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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    Who made you the autocratic monitor of this site.  Is your opinion the only opinion needed or wanted.  Folks, don't post you may offend David Josephs.  He owns this site.  In his mind at least.  It that what you are saying.  Is only your logic worth looking at. 

    Mr. Butler - you remain on my ignore list yet from time to time I see what you're posting just to be sure your story hasn't changed.

    Asking someone to support an opinion is all I did.  Your opinions have proven time and again to be not only "other worldly" but pure fantasy backed by your presentation of junk science.

    Have you not noticed that no one agrees with your warped view of things unless they are so new here they know no better, or so like-minded they don't know what questions to ask you?

    Mr. Chris Scally is so out of your league with regards to the realities and knowledge of this case it ought to be a crime they way you attack that which, and about which, you remain hopelessly clueless.

    the moderators give you wide berth simply because they, like the rest of us know you can't fix stupid... but only hope at some point it toddles off.
    Ignorance, on the other hand, can be fixed with just a little effort to see and understand those around you at least trying to help...

    Case in point.... you take the worst crap you can find on the internet and then CONCLUDE that there has been alteration, insertion, evil deeds done by evil doers....  I applaud Chris for even trying with you....   self-awareness is an amazing thing... you should try it sometime




  2. On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 12:31 AM, Lewis Reynolds said:

    Its nice to see everyone is welcomed and encouraged regardless of their views or opinions.

    This is why I was a lurker rather than a poster for so long.


    On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 12:47 AM, Tony Krome said:

    Hey Lewis, water off a ducks back mate, keep posting! 

    Excuse me?

    At what point did you think posting baseless opinions was a positive thing and to be accepted here of all places?

    If you have a defendable point to make about Altgens alteration, offer it.  1+1=2 doesn’t require an opinion.

    Whining about being asked to do so, or not to be adult enough to address a critical question about your own statement dismisses the entire point of being here...  have as many opinions as you like... HERE, we discuss WHY, not just state what and leave it at that.

    Butler has been pushing terrible logic for a while now while there are scores of others here from which to derive an opinion that doesn’t make it appear as if you’ve never seen a photograph.

    I’m terribly sorry my asking you for substance bothered you so. 

    After 20 years of discussing this with truly knowledgeable people, I for one expect a little more than “everybody’s got one” opinions... especially those based on the photographic interpretations of one Mr. Butler here... 

    for example, he argues that Hill and Moorman were up at the Elm/Houston corner and “moved/changed” to their spot in the Zfilm while also changing their clothes...  those are his words in my image...

    So please, guys, at least take a second and ask WHY, before attaching yourself to an opinion.   Or don’t, and continue to share your insights with us without a shred of support...




  3. 1 hour ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

    Thanks for the reply Mr Josephs. Just my opinion.



    Mr. Reynolds... even opinions - if they are to be taken seriously - have some basis in fact.

    Mr. Butler - upon whose opinions you seem to rely... and the facts of the case have not yet been formally introduced...
    and it sadly doesn't appear as if they ever will...

    There is quite a lot of good work on this site... the last thing we need is another opinion based on fantasies and poor analytical skills




  4. Mr Reynolds....

    What are you talking about?  Do you have a sense of how light and shadow work, especially in a 2d image?

    Is it not possible that the roof of the car obscures the man's face by placing it in shadow... like the eyes of the motorcycle copy in the foreground...


    Are you aware of the location of the sun which creates these shadows?

    There is truly no reason to cover the driver's face.....  (I will show below what a real alteration to an image looks like)
    What is worth the lime is determining whether that really is someone in the 3rd floor Dal Tex window who shoots and startles the black man sitting on the fire escape...



    as for "blacked out magic marker alteration... I can find no better example than this  z323


  5. David,

    I've been going thru many of the undated/un-noted links to the 2018 doc release.  I have not gone thru them extensively yet I wonder since Castro and Prio both wanted Battista out while the US Govt/MAFIA wanted him to stay...  there is quite a conflux of competing interests...

    FWIW - I found a document that confirms FIDEL had the business card of the KGB's LEONOV many, many years before his successful coup.... this was found when Fidel was arrested in Mexico in June 1956....




    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32298950.pdf   is from 1952
    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32328631.pdf   from 1959


    AMBUD Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), Cuban exile organization formed on 22 Mar 1961 under U.S. guidance to unify various exile groups.

    AMBUD-1 Jose Miro Cardona, first Prime Minister of Cuba under Castro, who left Cuba and headed the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) exile group.


    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10220-10107.pdf  AUG 1963


    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10220-10110.pdf  sEPT 63    PRIO TALKING WITH SOMOZA.. "MAY" BE BASIS FOR hsca INTEREST... ???




    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10220-10105.pdf  SEPT 30 1963  PRIO LOOKING TO OVERTHROW CASTRO WITH SOMOZA AND US HELP

  6. 6 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    If Oswald ordered this pistol

    Do we not suppose that Harry Holmes' army or Hoover's brigade would have noticed and mentioned it?


    The article I wrote linked above is the only one of its kind that traces the chain of possession/custody of that pistol from start to finish...

    Cutting to the chase:

    There are obviously two separate and distinct paths the pistol travels once back at the Dallas Police Station on November 22, 1963:

    1. McDonald/Carroll > Hill > (initials from McD, Carroll, Hill, Bentley supposedly etched in handle by screw, yet no photo in evidence shows these initials) > Fritz > T.L. Baker > gone
    2. Fritz > Davenport & officers > Doughty/Barnes > SA Vincent Drain > FBI

    and amazingly enough... WESTBROOK and his office is at the center of this charade as well.  Gerald Hill transferred to WESTBROOK at the end of October, 1963.


    ...  if pigs could fly.... 


  7. 2 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    Marina first saw the rifle in February, before it had even been purchased.

    She first told the FBI that she saw Lee cleaning the rifle in January,

    Tony - I ask that you examine one quite obvious question about Marina's reliability when it comes to her testimony...

    Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall the day that you took the picture of him with the rifle and the pistol?
    Mrs. OSWALD. I think that that was towards the end of February, possibly the beginning of March. I can't say exactly. Because I didn't attach any significance to it at the time. That was the only time I took any pictures.
    I don't know how to take pictures. He gave me a camera and asked me someone should ask me how to photograph, I don't know.

    .....At the time' that I was questioned, I had even forgotten that I had taken two photographs. I thought there was only one. I thought that there were two identical pictures, but they turned out to be two different poses.

    Mr. McDONALD. Did you use a tripod at all? 
    Mrs. PORTER. Did I use what? 
    Mr. McDONALD. A tripod. In other words, was the camera attached to a stand? 
    Mrs. PORTER. No. 
    Mr. McDONALD. OK. You held it in your hands. 
    Mrs. PORTER. Yes. 

    Q. How many pictures did you take? 
    A. I think I took two. 
    Q. When you took the first picture you held it up to your eye? 
    A. Yes; that is what I recall. 

    Q. What did you do next? 
    A. I believe he did something with it and told me to push it again. 

    Q. Are these the only two pictures you ever took in your life at least up to that time? 
    A. Yes. 



    So I would ask simply how anyone including Marina, could use this type of camera which requires the user to place the camera about chest high and look down into a viewfinder which shows the image upside-down FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME IN HER LIFE TO THAT POINT, and not make a single mention of the image, the difficulty in even taking such a photo and the fact that despite supposedly moving and adjusting between photos, gets the images to show virtually identical backgrounds....?

    I would also ask anyone to reconcile how - if a rifle is sent to OSWALD in March 1963, how the FBI nor the USPS makes any mention of it?  We have detailed reports of the mail to and from Oswald all thru 1963, especially in Feb/March/April/May as he is moving all over the place....

    Why isn't the FBI or the USPS aware of a 5 foot carton from KLEIN SPORTING GOODS delivered to Oswald's PO BOX for HIDELL ?

    And just to come full circle... "CE137 is 2 items: a camera and a case... CE138 is supposedly a single item, a flash attachment.

    Can you say "Minox"?

    Mr. THORNE. Exhibit 137 is a camera in a leather case.
    Mr. RANKIN. Have you ever seen that camera before?
    Mrs. OSWALD. No.
    Mr. DULLES. Is that a Russian camera?
    Mrs. OSWALD. No.
    (The article referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 137 for identification.)
    Mr. THORNE. Exhibit 138 is a flash attachment for some type of camera. It is an Ansco flash attachment.

    Mrs. OSWALD. I have never seen it.

    (The article referred to was marked Commission Exhibit' No. 138 for identification.)

    So Tony, Had you ever noticed that CE137 and 138 do not exist?

    + 511 CE 136 - Camera.
    + 512 CE 139 - Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, serial No. C2766 (this rifle will subsequently be referred to as "the C2766" rifle).
    + 512 CE 140 - Green and brown blanket.



  8. 3 hours ago, Tony Krome said:



    I've been in the printing trade since I was a young fella and we refer to the printing of unauthorised jobs as "foreigners".

    Your excerpt from the WC reminds me of the handbills organised by Oswald in New Orleans ... both a Walker associate and Oswald involved in the production of propaganda materials just months apart .... hmmmm

    Oswald was never connected to printing the bills....  OSBORNE, though, is...

    To which Walker associate do you refer? Tony.

    whether there is an Osborne/Bowen connection here... IDK....


  9. 45 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    David - what did you delete? I think it was a post I was looking for. You cannot receive private messages, hence I’m using this method.

    I deleted my connections page for Whimeyer and Brandsetter.... Jim asked how they may connect and Steve found the coincidence of Vaganov’s King of Spades.... 



  10. Photos of a Harlendale house meeting were posted... I tried to find Ozzie by process of elimination..

    an Alpha 66 meeting...  at the back stood a man much like Oz stood.

    If you look at a lot of Oz photos, the elbows are always bent significantly...


    edit.... plus wouldn’t his being at the competing ideological meetings be indicative of an FBI asset?


  11. 17 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Do you give any credence to the idea that Oswald was running around south Texas in and around October 3rd?

    Oswald in Aliceland?

    A Tale of Two Days: A Tale of Two Oswalds

    by Chris W. Courtwright

    Presented to JFK Lancer's *November in Dallas* Conference on November 21, 1997



    Steve Thomas

    You mean there may have been someone impersonating Oswald with wife and child?


    wasnt Marina and baby at Ruth’s all that week?   Maybe Judy V knows...? (Kidding)

    Marina was less than 3 weeks from giving birth... Marina wasn’t blond either...

    The wife was described as being blond with near shoulder-length hair, 24 years old, 110 pounds, and as acting as though she were afraid of the man.”

    That’s Arthur Vallee at bottom right.  I feel people underestimate the involvement of Vaganov.



  12. 1 hour ago, Larry Hancock said:

    This should prompt an interesting revisit of where Oswald was if he was not in MC according to the official story....where was he and what was he doing?   As I recall at one point he told Marina he had been in Houston job hunting...Houston anyone?

    He was in Austin, at the Odio’s, and in Dallas



    Mr. LIEBELER. When did you first become aware of the fact that this man who had been at your apartment was the man who had been arrested in connection with the assassination?
    Mrs. ODIO. It was immediately.
    Mr. LIEBELER. As soon as you saw his picture? 
    Mrs. ODIO. Immediately; I was so sure.
    Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any doubt about it? 
    Mrs. ODIO. I don't have any doubts.
    Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any doubt about it then?
    Mrs. ODIO. I kept saying it can't be to myself; it just can't be. I mean it couldn't be, but when my sister walked into the hospital and she said, "Sylvia, have you seen the man?" And I said, "Yes." And she said, "That was the man that was at the door of my house." So I had no doubts then



  13. 17 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Well, then, where did Mr. Hosty get his information about LHO being in MC? Wasn't that from CIA?  

    Pam, Jeff Woosley of INS was a contact for Hosty...  they all knew the CIA was lying very early on....

    if you’ve seen any of my MX stuff you know all of Nov was spent trying to find him




  14. Check that number of copies again...  Z kept 2 films, not just the 1... and do you you know what happens to the Phillips to Rowley film after he gets it the night of the 22nd?  FWIW, I believe this was 0184....  counters don’t just skip numbers.. if 0184 is a complete and uncut film, in DC by the early morning hours of 11/23, how hard is it to get to hawkeyeworks so a sanitized version is delivered to Dino on Sat at 10pm


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