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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 2 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    Brennan heard 2 shots -- he did not see any discharge(s) -- we know from his wordage that Oswald had stood up when Hickey fired his auto burst.

    And, there is nothing in any of Brennan's wordage that would obviously directly contradict the WC -- nothing that he had already said, nothing that he said later, & nothing that he could possibly have said -- END OF STORY -- except that i have not read his book (praps he did contradict the WC in his book)(but that would be contra to everything that he was already on record as saying) -- hmmmm, did he ever expand on the saga of the line-up where he i think fingered Oswald.

    Please do not pollute this forum with these posts...  HICKEY nor OSWALD had anything to do with JFK's death... btw, the WCR is a load of cr@p, and proven so.

    Reminds me of a song lyric:  You ain't gonna learn what you don't wanna know...



  2. https://www.kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/ayton-mel-and-david-von-pein-beyond-reasonable-doubt

    Martin Hay: (about halfway thru the article)

    It has also been suggested that Brennan, like a number of other witnesses, was pressured into changing his story. His job foreman, Sandy Speaker, told author Jim Marrs, "They took [Brennan] off for about three weeks. I don't know if they were Secret Service or FBI, but they were federal people. He came back a nervous wreck and within a year his hair had turned snow white. He wouldn't talk about [the assassination] after that. He was scared to death. They made him say what they wanted him to say." (Marrs, Crossfire, p. 26) Whether Speaker's story is true or not, it is interesting to note that years later Brennan refused to cooperate with the HSCA.

    When House Select Committee staff first contacted him, it was with the idea of talking quietly with him at his home in Texas. But, according to an outside contact report dated March 13, 1978, Brennan "stated that the only way he will talk to anyone from this Committee, is if he is subpoenaed." A month later the Committee asked him to reconsider and, when he refused, informed him that he would be subpoenaed to testify before the committee on May 2. Brennan wasted no time in informing the Committee staff that he "would not come to Washington and that he would fight any subpoena. And, in fact, Brennan was belligerent about not testifying. He stated that he would avoid any subpoena by getting his doctor to state that it would be bad for his health to testify about the assassination. He further told me that even if he was forced to come to Washington he would simply not testify if he didn't want to." (HSCA contact report, 4/20/78, Record No. 180-10068-10381) Between May 15 and May 19, 1978, 11 attempts were made to present Brennan with previous statements he had made which were finally left with him on May 19. But when Committee staff returned a few days later to collect the form asserting that his previous statements were correct, a very odd lacuna appeared in the record. It was discovered that Brennan had refused to sign the form. The HSCA went as far as granting Brennan immunity from prosecution, but he would not budge.

  3. Thanks Ron... was not aware of SPEAKER or the call...

    Millican sounds so nonchalant

      " A man standing on the South side of Elm Street, was either hit in the foot, or the ankle and fell down. And then I went back to work."


    Do we see Brennan look up to his left?  And somehow he sees the person but not the scope directly in front of his face...

    And SORRELLS of the SS with him to boot....   Cinque gets all crazy about FORD citing Brennan's comment about "light colored clothing"... wasn't FORD lying, but Brennan.

    FWIW... DJ




  4. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2022/docid-32423437.pdf

    From the 2022 release but is part of the "Pending Resolution" Records

    RIF is the same... yet only has page 1 of 50.

    2 hours ago, Tom Gram said:

    Does anyone know anything about this 50-page SSCIA transcript supposedly on Oswald’s trip to Mexico City that according to NARA cannot be located in the JFK Collection, even though they have a RIF and a date of last review listed on the RIF sheet of 2018?


  5. 8 minutes ago, Lori Spencer said:

    Looks like a great read, thanks for the recommendation. I just scored a new paperback copy on Amazon for $13. The price was right! 📕 


    Of all the men, McCloy amazed me with his ability to be at the center of virtually everything important in government post WWII.

    John Jay McCloy (March 31, 1895 March 11, 1989, was a Wall Street lawyer and banker who served as Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, where he made many major decisions. After the war he served as president of the World Bank, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, and chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. He later became a prominent United States presidential advisor, served on the Warren Commission, and was a member of the foreign policy establishment group of elders called "The Wise Men."



    The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC, "swink") was a United States federal government committee created in December 1944 to address the political-military issues involved in the occupation of the Axis powers following the end of World War II.

    SWNCC was an important precursor to the National Security Council, and represents perhaps the most successful integration of military and civilian assets in the history of U.S. foreign policy. As a result, it has received renewed scrutiny in the wake of the Iraq War as the U.S. government attempts to overhaul its interagency national security system.[1]

    During World War II, interagency coordination had been largely informal and mediated by president Roosevelt, but recognizing the need for deeper integration, the Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Secretary of the Navy began holding weekly meetings to work through shared problems. However, the so-called "Committee of Three" had no specific mandate or authority, and this weakness became apparent as the war moved toward its conclusions and the details of occupation planning began to occupy the various departments.

    As soon as he became Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius sent a letter to War Secretary Henry Stimson and Navy Secretary James Forrestal proposing that they create a jointly managed secretariat to plan the occupations and achieve full integration of U.S. foreign policy. The secretariat was headed by Roosevelt favorite, Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy.

  6. Thanks Lori...  I had not seen this before...  Real History is indeed stranger than Fiction... :cheers

    25 minutes ago, Lori Spencer said:

    OPERATION UNTHINKABLE was the blueprint for the Cold War, and what we now see playing out in Ukraine … 

    This insane plan never would have been given 5 minutes of consideration on FDR and Wallace’s watch! Never! 



    George Kennan's Long Telegram in 1946 is also credited with creating the dominant view of how the US should see the Russian state.
    Reading all his work is, IMO, essential to understanding the foreign policy of the US after 1945...

    And the book "The Wise Men" is something not to miss if foreign policy formation and execution is of interest.  Although written with a somewhat elitist slant, I found it a wonderful insight into the decades post WWII.


    The Wise Men shares the stories of Averell Harriman, the freewheeling diplomat and Roosevelt’s special envoy to Churchill and Stalin; Dean Acheson, the secretary of state who was more responsible for the Truman Doctrine than Truman and for the Marshall Plan than General Marshall; George Kennan, self-cast outsider and intellectual darling of the Washington elite; Robert Lovett, assistant secretary of war, undersecretary of state, and secretary of defense throughout the formative years of the Cold War; John McCloy, one of the nation’s most influential private citizens; and Charles Bohlen, adroit diplomat and ambassador to the Soviet Union.

  7. The difference between the 2 boys is crazy...  the Bronx zoo photo which Robert claims to have taken is not recognizable to PIC as his brother...

    Taken just 18 months earlier, the inset is a 5'4" 115lb Lee Oswald described as a leader, one of the biggest in the class, and a one tough kid...

    I called the zoo to ask about the height of those railings to be sure...

    I don't think children get shorter and smaller between ages 12 and 13... or men get shorter and smaller between age 18 and 23...






  8. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10408-10419.pdf



    By the way.. the 221 page Nagell report page 11 states that he had in his possession a receipt for the registered mail letter to Hoover from 1963...

    And Ben... his chronology shows he was in MEXCIO CITY SEPT 28, 1962...
    In 1963 Sept he was in jail in TX.  I believe he contends he was with an Oswald in 1962.

    In Sept 1962 our Oswald was working at Leslie Welding in Ft. Worth so it is possible that NAGELL posed as OSWALD in Sept 1962 for this meeting.


    From Armstrong's H&L taken from a written summary from Garrison's office of the interview with Donald Norton...
    Norton told Ward further that another CIA assignment took him to Monterrey,
    Mexico in September of 1962, where he met a nan identified as Harvey Lee. Norton
    swears this man fits the description, and he is certain of this identification, of
    Lee Harvey Oswald. He says.he delivered money to Harvey Lee for .revolutionary activity against Castro.

    Then in September 1962, after Castro had taken ever Cuba, he was given the as- signment to take $50,000 to the Hotel Yamajel in Monterrey, Mexico. He drove to
    Monterrey in his own 1956 Buick and registered at the hotel under his own name.

    Donald P. Norton, the CIA agent who received $150,000 from David Ferrie in
    1958 and delivered the cash to Havana, was given another assignment involving Cuba in the fall of 1962. On this occasion he was given a case full of money and told to travel to Monterrey, Mexico and meet "Harvey Lee." Norton took the case, traveled to Monterrey as directed, and checked into the Yamajel Hotel. Before he was able to get to his room Norton was met by "Harvey Lee."
    The two men went into the hotel bar to drink a couple of beers and relax.
    Norton recalled that "Harvey Lee" refused to look him in the eye. He described
    "Harvey Lee" as a man of slight build who was dressed casually and said that he was from New Orleans. When Norton saw photographs of "Lee Harvey Oswald" in the newspaper following the assassination, he said the man was identical to the "Harvey Lee" he met in Monterrey, except that his hair appeared to be thinner. Norton delivered the case full of money to "Harvey Lee" and was given a briefcase full of documents in return.


    Thanks Bob...  Maybe help me understand some of the work I did as well...

    While the eyes/nose/mouth appear similar, the shape of the head is wrong, and in the collage below the difference in stature is easily seen

    The photo of LEE in the fatigues - a fairly large man in fact - and the ones of the smaller Oswald seem to betray the two different men to me...

    I've also included the writings of John Ely who was gathering the bio on Oswald...  Jenner and Rankin knew there were problems with the conflict of who Ely spoke with and who they claimed was with Oswald thru his Marine career...





  10. 1 minute ago, Sandy Larsen said:
    • It was totally unlike any other letters the embassy had previously received from Oswald.

    Oswald's letters don't look anything like this. Hey, who really wrote this?

    • Nor had he ever visited our embassy himself.

    Oswald never sent letters to the Russian Embassy in Mexico Sandy, he sent them to Washington DC's embassy...  IOW "previously received"...  "NOR" usually means he is continuing the thought from the previous sentence...

    Oswald had never been to Russian Embassy in Washington...  the letter was mailed to the Embassy in Washington and was so different from previous letters they judged it a forgery...

    4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    whereas the other letters the embassy had received from Oswald before were handwritten.

    Again, no letters to Mexico, only DC.

    5 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    Again,  all sentences in the paragraph give a reason to believe the letter is a forgery. Had the sentence "Nor had he ever visited our embassy himself" been about their Washington Embassy, it would serve no purpose in the paragraph. It wouldn't be an indication that Oswald's letter was a forgery.

    Disagree here Sandy,

    He was simply adding that Oswald had not been to the place he was mailing all the handwritten letters...

    How I see it my friend...

    As to who wrote it?  the Handwritten one or the typewritten one?  either way all we have is Ruth's story about it.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    My take is the Nov. 26 CIA memo wanted a trace on all LHO movements made using his 1959 passport. Going back years, not just pertaining to the Mexico visit. 

    Interesting take but not the point of the memo...  there is no mention of a 1963 passport in the report....

    This is Nov 1963 and they are talking about what he was "carrying" ...

    and FWIW, Marina was supposedly a trained pharmacist, not a dental tech...  which of course brings its own set of conflicts in that Marina becomes a pharmacist June 20, 1959 (CE20 offers no date of enrollment) she was born July 17, 1941... IOW she becomes a pharmacist before she turns 18... really?  When the Russians call her a little "swallow" who would do anything she was told to help the KGB...  not quite a prostitute, but close, their words not mine.


    And one more time Ben, a passport was not needed to enter Mexico.. there would be no stamp for Mexico on either passport.  If you're concerned about stamps, concentrate on the LONDON AIRPORT stamp as the evidence he flew from England is very sketchy... as are the signatures on the hotel cards...  do a search here on the forum if interested... quite an amazing series of events in that 1959 defection journey.


  12. 8 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    I don't mean to derail the thread further with Nagell stuff, but what would be tremendously helpful would be a transcript of Marina Oswald's questioning where she was asked about Nagell. That interview was ostensibly conducted shortly after the assassination; within days or a few weeks of 11/22/63.

    Edit: The interview was conducted on 1/18/64. 

    This is a link to FBI reports talking about Marina being shown photos of Nagell by the Secret Service.. the page of her report is from WCD404... along with the other 4 pages as well as a 2 page report with Nagell's statement about meeting Oswald "socially"

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/N Disk/Nagel Richard Case/Item 08.pdf 


    This is from the new release.. 221 page file on Nagell with cover letter from BRUCE SOLIE

    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10305-10005.pdf. I have not been thru it all yet, hopeing to find a list of trunk contents


    Then, on January 2, 1964, Nagell advised agents of both the FBI and Secret Service “that he had been acquainted with MARINA, the wife of LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Subject further pointed out that OSWALD was having marital difficulties with Marina.” The Secret Service is on record as having interviewed Marina Oswald about Nagell, but no transcript or notes are known to exist — only the FBI’s assertion that a photo of Nagell was shown to her, and that she supposedly said she’d never seen him before. 


    From Russell's GALLERY article:
    It was several months before I paid much notice to a pile of Xeroxed material I had carted home from San Diego. Included was a photocopy of the pages of a small brown spiral notebook, which according to Popkin had belonged to Richard Nagell. I turned the pages and scanned the names. The pages were filled with locker numbers, lists of theaters and restaurants alongside specific dates and times in a variety of locations in the U.S. and Mexico. I had read that such notations are often used to indi- cate intelligence rendezvous points, either for the drop and pick-up of in- formation or for clandestine contacts.
    The notebook contained names of congressmen, attorneys, American leftists, officials in Far East governments, a Soviet military attache, six names under the heading "C.I.A.," and two listings for the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee." I began becoming more interested in this aspect of Pop- kin's theories, as well as in the man who'd kept the notebook. As Professor Popkin had related the story, the notebook had been among the effects taken from Richard Nagell's trunk that September afternoon in El Paso,
    1963, and held for 11 years by the FBI. One entry in particular rang a bell:

    I played with the initials "C.E."
    Were they a person's name? Perhaps "Cuban Embassy." The entry went on:
    Two months and two days after this notebook was seized from Richard Nagell, remarkably similar listings had been found in the address book of Lee Oswald: names of American left- ists, a Soviet Embassy official, and Cubans. Even the number of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, which Oswald listed atop one page:
    Mexico City • Consulada de Cuba Zamora Y F Marquez
    11-28-47 Sylvia Duran

  13. These are varieties of supposedly the same photo..  I am always suspicious of lines across photos.. even if folds...

    The two side by sides of the image look like different facial features such as the distance from nose to mouth appears less in the image on the right... and both look different from the photo on the application... FWIW


  14. 3 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:



    This appears to be LHO's passport. (For reasons I do not understand the pages are blurry but you can click on the images and they clear up.)

    This was the passport he was issued in 1959. 

    As an aside, I wonder why he needed a new passport---just four years later? Or three years? 

    Do you see travel to Mexico indicated by this passport? I do not. 


    As I mention above, a passport was not needed to go to Mexico for American citizens.

    I believe he needed the new passport because he no longer looked like the 1959 Oswald... the 5'11" 165 Lee Oswald and the much smaller Harvey really didn't look all that much alike when you compare them like we do, but in 1963 how much side by side comparisons were there?

    Strangely enough, this CIA memo from 11/26 states our man Ozzie is carrying the 1959 cancelled passport and not the 1963 one?




    Above we see Lee on the left in 1959 and Harvey on the right only 2 weeks later...  The above left image of Lee is the LAST IMAGE OF LEE that I am aware of... after that it is all Harvey...  plus the 1963 application shows the old passport was marked for 


    Here are the photos offered, on the left is the image from the Cuban Consulate in MX supposedly Sept 27 1963, on the right is the photo from the June 1963 passport application...  the photo on the left was described by Marina as one she had never seen and that it was of Oswald from Russia.. below that are the 2 signatures on the original and copy of the Cuban application and copies of the photo found in Oswald's possessions...  I've seen very large, hi res images of the photo on the left so I don't know why the images with the black background are so poor.




  15. A Passport was not needed to go to Mexico, just the Tourist Visa... (the one GAUDET acquired for him as the accounts of Sept 17th at the Mexican embassy by those there also suggests that Oswald was not there that day... but an application was submitted.   The visa application is offered by the WCR on 2 pages... 1st page on the left does not include the signature block or the notice the visa application was for a 6 month visa, not 15 days. The 2nd page on the right does not include the "NO. 987" or "SERIE: 24085" or the "NAME" line. Nor does Oswald have a real birth certificate to show as proof of anything.

    According to the woman (Miss Tajeda) dealing with the FBI when they came to ask about the application, she says they did not take it or photograph it and it was burned in 1965 during routine housekeeping.  If it was burned in 1965... what is that exhibit below?   I also had found this W. Harvey signed note about the return of "Authentication Materials" to the CIA.  Maybe that's how they acquired this document...



    Which is exactly what was done repeatedly related to Oswald in Mx in 1963..



    The only other document you need to also avoid detection on the way back into the USA is that HIDEEL Vaccination card that was made - who knows when or if that stamp kit was even Oswald's.  But we do know that stamp kit made this document...  an image of the kit is below and you can see the practiced June 8...  you'll notice too that the spacing of the letters in LEE OSWALD is the same as on the FPCC flyers.  In lieu of the vaccination, the Int'l Cert card suffices and the person passes through without departing the bus for a shot.




  16. 9 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    You have provided extensive evidence that LHO's bus ride to MC is very dubious. You contend LHO was not in Mexico.

    Can you rectify this conflict?

    I'm fairly certain he is talking about 1962 in Mexico... not the Sept/Oct 1963 trip.

    But you don't believe him anyway, so why should what he says matter?  Like the Russians saying he was there...

    Does not override the evidence which shows he was not there.

  17. 14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Let me get back to you on these questions. 

    As for the Selective Service card...how did LHO make his phony card? He drafted it up in a graphics shop. 

    There were graphics shops in those days, and white-out.  

    On the Hench memo, see comments above. 

    Side note: Has anyone seem the actual Nagell-Oswald selective service card? I have looked online without avail....



    I do have the original Oswald card on the left, in full color and with the fingerprint ink stains...  just now starting to look for Nagell's... but I doubt the cards below right are anything but forgeries on blank cards... photocopied... but I'll take a look see...


    Nagell Armstrong


  18. 3 minutes ago, Tom Gram said:

    I’m not sure I’m really following you here, but I’m not even really sure what the allegation is so bear with me. 

    The Aussie girls said that Oswald showed them the passport he travelled with in Russia.

    Oswald had that passport returned to him when he applied for a new one in New Orleans. 

    So the deduction is that Oswald brought his cancelled passport with him to Mexico City?

    That kind of makes sense if he’d want to show the Russians he used to live in the Soviet Union or something, but is there any evidence Oswald was really carrying two passports other than the claims of the Aussie girls? 

    I've proven that Oswald - put on the Flecha Rojas bus - could not have been on the same bus as the Aussies, MacFarlands or BOWEN as they were all on a DEL NORTE bus...  as I repeatedly state

    Real events of real people are made into evidence against Oswald...  Even when a witness flat out claims OSwald was not on the bus, the FBI/CIA/WCR simply dismisses the witness as incorrect...  Odio is incorrect since Oswald was on a bus to Mexico.. verbatim from the WCR...  No shots came from the knoll because Oswald shot 3 times from behind, period, end of discussion and investigation.

    Roe is going to be Roe... can't do anything about it.  but declaring victory without being familiar with a significant portion of the interlocking lies the FBI fed us is intellectually dishonest...   dig a little deeper Roe... I know it requires time and effort, you can do it...

    This is a portion of the Baggage manifest.  It has been explained that the line under the name means that person was traveling with someone - like Mrs McFarland with Mr.   And I challenge Roe to produce anything with Mumford/Winston on the passenger list...





    Mr. BALL. Well. you were shown pictures of a man later on by the Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, were you not?
    Miss MUMFORD. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. And they showed you pictures of Oswald, didn't they; Lee Harvey Oswald?
    Miss MUMFORD. No.
    Mr. BALL. You didn't ever see a picture of Oswald?
    Miss MUMFORD. No.

  19. 3 minutes ago, Greg Doudna said:

    David--neither Oswald nor impersonator existed in Mexico City? That indeed would be a "iv" but I've never heard that proposed before. What do you do about Nechiporenko's book--the KGB official in the Soviet embassy who wrote a book telling of when Oswald came to the embassy and Nechiporenko describes it? 

    On Price at the Sports Drome, in his Warren Commission testimony he says he saw Oswald three times at the Sports Drome Rifle Range: Sept 28, two weeks later at a turkey shoot in October, and then the last time one to three weeks after that the weekend after the assassination. But the turkey shoot was in November, as Price himself later says, not a couple weeks after Sept 28. Nobody else claimed there was a second turkey shoot a month earlier in October before the one in November, nor does Price claim he was at two turkey shoots. Price speaks of the turkey shoot two weeks after Sept 28 as the same turkey shoot in November. All the other Sports Drome claimed sightings of Oswald are in November. It looks like Price misspoke when saying Sept 28, perhaps meaning Oct 28, to have his 2 + 1-3 weeks later end up ca. time of assassination late Nov according to his account of his three sightings of Oswald. Liebeler asks Price when other times he saw Oswald other than Sept 28:

    Mr. Price. "On two other occasions--one was 2 weeks later [after Sept 28] and it was a turkey shoot"


    Mr. Liebeler. When was the next time you saw him, the next time? [= time #3]

    Mr. Price. Well, I don't know just exactly when it was, but it was--it could be anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks later [= after the turkey shoot in Oct which was 2 weeks after Sept 28].

    Then later:

    Mr. Liebeler. Could you tell us approximately how long prior to the assassination this was that you saw the man [= time #3]?

    Mr. Price. The last time I saw him was the week before Thanksgiving; Sunday before [= Nov 24, time #3].

    Price's timeline memory roughly works from Oct 28, but not Sept 28. How else to interpret this than that the Sept 28 was some time confusion on the part of Price.

    ATF agent Ellsworth said Thomas Masen was a spitting image of Oswald and that Ellsworth told him he was the man at the rifle range. Ellsworth concluded it was Masen that the Sports Drome witnesses saw, not Oswald. That is a sensible explanation, given that Masen was a gunshop operator and one of the few dealers for Mannlicher-Carcanos which would account for both the Oswald resemblance and being seen with that kind of rifle or similar, and understandably might be confused with Oswald retrospectively by witnesses. He never claimed to be Oswald. Witnesses only thought he was from appearance. And Price shows confusion on that date, such that his date of Sept 28 two weeks before the turkey shoot clearly is a mistake. Nothing to do with Oswald during the days in question re Mexico City on two counts: mistake on the Sept 28 date, and wasn't Oswald.

    The high school photo of Masen looks a lot like Oswald. Another photo commonly claimed to be of Masen, showing a man at a gun store who does not look like Oswald, I tracked that down and it is not a photo of Masen but of Dial Ryder which someone at some early stage in JFK assassination research misidentified by mistake and the mistake has decades of afterlife and never dies.

    Also on the Austin, Texas, visit of Oswald to the Selective Service office there which I believe you alluded to as another alternative presence of Oswald at the time he was supposed to be in Mexico City, I researched that one quite a bit a while ago and have notes backed up for an article if I ever get time to write it: my research found that that trip was real, Oswald really did go to Austin (contrary to what the Warren Commission supposed) but again it is an issue of getting the date right which I found was earlier and the trip taken by Oswald at a time when he was still in New Orleans, round trip to Austin and back from New Orleans. Nothing to do with the dates at issue with Mexico City.

    On the Alice, Texas/south Texas Oswald sightings, I do not believe it is possible that was Oswald and I think that must have been some unrelated family with the man having some accidental resemblance and misstook for Oswald, and possibly a similar-sounding name, but who was not Oswald. 

    Thanks for your thoughts on the matter Greg...  

    There were a number of people who were the "spitting image of Oswald" ... not sure if you are aware of the Vaganov situation...  but fits nicely with some of the other evidence offered that day in Nov.  Masen photo below that...

    You obviously have given this plenty of thought and have done research and planning for an article... I would love to see it with the supporting documentation and your cross referencing of evidence to show that Odio was wrong about the 26th/27th, that the Tourist visa made out to
    LEE, Harvey Oswald but signed Lee H Oswald matches the Lee, Harvey Oswald written on the Hotel Registry for day 1, and notice how the rest of the "LEE HARVEY" notations look nothing like the writing of the manager who claims he writes in the names of guests day-to-day after they sign in for the first time... (CE2123)

    Any ideas why our Oswald would sign his name in a manner NEVER seen before when the document is signed with a more correct signature, or why his name appears different than all the other names on the list, every day?

    Could it have been MASEN? Possibly Greg, but that's not what the witnesses say, and as you say Ellworth was keeping pretty close tabs on the man... no mention in his reports about his going to Mexico or those shooting ranges...  there is in fact quite a lot on Masen on this Forum... just search..   

    And these responses is what I mean by pushback...  I can create 100's of "possible" scenarios that can be tweaked to fit a certain portion of the evidence...  The title for my work has always been: "The Evidence IS the Conspiracy" and I approached this research with the desire to use the evidence provided to determine whether the FBI lied about the journey to and from Mexico...

    I find that they did. That buried in thousands of documents is the evidence he did not go or come as they told us.  Could David Ferrie have flown him from somewhere to Mexico City under cover of night and then the rest of the stuff happened?  Doesn't explain DURAN claiming this person was only there on Friday morning thru about 1pm...  She denies the after 4pm calls which makes sense since the office was closed by then.

    Please tell me how you found out the trip to AUSTIN was earlier when everyone involved discussed the 25th and 26th of Sept.  I wrote:

    There is nothing offered to deny the possibility of Oswald staying in Austin until the following day, when on the morning of Thursday the 26th Mrs. Norman could be serving Oswald coffee, alone. Given Harvey's cheap ways, milking a $.10 cup-a-joe while waiting for his comrades to get ready to leave for Dallas can explain the sighting and trip to Austin just as easily as the FBI dismissing it on such weak grounds.


    And even if we move the dates back to Sept 25 for his visit to Odio... there is another mountain of evidence in Houston, Laredo, Nuevo Laredo, Monterrey and Mexico City that our man Oswald was not on any of the buses the FBI puts him on...  In fact, all thru March April and May 1964 they hash and rehash the details correcting themselves along the way.

    I have added quite a bit to those articles right here on the forum in a variety of thread, easy to find, where I've tried to update my presentation of info based on the newer releases and the continued finding of info thru the general course of research.

    Oswald did not order the Rifle, Oswald did not shoot JFK, and Oswald did not kill Tippit...

    Oswald was a patsy... a person upon whom the blame for something falls; scapegoat; fall guy.

    and this blame was backed by the full weigh of the US intelligence services, the US Military and closely related Depts/agencies like State and I&NS.

    If you see it differently - as you continue to try and offer - so be it... Not a single document in the thousands I have seen specifically suggest Oswald was there without reference to the CIA's sources...  the FBI looked all month and did not find hide nor hair of the man having been in Mexico City...  You think the FBI would want to add proof that he was there to the CIA's, no?

    Well as I posted, he tried and failed miserably...  if he wasn't in Mexico, and was at some point at Odio then Dallas...  what's the problem?





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