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Nic Martin

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Posts posted by Nic Martin

  1. I'm 17, but I got into it at age 12.

    It sounds incredibly silly, when you think of 12 year old girls being the giggly NSync fans or something.. However, at that point, I was sitting alone at lunch with a book. I didn't have friends, so I just let books be my friends. One day, I was reading the WC Report, with a small dictionary nearby in case I found a word I didn't understand, and about half-way through, I noticed I was jotting down questions that weren't answered on the margins of my copy. So, I kept reading, and reading, and here I am.

  2. U.S. plan to kill astronaut John Glenn

    Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to overthrow Cuba's Communist leader Fidel Castro

    by Jennifer Monroe

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- (OfficialWire) -- 12/21/04 -- In March 1962, President John F. Kennedy was asked to approve a plan devised by his Joint Chiefs of Staff—to overthrow Cuba's new Communist leader Fidel Castro. The proposal, code named "Operation Northwoods," included violent acts of terrorism within the U.S., targeting large cities, the shooting down of U.S. airplanes carrying Americans, blowing up U.S. Naval ships and even the killing an American astronaut—John Glenn.

    'No way' you say?


    Don't think your government would plot to kill you, to further their ideals..?

    Think again.

    America's top leaders even proposed U.S. military casualties when they wrote: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba."

    The document suggested killing astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for a war against Cuba.

    If his rocket exploded and Glenn was killed, it would "provide irrevocable proof that the fault lies with the Communists," the Joint Chiefs wrote.

    Details of the government's plan were described in the bestseller "Body of Secrets", a book by investigative reporter James Bamford. An article exposing these outrageous revelations was first published by ABC News on May 1, 2001 just four months before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001.

    According to the Operation Northwoods Memo signed by Gen. Lemnitzer, the plans are "based on the premise that US military intervention will result from a period of heightened tensions which place the United States in the position of suffering justifiable grievances. World opinion and the United Nations forum should be favorably affected by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash and irresponsible and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere."

    These plans called for the events to be carried out covertly by the U.S. government in order to create public support for a war against Cuba by blaming Castro. The Joint Chiefs claimed, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

    Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

    I could be wrong but my recollection of reading the documemt is NOT that the military was considering killing Glenn and blaming it on Cuba, but rather, if through malfunction or accident or whatever Glenn did not survive his planned orbit of the earth. to blame his death on Castro as a pretex for an invasion.

    That was my original idea too, but I thought I was wrong after reading the article. Ah well, it came up on my daily news search for President Kennedy, and I decided to post it here.

  3. U.S. plan to kill astronaut John Glenn

    Joint Chiefs of Staff sought to overthrow Cuba's Communist leader Fidel Castro

    by Jennifer Monroe

    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- (OfficialWire) -- 12/21/04 -- In March 1962, President John F. Kennedy was asked to approve a plan devised by his Joint Chiefs of Staff—to overthrow Cuba's new Communist leader Fidel Castro. The proposal, code named "Operation Northwoods," included violent acts of terrorism within the U.S., targeting large cities, the shooting down of U.S. airplanes carrying Americans, blowing up U.S. Naval ships and even the killing an American astronaut—John Glenn.

    'No way' you say?


    Don't think your government would plot to kill you, to further their ideals..?

    Think again.

    America's top leaders even proposed U.S. military casualties when they wrote: "We could blow up a U.S. ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba."

    The document suggested killing astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for a war against Cuba.

    If his rocket exploded and Glenn was killed, it would "provide irrevocable proof that the fault lies with the Communists," the Joint Chiefs wrote.

    Details of the government's plan were described in the bestseller "Body of Secrets", a book by investigative reporter James Bamford. An article exposing these outrageous revelations was first published by ABC News on May 1, 2001 just four months before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001.

    According to the Operation Northwoods Memo signed by Gen. Lemnitzer, the plans are "based on the premise that US military intervention will result from a period of heightened tensions which place the United States in the position of suffering justifiable grievances. World opinion and the United Nations forum should be favorably affected by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash and irresponsible and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere."

    These plans called for the events to be carried out covertly by the U.S. government in order to create public support for a war against Cuba by blaming Castro. The Joint Chiefs claimed, "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

    Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

  4. Dave,

    Thanks. The first thing I did was a Google search after I couldn't find the doc in the WC materials online. I found nothing on the web search. But I didn't know about Google Group search. I used that a few minutes ago and found the usenet post with the affidavit right away.

    One learns something new every day. Google Group search is good to know about.



    How does one do a "gogle group search"? I just type in names, like JFK, and anyother name in which I am interested, as one google search. Is this what hou mean? I have a feeling it is not.



    ps Sorry bout the typos above.


    Google Groups

  5. I've thought about talking to Masen, but I didn't have a clue as to if it'd be worth my time. Regardless of what you might think, Mr. Dankbaar, I can actually play sweet and get people to like me.


    Yeah I notice! Mr Dankbaar is a lot better than "darling" and "old man" :D


    I call everyone darling, regardless of what I think of them. It's been that way since I first saw Breakfast at Tiffany's, and now it's sort of a habit, much like people that bite their nails. I don't even realize I'm doing it until someone comments on it.

  6. Harrelson said he was on coke! He should have said acid yes, because coke does not cause hallucinations.

    If a nice young innocent girl goes to visit him, who knows what he will say? He has nothing to lose, since his final appeal for a new trial was rejected by the supreme court  last year.

    You may have a better chance to walk up to John Thomas Masen in Dallas. He still operates his gun shop there. He knows all about Ruby, Harrelson and the JFK assassination.  I'll make a bet he supplied some of the ammunition for the hit.


    Look at it this way, Nic: the government or FBI won't do it. So it might as well be you.

    To me he said: Friend, don't ever call me again! Yep, John is a little touchy on the subject.


    Harrelson still has a lot to lose if he cares about the wellbeing of his son - who, if you think about it, someone could attack and write it off like Lennon - just a crazed fan. Woody's tried to get his dad the best of legal counsel since he got famous, so I'm sure they've forged a relationship somehow.

    I've thought about talking to Masen, but I didn't have a clue as to if it'd be worth my time. Regardless of what you might think, Mr. Dankbaar, I can actually play sweet and get people to like me. :ice

  7. DALLAS A drug raid on a Dallas apartment unexpectedly turned up a stash of artifacts relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    Among the finds: a police card bearing Jack Ruby's nine fingerprints (he lost a finger in a fight); photos of Ruby shooting alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald; what appears to be a drawing of a map containing important assassination-related locations and a photo inventory of Oswald's belongings.

    Police say the items appear to be authentic and apparently were taken from police archives several decades ago. They are to be included in a new police headquarters museum.

    The items were found in Michael Roppolo's apartment during a drug raid in March of 2003. He said he got them from a relative who used to work for the police department.

    Officials also found autopsy photos of Bonnie and Clyde.

  8. See at the FAQ section how he tries to discredit the "myth" that there was not a spare police uniform in Tippits car.

    Now look at this picture:


    Then the blowup:


    Is that a police uniform or not?


    It definitely looks like a spare jacket, whether or not it's a whole uniform, I couldn't tell you. It is definitely a spare jacket, though.

  9. It's incredibly silly of me, but I'd like to have seen a party with the Rat Pack. When I was suffering from insomnia, the only thing that could relax me enough to give me even thirty minutes' sleep were the voices of Sinatra, Martin, & Davis Jr. I'd like to see how things were, not according to some author who heard a story from someone whose grandmother's cousin heard from her boyfriend's brother what happened.

  10. It is a bit of a fluff, isn't it? Nice to see he's being remembered, but with any memorial site - it's purely based on one person's opinion. The "F.A.Q" is, of course, slanted Myers' way, with the lone-nut custom of believing someone in power when they say they're innocent - because, you know, nobody lies anymore.

  11. Wallace Plumbing.

    Didn't Julie Ann Mercer have remarks about a Wallace plumbing truck near the knoll?

    Nothing in Mercer's statement mentions a plumbing truck.

    Mr. Sorrels' statement:

    "There was another witness there that I started talking to, I don't recall the name now, because I told him to go in.. somebody that saw a truck down there, this is before the parade ever got there, that apparently had stalled down there on Elm Street. And I later checked on that, and found out that the car had gone dead, apparently belonged to some construction company, and that a police officer had come down there, and they had gone to the construction company and gotten somebody to come down and get the car out of the way. Apparently it was just a car stalled down there. But this lady said she thought she saw somebody that looked like they had a guncase. But then I didn't pursue that any further--because then I had gotten the information that the rifle had been found in the building and shells and so forth... "

    Ms. Mercer's statement:

    "On November 22, 1963, I was driving a rented White Valient automobile west on Elm Street and was proceeding to the overpass in a westerly direction and at a point about 45 or 50 feet east of the overhead signs of the right entrance road to the overpass, there was a truck parked on the right hand side of the road. The truck ;ooked like it had 1 or 2 wheels up on the curb. The hood of the truck was open. On the driver's side of the truck, there were printed letters in black, oval shaped, which said "Air Conditioning". This was a pickup truck and along the back side of the truck were what appeared to be tool boxes. The truck was a green Ford with a Texas license. I remember seeing the word "Ford" at the back of the truck."

  12. Nic, see below, How sure is it that that Greene was behind Moceri's death? I want to know if Moceri was under subpoena to testify?

    I don't think anyone knows for sure if Greene was actually behind Moceri's death, but being that he accepted the contract, it IS a possibility. Kind of like Jimmy Hoffa's people having a hit out on RFK.

    I can't find anything about Moceri being under subpoena, just that Moceri had risen to serve as the underboss of the Cleveland family under James T. Licavoli, which of course ended when Moceri disappeared in August 1976.

  13. Good description of Ruby's escorts.

    Jim, wasn't there an unusually long blast of a car horn caught on the television newsreels? Some think this blast signalled Ruby that Oswald was coming.

    Is this true?

    I seem to recall hearing or seeing something about that, someone was suggesting a Manchurian Candidate-esque scenario where the audio horn was Ruby's "trigger," and that Oswald recognized Ruby and then looked away to protect Ruby from being connected to Oswald in a later date.

    EDIT: Found a better quality audio, and there was clearly a car horn sounded, about 6 seconds before the shot.

    Hear it courtesy of HistoryBuff here.

  14. Well, Hollywood will turn anyone or anything into a movie to make a buck, won't they? Nonetheless, it'll be interesting if they do it right.

    There is a movie scheduled for production to start in 2005, called "The Good Sheperd" about the history of the CIA, loosely based on the career of James Jesus Angleton. The screenplay is by the man who wrote Forrest Gump.

    Robert DeNiro is to direct the movie.

    Matt Damon stars as the young Angleton and DeNiro will play the older Angleton.

    I think I previously refered to the Tommy Lee Jones movie re Nosenko. It is pro-Nosenko, anti-Angleton (if memory serves me).

    The Rat Pack (an HBO movie) is quite good. Its portrayal of Joe Kennedy is very good. It explores, in quite accurate historical detail, the relationship between JFK and Sinatra (nothing about the assassination). It is available on DVD.

    Sugartime, another TV movie, I believe, has an interesting portrayal of the relationship between Giancana and Phyllis McGuire. It illustrates the odd juxtaposition between the "sweet McGuire sisters" and the evil of Giancana by interposing a scene of Giancana watching the Mcguire sisters perform while one of his associates is savagely beating someone to death with a baseball bat. It is based on a book by the FBI agent who was dogging Giancana.

    Yeah, I own the "Rat Pack" DVD, it's quite good. I knew about "The Good Sheperd," because I'm a rather big De Niro fan. I'll look into Tommy Lee Jones, though.

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