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William Plumlee

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Everything posted by William Plumlee

  1. IN REPLY TO PREVIOUS POST ON FORUM Wim: Our country is just like yours. We have our share of nuts who want others to see things the way they think they should be seen. If we do not hold their views then they go on the attack and attempt to destory our belief and the belief of others any way they can. That is contrary to the American way, but as I have said, we have our share of these deranged individuals just like your country. These are the 'miss-fits' of society. They have been around for thousands of years and we have to put up with them for the sake of establishing the truth for all mankind to know. Their unholy deeds, in time, will reveal themselves to the world for what they are. I see these type people as counter productive. They exist in all nations and countries. These individuals wrap themselves in the flag of the country they say they serve and attempt to intimidate instead of debate issues that are contrary to their warped beliefs and principals. They are the cowards. They hide behind the flags of many nations. They never serve on any battlefield for any nation, right or wrong. They are the 'wanta-bees' cowards of the world and they need the strokes of hard working honest people to maintain there egotistical self net worth. Hitler, and others, came from that group and they tried to eliminate the honest spirit that drove many nations to greatness. Hundreds of thousands fought the Hitlers of this world and they paid the price. The evil doers were soon defeated. In time truth slowly surfaced. It was not easy. And many paid the price so that we could continue to express our views and opinions freely. (your country as well as ours) America was founded upon these principels. But these principels are universal principels, given to all mankind freely. However, there will always be those who feel they must destory this free spirit at all cost. They live in a life of misery, because the misery lies deep within aplace that they themselves can not reach. I see no hope for them. And if you go to their level of pain, in time there will be no hope for you. We have to consider the source of these people and what they say and how they say it. We have to rise above them and re-focus on what our goals are, and we have to work together, steadfast in that direction, for the sake of freedom and truth. Soon those who spread discontent will burry themselves in their own misery and dung and they will disappear forever. Lets get back to work. Focus on our goals and help eachother. Let us disagree with eachother in the spirit of truth. Let us laugh and cry together as we unravel the mysteries of this complicated, but simple "cold- case". That said. I now have work to do. Tosh
  2. Sorry to hear you are leaving the Forum. But, I for one do understand. I want to thank you for what all you have contributed and the support you have given me and my story. I thank You. You are a good historian, something to be proud of. However, another matter has came to my attention which proves there are really sick people out there. And they, for whatever reasons, think they should intimidate and rule what others think and say. History has had them and their back again, on this forum trying to burn our books. The world is full of these idiots and zealots. If they can not get you to see things the way they want them seen or said, then they try to enact Fear and threats, talk loud, and use foul language and tell lies to boost their on self worth as seen by themselves. I was not going to post the following. I was just going to ignore it and pass it of as another nut case. But in view of the attacks on this forum and attacks on others in reference to their OWN research and to some parts my personal story, I now think I should send a signal to whomever: The following Email has been turned over to law enforcement. I have been told, this email was sent from a library on the west coast yesterday. I do not know if it has been posted on the internet. COPY (the original with all the tracing numbers is with Law enforcement. "...... Dear Mr. Plumbee, Novmber 30 2004 If you continue to post the things yo post after you have been warned then there is no hope for yhe safey of you are yours. We have tried to be your friend but you make it inpossible. Just because you have done the things you have done for the CIA does not give you the right to expose them to the world. You had a real problem years ago in Colorado, but if you keep on in the direction youare going then I can no longer be responsible for those who are the gatekeepers as you call them. You Texas friends can not help you now. your in our sandbox and you xxxx ass belongs to us now because you continue to spread your lies about me and others this goes for all your friends to. we no where they are and how to get next to them without them knowing about it. Singed YOU KNOW Now my reply to this ASXXOLE if he reads this forum. Kiss my Asx... take you best shot you coward. I have dealt with your kind for a damn long time. You have now cross the line with me. I too, know how to play these crazy games. I would be damn careful for now on if I were you. Keep reading my post you coward. You might learn something about freedom and democracy.., you puke. And the name is spelled PLUMLEE, TOSH. Lets get it on you coward. MY REPLY TO YOUR SURRENDER THREATS? NUTS
  3. Larry: They are the same Doug Caddy. And why the print evidence has not gone further is because since Glen Sample obtained Wallace's print from Doug Kinser's murder to do the comparison to the latent, that "channel" has been blocked. As in no one can get access to that print now from Austin DPS. You "need a case to attach it to". I don't think Nathan Darby himself can even get it at this point. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just received word I should not post this and it would be best for me to just forget it. Perhaps, I would have..., until I was told that: Very interesting Larry and Dawn. Good research paper Larry. Interesting reading. (at least from my view point) I find it interesting and almost proves beyond doubt what I know to be true. Now its a case of proving the connections and the print is the ace. However, the fingerprint is not a dead issue. I have a source who might help on this very delicate matter. Some Texans, in the Dallas and Austin areas, have known for years about my family associations with some of these Texas politicians and inside fund raisers. (ref; Texas Ranger Mr. xxxxxxxxxxx ret (certified statement on file) The details are sensitive had have been for years. Even before the 1940's some of our family friends were on the "inside" of some of this Texas wheeling and dealing. From Lockheed at Dallas Love Field, during the war years of the 40's, to Ling Temco Vaught at Hensley Field, and North American Aviation. There have been bits a pieces handed down to me by accident.., and as I got older on purpose. My family played a small part in this Texas political 'mumb-bo' Jum-bo' of the time. (certified copies of Bio on the Plumlee's/Morgans and the Clint Murxxx 1940-1967 done by independent sources names withheld at present) The fingerprint and palm print was taken off the box by a friend who was there that day. He was law enforcement, active on another project but was for awhile tied to the FBI's investigation in Dallas. The prints on record are not the only prints available. Dallas has copies only. Better ones are available and will soon be released for study. (Mr.xxxxxd Texas Department of Public Safty, Austin Texas; certified affidavate, 1998.) Because of the circumstances the chain of evidence for these prints has to be established first. And that is in the works as I write this. Its not over yet. Some out there will get pissed at me for this... but I think its time to prove or dis prove this once and for all. (recordered by a Friend ,a well known Texas Researcher who wants to remain annom.) It has been said when 'Lady Bird" dies then these prints will come forward from the Dallas P.D and the Austin Texas boys. At that time they can be compared with the FBI and the other Dallas prints. When that is done it will tell who (over the years) has tampered with them and perhaps, why. (documented; name withheld at present as agreed) I guess what I am saying is a set of prints that have not been given to these law enforcement agencies is available and will be forth coming. Remember we are only dealing with copies, which have been held in their law enforcement bins. I am pushing for this and have been told to "Back Off". When this release is done, then perhaps the established, or tampered history can be changed and rewritten to reflect the truth of that day. P.S.Other points to consider: (1) The prints are not LHO. (2) The prints are not arranged in an order that would indicate moving or loading or stacking the boxes. (documented by letter) (3) The crew who had put all the boxes on the fifth floor were fingerprinted. Their prints did not match the prints taken from the boxes at the sniper's nest. (certified afda. by letter) (4) The results of the fingerprinting of the employees were not released to Dallas PD they were retained by the Dallas FBI and not released to Dallas or Texas authorites. (detailed sworn statement from source) PS2: One other point. I was told the LHO did not leave any prints at the snipers nest.. At least this is what I was told. But I am not sure of this source. Does anyone out there know if Oswald left any prints behind... on boxes or window frames or doors, ect? If not I find that strange for a person who worked there. Were there any prints taken that were left anywhere by Oswald? If not why. It was a crime scean... the whole building. Right?
  4. David: I am not sure about Castillo, but to my knowledge nobody got him out. We went back into Cuba a few weeks later to (or was told ) to bring them out Eddie (aka) and others, but that too was a failed mission. Some of the details of this operation can be found in an old Coppla Magazine published in San Francisco around August of 1976 by 'Warren Hinckle' and 'WM. Turner' "The CIA's Secret Yacht War". "Cuba's MIA's". "Deadly Secrets"; "Fish are Red" (Ref; Alton Sweening (sp) Life Magazine's, Richard Billings) Note: Four trips I was own: The Flying Tiger.., in case there was an aircraft available to fly someone off the island; The Wind JammerII and THOR operation aka (Red Cross); The PBY where we took the bodies from the beach; and about a week later again with the PBY to bring somebody out (thought to be Bayo aka Perez) Another rumor we heard was Odio and Eddie, were safe and we were going in to get them. All these were under the umbrella of "TILT" as some CIA and others have called this secret operation.
  5. I enjoyed your paper very much well documented. However there is one part I think, at least from my point of view, is an old story planted for effect to throw off the trail to MI and Dallas/Miami operations which had been on going concerning gunrunning through Dallas for over three years. "....A close look at Hall and Howard's associates explains why the various investigations took such an interest in them. Hall testified to receiving money from Mafioso Sam Giancana ($20,000 - 30,000), went on a mission with ex-CIA paramilitarist William "Rip" Robertson, just missed going on the now infamous Bayo-Pawley raid on Cuba,[60] went with Rip Robertson to John Martino's house in Miami, visited General Edwin Walker with Gerry Hemming, admitted to having heard of Lee Oswald in June of 1963 and testified that he was offered $50,000 to kill Kennedy but that he declined the offer...". [61] Hall was never considered for any CIA UC or covert operation with any of these case officers. He was not connected in any way with CIA operations and too, he was not the friend he thought of Mafia. The Mafia (Chicago and the small Dallas bunch) referred to Hall as 'Liver Lips". They.., mafia and CIA knew he was a paid informant for the FBI. They feed him information they wanted the FBI through Hoover, to have; information they (mafia) wanted to get back to various people. In fact at one point a mob contract was considered on Hall, but Hoover stopped that. Hoover felt he could have "His Boys" take care of Hall and "put him down'. John Martino tried to stay clear of Hall as well as most of the 'non sanctioned 'INTERPEN' boys. Ref; first hand accounts: (as told to me by John Roselli (1962) Miami; and John Martino (1978) Miami; and retired detective XXXXSMITH. Miami homicide (1999) and Scott Warner Denver FBI SAC Denver Colorado, (1964.) Buna Vista, Colorado; documented; Phoenix Organized Crime; Sgt Ed Salem ret. Referenced Roseli/ Plumlee FBI 62-2116xxx; 1976) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tosh, Thanks for the additional info. My take on Hall is that he talked a good game. Do you know of his relationship with Santo Trafficante and Frank Sturgis? He reportedly visited Trafficante in Tampa on occasion. Dave <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In my opinion, I doubt that. Trafficante was not one to chit chat with people he knew were informants for the FBI. In fact the term "Liver Lips" came from the mob. I'm not sure about Sturges, but I think Sturges also shuned him. Sometimes these wanta bees would get next to you much like how little girls get next to rock stars to get their picture taken with them,
  6. Perhaps others out there should cover this subject if they know. I think it is interesting as to the dates Oswald lived there. (at to this other place) I'll leave it here for now and hope someone comes forward with factual information that we can compare. Thanks for the interest and your post. I hope this leads somewhere for you. Tosh
  7. I enjoyed your paper very much well documented. However there is one part I think, at least from my point of view, is an old story planted for effect to throw off the trail to MI and Dallas/Miami operations which had been on going concerning gunrunning through Dallas for over three years. "....A close look at Hall and Howard's associates explains why the various investigations took such an interest in them. Hall testified to receiving money from Mafioso Sam Giancana ($20,000 - 30,000), went on a mission with ex-CIA paramilitarist William "Rip" Robertson, just missed going on the now infamous Bayo-Pawley raid on Cuba,[60] went with Rip Robertson to John Martino's house in Miami, visited General Edwin Walker with Gerry Hemming, admitted to having heard of Lee Oswald in June of 1963 and testified that he was offered $50,000 to kill Kennedy but that he declined the offer...". [61] Hall was never considered for any CIA UC or covert operation with any of these case officers. He was not connected in any way with CIA operations and too, he was not the friend he thought of Mafia. The Mafia (Chicago and the small Dallas bunch) referred to Hall as 'Liver Lips". They.., mafia and CIA knew he was a paid informant for the FBI. They feed him information they wanted the FBI through Hoover, to have; information they (mafia) wanted to get back to various people. In fact at one point a mob contract was considered on Hall, but Hoover stopped that. Hoover felt he could have "His Boys" take care of Hall and "put him down'. John Martino tried to stay clear of Hall as well as most of the 'non sanctioned 'INTERPEN' boys. Ref; first hand accounts: (as told to me by John Roselli (1962) Miami; and John Martino (1978) Miami; and retired detective XXXXSMITH. Miami homicide (1999) and Scott Warner Denver FBI SAC Denver Colorado, (1964.) Buna Vista, Colorado; documented; Phoenix Organized Crime; Sgt Ed Salem ret. Referenced Roseli/ Plumlee FBI 62-2116xxx; 1976)
  8. Reference to Beckly Address and house behind: 'The Flight to Dallas' and 'Howdid the police first learn of 1026 N. Beckley'. Thank You for your respond. I t must be kept in mind that I first took Senate investigators to this place in 1978 and Jim Marrs and others from Oliver Stone's research team there in 1991. In 2002 I took Nigel Turner to this house behind Beckley and he took pictures. Most all these people told me I was wrong about the house. They said that only a park was behind the Beckley address. I told them you missed the alley entrance to the place and took them there. After I had done this then everybody said they knew about this house behind Beckley and they were just testing me. Do you know about the other place? This was a small place LHO and Marina rented down the street? It too, was a hard place to get into. Are you familiar with the doorway and how to get to this small apartment. And do you know the real address?. That too is an interesting story. Perhaps Jim Marrs would like to come on this forum and tell how he found out about this place. I think it would prove interesting for the sake of truthful research. Thanks again for the post. I hope my story has cleared a few matters for you. There is more..., lots more... but its like eating a elephant... You do it with small bites
  9. TIM: This is a fine piece of research. I have now read it a few times. There are a few areas I am not familiar with but over all I think it should be broaden and perhaps explained in more detail. A book, perhaps, should be done in this direction. I think the younger generation should be thankful for good researchers like your self... Fine job. Lets see more of the same from you. However, Remember the following story of mine: "... I was working with a helicopter crew in the Rocky Mountains a few years ago. I was training a new field coordinator, a young kid about twenty. He was doing a fine job on the line and we were going to bump him up to "Senior Field Coordinator". We were driving down an old mountain road when we came upon a nest of bald eagles. The mother eagle was pushing the young eagles out of the nest. They would flutter and flop and almost hit the ground. Then as if by some miracle they started to fly. I turned to "Buck" "There is a lesson here", I said. "Look over there!" I pointed to another tree not far away. Two Hawks were sitting there. One of the hawks suddenly swooped down toward one of the baby eagles that was struggling and almost got him, but he missed. It was real aerial combat for awhile, but the little eagle got back to the nest safely. "Buck" I asked. "Did you see the lesson in this?" "No.", he said. "Well my friend; as soon as you get your new wings be rest assured that another asshole with old wings in another tree will swoop down and try to take your new wings from you.". Its the same with this new job your going into. As soon as your on the line and struggling to do your job all the assholes hiding in the tress out there, are going to try to take you down:. Its nature. Tim: there is a message here. Tosh
  10. No Steve. Nothing direct or factual only hear say and I am not sure about that source. There was a Capt. Saxton who worked with the 156 tank Bn CO C with a Captain Gilbert COOK and a Captain Black of the 49th Armored Div, Texas National Guard and the 4th Army Reserve Dallas Love Field. But I would not know if they were connected to any of this. For that matter I'm not really sure it was 'Saxton", could have been "Sampson" but I think it was, "Saxton". Its been awhile.
  11. WIM's previous POSTReply from Tosh: Thanks to both of you. Good research. I would like to add something here. The first information to surface on this matter came from Congressman Tom Downing in the Summer of 1975 or 76 from Phoenix Arizona (ref; FBI 72-73; FBI 105-xxxx and 26xxxxx FBI 62xxxxx) And Berry Goldwater's staff. Mr Lombardo, Goldwater's Security Ad visor; and later, Senator Gary Hart, Senate Arms Service Committee) Congressman Downing had received information from families of missing men and was asked to look into these matters. In the process of trying to find out what had happened to some of these people, (Paul Hughes, G. Sullivan, Alex Rourke, Fuller, Morgan, etc,) who was also claimed to have been working for the CIA and MI, on covert UC operations in behalf of the United States Government and its Pre-Castro, 1956-59 and later Anti-Castro, 1960-64) operations. Downing investigators uncovered other information , the Flying Tiger, Pawalla, etc, and other information about the Kennedy assassination. This was the beginning of trying to get a committee and the funding to look into the assassination of President Kennedy. Downing's investigation gather momentum and in a very short time enough information was documented which caused others in D.C. to support Downings efforts and soon the HSCA was formed. It was no time that this HSCA was tainted and information Downing had obtained was purged from the record by "Gonzales" and others, and the investigation was directed away from some of the CIA operations which had been, and were, in process at the time Downing started his investigation in 1974. We need to go back before the HSCA was formed (1974) and look into the information that was obtained that caused the formation of the HSCA.., not after the committee was forum. I believe most of that early information was later tainted and contaminated by the formal stamp, "National Security matters" and other dis-information was feed to the HSCA while other factual information obtained by Downing's staff was eliminated for review. J Hoover was a part of this process and reviewing and processing information the the HSCA committee. Tosh
  12. I find this extreamely interesting. GOOD WORK. This is what its all about. Sharing research... good or bad as to what some of us may think. Thanks for the leg work. There is more to do in this direction.
  13. I'll put this into 'what its worth colume'. In 1991. I was in Dallas, at the plaza, and a few city workers were fixing some sprinklers and generel landscape maint. I found my scribbled notes from then: I ask one of the workers: "... Have you ever found anything interesting in the ground when you have been working and digging around the Plaza?..". I got a laugh from two of the workers. "...I found four 22 shells and five bullets all scattered around here over the years..". He motioned with his hands and laughed. 'Tim, here found two 50cal bullets burried in the ground over threre'. He pointed to the north Knoll. "..Jay caught a guy dropping lead fragments around the ground next to the curb. He ask him to leave. Just last week we found three shell casings near the fence.. they were from a 38. Seems people like to plant things here in the plaza.., maybe they want it to grow...". They all laughed and went back to work. I said "Crap", and went to Love Field. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In reply to various private Emails: (from Tosh) Wim and all; I am not saying anything about anyone or their research. "Evidence has been planted in the Plaza over the years, for whatever reasons". ANYTHING that has surfaced in the past 30 or forty years is subject to question; including my story. Thats all. You can Read into what I say ,anything, all you want... The fact still remains 'Evidence has been planted and manipulated over the years for whatever reasons"... I don't know... have no way of knowing anything for sure. In fact I have gone as far as I can go on all this Kennedy stuff,,, Its nothing but speculation at this point; about everything.., no factual research or anything constructive forth coming in reference to anything, or anything, I think I know. So I am taking my bat home; leaving the ball park. I will not play this game again... its going nowhere... Have a good one.. I wish you and all the best on your research. I can not help you or anyone anymore... time to move on and let the past bury itself... Its obvious everyone has their own answers to that day... I also wish them the best in their efforts to find the truth. I have kept my word... I posted my paper... stay around in this mess to answer a few questions, like I said I would, which has led to only to more speculations and opinions, and resentments..., and now its time to live my life and move on. I'm gone. Out'ta here.... Think and say what you want about me..."Tosh has left the building" (or the ball park..,) The best to all who search for truth. Your Friend, Tosh
  14. Tosh, Did you mean to say the north edge of the south parking lot (the Plaza side)? Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Tim: Yes 'north' edge (or better-- the north west corner of the parking lot. The rail road tracks are about four feet higher than the parking lot itself. The bridge part that slants toward the parking lot is about two feet higher than the parking lot corner.
  15. RJ: I have said many times we were standing on the south knoll near the sidewalk in line with the light poles next to the forked tree across from the 'kill zone' (south) That is approximately150 feet (east) of the south edge of the tripple underpass. I have never said " we were near the south end of the underpass", when the shoots were fired..". Also I never said "...I heard a shot from the north knoll...". I have always said, I felt, a shot came from the left of our position. That would make the shooter at the south end of the underpass, around the northwest corner of the parking lot or on the railroad tracks. Why is it so important to clutter what I have said. I think you should re read what I have certified. And to your statement; "....a simple call to the Secret Service...". is a little simplification of speculation on your part. Either you are not versed in the real facts that lead up to that day are there is another reason for what you are indicating. " You do not recall seeing anyone there...". But you have just indicated to me that you were looking in the wrong place.., again indicating that we Sergio and I were not on the south knoll at all, thus implying I am not telling the truth of that day. Thats fine. But RJ get your facts straight as to what I have said before you try to establish you beliefs as facts. If you are going to call me and imply then lets level the playing field and stick with the statements I have made and not drift into speculations based on wrong interpretations. "There is more to my story than meets the eye". Yes there is. That is why I am documenting and attempting to set the record straight when people say I said something I did not. To me it seems some want to lead me off into never never land, instead letting me document and say what I have to say about that day and let it stand on its own merits. I am beginning to suspect there is malice in this rather than simple misunderstandings.
  16. I'll put this into 'what its worth colume'. In 1991. I was in Dallas, at the plaza, and a few city workers were fixing some sprinklers and generel landscape maint. I found my scribbled notes from then: I ask one of the workers: "... Have you ever found anything interesting in the ground when you have been working and digging around the Plaza?..". I got a laugh from two of the workers. "...I found four 22 shells and five bullets all scattered around here over the years..". He motioned with his hands and laughed. 'Tim, here found two 50cal bullets burried in the ground over threre'. He pointed to the north Knoll. "..Jay caught a guy dropping lead fragments around the ground next to the curb. He ask him to leave. Just last week we found three shell casings near the fence.. they were from a 38. Seems people like to plant things here in the plaza.., maybe they want it to grow...". They all laughed and went back to work. I said "Crap", and went to Love Field.
  17. Ron, This photo is from the ideal trajectory point of the overpass, in which Elm St. is most directly coming toward the proposed overpass shooter's line of sight. However, there is scant evidence of anyone on the south side of the overpass, in contrast to the numerous "railroad workers" hanging right right above the Elm St. motorcade route. Tim <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Tim, Al, Ron: Good points. AND Good Pictures! I think this south shooter was about even with the rail road tracks where the overpass has that south cover hooked wall, which is only a few feet from the (west) cornor edge of the parking lot or perhaps even on the tracks in line with the 'kill zone'. This position is about two or three feet higher than the south edge of the parking lot. The reason I say this is because this position would be shooting down and direct in stright line with the Limo. If the shooter was at curb side he would be shooting slightly up hill (a low shoot into the Limo through the windsheld) and no cover for escape. I think the escape route was over the railroad tracks.., the same route (except further south of us) as Sergio and I left the Plaza. At the time there were weeds and a vacant, muddy parking area at the base of the railroad hill. (west side of tracks-- cover all the way down to Industrail Blvd.)
  18. Steve: An FOIA request worded very specific. The Texas Adj General Office at Camp Mabre, Austin Texas. Fifth Army archives in reference to the 4th Army Reserves located at Dallas Love Field, before the 4th it became part of the 5th Army. I think this would be at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Trace the Navy ONI when they were located at Bauchman Lake, Dallas Texas, or Naval Air Station, Grand Prairie, Texas. I think digging deep into these lost or misplaced files would pay dividends. The normal routing through the FOIA and searching the NAAR or Military Personnel Records Center at St Louis MO. have long been purged and that is a waist of time. In order to get to new evidence pertaining to the Kennedy matter, or 112th MI, you have to go to alternate sources which requires a lot of leg work and time. It was designed that way. The government does not destroy anything it just goes into a black hole somewhere.
  19. Al You are right about the CIA. Sometimes I forget what I too have seen and been a part of. (well not really forget--want to forget-) I guess I should have been a little clearer and said I hope with the current changes it will become a better agency. However, I really doubt that because in order for it to really change for the better it would have to be totallity disband and started all over again. Thanks for the reality check. My point; within all law enforcement good people are trying to do a good job for their community and their country. The CIA has become a political arm of specialized politics and still wallows in their hidden sins. Thanks again
  20. No problem. But if you have to say things, then get it right. Have Files send me his service number for starters. Then you set up a face to face meeting with him and be sure and tell him the reasons I am coming to see him. It is not to challenge him. Its to ask him some very spacific questions which require some very spacific answers. If he is true, then I will know it and he will know it. Its that simple. I have not intended to offend you. If he is not who he says, then he has offended you and violated your trust and that would be between you and him. Be up front with him and let him know my feelings at this point. Until this can be arranged have him give you his service number and the dates of service. That would be a good start. The best to you.
  21. He also worked with Capt. Edward G Seiwell 4th Army Reserve who was assigned at Dallas Love Field before he too went to the Specialized Army Unit (SAU) at Ft Sam Houston and then later into the 112th. Very good documentation can be found if you ask for it in the right manner. This is a good post. There is a lead here if anyone cares to check it out. Why was an 'Abort Team' sent in? Who sent them? For over nine years this 'Specialized Army Unit" (SAU) was burried within the Pentagon. It was a very small 'test unit' before it surfaced in 1969, but it had been operational before it became the DMS. Even the CIA did not know about it's early existence. It was solely a military matter. A left over from Ike's days. President Kennedy found out about this secret unit and ask the CIA about it. They knew nothing. Yes the military was in Dallas that day and they were not in uniform. And other military intel units did not know of their existence, or where they were located..,or why.
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