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Nic Martin

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Posts posted by Nic Martin

  1. Taped this as well, it was a fantastic documentary, but Richard is right - where did you get the idea that Powers was Secret Service?

    Wasn't a snippet of the Powers film released, though? Just nothing from inside the Plaza. I could have sworn I had a portion downloaded from Love Field through part of the motorcade.

  2. CE Exhibit 1141:

    LANCE A . GARCIA, Assistant Manager, Retailers' Commercial Company, Room 212 Delta Building, 348 Baroone Street, advised that this credit agency was a subsidiary of the Retail Credit Company of New Orleans, Louisiana, and further advised that his agency handled credit investigations only and explained that they dealt with nationally affiliated companies as well as some local companies in New Orleans on credit matters.

    GARCIA examined his files for the following listed names and explained that he  thoroughly checked on conceivable variations in spellings, as well as in pronunciations' of these ones and stated that he could find no listings identifiable with these persons contained within the files:


    A.J. HIDELL:



    Hi Nic, if this was in response to me... thanks.

    But Garcia was interviewed on 23nov63. There was no investigation of Hidell by NOPD or FBI after the August arrest. If Oswald was truly carrying FPCC cards signed by "A Hidell", they would have looked into this person.

    I knew he'd been interviewed, but I figured I'd throw that in there anyway. :D

  3. CE Exhibit 1141:

    LANCE A . GARCIA, Assistant Manager, Retailers' Commercial Company, Room 212 Delta Building, 348 Baroone Street, advised that this credit agency was a subsidiary of the Retail Credit Company of New Orleans, Louisiana, and further advised that his agency handled credit investigations only and explained that they dealt with nationally affiliated companies as well as some local companies in New Orleans on credit matters.

    GARCIA examined his files for the following listed names and explained that he thoroughly checked on conceivable variations in spellings, as well as in pronunciations' of these ones and stated that he could find no listings identifiable with these persons contained within the files:


    A.J. HIDELL:



  4. Great. Ruth Paine is still alive and might be willing to talk about the case. I think she will be more sympathetic to questions if she is approached in the right way. In the past it has been suggested that she helped set up Oswald. I believe the truth of the matter is that there was a concerted effort to set up a group of people for the assassination who were members of left wing organizations such as Fair Play for Cuba Committee, American Civil Liberties Union, Socialist Workers Party and Congress of Racial Equality. Hoover believed that communists were behind these organizations. This was the basis for the initial FBI theory that JFK had been killed as a result of a Soviet/Castro conspiracy.

    As a result of LBJ’s response to Hoover’s story, it had to be changed to the “Oswald did it on his own” theory. As a result, the manufactured evidence that had been established to implicate the Paine’s involvement was used to persuade the couple to say what the FBI wanted. At the time they thought they were doing this to save their own skins (after all, Oswald was dead so it did not matter too much to point the finger at him – that was probably the view of Marina as well).

    John Geraghty has suggested that when people finish their research they should become online seminars. That is a good idea. Maybe we could have one of these sessions every 3 or 6 months. Please let me have details when you are ready to submit your papers. It might be a good idea to announce on a new thread that you plan to research a certain area of the case. You could then use this thread to present information that you have found. Other members could comment on it and provide information that they have. In this way, the final paper could be developed organically. This would be a good example of using “community intelligence” to obtain the truth.

    I knew she was still alive, there was something on CBSNews about her & Nellie Connally during the 40th anniversary last year. She looks virtually the same, if that one picture was anything to go by.

    I do think she's been approached the wrong way, nobody likes being told that they're believed to be involved in murder ( or, in the case of Lady Bird, that their husband was ), especially of the President. There's definitely something that clicks with me about Ruth Paine, I just don't quite know what it is yet. Maybe I'll find out.

    I'll definitely post a thread as to what I've found, people here will be the first to know.

  5. Nick wrote:

    "The most moving thing I've done, I think, was visiting Arlington a few weeks back when I was on vacation. I left white roses for all of the Kennedys, and this woman stopped my mother ( who I begged to throw the roses for me, because I have terrible aim ) and said that she thought it was a nice idea. My mother, of course, not wanting to take credit for mourning a Democrat, pointed to me and explained it was my idea."

    Nick, you win the award of the funniest post of this forum, and Terry the award of the most beautiful hair! Pamela's hair is coming second... Congradulations to both of you!  :)

    Well, I'm glad you think so.. :D

  6. I'll gladly take an "assignment," I need something to keep me busy. Mind if I look into Ruth Paine?

    This is probably well-known and I probably know it, too - but I'm running on high emotions and no sleep, so excuse me.. On a flick through my records...

    Cameron Forbes ( of the Forbes family related to Senator John F. Kerry ) was the Governor General of the Philippines. His niece, Ruth Forbes Paine Young, financed the International Peace Academy. It was her husband, Arthur M. Young, who INVENTED the Bell Helicopter used in the Korean & Vietnam wars. Her son, Michael R. Paine, was Ruth Paine's husband. Maybe Michael's work for Bell Hellicopters wasn't so odd after all, considering the family ties.

  7. A couple of times I've gone to put roses in the holder on the door of her burial vault, on the anniversary of her death, in the cemetary over in Westwood, which is not far from me, here in Culver City.  One of the times I went was in 1982, and I put the, "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road", cassette of Elton John's in the Blaupunkt deck of my car and had it set for, "Candle In The Wind".  It was around 16:30 in the late afternoon.  I had just driven over from the hospital, and placed the roses in the cup, paid my respects, and went back to sit in my car, as you're allowed to drive into the cemetary.  I opened the doors of my Scirocco, as the speakers were located there, and started the song.  There were many people there that day, and many started to cry.  After the song ended, I shut off the tape, closed my doors, and slowly drove away.  People applauded very softly, and it was quite a poignant moment. 

    If you ever come out to SoCal, I'll take you there if you wish.

    Don't forget to get back to me on the tape, and the S & H, now.  I'll send a money order so you don't have to deal with a bank.

    Warmest regards,

    Ter  :)

    The most moving thing I've done, I think, was visiting Arlington a few weeks back when I was on vacation. I left white roses for all of the Kennedys, and this woman stopped my mother ( who I begged to throw the roses for me, because I have terrible aim ) and said that she thought it was a nice idea. My mother, of course, not wanting to take credit for mourning a Democrat, pointed to me and explained it was my idea.

    I've taped a note to my door to not forget, so - no need to worry. :D

  8. I'd like a copy, Nic.  Where can I send you the payment and postage for copying it

    and sending it off to me?




    P.S.  When I was 10 years old, and in May of 1955, Marilyn Monroe was headlining the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus' opening night at Madison Square Garden.  I had been badgering my Dad for months prior to the event that I just had to see her, as she had always been my favorite.  She had a special appeal to children due to her child-like qualities that came across so readily on the silver, as well as, the technicolor screen.  At least, that's how I perceived her to be, when I was a child.  Anyway, she headed the parade around the Garden riding on an elephant that had been painted pink for the occasion.  Martha Raye was also riding on a float behind her, if I remember correctly.  We had seats in the front row of the Mezzanine right above her as she road by, blowing kisses to us.

    Awesome comment about Marilyn, I'd have loved to see her - she was so gorgeous. :)

    I'll go to the store tomorrow and look into buying a tape, then get the shipping quote, and email you. ;)

  9. Hi Nic,

    I just read your favorite actress is Marilyn Monroe. Why's that? She died long before you were born. Do you have any opinion about her death?


    I constantly say that I'm stuck in every generation I wasn't alive in, and it's true. When I was on vacation, I was listening to the 40's, 50's, and 60's stations on XM Radio ( but not the 70's.. the rock was good, but I hate disco ) - I love classic TV ( Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith Show, Get Smart ) - and classic movies ( Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, et cetera ). I'm between opinions on Marilyn's death at the moment, as to a Who-Dun-It, but I do believe it was a murder by enema judging on the medical evidence. However, as an everlasting comment to my dorkiness, here's a picture to check out. It's off-topic, so I've just linked it.

    Picture of one of the Walls in my Room - Monroe, Cher, & Def Leppard

    Anyway.. I'd gladly make copies of my tape to share with other researchers - it was taped on SP format in my room, so..

  10. I'm 18, agnostic, militantly childfree ( basically someone that doesn't want kids - now, or ever ) living in a house of Lutheran Republicans, in a small town in Texas just north of Houston. I love reading, and collecting memorabilia relating to the Kennedy family. I'm sick of drama, and refuse to associate with people who dwell in it. I'm interested in a lot of subjects, as far as reading goes, but I always prefer history ( American, Italian, Egyptian, and of course - pop culture ) to fiction. My favorite actor is Al Pacino, and my favorite actress is Ava Gardner.

    I'm currently in my freshman year of college, with plans on pursuing a history major, political science minor - and eventually getting a double-masters in history & archival studies. My dream job would be as an archivist at the JFK Library in Boston.

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