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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Can you point me to any information about the much shorter LHO in Russia?  I'm totally unaware of this.

    Look at their feet... his right and her left are on the same elevation...

    Using the image as a guide I estimate what a 5'11" man would look like in this image...


  2. 59f2660f2179b_63-11-221963v1959Oswald.thumb.jpg.54814dc6efe612f762f160c339ab3242.jpg


    A number of the men who looked a bit like Oswald and were somehow involved....  the story of Vagaonov/Tippit and how much he looks like Oswald is quite interesting...

    At the bottom right is Thomas Arthur Vallee....  of the Chicago Plot.



    This takes the first image and mirrors each side to create the whole face...


  3. 14 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


    Fascinating .... 1955 predates the modern CIA.  So, we cant lay the “Oswald Project” at certain Agency peoples feet.  It’s clearly a Dulles/Angleton creation.  Dulles fascination with the use of doubles is well documented. McCone, Turner, Colby and Schlesinger inherited a bag of worms. 


    ???   1955 predates the modern CIA    ???



    The National Security Act of 1947 was a major restructuring of the United States government's military and intelligence agencies following World War II. The majority of the provisions of the Act took effect on September 18, 1947, the day after the Senate confirmed James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense.[1]

    Truman signed the CIA National Security Act Amendment into law August 10 1949...

    When does the CIA come into existence in your notes? 


  4. James... 

    Had I been more aware of the bliss created by using the IGNORE functionality of this site - I would have done so many years ago...

    Not having to be bombarded by the repetitive rants of select members has made the experience infinitely better...

    Finally, given the option to reveal these comments, and doing so from time to time...

    I find the decision remains one of the best I've made...



  5. If it was a mole hunt, an American visiting a Soviet Embassy would still not be followed ?

    There would be nothing but written evidence.  Not one first hand ID of our Ozzie ... Not a single report of activity of the American who calls and returns, photographically, to the scenes of the crimes.

    And then, thru Nov. The FBI cannot find a single bit of evidence he was there at all....

    Elizabeth Mora is a good name to research....  Charles Small....

    What were Duran and Azcue's primary purpose...?. Yet again, Azcue does not offer that this man was anything but what he said he was... FPCC mentioned...etc....  

    If this was a plan to attack FPCC via Phillips... The players make more sense and Ozzie need not 2nd there at all....   The photos and tapes would be reviewed Mon the 30th. Goodpasture needs a non Hispanic, unidentified going in and out of Soviet Embassy.... (someone known to you)    

    What does Duran really know?   Azcue is obviously hiding something as Cuban Intel uninterested in the American's visa application. 


  6. So I was thinking about the reports filed at the time of the Mexico Incident....

    Americans at that Consulate was a big deal...  The CIA even had a team for following targets on the ground... LILYRIC? Sorry, doing this on my tab

    Anyway,  as Win and Mann said, outside the hotel and consulates, there is no record of Oswald.... 

    Why not?  Given what the CIA and FBI knew of Oswald at the time from New Orleans... and that both had assets in the Cuban Consulate,

    why do we not have an activity report on this man... the detailed reports of LITAMIL/9 are incredibly specific..

    Azcue was a Cuban Intel agent and would, should be interested in the American from at least an Asset or Penetration POV 

    Did Teresa Proenza mention this man she claims, after the fact, to have run into and turn over to Duran on the 27th?


    AFTER the 22nd, ... well that’s another story.... 

    But if we look at LITAMIL/9 reports of the time, he is asked if he or anyone else has seen the man of whom a photo is shown..


    the recent release of docs has shown that the theory that “Oswald” in Mexico may have been a charade from a number of angles.... and for a variety of reasons... as was the assassination.   That the entirety of the story is just that, as Hoover wrote in Jan 1964....

    I realize I return to this as a pillar of my conviction it was indeed an entirely false story...   and to my first question,  why?

    Knowing it was False in Jan... he proceeds to invent a trip over the next 9 months and puts it in the WCR...   why?

    Hoover was primarily concerned with Hoover.... imho, he was covering for his asset in Dallas... Harvey Oswald....

    The HSCA pulls the worlds largest rubber stamp and holds it over Lopez’s head.... like an axe..





  7. On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 5:44 AM, Gene Kelly said:


    Jim Hargrove points out an important fact about the story of Laura Kittrell of the Texas Employment Commission, who interviewed both Oswalds prior to the assassination.  After her first encounter/interview,  a second "Oswald" showed up for another interview (about one week later).  Ms. Kittrell realized this Oswald was not the same person she had interviewed previously ... the two individuals were similar - but different - people:

     "The man I remember as (Harvey) Oswald, and the man I remember as the Teamster were much alike in size, shape and outline, generally, there was a marked difference between them in bearing and manner. The man I remember as Oswald was a trim, energetic, compact, well-knit person, who sat on the edge of a chair (Harvey). The man I remember as the Teamster, was sprawled over his chair and rather messy looking (Lee)".

     Kittrell gave a thirty-page statement to the U.S. Attorney in Dallas.  Her statement was hand-carried to the Warren Commission by the Secret Service. But her 30-page statement and subsequent 90-page manuscript were  ignored and suppressed. The FBI also interviewed Kittrell on June 4, 1965.  Her statement was eventually released and only made public many years later, in 1994.  Conflicting information exists about Oswald's travels at that particular time. The FBI had tracked Oswald's return trip to the U.S. from Mexico City, indicating that he took a La Frontera bus, arriving at the border town on Nuevo Laredo on the morning of 10/3/63.  However, Oswald also applied for unemployment compensation at the Texas Employment Commission that same day.  Therefore, the FBI report found it "highly improbable that Oswald could have traveled" the 426 miles "from Laredo to Dallas, in time to appear personally" before Laurel Kittrell at the Texas Employment Commission. The agent who wrote the report was obviously unaware that two people were sharing the identity of Oswald.


    The SS wrote a memo stating that based on the "current" travel evidence it was not possible for Oswald to make the TEC appt.....  So the return travel was changed from a 2pm 10/2 departure to 8:30 am...

    The original 2pm time was based on the photo which had mystery man aka Oswald, at 12:22pm on the 2rd...


    So he had to leave after that.... 


  8. So Lovett, one of the 6 Wise Men, is influential and powerful enough (with friends) to get Dulles removed...

    Lovett, Kennan, Harriman, McCloy, Acheson, Bohlen.  

    If you've not read it... It is an eye opener as to the real power brokers and influencers in this country....

    Harriman and McCloy alone ran most of the US foreign and domestic policy....

    Politicians come and go.. The Military is eternal. 

  9. On 4/13/2018 at 11:36 AM, John Butler said:

    Decide for yourself rather than let some so-called expert tell you what is what.

    I have decided John....

    The manner in which you misrepresent the photographic evidence represents intellectual abuse.

    You actually have the gall to post this image and claim these women are Hill and Moorman...


    Yet another on the ignore list...  how much of this do we stand before moving these threads to the silly bin?



  10. You're kidding with this, right?

    The man standing in the corner of the front landing at the time the limo goes by is also out on ELM?

    It's as if you've not seen a single post or image of PM at all...

    The entity known as "PRAYERMAN" is the person seen in Darnell and Weigman

    Here - both BEFORE and AFTER the limo passes... the entity remains...

    Are you the same person who claimed that Hill/Moorman were really up the street in different clothes?

    Yes - it seems you are the same person claiming that the Zframe below (and beyond) was created using the 2 women from up the street...  I'd suggest members go to this post and the rest of that thread and decide if we're discussion this with someone who erroneously adds an enormous amount of hypothetical fact (ala Spector) to every photographic situation.

    If you think Mr. B here is correct with the Hill/Moorman charade I'm sure you'll enjoy discussing how Prayerman is not in the corner of the landing...





    John Butler....   the limo turns the corner and passes the TSBD between these two gif images... 

    when does he teleport out to Elm and back again?



  11. Hopefully this is not too far out a question...

    Is there any connection between OAS and Pablo?

    It appears that Pablo Neruda was also in DP...  I've seen other images from DP that also resemble him very closely...




    Text by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Canto general, 1950

    Set by John Mitchell (1941-), op.95, no.4 (1993

    When the trumpet sounded
    everything was prepared on earth,
    and Jehovah gave the world
    to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda,
    Ford Motors, and other corporations.
    The United Fruit Company
    reserved for itself the most juicy
    piece, the central coast of my world,
    the delicate waist of America.

    It rebaptized these countries
    Banana Republics,
    and over the sleeping dead,
    over the unquiet heroes
    who won greatness,
    liberty, and banners,
    it established an opera buffa:
    it abolished free will,
    gave out imperial crowns,
    encouraged envy, attracted
    the dictatorship of flies:
    Trujillo flies, Tachos flies
    Carias flies, Martinez flies,
    Ubico flies, flies sticky with
    submissive blood and marmalade,
    drunken flies that buzz over
    the tombs of the people,
    circus flies, wise flies
    expert at tyranny.

    With the bloodthirsty flies
    came the Fruit Company,
    amassed coffee and fruit
    in ships which put to sea like
    overloaded trays with the treasures
    from our sunken lands.

    Meanwhile the Indians fall
    into the sugared depths of the
    harbors and are buried in the
    morning mists;
    a corpse rolls, a thing without
    name, a discarded number,
    a bunch of rotten fruit
    thrown on the garbage heap.

  12. 34 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    He is saying that PM was in a certain place on the Elm Street curb, west of the doorway and he can tell us now the camera was oriented.

    And he says this info is the Martin film.

    My bad...

    And if that's where he is placing a person filming, by definition it cannot be the man in the corner of the doorway as the limo passes.

    I've looked carefully at Martin... figment of an overactive imagination

  13. 40 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Can you show the frames from Martin where you say PM was filming on the Elm Street curb west of the TSBD doorway as the motorcade went by?

    You also add details about which way the camera was oriented and that it had a flash attachment.

    In all the years I have watched this discussion I do not think anyone has ever offered that up.

    So I would like to see the evidence for it.

    Jim, I think what a few have been saying is that there was a camera in the hands of PM, and it coming up to the face suggests filming...

    Seems to me, with the empty soda bottle in that corner as well....  glass would pick up the light.



  14. https://propagandhi.com/wp-content/empires/William_Blum.pdf

    U.S. Foreign Policy -- A Study in Hypocrisy

    By William Blum

    My experience in writing and speaking about what U.S. foreign policy has really done in

    and to the world is that it’s often like telling people that I was abducted by aliens, except

    that many of those people would sooner believe the abduction story.

    For those of you who are not heavily into alien abduction stories, let me try to set the

    proper atmosphere by mentioning two of the laws of politics which came out of the

    Watergate scandal of the 1970s. (It doesn’t matter if you don’t know much about

    Watergate; the laws are still understandable.)

    The First Watergate Law of American Politics states: “No matter how paranoid you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

    The Second Watergate Law states: “Don’t believe anything until it’s been officially denied.

    Both laws are still on the books. Keep them handy in your head.


    Watch the news next time with the 2nd law in mind...

    ... and just forget the 1st law.  or substitute "people are" for "government is" and remember people run the government

  15. Joe...

    I am not trying to impugn your relative's stories. 

    The reality is that it was much easier to hide what we were doing after WWII with stories of ET.
    Many have written that it was done to hide Operation Paperclip and the wholesale movement of Nazis to the western hemisphere and to continue with the aeronautic research going on.

    It is also written that we acquired a great deal of atomic material useable in bombs from the BERN "tire" plant and other locations scoured by Patton and the other generals as they moved around Europe.

    So as you said... the advanced levels of technology that the military has always enjoyed decades before the public would look like magic to those unaware.

    We certainly must agree that there are weapons and aircraft in the hands of our military of which the public is still unaware.
    KEVLAR in 1952 would be an amazing wonder material just as we are experiencing the next step with GRAPHENE. 

    Just consider the mathematics involved in sending a craft that distance....  or building a craft that can accomplish such a feat... 
    I'm not 100% convinced it is not possible, just 99% convinced that Occam's razor explanation is more realistic.

    I LOVE the study of the topic, yet as I read more and more it is more obvious to me that UFOs are a product of planning to forever disguise military advancement in the cloak of unexplained phenomena.  

  16. We all continue to feed the monster, despite the obviousness of purpose and transparency of intent.

    I had blocked his content and then felt as if I was missing part of the conversation...
    until I unblocked and see the song remains the same; despite humble promises of reform.

    For me, I'll be blocking the content again so as to never have to deal with the repeated insults to intelligence, common sense and the work of the members here.

    :pop    amazingly accurate gif - no matter how many times, it's wash-rinse-repeat but "with all due respect" ....    :sun

    51 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:

    Whose integrity have I impugned?

    The choice is yours - forum members....  to me this rings of the "No collusion" and "Witch Hunt" excuses designed to get us to look over here while tearing things apart over there... where the conversation is turned on its head, the topics forgotten and the misdeeds accepted into the daily "Norm".

    At some point - shouldn't there BE a point?

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