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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 6 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I toss this out there: Has anyone seen the Hench memo, or something similar? Is there confirmation the Hench memo is authentic?

    Of the 4 pages in the HENCH MEMO I only have 1 page thanks to John Armstrong's daily visits to the Archives and his copying a treasure trove of documents not offered anywhere else.  Maybe send this to Russell to close the loop?

    How does this change your humble opinion?


  2. 7 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    IMHO, my take is LHO was impersonated at the Cuban embassy.

    The real LHO visited the Russian embassy. 

    Opinions are wonderful places to start looking for supporting evidence so your opinion can move to a hypothesis and in turn be approached with some level of scientific process to prove or disprove....

    Given your extensive research into the subject what brings you to that conclusion?

    "added to the manifest after the trip"?  




  3. 9 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    What?  No postal employee would have noticed the pretty young girl speaking Russian which they couldn't understand picking up a rifle from her husband's  P.O Box?  Seems to me there would have been a communication breakdown in the process . . . 

    The last minute's kind of funky, but an appropriate video?


    Rifle sent to PO Box = Non sequitur



  4. 57 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am asking how we determine who is lying and who is telling the truth, and which documents are real and which are fake? 

    I think you are asking about the chlorophyll when you gotta look at the trees in the forest.

    ...and why the CT side of this case is so overwhelming.  yet at the core Ben, it is simply not possible that each and every lead led to Oswald... each and every statement placing harm in Oswald's way has to be looked at as suspect since - surprise surprise - Oswald did not kill anyone that day.

    So when Nagell talks about killing the patsy he is not implying Oswald's guilt in the killing whereas our 3 KGB men supporting Ozzie in Mexico (and btw - the Rave party arrest story was perpetuated for years and years after the fact especially by June Cobb) are directly implicating him... supporting the WCR's version as if what was learned in the years since was never even considered.

    Would the three say L/9 was lying?


  5. 7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    The Mitrokhin archive said the KGB forged the Dear Mr. Hunt letter.

    The majority of handwriting analysts who saw it said no, it was written by Oswald.

    And in fact there is a misspelling in the letter that Oswald had done before in another letter from I think 1961.

    Now if you saw what these guys said, then you now how rather Chekhovian--as RCD called it--their scenario was.  An  Oswald who was suicidal and brandished a gun?

    I Mean does that sound like LHO to you?

    Again, why did it take the Kostikov cable seven days to get to Langley if he really met the guy?  

    As per your question about photo inventory, that means the CIA check of any photos of Oswald on that day came back negative.

    BTW... it was Goodpasture who switched Oct 1 for the actual date of Oct 2 and 4...  of course they knew it wasn't Oswald... and it amazes me to this day that this memo was never more important or followed up upon...

    If JC King knows who mystery man was... why was he never asked?






  6. 2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Is not the provenance of Nagell's paper materials somewhat suspect?

    As in, we do not know what paper was actually in Nagell's trunk at time of arrest, or in his lawyer's office (delivered at a later date, post JFKA) or what was truly seized from Nagell at the time of his arrest? 

    Also, did not Nagell claim to have met LHO in MC?

    As for Nagell's claim he sent a warning letter about a pending assassination to Hoover...

    Again, in those days (I am old enough to remember) often people would send dupes to through the US mail to themselves, associates or lawyers, and the Post Office stamp and the sealed envelopes would be considered reasonable proof of time of mailing. 

    So Nagell sends the most important letter of his life but does not make any dupes that can be tracked or traced or opened etc.  

    Why is Nagell's totally unsubstantiated claim of a letter to Hoover taken at face value, but when three KGB officers state on the record while being filmed that they met the real LHO in MC, that is dismissed? 

    I have no problem believing some evidence was seized and destroyed by the FBI (regarding the JFKA) or that CIA ginned up some evidence. I have no problem believing people can be bribed or threatened, or even killed (LHO for example) and so on. 

    But...none of us has 100% built-in accurate lie detectors...



    Ben... Taken by whom at face value?

    Who is it that you see of any consequence in our scenario believes Nagell and that there was a letter....?

    Finally Ben, how much Nagell research have you done?  I have almost 100 pages on Nagell related activity and history with copies of many other letters he said he sent to specific people.

    From what I've seen I still have a difficult time piecing together that puzzle part...  but he was an agent, a double agent and maybe even a triple.  He wasn't even really sure who he was working for...  and he supposedly did have that ID card with Oswald's name and quasi image.

    Yet belief or not in the bona fides of Nagell versus 3 ex KGB has very little to do with "why" but with all the other evidence that ties to the events they describe.  Nagell had been pretty messed up over his life both physically and mentally...  I think one can devote quite a bit of time to just him...  the Man who knew too much.


  7. Now WHY the CIA is making claims that LEE HENRY OSWALD is in Mexico I leave to others.

    If you have not read STATE SECRET by Simpich I suggest you do.  You don't have to agree with everything put forth yet not reading it if you are interested in the Mexico charade is doing yourself a disservice...

    Same with my work on the journey and the Evidence...  a few years of my life following up on the hunch that Lopez was wrong about the WCR conclusions.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

    I don't think anyone believes Oswald went to Mexico in order to return to Russia. He expressed convincing disdain for the USSR; it appears any attempt to go to Russia was a ruse to get to Cuba.

    Again Matt... these are the stated reasons for his being there...  Cuba was off limits to Americans already...  

    Yet we are engaging in the exact thing which is counterproductive like asking how proficient Oswald was with a rifle which he never owned, never fired and was not in the window at the time....  his shooting ability is not the issue...

    There is no credible evidence that Oswald took the trip ascribed to him by the FBI et al.  In fact the evidence available helps prove the opposite... that he was not there and the entire account is purely a paper trail fabricated by the FBI to cover the fact that Oswald was traveling with Cubans and was an asset of the FBI...

    Hoover had to hide that fact at all costs... so he backs the bogus CIA Mexico story with some of the most ridiculous point A to point B mumbo jumbo you can imagine.


    Enjoy... the Mex chapters are very detailed and fully sourced...  

  9. 16 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

    I find it hard to believe this was a misfired shot from the Records Bld. Not saying it couldn't or didn't happen it's such a bad shot given the accurracy from the rest.

    Amazing how many "I find it hard to believe" posts the JFK assassination gets, huh?

    I agree that seems like a stretch BUT... a bullet did hit there, was retrieved there and there is a linear mark there pointing back to the records building.  The facts suggest a shot fired from the area Weatherford is "said" to have been...

    As I asked, why would protection from rooftops be something to hide? Unless he was not up there to protect.


  10. 8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    The problem with the idea that Oswald wasn't in Mexico at all is that they then have to hide him for a week somewhere else, forge copious amounts of evidence, and get a lot of people to lie about seeing him.

    Wouldn't it be a lot easier to just send him to Mexico? The impersonation at the embassy would still be entirely doable.

    Matt...  he didn't hide at all... that was the problem, the FBI was fully aware of where he was and what he was doing... and as I see it, it was for the FBI that Oswald was traveling with those 2 men to Odio then to TX

    There is strong evidence which puts our Oswald at the shooting range the weekend of Sept 28th, in Dallas where he ultimately winds up at the YMCA by the end of the week.  Sadly I can't say where he was exactly during that first week of October but we are sure of his location from October 4th.

    There was no purpose for Oswald to have gone to MX to acquire the means to get to Russia (Cuba was off limits), he already had a passport good for travel to the locations he wanted to go and for the time period he wanted to leave "Oct-Dec 1963"


    Something was going on in MX (which Bill Simpich and others delve into quite well) and the name OSWALD was used.  

    We must remember who controlled the evidence and the process.. and accept that it took decades to uncover this stuff despite the first generation critics having strong similar feelings.

  11. 15 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    What about the "Oswald" at the Cuban Consulate? You don't believe he was a short, slender, blond-haired man who claimed to  be Lee Harvey Oswald?



    As I have encountered in many of the "Oswald was here or there doing this or that BS" there are characters in the play that are used to represent the needed evidence....  real people who where there or doing what is attributed to Oswald, but not impersonating him per se...

    The bus rides are a great example... Oswald was not on the buses the FBI puts him on  but someone did sit next to BOWEN, someone may have spoken to the Aussie girls...  someone may have even checked into that hotel....  but the evidence for such is just so suspect and inauthentic.

    If Oswald was impersonated then it would have only been the morning of the 27th as related in the transcripts related to ODESSA.  This would be the only time a real person would have been in front of DURAN that morning...

    This person becomes Oswald for the CIA for the rest of the stay....  I forget if it was MANN or ANDERSON or SCOTT but it was said that other than the transcripts of the calls there was no authenticated evidence that Oswald was in Mexico.

    FBI report 11/22 below... still looking for Oswald per the 5 reports... only the CIA says he was there, and please notice how hard the CIA tries to drop mention of the 27th...  all the CI begins 9/28





  12. 14 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    The documents above show that the FBI was trying to find evidence of Oswald in MC as early as 11/4/63.

    I was unaware of this. I had always assumed that their MC investigation was triggered by the assassination.

    Do you have any idea what triggered the FBI's pre-assassination investigation of MC?


    Thanks for the kind words Sandy... By leaving the "what actually was happening" in Mexico to others I was able to totally focus on the question of the journey and his existence there.  I found Lopez's statement about the WCR being correct to much to swallow... B)

    I may be a little long winded in this explanation yet I feel it was the events I describe and which we have in Evidence that triggers Hoover to CYA since the only source to date is the CIA while at the same time the FBI has its own assets in MX and in and around the Cuban Compound.

    On 10/18 an asset of HOSTY at the I&NS sends him information they received from Mexico (I believe this is in reference to the Win Scott memo) and confirms the information all comes from CIA sources.  We must remember that Hoover still had a vast information network in Central and South America created by his SIS during WWII.  I have one CIA doc that requests equipment as good as the FBI's in MX because the CIA's just wasn't as good....

    Anyway.. because the memo the I&NS sees was also seen by CLARK ANDERSON FBI MX who then sends that next cable to FBI HQ also referencing that the critical info comes from CIA sources...  more below...  (btw, this is all in the chapters at K&K)




    On the 22nd of October the FBI states that CIA was wrong about "HENRY" that his name is Lee Harvey... this is the memo in which the FBI accuses Oswald of drinking and beating Marina.

    On the 24th of Oct we finally get mention of Oswald in the US but only to go see if they can find him


    The 1st report about  domestic Oswald after Sept 24th: Oct 31st



    On the 4th of Nov we learn from MICHAEL PAINE via "SAC DALLAS" Hosty? 
    Yet he had been to Dallas on Oct 4th, had been at the Paine's since the 5th... moved to Dallas and started work all in October yet this report is the first mention of any activity on OSWALD's part since the end of Sept.

    Paine does not have him coming from or going to Mexico...  I see that because Oswald was on some kind of trip with others to Odio and the FBI was aware of said trip and the details involved in getting Oswald to the TSBD...

    But as evident in that January Hoover handwritten note, Hoover would not rely on the CIA's unidentified sources telling Navy and State that Oswald was in MX...  Since the first report looking for Oswald is dated Nov 4th the search had to have begun earlier...  IMO the KAACK report is just CYA... 

    That Hoover had scores of assets looking for OSWALD all thru Nov was for me his way of hedging his position against the CIA.



    In the MASTER LIST of FBI reports the 5 reports describing how he is not found in MX are impossible to discern.

    Unless you did like I did, go thru each and every report I could find in that time period ..  It was an amazing find and when the LITAMIL-9 info surfaced the picture comes into focus...

    Not sure if I answered your prime question... I think Hoover was triggered very early on after the 10/10 memo on Oswald and his ingrown distrust of the CIA


  13. And while you're at it look at Nat Pinkston... or the fact that ODUM is the man who takes DAY back to the DPD...

    Then we have Harry Holmes'

    And Fritz was not exactly a paragon of honesty

    Let me say this... the Evidence IS the Conspiracy.  we will not learn the details of this murder by examining the evidence given us but only the conspiracy and cover-up that was left behind.

    I can say definitively that DAY does not have CE139 in his hands when he leaves the TSBD...  how that rifle and a clip come into being in Dallas at that time is a mystery...

  14. 11 hours ago, Denis Morissette said:

    If Boone found the Mauser, then who found the Carcanno?

    Can you name at least one officer who saw 2 rifles being found or examined on the 6th floor? All photos and films inside and outside the TSBD show a Carcanno. Any photo of the Mauser? Craig told a reporter in 1968 that he did not know the rifle type because he did not know foreign rifles. How come he was able to recall 3 years later that it showed Mauser on the rifle? Why did Carl Day tell me that only one rifle was found? 

    Who brought the Mauser out of the TSBD and at what time? 

    If Weitzman insisted that it was a Mauser but never mentioned the Mauser stamp on the rifle? Wouldn't have it more credibility to the Mauser story?

    Weitzman's affidavit does not say that it was a Mauser. It says it was a Mauser bolt-action. Isn't a Carcanno a Mauser bolt-action?

    Roger Craig claimed that that either Day or his assistant took photos of the Mauser. Where are those photos? If you have them, can you post them here? Has anyone of you contacted the DPD or the City of Dallas to obtain copies of them?

    All good questions Denis...

    Have you dug up any answers...?   You could read any one of the 3 or 4 articles I pulled together on the subject...

    Are you saying DPD officers may have lied about the evidence that day?  


  15. 7 hours ago, Karl Kinaski said:

    I'd like to dive into this. 

    Quote, Chauncey Marvin Holt: SELF PORTRAIT OF A SCOUNDREL 

    (He was ordered to modify some Carcanos prior to the assassination) 


    Given, that ( acc. to Chauncey Holt) there were modified Carcanos around prior to assassination, for the first time, it occurred to me, that the rifle found on the sixth floor that day may have been a "composite rifle" ... "they" (Chaunceys instructors in this particular case)  not only used a Carcano, because the magazine was Mannlicher and the breech mechanism Mauser, but modified it further, for example they could have stamped "Mauser 7.65" in the barrel of a rifle which was a Carcano ... why ... to create a forensic nightmare ... just a thought ... 



    Or Stamped a "C" in front of the 2766 rifle from Century's shipment... the same company is the source for the pistol attributed to Oswald

    Century International Arms....  not too subtle, C.I.A.


  16. 1 minute ago, Denis Morissette said:

    You and I were not there. We don't know what was said or not said. He might have been upset about something else. 

    Or he really was on the roof and didn't and doesn't want people to be aware of said fact....

    I ask you again... why would his being there present a problem in the protection of the president other than Decker telling his men to stand down?

    If he was up there, Why does Decker put him up there and not tout how his men had the route covered...  He could have easily shot into the 6th floor window... if anyone was actually shooting from there.

  17. 34 minutes ago, Steve Roe said:

    David Josephs, bottom line. Was Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City? 

    If not, how do you explain Silvia Duran's name in Oswald's notebook? 

    Are you still believer in Harvey and Lee?

    1. No

    2. Copies of Oswald's notebook provided by FBI...  one does wonder, cause, like, the evidence is always authenticated in this case, right?  Especially when the FBI is the source.  :up

    3. Not a matter of belief Mr. Roe

    You aint gonna learn what you dont wanna know....



  18. On 1/4/2023 at 10:22 AM, Denis Morissette said:

    He was on Main Street in front of the building where was the sheriff's office at 12:30 PM. Eugene Boone told me he was next to Harry at that time. The confusion arose from the fact that Harry was on the roof of the mentionned building during the Ruby trial. Harry explained the story to the HSCA. See the report below.


    Is it possible you are mixing up Walthers with Weatherford?

    Mr. BALL - You were out in front of the sheriff's office on Main Street?
    Mr. BOONE - That is correct.
    Mr. BALL - Near Houston?
    Mr. BOONE - Yes.
    Mr. BALL - And who were you with?
    Mr. BOONE - Officer Mooney was out there, I believe, and several of the office personnel, women in the office, clerk-typist and what have you. Ralph Walters, Buddy Walthers, Allen Sweatt, L. C. Smith. Officer Gramstaff. That is about all I can remember.
    Mr. BALL - What happened there?


    At 1pm he is still there...  If he was trying to cover for Weatherford he might have said Weatherford when asked....  "Weatherford" does not appear in his testimony...


  19. On 1/4/2023 at 9:08 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

    I am certainly open to the idea there was a "large" US coup in 1963, but IMHO it may have also been a somewhat limited op from the Miami station-Cuban exile soup. 

    While I agree that was a large part of the facilitation of the coup...  the events in Bethesda put the responsibility squarely on the Military's shoulders...  ONI specifically.

    I do have some ONI docs and they do appear aware of many things regarding Oswald


  20. On 1/3/2023 at 11:16 PM, Tom Gram said:

    Was the Alvarado story presented by the CIA to the FBI as truth? Did the FBI find out that Alvarado was an asset of David Phillips or something? Is there any evidence the FBI was upset with the CIA over the Alvarado story? These are genuine questions - I have no idea, but it seems a lot more likely that Hoover was talking about the phone calls/impersonation issue. We know the FBI wrote in a memo that agents listened to a tape and saw a photo of Oswald that wasn’t Oswald. That evidence was provided by the CIA, and the problems with that evidence were priority numero uno at the top levels of the FBI in the days after the assassination. I thought the Alvarado story was simply investigated and determined to be bogus. That doesn’t really seem to meet the criteria for “double dealing” from the CIA.  

    Also, your mole hunt theory makes sense, and I’ve heard variations of it before, but what evidence are you basing it on? Is there really enough evidence to be so certain that that’s what was going on? 

    Maybe I’m wrong and there’s a bunch of evidence I’m not aware of here (I’m hardly an expert on MC), but you seem to criticizing theories for being speculative while presenting counter-theories that are just as speculative, if not more so. 

    It was not until the 29th of Nov did MX tell HQ that Alvarado recanted... but there is more to the story of course... including Alvarado's superior (Wheelock) coming yet not taking part in the interrogation.

    From the time Alvarado told his story the FBI, specifically Hoover was very concerned as this changed Oswald from LONER to this being a Castro Plot...  Phillips was in on the interrogations and yes he did recant yet privately he maintained the Sept 18th date and that the story was real...  DAP musta put the fear of G~d and the CIA in him...



    One of the most damaging and amazing stories about the root cause of the assassination coming from Mexico and the CIA wants to make sure he is not punished and given something "useful and non-sensitive" to do for a few months...

    to recap:  A CIA asset tells a story about Oswald receiving money to kill JFK but gets the date wrong (despite this date being the day after he supposedly got his tourist visa - and not to even mention what Nagell knows)

    After a brutal interrogation he agrees to recant... 

    So we guess it's ok for a CIA asset to lie about who killed JFK and why as nothing happens to the man and the lead is summarily dropped as implausible... a fabrication.  Except there are at least 3 or 4 other "witnesses" to our Oswald in MX doing nefarious things....  

    I did attach a CIA report of them talking with Papich... but not the one where the CIA refuses to polygraph Villanova.... another Alvarado-type source of disinformation..








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