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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. On 29th May, 1998, Walt Brown gave a press conference where he claimed that a previously unidentified fingerprint on a box found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository belonged to Malcolm “Mac” Wallace:

    Brown presented data showing a 14-point match between Wallace's fingerprint card, obtained from the Texas Department of Public Safety, and the previously unidentified print, a copy of which was kept in the National Archives. The match was made by A. Nathan Darby, an expert with certification by the International Association of Identifiers.

    The Texas researchers forwarded their findings to the Dallas Police Department, who passed it on to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Copies have also gone to Assassination Records Review Board, the federal panel created to oversee the identification and release of records relating to the JFK assassination.

    Walt Brown is a member of the Forum. I will email him to get the latest on the fingerprint evidence.

    Interested parties who did not want to get the typical "Oswald did it alone and don't bother" answer took the print issue to experts at Interpol, and, I'm told, hearsay-wise, that a match was confirmed. I can't prove that, but that is what I was told. Nathan worked or worked/is working on that one print for several years, and he just turned 90.

    There is a very good researcher in Austin who predates all the research into the Mac Wallace and Johnson information, including the fingerprint. His files on this are extensive. He remains in the shadows as a 'deep investigator' and has tons of documentation pertaining to Johnson and others pre Washington. I wish he would make his research available to the public. I have talked to him about this. He is very sick now. He is one of the silent warriors in all this research and has paid dearly for his work. His research is a must read. It does not contain opinions or speculations about who killed Kennedy and why. It is document by a chain of evidence which predates the early fifties and encompasses the late sixties and early seventies..


  2. I think a study of Johnson's telephone conversations shows that he clearly did what he could to cover-up the assassination.

    I seem to recal something about President Kennedy or Bobby Kennedy had found information on Johnson that was going to cause the President to drop him from his V.P. They were going to expose all of Johnson's previous wheeling and dealings even before the Baker matter. Does anyone have information on this? Thanks Tosh

  3. "....In the immediate post war period there was a major political fight raging in America and alot of it centered around the ability to gather intellegence. John J. McCloy would play a major role in this revolution (of sorts) participating in the think tank that ultimatly produced the CIA. ...".

    Jim Root

    Good history. Truman was monitoring all this in fighting... and that prompted him to form the CIA, in hopes of bring all the foregin intelligence under one roof; therefore putting an end to the fighting of various units of intelligence gathering and their juristdictions. Some years later Truman made a statement something like.."he never intended for the CIA to have become what had had become.."" something like that... had something to do with how the CIA had got out of line annd useing its power in ways he Truman never intended. This statement was made after he had left ofice some years later. Thanks Tosh

  4. John,

    Of course you realize if this Carole Tyler was Bobby Baker's secretary and an intimate acquaintance of Senator George Smathers AND Mary Jo Kopechne's roommate it adds weight to the alternate hypothesis you gave us concerning Kopechne's death.  She knew too much. I had a hard time accepting the "Howard Hunt did it to discredit Ted Kennedy" theory of Chappaquiddick, but actually the scenario you painted on another thread explains some anomalies about the events of that night, only the bad guys weren't Ted and his pals, they were the bad guys from Watergate and Dallas fame...very interesting...

    I I find this very interesting. I think you 'ole' boys are getting somewhere. I hope somebody follows through. Keep on plugging.. soon your good work will be discredited by some out there that still hold the gate. Mark my words. Tosh :blink:

  5. ".......OSS transformed itself into the CIA......".

    Not to criticize, but the OSS did not transform itself into the CIA. Truman created the CIA for an entirely different reason in 1945. Only a few of the old OSS boys of WWII came on board with the new CIA. It is true that others came on board later but they were asked to after the Agency had been set up. In the very early days at 'Quarter Eye', (the old navy WAVE barracks, or WAVE station in Washington D.C.) there were only small number of employees at the new CIA located there. The CIA really came into its own around the late fifties and early sixties concerning Central America and Cuba. True other CIA Action Groups were operating, and some of these case officers had WWII experience with the OSS, but they had not cleared into the fold direct from the OSS. Also others from the old OSS went to ONI with naval INTEL. Perhaps this is a mute point but I felt it needed to be cleared. To me it seems to lead thought in the wrong directions. Thanks Tosh

  6. "...I find the passage about the FBI bugging Black’s conversations interesting. I wonder what Baker meant by “They must have heard some interesting doings.” If LBJ was involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK, he would definitely have involved Fred Black. If that was the case, Hoover would have known what they were up to. In fact, it was Hoover who told LBJ that Baker was involved with Ed Levinson and Ben Siegelbaum. ...".

    If Black is still alive, he would be an interesting person to interview.

    John: I have already been working on that angle for sometime now ... I will be in Texas in a few weeks and I have a lead on very interesting material from an old man down there who use to work at Ling-Temco-Vaught and would like to talk about 'old' times he had with some of the Texas 'good ole boys', around Austin through the fifties and sixties. At one time he worked for LBJ. says he has documents and important information he would like to share.

    I was warned a few months ago, by another source from Austin '...that it would be best for me to pass on talking to much with some of these people. It was said. "..Texans don't like certain matters brought to the surface again."

    I was raised in Texas during the, 40's; 50's; and 60's; and I know what this means. I have previously asked Forum members for help on anything about Black and others like the Texas (Dallas) Cubans, but nothing important or solid came back. Thanks. However, things are moving forward. Tosh

  7. Hey Tosh,

    You don't look like Elvis anymore :o)))


    [COLOR=blue]Can't sing anymore either. You know he was my 'cusin'. Once at the Cotton Bowl, I doubled for him... he went out the back and I went out the front. It worked for a few min... but then they almost killed me when they found out I was not elvis. I was paid $25. and quickly spent it at the Texas State Fair. Our friend knows the story

  8. ]

    There are two reasons for this rule. (1) Some members have accused others of not being the people they say they are. A photograph helps to provide evidence that they are really that person. (2) I have found that people with photographs as avatars are less likely to make or receive personal attacks on the forum. I suspect that the reason for this is that the photograph helps to humanize the member. I might be wrong about this, but I thought it was worth a try.

    I think I got it... Sixs months agos I cudest spells writter... nows I's are ones".. Thanks John for the information... This was a test. At the tone put you head between your legs and ...... goodby Tosh :unsure: guess it did not work..,sorry. :o

  9. "....Nice to see you refer to Remington Mod 70 and 700's with your posts. As a Remington Armorer and FA Instructor, I am sold on these rifles and have been involved in the purchasing of 700's for my department's tactical snipers for several years now...."[/i]


    Do you recall meeting at the Americana Hotel in Puerto Limon in '81? I was with Joe F. and John H.. Been alot years and alot has happened since, but I am pretty sure that is where we crossed paths.



    Al, not sure I remember Limon. I was thinking it was at the "Hotel Fortenno (sp) in San Jose?? I do remember meeting when J.H. and F and two others when they were there... Now, after all these years, perhaps I have gotten the two places Limom and San Jose transposed. If I recall, H. had flown in from his ranch, his private plane, either meet F. there or F. had came with him from the private strip on H's ranch. Anyway, shortly after that I went to three different parts of the country on arms and weapons drops. (1) "the hide-a-way" near the Volcano?? (2) Poco Solo's landing strip in the jungles. (3) Santa Elena, aka 'Point West'. ( this was a little before "the bloody mess" that was mentioned some time back)

    Anyway. Its good to have you on this forum. I think all of us here, working together, might get some real meaningful work done on this case. I have made some bad mistakes in the past, by trying to help others when they have ask me to speculate or voice my opinion on various topics. (as to what I think might have happen or why THEY did what THEY did, etc.... I trusted some who had other motives which have now become obvious.

    Do you remember "Scott Wheeler", a close friend of KIKI's? Did you ever meet 'Bill Cooper' or 'Buzz'? All GOOD MEN, who paid the price. Least we not forget them..., Don't mean to ramble, but... did you ever teach at the "School of the Americas... Fort Benning...???? You remind me of an instructor I once knew there????... Have a good one... Tosh :)

  10. Good Day.... Near the very end of the following article:


    about the recently deceased JOHN PEEL it states:

    "Paul Gambaccini pointed out that Peel always wanted the late John Walters, his long-term producer, to give his eulogy. “You are probably now with him, talking about Liverpool FC,” he said. He also revealed that Peel, while DJ-ing in Dallas in 1963, had been invited to jump on John Kennedy’s motor and take photographs, and the pictures had only recently been found."


    CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker

    Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly





    T ogether

    E veryone

    A chieves

    M ore

    "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?"

    - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a phone conversation with his friend & (soon-to-be-"for-life") F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER, 29NOV63

    Thank you very much Ron. One fine job of research. One part I do like is:

    "....The problem is compounded, of course, when the most powerful of government agencies continue to obstruct justice. The State Department, reported the Assassination Records Review Board, had been “more of a hindrance than a help.” The Office of Naval Intelligence failed to produce reports that one of its staff swore existed. And, it emerged this year, the C.I.A. concealed the fact that one of its own officers had steered and funded the very anti-Castro exiles who tailed and brawled with Oswald in New Orleans just months before the assassination. Years later, moreover, the Agency saw fit to assign that very officer to handle sensitive enquiries from Congress’ Assassinations Committee – without revealing to Committee staff that he had personal knowledge of key details. This revelation alone, sighed Records Review Board chairman John Tunheim, “shows that the C.I.A. wasn’t interested in the truth about the assassination....”.

    Thanks again: Try and find any records on the investigators who brought information to Congressman Tom Downing, before the HSCA was formed. What did he have? And how did he get the information on Rosellie long before any of this surfaced? There is still so much more out there that has not surfaced. Your right... Thanks again. I enjoyed the read.... :) Tosh Plumlee

  11. Tosh,  the Texas State Adjutant-General's Office in Austin did find the

    records of Captain Edward G. Seiwell.  He enlisted in the Texas Forty-ninth

    Calvalry Recon Squadron in 1947 was upgraded to second Lt and finally

    transferred as a Captain to the National Guard's 49th Armored Division in February of 1950.

    His records show he resigned from the National Guard a month later in 1950.

    That might be a start for anybody who wants to pursue it with the

    Adjutant Generals office.

    -- Larry

    Larry: Note In 1952 Captain Seiwell went back into service with the Forth Army Reserve and was based at Dallas Love Field.. The same place as the Texas 49th Armord Div.

    I too was in the Texas National Guard 49th Armord Div before I went into the regular Army in 1953 at Ft Bliss Texas... I also went back into the National Guard and then transfered into the 4th Army Reserve in 1954. Capt Siewell was my CO officer at Love Field in 1954 until 1956... Do you have my military files? If so who signed off on my becoming a CPL in 1954? So am I lying? You say he resigned the Guard, true... but he actually transfered to the regular Army Reserve, the same as I did... Can't find the records? Can you find mine? Why not?... perhaps it is the unit we were in... If I prove this to you will I get an apolige? It seems to say I am fabricating the Seiwell information... so therefore then everything I say is now under question... because Seiwell resigned the Guard in 1950.... Is this how it works? That might be a start for any serious researcher... As I said in my other Post... Go into the records of the Forth Army Reserve, Dallas Love Field for the year 1954 Capt Edward G Seiwell. and CPL.William R Plumlee. I think you will find that was a Tank Bat at the forth... then into a INTEL unit at Love Field with the forth .... Then have a beer on me... :) Tosh Plumlee

    In order to help research; the following should be of interest: Please Read and confirm.

    Enlistment Record of William Robert Plumlee United States Army Forth Army Reserve Dallas Love Field Texas: Recap:

    S/N 18389060; 9th of Feb 1955; grade CPL; Auth for grade 25-1; enlisted under authority of (NGR25-1) For service in NGS Texas; Company C 156Tk Bn. Forth Army Reserve; DoB 11 25 37; civil trade or occupatiom Aircraft Mech. Southwest Airmotive Dallas Love Field; Enlistment record: 22Oct52 thu 8th Feb53 NG Enl s/n25926077 Pvt disc. HonMin; Disc. 8Feb53; re enl. 28th Sept53 thu 2Mar54USAR

    4th Army; 18389060 Grade at disc. CPL; 3Mar54 thu 2Jul 18389060 rank CPL. USA Ft Bliss Texas assn. temp dty 6Jul54-No Rec of Disc. tnsf. Texas 4th Army Res, Dallas Love Field, Dallas Texas. Co C156Tk Bn.CO Capt. Edward G Seiwell; Capt. Gilbert B Cook; 2ndLt. Charles R Brannon, Arty Ft Bliss Texas;

    MOS: WR Plumlee 1795, 3795 Tank Crew man Tk Comander, Sherman Tank. Cpl. Plumlee Mos 'Unknown; Unknown" Ft Bliss Texas; Texas National Guard; Unknown. OO Records at Office of Adjutant General State of Texas Camp Mabry, Texas. Texas National Guard; Texas Forth Army Reserv; Certified Copy of Available Document By; XXX referenced doc.

    (run a check on Edward G Seiwell Forth Army Reserve and the 49th Armord Div will also come up... why only half of his record is presented to researchers?

    I would be happy to post the orginal copies of these 'Lost, Burned, and misplaced records, that could never be found in all these years.., that I found at Camp Mabry two years ago on my research while in Texas seeing my daughter Leslie and grandson. However, I am sure I would be accused of tampering with them... I can not research myself... hence I can sure as hell point the way for others and someone else can go get the documentation and tamper with it... I get the drift of whats going on out there...Burn me once..shame on me..., burn me twice???......... I can read between the lines... I am close to something people are getting jumpy... got to be stoped. Right? Tosh :o

    P.S. Larry. Perhaps you might have taken me wrong on how I said what I just posted. It was not directed toward you in any negative way. I repect your research and consider you one of the dedicated, as to the search for truth. My intent is to only fill in some of the blanks... and I only wanted the world to know there are many blanks... what I posted is just one link..there are others. If I can I will continue to point out documentation and facts to confirm(?) various matters I was connected with and know about. I see that as "working together" for a commond cause... Sorry if I offended you.. it was not intentional I assure you.... Tosh

  12. Tosh,  the Texas State Adjutant-General's Office in Austin did find the

    records of Captain Edward G. Seiwell.  He enlisted in the Texas Forty-ninth

    Calvalry Recon Squadron in 1947 was upgraded to second Lt and finally

    transferred as a Captain to the National Guard's 49th Armored Division in February of 1950.

    His records show he resigned from the National Guard a month later in 1950.

    That might be a start for anybody who wants to pursue it with the

    Adjutant Generals office.

    -- Larry

    Larry: Note In 1952 Captain Seiwell went back into service with the Forth Army Reserve and was based at Dallas Love Field.. The same place as the Texas 49th Armord Div.

    I too was in the Texas National Guard 49th Armord Div before I went into the regular Army in 1953 at Ft Bliss Texas... I also went back into the National Guard and then transfered into the 4th Army Reserve in 1954. Capt Siewell was my CO officer at Love Field in 1954 until 1956... Do you have my military files? If so who signed off on my becoming a CPL in 1954? So am I lying? You say he resigned the Guard, true... but he actually transfered to the regular Army Reserve, the same as I did... Can't find the records? Can you find mine? Why not?... perhaps it is the unit we were in... If I prove this to you will I get an apolige? It seems to say I am fabricating the Seiwell information... so therefore then everything I say is now under question... because Seiwell resigned the Guard in 1950.... Is this how it works? That might be a start for any serious researcher... As I said in my other Post... Go into the records of the Forth Army Reserve, Dallas Love Field for the year 1954 Capt Edward G Seiwell. and CPL.William R Plumlee. I think you will find that was a Tank Bat at the forth... then into a INTEL unit at Love Field with the forth .... Then have a beer on me... :) Tosh Plumlee

  13. More on the Ford quote.

    Since Ford, Phil Buchen and Arthur Schlesinger are prominently

    missing from the exhaustive source references for that chapter,

    they may have been the source for the quote if it was on deep background.

    Buchen, especially would be a conduit for this type of information.

    He was Ford's "Haldeman" Also press secretary Ron Nessen probably has some information about this.

    Ramsey Clark is actually the strongest candidate for this leak, I believe.

    Ford really slipped up when he mentioned classified CIA surveillance, a forward shot and Johnny Rosellie in one short statement.

    The psych research ( I posted an Excerpt on the Chauncey Holt thread)

    makes it very clear: People who are coached to lie, or make up lies,

    do not accurately remember the actual event.  They confuse the cover story details with the real events and statistically they remember fewer accurate details

    and "remember" more false details when they are later asked to tell the truth.

    The Psychologists call this self-generated misinformation (lying) or prompted misinformation (lying from a script). Eugene Brading/Braden was obviously

    repeating a scripted story in his statement.  Chauncey Holt was prompted to

    lie back in the day, and his story is now corrupted---he may not remember how long he was in the rail yards and boxcar.  So Tosh and Sergio may well have been

    the Control Subjects, or un-prompted witnesses, for Tracy Barnes and William Harvey back in Miami at JMWAVE station...

    Heymann's book is so richly documented (although the Ford slip is not specifically footnoted) that it is impossible to pass him off as anything less than

    a rigorous and accurate historian.  This little slip is very important and strongly supports Tosh's story...the government agencies responsible must be freaking out

    now that their private witness (Tosh) has told his story publicly, and that

    is the story of a South Knoll shooter, somewhere near the triple underpass.

    As I stated in that thread, the Oswald fixation, the Zapruder point of view (POV)

    the reasonable case for a Dallas Textile or County Records building ballistics angle,

    the interest in the grassy knoll by witnesses and researchers---all this has distracted us from the possibility of a shooter in the "flat" that wide open range to

    Kennedy's left.  I remember looking at the Aftermath photos years ago and

    saying "I wonder who was over on that far side of Dealey Plaza, maybe the

    shots came from over there."  Tosh says at least one shot did, and I believe him.

    When you all are in Dallas later this month, I hope someone could take a

    percussive instrument (like two short 2x4's) and crack them loudly from

    the parking lot of South Dealey Plaza, while people discern if the sound is

    "thrown" by natural acoustics (walls and buildings) to sound like it originates from somewhere else.

    Thanks, Dawn and Tosh, but I must say John Simkin and Larry Hancock are way ahead of me in all this....but it is getting interesting around here...best wishes.


    Very good post Shanet. Now I have one question for all forum members..

    For years bits and pieces of this (my) story has been floating around.. Off and on I have been ask questions and ask to speculate and give my opinions. Big mistake on my part.

    My question... now that I have turned a cornor and have become a little more "spacific" as to my replies... perhaps more "Professional".... Why suddenly is there so much information surfacing that is designed to discredit anything I have to say about any of this subject matter?

    It seems as long as I do not point the way to various places and voice certain things... and "Stay in Line", then I'm allowed in the "Ball Park"... but when I get damn right "Spacific" then I am slapped in the face, and then I am ask to pick up my bat and leave the ball park...

    I assure you and others and those ... I have a hell of a lot to say on this subject matter... to those I say 'Take your Best Shot.. A.H. I think they know who they are... Thanks again.. Its nice to be associated with professionals.. Tosh Plumlee :plane

  14. Excellant Antti, right to the point - and of course one the FBI dodged totally and the WC let them get away with.

    After all,  this is only one of three photos supposeldy in Oswald's possession so

    its not like it removes any evidence for Oswald at least doing photo surveillance on Walker.  And it seems that if the car meant something in particular to Oswald he could just destroyed that picture totally  if not all of them.  

    So,  either the car tag did mean something to Oswald...suggesting something much more complex about the Walker thing than anybody wanted to investigate.

    Or the car tag meant something to the officers involved and they scratched it off and were willing to comment perjury - something that sounds pretty stupid at this distance.  Or just maybe he showed the photos to somebody else who told him in no uncertain terms to get the tag off there. 

    I wish I could come up with something that makes sense but unless multiple DPD officers lied about it,  then to me it suggests that whatever Oswald was up to in regard to Walker,  there is more going on with it than just Oswald by himself and that it may well have been a different 57 Chevy than the one owned by Walker's associate.  The one thing we lack in the FBI report is a quote from the DPD that they verified with the supposed Chevy owner that it was his car on the date in question - and we know the FBI did not attempt to confirm that, or if they did there is no sign of it in their report.

    -- Larry

    Note to All:

    All spuculation. Nothing factual even going back to opinions expressed by others who have been interviewed over the years in reference to this lic. and have pushed the Cubans angle with their wild speculations and here say remours...their driving to Dallas and all that crap and other stories that was no way connected with any CIA OPS of the time.. All independents..., All spuculations.

    I too. can speculate go into the Fourt Army Reserve when they were HDQ'ed at Dallas Love Field. (The 4th became the 5th Army, merged I think, some years later.) The personal records were destoryed in the big St Louis fire of 72 or so... However there are alt records that can be found in Austin Texas. Now in those records are the autos reg to get into areas restricted to MI... Find the time frame Capt Ed Seiwell 4th Army was there...(its been said he does'nt exist.. but that too is not fact another false rumor.. find him.... Dallas telephone director or utility bills and at Austin, etc...) He is a hard man to find...there is a picture of an auto parked in front of where all the inducties (draftees) took their physicals (Dallas Love Field 4th Army) before being sworn in to the regualr army.. ..,Look at the lic number of the car parked out front of this building. I have seen the picture.., but that is hearsay and I can't be trusted. I think the place in Austin is with the Texas National Guard at Camp Mayberry (??)(thats what I call the Army Camp)

    And another place to find FACTUAL information is the 5th Army records on the Fourth Army Reserve. (the old hidden records that are real dusty... they were missed in the big purged and fire...

    I know this will offend some experts BUT...Do some leg work... go out there and find it... Be researchers instead of taking third party hear say as fact which have been thrown to you to take you away from the truth....Do the work you should be doing and don't listen to anyone...including me...Just go document the facts, then pass them around to eachother ... now that you know where to go... Or do you want me to get it and give it to you while you sit back and sip your beer... Thanks for the information.

    I'm sorry. I did not mean to speculate or be an expert.... Tosh :plane:D

    P.S An expert is: ( X ) is an unknown quanity. (Spurt) is a drip under pressure.....thus (XSPURT) :ice:ice

  15. Al


    The violence of the headsnap and the description of the head wound by the Parkland Dr's. plus my personal experiences all lead me to believe that a far more massive bullet actually killed JFK. I picked the .300 Win Mag. because it is fairly easy to rechamber a model 70 Win or 700 Rem to that caliber and it is definently a make sure weapon in terms of killing power, although the venerable '06 or even a .308 can be hot loaded to specs that approach the power of the .300 Win Mag.

    I hope this adequately addresses your questions, and welcome to this forum.


    Thank you for the information. It was very professional. You are an asset to this form. I too, beleive the above post. I heard the shot and watched the hit. Tosh Plumlee

  16. [

    However, he also calls me a xxxx. There is a big difference between being asked what happened and doing the best you can to tell what happened, and being accused of lying when you have done your best. Other of Mr. reitzes'objections, so-called inconsistencies, have for the most part resulted from his extracting materials out of context, and in other ways misrepresenting the materials.

    Judith: I for one fully understand. Sometime people will do anything for a buck and call it truth. Sometimes they even call them selves, "Mr. Truth". They are quick to tell anyone that will listen how honorable they are as they grin and slowly slip their hand into your back pocket. I too, knew Lee. Of course you can't trust anything I say. However, one time, I did see a pigion being born; and now I know for a fact pigions do exest. Tosh Plumlee :unsure:

  17. Tosh) I have been thinking about the motivation for your task.

    As my Psych. research shows, people who lie (not you) about things

    do not remember accurately, so even if JM/WAVE could de-brief the

    ambush team, the shooters and radio people for example,

    If these people were prompted to tell cover stories and thinking up lies

    about what was going on, then their memory for accurate recall is

    all screwed up...the psy.ops guys knew this and wanted YOU and Sergio

    to tell them what really happened...so you were their eyes and ears,

    whether or not they had other participant witnesses on site or not, capiche?

    Thanks Shanet. I like the depth of your research and objectivity. The follow I feel should be considered: ( from previous post on this topic)

    "...there is still information sealed and It could be important, I think... I only stated that investigators I know were looking into what Ford said, or knew as far back as 1974-75. His statement was made after that, I think... I happen to think the Tom Downing information before the HSCA was formed might shed new light on the Rosellie matter and the reason for an ABORT TEAM.

    "...I believe documentation was released to the public only what was wanted and specified in the request. That information was provided. I ask what was left out? That information would compromise on going operators and their operations and besides it was not spacificaly ask for only the Castro assassination matter was given out to a later investigative committee...".

    ".... The FBI had Rosellie under surveillance for most of the sixties and many times in the early mid seventies. However what is not known is Rosellie had a double that was used to throw the FBI off. Thus allowing Rosellie to come and go at ease, without being tailed. J Hoover knew of this arrangement and was part of the CIA cover plan. His SAC's were not. Question where did Rosellie "come and go" and why did he need a CIA double dispatched from WAVE station to cover for him? Rosellie already knew that ambush was already in the pipe. Rosellie is the one who leaked ( the rumor) this information to Military Intel Pentagon..

    "... Rosellie was also a double agent for Military and worked into the crime families information pipe line and relayed this information back to Hover and MI through WAVE Station and the CIA's Cuban desk..."

    Question. Why would Rosellie want to do this and possibley get hinself killed?

    ".... Rosellie was working a deal with the United States Government. He was gonna be a free man with another name and ID even be relocated at government expense..."

    However it never happened. Why was he being called back to testifie the secord time? Rosellie had already given the committee all he knew about the Casto assassination plots? (which had just became public at about the time he was asked to come back for another round of talks)

    What other information did Rosellie have?.., as well as others that were stuffed out.. Sam G the year before... Massferer(sp) ect? Was the release of the Castro assassination CIA information thrown to the public to divert away from what Nixon, Ford,and Johnson already knew? If Rosellie was a double then he would have to be put to sleep along with others who knew of the pending plan from Texas. It was not a Cuban deal..., it was not even a Mafia deal. Kennedy's execution was American politics all the way. :o:unsure::huh:

  18. If anyone can identify some specific documents pertaining to Roselli that are still being held confidential until some future date I would love to see the list so we can try to get them via FOIA.

    Roselli's testimony to the Committees is released and available,  it is extremely lengthy though.  In addition you can find literally thousands of pages of FBI documents on Roselli on the WEB including surveillance documents.   These documents pretty well detail the FBI's position on Roselli - unfortunately large portions pertaining to his business contacts and associates was redacted by the FBI.   The documents in this release came from a FOIA and cover a period of some 20 years.

    There is a hole in the documents as far as the FBI surveillance goes and that hole is from the September - November time frame in 1963;  a related hole appears to be the lack of any reports from SAC Miami on Roselli.

    Beyond that,  there are a host of CIA IG,  Church committee and State Department documents that detail his part in the Castro assassination plot - including correspondance between the FBI and CIA on his role.   Most of this is on the CIA segregated CD's available from the ARRC - I mention that because it is a huge amount of paper and the CD's are definitely the easiest way to get it.  Also these documents contain all the details of the FBI and Dade country investigation of his murder.

    -- Larry

    Larry: Good points. But my point being that there is still information sealed and It could be important, I think... I only stated that investigators I know were looking into what Ford said, or knew as far back as 1974-75. His statement was made after that, I think... I happen to think the Tom Downing information before the HSCA was formed might shed new light on the Rosellie matter and the reason for an ABORT TEAM.

    I believe documentation was released to the public only what was wanted and specified in the request. That information was provided. I ask what was left out? That information would compromise on going operators and their operations and besides it was not spacificaly ask for only the Castro assassination matter was given out to a later investigative committee. Now I know if there are no documents then it did not happen and we should'nt go there. But I think going through another angle is important. I have only tried to point that other angle out..

    Congressmen Tom Downing, one of the first people who tried to get a committee formed to look into the assassination. What information did his researchers provide in hopes of getting a committee budgeted? That might prove or disprove what was written in the book referenced as to what Ford said. Because nothing has surfaced by now does not mean it did not happen.

    If documents were available on some matters then a lot of us ops boys would be DEAD, like Rosellie and others and we would have been dead by the time the information hit the public. Some of us out there still do not understand how it works.... we don't take names and addresses in our game... We don't, or did'nt, care. One other point. What do I have to gain by trying to get what I THINK I know out there in Never Never land. I am not writing a book or want to be in books. If I am I don't care whats written. Its nothing but trouble for me. Its like fighting with a pack of wolves. Do you think I like that? I am only trying to help in my own way and in my own memory... in my own time.

    Thanks again Larry. I am working on those questions you ask... but as you know I have to be careful as to how I answer them because they have to check with known facts and documents or I have to leave it out; and I do have to PROBE my memory... I do not read books or have access to the vast material that is out there. As I have said... "I was just a little old pilot... I piled it here and I piled it over there. I piled it whereever they wanted it piled..." It was all their BS anyway Have a good one Tosh :tomatoes:ph34r:

    Hey, Tosh

    A here is one from the time I was a pilot to go along with what you said

    at the end of your message above;

    I used to be a pilot

    And flew just everywhere

    I'd pilot here and pilot there

    All in careful glee

    Then one day in '62

    In inverted flight I flew

    Under a bridge and over a hedge

    And piled up my old J-3

    But saved from the wreck

    And settling dust and debris

    Was the the pilot called ol' self destruct

    The pilot I used to be!

    {c} by Harry Dean

    Harry: I like that.... as you know "...old pilots.., bold, pilots, there are no old bold pilots...". 8th AF England from WWII

  19. If anyone can identify some specific documents pertaining to Roselli that are still being held confidential until some future date I would love to see the list so we can try to get them via FOIA.

    Roselli's testimony to the Committees is released and available,  it is extremely lengthy though.  In addition you can find literally thousands of pages of FBI documents on Roselli on the WEB including surveillance documents.  These documents pretty well detail the FBI's position on Roselli - unfortunately large portions pertaining to his business contacts and associates was redacted by the FBI.  The documents in this release came from a FOIA and cover a period of some 20 years.

    There is a hole in the documents as far as the FBI surveillance goes and that hole is from the September - November time frame in 1963;  a related hole appears to be the lack of any reports from SAC Miami on Roselli.

    Beyond that,  there are a host of CIA IG,  Church committee and State Department documents that detail his part in the Castro assassination plot - including correspondance between the FBI and CIA on his role.  Most of this is on the CIA segregated CD's available from the ARRC - I mention that because it is a huge amount of paper and the CD's are definitely the easiest way to get it.  Also these documents contain all the details of the FBI and Dade country investigation of his murder.

    -- Larry

    Larry: Good points. But my point being that there is still information sealed and It could be important, I think... I only stated that investigators I know were looking into what Ford said, or knew as far back as 1974-75. His statement was made after that, I think... I happen to think the Tom Downing information before the HSCA was formed might shed new light on the Rosellie matter and the reason for an ABORT TEAM.

    I believe documentation was released to the public only what was wanted and specified in the request. That information was provided. I ask what was left out? That information would compromise on going operators and their operations and besides it was not spacificaly ask for only the Castro assassination matter was given out to a later investigative committee. Now I know if there are no documents then it did not happen and we should'nt go there. But I think going through another angle is important. I have only tried to point that other angle out..

    Congressmen Tom Downing, one of the first people who tried to get a committee formed to look into the assassination. What information did his researchers provide in hopes of getting a committee budgeted? That might prove or disprove what was written in the book referenced as to what Ford said. Because nothing has surfaced by now does not mean it did not happen.

    If documents were available on some matters then a lot of us ops boys would be DEAD, like Rosellie and others and we would have been dead by the time the information hit the public. Some of us out there still do not understand how it works.... we don't take names and addresses in our game... We don't, or did'nt, care. One other point. What do I have to gain by trying to get what I THINK I know out there in Never Never land. I am not writing a book or want to be in books. If I am I don't care whats written. Its nothing but trouble for me. Its like fighting with a pack of wolves. Do you think I like that? I am only trying to help in my own way and in my own memory... in my own time.

    Thanks again Larry. I am working on those questions you ask... but as you know I have to be careful as to how I answer them because they have to check with known facts and documents or I have to leave it out; and I do have to PROBE my memory... I do not read books or have access to the vast material that is out there. As I have said... "I was just a little old pilot... I piled it here and I piled it over there. I piled it whereever they wanted it piled..." It was all their BS anyway Have a good one Tosh :unsure::D

  20. I won't know if I don't ask.

    Do you think the materials that you are referring to were the same materials that were to be used by the Senate Committee for the hearing of Roselli?  Roselli and Sam G. were both killed just prior to those hearings.

    Those materials are highly restrictive materials still but are out.

    But not sure if that is what you are talking about or it is something else.

    Nancy: Thats a good start. I'm not sure if that is the document, but the other two documents are the ones they were looking for... Of course it will be said that ALL the requested information was released. The letter I was refering to was the earlier one Congressman Tom Downing wrote asking for much the same thing. The only material released was about the Castro assassination... nothing about the information Rosellie had concerning a hit on the President. I am sure that information is still locked away somewhere. Thanks for your interest. Tosh

  21. In C. David Heymann’s book, RFK: A Candid Biography of Robert F. Kennedy (1998), he writes:

    "In May 1997, Gerald Ford publicly admitted that in 1975, while president of the United States, he had suppressed certain FBI and CIA surveillance reports that indicated that JFK had been caught in a crossfire in Dallas, and that John Roselli and Carlos Marcello had orchestrated the assassination plot."

    Does anyone else know about this?


    I've never heard of any of this, and I follow the Ford Presidential Library files

    pretty closely, as you know...keep this thread alive. I will try to track

    the whole statement down...this (if true) strongly supports our friend

    Tosh Plumlee.

    Note Ford purportedly mentions CIA surveillance reports and John Roselli, both

    of which would have been prominent in the De-Briefing of Tosh and Sergio

    at JM wave by Tracy Barnes and Wm. Harvey. The crossfire, if attributed to Ford,

    Is a huge confirmation of a forward shooter, or shooters, and of course,

    it brings Carlos Marcello back to top of the list...a warning, though, this

    could be back up cover story for the original blown cover story (LHO)


    Shanet: Not sure if this will help. And I am not sure about what Ford said. However, perhaps the following might help. Now I know when I say this some out there will say I'm nuts and my information is false. Its not. But so be it. Keep in mind all the CIA/Kennedy records are not released as of this date. If I remember correctly 2023 most of the complete CIA files will be released pertaining as to what the CIA knew and when.

    Within these files are two documents attributed to President Ford and his statements. I find it strange this information was withheld from the WC and Fords statements and information he had received was classified a matter of National Security, after 1976. Soon after that Rosellie was killed.

    The FBI had Rosellie under surveillance for most of the sixties and many times in the early mid seventies. However what is not known is Rosellie had a double that was used to throw the FBI off. Thus allowing Rosellie to come and go at ease, without being tailed. J Hoover knew of this arrangement and was part of the CIA cover plan. His SAC's were not. Question where did Rosellie "come and go" and why did he need a CIA double dispatched from WAVE station to cover for him? Rosellie already knew that ambush was already in the pipe. Rosellie is the one who leaked ( the rumor) this information to Military Intel Pentagon..

    YA, YA, I know I'm Crazy, but let me continue. Rosellie was also a double agent for Military and worked into the crime families information pipe line and relayed this back to Hover and MI through WAVE Station and the CIA's Cuban desk.. There is a story here... but because it fits into the PIGEON birth format everyone misses it. If its not in black and white and you can't crumple it in your hand then there is nothing there... so It did not happen... I know that. But let me ramble, while I can... Its as good as what I have heard over the years. But what do I really know? Rosellie was working a deal with the United States Government. He was gonna be a free man with another name and ID even be relocated at government expense.

    The question (about what President Ford had said) came up at a close door session with Congressman Tom Downing and others on his staff. On two separate occasions they sent investigators to two or three different locations through out the country.., one in Phoenix Arizona, one to Miami, one to New Orleans. This was shortly before the HSCA was formed (not sure if it was "Rick Feeney who came to Phoenix or not; can't remember. However Bob Morrow had received the reports from Phoenix because he was trying to get on Downings investigative staff at the time and was working with Feeney in order to get appointed as an investigator into the JFK assassination. ( Morrow had been talking about his past counterfit Paso deal in Cuba and Nixion's letter getting him off the hook with the Department of Justice; he was working various staff members at the time.., staff members who were looking into the Kennedy mater)

    The question came up about the CIA information that President Ford had seen. And when the information was first available. The Congressman then tried to get the Miami and Dallas dispatches. They were quickly classified and withheld as a National Security matter It was said there release would jeopardies methods and operatives. Those two reports were sealed until, I think 2023.

    Now did Ford say that, what was in that book?... I think he did and quickly withdrew his statement after being briefed that he had just released classified National Security subject matter held by the CIA and the Military INTEL... Why was it so important to hold this information back... Because the other document that President Ford saw while in office was the one where MI and the CIA sent a team to abort the assassination... If that is true then THEY knew, perhaps not all the ins and outs and the whos and whos nots.. but they knew. Now does that make a conspiracy? We will not know until 2023 and all concerned will be really dead.

    But what do I know?. I am not allowed to "speculate" or have "opinions". Pilots are not allowed those luxuries. Hope you find something in here that will help your leg work... The best to you Tosh Plumlee :tomatoes:tomatoes

  22. In C. David Heymann’s book, RFK: A Candid Biography of Robert F. Kennedy (1998), he writes:

    "In May 1997, Gerald Ford publicly admitted that in 1975, while president of the United States, he had suppressed certain FBI and CIA surveillance reports that indicated that JFK had been caught in a crossfire in Dallas, and that John Roselli and Carlos Marcello had orchestrated the assassination plot."

    Does anyone else know about this?


    I've never heard of any of this, and I follow the Ford Presidential Library files

    pretty closely, as you know...keep this thread alive. I will try to track

    the whole statement down...this (if true) strongly supports our friend

    Tosh Plumlee.

    Note Ford purportedly mentions CIA surveillance reports and John Roselli, both

    of which would have been prominent in the De-Briefing of Tosh and Sergio

    at JM wave by Tracy Barnes and Wm. Harvey. The crossfire, if attributed to Ford,

    Is a huge confirmation of a forward shooter, or shooters, and of course,

    it brings Carlos Marcello back to top of the list...a warning, though, this

    could be back up cover story for the original blown cover story (LHO)


  23. James;  Yes. Years ago. I did not know him personally, but he signed off on the radar time tables of covert flights coming into the USA and Leaving the USA through the ADIZ  (Aircraft Defense Identifications Zones)  We were given these time tables by Customs so as not to be intercepted by Customs or Border Patrol survailance.  It was the same MO used as far back as 1960 and to some degree used all the way up to the late seventies.  I am not sure when he was connected with that, but our information came from Miami Station and the Miami Desk of the CIA.   I think "The Fish are Red" (1976) and "Deadly Secrets" (? 198?) explains how this was done and why.

    Am I talking about the same person?  My memory is F'ed as some have told me..  Thanks for the question James. (Tosh Plumlee)

    Thanks, Tosh. I appreciate the reply. Diosdado is certainly an interesting character. I know it was a long time ago, but is it a possibility that one of these guys below is Diosdado?



    James I am not sure. I would only be gussing and that would be a 50/50 chance. I never met him but saw him one time I think. That was at Marathon Key at the airport across from Jack Tarrs resort. But I am not sure if this guy was around that early (1960-1962) I would say the fellow on the right, but as I said its only a guess. Not really much help. Was he ever at "Dodge Island? Was he active (right) around 1980? looks like someone I met in Honduras about that time Tosh

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