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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. Bravo buddy….  Ur work remains personally inspiring. 

    and just for pure speculation… the film to Rowley that disappears into history…

    0184?  :secretvery few other explanations given that Max Phillips memo sent with the “third print”.  …

    oh, and automatic counters punching numbers into films don’t just skip one.  0184 had to exist.  The Rowley film Friday night is the only film where a number is not offered.

    IMO, this is what then goes to Hawkeyeworks and then onto Dino Sat eve.

    Only Speculation, a hypothesis if u will….  Gotta start somewhere with the evidence available …

    Again.. Thx.


  2. 22 hours ago, John Butler said:


    Very well said.  If you don't mind I would like to reuse that in another thread.

    Of course my friend….  And don’t forget Holmes… you just keep rocking it.  Question remains, how impossible is impossible in 1963?

    When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth

  3. 52 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Greg, you are not alone in failing to follow John Butler's logic when it comes to his claims that virtually every piece of evidence in this case is fake.

    Spouting off yet again.  Is that all u do here Jon… try and bandwagon with others to nsult other researchers and posters?

    Do you ever offer anything from your POV or too ashamed you have no original analysis or hypotheses that can increase understanding?


  4. 42 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Steven, can you supply any evidence to support your speculation that the Zapruder film underwent massive editing and alteration at the Jamison facility within hours of the assassination -- editing so technically accomplished that it is only being uncovered nearly 60 years later by amateur researchers on an Internet forum?

    Uh, how about the extant film is spliced in 6 places and has more total film than a single side should have.    Here is Chris’ 2’7” of Black Film.

    Yknow, maybe do a little homework before u pull guns blazing.  Nothing worse than someone who only knows enough to ask repetitive and previously answered questions….

    Try preparing for this forum bud… we’re not amateurs here… :pop


  5. So Jon….

    How many films do you count?  Zap had 2 films, not 1… Original and best copy… that’s 2.  2 to Sorrels… and another, the third print, fowarded to Rowley.

    0183, 0185 let’s say to zap….  0186, 0187 to Sorrells.

    Which film # went to Rowley and where did THAT print copy go after that as far as I can see, that film’s journey ends at Rowleys desk.

    whatchya got big guy?


  6. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    So? Are you implying that your theories are more valid because other people agree with them? As usual with the type of “everything is fake” speculation you routinely post here, there is absolutely zero hard evidence to support the widespread alteration of the Dealey Plaza film and photo record. And there is certainly no evidence to support your posts in this thread that Marilyn Sitzman filmed the assassination, that her imaginary film was somehow combined with others taken that day to create some kind of impossible-to-detect “composite” or that Abraham Zapruder was a “co-conspirator.” What is the point of this kind of conjecture without anything to back it up other than your own oft-debunked hypothesizing about photographic anomalies?

    Would u be so kind as to provide the proof Sitzman did not film anything?  Do you have any image of her on the pedestal clear enough to see her face? I don’t.

    ”debunked anomalies”? Jon, throwing out big words to impress no one nay adds to your limited knowledge of the events.  Rather than shooting the messenger, offer proofs for the anomalies from some other source.

    Have you ever seen the Robert West diagrams?  You been here like 15 mins and already ur opinion debunks scientific fact?  I think Trump has a cabinet position for u


  7. On 10/11/2021 at 4:01 AM, Greg Doudna said:

    The Tippit murder weapon was not Oswald's .38. Oswald was innocent of the murder of Tippit. He didn't do it. Crafard did. 

    Do you see it being Crawford led out the back of the theater to waiting DPD cops and a running pickup truck as seen by the store owner… name escapes me.

    and that would suggest those at the back of the theater… Baggett, Westbrook, Hawkins, etc MUST be aware of this charade to frame Ozzie and remove Crawford from the scene….

    Excellent write up.. deep and meaningful.  How do you see Vaganov involved?

    he only lived down the road from all this action and was loaded with the same weapon types that did the killings…  Magen was also mistaken for Oswald by ATF ELLSWORTH.

    Personally I see a strong chance that Vaganov was Tippit’s contract killer.  And btw, NAGY was also in town at this time… fwiw.




  8. 13 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Thanks David,

    Let me give you a more precise number for this, in a mild brain-busting manner.

    We have a somewhat analagous Towner film (not including total missing frames) to extant Z

    We know Z started filming the limo around the Houston/Elm St corner.

    Use the 207/208 frame count splice in the context of a film beginning.

    Or, use Doug Horne's research and find a block of continuous frames unaccounted for.

    Then, subtract 75(see previous postings) from that total.

    2ft7inches = 2.5833...ft of 8mm film

    80 frames = 1ft of 8mm film

    2.5833...ft x 80 = 206.666 total frames



    As we discussed many moons ago…. It all hinges on the frame numbers assigned by Shaneyfelt becoming the 2nd legend and the arbitrary assigning of frame numbers starting with 133, which if I understand you was actually frame 207 in the contiguous film.

    moving 208 back to where it was actually filmed at extent 133 at 48fps effectively removed the wide turn and that virtual stop with 207 renumbered to 133 and in pops the limo.

    At this point, z133, the counter at 18.3 FPS on Zap should be 2’7” from the start of the film and represents frame 208…

    or am I mucking this all up… lol

  9. On 10/9/2021 at 9:50 PM, Chris Davidson said:


    Sorry to bother Chris…. Wouldn’t a camera back by the fence need a difference focal length to match the image size of the closer Zap camera at a higher zoom… OMG… 

    Does that account for the zoom in after the 207 splice? The switch to the other film taken at 48 fps as well?

  10. “Thru temporal lobe, cutting brain stem (sounds familiar) severing cerebral peduncles (in pink)exiting brain at at “calcarino gyrum” to the left of midline

    John, discovered and posted a while back, in agreement.  The face sheet changes the Tippit course possibly NOT to look so much like JFK’s head shot.   Read Humes’ description of the wound in his testimony, WCR.  If u look carefully u can see numbers on the colored brain… 1, 3, 4 are the locations of the wounds as described by Humes.

    I don’t see how the bullet can enter by the temple coursing downward to hit those internal brain parts and then exit the TOP of his head…  the entry is really on the line between Middle and Anterior fosse just under the right eyebrow.

    And whose coat is covering Tippit when the ambulance driver arrives? 1. Why make it up, 2. No one else sees this.  Was this large white man Croy claiming to have been there first?  Sorry that I don’t have that person’s name on the top of my head…



  11. On 10/9/2021 at 9:53 AM, Denny Zartman said:

    Does anyone know if there is a map showing all the locations of the Tippit witnesses?

    Part of my continuing fascination with this case is that it seems like every corner has a mystery. And the closer one looks, the farther away the truth seems to be.

    To me, the official story itself reeks of conspiracy. But if Oswald wasn't Tippit's killer, who was? And why did he (or they) do it? I believe Clemons and Wright, but accepting their stories as true just brings more questions, not answers.

    here u go…


  12. Which does not include the frames before 133.. the turn… about 85 more frames…

    If I remember correctly.  The color motorcycle is placed in front of the Pos A B&W stand-in car in the bottom image.  And the angle of departure from the curb of the still images of Pos A seems to require that leftward adjustment Truly describes of them almost hitting the curb.

    This was my best guess at the actual turn….   

    Love ur work Chris… great ongoing job with this…



  13. 20 hours ago, Richard Booth said:

    One thing that DJ did bring up that was new to me was D-79 (sounds like an FBI 302 number there), a documentary record of 4 boxes of ammo found. That surprised me, I was always under the impression Oswald did not have any ammo at all.

    The 4 lots: 6000-6003 with a 5th very small lot represented the order from the USMC (CIA) for ammo which did not fit any USMC weapons.  Total order was 4 million rounds w/20 cartridges to a box.

    Below that is where D-79 mentions 2 Empty boxes of "6.5 Italian Ammunition".  I think this is to prove he was practicing... but then one wonders where the picked up shells are, as the Oswald at Sports Drome never left his shells.




  14. 17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    David, since you inadvertently brought the subject up regarding "Oswald's" pistol (revolver), not to detract from "his" (Not) rifle . . .

    I know you've discussed this in detail but for the benefit of others and to refresh my memory did his revolver come from:   The revolver ultimately placed into evidence was traced back to SEAPORT which traces back to Century Int'l Arms.  It was standard police issue .38 with special .38 rounds.  The revolver which makes it way thru Westbrook's office appears to be the one used to incriminate Oswald and relate back to Seaport, which was actually part of George Rose's businesses.   As others point out, if Oswald actually had a gun in hand pointed at a policeman in the theater, the charge of attempted murder of a police office was conveniently forgotten.  (iow, he probably did not have a gun with him at the theater.

    a.  Seaport Traders - with no proof of delivery/evidence of being picked up.

    b.  A pawn shop in Fort Worth as he allegedly said once during interrogation, if I remember right.  Hadn't heard this one - again, I don't see Oswald with a pistol - ever.  The BYP are not of Oswald's lower body.

    c.  Westbrook or one of the other arresting officers at the Texas Theater.  Which would mean he didn't have a revolver until after Tippit was shot.  One of the most interesting that day... Westbrook and Croy.  My paper on the subject dives into how there were 2 distinct paths for the pistol with different sets of people  https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsPistol.pdf 

    Then was it a .38 or a .38 special.

    But wait, the first reports were of "automatic" shells. Lt Hill I believe makes that call - I am willing to accept given they were thrown from the spot of the shooting that he assumed they were ejected, ergo an automatic..  the shells are also different shapes from what I remember.   A witness saw him unloading the gun and throwing the shells down.  A semi automatic pistol uses a clip and ejects the shells after each shot.  One empties the shells from a revolver's cylinder to reload it.  Why didn't the WC say, huh?  Which was it?

    Enjoy your flight, and Tipping Point.  I read it disjointedly over time and should re read it more focused, maybe take a few notes.  It's worth such, I do remember That much. 

    Thanks for the well wishes Ron.  I'm able to add even more meat to the Mexico City bones of the fabricated buses et al...  should be in the garrison with a follow up article on getting back and how the FBI confirmed he was not there...

    Kinda fun getting back into the swing of it.  I just still have so much from Malcom's collection I haven't gotten to yet....  Be working harder in retirement than at work....  :cheers

    Take care and talk soon




  15. 22 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

    Thank you David,  I share exactly the same conclusions, just good to see you lay it out in your usual level of detail...and sourcing some FMJ Carcano ammo that Masen had not yet reloaded to soft points, a clip and even an rifle would not be that difficult I imagine. 

    My pleasure, will be reading your new book on my plane trip coming up...  can't hardly wait.

    Here's that memo from Hoover to Rankin on Masen's hollow-point...  interesting how they have to explain around the C399 intact versus the headshot bullet which acts much like a hollow-point bullet....  so like the pistol, the rifle now is supposed to have had 2 types of rounds loaded?  Kinda doubt they'd mention that.  :cheers




  16. On 9/5/2020 at 10:05 PM, Richard Booth said:

    The McAdams LN site has a page that derisively says writers have "huffed and puffed" about the Mannlicher-Carcano's clip being missing. The page includes a photo which shows the clip is inside the rifle when it's being carried by Lt. Day.

    What McAdams' page fails to cover is this:

    The clip holds six rounds. The rifle was found with one round inside of it, and 3 shell casings on the floor.

    This indicates that the rifle's clip only had four rounds put into it.


    Who fills an ammunition clip with only four rounds?

    In addition, how come zero 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle ammunition was ever found by the FBI?  

    John Armstrong writes:

    "the ammunition clip had been loaded with only four cartridges instead of six .... but why load only 4 bullets into a rifle if you are going to kill the President? No other 6.5 mm cartridges were found in the Book Depository, nor on Oswald's person, nor among his possessions, nor at his rooming house, nor in Ruth Paine's garage, nor anywhere. Neither the Dallas Police nor FBI ever located an ammunition box or a receipt for the purchase of 6.5 mm ammunition."

    This shows that some aspects of this plot were not well thought out. 

    Had this been well thought out, that clip would have had two bullets still in it. Had this been well thought out, a box of ammo would have been recovered from Ruth Paine's garage.

    This entire thing was a sloppy mess, starting with the murder weapon.


    Going back to the original post's question.... which I highlighted above...

    the answer remains "No One does.  That rifle and those bullet/hulls were props...  Evidence used to incriminate Oswald and only Oswald.  There were 3 shells on the floor and one in the rifle as there would be 3 shots and only 3 shots hitting JFK, then JC, then JFK again as the FBI virtually immediately concluded...  Then along came Tague.

    The photo of DAY taking the rifle from the building shows it's not the same rifle in WCR evidence..
    An literally nothing else supports the official story of his "weapons".    The WCR on the right with the rifle DAY takes on the left...  those "CAL.XXXX" letters should be easily seen on the image at left.  the photo on the right is the only one in all of existence which shows the caliber


    Comparing to a 7.35mm FC - an almost identical rifle - That CAL mark does not appear to be "6.5"..



    As Ruth repeatedly insisted, there was no rifle loaded into her car or unloaded with Marina in Irving... she says 11 times NO RIFLE WAS SEEN or even hinted at.  Michael Paine draws it up as a shovel.  



    If you accept he has a rifle when Marina and Ruth leave, there is nothing to suggest he was able to transport this rifle from Magazine St in two fairly small suitcases on a bus to and from Mexico? I've already proven that to be wrong...  So did he take it on his trip winding up at the Dallas YMCA on Oct 3rd?  No.

    So before you keep associating that rifle with Oswald or why he would do this or that, I think it important to accept and understand that rifle and those bullets had nothing at all to do with the killing of JFK beyond acting as incriminating props.  

    Thru my research it appears that Century International Arms (CIA) in Montreal had the June 1962 shipment of FC rifles, one with seriel # 2766...  in fact 6 or 7 rifles had the same numbers in the 700 rifle Century shipment as where in the 100 rifle Klein's shipment of Feb 63.   The FBI had concluded the night of the 22nd and 23rd that the records did NOT show a C2766 rifle shipped to Klein's but a N2766 in June 1962 and C2746 in March 63...

    https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-the-carbine-on-the-6th-floor  is in much greater detail as to the steps the FBI took to insure C2766 was associated with Klein's regardless of the fact the evidence strongly suggested otherwise.

    There was no cartridge found on the 6th floor as the loading of the final bullet releases the clip... if a clip was even used when the hulls were fired from this rifle as evidence...  No clip and no paper bag in the SE corner of the TSBD... yet both turn up between the sixth floor and the ground floor 



    Nothing connects the clip to the rifle except this note from DAY.



    And no, there is no clip in the rifle, nor was there one jammed into the rifle after the fact...  much like Westbrook and the dual pistols, 4 shells in a clip of a rifle that was supposedly disassembled at some point and reassembled that day.  No clip was ever purchased when the only place to get 6.5mm Carcano supplies was at Thomas Masen's gun shop...  hmmmmm...



    Boxes of Ammo were found: FBI D-79, and they also found the 4 lots of 6.5mm ammo... the CIA ordered the 4 production runs (Lots 6000-6004) yet as the memo (12/2/63 JEVONS to CONRAD) states, they do not fit any USMC weapons... FBI speculates it was a CIA order under cover of USMC.  These are the WESTERN shells.

    There remains so many red herrings in every area of the case... the rifle and everything related is just such a red herring.

    At least those are the conclusions to which my research has led me...

    Take care


    D-79 2 empty 6.5 ITALIAN AMMUNTION boxes.gif

  17. 1 hour ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    Hi David I would be grateful if you could clarify 'and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway' in your view. 

    My UK interpretation is that he is saying the limo nearly ran into what  I might call a Bollard, or more importantly, a specific point in the road. Mr Belin seems to be asking Mr Truly 'are you saying the car nearly hit the curb?'(a continuous line) NOT asking 'Did the car hit a specific point' (abutment?bollard?)

    I hope its clear I'm asking this because IF there is an identifiable point that Truly is referring to as an 'abutment' then it makes re-creations easier.


    Hi Eddy,

    Look at the image of the wide turning black car in my mock-up above.  As well as the other images which combines 133 and the B&W image of a car in Position A.

    How does the limo pass thru both of these points virtually simultaneously... one being quite a bit north/east while the follow up SS car in 133 remains tight to the bumper.

    So yes, Truly is talking about the curb facing ELM on the little Elm extension... that he had to slow to avoid not hitting this curb (which I point out in red on the bottom image) and pull sharply back to the left to get back into position...  

    If the limo passes thru Pos. A, it has to have gotten there somehow...  the Position C is the key as it is an approximation of where the turn onto Elm from Houston began...  It was only approximated.

    Hope that helps


  18. On 5/1/2021 at 9:43 AM, Dan Rice said:

    I've have heard that over the years, as well.  But has it been documented somewhere?

    Yes Dan it has...  Roy Truly's testimony calls it out 

    Mr. TRULY. That is right.
    And the President's car following close behind came along at an average speed of 10 or 15 miles an hour. It wasn't that much, because they were getting ready to turn. And the driver of the Presidential car swung out too far to the right, and he came almost within an inch of running into this little abutment here, between Elm and the Parkway. And he slowed down perceptibly and pulled back to the left to get over into the middle lane of the parkway. Not being familiar with the street, he came too far out this way when he made his turn.
    Mr. BELIN. He came too far to the north before he made his curve, and as he curved--as he made his left turn from Houston onto the street leading to the expressway, he almost hit this north curb?
    Mr. TRULY. That is right. Just before he got to it, he had to almost stop, to pull over to the left.
    If he had maintained his speed, he would probably have hit this little section here.

    In the reenactment they put the "limo stand-in" on Postion A claiming that while not on the Zfilm, the limo did pass thru this spot at this time....


    What I found additionally strange about images of that turn is the TOWNER film and how as the limo moves away and gets small, the images (especially the column) in the background gets larger

    If you have a quicktime version you can move back and forth and see the effect.

    Somehow the limo growns and slides to the left.. pretty amazing really.  

    Here are 2 of the films showing the limo turn and subsequent turn of another car seemingly headed straight to the curb. 
    This is also the infamous area where BAKER was supposed to have parked his bike and run toward the TSBD.

    Little if any other evidence I could find mentions this turn..  but Position A doesn't lie.


  19. 3 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    What are the pictures that Duran saw and sent to Cuba?

    I don't see how we can know that - if that in reality ever happened.  the "extra" typing at the bottom reiterating how OSWALD was a communist, etc...
    was supposedly DURAN.  Personally I do not see how those documents can be authentic...

    One of the things I've discussed in the past is the job AZCUE had.   Turning Americans against America and getting them to "double" for Cuba was AZCUE's main purpose there.  We have AMMUG-1 to thank for what OP should be when a disgruntled American enters the Cuban Embassy.

    The very LAST THING Azcue would have done was chase him away.  As AZCUE was targeted for doubling (as were so many within the Cuban Compound) OSWALD if he was there should have been a prime target for a doubling attempt at least... not an argument and expulsion.

    So few if any activities align with OSWALD being our OSWALD, if in fact a real person was down there at all.

    I will also reintroduce the efforts the FBI made in Nov 63 trying to find any trace of OSWALD having been in Mexico...
    At that point, still weeks before the assassination, the FBI asset at Gobernacion also DID NOT HAVE ANY INFO ON OSWALD having been to Mexico.

    Kinda hard to believe the Mexican Dept of Interior - Gobernacion - goes from having no records to having all of them.  Rafael OCHOA.





  20. 15 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Hi David.  Another great point from you, good to see you post for the first time I've seen in quite awhile.  Hope your well and have just been distracted.

    Thanks Ron....

    22 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Tell us the problem with how the pics and app got from Duran to Cuba 

    Well according to DURAN they are sent once a week on Friday's yet the first Cuban stamped date we see is October 10th 1963.  See specifically claims not to remember when her OSWALD's application was sent.

    The Warren Commission, from what I can tell never did get a copy of that application with requests from the highest levels to Cuba asking for documents specific to OSWALD's in-transit visa application.  (179-40003-10312 is a scan from Malcom's NARA collection of a draft where Earl Warren is requesting Rusk to try State Dept channels to get these docs from Cuba.

    The versions were finally do get to see during the HSCA are supposedly carbons of each other but they are terribly misaligned as well as the 2 signatures not matching.

    Full circle - if a shabbily dressed man is directed to a forgotten photographer by DURAN (she can't remember where she sent him) and there was no evidence to be found of a photographic shop that MAY have been available (WCD1170)...  the photos of a neatly dressed man in white shirt, tie and pullover cannot possibly be the same person.

    It was for this main reason - I believe - DURAN was never shown the application (104-10005-10248 from Sept 10 1964)  Whether this means they did not yet have the application, or they did and knew it would not be the same person DURAN or AZCUE saw, it was shelved until the HSCA.

    As my main focus has always been the period before and after the events in Mexico City, we can use many of these supposed events to unravel the conspiracy.

    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1142#relPageId=213 is CE2788 described as  CE 2788 - Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken after his return from Russia in late September 1963 (FBI item 451-4)   Two more versions of this same photo are found in Oswald's possessions after begin returned from the FBI on Nov 26th.


  21. On 5/9/2021 at 1:05 AM, Chris Bennett said:


    David, I thought that was a strange letter for someone to be writing unless they really were in trouble. Seems like she either worked for him or was close in some way.

    So I did some research and found a completed eBay auction with a photo of Colonel Joseph C. Ehrlicher.

    And turns out he was wing commander for the Civil Air Patrol in New Orleans. How wild is that?

    Any other research in Ehrlicher or M. M. Oswald?




    Photo of Colonel Ehrlicher with the Civil Air Patrol of New Orleans

    Hi Chris....

    The only "Margaret" versus "Marguerite" is Keating whose family was meshed with the Oswald's...
    The thought for some time was that maybe Keating becomes Marguerite yet I don't think that had any legs...

    When Married to Ekdahl and then divorced, she supposedly requested to restore OSWALD back....  yet
    the records over those next few years are a jumble going from Ekdahl to Oswald on a variety of different land documents.  I believe Ekdahl and EBASCO/GE was very involved in the fight for control of Electricity in growing Dallas-Ft Worth...  Ekdahl was in NY when Marge and little Harvey were there... FWIW

    That our CDR is in the Civil Air Patrol in New Orleans is too much of a coincidence (Nice find!)

    Pull one thread and 9 take it's place...  I need to read thru the thread as it's been a while...

    Take care




  22. On 10/28/2020 at 11:10 PM, Adam Johnson said:

    All this to me is wasted breath.......Bill Greer never reacted at the start of the shooting like someone who had a bullet puncture thru the windshield 12-15 inches from his face. 

    Hey there Adam.... 

    Had you considered the amount of film removed at locations where these shots occur?

    We've been thru the testing (Livingstone) which shows this movement in 1 frame (302-303) is not humanly possible...
    It happens again just after 313.... (below)  this - among quite a lot of other evidence - proves the alteration of the film and the removal of reactions and shots talked about by those seeing a more intact film.

    Now add Harley's burping along within 20 feet of the driver - and what do you suppose he'd hear as shots rain down on that limo?



    On 10/29/2020 at 12:46 AM, Adam Johnson said:

    So for a south knoll shooter theory did things just get better or worse with JC White prior to the motorcade standing across the tracks opposite the south knoll overpass wall?



    Mr. BALL. Where were you with reference to Elm. Main or Commerce as they go underneath the overpass?
    Mr. WHITE. Approximately at the north curb of Main Street.

    Inexplicably, WHITE claims a train passes INFRONT of him between him and the overpass railing... and the "X" he places puts him on the EAST side of the overpass, not WEST.... and at the SOUTH curb not NORTH...

    Why do you suppose he has to fib about where he was and then admit he did NOT follow his orders - the WC lawyers don't seem to interested though. 

    Mr. BALL. You had certain instructions, didn't you?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. What were they?
    Mr. WHITE. Not to let any unauthorized personnel on top of the overpass.
    Mr. BALL. Now, you did permit some people to stay on the overpass, didn't you?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Who were they?
    Mr. WHITE. Workers of the railroad company.
    Mr. BALL. Were they people you knew?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Well, how did you know they were workers with the railroad company?
    Mr. WHITE. Majority of them were there when we got there, working on the rails. (DJ: no one was working up there, just standing around)
    Mr. BALL. And you let them stay there?
    Mr. WHITE. Yes, sir.

    Mr. BALL. Did you see the President's car come into sight?
    Mr. WHITE. No, sir; first time I saw it it has passed, passed under the triple underpass.
    Mr. BALL. You were too far away to see it, were you?
    Mr. WHITE. There was a freight train traveling. There was a train passing between the location I was standing and the area from which the procession was traveling, and-a big long freight train, and I did not see it.


    FWIW there was also no freight train at the time...  yet he makes it appear that he simply cannot see what's happening on the EAST side of the overpass over to the SOUTH...  hmmmm...

    Why does a shot from the south bother you so?





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