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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. Interesting thought Michael....  doubtful to get a true course answer though - if you are indeed correct.... or even if not.

    As to Aliens....  Can anyone name an organism that have ever arrived at the shores of a hospitable environment AND allowed the indigenous to remain and flourish?

    Is there anyone who can believe that a species advanced enough to travel the vast galactic distances would become so incredibly lame the instant they hit our Solar system?

    And then there's pure common sense...  Send a probe first.  That's what intelligent beings would do...

    Do you honestly believe that a species with the ability to first find us, yet not send a signal?  Just show up and proceed to crash into everything?  :huh:

    Anyway...  while we'd like to believe, some simple common sense makes it extremely difficult.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    On April 5, 2018, a team of intelligence agents entered the White House and went directly to the library where Nixon's Message to the American People about the Alien Presence was hidden. Using thermal imaging they found it. The Message was hidden in the binder of Volume 2 of American History. The envelope on its outside bore Nixon's handwriting that said, "To be opened in the 2018."

    What's the source on this Doug?

    You usually provide links... 

  3. 1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

    Didn't Nagell deliberately get himself arrested for bank robbery so that he would be in jail on or around November 22? If true, I would say that foreknowledge is the only explanation. But who did he think was going to do it? He wasn't a lone nutter, was he?



    Yes Ron... shot twice into the ceiling and sat down waiting for the police...  I believe it was the files in his trunk that he wanted the "FEDS" to find...  but Larry can speak to that with much greater depth.

    Nagell claims he was sent by the KGB to stop Oswald from killing JFK by himself killing Oswald.  Or at least he thinks that... his double-agent status is hard to follow... purposefully no doubt.

  4. In virtually every case, the WC lawyers use the full "Lee Harvey Oswald" when referring to him.... Lee Oswald as well but usually by the commissioners as opposed to the lawyers....

    These are the few times I could find "HARVEY" without "LEE"....


    Mr. DULLES - And you wouldn't have said "Harvey Oswald," would you? 
    Mrs. PAINE - I knew he had a middle name but only because I filled out forms in Parkland Hospital. It was never used with him. 
    Mr. JENNER - You do recall definitely that you asked for Lee Oswald? 
    Mrs. PAINE - I cannot be that definite. But I believe I asked for him. Oh, yes; I recall definitely what I asked. I cannot be definite about the man's reply, whether he included the full name in his reply. 
    Mr. JENNER - But you did? 
    Mrs. PAINE - I asked for the full name, "Is Lee Oswald there." 

    (This is Sept 21-23 1963 - Ruth and Marina et al left the 23rd...the 3rd day after the 2nd night - after her Quaker trip)

    Mr. JENNER - Now, you were there for 2 full days and 3 evenings. Would you tell us, conserving your description in your words, what did you do during these 2 days and 3 nights. When I say "you", I am including all three of you. 
    Mrs. PAINE - Of course, afternoons we usually spent in rest for the children, having all small children, all of us having small children. 
    Mr. JENNER - Whenever this doesn't include Lee Harvey Oswald would you be good enough to tell us? 
    Mrs. PAINE - When he was not present? 
    Mr. JENNER - That is right. 
    Mrs. PAINE - My recollection is that he was present most of the weekend. He went out to buy groceries, came in with a cheery call to his two girls, saying, "Yabutchski," which means girls, the Russian word for girls, as he came in the door. It was more like Harvey than I had seen him before. He remembered this time. (huh? DJ) I saw him reading a pocketbook. 


    Here too is a WCR Exh list of letters FROM Lee - from Dec 17, 1959 there are no letters until January 30, 1961

    Between the letter of May 5 and May 25, 1961 Oswald goes from telling Robert of his marriage and baby to wishing to return to the US.

    Did something happen during that time, Steve, which supports the 2 man theory??
    Btw...  we don't seem to have the letters FROM ROBERT of which Lee/Harvey speaks  or any of the letter from his mother for that matter... this also holds true about letters FROM Marge.  (see below for a list of letter TO Oswald)

    If Marge and/or Robert Oswald was writing the real LEE - the 5'11" 165lb man...  HARVEY would not have any of these letters... would he?



      Page Exibit No. Description   Mo Day Year
    Pic Exh  67 10 and 10 A-B Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to John Pic  August 23 8 23 1950
    Socialist Party info request 25-26 1 Copy of a letter addressed "Dear Sirs" from Lee Harvey Oswald   October 3 10 3 1956
    Registration 633 234 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Albert Schweitzer College   June 19 6 19 1959
    CE200 580 200 Undated letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   September 18 9 18 1959
    1st to Robert 814 294 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   November 8 11 8 1959
    2nd to Robert - NEVER want to go back to USA 815-823 295 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   November 26 11 26 1959
    3rd Letter from Lee to Robert from Russia 825 297 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   December 17 12 17 1959
    To Sec of Navy 248-249 2 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to John B. Connally   January 30 1 30 1961
    ce251 - Inconvenient to come to Moscow 702-704 251 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   March 12 3 12 1961
    ce298 - Long time since I wrote 826 298 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   May 5 5 5 1961
    more about getting to USA 705-708 252 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   May 24 5 24 1961
    Talks of wanting to come home 827-830 299 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   May 31 5 31 1961
    Write often - trying to get OUT of USSR 833 301 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   July 14 7 14 1961
    US embassy referes to July 15 61 letter ?? ?? Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   July 15 7 15 1961
      532-533 181 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   August 3 8 3 1961
      836 303 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   August 21 8 21 1961
      838-841 305 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   September 10 9 10 1961
      534-536 182 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   October 2 10 2 1961
      537-540 183 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   October 22 10 22 1961
      842-844 306 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   October 22 10 22 1961
      852-854 309 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   November 1 11 1 1961
    LHO to clarify info 709-712 253 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   November 1 11 1 1961
      541-543 184 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   November 8 11 8 1961
      845-848 307 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   November 20 11 20 1961
      849-851 308 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   November 30 11 30 1961
    CE254 713 254 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   December 1 12 1 1961
      548-550 187 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   December 13 12 13 1961
      857-859 311 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   December 14 12 14 1961
      551-553 188 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   December 20 12 20 1961
      714-716 255 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   December 27 12 28 1961
      554-557 189 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   January 2 1 2 1962
      862-864 313 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   January 5 1 5 1962
      688-690 246 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   January 5 1 5 1962
      717-718 256 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   January 16 1 16 1962
      560-561 191 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   January 20 1 20 1962
      558-559 190 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   January 23 1 23 1962
      691-692 247 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   January 23 1 23 1962
      865-869 314 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   January 30 1 30 1962
      562-563 192 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   February 1 2 1 1962
      564-566 193 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   February 9 2 9 1962
      567-569 194 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   February 15 2 15 1962
      870-873 315 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   February 15 2 15 1962
      570-572 195 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   February 24 2 24 1962
      697-699 249 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the American Embassy in Moscow   March 23 3 23 1962
      573-575 196 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   March 28 3 28 1962
    CE317 877-879 317 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   April 12 4 12 1962
      576-577 197 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   April 22 4 22 1962
      578 198 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald   May 30 5 30 1962
      257-259 1 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Worker   June 10 6 10 1962
    CE300 831-832 300 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Robert Oswald   June 26 6 26 1962
    CE201 581-582 201 Undated letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald.   June/July  7 1 1962




    Exibit No. Description Page
    65 Letter from "Brick" to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated August 22, 1962. 216
    72 Letter from Patrice Lmnumba University to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 3, 1961. 234
    229 Letter from Prof. Hans Casparis, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 22, 1960, with envelope. 626-627
    230 Copy of letter from E. Weibel, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 28, 1959. 628
    235 Letter from B. Weibel, Albert Schweitzer College, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated July 10, 1959. 634
    241 Letter from Joseish B. Norbury, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December 14, 1961. 681
    919 Letter from the American Embassy In Moscow to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated November 8, 1959. 117
    933 Letter from the American Embassy in Moscow to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated February 28, 1961. 135
    6 Copy of a letter from Pioneer Publishers to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated September 29, 1962; a receipt dated August 31, 1962; an order blank from Lee Harvey Oswald to Pioneer Publishers for a copy of "The Teachings of Leon Trotsky"; an envelope post- marked January 21, 1963, from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Pioneer Publishers. 570-572
    8 Copy of a letter from Mrs. V. Halstead, Pioneer Publishers, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated April 26, 1963. 574
    9 Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Socialist Workers Party, dated August 12, 1962; newspaper ad coupon from Lee Harvey Oswald to the Socialist Workers Party; copy of letter from Sherry Finer, Socialist Workers Party, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated August 23, 1962. 575-576
    11 Letter from Farrell Dobbs to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated November 5, 1962. 578
    12 Letter from Bob Chester to Lee Harvey Oswald dated December 9, 1962. 579
    13 Letter from Joseph Task, Socialist Workers Party, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated March 27, 1963. 580
    2 Letter from Arnold S. Johnson to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated July 31,1963 260
    4-A Letter from Arnold S. Johnson to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated September 19, 1963. 265
    3 Letter from V. T. Lee, national director of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 29, 1963. 514-516
    3-A Letter from V. T. Lee, national director of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated May 22, 1963. 517
    2 Copy of a letter from James J. Tormey to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December 13, 1962. 677
    1 Letter from Louis Weinstock, general manager of the Worker, to Lee Harvey Oswald, dated December19, 1961 721
    1074 Copy of a letter dated March 24, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk. 24
    1075 Copy of a letter dated July 24, 1961, from John A. MeVickar, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk. 25
    1076 Copy of a letter dated November 13, 1961, from Joseph B. Norbury, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk. 25
    1078 Copy of a letter dated January 5, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk. 26
    1079 Copy of a letter dated January 15, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk. 27
    1084 Letter dated February 28, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope. 31-32
    1085 Letter dated March 24, 1961, from Richard E. Snyder, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope. 33-34
    1090 Copy of a letter dated January 11, 1963, from R. C. Reeley, Office of Finance, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Dallas, Tex. 38
    1000 Letter dated January 15, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, with envelope. 49-50
    1103 Letter dated February 28, 1962, from J. W. Holland, District Director, San Antonio Office, Immigration and Naturalization 55-57 Service, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, enclosing "Instructions to the Applicant," with envelope (FBI item 246). 55-57
    1124 Letter dated January 5, 1962, from Samuel G. Wise, American Embassy, Moscow, to Lee Harvey Oswald, Minsk, enclosing document entitled "Evidence Which Can Be Presented To Meet the Public Charge Provision of the Law," with envelope. 90-92
    2224 Letter to Commission dated May 13, 1964, from Peter Megargee Brown, enclosing photostatic copies of all materials relating to Lee Harvey Oswald in possession or control of the Community Service Society or its counsel (CD 930). 123-126
    2648 Letters dated August 22 and July 6, 1963, from Eugene John Murret to Lee Harvey Oswald. 919
    2663 Letter dated February 23, 1962, from John Connally to Lee Harvey Oswald, notifying him his letter of January 30 has been referred to Navy Department (CD 1114, 11-30). 19
    2768 Letter from National Security Agency dated June 16, 1964, to Commission, concerning cryptologists' report on materials relating to Lee Harvey Oswald (CD 1120). 155
  5. On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 12:08 PM, Mark Stevens said:

    Does anyone know who "T/9" is? I'm fairly sure this person is a Cuban who doubled for the CIA, L/9 is Soeto, is T/9 a completely different cryptonym?

    L/9 is LITAMIL-9 which can be looked up at MFF Cryptonym database...

    He was a cultural attaché at the Cuban Consulate...


  6. On ‎4‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:27 AM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    All I can tell you is follow the photographic and film evidence, everything else is a false narrative.

    The series of articles I wrote have a main theme...

    The Evidence IS the Conspiracy....

    Following this or any evidence leads only to the conspiracy; in relation to the small amount of true info which applies to the actual assassination.

    Since these items of evidence fail the authenticity test, they would never see a court of law.

    And that is my point...   I challenge anyone to point to an item of evidence which can be proven AUTHENTIC in the legal sense.

    If not authentic, the evidence and its implications are moot.   DVP talks about the evidence but never allow the discussion to get to the point where this evidence is rendered REAL.  

    There is a huge hole in the rifle authentication...  enough to generate reasonable noble doubt that any rifle let alone that one was ever involved in these transactions.

    If the evidence cannot be proven authentic, Oswald’s use of it also becomes moot.   Just like Ozzie not being on the 6th floor at the time....

    Immediate non starters...   that there are many who saw a different yet eerily similar film to Zapruder’s... and the activities described match what we’d expect to see on the cutting room floor somewhere in Northern NYState.  

    So please... before evidence is used to Prove or Support a factual conclusion..

     it must be authenticated by its uniqueness, or by chain of custody....

    With very few exceptions, the visual record of events has been severely altered.

    ie... look at Altgen’s 2nd to last photo of the car speeding away compared to the others....  and that is the one hoot of his without a negative....  the photos and films showing anything were extremely limited.. a small handful which where dealt with as needed.

    The Evidence IS the Conspiracy...  and always will be....  we chase the shadows and ripples of fact hoping to see what really caused them...   imo that is...




  7. 30 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:



    How did they so accurately choose two boys whom they just kinda hoped would grow up looking alike?

    Was it Dr. Strangelove-like double sperm deal that worked out better than they could have ever hoped for?

    Or what?

    --  TG


    Your assumptions are inaccurate as usual.  It resembles a Straw Man argument/tactic...  At least that's what I've heard...


    You start from your own misguided opinions about plans to which no one is privy.....

    And proceed to insert feet in mouth with childish glee...

    As to the words of wit and sarcasm sent in my direction....  You so funny... :zzz

    Post something serious occasionally ....so we know the difference...   :up

  8. 1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:



    Should I have said "religion," instead?

    --  TG


    Pretty sure you don't want me to SHOULD all over you and an ongoing behavior which betrays an ongoing agenda which remains impossible for you to control....

    The only truly off the wall, unsupported drek ever peddled with seriousness remains your thinly disguised attempt at forum ridicule with that pet theory in search of support....   

    It takes special members to ridicule the work of others while contributing so little to furthering the cause.... Or, if having contributed in the past, how little respect is offered as opposed to how so very much is expected.


  9. To ponder:

    If the shooters were connected via COLLINS RADIOS... the "Fire" command would allow 2-3 shooters to fire within a split second of each other...

    .... also, the area where the Tramps walk past Lansdale....  same area as you have a shooter for the 2nd z313 shot...

    Except it appears too large and that he shouldn't be all black



  10. On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 4:00 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    470.666666 - 16.6666% = (1/2 x 1/3) =
    392.22 - 353 =
    39.22 Remaining

    This is AFTER 133  (486 - 133 = 353)

    Q: 39.22 frames at 18.3 fps, not 48... right?

    39.22 / 18.3 = 2.143 seconds....  & also equals 39.22 * either (48/18.3) =  103 whole frames or  (48/18) = 105 whole frames at 48fps

    Let's look at the likely candidates for removal...

    z154 - z158...  while it appears that z157's top is spliced into z156's bottom...  JFK's head turn in 1 frame seems impossible



    z207 (WEST location fro a shot) thru z212  -  1 of 2 shots removed

    z207 to z208 on CE884 is 2.24 feet which = 28mph....  it was not possible for the limo to travel that distance in 1 frame so 208 was changed to 210 in CE884 to bring the spped down under 10mph

    On CE585 we can see the faint writing stating that Shot #1 at frame 207/8 was a bit farther up Elm...   So while JFK and JC appear to be hit nearly simultaneously... there was a fraction of a second separating the 2 shots...  Many feel JFK was hit, possibly twice between 190 and 223...





    Z302 - 303 is another example of an extreme head turn and the fact that the image is relatively uniform in focus despite - supposedly - the limo or the camera was moving...





    And again at 314-316




    and again at 350 - right where the shot by the stairs occurs

    Mr. LIEBELER - You also testified that you were standing perhaps no more than 15 feet away when the President was hit in the head and that you are absolutely certain that there were no shots fired after the President was hit in the head?
    Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; that's correct.

    .....There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing, so much so that it indicated to me that the shot came out of the left side of his head. 



  11. 18 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Thanks David,

    Two more for you:

    (18/48) x (2) x (1.2) x (1/.9) = whole frames 

    (1 - .11111) x 18 = frame rate 


    18 X 2 = 36 X 1.2 =  43.2 X 1.1111 = 48 / 48 = 1

    (1-.11111) = .888889 X 18 = 16 frames per second (1 of the 2 settings for speed on the B&H)  the other was 48fps

    If the film was not altered or taken at 48fps it would have been taken at 16fps

    What happens to all the calcs when you revert back to the normal camera speed - and why was 18.3 so much more important to use than 16?

    First big reason was the incline of Elm with a rise/run of 1'/18.3'

    16/18.3 = .8743

    From the first splice, 133, to 313... 180 frames @18.3 frames drops to 157 frames at 16 fps.  z313 - 157 frames = z156, the location of the 2nd splice and exactly half the frames.

    180 frames minus 157 frames = 23 frames @ ~1 foot per frame is the length of the limo

    z156 - z133 = 23 frames = length of the limo


    {thinking out loud}

    486 frames @ 18.3 = 425 frames @ 16.    61 frame diff
    353 frames (486-133) = 309 frames @ 16   42 frame diff...   

    42 frames would be the distance between 313 and the final shot per the SS...


  12. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    If you remove 5 frames between the first and last, the position of the limo will match the extant film.


    first and last?  133 and 135?   you talking about that jag to the left in the unstabilized version

    that sentence really doesn't help clarify it buddy...   

    At about 1 foot per frame,  2 frames divided by .25 = 8 frames at 48 fps

    to 134 to 135 at 18.3 = to 133.1 - 133.2 - 133.3 - 134 - 134.1 - 134.2 -  134.3 - 135 at 48 Ffps

    remove half (4 frames) leaving 4      133.1, 133.2, 134.1, 134.2
    remove half (2 frames) leaving 2      133.3,              134.3

    2 frames left, 5 removed... from a 48 fps film...

    but I still don't understand what you mean by "the position of the limo will match the extant film"  

    when and where?


  13. 18 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:


    Just a slight tweak on that.

    The more frames they have initially, the less distance the limo appears to move per frame, especially after a block of frames has been removed.

    If you look back at my speed increments for z133-z149(average 14.88mph) or from z133-z166 (average 13.44mph) and break that down into a 48fps film:

    14.88 x 1.47 (1mph) = 21.87ft per sec

    13.44 x 1.47 (1mph) = 19.76ft per sec

    21.87 / 48 = .455ft per frame x 5 removed frames = 2.275ft

    19.76 / 48 = .411ft per frame x 5 removed frames = 2.058ft

    Converted from the extant film, 2 frames would equal a distance of either:

    2 x 1.08ft (13.44mph) = 2.16ft

    2 x 1.195ft (14.88mph) = 2.39ft = distance between JFK and Connally in the limo.

    So, when the extant film starts, between z133-z135 (2 frame span), what happens to the film?

    P.S. Graphic representation to follow, in a little while.








    Ok buddy... help me understand...  (133-135 is a 3 frame span though...)

    Here is 133, 134, 135, 136 & 137 stabilized around the light pole



    or not stabilized and the camera shift shows a perfect 1 frame movement... kinda looks like a splice after a camera jiggle as a result of a shot....


  14. 3 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Steve, in light of the way you've laid these occurrences out..  Is it conceivable that Oswald's cover was blown regarding infiltrating say DRE and Alpha 66 and his handler(s) realized this so he was by then useless in that respect, but, he could be useful and expendable as a fall guy or "patsy" in another operation?  I know, just speculation.  But reasonable?

    This is important Ron....

    Most everything Oswald "did" could be used for those 2 purposes...

    Infiltration of the "commies" requires looking and acting like a commie...  except Oswald, while going against Castro for Odio's benefit was for Castro via FPCC while working for Banister/FBI to ID FPCC supporters.

    Whether you believe Tampa and Chicago plots were foiled or not, a perfect DALLAS patsy was moved into place in early October...  working in a building where connections to co-conspirators would not be too hard to make...

    Everything Oswald did for the FBI winds up being the incriminating evidenced against him...

    No Ron, not too speculative at all...  I see it as an integral part of the Phase 1 Phase 2 plan and contingencies


  15. On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 7:41 AM, Steve Thomas said:

    Well, I think I got my answer, and it comes from Lee Oswald himself!


    Frontline interview with Robert Oswald, November 19, 2013.



    Following his return from Russia in the latter part of June, 1962, Lee Oswald gets a call from SA John Fain asking for a meeting. Oswald agrees. Afterwards, Robert asks him how it went. Lee answers, "Well, everything went all right. They even asked me if I had ever been an agent of the Federal government or the CIA."

    "I said, What did you tell them?"

    "He says, Well, don't you know? and just laughed."


    Warren Commission Hearings Volume XVII page 738

    CE 824 - Copy of an FBI report by Special Agent Fain, dated August 30, 1962.



    He (Oswald) agreed to contact the FBI if at any time any individual made any contact of any nature under suspicious circumstances with him.... he promised his cooperation in reporting to FBI any information coming to his attention.”


    Steve Thomas

    Pretty sure it was standard for the FBI to have anyone in Oswald's position to keep the FBI informed of attempted contacts....

    On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 7:41 AM, Steve Thomas said:

    Does anyone know when Oswald was first identified, or rumored to be a government informant?

    So I gather you are saying that his trip to Russia, as part of the defector program, qualifies him as a "government informant"?


    Didn't SNYDER in Russia believe his approach and what he said struck him as rehearsed and guided?


    In September 1975 Counter-Intelligence Staff member Paul Hartman drafted a Memorandum for the Chief, Counter-Intelligence Staff (ANGLETON), stating that on November 27, 1963, he was instructed by Raymond Rocca, his immediate superior, to check Agency files in order to determine if OSWALD had been used by, or was connected with, the CIA. Paul Hartman checked with Records Integration Division , Deputy Director/Plans, Domestic Contacts Division , Division D, SE Division, the Cuban Operations Group of the Latin American Division, Medical Services, Counter-Intelligence/Operational Approval, CRS, and Office of Security/Security Research Service: "The results were negative" as well they should have been, since OSWALD worked for ANGLETON, not the CIA. [CIA 1188-1000]



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