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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. lol...

    like the words uttered by cosa nostra members....  CIA KGB lie for a living...

    ALL OF WAR IS DECEPTION....  - Sun Tzu    

    So no Tommy, it would take a bit more corroboration for me to accept it...  but then again

    having read some new things...  I am 100% confident that Oswald was at Odio and in Dallas at the time...

    but if LEONOV told me... maybe I'd buy it...  :P

  2. Tommy - that image is one I did many, many years ago with the writing spelled out...

    I've been posting this for years...


    As for KOSTIKOV... you will find it initially mentioned by the Russians... if indeed these transcripts are even FROM those locations...  it is reasonable to assume this, yet we must take the CIA's word for it...  and THAT is why I don't see this as a KGB/USSR thing.

    What doesn't ring true is that fact that Azcue did not even try to recruit this disgruntled American... which was his JOB.... 

    Using the recent release we find a great description of what was SOP...  And this is usually what trips up falsified evidence... the activities at the time do not support a real life situation...

    I am actually with you on the fact there are MANY more Soviet moles in the USA then vice versa...  that something of this significance would not be unknown to the KGB or their resources...

    It's just that between the US Military and the PERMINDEX nexus you have more than enough potential suspects...  I suggest you read Golitsyn's books to understand the difference between us and the KGB....   their entire purpose is disinformation leading to chaos and division...  (All of war is deception)...  The CIA on the other hand was all about control and trying to learn more about Russia - so they were and are much more vulnerable...




    Finally...were you aware of how much KOSTIKOV looks like Oswald?


  3. The FBI determined that Oswald was on NONE of the buses....



    But then they determine he took ANAUAC from Monterrey



    So PT... if he was either not on any bius... or is put on ANAHUAC...  The Aussies and McFaralnd's are lying while Osborne isn't?  As they put him on either Flecha Rojas, Frontera or del Norte

    Miss MUMFORD. As far as I can remember, it was a bus company called Transporter del Norte. 
    Mr. BALL. And did you buy the bus ticket in Laredo at the Trailways bus depot? 

    Mr. BALL. Didn't you leave the bus depot at Laredo on September 25th, about 10 o'clock in the morning, or was it September 26? 
    Miss MUMFORD. September 26. Now, hold on. We had one day in Monterrey and one night in Monterrey. We left Monterrey, I know, on the night of September 26 at 7:30 p.m. 

    Mr. BALL. And what was the company that operated that bus, do you know? 
    Miss MUMFORD. That was also Transporter del Norte. 


    "Commission believes that his denial cannot be credited"

    On CE2121 p32 we are treated to the Nuevo Laredo to Mexico City portion of the trip...  This is now MAY 1964... The FBI has already concluded that he was not on any bus, and that he took ANAHUAC from Monterrey... yet now he doesn't stop in Monterrey and he's NOT on del Norte with the Aussie and McFarland's...  it says he took FRONTERA for the entire 750 mile trip...


    On CE2195 we get yet another story...  that makes much more sense given what we know about the reality of this trip...

    The report concludes that BOWEN/OSBORNE was on the RED ARROW (Flecha Rojas) bus...  but as I showed above, the other 2/3 of this party claim to be on del Norte...

    Oswald was not on any of these buses...  and that they claim to see his 1959 passport "with all the stamps" is as truthful as Bledsoe on the bus...



    Does anyone think that THIS "Osborne" is BOWEN?




  4. 6 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    David, everything points to LHO going to Switzerland to attend college. Even when passing through UK Immigration he claimed the same thing. Then, instead of staying a week in England as he said he would, he boarded a plane at Heathrow for somewhere and he appears next at a luxury hotel in Helsinki.

    It is the window of time from Immigration to Heathrow that interests me.

    In that brief space of time someone has immediate power of control over LHO to cause him to change his plans - which even his mother thought she knew and then started the investigation to find out where her son was.



    Perfect...   thanks for clearing that up for me Mervyn. 

    I smell MI-6/5...  with Philby a significant player...  do you see any connection there?

    Cui bono?

    Are we aware if British Military Intelligence was also running a "defector" program?

  5. ok Tom... thought you'd treat me to some interesting word puzzles related to the college....    :cheers

    The timing of the alternate Oswald getting out of the Marines in March 1959... and the application from March 59 seems a bit too coincidental for me

    We are to remember that the passport book with all these travel stamps was LEE's....

    When he lands in La Harve, etc....  

    these photos are taken weeks apart


  6. 1046180171_AlbertSchweitzerCollegeNewspaperAd-TuitionandScholarships.jpg.46d55042c63df9054bf0a629711172e7.jpg


    Björn Ahlstedts is the person who posted that little blurb about attending ASC "for a few months" during the years 1959-1960

    ASC sent a student list for the years 1956 - 1961; here is 1959-60 and he does not appear on the list...  so either this list is not accurate or Bjorn is full of it....  why then would this person post such things?

    10 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    I have recently talked to a daughter to the director there Hans Casparis and I have also got a letter from a friend of the Casparis family. They have told me that the college was managed of Mr Casparis only for a short time after that I left and that they had a successor that was a reverend with a chronic desease. He in his turn was followed by another person who was less successful and the college had to close.This happened around the year 1968. Churwalden is now a ski resort. The building where the college was situated was hired by a meat-dryery which had earlier been a well-known hotel. Later on the meat-dryery became a shopping center and that shopping center reopened the hotel which has the name Hotel Krone


  7. Rather than keep posting on the "Oswald in England" thread - I wanted to start a thread just for Albert Schweitzer College...

    I'm starting to think that ASC has more to do with this than meets the eye...  why was it so hard for them to find?


    Seems they had a hard time finding it... but they shouldn't have as the School was in existence and in full force in 1960:

    ALBERT SCHWEITZER COLLEGE   http://www.bjornahlstedt.org/bredband/college.htm

    In the year 1959 to 1960 I spent some months in Switzerland in a college called Albert Schweitzer College.

    It was situated in the eastern part of Switzerland in Graubünden in a little village called Churwalden near Chur.

    In this college I and students from the USA, UK, Germany, Brazil, Holland and Sweden studied ethics, philosophy and other subjects. In the evenings we went out eating ‘college special’ which was a kind of sandwich with bündnerfleisch (ham) and eggs. Sometimes we went for trips to Lenzerheide and Parpan and for walks in the mountains. One thing that I remember very well is when we walked up on a mountain and came over the clouds. There were also opportunities for skiing.

    In this college I met a girl from Brazil. We made trips to Italy (Lugano) and other places pretending that we were married. We left the college after 6 months and after some time in Sweden I traveled to her home in Brazil to marry her and after that she came to me in Stockholm. After a rather short time we found that we were very different and also because I was about to study and was still dependent on my parents it was best for us both to divorce.

    I have searched for the words ‘Albert Schweitzer College’ and if you search for the exact phrase you will find a lot of documents referring to Lee Harvey Oswald a person who was associated with the assasination of president Kennedy. Oswald made an application to Albert Schweitzer College in March 1959 to attend a study course in the spring 1960. He did not go there though but instead went to Finland and the to the Soviet Union.

    On the web you will also find some people who were at the college. If anybody tries to search for this College in the Internet and hits my website I would be happy if he or she would write a mail to me.

    I have recently talked to a daughter to the director there Hans Casparis and I have also got a letter from a friend of the Casparis family. They have told me that the college was managed of Mr Casparis only for a short time after that I left and that they had a successor that was a reverend with a chronic desease. He in his turn was followed by another person who was less successful and the college had to close.This happened around the year 1968. Churwalden is now a ski resort. The building where the college was situated was hired by a meat-dryery which had earlier been a well-known hotel. Later on the meat-dryery became a shopping center and that shopping center reopened the hotel which has the name Hotel Krone.



    Turns out the school was heavily funded from the US... Boston area....   




  8. Hi David, thanks for joining us. 

    You guys are doing a great job here... a real pleasure to follow along..

    Thanks for the follow up....  I agree with your thought that between New Orleans and La Havre, something changes.  I am under the impression that Albert S college is CIA/Military related...  were you aware of the "Friends of Albert Schweitzer College"?  Another Armstrong notebook...



  9. Don't know how they could put it any more plain...   there can't be evidence of his being on certain buses as well as evidence that he wasn't....

    Many claim then that he was driven into Mexico or came in clandestinely...  yet at the time he supposed went, he was an innocent man traveling to Mexico, and he was supposed to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for Mexico...  there is no trail other than the faked transcripts...

    If he went on ANAHUAC, why is BOSCH creating a completely faked manifest for Flecha Rojas?

    On Nov 26 the FBI "believes" he took ANAHUAC according to the CIA chronology.. on the 27th we have the reports which follow... they can find an amazing number of Americans and Mexicans with full details of their trips and stays and travel itinerary... 

    Just not Oswald....








    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=96087#relPageId=4&tab=page  LOG OF OSWALD CONTACTS

    as you read thru these remember that the Cuban Embassy closed at 2pm... two of the calls recorded on the 27th come after 4pm...

    "He arrives in Mexico City between Midnight and 10:30 am" - boy that narrows it down....



    the SOVIET Embassy was closed Saturday...  there is simply no way any of this happens in the real world.... the real Oswald would have been turned away...  calls thru the switchboard are also not real....  as Hoover called it...  this was CIA double-dealing, pure and simple...





  10. Michael - this is Mexico City recap BS....

    No photos were taken Oct 1 of this man...  Oct 2 and 4... this report repeats the Goodpasture "mistake" of dating the photo the 1st.
    If there was a person playing Oswald, he was gone by Oct 4 (actually by Oct 1 according to the FBI - who starts and stops explanations as newer, conflicting info surfaces...)

    FBI also claims he takes ANAHUAC from Monterrey despite Flecha Rojas or del Norte are the buses they put the Aussies, MacFarlands and Bowen... ooops.   So if OSWALD took ANAHUAC, the people offering testimony they spoke with "TEX" Oswald or saw him on their bus, are lying...  the FBI cannot even keep its lies straight here...

    There are no photos of Oswald in Mexico cause Oswald was provably in Dallas...  after stopping in Austin.



  11. I don't answer rhetorical questions, Professor.

    I only ask them


    Put :sun  on ignore and you'd be amazed how easy this thread is to read and enjoy...

    Remains true for all threads...    do this to a select group and all of a sudden this place sprouts roses without having to worry so much about the thorns...

    Options allow you to unhide the comments if one is up for that kind of obtuse abuse...   or to see if anything has changed...

    Yo, :sun  ....this would be called "alliteration" as opposed to onomatopoeias which would apply like so:


    1. to talk/post enthusiastically or excessively, 2. to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds. imitative origin.


    Here's a newsflash :sun,   many, many here are just as smart if not smarter than you think you are...  obtuse is a term used in math as well...   it still has to do with something not very pointed or sharp...  and from the replies to your invisible posts it is obviously SSDD...


    Sun Shine and Day Dreams



     You've chosen to ignore content by  :sun..... Options    :up 

  12. 1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    Thanks David. I followed your link. Who is this person, and is there any connection to LHO? Mervyn

    Are you asking who Robert Webster is?

    The 5'11" 165 man who look a bit like Oswald? who also defected... who Marina describes when asked about how she met OSWALD...

    that these 2 things happen so close together is significant...   "RAND corp"....




  13. 1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    Now that I understand what you're both doing... very interesting indeed...   I hope not to interrupt you too much as I try and fill in the blanks... or point in the right direction...

    You've convinced me that those leading Oswald did not tell him where he was going... or did and told him to stay quiet....  So who could be the conduit for this info?  Starting with those on the ship....

    There were only 4 people on that ship...  Oswald, Mrs. Church,     Billy Lord,    LT. Colonel George B. Church 

    Billy Lord is going to France to study the french language....

    Whitmeyer, Frances Raby was born February 21, 1922 and passed away April 4, 2009. Frances was born in Athens, Alabama to S.W. and Donna Raby. She graduated from Alabama Women's College in Athens. She moved to New Orleans and worked for the Lykes Steamship Co. and also for the City of New Orleans helping to translate French law into English. She later married George Whitmeyer and they moved to Germany where he was stationed after the war.

    Church and wife on a steamship with Oswald... the men associated with Jack Crichton and the Russian Translators for Marina, and also associated via their unit in Army reserve intel is LUMPKIN and GANNOWAY of the Dallas police/sheriff....    it COULD be a strange coincidence... if you believe in those things in this case....

    Then I thought - What about Billy Lord?

    Where you aware Billy wrote Carter a letter in 77?   http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2013/12/bill-lords-letter-to-president-jimmy-carter-re-jfk-assassination-and-lee-harvey-oswald-lho-plus-geor.html 

    February 2, 1977

    My dear Mr. President:

    I have refrained from troubling you with the contents of this letter as long as I possibly could. But I have finally decided that a personal letter to you is, in the end, in your interest and in the country’s interest.

    I am simply transcribing notes which I set down about two weeks ago--and which concern, and must concern, any leader of this country.

    I was Lee Oswald’s cabin mate on the SS MARION LYKES, which sailed from New Orleans to France in September-October, 1959. I have recently been the subject of surveillance, of harassment, of pressure tactics, and possibly of terror tactics.

    First, in September, when I was teaching in Japan, someone broke into my house, rifled my papers, but stole nothing. I returned to the United States shortly thereafter. Back in Texas, I was suddenly and improbably the subject of a blitz of contacts by telephone from persons wanting to know urgently and insistently what I knew or remembered about Oswald. No one had asked me anything about Oswald since the time of the Warren Commission investigation twelve years ago. The blitz of calls came out of the blue. It was highly improbable, and, after the break-in, I was suspicious. I stalled these people, who represented two major national publications. During this period of non-cooperation, I received another surprise, another “first” for me. Two Iranian gentlemen appeared at my front door.

    My mother’s house was up for sale and they were prospective buyers. A small ad had been placed in the paper. The Iranians strode through the house in a very cursory, almost arrogant manner, paced off the front yard, and drove away. The sale of the house had been discussed on the telephone among family; a small ad had been placed. Only one other couple showed up to look at the house. Neither I, nor my mother, who is 63, had ever received a visit from Iranian gentlemen before.

    One of the parties which has blitzed me with telephone calls trying to persuade me to tell them what I know about Oswald, is engaged in a very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor, and influence every single available person who ever knew Lee Oswald--and this, just in advance of the new governmental   investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. I finally consented, not to grant an interview, <page 1>

    but to allow the publication’s representative to explain their project to me in person. After a lunch with this researcher, I was told that if I had refused even to meet with him, pressurewas in the offing through two Midland men: Mr. Jim Allison, publisher of the ultra-conservative Reporter-Telegram, my employer (out of necessity, and for the moment!), and Mr. George Bush, Jr. The researcher said he had asked an acquaintance, a Mr. Beamis (?), chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia and owner of “a string of hotels” in that state, for help in persuading me to tell what I know about Oswald. After this revelation, and when I still refused to be interviewed, the publication’s leg-man made an effort to purchase my knowledge about Oswald. I refused, and he left.

    Shortly thereafter, my mother discovered that her telephone had been tampered with. The casing around the dialing apparatus had been pulled out about one-half inch. It was so obvious as to be grotesque. But we cannot doubt that someone entered the house at a time when I was at work and my mother was away; she returned to the house, however, at an unaccustomed time.

    I have been in anguish for weeks, Mr. President, trying my best to laugh at my apprehensions and to see these events as fortuitous ones. Experience, common sense, and logic persuade me otherwise. So I have been compelled to react to all this in the form of a statement--and it may shed some light on the reasons for the intrusions into my life: 

    Speaking as the man who spent more than two weeks in the same ship’s cabin with Lee Oswald at the time of his 1959 “defection”, and speaking as a man who has been the subject of the above-described tactics of cowards, I offer the following considerations to the American people and to people everywhere:


    1. It is the CIA and FBI relations with Lee Oswald which have been    covered up since November 22, 1963. 

    2. It is the CIA and the FBI which have concealed and destroyed evidence of their relations with Oswald prior to November 22,1963.

    3. It is the CIA which has, from the beginning, fabricated or distorted certain Cuba-Oswald relations, and certain Cuba-JFK relations, as a smokescreen and decoy to conceal the CIA-Oswald relationship.

    4. I can testify, and others can testify, that the CIA did not conduct a real investigation of the so-called defector Oswald in 1959. The CIA has long been concerned about witnesses who can testify to this oversight on their part.

    <page 2>

    5. They did not conduct a real investigation because Mr. Oswald was a bogus defector.

    6. The CIA is concerned lest the knowledge that Oswald was a fake defector in 1959, linking him to CIA, also link him with CIA on November 22, 1963. But there is an impressive body of evidence that CIA used--and abused--Oswald as late as November, 1963.

    7. It is the CIA-Oswald relation and the FBI-Oswald relation which have necessitated the thirteen-year cover-up.

    8. A necessary conclusion is that the CIA and FBI elements in 1963 are suspect in the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 

    9. The assassination of John Kennedy has every appearance of having been our first American coup d’état.

    Mr. President, as a man, a father, and a concerned citizen, I believe that you would act energetically also, if you were in my shoes. I believe that you should be aware of the fact that one of your fellow-citizens does not feel that he, his wife and three children, and his mother, are safe in Midland, Texas. 

    I conclude, Mr. President, by assuring you that I have the most enormous respect for you and the most hope-inspiring indications of your good will, as of your rare ability to lead the nation. Without flattery, you are quite simply the political light of this period in history. God be with you. 

    I apologize for the crude and, doubtless, offensive tone of this letter.


                                                                                    <signed Bill Lord>

                                                                                           Bill Lord

  14. 10 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    Hi David, I am talking about the same period of time, but not in the way you describe it. Jason Ward (on the Oswald in England thread) has been disassembling the story, and Jason has revealed some huge questions that have not been addressed. Mervyn

    OK.. thanks... I'll go check it out....

    BTW, were you aware that according to Oswald, his first day in USSR was Oct 16...  On Oct 15, WEBSTER is officially listed as Defected...


  15. 24 minutes ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    Hi David, that's all very nice, but none of it has anything to do with Oswald being in England during 1959, and that is what has piqued my interest. Mervyn

    I was under the impression he was only in England for a day or so... Oct 9th 1959... in all of 1959...  
    when are you talking about?

    From H&L:

    The SS Marion Lykes docked at La Pallice, France at 9:00 am on October 5.

    When Billy Lord disembarked, he recalled that Oswald was not in his cabin and he never saw him again. Lord travelled to the French city of Tour and attended the Institute of French Studies.105 A month later, when Lord learned of Oswald's defection to Russia, he wrote a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Church at their home in Florida.

    The SS Marion Lykes next sailed north to the port of Le Havre, France, where Harvey Oswald and Mrs. and Mrs. Church disembarked.106 Oswald's passport was stamped by the Suerte Nationale (Le Havre Security Police) on October 8, as he disembarked, but it remains unknown where he spent the night. The following day, October 9, Oswald. secured passage to Southampton, England where his passport was stamped by an British Immigration Officer.

    NOTE: Oswalds method of travel from Le Havre, France to Southampton, England remains unknown. The Warren Commission assumed that he traveled by ship and guessed that his fare was $20.

  16. No one has looked into the movements of LHO in 1959, aside that is from a perfunctory report here and there which concluded that no one knew what Oswald was doing.

    That statement is  - of course - untrue...  no one has looked more deeply into Oswald pre-assassination than Armstrong...

    For example Mervyn...  THIS Oswald was released March 1959 with his file sent to DC...  When an attempt was made to do his BIO... John Ely runs into all sorts of problems in that there are entire groups of men who were stationed with an OSWALD who the man tasked with compiling his bio simply never heard of...  These are the men stationed with the real LEE OSWALD...  




    The real LEE is also the man supposedly on the Tannenbaum video ...  It does look like him... and while so many do not put faith in LORENZ... what is the motivation to lie?

    Where "OSWALD" was in 59-60-61 can be answered in a number of ways, depending on who you ask...





    Our Oswald lies a few times to different people and heads off to Europe in Sept/Oct 1959 and enters USSR with a very quick visa turnaround....





  17. 8 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    PS  Obtuseness?  What does that mean?

    PPS  Hey, David.  Got anything on Byetkov?

    my understanding:    ....not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form

    and nothing comes up in my search - so far....

    You'll find the contents of Fidel's address book in that doc... at least that's what it appears to be - starts on page 82 - as well as the names of a whole bunch of Russians....



    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10218-10034.pdf - 162 PAGE FILE ON LEONOV...

    (See buddy... I DO care... but like the rest are tired of the obtuseness...  I hope this helps you)







  19. Weisberg:  "We must then return to the original essential question, which still goes begging: "How did Zapruder know where to stand?" Did he actually memorize the November 19 route via Dealey Plaza for the JFK motorcade? Did Zapruder then assume that the November 19 route was the operative route for November 22 on November 22?....

    From Curry's book... the route image was down MAIN

    From Nov 19 Dallas newspapers wrote out the route to include Houston to Elm....

    Maybe Zap only read the newspapers


    Dallas Morning News 11-19-63  Motorcade route - smaller.jpg

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