long before Oswald was brought down.

    Dean et al cleared the basement parking area of police about 30 mins before Oswald was brought down.

    There used to be pass through doors from the DPD to the court building on the stair landings and one on the 3rd floor

    The great mystery is how does Fritz know to bring Oswald down so that Ruby can be there just in time?  Someone had to have seen him leaving the Western Union building and walk across the parking lot...  We hypothesize that it was WESTBROOK again as we are finding more and more evidence that Fritz was aware of the Hidell IDs from WESTBROOK and knew they had trapped Oswald...  Fritz does not ask Oswald a single question about Tippit... at least not in any of the interrogation notes... in his testimony he claims he asked him and Oswald said he had nothing to do with it.

    The link to the article is at the bottom...  Took a couple months of digging to find the images and realities expressed in that paper...  John makes a few suppositions as to who might have tipped off Fritz... but on a whole the article exposes the very thing you discuss in your post.

    Years later WESTBROOK is asked by the HSCA about that door and he says that no one checked it while the DPD nor the FBI investigated the possibility at all...  HSCA concludes that entrance was the most likely given the evidence.


    Here is an overlay of the basement, the door to the parking lot as just above the little inward corner which leads to a hallway that leads to the elevators and stairs


    This is the elevators and stairway from the inside on the 1st floor... there is another door on the backside of the stairs but not another door on the basement diagram as the stairs end in the basement.


    During restoration they made movies due to them uncovering the murals when they removed the walls... this is an image of the pass through at the stair landing before it was closed up...




  18. :huh:

    Oswald was not on the 6th floor, was not on the stairs, and it has been proven repeatedly there was no lunchroom incident...

    Right after the assassination he points out the phone to a reporter who asks him while there on the first floor inside the double doors..

    THE GIRL ON THE STAIRS adds more proof that noone came down while Baker and Truly make their way up.

    Sure be nice when someday we can all agree on some of the basic facts of the case which have been proven over the years...

    Quite a lot has been shown to be the @#$% it was... and a more correct version of the truth has been established

  19. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    Pat Speer’s chapter on the mystery photo is probably the most detailed study on the internet, if anyone’s interested and hasn’t read it already:


    He makes a compelling case that the photo was taken from behind and that the blatantly obvious “hole” in the bottom right is the EOP entrance wound, amongst other things. 

    Sadly he's wrong... there was no EOP entrance of a shot, the front of his skull was not blown out as MANTIK proved over and over with the faked xrays...

    I am a big, longtime fan of Pat's work... and he gets alot of things right that others have missed...  but there was no headshot from the rear...

    Humes obliterated the path of the bullet from front right temple out the back of his head in the hour and change prior to the official autopsy starting...

    Other autopsy specialist - when reading the description of the skull and brain - state that it appears as if he was hit in the head with an axe...

    If you take Humes' descriptions and plot them on a real head you have three distinct lines and a cleanly severed spinal chord...
    Brains NEVER just fall out of the skull, the brain is held in with connection to the inside of the skull that need cutting before it can be removed - see the images of how to do a craniotomy below... no matter how "cracked" his head was from the frontal bullet, the brain requires significant surgery to remove...

    If he was shot from behind in the head there would have been massive damage to the front of the skull.. which was why the xrays were faked to make it appear the entire front right of his face was gone.

    Again, all due respect to Pat.. he has been an inspiration of mine for many years... there are a few things I disagree with and I present my reasons...  and I understand the reasons for thinking there was a rear shot to the head...  I simply disagree for the reasons stated.





  20. Chris,

    This is a photo of the same man...  there is no LEE OSWALD Marine induction photo, only Harvey's.

    Try the same thing with the 1959 passport image... THAT is Lee...


    And if you can't believe your own eyes that these two men are simply not the same so be it...  I'm not here to convince anyone of anything...  just post the info and y'all can come to your own conclusions...

    I refuse to argue with anyone else about the overwhelming amount of evidence which illustrates the existence of 2 different people.

    It's as if y'all refuse to acknowledge what the CIA was trying to do... the only info we were getting from Russia was thru the Gehlen/Dulles National Socialist spy network we "adopted" after the war... and elsewhere in the world where they had bugs and taps going on Russia entities.

    Read "Wilderness of Mirrors"... story of Angleton and William Harvey... The CIA didn't just decide to take 1954 - 1963 off, they were killing people all around the world... leaders of countries FFS.  

    Important to put oneself into a 1963 Cold War mindset.. not easy to do but necessary to understand what was going on here.





  21. 11 hours ago, Lance Payette said:

    Not a single item, I tell you! Conspiracy loons say things like this. They really do. Preposterous statements like this are why the CT community has difficulty being taken seriously.

    You whine about it but still do not offer any evidence that is Authentic...  please, name anything you like that incriminates our man and can be authenticated as REAL EVIDENCE...  if you can

    But all you can do is make a completely useless comment...  well done Lance :clapping

    I thought it was worth taking you off ignore... not so much...  have a nice life


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