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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. Tommy...

    3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    Just so I'm not falling behind in this line of enquiry...

    Was that in Oswald's pocket at the time of his arrest or the pocket of the discarded jacket where they reckon this useful clue was found?

    Actually said to be in his newly changed into shirt pocket, and after 3 searches starting with him at the theater and in the car when they found a wallet....  Tommy... this is a new shirt, not the work shirt with button down collar.  

    So in an interrogation room waiting for the 215 lineup I believe... 5 bullets in the Pants pocket, bus transfer in the shirt pocket.

    The jacket was a prop.... added defense of the escape route....



    The bus transfer is easy enough to find... but has a host of evidentiary problems...


  2. 9 minutes ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    I know this question was directed to RCD, but regarding photos that do not look alike, what if it's actually not attributable to... anything, other than the simple fact that one's appearance changes often, sometimes dramatically, over the course of a lifetime? To my eyes, there is one and only one person depicted in these photos: the one and only historical Lee Harvey Oswald.

    I second that... good to hear from you Dawn....    So you're gonna believe your own lyin' eyes over Jon and RCD????

    And yeah, all 18 year old's have a head 2x as large as it's supposed to be Jon... :up


    1 hour ago, Dawn Meredith said:

    If not two different people, then what? 


  3. 11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    You are saying it did not go all the way through then?

    Second, are you saying Callaway was lying?


    The driveway between the houses where Tippit was parked ran back to the Alley, no to Jefferson.  


    Going West at the Alley would be the easiest way for a car to get to a real street yet it was not blocked off back there with a wall or fence, just the back end of the businesses which lined Jefferson.

    What I wrote was there are conflicts to the route as told by some of the witnesses which makes it into the WCR... and by others who had multiple suspects and at least one who sees the man run down the alley before he gets to Jefferson...  which would indeed make Calloway's story a bit off...

    If we add TATUM's account - from his affidavit:

    Although I did not remember the exact time I remember it was early in the afternoon on Friday, November 22, 1963. I was driving XXXX north on Denver and stopped at 10th St. when I first saw the squad car and men walking on the sidewalk near the squad car. Both the squad car and this young white male were coming in my direction (East on 10th Street). At the time I was just approaching the squad car, I noticed this young white male with both hands in the pockets of his zippered jacket leaning over the passenger side of the squad car. This young white male was looking into the squad car from the passenger side. The next thing I knew I heard something that sounded like gun shots as I approached the intersection. (10th & Patton). I heard three shots in rapid (illegible)I went right through the intersection, stopped my car and turned to look back. I then saw the officer lying on the street and saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street. At that point this young man looked around him and then started to walk away in my direction and as he started to break into a small run in my direction, I sped off in my auto. All I saw him to the intersection and run south on Patton towards Jefferson.

    "SMITH" (MW corner 9th and Denver) jumped in the car with BURT and also came down 10th (amazingly busy street - no?) claiming they parked on the south side of 10th facing Tippit's car.  Burt claimed the person ran to the intersection of 10th and Patton and make a left down Patton crossing over to the West side....  then turning right down the alley....  he also claims that when arriving at the scene as the suspect fled, 2 women approached Tippit, no one else was there.

    And without a doubt an interesting take on the scene is offered by Jasper Butler ambulance driver claiming they were there in 5 mins from what would be THEIR call about Tippit... (need to ask McBride if there is a timestamp there)....  400 E Jefferson (still Hughes) is 1 block west of Patton and Jefferson... so 5 mins is very acceptable yet...

    Blue coat?

    Laying on his front, face by front left tire with body running toward the rear of the car...   compare this to Markham...

    ... and we have to thank McBride again for making sense of this hot mess....







  4. On 8/9/2020 at 12:02 AM, Tony Krome said:

    The left side of the picture below shows the angle needed to expose the gap.

    We know the Queen Mary tracked the JFK limo approximately 5 feet off the rear bumper, so it follows the JFK limo would have strayed into the Elm St RH lane as Truly described

    Mr. SPECTER. And what position is station C?
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Station C is on a line drawn along the west curb line of Houston Street in a direct line, and station C is at a point along that line that is in line with where the car would have turned coming around that corner. It is on a line which is an extension of the west curb line of Houston Street.

    And this image of Betzner's with Towner in the foreground isn't where that extension of the west Houston curb is crossed?

    With them in the street... that limo does seem far from them....

    Does this image help at all?


  5. On 8/7/2020 at 4:32 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    That which relates to the current excision of frames discussion


    Did something based on what you said.....  and the results were very interesting...

    I superimposed upon 298-312 / 313-327 & 328-343....  and below that I removed the last layer

    Initially Toni is walking alone in the background but as you showed, adding 313 over 298 and those 2 people are in exactly the same spot



    Here is the same scene without 313 and after....   are either of these telling you anything to solidify you ongoing work?




  6. 19 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Paul Mandel from Life magazine Dec6, 1963 will give you an idea of the version he was viewing.



    z313 - 48 = 265 - 74 = 191 = 170 feet from ??? (Zap or TSBD?) seem slike the "from TSBD measurements"

    313 - 191 = 122 frames = 90 feet (260 shot 3 minus 170 shot 2) = .738 feet/frame x 18.3 = 13.5 feet per second = 9.2 mph

    What is not mentioned are the numerous other locations on which shots possibly occur. You'll see on the bottom page of notes that NPIC was just as confused as to how LIFE determined the starting frames for shots #1, & #2...  Offered are 190, 206, 213, 242, & 264... appears Mandel is describing LIFE's conclusions... 

    More importantly NPIC asks:... WHY 18 FPS AND NOT 16 FPS.... the actual speed setting on the camera... which can easily switch to 48fps while filming
    (see images at bottom of post)

    The 2nd page of the NPIC notes I added gives you some idea of the "working backward to find a solution that fits" approach to FBI work which in turn directly matches the new PLAT with the Shaneyfelt frame numbers next to dots.... in a standard move... the board starts at frame 188 despite them having made such a big deal of Position A, Z161, 166, 168 & 171...









  7. 13 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    one Oswald was caught and released.  (Temporarily?)

    An impostor was removed and whisked away....   out of the back alley of the theater...  (running pickup truck??)

    20 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    One question, I can't quite make out from the photo, does the driveway with the parked police car open at the other end on to the alley? Just where the caption says the "Jeff..." part of Jefferson, I can't tell if that is a block of some sort or whether its more open space.


    Above is a link to the modern day blocked off alley

    Commission exhibit 538 has all those numbered Tippit area photos...  #30 is looking NW and would be the front of where the driveway ended at that alley...

    This is from John A. at harveyandlee.net    I've cropped and darkened it a little...   Interesting that the back of the Davis' house is a car lot... where a grey/white jacket could have been dropped off...  instead, one block over and behind the Abundant Life Church is yet another car lot on Jefferson... although they watched this person walking down Jefferson instead of just taking the hidden alley... he supposedly walks back up, into the next car lit and drops his jacket.... and disappears - right next to the Church.... hmmmmm....



    JIMMY EARL BURT, General Delivery stated that on November 22, 1963 he was living at 505 E. 10th Street,  At the intersection of 10th and Patton Streets the man ran south on Patton Street. BURT said he ran to the intersection of 10th and Patton and when he was close enough to Patton Street to see to the south he saw the man running into an alley located between 10th and Jefferson Avenue on Patton Street. The man ran in the alley to the right and would be running west at this point.

    Others will tell the story with our man Ozzie walking down Jefferson....  the GREEG dotted line is the path of the 2nd police car into the alley from Patton and down the driveway.


    Mr. DULLES. May I ask what course he was taking when you last saw him?
    Mr. CALLAWAY. He was going west on Jefferson Street.
    Mr. DULLES. West on Jefferson Street?
    Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir.








  8. 4 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    "I'm still trying to get straight in my head."

    There was a driveway/lane that Tippit blocked with his car. It ran back down to an alley that ran parallel with 10th, Check that out.

    That building next to Scoggin’s name is the gentlemen’s club where he went for lunch....  here is the overview with more detail below...

    Mrs. Holm see this other police car....  Very good article....





  9. On 8/7/2020 at 11:15 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    For Henry Hurt, and the FBI Poe said he marked the shells.  But in McBride's book Leavelle says Poe did not. (McBride, p. 257) Either way this creates a problem in the chain of possession.  Garrison concluded that the shells were fired off once the FBI could not match the first bullet.

    Jim, in my pistol paper I have photos of the Poe marked shell casings...  but it looks more like a B

    Page 42..   ce2011 p8 has Poe saying he put JMP


  10. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    This gif, overlays that difference for you.

    I here ya Chris... yet I was curious on your thoughts specifically.

    The 2nd shot they admit to, in the vicinity of Z313, is the same shot we see in this gif closer to Moorman than Altgens

    According to the plat the yellow curbs are 40-45 feet apart...  Altgens testimony impeaches the shot at z313 as being much too far away from him and that it did not occur that way...

    The overlay still does not move the actual head shot we see any further down Elm... your gif frame #13...

    The right frame is z313 as we see it today... but the left frame is from further down the street, right?... suggesting the head shot was before they reached Moorman.

    So yeah, I'm a little confused



    Now, in the three frames above.... the sun visor over Kellerman's head in 291 is touching the left side of Moorman... 292 it's dead center on her and 293 it's at her right side..

    Isn't there a problem with angles, focal lengths, distance and how the camera is moved?  Side to side, up and down all while panning (rotating around an axis) will produce some strange results, no?  Isn't the fact the visor moves a uniform distance in each frame counter-intuitive to the angle differences?

  11. 45 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    i wonder how many witnesses were shown their statements and told - here is the statement you made to us earlier, no need to read it,  just sign here  -"x"?

    Or they signed it at the time and then was changed afterward....  doubt there'd be too many buying the 26 volumes to check it word for word....

    I actually think more just said no, they didn't need to sign it, "I trust you guys... heck, you're the government"



  12. 59 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    This is a tranquil scene with no hint of violence.  From here at about Z 175 to Z 313 is about 138 frames or 7.5 seconds.  The assassination with this range as the range is well within the official story or at least close to it.  I'm not sure this is out from under the trees and visible to the 6th floor. 

    There is a strange reflection on the trunk.  It is a very clear reflection of the TSBD and a tree trunk/tree visible there.  What I find strange is that the passenger side of the car shows this clear reflection and the driver's side of the car does not show a bright, clear reflection, but is instead murky.  The sun is coming more or less from the south and west.  There should be a nice bright reflection there showing the SW corner of Elm and Main.  From the angle of the sun I don't see, but should see that area clearly.

    John...  I don't think you realize how loud it was.... DP is like a bowl with the buildings at the east end + the one bldg on Elm, acting as echo makers.

    The DPD Harley's were very loud and just behind the limo....   these machines are spitting and popping, backfiring and revving...  that first shot circa Shaneyfelt 157 along with the other shooters - only some of which with silencers - would allow 3 shots to sound like 1 with minimal overlap...

    The point though was to incriminate Oswald in a Castro conspiracy to kill JFK... shots on top of each other as Kellerman's "flurry" suggests were to be expected, until a Conspiracy was not what they wanted...  The recanting and treatment of Alvarado in Mexico gives us some idea of how badly they needed off his story of the $6500 and red-headed negro.

    Regarding the reflection, The TSBD is right there buddy.... the orange on the truck has the tree trunk in front of it and in front of that are the very short squat reflections of the people....

    The angle is very low but enough the catch the bottom 2 floors of the TSBD...


    19 hours ago, Richard Price said:

    in my mind it seems implausible unless the weapon is silenced

    Remembering that the CIA had this set up as a Cuban conspiracy, multiple shooters and shots too close together would be the point of creating a conspiracy... Oswald and others shooting JFK...  but that ended quickly - no better an example is Alvarado in Mexico and what when on until he recanted his story.

    My thought now is that with 3 or even 4 shooters - why would they use silencers if the idea was to implicate a Cuban conspiracy? unless that was just talk to keep the hounds at bay... then I could imagine 1 shooter without and all the others with a silenced weapon ---like the De Lisle Carbine

    Found this weapon from WWII...


  13. 37 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:


    Brehm was in a very good position to view Elm/Houston;

    He and his son stood right at the curb on the grass and saw the President's car take a wide swing as it turned left from Houston Street into Elm Street.[FBI statement 24th Nov 63]

    As for why they left Truly's statement in the record, was he one of the few to sign off on his testimony? 

    He wasn't asked if he wanted to sign it... he signed his affidavit about the closing mechanism on the 2nd floor lunchroom. 

    How would we know if he did or not without a copy of his signed deposition...  and I haven't been able to find anything yet to suggest he did sign it....

    we usually get that 

    Signed by:

  14. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    In case you don't understand what is being shown to you, here is an easier way to look at it:

    Funny enough... I actually thought that was what you did with that gif....  the explanation makes even more clear.

    A question though....  do you have a sense about how did they make it appear he was hit at z313 with the Moorman yellow curb in the frame....when Altgens is adamant that the headshot occurred right in front of him... 40 feet down the road?

    Do you think this is after the limo passes him or as the limo passes him or up the street 15 feet?


  15. 26 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    Search terms for collaboration witnesses for Truly's claim include "wide turn". Towner's limo? Well, that film is in my entertainment folder, but it does give you an idea to what they were capable of.

    I think it was Dino at NPIC who said they - Hawkeyeworks Rochester - could do anything and everything that's doable to film...

    David Healy wrote a great piece on the machinery of the time... I can only think what tweaks might have been made....

    I am 99% sure this is an exerpt from his article... if I mistakenly credited the wrong person... my bad...  but I remember that photo

    36 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    Position A is the key to understanding Elm st.

    I'm really glad you said that Tony....   Position A is one of those things, like the SS describing a shot +/- 4 feet from 5+00, that's in the record, glaring us in the face practically, and negates so much of the evidence offered by the WCR and beyond.

    You think it's as simple as "nobody asked" as to why we do not have a single witness saying what Truly did?  

    .... and why in the world would they include Position A and that Truly statement in the first place?   


    Not like they didn't change testimony before.....

    We have proof that Dulles just crossed out what CADIGAN said about the evidence at the FBI lab and rewrote his testimony at that point... why wouldn't they just remove that part from Truly?   (from the John Armstrong collection)

    DELETE and rewrite...  y'know, to get the the truth of the matter....



  16. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    Take Brennan's largest estimate of 70 yards or 270 feet.  At 18.3 frames per second (based on a frame per foot) that is about 486 frames or 26 seconds (the length of the whole film) from the intersection.  Wouldn't that be at the Triple Underpass.  Somebody needs to check my math here errors or even for relevance.

    I reduced the one I work with down so the detail may be a bit fuzzy...  the original photoshop file is 170 megs...  yet I believe you can use the 1"=20' scale, but you need to set the file up to display that way...

    This plat also corresponds to CE884 with dots on the street placed by Shaneyfelt after moving the path of the limo south and east by 1.1 feet.

    Robert West's path flows thru the station numbers... 2+00, 3+00, etc....  with the last shot placed within 4 feet of 5+00... or as the front of the limo reaches the steps by the knoll


    WEST SURVEY PLAT 1 inch equals 20 feet - smaller file.jpg

  17. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    Would you agree that Z 157 shows the p. limo at about the SW corner of the TSBD. 

    Not sure if you've ever seen this animation...  but here is a frame from it...  you also may do yourself a favor and find a file of the 20:1 or 10:1 plat of Elm...
    I know another member here is working on a very accurate animation as well... just need to go find it.

    So, no... if this is accurate the front of the limo doesn't get to the SW corner until after z175... There are no photos or films other than Zapruder... and the Towner hand-off, that shows that section of DP at that time...  Checking Davidson's work...z175-180 checks out









    4 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    I believe the picture below validates Truly's claim that the Limo slowed and almost hit the island in front of the TSBD

    Tony, part of the problem with that turn is the Towner Film and of course any photos from that corner...

    If you have the video or a gif of the frames it's even more pronounced but hard to post...  So I use frames instead here...

    Here's a Towner frame in relation to the curb Truly mentions...



    As the limo passes I noticed a very strange event occurring , as the limo pulls away it appears to be moving sideways
    The rear tire gets smaller as the distance from Towner increases.... yet the size of the column and background gets BIGGER...

    the top image on the left is a sec or so after the image below it... with the column inset from the frame above....  even more examples on the left

    Tony.... how dat?



  19. 4 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    In the diagram below, I have used rolling chassis with wheels to demonstrate the QM's traversing angle while maintaining the "Axle Gap"

    I believe the picture below validates Truly's claim that the Limo slowed and almost hit the island in front of the TSBD

    And this is why I come here...  

    Can you do the same with the limo rear wheel?



    The other side of the turn is betrayed by POSITION A which they claim the limo passed thru but was not on the Zfilm...  what bothers me most though is Truly mentions it as an after thought.... not as an answer to a direct question...  And he's the only one who says this....  Even without prompting you'd think a few others - like Brennan -would mention this.... ?????

    I'd also like your opinion on something in the next post....

    Great thinking outside the box ....  

    I did an analysis on that motorcycle which disappears and takes the widest of the Elm turns...  He's lost behind the trees for over 80 frames before he emerges in the exact spot of the limo in Position A - I superimposed him onto the WCR image of Position A....

    Unless the SS car cuts the corner more sharply, Z133 (whether real or not) but z133 shows the SS followup car right on the tail of the limo and in a straight line back up Elm...

    Seems to me the SS car is about where the limo would have taken the wide turn... your thoughts on this are appreciated...






  20. On 8/6/2020 at 5:43 PM, Richard Price said:

    DU&O was located on

    the west side of Dal-Tex, behind the fire-escape (the window from

    which a rifle allegedly protrudes?)


    This is an extreme closeup of the 3rd floor window...  that black blob is there in every version I've seen and seems to float over the photo...

    Still appears like someone in that window



    I've heard say the 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 6th floor and roof...  I don't think there are any photos of the 6th floor or roof during the motorcade...  ???

    Here are the 2nd story on left and 3rd story fire escape windows




    3rd floor



    2nd and 3rd stories with Altgens photo enlargement down Houston




  21. 50 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    There was a lead at The  Abundant Life Temple in the first hour.  To my knowledge, that turned up dry.

    Hang on a mo' Jim....   From Garrison...   Abundant Life Church is associated with CRISMAN... of Maury Island fame  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maury_Island_incident

    The Library turned up dry.... but I don't think much was "investigated" at that church....



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