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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    I wish you would annotate better the images that you post.

    Is there a point to be made regarding the top image showing the photo of Oswald in three places?

    Regarding the image with the two signatures, I take it that those are supposed to be Oswald's signature, one on the visa application and the other on the carbon copy of the application. I assume your point is that the two signatures are way different from each other.

    I've looked at numerous examples of Oswald's signatures and they vary from one to the other considerably. Have you checked to see if each of these two signatures look similar to any of his other signatures? Regardless of that, it is certainly odd that the two signatures are so different from each other. It seems likely to me that the signatures were really made on two different occasions. And/or by two different people.

    BTW, my hat's off to you for the fine work you've done on this very important subject. I believe it will prove to be instrumental in solving the case.


    Simple the exhibit, the application and a blowup of the stapled image....  and yes, they match another set of signatures...  guess where?

    the bottom signature looks an awful lot like the signatures from the trip to Russia in 1959.




    The signature at the top of the image on the bottom is a COPY OF THE SIGNATURE by one "Brian S" on an application that we rewritten for exhibit 496 - see below...  Doesn't seem too hard to forge his signature effectively...  one has to wonder why it is even necessary to duplicate so many original items of evidence...








  2. 10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    David, where are the staples?  I don't even see any staple holes.

    Speaking of staples...  So, you think the visa application in the WCR is the same as the one sent to Cuba (or the one we supposedly got from them)?



    Where did the WCR get the exact image without the staples?


  3. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    On the second one, that does not look like an original signature to me, and it does not look like the same guy signed them.


    One last thing David, did you not say once that there was also something about the way the application was stored and stapled that was also odd?

    Digging around in the minutia...  Azcue puts him there a few days earlier...



  4. On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 8:31 PM, David Von Pein said:

    All the more reason to know your make-believe Oswald Patsy Framers must have all been total morons! Because only a complete idiot would want to have a blond guy who was 5-feet-5 try to impersonate a guy who had dark hair and was 5-9.

    Just how stupid were your Mexico City plotters in 1963, Jim?

    Once again Dave...

    We do not buy into YOUR explanation for Mexico... so providing REASONS for your own misconceptions is a waste of time...

    If you weren't choking so hard on government pabulum maybe you'd have time to come up for air and see what this was all about...

    Image result for baby pabulum

  5. 7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    But determined of not much value to the KGB for future operations, expendable?   Assigned to LHO to both (initially), to provide intimate knowledge of his operations, and, ultimately to get him out of their hair so to speak?   As they knew he was a false defector for the CIA. 

    Never, ever believe anything until officially denied...

    Then you can take it to the bank....

  6. 16 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Did you not say at one time that the whole visa clipped application with Duran looked fishy to you also?


    I think you gave two reasons.

    CORNWELL - So, from all the circumstances, did it appear to your that he just went somewhere locally and had the pictures made?
    TIRADO - Yeah. I think that I already explained (to) him where he could take the photographs.
    CORNWELL - You told him some locations in town where ge could go? Were there some right in the neighborhood of the Consulate there?
    TIRADO - That I don't remember.



    CORNWELL - Just one. The ... I believe I asked you this, but just to be sure, although the application was typed with a carbon to make two copies with one typing, did he have to sign both independently? Or did you allow them to use a carbon to sign the paper?
    TIRADO - No, no. It was the original.
    CORNWELL - Two original signatures. All right.
    TIRADO - Yes.



  7. 7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    That's an interesting concept David.  Not to distract from the MC topic.  But the FBI, CIA, Byrd (?) senate investigation on weapons transport in the US at the time, and US Post Office, involved in that investigation at the time, would not notice the shipment or non receipt of the rifle or pistol to Oswald, that pinko commie defector.  Should have raised red flags for Hoover and Angleton both.  Why didn't it?

    Cause it didn’t happen... the rifle was created as an item of evidence against Ozzie.  So there had to be paperwork related as well...

    The Evidence IS the Conspiracy.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Was the fishing expedition tied to the use of the Harvey Lee Oswald name?

    Think it had more to do with Lee HENRY.... than anything else....

    That comes from HQ, not MX...  whoever created the tapes for transcribing (cough, Phillips, cough) controlled the Op.  Why Duran insists Oswald did not return Sat, Azcue claims someone did... and those calls made.... I think it only fair to mention Simpich’s State Secret... for more detail as to what MAY have been the mole hunt trap...  

    The LIENVOY summary reports are only interested in English speaking Americans which is why contemporaneously we get no reporting of these calls... They did not occur....

    yknow, like the FBI not noticing a rifle delivery to their fav little commie...


  9. 3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    You bet someone's been asking that question ---- Me!

    I've been asking CTers that very question for at least 8 years now, including the post below from 2010. No CTer has ever provided any kind of a reasonable or sensible answer to my inquiry either. And I can't even recall any CTer even TRYING to provide a reasonable answer. My question is usually just ignored entirely.



    He was in Austin and Dallas... ..

    How does the CIA have Duran and Oswald on the 28th calling from her desk, when she herself says he didn’t return?


  10. 32 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    Do you have a problem ? Can't you just debate without insulting ? 

    Excuse me?

    You come into this thread spouting nonsense and then call me out?

    and then use DVP as a source?  Just go to the WCR Fran... same thing... nothing DVP does changes what the WCR stated....

    If, on that sunny day you finally pull your head out... maybe you'd know the first thing about what you write below...

    Amazingly, this list you provide simply proves how little you've done to familiarize yourself with the evidence in the case... 

    Pick any one of the things you list and PROVE IT WAS REAL...  just one.

    Or do you simply not have the ability to defend your opinions?


    CORNWELL - During this period was your normal work week, did it include Saturdays?
    TIRADO - Yes.
    CORNWELL - Is it possible that, in addition to his visits on Friday, he also came back the following day on Saturday mourning?

    TIRADO - No.
    CORNWELL - How can you be sure of that?
    TIRADO - Because, uh, I told you before, that it was easy to remember, because not all the Americans that came there were married with a Russian woman, they have live(d) in Russian and uh, we didn't used to fight with those people because if you, they came for going to Cuba, so apparently they were friends, no? So we were nice to them with this man we fight, I mean we had a hard discussion so we didn't want to have anything to do with him.
    CORNWELL - Okay. I understand that but I don't understand how that really answers the question. In other words, the question is, what is it about the events that makes you sure that he did not come back on Saturday, and have another conversation with you?
    TIRADO - Because I remember the fight. So if he (come) back, I would have remembered.
    CORNWELL - Did Azcue work on Saturdays?
    TIRADO - Yes, we used to work in the office but not for the public.
    CORNWELL - Was there a guard, was there a guard out here at the corner near number seven on your diagram on Saturdays?
    TIRADO - Excuse me?
    CORNWELL - Was there a doorman out near the area that you marked as number seven, on the diagram?
    TIRADO - Yes, but on Saturday he never let people ...
    CORNWELL - Never let people in.
    TIRADO - No.
    CORNWELL - Not even if they came up to the doorman and didn't speak Spanish? And were very insistent?
    TIRADO - No, because they could answer or something. They could ask me for instance, no ? by the inter-phone.


    It's the people like you Fran who take the joy out of discussing the case... your level of ignorance and denial reaches so incredibly deep as to be almost comical - yet you come
    here and post the most amusing and comical BS I've read in years....

    Yes Fran, Duran tells us the person she does NPOT identify as our Oswald did not come back... yet the CIA has transcripts of her AND Oswald talking...

    How dat?

    25 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    But I could emulate you :
    - Never mind that his
    picture was on the Cuban application
    - Never mind that he signed several documents
    - Never mind that he wrote a letter himself about his trip
    - Never mind what his own wife said
    - Never mind what Sylvia Duran testified to
    - Never mind what the Soviet embassy officials remembered
    - Never mind what the bus passengers said…
    - Never mind that it wouldn't make sense for conspirators who used a scapegoat to take chances with trying to lie yet again by saying that their scapegoat went to a place where he didn't.
    You know what, DJ…
    never mind !


  11. 4 minutes ago, François Carlier said:

    The evidence of Oswald being in Mexico City is overwhelming

    Please.... post what you have FC....

    Can you do something other than just showing how shallow your thoughts and opinions are...?

    How again does he get there and back...  I'm all ears...


  12. 5aba5ec7b3540_LITAMIL-9CIAassetwithinCubanEmbassyinMexicoCitysaysheneversawOswald.jpg.3ede49c0fc42566f4f755f641bd88adf.jpg


    So FC,

    Never mind the fact a CIA operative misinforms HQ about the date and time of these photos in an attempt to place Oswald there on Oct 1st...

    Never mind that outside of DURAN/AZCUE (who say the man was not the man Ruby killed) and the evidence provided by the highest placed FBI asset at Gobernacion
    there is not one shred of authenticated evidence which places our man Ozzie in Mexico.

    Never mind that one of the most valuable CIA double-agent assets in the Cuban Embassy does not corroborate

    Never mind that the one story about Oswald taking $6500 from a red-headed negro comes from a CIA asset from Nicauragua

    Never mind that the few English speaking people on these buses are placed on a different bus than which the FBI puts Oswald.

    You know what FC...

    never mind.




  13. If you read the BOOKOUT/HOSTY signed interrogation reports... this is the only one with Hosty on it...  maybe he never did "talk" to him again ???
    Seems Fritz did all the asking/talking...  just a thought.

    Yet Hosty is filled with so much Hoover/FBI BS...

    Mr. STERN. And at what time did you know of Oswald's trip to Mexico City and his apparent appearance there at the Russian Embassy? 
    Mr. HOSTY. The 25th of October

    Mr. STERN. Had you received any information about any other contacts with Russian officials by Lee Harvey Oswald? 
    Mr. HOSTY. Not at that time
    Mr. STERN. What other information did you have at anytime about that? 
    Mr. HOSTY. On November 22, after the assassination of President Kennedy, I was advised that our Washington field office of the FBI had determined that he, Lee Oswald, had been in contact with the Soviet Embassy in Washington, D.C. I learned that after the assassination
    Mr. STERN. After the assassination? 
    Mr. HOSTY. Right, sir.

    Uhhh, not so much Mr. Hosty...  you knew a week earlier and lied about it...





  14. Thanks Paul... that was very nice of you...

    --- I remember reading, but cannot put my finger on, something that said TERESA PROENZA the cultural attaché who was replaced runs into this MAN the morning of the 27th but since he did not speak Spanish and she did not speak English, she passed him off to Duran....

    the morning calls were in fluent Spanish....


    Like the quality of the Carcano having no bearing on Oswald's guilt...

    The cameras working or not is a line of thought that keeps you thinking - "he was there"... if only the cameras were working"

    the cameras were working... Russ Holmes' files have page after page of contact sheets...

    Anne Goodpasture purposefully lied about these photos, who they were and when they were taken... Nothing was taken Oct 1 related to Oswald

    But on the 2nd, 4th and 15th... we get Mystery Man



    This is Goodpasture admitting she may have made a mistake...  Asking anyone from the Mexico station about Ann G. and the last thing they mention are mistakes.... meticulous and exceedingly capable is what I saw...




  15. It was in the best interest of the FBI that Oswald be placed in Mexico during this time.

    Hosty was already in enough trouble for other things said in the basement of the DPD...

    His "word" for Oswald's reactions and behavior have very little weight in my book... in fact I'd go as far as to say he'd put out the exact opposite of what actually transpired.

    You've seen this?   https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10482#relPageId=14&tab=page  



  16. :cheers  sure thing Rick...


    Pamela - please to remember that the only evidence of Oswald himself comes from the CIA's transcript of tapes which had been listened to and helped form the conclusion it was NOT Oswald...

    There was no "2nd man down there" as Hoover tries to conclude...  

    There was instead either 

    1. someone playing the part of Oswald   or
    2. The name Oswald was evoked to create a desired response...

    The man on the 27th was proven not to be Oswald... in fact, the CIA tells us of ONLY the two 10:30 calls and a 12:35 call - 

    and since they were in fluent Spanish - "There is evidence that the calls were not related to OSWALD"....

    Despite this, the FBI uses the 10:37am first call as the MUST BE IN MEXICO time to determine which buses to put him on...

    and the wheels on the bus go round and round...  


  17. 24 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    It seems possible to me that LHO was not in MC.  However, when I spoke with James Hosty he thought that LHO's reaction when Hosty asked him about MC was significant.  Apparently, they had been having a calm talk, but when Hosty asked him about MC, LHO blew up and then refused to talk further.  So my question is, if LHO was not in MC, what do you think he knew or not know about what was going on there? 

    Pamela... do you have anything to support that sequence of events?  

    I found this article about that very interaction:  According to the writer describing what Hosty later recalled:, Oswald seemed startled... but never had the chance to answer...

    I'll keep looking....


    Why doesn't Oswald just admit he was at Odio's and in Dallas working for the FBI?  :huh:

    It appears that Oswald was a good little soldier in this charade and did not give away his alliances. Does anyone then ask - if you were not in Mexico, where were you?


  18. Thanks Vince!



    Without question, Secret Service agent Floyd M. Boring, the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the White House Detail during the Kennedy Administration (SAIC Behn's direct assistant),bears a heavy burden in any analysis of JFK's mortal trip to the Lone Star state of  Texas in November of 1963, whether we view the President's murder as the act of a lone nut (Oswald) or as the result of a deadly  conspiracy.  Boring, who was not physically present in Texas with the President(that 'honor' went to a third-stringer, ASAIC Roy H. Kellerman),had just recently been with the President in Florida(11/18/63), where JFK visited Tampa, Miami, and Palm Beach.  According to Agent Sam Kinney, SAIC Jerry Behn was finally able to take a vacation coinciding with the time period of JFK's Texas trip, which left ASAIC Boring able to oversee things from his home in Washington, D. C. (you don't always have to be physically present to be in charge of things, such as when the SAIC of the Protective Research Section, Robert Bouck, monitored  the 11/9/63 Joseph Milteer threats made in Miami from the Executive Office Building in Washington).  In other words, Floyd Boring was in charge of PLANNING the Texas trip (based off my two interviews with Mr. Boring, 9/22/93 and 3/4/94, as well as an important reference on page 558 of Jim Bishop's "The Day

    Kennedy was Shot", not to mention several conversations with Sam Kinney)!


    It was during the President's last trip before the Texas tour, in Tampa, Florida, where Boring took it upon himself to order the agents who were riding in protective positions on the rear of  JFK's limo to dismount and return to the follow-up car (despite 5 April 1964 reports to the contrary1, Sam Kinney, Dave Powers, Rufus Youngblood, Gerald Behn [author of  a report], Robert Bouck, John Norris, Abraham Bolden, Bob Lilly, Maurice Martineau, Marty Underwood, and, surprisingly, FLOYD BORING himself [author of a report and the primary sources for the other 4 reports; Clint Hill named him as the source  during his Warren Commission testimony]2 told me that JFK did not restrict the agents from doing anything!).  By blaming JFK for this action, Boring was able to keep the attention away from himself.  In addition, by his absence from the Texas trip, Boring was kept out of the swirling controversies involving what should-and should not- have happened in regard to security matters (Behn was interviewed in Executive session of the HSCA , while Roy Kellerman, Chief James Rowley, and Inspector Kelley testified to both the Warren Commission and the HSCA) .WHY did Boring (and the others after him) blame JFK for this order? I was unable to get a definitive answer, but one thing is for certain: if John Ready and Clint Hill had ALREADY been stationed on the rear of the limo in Dallas during the shooting on Elm Street, these men would have been able to protect JFK from, at the very least, the fatal head shot that ultimately killed him(Greer and

    Roberts inactions notwithstanding).


    So, is that it?  Is that all Boring is responsible for (although quite important, nonetheless)?  Far from it:


    1.  Gave Advance Agent Winston Lawson the Dallas assignment on 11/4/633, coinciding with Behn's---or SOMEONE's---call to Sorrels.

    2. Several days later,Lawson phoned Behn's office about the critical Trade Mart decision-Lawson wasn't sure he actually spoke to Behn.4  In light of the fact that Behn was dead set against going to the Trade Mart after seeing pictures of the catwalks, an excellent perch for snipers("We'll NEVER go there", he said5; along with Jerry Bruno and Ken O'Donnell, he wanted the Women's Building, which the Secret Service conceded was the better choice from a security standpoint6), and the fact that Kellerman did not become involved with any planning until four days later (11/8/63),it appears quite likely that Lawson spoke to Boring and received information which was conducive to some kind of approval for this site as a selected spot for JFK's speech (which, in turn, had a direct bearing on the potential route choices , the speed of the limousine, and the security of the building !

    3. Of the 3 known PRS checks of potential threats to the President in Texas, with the particular focus on Dallas, Boring was involved in at least 2, all three of which yielded NO information at all, which Roy Kellerman (to the WC7) and Abe Bolden (to me) both said was very unusual [Lawson inquired into the first check on 11/8/63-Boring told him there wouldn't be any information of any consequence until this date; Kellerman inquired into the second check on 11/10/63-he even said Boring was probably involved with this particular inquiry; Youngblood inquired into the third known check on the morning of 11/22/63 thru an UNNAMED agent8].  What makes this even more unbelievable is the following-

    4. As the agent in charge of Kennedy's trip to Florida, Boring had to have been much aware of the Joseph Milteer threats, as well as the anti-Castro Cuban Community's threats AND the organized crime threat, which, according to Sam Kinney, gave the agents a scare down there9.  A motorcade in Miami was deemed unwise (it was not canceled, it was nipped in the bud), as the Secret Service (including Bouck in Washington and the agents from the Miami field office)  believed via heir knowledge of the aforementioned threats.
      However, although Advance Agent David Grant came from Florida to assist in motorcade security in Dallas on the evening of 11/18/63 (along with Donald Lawton, Sam Kinney, Emory Roberts, and Bert deFreese later on10), and Boring was in charge of planning the Texas trip, the threat knowledge was NOT relayed to the advance team in Dallas!!!  Perhaps this is why Jerry Behn told me he was asked about the Florida trip in Executive Session of the HSCA-Behn wasn't on this trip either, and none of his testimony was published...

    5. David Grant was a key player in the planning of the motorcade route (which was CHANGED shortly after his arrival on 11/18/6311-prior to this date, only Main Street was mentioned, although, as Sam Kinney and Win Lawson told me, there were ALTERNATIVE routes12 Behn told me the route was indeed changed, yet another matter the HSCA brought up in its 'private' forum13), the "uniquely insecure" removal of  flanking  motorcycles(in direct contrast to the prior Texas motorcades in San Antonio, Houston, and Fort Worth  on 11/21-11/22/63!14), the deletion of  the Dallas police squad car15 (Chief Curry Wanted this car there), the reshuffling of the motorcade order ( with Lawson16), and the placement of the press, Dr. Burkley,  Godfrey  McHugh and Ted Clifton  to the REAR of the motorcade procession(Burkley protested, McHugh told CFTR  radio this was "UNUSUAL", and photographer Tom Dillard said this effectively  and uniquely brought them out of the picture, as the press usually rode on aflatbed truck directly in front of JFK's limo, not to mention the press buses which usually follows the follow-up car...17).  Grant(who was involved in the drinking incident18)  worked hand-in-glove with Boring in Florida, too...

    6. On 11/21/63, Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker agreed to offer Dallas Agent Forrest Sorrels his "full support" to motorcade security for 11/22/63 (as verified in Sorrel's report published in the WC volumes19). Yet, on the morning of 11/22/63, according to Roger Craig (and as verified in several films/photos), Decker had his men standing idle on the corner of Main and Houston as "spectators" and nothing more.20 According to author/ researcher Gary Shaw21 and Dr. Grant Leitma 22 (a Maryland researcher) these unusual standdown orders came TO Decker via a call from a still unknown source in the nation’s capital (recall that Chief Curry stated in his book that the security arrangements were directed from Washington 23)!  If true, it is quite possible that Mr. Boring, stationed in Washington and  in charge of planning the Texas trip, gave these orders...


    Boring has a rich background- he was President Truman's temporary Chauffeur (Bill Greer drove Truman, as well) and, on 11/1/50, while Truman was Sleeping in Blair House during the renovation of the White House, two Puerto Rican Nationalists began their assassination attempt with guns ablaze while Boring was TEMPORARILY in charge of the White House Detail for that day (see Baughman's book and

    McCullough's book on Truman)and guarding Blair House(with agents Vincent Mroz and several White House policeman).As it turned out, Boring fired the only official bullets ever fired by a Secret Service agent in their long history of protecting the nation's presidents24-he killed one of them, Grisselia Torreselo, while the other, Oscar Collazo,was wounded but survived(Sam Kinney later guarded him in the hospital; Collazo, who was later inexplicably pardoned by Jimmy Carter, passed away in 199425)!


    Interestingly, another agent, Stu Stout, was guarding Truman inside Blair House, fending off the many shouts of angry housekeepers with his Thompson submachine gun, refusing to budge from his assigned position in the chance that the assassins made their way passed Boring (Stout was later commended by Secret Service officials for his action, the housekeepers notwithstanding26). Ironically, on 11/22/63,

    while President Kennedy was the victim of a successful assassination, Stout assumed the very same position-safely away inside a building (the Trade Mart).Kinney and Boring told me that  Stout died not long after 11/22/63, the first agent to die after the assassination (cause unknown...they wouldn't say).I guess it is true that history does repeat itself from time to time...


    Boring, whose code name was Deacon (later used by Jimmy Carter!27), served in the Secret Service from FDR's administration until 1967, when he retired as an Inspector during the Johnson administration (although Youngblood's book [ghost-written] states that both Boring and Behn became Inspectors -a highly coveted position of power-after the assassination, Behn told me emphatically that he did NOT become an Inspector, although Floyd Boring did(Behn considered his January 1965 transfer out of the

    White House Detail a "demotion", as he went with another former SAIC, Stu Knight [from LBJ's detail],to a division known as "Special Investigations", which was a non-protective function, whose goal was to investigate violations of the Gold Act, among others28).In fact, it is ironic that Boring appears to have been the only agent in a supervisory capacity in JFK's DETAIL to have benefited after the murder(Rowley took much heat, before, during, and after both his Warren Commission and HSCA testimony, and was later replaced as Chief in 1972 during the Watergate crisis by none other than Stu Knight;  Behn retired in 1967 and went to the Post Office Department [his boss was JFK Aide  Bill Hartigan, the same man who would later interview Behn for an extremely tight-lipped JFK Library Oral History in 1976]; Roy Kellerman's power  was usurped at Parkland Hospital by his deputy, Emory Roberts, and he would later become an Assistant Administrator in charge of payroll and the like-a desk job[he retired in 1968])!


    Although ASAIC of  V.P. Detail Rufus Youngblood , who  was to become the SAIC of this particular detail on 11/25/63, advancing ahead of the equally-absent  Stu Knight,  went on to become one of the ASAIC's of LBJ"s  Presidential Detail (due to LBJ's call to Rowley), he was, of course, already an "LBJ man", so to speak (Youngblood  became one of the ASAIC's of the White House Detail immediately after the murder[Behn, Boring, and Kellerman temporarily kept there nominal positions] until January 1965, when Youngblood became THE SAIC of the White House Detail[we already know what happened to Behn and Knight] with Kellerman now HIS deputy along with a new deputy ASAIC, Thomas "Lem" Johns, another Dealey Plaza veteran29).According to Sam Kinney, Emory Roberts became the Appointment Secretary to LBJ, and Sam assisted Emory(Emory died of an alleged heart attack in the late 1960's, the same time an unknown agent took his own life with a handgun, according to Agent Marty Venker30.  Interestingly, Mrs. Juanita Roberts, LBJ's Chief private secretary, MAY have been Emory's wife, due to the circumstances of his later position-I'll try to find out...).  Nevertheless, it was Boring who immediately advanced the highest and the fastest after the tragedy (Knight became the Chief 9 years later, while Agent Clint Hill was SAIC of the White House Detail during the Ford administration, some 10-12 years later).


    Boring, now 80 years old and a partial stroke victim, still has an agile mind; it is a crime that he was not interviewed by either the Warren Commission or the HSCA-of the book's he was interviewed in (former Chief Baughman's "Secret Service Chief" and McCullough's "Truman"), there is Nothing but fodder for Truman historians.  The only Kennedy book he is quoted in, Manchester's "The Death of a President"31, is a true enigma-Boring was NOT interviewed for this book(see the book's endnotes; also, Boring confirmed this to me on two occasions)!Alas, the story is not over just yet:  in regard to ANOTHER author we have come across who is known for his errors and ALLEGED interviews, Gerald Posner, during the course of my research, I attempted to find out if what Posner claims at the end of his book was true-that, via Hamilton Brown, the Executive Secretary of the Former Agents of the Secret Service(formerly on Joseph Kennedy's Detail on 11/22/63, first name actually "Percy"), Posner was able to locate and speak with several former agents32. Since none were credited in the text or his endnotes, I began to get suspicious;

    this was heightened when Ann Eisele of the Washington Post called me in November 1993 and wanted to get in touch with Brown(along with  some Italian and English journalists, I was contacted a lot that fall in regards to the Secret Service).  I gave her the number after I received confirmation that a) she was who

    she said she was and b) that she would NOT let Brown know I gave her the number (as readers may be aware, Brown told me angrily to "cease and desist from contacting anymore of my associates", and I did not want to incur his wrath again!33).Even under these circumstances, with her impeccable credentials and no causes for alarm, Brown would not communicate with her or give her ANY information on how to

    get in touch with former agents (although that was his job, and she was working with Newsweek and CBS for an Oswald-did-it piece for TV and print)!So, I thought-why the hell would Brown help this relative nobody named Gerald Posner out unless... hmmm....unless, just as Posner received exclusive access to Nosenko from the CIA in exchange for a book to their "liking", Brown was somehow assured by Posner

    -and Random House- of the same thing.


    However, there is one little wrinkle in this story-there was ONE agent who I was able to confirm who WAS contacted by Posner, and it was THIS agent that referred him to Brown for reason or reasons unclear:  Floyd M. Boring34.



    Boring is interesting.



    3/22/95 by Vincent M. Palamara


    1 18H803-809


    2 2H136-137


    3 4H336


    4 4H337


    5 " The Lone Star- the Life of John Connally" by James Reston, Jr. (New York: Harper and Row, 1989) p. 258; 11HSCA 516; HSCA Report 12/13/77-interview with Jerry Bruno


    6 21H546; 11HSCA516


    7 2H107-108; 11HSCA523


    8 "The Third Alternative-Survivor's Guilt: the Secret Service and the JFK Murder" by Vince Palamara (self-published,1994) pp. 11,50


    9 author's interview with Sam Kinney 4/15/94


    10 WR421; 18H789; 17H601; author's interviews with Winston Lawson and Sam Kinney


    11 author's interview with Gerald Behn 9/27/92


    12 see also 4H326


    13 author's interview with Gerald Behn 9/27/92


    14 11HSCA527-529; NBC video of Houston motorcade 11/21/63


    15 11HSCA530


    16 25H786; author's interview with Winston Lawson 9/27/92; "The Third Alternative", pp18,49


    17"The Third Alternative", p.49; Tom Dillard on C-SPAN 11/22/93


    18 18H684


    19 21H547


    20 "Two Men in Dallas" video; Hughes film


    21 author's phone conversation with Gary Shaw 8/23/93


    22 letter to author 12/14/93


    23 "JFK Assassination File" by Jesse Curry, p. 9


    24author's interviews with Floyd Boring, 9/22/93 and 3/4/94


    25 author's interview with Sam Kinney 3/5/94; "Confessions of an Ex-Secret Service Agent" by George Rush (New York: Pocket Books, 1988), p. 133


    26 "The Secret Service Story" by Michael Dorman (New York: Dell, 1967), P.69


    27 "The Death of a President" by William Manchester (New York: Harper and Row, 1988 Edition), p. xxi; "Air Force One: The Planes and the Presidents-Flight II" video (1991)


    28 author's interview with Rufus Youngblood 2/8/94; author's interview withStu Knight 10/22/92


    29 author's interviews with Rufus Youngblood, 10/22/92 and 2/8/94


    30 "Confessions of an Ex-Secret Service Agent", pp. 216-217


    31 "The Death of a President", p. 37; the author contacted Manchester about This dramatic contradiction in August of 1993, but he refused to show me his notes or any other means with which to back up his published claim


    32 "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner (New York: Random House, 1993), p. 503


    33 author's interview with Hamilton Brown 9/30/92 (former agents' Bob Lilly and Sam Kinney were offended at Brown's conduct, but the Secret Service HAS traditionally advised against ANY interviews other than those channeled through the "official" Public Affairs Department)


    34 Boring told me that he did not tell Posner anything other than Brown's phone number, and he was unsure if Posner even followed through with the call (it is very interesting that Mr. Posner picked up on Boring's importance to the assassination).


  19. 7 minutes ago, Daniel Rice said:

    The whole press bus repositioning is quite suspicious.  Is there any record of who set this particular parade line up?

    By way of example...  Here's the motorcade in Milwaukee

    I think the men in coats and hats 3 cars back are the press pool...

    Guess there wasn't a plan to take him out during this one... :rolleyes:


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