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William Plumlee

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Everything posted by William Plumlee

  1. Tosh, here is a link to the article unfortunately the map itself is not very clear but I'm sure someone of the forum members can produce a better one. www.phoenixarchives.com/express/1991/0591/13-06.pdf (don't know why its not working here but if you copy and past into goggle it does) George Fm Plumlee Thank You George for the link. As you know that article has been hidden for over a decade. The map is a very important link in understanding the operations down there. I might add that this map was marked before the public firestorm hit in the mid eighties and the Iran/Contra matter became public knowledge (as noted in the Letter from then Senator Gary Hart, Dem of Colorado, to the Senate Foriegn Relations Committee in 1983) Do you have a copy of that letter. I think it has been posted on this forum a few months ago. Thanks again. Good Research Tosh
  2. Ref: Plumlee ".... DEA FILES INFORMATION: DEAfiles.pdf DEA Mexico OPS: These documents make reference to "Guatemalan Guerrillas" training at a ranch owned by Drug Lord CARO- Quintero in Vera Crus, Mexico. It was reported at the time this was a CIA training site where weapons were exchanged for drugs in support of the Contra effort in Nicaragua and Costa Rico. DEA Agent Enrique Camarena (KIKI) and his pilot found out about this operation known as "The CIA Thing" and were killed because of this knowledge. Plumlee and other American undercover pilots had flown into this ranch many times as reported in various sections within these documents and other news media leaks in Mexico and America. The operation was known as "AMSOG" and, as reported to Senator Gary Hart and his Senate investigators in early 1983, was an "illegal" smuggling operation through Mexico into the United States, supported by the US Military, Panama Southern Command. Ref: DEA Secret Class 2 documents investigators Susand Baldwin and Hector Berelliz DEA. Documents can be found at toshplumlee.info in PDF foremat. *********************************************************************** "It was reported at the time this was a CIA training site where weapons were exchanged for drugs in support of the Contra effort in Nicaragua and Costa Rica." "...and Costa Rica." Could this have been the landing strip belonging to Senator John Hull, by any chance? CHRONOLOGY OF JOHN HULL'S ALLEGED CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES June 7, 1991 1982-1986 John Hull's ranch in Northern Costa Rica serves as the main supply base for the contras on the Southern Front of Nicaragua. [Newsday, 5/10/87] October 1984 Hull receives $10,000 a month from the Reagan-Bush Administration's National Security Council… September 1984 and deposits the money into a Miami bank account. [senate Foreign Relations subcommittee report, "Private Assistance' and the Contras: A Staff Report." 10/14/86] [Common Cause, Sept/Oct. 1985] [Covert Action Bulletin, Winter 86] [New York Daily News, 1/8/87] 1984 Hull takes out a $375,000 loan from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for a supposed manufacturing project. Hull deposits the money into his private account in Indiana and the project is never started. He later defaults on the loan. [senate Foreign Relations narcotics and terrorism subcommittee: ``Drugs, Law Enforcement, and Foreign Policy,'' a report on investigation of contra drug trafficking, April 1989] April 9, 1984 Plane piloted by a Nicaraguan crashes while taking off from the airstrip on Hull's ranch, purportedly because it was overloaded with military supplies. [Tico Times, 9/28/84] April 25, 1984 Hull's ranch is raided and he is detained by security officers investigating allegations of Southern Front contra activities in Costa Rica. [Tico Times 4/27/84] April 1984 Pastora is given a 30-day deadline to unify his forces with the F.D.N. in the North. [Out of Control, Leslie Cockburn] May 30, 1984 A bomb explodes in La Penca, Nicaragua, killing three journalists--including U.S. citizen Linda Frazier--and injuring many others. The bomb's apparent target, moderate contra leader Eden Pastora, is injured but survives. One of the reporters wounded in the bombing is ABC cameraman Tony Avirgan. [Convergence, Spring 1987] May 30, 1984 Hull, Robert Owen, C.I.A. station chief Phil Holtz and several pilots meet in a C.I.A. safe house in San Jose, Costa Rica. After news of the explosion, Hull phones his associates to instruct that his private plane not be used to help the wounded. [Costa Rican Special Prosecutor's Report, Dec. 1989] June 22, 1984 Hull obtains Costa Rican citizenship, which he later claims was at the C.I.A.'s request. [Tico Times, 3/23/90] October 1984 Costa Rican Government initiates investigation of Hull after he admits on radio that he aided the contras. [Tico Times, 10/26/84] December 1984 According to mercenary Jack Terrell, Hull, Robert Owen, Felipe Vidal and the alleged bomber Amac Galil meet and discuss the continuing need to kill Pastora. [New York Times, 3/1/90] July 18, 1985 David, an eyewitness source for Avirgan and Honey's La Penca investigation, is kidnapped and later allegedly murdered on Hull's ranch. [Convergence Magazine, Spring 1988] October 1985 At a San Jose, Costa Rica press conference, Tony Avirgan (who was injured in the bombing) and Martha Honey present the findings from their investigation of the La Penca bombing, identifying Hull as one of the bombing's planners. [La Penca: Report of an Investigation, Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey, 1985] Days after Avirgan and Honey's report is published, Hull files suit against the journalists, charging them with ``injuries, falsehood and defamation of character'' because of their allegations of his role in the bombing [La Penca: On Trial in Costa Rica, Edited by Avirgan and Honey, 1987] April 1986 A CBS "West 57th Street" broadcast airs, in which former contra resupply pilots identify Hull's ranch as major transhipment point for military supplies and drugs, but Hull denies any role in the contra resupply network. May 22-23, 1986 Trial against Avirgan and Honey takes place, resulting in a victory for the two journalists after documents and witnesses confirm their findings. The judge throws Hull's lawsuit out of court. [La Penca: On Trial in Costa Rica, edited by Avirgan and Honey, 1987] May 1986 Christic Institute attorneys file the La Penca lawsuit (Avirgan v. Hull) on behalf of Avirgan and Honey, naming Hull and 28 others as major figures in a racketeering network involved in drug trafficking, arms smuggling. The same ring engineered the La Penca bombing, the suit alleges. [Convergence, Spring 1987] May 5, 1988 Costa Rican police announce an investigation into charges of Hull's involvement in arms and drug trafficking. May 1988 Christic Institute takes Hull's deposition for the La Penca lawsuit. He refuses to cooperate in the proceedings. June 1988 Federal Judge James L. King dismisses La Penca lawsuit in Miami two days before the trial is scheduled to begin, arguing that there is no evidence linking Hull and others to the bombing. The Christic Institute immediately announces it will appeal. January 1989 Costa Rican authorities arrest Hull on charges of drug trafficking and using Costa Rican territory for ``hostile acts'' against NIcaragua. [Tico Times, 3/23/90] April 1989 Sen. John Kerry's Foreign Relations narcotics and terrorism subcommittee releases a 1,200-page report, ``Drugs, Law Enforcement, and Foreign Policy,'' including testimony that Hull's ranch was used for gun- and drug-smuggling operations. One eyewitness tell the subcommittee that Hull supervised the transfer of drugs into a plane before its return journey to the United States. May 26, 1989 John Hull fails to appear to testify before the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly's Special Commission Investigating Narcotics. Hull later appears before the commission but refuses to be sworn in to testify. July 1989 Costa Rican Legislative Assembly concludes in an official report that Hull was trafficking drugs through the country on behalf of the contras. [The Guardian, 8/30/89] July 1989 Hull flees Costa Rica while waiting trial, jumping a $37,000 bail posted by friends. Several reports confirm that D.E.A. agent Juan Perez arranged his secret flight out of the country. [Convergence, Winter 1991] [Tico Times, 12/7/90] September 1989 Based on the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly report on drug trafficking, Oliver North, Richard Secord, former U.S. Ambassador Lewis Tambs and former National Security Adviser John Poindexter are all declared personae non gratae and banned from Costa Rica by the country's government. Secord is a defendant in Avirgan v. Hull. [The Guardian, 8/30/89] March 1990 Hull is indicted for murder in Costa Rica on charges that he masterminded the La Penca bombing. [Convergence, Spring 1990] May 1990 ABC Primetime Live airs Diane Sawyer's interview with Carlos Lehder, a key figure in the Medellin cocaine cartel. Lehder names Hull as a major cocaine trafficker and says Hull smuggled 30 tons of cocaine into the United States yearly. June 1990 Hull's name added to Interpol's "most wanted" list of international fugitives at the request of Costa Rican special prosecutor Jorge Chaverria. [Convergence, Fall 1990] November 1990 Costa Rican Legislative Assembly establishes four-member La Penca investigative committee with representatives from all political parties. November 1990 Hull slips into Nicaragua on a 72-hour visa and soon disappears. [Los Angeles Times 12/7/90] [uPI 12/11/90] December 1990 Investigators track Hull to a remote town in Southern Nicaragua--Juigalpa--which is the seat of an extreme right-wing movement against the conservative government of Violetta Chamorro. Hull is reported to be looking into investments to help contra veterans. [Tico Times, 12/7/90] December 7, 1990 Costa Rica officially asks Nicaragua to extradite Hull. December 11, 1990 Nicaraguan Supreme Court orders the arrest of Hull, although Presidential Minister Antonio Lacayo denies any knowledge of the case and says Hull was not facing criminal charges in Nicaragua. [uPI 12/12/90] Hull quietly leaves Nicaragua and returns to the United States. April 19, 1991 The Costa Rican Ambassador submits a formal request to the U.S. State Department to extradite Hull. The above complements to my friend, Dixie Dea. fm Plumlee: John Hull's strip was one of many used down there: Poco Solo was another and is where Scott Wheeler was executed. O North's, "Point West" as found in his notebooks was located at Santa Elena, CR. It was the SECRET base. It was set up by the "Udall (phoe?) Corp". In case you missed the other post this might be of help. www.phoenixarchives.com/express/1991/0591/13-06.pdf (you can cut and paste it into your broser. This article, at the time, never saw the light of day in the main stream media. It was pulled in interest of 'National Security' to protect "Ongoing Operations", After the map had been published by the San Diego Reader in 1990 it was quickly classified. It has since been upgraded to 'Classified Top Secret, Committe Sensitive by the United States Senate and the CIA. What does all this have to do with JFK. Well birds of a feather flock together. Players in the sixties, as I, were also players of the 90's. Its like a Secret Army controled by the White House.... an early forum of 'Able-Danger'. I was threaten with jail time if I did not retract the statement about GHB and his knowledge of our operations. I was told I was "UnAmerican" for telling what I knew about these secret operations and drugs for guns sorties.,utside to the public. In those days.., I was a Bad Bad Boy for doing such a bad bad thing. tosh
  3. Ron. I have to be careful on this. In late 1984 KiKi and Scott Wheller of the CIA exchanged UC information and documentation. A few weeks after this KiKI talked to his people about some of the information that he had obtained from Wheeler concerning Poco Solo and Santa Elena Costa Rico ("Point West") and another secret base operating in Mexico that was being used by drug pilots of the Louis and Jourg Ochoa operations. This Mexican base, in Mexico, had a "Hands off" policy. Some of these drug pilots were on the DEA's watch list in Guatalahara Mexico. Wheeler as well as seven other pilots were TDY'ed to the DEA from the CIA and had infiltrated the cartel's operation and had documented the main fly ways into the United States (Rooster Hop, Whale Watch, and Big Toad to name a few.) Kiki was upset because nothing was being done about this "hands off "operation in Mexico. He sent a dispatch, cross channels" asking, " What the hell has to happen down here? Does someone have to get killed before this matter is looked into? It was at this point that Wheeler gave KiKi detailed information about the "Ranch" and he, Wheeler called it "The CIA Thing". Kiki 's memo on this subject was sent to DEA on open communication which was intercepted and forwarded to the cartel from the Secret base in Mexico, "The Ranch". Two weeks later Scott Wheeler was beheaded at Poco Solo and his body was flown by an unidentified drug pilot, who was later executed, and Scotts body was dumped headles in the United States not far from the Yuma Army Proving grounds. Shortly after this in 1985 Kiki and his pilot were set up by "persons unknown" (reference CIA classified memo) concerning a large shipement going through Lejas Mexico into the United States through the "Big Bend" route and Black Mountain (Iron Mountain) Wheeler's information was this was a weapons route to Central America and the drugs, cocain, would come in by C-130's flown by contract "civilian, cut out UC military crews. This too, was sent back to DEA and was not forwarded to FBI or CIA. The DEA sat on it. Kiki sent a memo stating that the CIA was involved in drug and gun smuggling. The DEA approched the FBI and the CIA about these reports from KIKI. The following week KIKI and his pilot were kidnapped. The CIA had the detailed information classified because of "ongoing operations" and the CIA in turn reported that KIKI was taken by the Guatalahara arm of the cartel. Shortly after this Berry Seal was executed also. The CIA let the information slowly slip out through paid informants and a few "cut outs" because of the Contra matter. Some of these "CI's "Confidentual Informants with coded numbers within the DoJ, relayed the info they had been fed to the cartel thus protecting the CIA from direct involvement and sealing KiKi' and his pilot's fate. On another note, but related, a shoot out was had at the ranch between two factions of the Mexican police. That too, was a bloody mess, as recorded by the DEA class 2 secret documents. (Susan Baldwin and Hector Berleiz. )This was shortly after a reporter was killed in Mexico because he had found out about the "CIA THING" and was "going to blow the lid off the CIA matter". he said. This is as close as I can get without... well you know the drill.... "Shaggy" retired DEA and other DEA agents know the real story. Perhaps someday they will talk for the sake and memory of KIKI and his pilot, Alverez.. Tosh
  4. Does anyone have a copy of the article, "I ran Drugs for Uncle Sam", by Neal Matthews, San Diego Reader, April 1990? If so would you care to post the " MILITARY MAP" that was printed with the article. I think anyone who thinks they know about these operations would find the names and places of interest that are recordered on this map. There is a lot of talk and names being thrown around... Post the Map, if you have it, and the date the map went to the Senate of the United States. Take a look at those names and aircraft ID numbers. Where are the researchers?.... You have missed the 'Meatball".
  5. [] quote from RJS Pat, I was in touch with a retired DEA agent a few years ago who essentially confirmed a story that had been making the rounds for several years. You recall the death of DEA agent Enrique "Kiki" Camarena in Mexico in 1985, said to have been murdered by Mexican drug lords. If I recall, 2 low level traffickers were convicted and sentenced to life in prison for Camarena's death. This former DEA guy said Camerena was murdered by the CIA because he found out about an airfield in Mexico used by the CIA as a stopover from Central America to the US. As you know(and this forum's own Tosh Plumlee can confirm this I'm sure, as he made many of these flights), the CIA would fly weapons and supplies to Central America, and bring tons of cocaine back on the return flight. Barry Seal was also heavily involved in these operations(who was himself murdered outside New Orleans allegedly with a trunk full of documents proving ties to the CIA and GHWB). Tosh's closed session testimony to the Kerry Committee is still sealed as secret, related to national security. In the early 90's, CIA officials went to Los Angeles and held a news conference to try to convince poor black families that they had nothing to do with cocaine smuggling. It was big news. They were nearly run out of the city. And if is in fact true that John Kerry apologized to one of Operation 40's chief assassins(and personal friend of GHWB), it certainly changes my mind about that senator. But then again, it's all politics as usual isn't it? RJS Ref: Plumlee ".... DEA FILES INFORMATION: DEAfiles.pdf DEA Mexico OPS: These documents make reference to "Guatemalan Guerrillas" training at a ranch owned by Drug Lord CARO- Quintero in Vera Crus, Mexico. It was reported at the time this was a CIA training site where weapons were exchanged for drugs in support of the Contra effort in Nicaragua and Costa Rico. DEA Agent Enrique Camarena (KIKI) and his pilot found out about this operation known as "The CIA Thing" and were killed because of this knowledge. Plumlee and other American undercover pilots had flown into this ranch many times as reported in various sections within these documents and other news media leaks in Mexico and America. The operation was known as "AMSOG" and, as reported to Senator Gary Hart and his Senate investigators in early 1983, was an "illegal" smuggling operation through Mexico into the United States, supported by the US Military, Panama Southern Command. Ref: DEA Secret Class 2 documents investigators Susand Baldwin and Hector Berelliz DEA. Documents can be found at toshplumlee.info in PDF foremat.
  6. I will get back to you on the Hanger #3 and other matters. Perhaps you can post what I said some time ago until I can get my notes and documentation in order. I will not go on memory on this important point. I made that mistake once before. Is he still in the Keys? Was it ever established that he was working with the "Miami Five" and the Homestead Air Force caper? I did not follow much after 1992. The Hanger was DEA and MI..., kind of like a "super market for weapons and other things.., but I'm sure you know that. I will give you a recap of what I think and what I do know. Do you have a copy of 'I Ran Drugs for Uncle Sam by Neal Matthews of the San Diego Reader, April 5, 1990'? In that article is a published military/DEA map with all the documented fly ways and stagging points and other details about the drug war and 'Hanger # 3 and what went on there from the viewpoint of military and DEA, UC pilots. I'm sure someone has a copy they would share with you and until I get my material together. I sure that will help you a lot in reference to you interest. Neal Matthews is in San Diego He was in the ph book as of 2000. You might ask him for a copy or how to find one. I do have a life and I do want to help, but I have been on this for four days now.., in my view trying to help. I do not intend to get drawn into he did he did'nt debates for whatever reasons. Nor will I be 'bird doged' into sucker traps for special interest reasons or projects. I am not say that this is your intentions. If I can help I will. Tosh
  7. Pablo Duran's son... still in Miami, SW 9th Ter. (?) I think. The Fuller,family and members of the late 'Wild Bill" Harvey's family as well as members of Sam Giacana and John Roselli's family. Senator Berry Goldwaters records and family members, Tucson Arizona. Senator Gary Hart. of Colorado. Bill Holden of Denver Colo. Wendell Seal of Louisiana and Henry Seal,( the old Henry Seal Aviation Dallas, Love Field Texas; Jody Foster daughter of Bill Cooper, and Carl Riner Jet West Aviation Reno, Nevada. (reference; Bill Cooper) Chubby Winer owner of "Starlight Cruises, Marathon Key Fla. Carl ?? Scanner owner of the DC-3's at Marathon FL. Dick Poto of Marathon can be located through the Police Department. (reference the Plum Key Raid): Craig Smith Miami Dade County Homicide Div, Miami FL; (ret) . Most of these people were contacted in 1991 by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Congressional investigators prior to close door testimony. Gene Wheaton had interviewed some of these people prior to his testimony in Washington DC, I was told this by Dick Mc Call and John Winner of Senator Kerry's staff who are now with the US State Department. Porter Gross CIA. Paul Lee, CIA contacts Div, Denver, Colorado. Denver FBI references to SAC Scott Warner "Shaggy" friend of KIki Guat MX DEA (ret) background Quintero and the Ranch.
  8. I will let my esteem friend in arms, GPH, go first on this. Perhaps HE can enlighten us with his references, documentation, and background. I will follow. However, until that time I will refer you to Gene Wheaton, Mike Rupart, and Peter Dale Scott, as well as John Simkin. I think they, as well as others, have solid documentation on this person which might clear a few questionable matters. Also or another note: Gerry. Could you footnote and reference this previous post you posted for us: ".....I inserted him into the drug interdiction Ops after my return from Africa during July, 1966. After seven months of UC work, he opted not to go to Vietnam [March 1967; and with about $1.3 million "skimmed" from the dopers -- he retired to the "Costa del Sol" in Spain [summer 1967]. (a passport stamp for the dates of entry and departure would help) Do you have a current "security clearance"? Have you ever had a "security clearance"? if so what type, who issued it, when, and where?.. Have you ever been "turn down" for a clearance or had one "revoked"? Thanks for your help. END Velma Espin (Debra) gave me the M-1 and I fell in behind this person. Carlos was behind me. I was not aware she had passed away. I was under the impression that she and Raul had a child. note; Carlos was behind Danny Sullivan. Sullivan was behind me. Velma was using the code name Debroa in 1957 when the hostages were being held by Raul in northen Cuba.
  9. I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez. While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo? T.C. All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20. ----------------------------------------- The photo was taken by Wendell Hoffman, Bob Taber's photographer. Wendell gave some of his exposed roles of film to Tom Dunkin, who took them out to Miami. When Wendell was at No Name Key, during September 1962, he met with Tom, and reminded Dunkin that: He had never seen any of the pix after that point in time [April 1957]. Dunkin told him he had them at his office -- at the newspaper he worked for [The Glades County Democrat, Moorehaven, Florida]. I presume that Dunkin never did deliver the negatives, but somehow the pic had been published 5 years earlier with no pic credits for Wendell [1957]. The Rebel carrying the long-barreled 12 gauge shotgun is then Lt. Juan Nuiry Sanchez. [later Comandante, and retired as a General]. The Rebel walking behind him is then Lt. William Galvez, who by July 1958, was elevated to Comandante, and given his own command of a Column. After Batista fled, and Fidel & Co. were enroute to Havana [8 days on a slow trip, taken precautions] -- Raul ordered Galvez to take over the large army barracks near Cardenas, Matanzas Province [Campo Goicuria]. During February Galvez was ordered to cease roller-skating around town, as it was pissing off the M-27-Julio underground veterans, and they felt he should concentrate on business: Such as the Batistiano drive-by shooters, and rounding up the war criminals, who were then still at large, and continued to rape and pillage. My platoon was ordered to rush there by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, and to thereafter to take care of said war criminal problems. We had several courtsmartial, and executions !! Column # 9 was headed by Cmdte. Hubert Matos, and he had NO "Gringos" in the column, just one ex-German sailor/marine. Matos can be contacted in Miami. [He served 24 years in Castro's Gulags, having been arrested after he resigned (October 1959) his command of Camaguey Province and denounced the Communist attempts to indoctrinate his troops.] Chairs, GPH ____________________ And now the rest of the story: The picture first appeared public in Life Magazine in 1957 in reference to the hostages taken by Raul at his northern camp. I think it was taken by Andrew St George. It was taken at the time that the US State Department sent a represenitive from Washington DC (Wieland or Whica ??) to negotiate the release of the American hostages. I think they settled for tractors. I am not sure if Dunkin covered this meeting at Raul's camp. I was only aware of one photographer from life Magazine. I was under the impression that Frank Parez (phon) headed up Col 9. At least this was what I understood at the time from Frank Bender of Miami who had or was working with Westbrok (Rosales) of the DR's M-26-7. with CIA support to the students at the University of Havana I do know that Matos did head up one of the Columns. None the less I am the man behind to one you refer to as Galvez as documented in the released CIA- 202-104-10406-10212 and the FBI 302's OO Miami. Those files were released in 1996 and 1991 Congressional request and FOIA to John Winer and Dick Mc Call of Senator John Kerry's Staff. William Galvez was with Castro in the southern part of Cuba at the time of the United Fruit hostages. There was one "Gingo with Matos for a short time before he went back to Gitmo and that was Tom Mosness (pho) also known as "The Cowboy The rebel in front of me could be the one you speak of. But I had another name in mind a war name perhaps you can tell me that name? The picture was staged for press coverage and Velma Espin (Debra) gave me the M-1 and I fell in behind this person. Carlos was behind me. Later these rebels (Carlos) got me to a safe place and I was picked up by a Texaco PBY from Marathon and then went to Miami. Carlos's daughter and her boyfried were both killed by Batista' goons at the Humboldt Apartment complex during a meeting. This was after the Palace Attack on Batista. Marquesto, an informant, was responsible for tipping off the police. Some years later Carlos killed Marquesto by throwing him, chained and bound froma C-46 Regina Air Cargo aircraft. I was co-pilot and Rojas was pilot IC. Sergio (?)Sanchez did have a brother who was with Castro in 1958 but not sure if he was at Rauls hidaway at the time of the hostages in 1957. I was debriefed at Sloopy Joes on Flager St downtown Miami and the Mc Allister Hotel. (Biscanne and Flagger) We meet others across the street at Bay Front Park where we meet with Johnney Farentallo and John Martino and Larry Allen. John Martino went to a rooming house (Nellies? I think it was) to pick up a package and then all of us went to the safe house on SW 9th Terrace in Coral Gables. I had a room at the Green Mansions, Miami Springs across from Eastern Airlines. I worked for Riddle Airlines and Regina Air Cargo of Miami The Dodge Corp was our cut-out cover employment (Dodge Island is where stolden guns were stored from National Guard Armories. They were later flown, by me and others, to the M-26-7 and the Students. "Poinsetta" Tosh --------------------------------- "Frank Pais" had already started an uprising in Oriente Province on the 30th of November, 1956. The original plan was for the yacht Granma to land a week before, so that Fidel and the 85 others (Castro revised the number down to"82" -- when some of the original guys defected) would provide a strike force in support. Castro, and the "Granma" got lost, and eventually were forced to land at Belic, the westernmost cape of Oriente -- and over 150+ miles away from where Frank had staged the uprisings. Fidel's arrival was for naught, the uprising failed; and Frank Pais was later captured, tortured, and murdered. Fidel's guys were wiped out [down to just a dozen], but were saved by "Campesino/Rustler/Peasant" Cresencio Perez. Cresencio led them to safe have in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra. [The survivors of the Frank Pais uprising later created the "30th of November" organization. When Raul left Fidel behind in the Sierra Maestra [April 1958], he headed north to the Sierra Cristal. Within weeks he had done more skirmishes than Fidel's laggards had accomplished in the previous 17 months (since Belic). Raul styled his operation as "The Frank Pais 2nd National Front!!] The so-called "United Fruit Hostages" story did not involve anybody from "Mamita Yunai", as ALL of the hostages were from the Nicaro Mining Corporation. "Abuelo" Silva Tablada confiscated an OS2U "Kingfisher" at the Nicaro airstrip. [not the single-float model catapulted off of battleships, but the "tail-dragger" 3-wheeler]. "Abuelo" quickly rigged the bird with some bombs and attacked a nearby Bastistano fortress -- and they all surrendered within 8 minutes !! "NO Tractors" -- just a deal like with the Marines and Sailors held hostage later. "STOP arming & refueling Batista B-26s and F-47 "Thunderbolts" at GITMO. However, they did confiscate all of the trucks, Jeeps, etc. and took them back up into the hills. They also "appropriated two "D-8" Bulldozers to be used for improving the two airstrips, and for plowing out one more. I have a 7 inch thick file on one Wm. Robert Plumlee [from ALL Mil/Agency/Bureau sources -- plus some interesting letters from Dick Clark and his show producers]; and I really don't think that you want me to "scan" them ??!! The picture taken of Raul was NOT taken at his Mayari Arriba headquarters, but at the Nicaro Mining airstrip. Both CIA officers Ron Cruziero and Wiecha accompanied Deputy-Und/Secy-Lat/Am-Affairs Wm. A. Wieland from GITMO. The USMC helicopter was from Marine Squadron HMR-362, normally based at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. The pilot was a buddy of mine, and we flew together with the 1st Marine Brigade in the Pacific [3rd M.A.W./FMF-Pacific]. NO C-46 ever landed at Raul's two airstrips -- Mayari Arriba or at Calabasas. The largest aircraft to ever land there, other than Howard K. "Davy" Davis' "Stagger-Wing Beech" was the two F-51 "Mustangs" that Michel Yabor & Adolpho Diaz flew in during November 1958. The ONLY gun-runners flying in for Raul in the "2nd Front" (Sierra Cristal) were Pedro Diaz Lanz, Yabor, Sergio Sanjenis, Jorge Sotu, and Davy. [Diaz Lanz was later to replace Capt. Orestes Del Rio as Chief of the Rebel Air Force after arrival in Havana. He later defected, along with his brother Marcos, and Frank Fiorini Sturgis during July 1959.] Juan Nuiry Sanchez (with the shotgun) used the war name "Anibal" for a short time [spanish for "Hannibal"]. The pic was taken by Wendell Hoffman, and it was within 200 yards of Fidel's headquarters at Minas del Frio. William Galvez's column took the long march to the West [with Che & Camilo], leaving Fidel to keep bullxxxxting the peasants to death. Galvez missed the battle of Santa Clara, but that didn't stop him from grabbing a load of guns and ammo from my plane -- after landing at Mayajigua [Las Villas]. He also took Paul Hughes load from his twin Commanche -- and that load was supposed to go to Menoyo and the S.F.N.E. Rebels in the Escambray. Raul later married "Vilma Espin". She died of breast cancer over 20+ years ago !! Her war name "Debora" was never used after Jan. 1959. I have William Galvez's telephone number in Cardenas, if anybody wants to call and verify that: He is the one walking behind "Anibal". Or I can get his e-mail address from his cousin in Coral Springs, Florida. You are dealing with somebody he was there, "Walking-the-Walk" -- "But-NOT-Talking-the-Talk" -- Just LISTENING & LEARNING !! We are a small "family", and despite our "political" differences, we oftentimes stay in touch [between CONUS & Cuba] -- so I wouldn't tread too close to the real history/facts of guys who came from a small "family" of Rebels !! And especially not when we ALL knew one another; and quite a few of those still breathing, continue to stay in touch -- as often as it is safe to do so. NOTE: The #21 Humboldt address was never used after Echevarria, Joe Westbrook, et al. were arrested, and later murdered shortly thereafter -- That is to say; NOT after the week of 13th March, 1957. There were about 50 "Gringos" and other nationalities, working the "Cuban Deal"; and those of us who have survived, stay in contact. Like I said, it was a small "Family" and we all knew one another. Gerhard Droller ["Frank Bender"] worked for Harvey in Berlin until 1960, and was never near Cuba until then !! He was totally ignorant of recent Cuban history, and didn't knpw a word of Spanish !! So I am puzzled how he would have mentioned any of the #21 guys, or anybody else previous to 1960 ??!! NOBODY ever flew out of the Marathon, Key West or Coral Reef Country Club airstrips during the 1957-59 period. Monroe County Sheriff's deputies [paid by Customs] watched all three strips like Hawks. Everybody always flew NORTH if departing south Florida, and then turned east near Hobe Sound [Palm Beach]. After hugging the deck across Lake Okeechobee, and crossing the A.D.I.Z. at under 200 feet, so as to stay under Grand Bahama Air Force Base [u.S.] radar until making the turn to the southeast , and past the radar at Governeur's Harbor [Eleuthera, 57 miles northeast of Nassau]. [The "Hobe Sound Maneuver" kept us below the N.A.S. "Banana River" Radar. Its name changed to Patrick Air Force Base when the "Zoomies" took over.] The farthest south anybody ever launched from was: At the abandoned Immokalee airport [Naples]; and that was for delivering to the Pinar del Rio ProvinceRebels [westernmost Cuba] that Neil Macauley later joined. [Cmdte. Dermidio Escalona in command] Flying due west [and on the deck] till well past Fort Jefferson [Dry Tortugas]; insured our avoiding the radars at Tampa [McDill], Avon Park Gunnery Range [Polk County], and N.A.S. Boca Chica [Key West] !! Chairs, GPH __________________________ To GPH: Thank You. for your information. However, would you please footnote and reference your statements and paraghs. This would be a help to real researchers and historians in order to establish a true record of your activities and adventures. I will likewise try and do the same. As to your claims about me... big deal. I know more than you think about your phony background info on me and my friends. It is very important for you to be sure nobody investigates you and publishes what they find. However, this is not what this Forum is all about... >>>< so buzz off Flake and let others get on with their work. You have been ask by many to answer direct questions about your statements over the years... for whatever reasons you side step those questions and go into long writings and comments that go nowhere. Don't you think the time has come to really be of help (if you are and have done ALL the things you say you have done over the years and you are who you say you are) don't you think its about time to be of some help to the research community in their quest for truth? Sir. I will no longer respond to you committs about me or other matters you post. You are a wast of my time. P.S. I did receive your E-mail threat directed toward me... You and your "Buddies" take your best shot. I will not be intiminated by you or anyone. End
  10. I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez. While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo? T.C. All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20. ----------------------------------------- The photo was taken by Wendell Hoffman, Bob Taber's photographer. Wendell gave some of his exposed roles of film to Tom Dunkin, who took them out to Miami. When Wendell was at No Name Key, during September 1962, he met with Tom, and reminded Dunkin that: He had never seen any of the pix after that point in time [April 1957]. Dunkin told him he had them at his office -- at the newspaper he worked for [The Glades County Democrat, Moorehaven, Florida]. I presume that Dunkin never did deliver the negatives, but somehow the pic had been published 5 years earlier with no pic credits for Wendell [1957]. The Rebel carrying the long-barreled 12 gauge shotgun is then Lt. Juan Nuiry Sanchez. [later Comandante, and retired as a General]. The Rebel walking behind him is then Lt. William Galvez, who by July 1958, was elevated to Comandante, and given his own command of a Column. After Batista fled, and Fidel & Co. were enroute to Havana [8 days on a slow trip, taken precautions] -- Raul ordered Galvez to take over the large army barracks near Cardenas, Matanzas Province [Campo Goicuria]. During February Galvez was ordered to cease roller-skating around town, as it was pissing off the M-27-Julio underground veterans, and they felt he should concentrate on business: Such as the Batistiano drive-by shooters, and rounding up the war criminals, who were then still at large, and continued to rape and pillage. My platoon was ordered to rush there by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, and to thereafter to take care of said war criminal problems. We had several courtsmartial, and executions !! Column # 9 was headed by Cmdte. Hubert Matos, and he had NO "Gringos" in the column, just one ex-German sailor/marine. Matos can be contacted in Miami. [He served 24 years in Castro's Gulags, having been arrested after he resigned (October 1959) his command of Camaguey Province and denounced the Communist attempts to indoctrinate his troops.] Chairs, GPH ____________________ And now the rest of the story: The picture first appeared public in Life Magazine in 1957 in reference to the hostages taken by Raul at his northern camp. I think it was taken by Andrew St George. It was taken at the time that the US State Department sent a represenitive from Washington DC (Wieland or Whica ??) to negotiate the release of the American hostages. I think they settled for tractors. I am not sure if Dunkin covered this meeting at Raul's camp. I was only aware of one photographer from life Magazine. I was under the impression that Frank Parez (phon) headed up Col 9. At least this was what I understood at the time from Frank Bender of Miami who had or was working with Westbrok (Rosales) of the DR's M-26-7. with CIA support to the students at the University of Havana I do know that Matos did head up one of the Columns. None the less I am the man behind to one you refer to as Galvez as documented in the released CIA- 202-104-10406-10212 and the FBI 302's OO Miami. Those files were released in 1996 and 1991 Congressional request and FOIA to John Winer and Dick Mc Call of Senator John Kerry's Staff. William Galvez was with Castro in the southern part of Cuba at the time of the United Fruit hostages. There was one "Gingo with Matos for a short time before he went back to Gitmo and that was Tom Mosness (pho) also known as "The Cowboy The rebel in front of me could be the one you speak of. But I had another name in mind a war name perhaps you can tell me that name? The picture was staged for press coverage and Velma Espin (Debra) gave me the M-1 and I fell in behind this person. Carlos was behind me. Later these rebels (Carlos) got me to a safe place and I was picked up by a Texaco PBY from Marathon and then went to Miami. Carlos's daughter and her boyfried were both killed by Batista' goons at the Humboldt Apartment complex during a meeting. This was after the Palace Attack on Batista. Marquesto, an informant, was responsible for tipping off the police. Some years later Carlos killed Marquesto by throwing him, chained and bound froma C-46 Regina Air Cargo aircraft. I was co-pilot and Rojas was pilot IC. Sergio (?)Sanchez did have a brother who was with Castro in 1958 but not sure if he was at Rauls hidaway at the time of the hostages in 1957. I was debriefed at Sloopy Joes on Flager St downtown Miami and the Mc Allister Hotel. (Biscanne and Flagger) We meet others across the street at Bay Front Park where we meet with Johnney Farentallo and John Martino and Larry Allen. John Martino went to a rooming house (Nellies? I think it was) to pick up a package and then all of us went to the safe house on SW 9th Terrace in Coral Gables. I had a room at the Green Mansions, Miami Springs across from Eastern Airlines. I worked for Riddle Airlines and Regina Air Cargo of Miami The Dodge Corp was our cut-out cover employment (Dodge Island is where stolden guns were stored from National Guard Armories. They were later flown, by me and others, to the M-26-7 and the Students. "Poinsetta" Tosh --------------------------------- "Frank Pais" had already started an uprising in Oriente Province on the 30th of November, 1956. The original plan was for the yacht Granma to land a week before, so that Fidel and the 85 others (Castro revised the number down to"82" -- when some of the original guys defected) would provide a strike force in support. Castro, and the "Granma" got lost, and eventually were forced to land at Belic, the westernmost cape of Oriente -- and over 150+ miles away from where Frank had staged the uprisings. Fidel's arrival was for naught, the uprising failed; and Frank Pais was later captured, tortured, and murdered. Fidel's guys were wiped out [down to just a dozen], but were saved by "Campesino/Rustler/Peasant" Cresencio Perez. Cresencio led them to safe have in the foothills of the Sierra Maestra. [The survivors of the Frank Pais uprising later created the "30th of November" organization. When Raul left Fidel behind in the Sierra Maestra [April 1958], he headed north to the Sierra Cristal. Within weeks he had done more skirmishes than Fidel's laggards had accomplished in the previous 17 months (since Belic). Raul styled his operation as "The Frank Pais 2nd National Front!!] The so-called "United Fruit Hostages" story did not involve anybody from "Mamita Yunai", as ALL of the hostages were from the Nicaro Mining Corporation. "Abuelo" Silva Tablada confiscated an OS2U "Kingfisher" at the Nicaro airstrip. [not the single-float model catapulted off of battleships, but the "tail-dragger" 3-wheeler]. "Abuelo" quickly rigged the bird with some bombs and attacked a nearby Bastistano fortress -- and they all surrendered within 8 minutes !! "NO Tractors" -- just a deal like with the Marines and Sailors held hostage later. "STOP arming & refueling Batista B-26s and F-47 "Thunderbolts" at GITMO. However, they did confiscate all of the trucks, Jeeps, etc. and took them back up into the hills. They also "appropriated two "D-8" Bulldozers to be used for improving the two airstrips, and for plowing out one more. I have a 7 inch thick file on one Wm. Robert Plumlee [from ALL Mil/Agency/Bureau sources -- plus some interesting letters from Dick Clark and his show producers]; and I really don't think that you want me to "scan" them ??!! The picture taken of Raul was NOT taken at his Mayari Arriba headquarters, but at the Nicaro Mining airstrip. Both CIA officers Ron Cruziero and Wiecha accompanied Deputy-Und/Secy-Lat/Am-Affairs Wm. A. Wieland from GITMO. The USMC helicopter was from Marine Squadron HMR-362, normally based at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. The pilot was a buddy of mine, and we flew together with the 1st Marine Brigade in the Pacific [3rd M.A.W./FMF-Pacific]. NO C-46 ever landed at Raul's two airstrips -- Mayari Arriba or at Calabasas. The largest aircraft to ever land there, other than Howard K. "Davy" Davis' "Stagger-Wing Beech" was the two F-51 "Mustangs" that Michel Yabor & Adolpho Diaz flew in during November 1958. The ONLY gun-runners flying in for Raul in the "2nd Front" (Sierra Cristal) were Pedro Diaz Lanz, Yabor, Sergio Sanjenis, Jorge Sotu, and Davy. [Diaz Lanz was later to replace Capt. Orestes Del Rio as Chief of the Rebel Air Force after arrival in Havana. He later defected, along with his brother Marcos, and Frank Fiorini Sturgis during July 1959.] Juan Nuiry Sanchez (with the shotgun) used the war name "Anibal" for a short time [spanish for "Hannibal"]. The pic was taken by Wendell Hoffman, and it was within 200 yards of Fidel's headquarters at Minas del Frio. William Galvez's column took the long march to the West [with Che & Camilo], leaving Fidel to keep bullxxxxting the peasants to death. Galvez missed the battle of Santa Clara, but that didn't stop him from grabbing a load of guns and ammo from my plane -- after landing at Mayajigua [Las Villas]. He also took Paul Hughes load from his twin Commanche -- and that load was supposed to go to Menoyo and the S.F.N.E. Rebels in the Escambray. Raul later married "Vilma Espin". She died of breast cancer over 20+ years ago !! Her war name "Debora" was never used after Jan. 1959. I have William Galvez's telephone number in Cardenas, if anybody wants to call and verify that: He is the one walking behind "Anibal". Or I can get his e-mail address from his cousin in Coral Springs, Florida. You are dealing with somebody he was there, "Walking-the-Walk" -- "But-NOT-Talking-the-Talk" -- Just LISTENING & LEARNING !! We are a small "family", and despite our "political" differences, we oftentimes stay in touch [between CONUS & Cuba] -- so I wouldn't tread too close to the real history/facts of guys who came from a small "family" of Rebels !! And especially not when we ALL knew one another; and quite a few of those still breathing, continue to stay in touch -- as often as it is safe to do so. NOTE: The #21 Humboldt address was never used after Echevarria, Joe Westbrook, et al. were arrested, and later murdered shortly thereafter -- That is to say; NOT after the week of 13th March, 1957. There were about 50 "Gringos" and other nationalities, working the "Cuban Deal"; and those of us who have survived, stay in contact. Like I said, it was a small "Family" and we all knew one another. Gerhard Droller ["Frank Bender"] worked for Harvey in Berlin until 1960, and was never near Cuba until then !! He was totally ignorant of recent Cuban history, and didn't knpw a word of Spanish !! So I am puzzled how he would have mentioned any of the #21 guys, or anybody else previous to 1960 ??!! NOBODY ever flew out of the Marathon, Key West or Coral Reef Country Club airstrips during the 1957-59 period. Monroe County Sheriff's deputies [paid by Customs] watched all three strips like Hawks. Everybody always flew NORTH if departing south Florida, and then turned east near Hobe Sound [Palm Beach]. After hugging the deck across Lake Okeechobee, and crossing the A.D.I.Z. at under 200 feet, so as to stay under Grand Bahama Air Force Base [u.S.] radar until making the turn to the southeast , and past the radar at Governeur's Harbor [Eleuthera, 57 miles northeast of Nassau]. [The "Hobe Sound Maneuver" kept us below the N.A.S. "Banana River" Radar. Its name changed to Patrick Air Force Base when the "Zoomies" took over.] The farthest south anybody ever launched from was: At the abandoned Immokalee airport [Naples]; and that was for delivering to the Pinar del Rio ProvinceRebels [westernmost Cuba] that Neil Macauley later joined. [Cmdte. Dermidio Escalona in command] Flying due west [and on the deck] till well past Fort Jefferson [Dry Tortugas]; insured our avoiding the radars at Tampa [McDill], Avon Park Gunnery Range [Polk County], and N.A.S. Boca Chica [Key West] !! Chairs, GPH __________________________
  11. --------------------------------------- From GPH Larry Barcella, who I worked with on the "Letelier Assassination Case" (1977) -- lured Ed Wilson to the Dominican Republic during mid-1982. Barcella, after leaving his job as Asst. U.S. Attorney (Wash. DC); was hired by the Antigua government to get Israeli Mossad agent Mike Harari. Harari had imported a few thousand AK-47s into Colombia, and delivered them to the "Right-Wing Death Squads" [A.U.C.] Wilson was in continuous custody [bailed denied] since 1982, and remains so today !! So there is NO WAY that he was running around during the "Contra" business !!Chairs, GPH _______________________________________ From Plumlee GPH your WRONG...! Please document with locator numbers for your statements. Copies of your documents will not do. We need the file locator numbers for verification of your claims and statements. "...I too, was under Clines operations at one time and met with Wilson in Denver many times in the early eighties....". supporting documentation can be obtain from: 1979 thru early 82. FBI 62 and 104's files and CIA XXXXX classified number Classified Senate Foreign Relations Committee classified Sensitive, 1990. Recently de classified. Reference; Senator Gary Hart. Senate Arm Services Committee 1981 hearings Senate Reference letter from Gary Hart to the Senate 1993, in reference to 1981-83 activities. Reference John Winer and Dick Mc Call investigators for Senator John Kerry and the Forgin Relations investigations of the Iran/Contra matters. other background information: The US Department of Justice announced on April 14th, 2000 that it is going to open an investigation into federal prosecutors' misconduct in obtaining a conviction (February 5th, 1983) of Wilson for selling the C-4 to Quaddaffi. The disclosure came about as a response to Wilson's filing a motion to hold seventeen current and former CIA and 'Department of Justice' ('DoJ') officials in contempt of court for not informing his defense that the prosecution was knowingly using a false document in prosecuting Wilson. Thomas Clines' Iran-Contra Trading CardA brief note on Thomas Clines, who owned the company 'EATSCO', along with Wilson, Shackley, and others. Willson put up a $1000,000 to Clines to set up the company. In early 1982 until shortly before his arrest he was in Amarillo Texas working on a Hellicopter deal for Central America. Shortly after that he was arrested. Ref; FBI investigation and survailence of Ed Wilson from the Denver OO and the DoJ. There is no mention of travels outside of the USA in these and CIA reports from 1981-82. Government To Probe Ex-CIA Officer Case Another look (April 14th, 2000) at the fact that the prosecution knowingly used a sworn document they knew was a lie to convict Wilson. House Fully Empowers October Surprise Investigative Committee Here Brian Downing Quig gives a brief outline of EATSCO affair, and the Ed Wilson and Frank Turpil prosecutions. .." End
  12. duplicate post Lee Thanks: Tom Willson some years ago did photo work on this print. Peter Lemkin somehow got the orginal neg for him. Tom said his findings were two people in the shadow of the trees one down low on the slope of the hill; one a little higher up. The light areas are in contrast and brake the shadow lines of the tree and tree trunk, indicating something iwithn the shadows. He also said to Lemkin and others that he thought he had found another person near the overpass at the parking lot near parked cars. He and Peter had a falling out and he would not release the picture or his findings to Pete. I talked with Tom before he died and he told me he wanted to do more work before he released his findings. Jim Marrs also knows this information and I think was told the same thing by Wilson, however I am not sure about this. It does appear from just new tech that people are at that location. I have said for years that this needs to be investigated futher, but for whatever reasons nobody has taken it serious. In fact some have gone out of their way to discrerdit the possibility that someone is there even to the point of altering the picture to discredit the south knoll story. Tom Died suddenly. Not sure of the date. Jack White also studied the picture but he said there was nothing there almost to the effect 'it was all in my head", hence no real work was done on it at that time 1989-90 by him. thanks for the work you've done on this. What do you think?
  13. I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez. While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo? T.C. All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20. ----------------------------------------- The photo was taken by Wendell Hoffman, Bob Taber's photographer. Wendell gave some of his exposed roles of film to Tom Dunkin, who took them out to Miami. When Wendell was at No Name Key, during September 1962, he met with Tom, and reminded Dunkin that: He had never seen any of the pix after that point in time [April 1957]. Dunkin told him he had them at his office -- at the newspaper he worked for [The Glades County Democrat, Moorehaven, Florida]. I presume that Dunkin never did deliver the negatives, but somehow the pic had been published 5 years earlier with no pic credits for Wendell [1957]. The Rebel carrying the long-barreled 12 gauge shotgun is then Lt. Juan Nuiry Sanchez. [later Comandante, and retired as a General]. The Rebel walking behind him is then Lt. William Galvez, who by July 1958, was elevated to Comandante, and given his own command of a Column. After Batista fled, and Fidel & Co. were enroute to Havana [8 days on a slow trip, taken precautions] -- Raul ordered Galvez to take over the large army barracks near Cardenas, Matanzas Province [Campo Goicuria]. During February Galvez was ordered to cease roller-skating around town, as it was pissing off the M-27-Julio underground veterans, and they felt he should concentrate on business: Such as the Batistiano drive-by shooters, and rounding up the war criminals, who were then still at large, and continued to rape and pillage. My platoon was ordered to rush there by Cmdte. Camilo Cienfuegos, and to thereafter to take care of said war criminal problems. We had several courtsmartial, and executions !! Column # 9 was headed by Cmdte. Hubert Matos, and he had NO "Gringos" in the column, just one ex-German sailor/marine. Matos can be contacted in Miami. [He served 24 years in Castro's Gulags, having been arrested after he resigned (October 1959) his command of Camaguey Province and denounced the Communist attempts to indoctrinate his troops.] Chairs, GPH ____________________ And now the rest of the story: The picture first appeared public in Life Magazine in 1957 in reference to the hostages taken by Raul at his northern camp. I think it was taken by Andrew St George. It was taken at the time that the US State Department sent a represenitive from Washington DC (Wieland or Whica ??) to negotiate the release of the American hostages. I think they settled for tractors. I am not sure if Dunkin covered this meeting at Raul's camp. I was only aware of one photographer from life Magazine. I was under the impression that Frank Parez (phon) headed up Col 9. At least this was what I understood at the time from Frank Bender of Miami who had or was working with Westbrok (Rosales) of the DR's M-26-7. with CIA support to the students at the University of Havana I do know that Matos did head up one of the Columns. None the less I am the man behind to one you refer to as Galvez as documented in the released CIA- 202-104-10406-10212 and the FBI 302's OO Miami. Those files were released in 1996 and 1991 Congressional request and FOIA to John Winer and Dick Mc Call of Senator John Kerry's Staff. William Galvez was with Castro in the southern part of Cuba at the time of the United Fruit hostages. There was one "Gingo with Matos for a short time before he went back to Gitmo and that was Tom Mosness (pho) also known as "The Cowboy The rebel in front of me could be the one you speak of. But I had another name in mind a war name perhaps you can tell me that name? The picture was staged for press coverage and Velma Espin (Debra) gave me the M-1 and I fell in behind this person. Carlos was behind me. Later these rebels (Carlos) got me to a safe place and I was picked up by a Texaco PBY from Marathon and then went to Miami. Carlos's daughter and her boyfried were both killed by Batista' goons at the Humboldt Apartment complex during a meeting. This was after the Palace Attack on Batista. Marquesto, an informant, was responsible for tipping off the police. Some years later Carlos killed Marquesto by throwing him, chained and bound froma C-46 Regina Air Cargo aircraft. I was co-pilot and Rojas was pilot IC. Sergio (?)Sanchez did have a brother who was with Castro in 1958 but not sure if he was at Rauls hidaway at the time of the hostages in 1957. I was debriefed at Sloopy Joes on Flager St downtown Miami and the Mc Allister Hotel. (Biscanne and Flagger) We meet others across the street at Bay Front Park where we meet with Johnney Farentallo and John Martino and Larry Allen. John Martino went to a rooming house (Nellies? I think it was) to pick up a package and then all of us went to the safe house on SW 9th Terrace in Coral Gables. I had a room at the Green Mansions, Miami Springs across from Eastern Airlines. I worked for Riddle Airlines and Regina Air Cargo of Miami The Dodge Corp was our cut-out cover employment (Dodge Island is where stolden guns were stored from National Guard Armories. They were later flown, by me and others, to the M-26-7 and the Students. "Poinsetta" Tosh
  14. I don't know first hand. But I was told later that he had been in the Army Specialized School with some heavy players. I think that would have been after Ft Blis,s, but not sure. I am not familiar with the dates that they were there at Benning. But I think it was after the BoP affair. One time I was told by Sergio when we had been drinking that he had had specialized training at an Army base that I new nothing about. I thought he ment Ft Bliss and the "Red Bird" matter At the time I thought that strange because we were"Army" then. At the time I did not think much about it because of the drinking and braging. I wish people had taken matters into consideration when I was trying to get researchers to look at what I Thought I Had. Time has a way of slipping from you. However, there was to much special projects out there and it seems the info I had at the time did not fit into their projects. So it went into file 13. Perhaps that is where it belongs. Thanks James your a hard worker as I remember. Tosh
  15. Thats him. I once denighed the name "Sergio" when someone peged him as being in Dallas. He was alive then and that caused a falling out between me and his famay. Its seems someone was writing a book and they said I fingered him as being with me in Dallas. About that time all hell broke loose and I was caused a lot of trouble and called alot of names by many on these forums. Again. designed to stop research. I expect itt to happen again soon. Perhaps you have the other postings that caused so much flak. Thanks James. Its refreashing. I did protect Him until the end as he did with me. James. Look on the left forearm at the Tatoo. Its a RedBird, same as mind. Ask Jim Marrs what that means and how we got them. And too; Andras was his childhood name before he got taged as 'Sergio" at Fort Benning, GA Tim. If I remember right I think it was Sergio with the cross, but reall not sure anymore. I think you have the other information that was freash in my mind sometime ago. Whatever that is is right. If you have it Post it. I think it will help in research and clear some things. I think is was in a email or post about "....protecting the operation at all cost...' or mabe that went to Jim Marrs.
  16. Thats him. I once denighed the name "Sergio" when someone peged him as being in Dallas. He was alive then and that caused a falling out between me and his famay. Its seems someone was writing a book and they said I fingered him as being with me in Dallas. About that time all hell broke loose and I was caused a lot of trouble and called alot of names by many on these forums. Again. designed to stop research. I expect itt to happen again soon. Perhaps you have the other postings that caused so much flak. Thanks James. Its refreashing. I did protect Him until the end as he did with me. James. Look on the left forearm at the Tatoo. Its a RedBird, same as mind. Ask Jim Marrs what that means and how we got them.
  17. I believe the man wearing the silver cross was identified as Sergio Sanchez, brother of Celia Sanchez. While he's at it, maybe Tosh could identify the men in the above photo? T.C. All I know about him is he was with Frank's Colum 9, or had been with, I was told. I had his war name at one time and his picture was hanging up in the old Alpha-66 Hdq before they move. I am the one behind him. I was only there because a weapons drop to Raul and Debora Espin (pho) went bad and they help me get out after our aircraft went down. I was not active with the rebels as some have said. Some of this has been posted on other places and it should be checked out. I am working of memory. I sure some will take exceptions. None the less, I am doing my best and can only talk about what I know or what I think I know. In 1957 I was 20.
  18. James. The man in the photo center is my friend "Sergio" the man that Raul is shaking hands is Wm Weiland who flew into Raul's camp in a hellicopter from Gitmo. He was with the State Department Washing, DC ( he was also refered to as Wm. Whicha (pho) in some references as to Dunkins work. The Life Magazine article "The United Fruit Hostages", photos by Andrew St George 1957 (I think) ID's him correctly. This is not the Sergio of Dallas fame. There is another picture out there somewhere of Sergio of Dallas fame. It was taken at the Dark Horse Bar, West Palm Beach some years later. He is sitting at the bar and I think a "Parrot or doll monkey he is holding. I took the picture I did see that picture posted at one time. Perhaps you have seen it. At Raul's safe camp, there was another American there that day in 1957 from Gitmo base Tom Moseness (pho) he was known as "The Cowboy". He was only around for a short time . He got me hooked up with the person in front of me at the burned out building. Velma Espin was code name Debroa. Raul later married Thelma Espin and I think they are still together. Sergio of Dallas fame died in San Juan in 2000
  19. ###### note: Background article on Ed Wilson located at website: http://www.disinfo.com/archive/pages/dossier/id334/pg1/ Willson was also involved with the Bell Hellicopter "Texatron" matter at Amarillo, TX. Zackarella (pho) was involved in a shooting in Denver CO. He was a student at Colo. University, Boulder and got shot in the eye. Willson and Tom Clines surfaced in this investigation and "Eugene Toffya" (sp) pho) had something to do with it. ( I think he was the shooter in behalf of Willson) It was covered in the Denver Post about 1982-83, I think... this is all from clouded mememory. I'm sure I will get my butt kicked if I am wrong on any little bittie detail about this. Its been said that Willson was in Deep Lock Down in the 1980's The following is the record date of Willson's conviction "..... The US Department of Justice announced on April 14th, 2000 that it is going to open an investigation into federal prosecutors' misconduct in obtaining a conviction (February 5th, 1983) of Wilson for selling the C-4 to Quaddaffi. The disclosure came about as a response to Wilson's filing a motion to hold seventeen current and former CIA and 'Department of Justice' ('DoJ') officials in contempt of court for not informing his defense that the prosecution was knowingly using a false document in prosecuting Wilson. ..." End
  20. Keep up the good work. Remember " Birds of a feather flock together". I too, worked with Tom Clines in the sixties and again in the eightes. Its documented. Also read Peter Brewton's and Leslie Cockbrun's books about Lijas MX , Santa Elena, and the drug routes into the USA, also check with Gene Wheaton... he is a good man... firm.. but professional. Tosh (I'm sure you have looked into Deadly Secrets by Hinckle and Wm. Turner) Tosh, Great to see you posting! You are one who can add a great deal to this issue by linking these individuals from the 20 year span that I can only speculate on. I believe we are walking on some very nasty ground here that can produce results if the researchers dig hard enough. Al Al. Good to hear from you also. I have always thought that some of the activities I am aware of pro and con might some day help in respect to history. As you know I have never claimed to have all the answers, but I do have a few. I thought I would again try to communicate with the research community on a few matters. However, it appears the information is not of interest. So much, as you know, is missed in postings of embedded name, facts, and places. People seemed to be more focused on forum entertainment and little on research digging. You can tell when you do put out something worthwhile because a host of wanta bees go wild and attack your background and try to block the information from coming forth. I think you also have had your spat with that. There have been new CIA files released recently of which were mentioned a few years ago which supports what you and I know happened down there. At the time some of that information was discussed on this forum. However, I and you were attacked, curused, and discredited by some special interest nuts and agency people. As a result of these types nothing gets done in reference to real progress on the case. I think that is by design. You have proven to me that you were a part of history and have something of value to add in understanding the makeup and launching of real operation.., not like some mercs I know of. Some matters are best left alone for now. I can tell it is not time to go into those operations. It would be a diss service to them. In due course after a few "clean-up" dudes from old who hang around these forums hang themselves by their own words and actions.., and it becomes obvious and "clean" again, then perhaps the research community will be ready for the real deal and put it all together. Until that time, I will just watch and wait. The best to you friend and always remember those who have gone before us, KiKi, Scott Wheeler, Mike and Don. They paid the price... they went up the hill. Cheers to them. Take care Tosh
  21. Thank you GPH for your very professional Documentation: "Boy I am sure glad this xxxxhead is back, I'm kinda tired of picking on "Sister Canuck Sweets" -- The Village Idiot, and her "3-Stooges punky-rocky-groupy". "..coward-ass bastards had the D.C....". "....NOT that other assholes came out of the blue [or some anal orifice] to suck me into this mess...". "... And who the hell really gives a xxxx ??!!...". "... Jesus H. Christ -- Is there NO end to this snitch lying ]through his "Tooshy Toofies ??!! Again we Thank You, Mr Hemming, for your invaluable information and input. It is of great help and takes us into new areas of research toward a conclution of this complicated case of which only you seem to have all the answers about everything. ######## iii) Wherever possible, members should give references (books, documents, etc) concerning the comments that they make. This will help those carrying out academic research into this area. (iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.
  22. GPH was never CIA or MI. He "shadows" information for personal gratification. He sponges up information and speculation and throws it out in disjointed fragments as facts and adds to that over time. The real CIA file on GPH is they in "no way" wanted anything to do with him or "his boys".., even some of the Cubans who are now dead and gone wanted nothing to do with him, but he now quotes them as buddies in arms. He has never been a CIA operative or a MI covert operative in spite of what he claims. His disinformation is of his own making. He does not work within the protocol of the jargon of CIA. He thinks he knows how operations come together and who and why they were formed. This is his fantasy. He drops names in tight circles and picks up jargon then uses it to influence others with his knowledge It works on the ill informed who want to know workings of the covert world. To say he is CIA is a dis service to the CIA and our government. People want to believe what they want to believe and GPH is there to provide the color they so much desire. A real operative works in the shadows and lives in a world of cut outs and no man lands. Its his job to protect the operation at all cost as it is being played out. Liver Lips like GPH who see others, who know what he really is, as "Snitches" could never keep the secrets because he wants everyone to see him as a big operative and planner that clears all operations and tells the CIA Director how to play the game. Covert Ops is a very small world a dangerous world of which the likes of GPH could never have survived. Do what you like with the GPH's material. I have wasted to much time on this whatever person.
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