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William Plumlee

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Posts posted by William Plumlee

  1. I know I shouldn't "piggyback" the families/Cuba topic onto Diosdado history.  Nothing to do with him but this is a site launched today by a young woman with a compelling Cuba story.  Wonder if either of you have heard of her or her Cuban family?


    Sorry, fellas, now back to Cesar D.

    Thanks Christy.. Some of those boys, I think were with the M-26-7 'The University of Havana ( the DF? I think, about 1957) Joe Westbrook Rosales and a Chomone(?sp), Fautoso(?sp) Most of these people were connected to the Humboldt Complex and ferried guns and ammo to the rebels in the hills. Others were involved in the Palace attack. Was her father a part of that group? If so I would find that very interesting. If so, that would make him assciated with CIA, Miami Station. Thanks... I know its a long shot.. , but interesting.....Tosh :tomatoes

  2. David,  I've posted the speakers here before so I won't repeat that.  The conference is a mix of i) new research  ii) presentations on new resources for research and on working at NARA  iii) exposure to people with first hand information such as Aubry Rike,  James Teague,  the manager at the Cellar and Richard Caine's brother (who is a researcher himself) plus a couple of general items for newcomers including a guided walking tour of the Plaza (and there are still necomers to this subject such as our student researcher of the year). 

    There is a good deal of new information,  much of it coming out of documents released from the work of the ARRB but also some from primary research.

    Examples include new first hand chemical tests and evaluation of the WC NAAA findings (and comparison to the released internal documents on that),  new interviews with Bethusda staff and especially with the FBI agents at the autopsy,  a new presentation on the internal medical reports at Parkland.  A combination of new documents and primary research is in my presentation on an apparent NSA station intercept of gossip about the planned attack on JFK a month before the assassination.  Rex Bradford will be presenting an analysis of what we now know fo the very strange handling and disposal of the JFK coffin.... well one of them at least.   Jeff Morley and Lamar Waldron will be presenting topics related to Cuba, the Kennedy administration and the CIA,  both presentations are directions to  more work that needs to be done - both or either may eventually turn out to be explosive but for right now it's just basic research on things we didn't even know a couple of years ago.

    I wish I could tell you there were a host of "explosive" items on the agenda but based on my experience it doesn't work that way most of the time;  however I can say that some of the most active current day researchers working on new areas of research will be in Dallas and it's a great way to network with them and get the newest information that may take some time to get into print or even online. 

    -- Larry

    =====Some people are not allowed to speak at a Lancer Conference, or, at least, I am not allowed to speak there. I am grateful for the research and activities that gets released annually at this conference, however, even though I am banned from speaking at any Lancer function or event.====

    Best regards.

    Judyth Vary Baker

    Perhaps Bob Vernon should be invited. That would enhance Lancer's credibility by having such a solid fact finder type researcher. Together they could promote eachothers work.. Some one slap me... I just had to do that... Tosh :tomatoes:tomatoes:P

  3. Tosh,

    In your travels, did you ever cross paths with Key West Customs Agent Cesar Diosdado?



    James; Yes. Years ago. I did not know him personally, but he signed off on the radar time tables of covert flights coming into the USA and Leaving the USA through the ADIZ (Aircraft Defense Identifications Zones) We were given these time tables by Customs so as not to be intercepted by Customs or Border Patrol survailance. It was the same MO used as far back as 1960 and to some degree used all the way up to the late seventies. I am not sure when he was connected with that, but our information came from Miami Station and the Miami Desk of the CIA. I think "The Fish are Red" (1976) and "Deadly Secrets" (? 198?) explains how this was done and why.

    Am I talking about the same person? My memory is F'ed as some have told me.. Thanks for the question James.

  4. Hi James and all,

    First of all , I have not "invested a lot" in Holt's story. But even if I had it is totally irrelevant. But I will say this: Holt is the strongest witness a JFK researcher can dream of. There's just a lot of his story that the public (thus also you)  does not know. I believe there is a reason for that.

    I think James, as a fair and honest researcher, would quickly turn around once he would see the evidence.

    James, do you believe that Holt was the man with the sunglasses on the far right of the New Orleans picture with Oswald before the Trade Mart? See halfway this page:


    Do you notice the other ID's by Holt ? Leroy Young and Bud Belcher (son of Frank Belcher of the  Belcher Aircraft family)?  Do these names mean anything to you, James? Do you think they were not real persons? Do you believe Chauncey made them up?

    Why the hell is no researcher looking into this? The names that Holt mentions that have never been heard before in connection to this case,  goes on and on and on:

    George Reynolds, Philip Twombly, Joseph Ball, Frank Belcher, Lloyd Cobb, Warren de Brueys, Thomas Davis and on and on.

    BTW, I just found another (half)  interview with Holt on the net:

    I think it's very interesting and would appreciate some help in locating the other part.

    Unfortuanltely ther's a lot of typos in it, but that doesn't really matter:



    Wim: I have the complete transcript. Not long before Chauncy died we exchanged information and marked the (his rough draft) manuscript. I think this was around 1994-5; not sure of the date it could have been earlier. I marked areas I was familiar with; example the ID's and "silencers" when and where they were picked up. Information about "Curtain Studios" ect.. The aircraft 'Belcher own and where and when it was parked in Arizona and California. And other things were marked on my copy, as well as his. The marked information was between us at the time. Most of the marked information concerning me and other people Chauncy knew goes back to and before his daughter was borned. No way could it have been altered after the fact. In 1969 at the Caravan Inn in Phoenix these same names appeared and were descussed and their linage was ploted..... interesting man, Chauncy.... Tosh :ice

  5. Tosh, that's really good research.  For example, I received some FAA stuff through FOIA program.  All on disk.  It was a very good resource and led to some planes/info for my research.  You & Sherry gave me this idea and it was a good lead to recoup some lost history.

    The IDs don't change unless the FAA retires the N number and that takes a long time.  I'm sure you know this but there are records of a vehicles life, filed away.  Like a VIN number, it yields alot of history of the craft.  Where it's been who owned/operated it, etc. 

    Old junker planes, like old ships are often left un-bothered, tho' worn, unless they are chopped or sold at auction.  Ride by any old marina or airfield and you see a few of 'em, right?

    I remember riding through the Jersey Pine Barrens and saw a big plane, intact through the trees(I swear a B-26) sitting in a junkyard in middle of nowhere.  Who knows all it had been through, but it is possible to find out.

    Thanks Christy. My point. Thanks for bringing this out. Its a lead to follow and could lead to interesting material. It did in reference to your father and Sherry's father.. Example Jack Rylie of Hollywood Florida. Right? What other aircraft did Jack Rylie move around for the "Company". Take care little one... Tosh :ice

  6. I had heard (not sure about this) that on the morning of 11/22/63 that you went to see your mother who was in Texas?  Is this myth or truth? Don't remember where or from whom?

    If you used a car that day for two hours than maybe that is all that you were down in Dallas on 11/22/63?

    I don't know if I or anyone can find what you are saying about a plane.  Do you have the numbers and letters to the plane at that time?  I don't know much Tosh sorry about that, but is the numbers and letters on the other thread?  Need them to do an ID of it.

    Flight question.

    When a private plane flys very low and I mean extremely low and almost hits a tree what does a person on the ground do?  Besides run as fast as you can.

    At the time I I got the numbers and letters with ease.  Who do you call to report that into?

    Nancy. I do not remember the tail number of the DC3. That is why I mentioned it was for sale at White Rock (a picture) and the conversations with others about DC3's and old flight instructors around the Dallas area of the time. Perhaps, the tail number can be found by checking aircraft for sale in Dallas around 1971-72. There could not be that many DC3's for sale in Dallas at that time. I think you would go to the FAA Federal Aviation Administration and they could direct you on how to find old registrations and perhaps flight and maint. logs.

    You would report unsafe flying or fliers to the FAA in your region. It would help them ID the pilot or pilots that were flying 'unsafe' or in violations of FAA flight rules.

    I had time to kill at Garland because of VFR weather delays. A flight instructor who I knew from White Rock, years before, and worked at Garland, loaned me his car "David Ferris". Others on my flight had already left Garland after a phone call and somebody else came and picked them up.

    We landed at Garland about 6:30 A.M. about daybreak, or a little before. Rosellie and others left Garland around 7 or 7:30 A.M. The car (Dave Ferris's car) was loaned to me about 8A.M and I was at my step-mothers by 8:30A.M. I had not seen my step mother since my father had died in 1961. I was back at Garland by 9:30 or 10A.M. We left Garland for the ten min hop over to Red Bird about 10Am give or take a few min., arriving at Red Bird around 10:30 or 11AM. Because of the weather delay we were almost late in getting down to the Plaza, because we had to make a stop at a place near the Oak Cliff Country Club. Sergio had to pick up something that he needed at the Plaza. I withheld the trip to my step-mothers because I did not want to implement my family in any of these investigations, because my brother was with the Dallas P.D, in 1992. I was not trying to prove where I was at the time. I had no motive to prove anything. I was asked to tell my story. I recalled events of that day from memory and was led into "speculations and opinions" by others; a big mistake on my part. I did mis speak, once, about Rosellie and where he got off, because of mis leading by the interviews ("...Rosellie-Nicolettle..., Redbird Bird..., Garland.. When did Nicolettle get off your plane?" ect.... "Nicolettle was not on my plan..." Read it for yourself. This was discussed at the time and I was told it would be corrected. It was never corrected. Rosellie got off at Garland, not RedBird. And too, Nicolettle was NOT on my flight and he did not get off at Red Bird as some have said I said. It was not a true transcript as to what I said and meant. And I told Joe West this before he died and I told Bob Vernon this many, many times. He refused to correct it.

    I have learned a lot these past few years as to who to trust. Nobody.

    Nancy your a good researcher. Focus only on what your doing at the moment. Cover that, then move on to the next issue.., then the next... facts.., facts..,facts. Opinions are for books and entertainment. facts or for truth not 'here-say or third party gossip... You posted a letter from Files. In that letter was nothing spacific. Thats why I ask you to go back to him and get something tangible as to what he has said....example "...we worked together on many missions..." is not good enough and should not be posted as facts. Send me spacifics as to what Files says about our working together. Thats a friend talking and not meant to offend you.

    Go get'um, girl... Tosh :ice

  7. A little leg work could pay dividends:

    A few years ago I went to Redbird Airport. (the name had just been changed can't remember the year I think it was about 1999 or so) I talked with a few 'old dudes" one who was the airport manager at that time and the other who worked for fire rescue on the Redbird Field.

    We talked about the old days of Dallas Aviation. I ask if they knew anything about a Flight Instructor by the name of "Smitty", who was a flight instructor at "White Rock Airport" in the early fifties and into the mid sixties. I was told Smitty was still around and lived in Forney Texas. Also, I asked about another Dallas pilot who had flown out of Redbird, White Rock, and Garland in the fifties and sixties, David Ferris. (not Ferrie..,Dave was the son of Jack(? I think) Ferris, ", who had worked for 'Pappy Reeves" at White Rock Airport in the forties and fifties)

    In 1963, in November Dave worked at Garland Airport and loaned me his car for a few hours on the day Kennedy was killed. He had the flight logs for Garland for a number of years after that.

    Both of these gentleman at RedBird remembered a DC-3 that had been sitting at White Rock Airport for a number of years and it was for sale (1971) This DC-3 had been at Garland around 1969-70 and Dave Ferris was the pilot before he went to work for an Airline in Houston Trans Texas, I think. The DC-3 had been "retro-fitted" at Garland and its engines had been overhauled at Southwest Airmotive Dallas Love Field. The bird was flown over to White Rock from Garland where it was put up for sale.

    The DC-3 logs showed it had at one time been registered to 'Atlantic Richfield' (1963) and before that to 'Riddle Airlines" around 1957, I think. Between 1957 and 1969 it had been a charter aircraft for three CIA front companies. It somehow ended up back in the Dallas area around 1968.

    Now, I think old aircraft for sale magazines, such as Trader Plane or others of the time (1971-72 have a picture of this aircraft sitting at White Rock Aviation at White Rock with its tail number visible. Another way to check this aircraft is by going into title search for 1971-73 on all DC-3's sold in the Dallas area during that time frame. From there a person could perhaps locate the old records and maintenance records and perhaps the flight logs of this old bird. At one time it was repaired at Redbird Airport by a company that used to belong to Howard Hughes, about 1963-4-5)

    What does all this mean. It would show where this old DC3 had been and who she had worked for over the years. Might be a new lead into proving the flight to Dallas on November 22,1963. I find it strange this aircraft was at one time based in Miami, worked for the CIA, and came back to Dallas to end its carreer sitting on an old dirt runway at an old airport outside Dallas, Texas. Its a long shot... but long shots are where we are at these days... Tosh :huh:

  8. Research:

    Does anyone know anything about a "Special" unit that came from Fort Bliss, Texas, Logan Heights, known as AAA RTC D8 REDBIRD ? and was attached to the Texas National Guard at Dallas Love Field. This unit later became assigned to the Fourth Army Reserve into an INTEL unit at Love Field. They were sometimes known as "The Praetorian Guard" Any information would be appreciated. Tosh Plumlee

  9. Tosh,

      I know and I do believe you.  Files has named your name to me several times.

    And I will post up this.  Just put my fingers on it with ease.  What I thought I sent Uwe David Weaver last night was Files first letter.  He may have your name in it as well.

      Those first letters was the most that he did in fact name you.

    OK I think this will work.  Just the first page is enogh of this.

    Nancy. Thank you for the information. In order for me to place the operation or operations that is mentioned in your letter from Jmmey(James) I will need more information.

    (1) What date or year are we talking about?

    (2) Where are we talking about? What country?

    (3) What was the code name of the "Cut-Out" operation that we were suppose to have worked on? (note... the two ops I am thinking of which were connected to Bill Copper, before he crashed with Sawer and Husenfus hit the silk, are now de-classified and can be talked about

    (4) I'll need the name of the "military attachee" for both of those operation and the Command he was assigned to. (example Southern Command... NATO Command, ect.(I'll also need the number of the operatives assigned to the operation.

    (4) If one of these operations was in Central America, I'll need the country and the airfield and the hanger number where we received our briefings.

    (4) I'll need the story of what happen to 'Scott Wheeler" and where it happened... example in the jungles..., on a mountain top..., jungle mountains..., on the coast....??)

    (5)If we are not talking about that time frame, then I will need to know the code names from 'Pelican Roost" and its location. I need to know the name of the three boats we used to get the weapons to shore and where we landed the weapons? Was it 'high tide' or low tide?

    (6) If we are not talking about that time frame, then I need to know the name of the ranch in Mexico and the "sequencing code" of that operation and the name of KIKI's pilot... not the one he was tortured with... the other one from Eagle Pass Texas?

    (7) And last. I need Jimmy's RA S/N number (he was to young, as I, to have had a U.S. assigned military number the last five numbers of his RA will do. They are in order and will show the year they were assigned. This will help me place him and perhaps the name of the operation. That would go a long way in helping me get a handle on Jimmey. If we served together he will remember the numbers... its something we never forget..., in case we were ever captured.

    Nancy. Thanks for the help. I will be looking forward to the information you can provide and care to share. Thanks again Tosh Plumlee.

  10. Question from Dave Weaver previous post.:

    "......Tosh, were you ever participant of any operation or team that did include James Files and William Cooper at the same time , was James Files a member of any blackop team you where a part of at the same time ?

    Did you know James Files before you got involved with Joe West or Bob Vernon ?

    James Files did state this, and as far as I know, you never said that you knew

    about James Files before his story became known.

    Is it possible, that you had participated in one or more operation with

    James Files, but he used another name, and therefore you didn't remember

    him, or has he in your opinion not told the truth about it ?


    End of questions from David Weaver

    Reply from Tosh Plumlee

    (1) No. I was never a participant in any operation with Files, or Sutton, that I am aware of.

    (2) No. James Files was not involved in any "back up support" of our teams that I am aware of.

    (3) No. I had never heard of the name "James Files" from Joe West. I received the name James Files and his story from Bob Vernon after Joe West died. Then suddenly I was involved in the "Files" story.

    (4) I was told by others (who held a major financial interest in the Files story) that James Files knew me, or of me. I have always said to them, and all concerned, that I did not know Files, or of him. It has been said by those same parties that I was wrong and was "covering" for Files.

    (5) No. I would have remembered the operation and the MO of that operation. The Files MO ( as presented to me) does not fit any government operation, or organized crime operation, that I am aware of.

    (6) I have no comment either way about the truthfulness of the Files story, or of those who have presented it to me. All parties concerned have been told this by me.

    Tosh Plumlee

  11. "Wrong the question was asked to Tosh not you."

    I'm sure Wim is still trying to figure out what you're talking about, just like everyone else.   :huh:

    Posted on: Nov 2 2004, 02:20 PM

    Advanced Member

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    Sure I did. There's a lot of lying going on around Files by established characters:



    Posted on: Nov 2 2004, 02:20 PM

    J.F. letter to P.J. May 28, 1999

    "..... I dont know if I told you this before or not, but Joe West died not knowing that I was one of the shooters. He never knew that I was the one behind the fence. When Joe died, I was relieved; I thought it was all over with. But then I let Bob Vernon talk me into helping out Mrs. West so she would have the money to pay off the hospital bills that Joe left her with. She was broke and hurting, so I agreed. e......" excerpts from letterposted on this form.

  12. Hypothetical: JFK Research breeds many types of people.

    From the realm of 'Never, Never, land'.:

    I once knew a man who claimed to be a professional researcher. He believed in what he was doing and in the research he had done. He was a good man. He worked hard. But in his little world of shadows and make believe lurked real predators. My friend was like a little fish. Then one day a bigger fish, a "shark" came lurking about. The shark, in disguise, slowly swam next to him and nudged him a little, and in a short while won his confidence.

    My friend and the shark became good friends and soon became a 'working' team. They swam and played together for a short while. Then, unexpectedly the little fish, my friend, died and his widow was left alone with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills to pay. All she had left was the research her lover had left her. The predator shark kept swimming; circling, smaller and smaller circles, tighter and closer to the widow. He manipulated the widow with smiles and tears and soon won her confidence. He worked the 'little fishes' project. In disguise, he soon became the lead fish in the little fishes work.

    It was said, "The big fish was going to help the little fishes widow pay all the medical bills". Soon the big fish, the shark, obtained another interview from the little fishes previous contact. And in time, he sold the little fishes research to a money man in a place near 'never never land', far far across the seas;

    From the money received from the never never land man, the big shark, paid his overdue bills, bought a brand new yacht, and a shiny new sports car. The big fish shark was finally in the big time. He played the big time, the big life of glitter. He sang crazy songs and poped pills.

    The widow of the little fish was left with nothing, left to fend for herself and beg off the creditors. She had nothing; nothing to sell. She could not pay the medical bills of the little fish. All she had left were her memories of a good man.

    Then one night, she threw up her hands. Let out a lonely cry; and threw an old torn sheet over the cracked window.., she kicked another spot of coal toward the fireplace, and went to sleep, drifting into a pleasant dream of another world; a place near a place called, " never never land". A place of of dreams and peace.

    Have a good one. I Hope all will sleep well tonight; in spite of the other sharks still lurking out there, hidden deep within the voids of JFK research.....

    Tosh Plumlee

  13. Thanks Jim, some interesting comments.

    Do you think it is possible that anyone who is still involved in the cover up of the assasination would have individuals looking at sites such as this to perhaps maybe - see how far the researchers are getting??  Do you think there is a chance something sinister would be done if anyone was to reveal something particularly sensitive?  Or do you think that these forums are dismissed are mere speculation and not taken as a serious threat to the maintance of the cover up?

    The NSA does monitor these sites and all communications world wide. They locate communications channels by coded 'key words' and 'phrases'. If a matter surfaces that indicates a breach of a "Classified National Security Matter" regardless how old the classification may be, then the intercepted information is sent to various agencies of the Federal Government for evaluation.

    As to exposing a matter? That depends on the matter and how detrimental the information is to the President and the political body in power at the time "Politics" and "National Security" have now became one in the same. The only way a person can protect themselves is either through the "Whistleblower Act", or get the information they have into a public Forum, or obtaining strong media support, which is difficult now days, because most of the main stream media is part of the monitoring of the political arm and the NSA.

    However, now days this is not working to well. Hit teams are still out there and they are not only focused on 'Bin Laden'. Their focused on anyone who may reveal matters or established secrets heldm tightly by a shadowed forum of government.

    As American citizens it is our duty to expose these special interest operations at the expense of bodily harm.. Todays Examples; "Halliburton" as well as many other defense contractors and "Lobbyest" who obtain "no-bid" contracts for their companies, which are blanketed approved by special interest within the Pentagon.

    Tosh Plumlee

  14. I'm also very pleased with Tosh's posts of late, which indicate to me that Tosh thinks you have deliberately manipulated his information to fit the Files story. You use his name repeatedly to confirm Files' story, yet Tosh himself has now stated that there is no connection between his story and that of Files'.

    Gentelman; Lets get on the same page.

    Richard. Wim bought the material of which I happen to be included. I do not hink Wim "deliberately manipulated" my information to fit his project. That had already been done by others long before Wim, in my opinion, got con'ed. Wim and I disagree on many points, but he has respected my views and has made changes as to the nature of my interview. I have been 'forced fed' the Files project for many years so others could sell product at my expense and reputation. So far, Wim has not indicated to me that he is from that school of thought.

    You two can have your 'difference of opinion' and feel ill toward eachother and challenge eachothers different view points. Sometimes, that is needed in order to sort through the mass of disinformation to find the truth of a matter. I respect both of your view points on the Files matter.

    Myself? I happen to have other view points concerning the whole picture of that tradgic day in Dallas. The players (or non-players) of that day, today, play a very small part. To get to the "who, what, and why" I feel other past events must be considered and the truth of those matters brought to the surface to establish the facts and reasons of that day; if for no other reason-- for the sake of history. We all have to get on the same page and stop chasing our tails and fleshing out fleeting shadows.

    Tosh Plumlee

  15. Tosh

    We are all looking forward to your long signed statement.

    Vernon's reputation is below comment.

    You have a lot of credibility.

    Thanks for working with us all.


    Thanks Shanet. As I posted to Tim; it is refreashing to receive positive outside coments. It keeps me on track and focused. I am trying to do my best and be honest with myself and others.

    Thanks Again Tosh Plumlee

  16. Wim,

    My take on Tosh is that he free associates, and has in the past speculated when he should have been more careful. He is not guiltless.


    Thanks Tim. I appreciate your comments. Its refreashing to see an outside view point on this subject matter. I think we need that from time to time to help keep us focused.


  17. In reference to previous post from Wim:

    Wim; I did not mean you were dishonest in any way. You have been very re

    receptive to my request to change some of the martial you purchased, because as I pointed out to you there were misleading statements and out right misleading interpretations of what I had said in an interview in 1992. I was pulled into the that project in order to confirm someones theory and my statements were used for that purpose only. You bought that interview without knowing of the discrepancies.

    I respect your work and believe you are an honest man searching for the truth and I do not classify you with the other specialized theorist that only want to hype a story for profit at the expense of truth. We differ on many issues as to the material you purchased. I respect you views and you have also respected mine. Like you, I too, am searching for the truth of this matter and will continue to push forward in that direction in spite of others and their egocentric drive to promote a "specialized" project and product. If I have offend you, then I apologies. I assure you, it was not intentional.

    Tosh Plumlee

  18. be "interview" and such. 

    "... Why take your anger with a jerk from the past out on me? If there's something you feel uncomfortable with, then why not say it to me first?.."


    Wim: You got caught in a money ploy. In my opinion a con. I have told you this many times. I respect you as a researcher and you have changed a few things I have pointed out to you. Perhaps, your investment in this matter has caused you to become narrow sighted. I was not responsible for the material you received for your money. I am not involved in any of this, nor do I want to be. I have told you that many times. I am not in any way connected with the Jimmy Files matter. I also told Joe West this before he died and Bob Vernon. I am sorry if you feel I am angry with you. I am not angry with you. I am not even angry at Vernon. I know what he is. Its that simple. I will cover my declaration in detail and hope you find it interesting and factual. The Files matter will not be part of it.

    Tosh Plumlee. Nov. 04, 2004

  19. From previous post on another forum:

    "... Tosh, you can't lie your way out of this one. You said that on 11/21/63 the 'people' stayed in a Hilton Hotel by Houston International (that's what a lot of people call Intercontinental or IAH) and there was NO HILTON there, Tosh, for there was NO AIRPORT THERE.".

    P.S in answer to previous post; ref. Hilton Hotel. Houston International Airport.

    The "Shamrock Hilton Hotel" was located at Main & Holcum, approxmantly 6 to 8 miles from Houston International Airport. The Shamrock was built in the 1940's remodeled in the early sixties. Demolished in 1997, (approx.) Trans-Texas flight crews as well as Eastern and Braniff crews were shuttled from the airport to the Shamrock on over night lay overs. The Hilton later bought the interest of two other hotels and motels near the airport. These were:

    "The Airport Hotel", 8000 Airport Blvd; and the "Skylane Inn", 6747 Telephone Rd. The Hilton’s interest in these hotels were later sold in 1964 and 1967, to another chain of hotel motel operators.( Ref; Houston Metropolitan Research, Texas University).

    The Airport Inn 8000 Airport Blvd, Houston Texas, was ‘A Hilton Enterprise". Ref: Houston City Directory. (1958-63)

    Also Reference: The Texas Room, Houston Public Lib;

    My Thanks to Doug Weiskopf for supplying some the above information. Also my thanks to Bettey Miller, Texas University, historical commision.

    Tosh Plumlee

  20. Question to Plumlee previous post by Richard J Smith:

    "... are you in agreement with the interviews, statements, and other information pertaining to you as posted at jfkmurdersolved.com? You are being represented as a witness(as such) in the Files story. In your opinion, have you been represented fairly in the Files saga?...".



    REPLY to above post of RJS: Nov. 04, 2004

    (1) Absolutely Not.

    (2) I have never been a "whitness" in the Files matter, nor do I support the story as presented.

    (3) I have never been represented fairly. That is the reason for my upcoming declaration to be posted on this Forum.

    Thanks for the questions. Tosh

  21. In a few weeks I will lead a seminar on this forum, beginning with a comprehensive and detailed declaration of my involvement in the events leading up to and including November 22, 1963.

    This declaration will be certified by me and will be sworn to under penalty of perjury. It will be written by me, issued under my name, and will supersede any and all previous interpretation's made by others, of statements which have been attributed to me. If need be this declaration can be legally used in any court of law.

    I am working diligently to produce this declaration to be posted for the seminar this coming November 22nd. At that time I will be available to answer any forum members' questions as to the truthfulness of my statements and declaration, with as much detail and precision as I am able to provide. I look forward to the opportunity to clarify any matters of contention in an orderly manner during the seminar on this forum. I welcome any and all questions from sincere researchers and students. Until then, I remain,

    Tosh Plumlee 11/04/2004

  22. "....The bad thing about it is, some of the things that were eliminated were errors on Files' part and what appeared to be your predecessor coaching him in what to say or how to say it..."

    Gibson: Nov. 3, 2004

    I too have been victimized by changes in my story by others who have been more interested in money than history. I have been coaxed with leading questions and outright manipulations. I have been encouraged to speculate on matters which were later published as factual statements. In one interview, which was mislabeled a "confession," I repeatedly had to correct the interviewer who tried to get me to say that someone had been on my aircraft who in fact was not. Despite this, the interviewer proceeded to misstate this fact because of how it supported his agenda with regard to his money-making project.

    Now it is claimed by this same interviewer that I have changed my story. My life story has and is currently being used to sell products, using transcripts never reviewed or authorized by me. Just today I received information that I am being called a xxxx on another forum. I have resisted having the truth about that day in Dallas manipulated, to no avail. This problem has persisted for years, becoming increasingly strident. I have consistently refused to support a version of my story which makes claims, in my name, with which I do not agree.

    From JFK Lancer posted today:

    Excerpt from my testimony to Joe West, 1992:

    "...Houston International which was the main airport there. And, I think it was a Hilton Hotel was were the people had stayed. We'd used that airport and the Hilton had just been built and the parking area where we used was on the Trans-Texas side and it was a National Guard...."

    From a Robert G. Vernon post today:

    "Houston Intercontinental Airport was opened in 1969.... Tosh, you can't lie your way out of this one. You said that on 11/21/63 the 'people' stayed in a Hilton Hotel by Houston International (that's what a lot of people call Intercontinental or IAH) and there was NO HILTON there, Tosh, for there was NO AIRPORT THERE."

    Mr. Vernon posted this with full knowledge of his own attempt to deceive and confuse the reader, mixing up Houston International with the later Houston Intercontinental, now named after former President Bush. I sympathize with the researchers who are confused by these disinformation tactics. Perhaps I should be used toiMr. Vernon's tactics by now, but I'm not.

    In a few weeks I will lead a seminar on this forum, beginning with a comprehensive and detailed declaration of my involvement in the events leading up to and including November 22, 1963. This declaration will be certified by me and will be sworn under penalty of perjury. It will be written by me, issued under my name, and will supersede any and all previous interpretation's or statements attributed to me by others.

    Prior to this upcoming seminar declaration, I have never signed any statement being supplied to the public as a confession, or interview. I was never allowed to even see the transcript of the interview ("confession") before it was posted on a website and released to the public in 1992. At that time, when I voiced my objections to all involved parties, I was told "We will take care of it." The product was allowed to be sold to the public without my input or approval.

    This situation has been going on for over 12 years. The original interviewer, Joe West, died before I could see the original transcribed transcript. I never saw, signed or dated the transcribed transcript or approved the videotape that I know was spliced by others. Various subject matters discussed off camera were explained in detail, then not recorded or transcribed correctly before being published in 1992.

    I am posting the following only to prove how deliberate and malicious this ongoing disinformation campaign is:

    "Houston International Airport is now commonly referred to as William P. Hobby Airport (or simply "Hobby"). In 1950, the name of the airport was Houston Municipal Airport, but when they started having service to Mexico City, (1961) it was changed to Houston International Airport, then finally becoming William P. Hobby in 1967. In the meantime, because they couldn't expand Hobby, all of the commercial flights were then moved to Intercontinental, which was built in 1969, and later became George Bush in 1997. So, it's perfectly reasonable (and truthful) that a private aircraft (DC-3) could have, and did, land at Houston International in 1963. Trans Texas Airline and Braniff Airline both had maintenance shops there in the late fifties and early sixties. Trans Texas had their main office at Houston International until 1964.".

    Additional Referenced information on Houston International Airport:



    "...In 1950, the CAB awarded Mid-Continent the hotly contested North Central routes, consisting mainly of Route 106 between Sioux City and Chicago. That same year. Mid-Continent also inaugurated service with new 40-passenger Convair 240’s. At the time of the merger with Braniff in 1952, Mid-Continent was operating a fleet of 23 Douglas DC-3's and four Convair 240's over its 6,241 miles of routes, serving, 35 cities from Minneapolis/St. Paul and the Dakotas on the north to the southern termini of Houston and New Orleans. .."


    "Beginning in the mid-1960's, the company expanded rapidly. Company officials attributed this to recognition by the CAB of its need for "route strengthening. "Braniff's expansion was spectacular during the Johnson administration. Among the more important developments of this period were (1) the takeover of Panagra's routes in Latin America in 1967, (2) direct entry for its international routes into additional major U.S. gateways, such as New York, (3) a Houston-Seattle route and (4) direct routes between the Southeast and Hawaii that bypassed the U.S. west coast. The last case was decided by the CAB and President Johnson in 1968, although the award did not become final until 1969.".

    Point being: In November, 1963 The Houston Texas, airport was known as "Houston International". Trans Texas Airline had a Hub there from 1957-64 as well as Dallas Love Field.

    I am working diligently to produce the declaration to be posted for the seminar this coming November 22nd. At that time I will be available to answer any forum members' questions as to the truthfulness of my statements and declaration, with as much detail and precision as I am able to provide. I look forward to the opportunity to clarify these matters in an orderly manner during the seminar on this forum. I welcome any and all questions from sincere researchers and students. Until then, I remain,

    Tosh Plumlee

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