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Dawn Meredith

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Everything posted by Dawn Meredith

  1. [quote name='Tim Gratz' date='Nov 28 2005, 12:08 PM' post='46672'] I eagerly await Gerry's reply to Mr. Dunne. Dunne is done. He repeats the lie that Bush lied. Not on your life. Those who can't see that W and company LIED are greatly lacking in discernment. [color=#FFCC33] Robert may be right about one thing: that the US helped create the monster that Hussein was. A concession to the truth here? You're slipping, some logic is setting in. Re Canada's lack of participation, if I was a Canadian I would be hanging my head in shame! As a former Canadian ( for my first 18 years)- I view my country with great pride!!! Both during Vietnam, and Iraq. Robert blames the US for the "brutal carnage" of the terrorists? A bit derriere backwards, if you ask me, to blame the savages for attacking the peacekeepers! "PEACEKEEPERS"????? Hardly. That would be funny Tim, if it weren't so sad and such a distortion of the truth. YOu really need to travel outside of this country and see how the US is preceived. "Peacekeepers" is not a word you'd hear. Try imperialistic war mongers!! Dawn
  2. [quote name='Robert Charles-Dunne' date='Nov 27 2005, 05:07 PM' post='46606'] [ Need I say more? Actually, yes you do. You gotta lotta 'splainin' to do Lucy. The Democrats knew only what they'd been told, just like everyone else in the country. Had Blix and El Baradai been allowed to complete their task, think of the untold lives spared from the current carnage, including the 2,100 men and women in your country's uniform who have so pointlessly been sacrificed for lies. For some reason, Bush and Blair became sputtering, hysterical shrews at the very notion that UN inspectors be given sufficient time to complete that task. "But.. but... we know Saddam can blow us up in 45 minutes!!! The sky is falling, the sky is falling." You may recall both the US and UK insisted that they knew the locations of those WMD being sought by the UN, but wouldn't tell Blix and El Baradai. Neither country would disclose, because then Saddam would simply move them from those locations. Lies, lies, and more lies, as we've found out to our eternal nausea. As Paul O'Neill, Richard Clark and the Downing Street memos have already made perfectly clear, invading Iraq was on the agenda from the outset, and intelligence was both manufactured and misinterpreted to achieve that predetermined goal. Yet, you claim there were no dissenting voices raised at the time. Another lie. Dissenting voices were excluded [Colin Powell] and drowned out [moderate UN proposals] by the shrill insistence upon war as the only recourse. As I've already pointed out, Canada declined to join the stampede toward slaughter. While I cannot assure you on what basis it made that prescient and principled stand, despite the most undiplomatic arm-twisting from you Ambassador to Ottawa, it is clear that had Canada swallowed the "faulty intelligence" bruited by your administration, Canadian troops would currently be in Baghdad, just as they are in Khandahar. Presumably, our government knew something that disinclined it to participate. For God's sake, if Canadians knew this was a fraud, shouldn't you have known it too? Your mea culpa won't wash, ex-counsellor. Every time you point to the "faulty intelligence" trafficked by the Bush administration then, you only display your own faulty intelligence now. You seem to feel that being incredibly stupid is an excuse for what Bush has wrought. "He didn't lie. He was just stupid." Where I come from, that's grounds for removal from office and punishment, not an acquittal. 9-1-1 happened on his watch, and by thereafter divining the future from the tea leaves and chicken viscera supplied by the likes of Chalabi, Bush screwed the pooch. Now you seek to mitigate that guilt by claiming that nobody else briefed by the Bush White House knew anything more than it did. Gee, what a revelation. I guess everything's OK, then. Bush is great after all. "Saddam has WMD." Nope. "Saddam's working on nukes." Nope. "Saddam's sponsoring Al Quaeda." Nope. "Saddam was behind 9-1-1." Nope. "We will be greeted as liberators." Nope. "The insurgency is in its last throes." Nope. "Why do people around the globe hate us so?" One can't imagine... I shall continue to remind you of these facts for the next 20 years, which is about how long it will take you to disengage from the mess you've made. Robert: Please get neo-con Bill O' Reilly's email address and send him the news. Perhaps if you can't convince Tim of these "self evident truths" -(in my opinion)- you can enlighten W's biggest cheer leader in this evil war. Or at least try. Dawn
  3. Good for Gary!! Holland has been a jerk on this case for decades now. Like fellow leftie -(who I otherwise greatly admire)- Noam Chomksy, these people either have their heads in the sand, or are paid off to write this crap. Any joe-six pack KNOWS JFK was killed by a conspiracy and at this time most people know why. Holland MUST know better. Chomksky and Salandria have had some intense correspondance over the years on Chomsky's REFUSAL to acknowledge reality. To no avail tho. Being a "leftie" myself, this blind spot has always angered and mystified me. Dawn
  4. [quote name='Ron Ecker' date='Nov 26 2005, 06:45 PM' post='46534'] She is obviously enjoying it and the fact that it upsets people and is a distraction on this forum. Ron Ron: You're right. Let's PLEASE all just ignore this twit. I promise I will. I apologise for allowing this distraction. Dawn
  5. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 25 2005, 08:41 PM' post='46442'] Oswald was just Hoover's patsy. I think Garrison should have charged Hoover with conspiring to cover up the truth about the Kennedy assassination, if he was serious. Are you some programmed NUT? Can you not think of a single THOUGHT that does not involve Garrison? You are sounding more deranged and like some programmed puppet daily. Go find some place else to haunt will you. Lynda-Bird, indeed. Dawn
  6. Showing our utter ignornange again are we Ms disinformationist? Now you're an apologist for the CIA. Get a clue will you. NO-ONE takes you seriously here. You're a moron. Dawn You'd like to be a prosecutor??? I doubt you've made it thru college, you'd never get into any law school, so dream on. Maybe Santa Clause can help.
  7. [quote name='Stephen Turner' date='Nov 25 2005, 03:31 PM' post='46419'] The famous comedy troop the Goons, are heard to sing on this record "OHHH ying tong ying tong ying tong ying tong ying tong Idel I po, ying tong ying tong ying tong Idel I po, Idel I po,dig that crazy rhythm, driving me insane, dig that crazy rhythm oppps there goes my brain" This is clearly a reference to the Kennedy Assassination (and anyone who says otherwise is a disinformationist) the crazy rhythm clearly refers to Greers driving performance, Ying Tong is a small village in Vietnam, and the rest is self explanatory. Now given that this recording dates to 1958,the Goons are displaying clear foreknowledge of Nov 63, and should have been questioned about what they knew, The fact that Garrison (Spit) never once approached them obviously means he was a part of the cover-up. He later claimed in a Playboy interview never to have heard of them. A likely story.My Webpage Stephen: Have I ever told you I luv ya?!! Dawn Stephen: Have I ever told you I luv ya?!! This is the funniest thing I have read in a LONG time. Dawn
  8. Get bent you xxxxx. If you had an original thought you might be somewhat interesting. All you are capable of is quoting Mat. You are obviously rather masochistic as you continue to post your bs in the face of EVERYONE on this forum telling you to buzz off. But I'll go back to letting Owen and Terry deal with your innanne, childish "commentary". I will go back to ignoring you. BTW Lynn, in case you have not noticed this forum is "The JFK Assassination Debate", not the hate Garrison forum. Why don't you and Mat start one of your own. Then maybe you'd find some people sympathetic to your "casue". Unless you really enjoy everyone telling you to go away and or "if you don't get help at Charter, get it somewhere". I'll bet in school you were "Ms. Unpopularity" Dawn
  9. Her "agenda", and she does have one, is so transparent it's downright silly. I say we just ALL ignore her. If you respond she comes right back. When she begins a new thread we all know where it will go eventually: back to her anti Garrison , hey let's all read Mat Wilson, crap . Don't feed her hysteria. Dawn
  10. Last night I watched "Executive Action" with a visiting friend from Massachusetts who I met right after JFk was killed. She has never been interested in this case, so this was her introduction. Seeing JFK's seech snippets in this film always still make me cry. After it was over Dianne and I talked a lot about today and how that event did change the rest of our future. We sadily and angrily tried to imagine W EVER making any speeches remotely like the ones JFK made. I went to bed just in time to hear Joan Mellen on "Coast to Coast"-- very inspiring!!!! Even 42 years later it still hurts. Perhaps in some ways more when we look at what could have been, compared to what was and is. Dawn
  11. [quote name='Lynne Foster' date='Nov 22 2005, 02:41 PM' post='46073'] "Why should the Kennedy brothers do this? Why, did they not want the case investigated? My own view is that Robert Kennedy was himself implicated in the killing of JFK. " I really do not think that is true. I think that there was a great deal of confusion about who was involved, the Kennedy brothers were just as clueless as most people were, regarding what happened, and Robert Kennedy in particular, felt guilty because he didn't know whether his vendetta with organized crime had contributed to the matter, and he instinctively knew that he needed the power of the Presidency, to get to the bottom of what happened. I think that Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover are directly responsible for the murders of people like Dorothy Kilgallen and Florence Smith, and in the final analysis, the assassination of Robert Kennedy would not have been necessary, if he had been involved in the murder of his own brother, because if he was, Hoover would have considered him an ally. Wonder of wonders, I am in agreement with this view, with one caveat. It went higher than Lyndon and Hoover. CIA and other more secret intelligence operations. Bobby was killed by the same forces that killed JFK. He was not involved in his brother's murder, directly or indirectly, imho. Dawn
  12. Just re-read John's post expressing his feelings on the "ULtimate Sacrifice" book. Will get this book later this year, but I think the view expressed by Lisa Pease, that I posted here, makes some very salient points re this so called "new evidence" of CIA plots with brothers Kennedy to kill Castro. I don't buy it. Sounds like more CIA disinformation to me. Dawn
  13. I was living for a year in the states, while both partents were ill. I was in Quincy Mass, in my 8th grade class when we got the news of the shot. I ran all the way home-praying very hard. Turned on tv and got the terrible news. I was INCONSOLABLE. My aunt and uncle lived near a beach, so I just went for a very long, sad walk. JFK was to be speaking in Boston around Christmas and Aunt CInda was going to take me. I had been so excited. I think numbness and shock were the first emotions, and of course non-stop tv was the activity. I heard all about Oswald, initially on my little transister radio. The amount of information on him was a surprise and the type made me immediately suspicious. I remember telling my aunt and uncle that very night "There's your killer" as we saw LBJ sworn in. Those 4 days are forever etched in my mind as a dividing monent. When I went from being a 14 year old girl with an interest in Jack Kennedy, his wit, his charm, his idealism. Kids just loved him. Then, in a second I became a woman, a suspicious woman. I read every story. Made a JFK scrapbook. Read between the lines. No one I knew then thought it was conspiracy, so those were lonely times for me. I remember laying on my aunt's couch talking to God: why did this happen? Vowing to try to right this terrible terrible wrong. That one death would affect many later aspects of my life. I studied Government, philopophy and psychology in college with a plan to go to law school. To DO SOMETHING. What I did not know. I guess that's the hard part, feeling so helpless against the machine. So I have spent my life talking to everyone I meet about this case to try to educate and get them to care, to read. Often without success. Ironic that on the anniversary of 42 years I have a house guest who I met that year. She is one who does not care about the case at all. So we shall see how this goes, as I plan to educate her some, or try anyway. Dawn
  14. Tim: You started this damn thread!!. So, Thomas' point is well taken. Yesterday would have been Bobby's birthday. Dawn
  15. Ron: Great posts and I admire your efforts at setting our Mr Gratz straight. I think he just somet imes pretends to musinderstand. I agree that their conversation proves they knew in advance and all the other talk about nuclear war was for the dupes to record false "history." Dawn
  16. Bruce: Greatly appreciate your imput here!!! John is in Dallas right now, when he comes back he wil hopefully respond to your important posts. I am also on Wim Dankbarr's forum and the MAIN reason for this is because he connects these dots. I am not into his Files- did- it theory...and that's another story -(and he will likely email me on this....) I simply give credit where credit is due and Wim is on the Bush -crime- family connection, big time. For people who don't think that Jfk was murdered by a coup d edat, and that all our history since then is totally connected to this, they are missing the big picture. I would not be on this forum, talking with- (hopefully)- like minded folks who connect the dots otherwise. Dawn
  17. I wrote this nut an email in response to the stuff about Lisa. Guess what he DENIED THE ENRTIRE THING. I may still have it on my computer, not sure, was about a month or more ago. Ya a total nut, a forger of documents and multiple names. There are a lot of fakes in this Who killed Jfk business. Seperating the true researchers from the posers and passers of disinformation can be rather complex, as well as time comsuming. Then there are all the researchers who just happen to hate each other... Former partners Like Grodon and Livingstone. It's very sad, and I am sure the killers just love to see all the infighting in the critical community. Dawn
  18. Yes, that is who he asked for. I spent years trying to find him in the early 70's thru mid 80's. Called ACLU all over, including NY where he was allededly out of. But never could find him. I wanted to ask HIM why he thought Lee was asking for him, if he ever learned this, and what his response whould have been. Anyone here ever manage to track him down and ask those questions? Dawn
  19. I hope everyone takes note on 11/22 what the tv and the press has to say on yet one more sad anniversary with the cover story still intact. Two years ago our local rag, The Austin American Stateman, on the 40th anniversary devoted the entire front page to the occassion. Only problem was it featured the nonsense of Ken Rahn. I was revolted. Austin is a very progressive town and we deserved better coverage than the rantings of some Lone nutter. My letter to the ed of protest was not published, but my husband's was. In 93 I had a long letter to the ed. published here and it was responded to by former AG Wagonner Carr. It was filled with lies, outrages ones. For example he said that he himself had fired Oswald's rifle and was "easily able to get off the 3 shots in 5.6 seconds". He tried to insult me by comparing me to ("the fradulent") Oliver Stone, but I took that as a great compliment!! Please report coverage (if any) on the forum. I am still waiting to see the word "alleged" placed before the word assassin. Dawn
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