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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. On 10/13/2020 at 8:41 PM, Jim Phelps said:


    In addition to the reports and witness statements calling out this hole....

    One of the items of evidence worth considering is the handwritten annotated drawing by Cunningham...

    "Point of Impact" is place on the OUTSIDE of the windshield as the drawing is facing the limo, not from the inside looking out...

    "No cracks inside layer" yet he writes "Struck from Inside" with no visible internal cracking...  if a shot came thru the windshield from the outside, the only thing inside the limo should be the bullet, and a few shards of glass.


    Cunningham report and drawing on limo windshield 2 of 2 - with writing.jpg





    And quite a few witnesses stated they saw a HOLE.... including the SS recap report, Stavis Ellis and Dr. Glanges






    Another is a memo from April 2 1964...  also not online as far as I can tell, of questions raised by the Amb Mann file as written by Coleman-Slawson... 179-40009-10069  (Record series: 11: GA 1 STATE)

    In essence, "Where's all the evidence"?   As I wrote in my series, March 1964 is when the Mexico investigation kicks into high gear again after a few quiet months...  All this info was contained in docs within the first 2 weeks after 11/22.

    The removal of ODESSA and that the call was on the 27th and in Spanish was indeed removed from the WCR....  also glossed over is the 1st phone number "Oswald" calls on each of these days is the SOVIET MILITARY ATTACHE, a phone number not even in his little notebook... this happens twice with each time the Soviets telling him the correct # and to call back...   the transcripts and original Spanish is down below... coming from CIA 104-10004-10257  Ag file: 201-289248.

    Again, this memo here is Slawson, a WC associate lawyer, acknowledging the need to "FUDGE" details of the Mexico Trip evidence....   and he's the one sent to Mexico for the HSCA....  :up







    On 10/1/2020 at 1:02 PM, Bill Simpich said:

    Oswald typed a letter to the CIA-friendly International Rescue Committee (IRC) in 1962 -- and the Committee commented that Oswald's letter matched the typeface of a related letter from the State Department!)

    I see that Oswald's letter is not signed by him and has no return address... nor is there any indication of a mode of transportation, and there is another follow up letter in his handwriting which makes no mention of the January 61 letter.  https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11279#relPageId=8&tab=page

    There is no indication in any of the other related exhibits that this was a letter he actually was involved in producing.

    Here is the WCR list of all letters FROM LEE HARVEY and does not include the one to IRC...  In chrono order it's easier to trace these letters' timelines.  LEE wrote MARGE quite often yet they are not part of the record as they have addresses at which the short fat Marge never lived.   Another discussion for another day...

    What significance do you attribute here ?




  4. On 9/30/2020 at 9:10 PM, Bill Simpich said:

    Fabian Escalante has been consistent in saying that Guillermo Ruiz (Veciana's cousin-in-law) and Antonio Garcia Lara (like Ruiz, in the commercial office of the Cuban embassy) both saw LHO and it was the one shot in Dallas. They were backed up by ex-consul Alfedo Mirabal and Silvia Duran - whose descriptions of his physicality are not perfect.  We all know that Azcue said it was not LHO.  If you read Fidel Castro's testimony, he backs Azcue but suggests that he is mistaken.

    Again, I am agnostic.  You are not.  How do you do address the Escalante evidence?

    The same way I would address June Cobb, ELANA de la PAZ, Alvarado, Eladio Villanuva, Oleg Netchiporenko, Teresa Proenza, Duran, Azcue.... The overwhelming evidence is that Harvey Oswald was in Texas for that period working for the FBI (possibly on assignment from CIA to get info on what the FBI was doing).  These people supported a story which REQUIRED Oswald to be in Mexico at that time.   He was not.

    Did Fabian gets his information from Veciana's testimony who said: 
    ( the "he took part" referred to is BISHOP/PHILLIPS.  Cause this kinda blows FABIAN's veracity out of the water...  ) and he goes on in later years to ID the shooters...



    The overwhelming evidence is that the FBI completed fabricated the trip with the help of OCHOA.

    In 1993 we get this report claiming FABIAN can ID the JFK Assassins which become Eladio Del Valle and Hermanio DIAZ


    Not a single word about the accused and killed suspect - Lee Oswald....  

    A senior member of the Cuban Secret Service, Fabian Escalante, agreed: "In 1962 Eladio Del Valle tried to infiltrate Cuba with a commando group of 22 men but their boat had an English key - a little island. In the middle of 1962. Of course, we knew this. I tell you about this, because one of our agents who was one of the people helping to bring this group to Cuba, was a man of very little education. They talked English on many occasions on this little island with Eladio Del Valle told this person, on many occasions, that Kennedy must be killed to solve the Cuban problem. After that we had another piece of information on Eladio Del Valle. This was offered to us by Tony Cuesta. He told us that Eladio Del Valle was one of the people involved in the assassination plot against Kennedy."  Morrow "First Hand Knowledge"

    In 1978 President Jimmy Carter arranged for a group of imprisoned exiles to be released. This included Tony Cuesta. Just before leaving Cuba Cuesta asked to see General Fabian Escalante, the head of Cuba's G-2 Spy Agency. Cuesta told Escalante that he had been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. He also named De Valle and Herminio Diaz Garcia as being involved in the conspiracy.


    Some thoughts...

    What point would there be to have Oswald there yet send photos, tapes and transcripts which conflict with who he is, how he speaks and the things he does.  

    AMMUG-1 provides support that AZCUE behaved completely inappropriately in confronting an American wishing to travel to Cuba/Russia...  AZCUE's job was to discover if this was a spy and try to double-him back on the US...  not get into an argument and throw him out...  That would provide next to nothing for him to report to CUBA as one would have to think he'd be reprimanded for letting this obvious doubling opportunity slip away.

    Finding the notes from the 1977 visits asking if Oswald was impersonated, if he was even ever there...

    ALL the Cubans saying there was no Oswald.

    LITAMIL-9 & 7 reconfirming it.

    Contemporaneous reporting is basically stopped with the Nov 7th LIENVOY Summary report not sent until January '64.
    That we do have offers no indication that even privately the Russian were talking about this AMERICAN coming to their Embassy/Consulate after calling a the Soviet Military Attache #, incorrectly, at least twice... and then showed up on a closed Saturday to conduct business.

    Bill -

    Lee Harvey being in Mexico is a MUST for all of these organizations and groups of people...  like him having bought and received and transported the rifle as needed....  Props in a set-up
    DAP is clearly behind much of the propaganda campaigns - his specialty - and one would surmise HUNT was somehow involved....




  5. 14 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

    The problem is that none of us know where you find them - can you leave RIF numbers behind at the bottom when you do it?

    Otherwise, I can't evaluate your valuable finds.

    Many of these come from Malcolm via Bart.   Like much of Armstrong's document collection, they're copies of documents that may have not seen before....

    Where John scanned 10 pages, Malcom copied 100's.  They went together to the Archives throughout the 90's.... thankfully.

    This is the cover page to that MANN via CIA note:

    Upside down at the bottom of each page:



  6. 13 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

    But where is the report about LHOs relative "EDWARD PIC's mother-in-law without naming such... she was a refugee from Hungary living in Yorkville..."

    Mr. JENNER - Your wife Margaret is--she was born where?
    Mr. PIC - New York City, sir.
    Mr. JENNER - Her parents are native Americans as well as she?
    Mr. PIC - No, sir; they are not.
    Mr. JENNER - What do you know of them?
    Mr. PIC - Her father died; I never met the man while we were going together. Her mother and father were separated. Her mother was born in Hungary, I think. Her father was also, sir.

    There is a 1920 census record for Alexander and Mary Fuhrman.  It identifies them as being Magyar or Hungarian.  At the time, 1920, they are living in Kentucky and Fuhrman is working as time keeper at a coal mine.  This was probably in Harlan, KY.  

    13 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

    And where do you see the insinuation there might be an EBASCO-KORTH relationship?

    15 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Not sure if there's an EBASCO-KORTH relationship

    I see KORTH involved in securing business contracts coming to Texas.
    I see KORTH intimately involved with EKDAHL who goes to Ft Worth for EBASCO and has an office across the street for KORTH, goes to the same clubs moves in the same circles as the Dallas-Ft Worth business elite.
    EBASCO was much more than nuclear power, I believe I've written about it at some point but again, tech problems preclude me from putting my finger on it at the moment.  

    What do you suppose he was doing for EBASCO during those years in Ft Worth then New York City which EBASCO doesn't want to let go?
    Appears to me he may have been involved in the formation of Texas Utilities and the attempted "Morgan-like" monopolization of electric service...  again, just a hunch connecting the few dots we have.


    Texas Utilities was formed in 1945 as a holding company for three utilities: Dallas Power & Light Company (DP&L), Texas Electric Service Company (TESCO), and Texas Power & Light Company (TP&L). DP&L had been formed in 1917, TESCO in 1929, and TP&L in 1912, while predecessors of these companies dated back as far as the 1880s. Each company had its own electricity generation and distribution system.

    Before the formation of Texas Utilities, DP&L had been a subsidiary of Electric Power & Light Company, while TESCO and TP&L had been subsidiaries of American Power & Light Company. Both parent companies, in turn, were subsidiaries of Electric Bond & Share Company (EBASCO), which had been set up by General Electric Company in 1905 to finance electrical power systems and form operating companies.

    The entire point of EBASCO was to monopolize the electrical supply for as many locations in the world as possible... I have only begun to look, yet the coincidence that EKDAHL is in Texas while this Texas Utilities Holding company is formed for 3 EBASCO companies... AND his close connection to Korth and his business involvements suggests to me there might be a connection...  Might.

    11 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

    William vanden Heuvel

    This is in the EKDAHL report.  https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7460485  Fred KORTH is not listed.


    Comes from the JFK Assassination collection: Key Persons File: Edwin Ekdahl...


    So I hope the added references and clarification of my position works for you Bill.  You've most certainly made me a better researcher...  thanks!


  7. Let's throw another little monkey wrench in here...  at the bottom of the post is a Garrison report re: Marge and what she says about KORTH.  

    In EKDAHL's reports I found this passage re: the IRC.  Interesting that the same report discusses EDWARD PIC's mother-in-law without naming such... she was a refugee from Hungary living in Yorkville...



    Not only was KORTH Ekdahl's lawyer in the divorce, he was his trustee buying and selling land for Ekdahl in Ft Worth.
    Not sure if there's an EBASCO-KORTH relationship.

    Fort Worth was booming at the time (yet so were many places) yet his buddy FRED is in Ft Worth.  The company he EKDAHL worked for consolidated electricity availability


    And these interview notes - sadly this is second-hand but interesting none the less...

    Korth "played a part in Lee's life"...  as in not upgrading his discharge or ???

    Whether this report can be considered "accurate" IDK.

    Thanks for all the excellent info in this thread... DJ


  8. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    So you are saying that when Oswald went to the Consulate in New Orleans, there was no application or picture taken of him according to Tejeda?

    Or are you implying that he did not go there?

    And in that list, did you highlight Oswald's name or is that the way it appears in the original?


    I’m saying he never went to the consulate...  no photo needed for tourist visa...

    Tejeda claims the original was burned along with most everything else in 1965.

    That Gaudet is the key to Sept 17th.   Remember 15 days from the 17th is Oct 1st... the planners thought he had to leave... 5 days from the 27th.. Oct 2.

    Alvarado was insistent it was Sept 18th with Oswald... DAP arrives Oct 7 and on Oct 8 all hell breaks loose.

    I highlighted the list.... Also analyzed the statements of all those on that list.... 


  9. 1 minute ago, John Butler said:

    I had intuitively sensed at the beginning Oswald was not in Mexico City when claimed.  But, I had no real evidence to support the idea, just intuition based on phony photos and such.

    Many thanks to David Josephs for providing the evidence to support my intuitive sense.  I believe he should be given the credit for destroying that nonsense.  

    Thanks for the comment John.   

  10. Below is an excerpt from another of Bart's scans from Malcolm's collection....

    This follows directly in line with the theory that CIA Asset GAUDET acquires the necessary paper documents.... which also works with the conflicting stories of those in the consulate between the times NORTH and DE MEN get their Visas.

    OCHOA, a FBI asset as Echevarria was CIA...  will be the Mexican official who provides the Tourist Card Copies and FM-11 on which they are recorded monthly.

    Where the WCR Tourist Visa Application comes from is anybody's guess....  but then again 500 items return from the FBI on 11/26 despite only a couple hundred going...

    Another nail in the Oswald went to Mexico coffin...





  11. Received a new document today which puts Sylvia Duran's arrest in a slightly different light that I've ever seen...

    Ambassador MANN sends a note via the CIA to McCone, Hoover and Rusk on 11/26/63 stating that 
    if they confront her with ALVARADO (Mann still believes this was real in support of Phillips and the CIA)
    her only chance is to come clean.

    The is an Ambassador suggesting to the CIA and by default Hoover and Rusk that if they BREAK HER (SYLVIA WAS MEXICAN)


    If Duran was indeed CIA as many have considered, and ALVARADO was a CIA asset, I'd think by confirming his lie in the face of the others who knew better and Alvarado who eventually recants....  she'd find herself in even more trouble....

    Why do you suppose MANN thinks she's in the same situation as OSWALD ??






  12. On 9/25/2020 at 2:20 AM, Steve Thomas said:

    At the same time however, there is documented evidence that Oswald was trying to infiltrate the anti-Castro Cuban exile community.

    The Miami story is based a lot on hearsay, and I'm treading lightly.

    Steve Thomas

    I realize HEMMING isn't the perfect source...  but some interesting info in here including BUCHANAN...

    From one of Armstrong's notebooks....  the thing about BRADLEY/BRADEN being TED SLACK...



  13. 6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    I have longed been intrigued by the idea that a person who called himself Oswald appeared in Miami, Florida in late March, 1963 and attempted to board a ship bound for a raid on Cuba.

    Hey Steve...  

    Obviously when we here of Oswald being in two places at once my ears perk up....   I went back to my timeline and found a statement from McKowen (the guy who claims Oswald tried to buy rifles from him in early September 1963) who talks about finding LEE HARVEY OSWALD at an address we've never seen....

    If this is Lee and he is living elsewhere, there's every reason to think he would travel in the same circles as we thought Harvey did...

    The other time you mention - Oct 1962 - also had one strange entry in my timeline which puts an Oswald near Florida in November '62
    FBI Agent FAIN who watched Oswald in TX retires October 29th.

    Had you considered that Buchanan was lying about Oswald being there or being the American....  Didn't the FPCC have its own members in Miami?

    FWIW...  DJ

    Lynn Davis Curry lived in Augusta, Georgia and drove a cab for the Dixie Cab
    Company in the early 1960's. During the month of November 1962 Curry picked up a white male at the intersection of 8th Street and Broad who was about twenty five years old and wearing a black jacket. The young man introduced himself as "Lee Oswald" and then began to talk about himself. Oswald told Curry that he served in the Marine Corps, traveled to Russia, married a Russian girl, supported Fidel Castro , and was traveling to New Orleans. Curry let the man off at the corner of 5th and Watkins Street where his car was parked. Before leaving the cab the young man insisted that Curry write down his name, "Lee Oswald," and said that Curry would be hearing his name again in the future. Curry wrote the name "Lee Oswald" on his daily trip sheet and  remembered his name on November 22, 1963.


    NOTE: In late March 1963, while Lee Harvey Oswald was living in an apartment at 1106 Diceman Avenue, Harvey Oswald and Marina
    were living several miles away at 214 W. Neely.

    " I found I was very close to Diceman Street. I thought I might drop by and see if Lee Oswald was related
    to my friend and also see if she was an applicant for a performing strip-tease
    artist. I found the address which was a typical newly constructed apartment,
    having entrances along one side with a balcony walk for the second floor. The
    mail box directory was close to the street and when I found the Oswald box I
    discovered the name 'Harvey' was included-so, I had misinterpreted the name
    on the letter as being female-I left immediately and did not attempt to make a
    call." 12 (McGowen)

  14. I had that image annotated... I did not add anything.  I did do a close-up analysis of the Oswald behind Sturgis and the resemblance is surely there... the next few frames has this person walk across screen to our right...  not sure if all the names are correctly attached to the right person...  it appears so...

    btw, Doyle, Gedney and Abrams were the names of the actually arrested 3 tramps, they are not the ones in the DP photos...  they’re the ones in jail all weekend...   DPD WISE tells the whole story... fwiw 




  15. On 9/17/2020 at 12:46 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    6.435...mph x 1.08 = 6.95mph

    Does this somehow explain the visual phenomenon we see just as they complete the turn in Towner? The 108%?

    Somehow the background objects grow by 8%(?) while the foreground objects receded as they're should.
    Yet it appears the spectators remain the same size...

    Extremely well done Chris... tying it all together like that is brilliant.  I had never seen where Myers said Zapruder was filmed at 48fps and cut down to 22.89.  (50%, 5.375%, then 20% to get to 18.3)

    What's the added .09 to 22.8 do?





  16. One of the most important pieces of evidence offered related to REILLY is her Copy B of her W-2 from 1963.

    Literally a form never used by Federal or State Tax offices. 

    The Federal form was changed in 1963 by swapping the boxes above the name and address

    There are no forms where the Name and address are ABOVE the amounts earned and with held.

    Above her 1963 REILLY Copy B is the appropriate Copy C from 1963, as well as her state W-2 from LA for 1963.

    If you can't even get the simple fake evidence right.....  :pop


  17. On 9/17/2020 at 8:22 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    Great place for a shot.  Crouched down beside the last pillar only the gun barrel, a shooters right shoulder and side of his face could be seen from the area around the limo at the time of the shots.  Nor would he be seen by others on the far side of the overpass.

    Then there’s Tosh’s account and drawing...   I cobbled together a panorama of the west end of DP below

    22 hours ago, Mark Stevens said:

    So if I'm understanding, based on the wounds he did actually see he thinks the other wounds are probable and could have a correlation to the wounds he did see?

    Mark... the Parkland group did discuss this with each other...   plus we have photos of that wound...

    I mean if we believe the Boswell Drawing compared to McC... all the skull was gone.... Between Parkland And Bethesda, any evidence of “original” wounds were gone, IMO...




  18. 3 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Please keep in mind, I am only supplying the reasoning for the 10"/ 15.23ft / 74 extra frames brought about via UPI and Horne's National Archive research.

    Understood Chris...  where else is there a gap that large and conflict so deep but that corner... in which to hide most any and all evils...

    ”where the limo would have turned”  ;)

    Great work... enjoying every second..


  19. On 9/11/2020 at 11:54 AM, Chris Davidson said:


    Please note the divisor being used, carried over from 560frames/35sec = 16fps

    74/16 = 4.625sec

    4.625sec x 3.294ft(2.24mph) = 15.234ft

    10" vertical drop should have moved the limo forward 15.25ft

    All film alterations+math(trig-trajectories included tying it back to the 6th floor) had to account for the limo moving forward approx 15.25ft further than an original, uncut version showed.

    Just to be clear...

    The limo stop/pause is removed as are 50% then 25% of a 48fps shot film to get us to 18fps with a mathematical adjustment to 18.3 fps to make moving about the 1:18.3 rise:run of Elm.

    The complete removal of all this "time" is incorporated into the edit at 132/133 and by the specific movement of Station C to the desired location....  here is a quick map to scale...   and to understand this:

    How can the hypotenuse of the 2 25' sides (2+00 to 2+25 to 2+50) be 50 feet?

    On 9/13/2020 at 3:08 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    This is 50 ft retarded from the 6th floor snipers nest east side window aligning with Station# 2+50 on Elm St.


  20. 6 hours ago, Ian Kingsbury said:

    Nobody testified to a bullet wound in the throat at Parkland or Bethesda,

    • Dr. PERRY: This was situated in the lower anterior one-third of the neck, approximately 5 mm. in diameter. (3H372)
    • Dr. CARRICO: This was probably a 4-7 mm. wound, almost in the midline, maybe a little to the right of the midline, and below the thyroid cartilage. (6H3)
    • DR. CARRICO: There was a small wound, 5- to 8-mm. in size, located in the lower third of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage, the Adams apple. (3H361)
    • Dr. PERRY: I determined only the fact that there was a wound there, roughly 5 mm. in size or so. (6H9)
    • Dr. JONES: The wound in the throat was probably no larger than a quarter of an inch in diameter. . . . [I]t was a very small, smooth wound. (6H54)
    • Nurse HENCHLIFFE: It was just a little hole in the middle of his neck. . . . About as big around as the end of my little finger. (6H141)

    Ian...  I was sure some of the Drs and Nurses mentioned this hole.   In fact I know I recently got a report explaining that the hole was actually more over to the anatomical right than center....

    Can't seem to put my hands on it this second...   So I guess I'm not DIS proving but providing more compelling evidence that it may very well have come from the south knoll...   I think McClellen's drawing and the above testimonies put an exit wound to rest...

    What I did do when I investigated this was to find that CE394 WAS the tie yet it changed to the shirt   https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=52&tab=page but the original CE394 showed the tie cut in two with a focus on the only "hole" on the entire length of the tie...

    https://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo/jfk7/ce395.htm  this actually shows CE394 as the tie, not shirt along with a close-up in color of the only hole in the tie....

    As Ian said, a bullet would need to penetrate the knot which would leave holes in multiple places on the tie - OR just graze it as it appears, on the anatomical left side of JFK... giving even more credibility to the South knoll shot.... grazing the left side of the tie and entering the shirt behind the tie and lodged in the right side....  can't imagine this is the "FBI bullet behind the ear" mentioned in the Tolson/Belmont memo... but it might be.

    (that is if it wasn't an ice flechette ala CV)




    Then we look at the button/hole vs the tear: and they appear to line up....  so from the SOUTH KNOLL a shot grazes the left side of his tie and enters BEHIND the tie...

    I don't think we can tell from the bare thread whether it extends out or in...



    McAdams provides the Parkland references to the wound....  and then I just came across this:






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