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Nic Martin

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Posts posted by Nic Martin

  1. As I remember, there was only one witness to the actual shooting who ID'ed Oswald, and she wasn't very reliable.  There were, however, a number of witnesses to Oswald's flight, including Johnny Brewer, who followed Oswald to the theater.  If Oswald wasn't involved in the killing, why did he hide in the theater?  Why did he fight the cops?  Were the conspirators so reckless that they dragged a bunch of ordinary Dallas citizens into their GRAND conspiracy, to frame po' lil' Oswald, whom they already had an open and shut case against? I will admit the possibility that Oswald was with someone else, who did the actual shooting, and that Oswald ran away.  But that he wasn't even there makes NO sense.

    P.S. When I say they had an open and shut case against Oswald, I don't mean to say that Oswald might not have successfully been released on appeal.  But to think that a 1963 or 1964 jury would release him for lack of evidence is to live in a pipedream.  I mean, he wasn't an ex-football player or anything.

    So if you're walking quickly, you shot a cop? Well, I must have killed a cop yesterday, because I was attempting to get from one end of a store to the other before the payment department closed. Maybe he had to meet someone ( since he reportedly did sit next to several people in the theater ) and was running late. Maybe he saw the killing, and knew who did it.

    Maybe Oswald chickened out. Maybe he talked about the CIA, the government, blah blah blah - but when it came down to actually doing anything, he turned into a complete wimp. It's a possibility. Maybe he fought the cops because he wasn't supposed to have an unlicensed, concealed weapon.

    Strange behavior does not a killer make.

  2. Other than the pictures on the first page of this topic of two officers holding a wallet at the Tippit scene?

    Who are those officers? Has anyone talked to them? How do we know it's not Tippit's wallet?

    Excuse me if I sound ignorant, but I'm 95% convinced Oswald DID kill Tippit. There are several eyewitnesses to his flight. I'm particularly susceptible to the cabbie's statements (Scoggins, I believe) that the killer was talking to himself, saying "poor dumb cop." To me, this is Oswald, who killed Tippit in attempt to save his own life, and not a cold-blooded assassin.

    The idea that some schemers knew Oswald was in the theatre and killed a nearby cop to frame him is just WEAK WEAK WEAK, IMO. I suppose another reason why I believe the killer was Oswald is because the Tippit shooting took place on the DIRECT path to Ruby's place; this just seems like too much a coincidence, particularly if Oswald was not involved.

    Why would the officers be looking at Tippit's wallet? "Positive ID?" His face wasn't mangled ( per the autopsy photos ), it was his cop car, and they worked with the guy, yet not a single officer on the scene knew him? I highly doubt they were thinking, "Well, this looks like him, and it's his cop car, and he's wearing Tippit's uniform, but there might be some crazy body-switch conspiracy going on, so let's contaminate evidence, dig through Tippit's items, & check the wallet!"

    And the "several eyewitnesses" you mention, who are they, and where were they when they saw Oswald pull the trigger, just seeing him once for such a short period of time, yet clear enough to make a positive ID beyond the shadow of a doubt? Wow, why haven't these people spoken up sooner? That pretty much solves one whole mystery aspect right there, what are we doing wasting our time talking about it?

    Do I think the Tippit murder was done by Big Bad Men to further frame Oswald? No. How do we know that it wasn't just a coincidence? For all we know, Tippit could have been killed by some two-bit hustler, and the DPD, knowing that a dead cop doesn't look too good, and it'd better be solved fast - connected him to the Crazy Lone Nut that shot Kennedy?

    I'm really not trying to sound rude, so forgive me if I do - maybe Oswald DID kill Tippit, but if all I had to go on was the items you presented - I'd be more likely to believe a paraplegic midget shot JFK from the top of a pyramid in Cairo.

  3. Admittedly, I haven't studied this element of the case, but I seem to remember a DPD officer (was it Hill?) testifying that he opened Oswald's wallet in the car and asked Oswald who Hiddell was, and Oswald told him "you find out." Sorry I don't have more time in which to find the exact testimony, but some of the posts here seem to be of the mind that no one mentioned Hiddell until sometime afterwards, when at least one cop testified he talked to Oswald about Hiddell almost immediately.  As for the wallet found at the Tippit site, I think I've read where this story only surfaced years afterwards, based upon the supposed words of one cop.  What evidence is there supporting that such a wallet was actually found?

    Other than the pictures on the first page of this topic of two officers holding a wallet at the Tippit scene?

  4. I remember reading that Paul Bentley, while going through Oswald's wallet following the arrest, found the "Hidell" ID that linked Oswald with the murder weapons, yet it wasn't mentioned in his written report, nor did another officer in the squad car, I think his name was Gerald Hill.

    They said they radioed it in at the time, but no call was ever discovered.

    Amazing how if they were really arresting him on suspicion of Tippit's murder, they didn't write up the one solid piece of evidence they had IN THEIR POLICE REPORT.

    Man, you have to hand it to those DPD guys, that's some powerful stupid going on. B)

  5. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but they all come from an eBay buy - Confidential Detective, 1964.  Maybe I should scan a few more.

    - lee

    Nothing wrong from an eBay buy.. I live in a highly Republican family ( as in, no Republican has ever done anything wrong, and Dick Nixon was just misunderstood ), and 95% of my Kennedy collection has come from eBay. They're great pics, though, so thanks. :o

  6. Scanned this from "Texas" newspaper pullout from December 29, 1963. It has more assassination-related pictures, but it's mainly just caps from the Zapruder film and a motorcade picture that is pretty common, I'll post them if anyone wants.. This isn't the whole page, because it's a big item to scan, but I figure some picture people might like it.


  7. Isn't it a possibility that someone was hiding in the upstairs at the time DeMohrenschildt got there? The daughter had been out, and someone else at the house had been tanning outside in the back. There was also blood on the bathroom wall according to the crime scene report, and the daughter said she saw her father's dead body and called the cops ( as you do.. Didn't even the recording catch her scream? ). Several people can move across a room without being heard ( I can if I want to, and that's what they say happened with Richard Ramirez, the Night Stalker ).

    I highly doubt if someone was going to kill him related to this case, they'd make it obvious, and even if they didn't know about the recording ( or maybe it was done every day ), they wouldn't know if someone was downstairs that might come upstairs at the sound of a struggle.

  8. What I wouldn't give for the Babushka Lady's footage..

    Hi Nick.

    Yes that footage would be gold, she was only a few feet away from the Limo when Kennedy's head exploded, also we would have a great view of the grassy knoll area.

    I feel like people think that I find them to be an idiot when I correct them, but there's no K in my name. :D Nic, short for Nicole - however, I don't answer to Nicole, because everyone's called me Nic for quite a few years now. I figure, I'm more likely to notice someone mentioning my name if it's what I'm called by.

    And yes, I think that footage might be able to solve a lot of unanswered questions. You'd think, if it showed nothing controversial, the Warrenatti would be jumping head over heels to get it out there.

  9. Nic wrote:

    If you don't like members of this board, by all means, you are entitled to that - but please, take your bad jokes, your childish insults, and your pathetic vendetta elsewhere.

    Nic, perhaps you are not reading the posts carefully enough.

    I admit to having told a few "bad" jokes, but I suggest a review of the Forum will indicate that the "childish insults" have been directed at me ("cowardly charlatan" is one recent one that comes to mind).

    And just to male it clear my "bad" joke about an assassination book written by Black and White was simply a bad play on words.  In no way was at directed at or intended as any put down of either Charles Black or Jack White.  I do not agree with all of their ideas, but I respect each of them.

    Thanks, Nic!

    P.S. I hope you change your mind and decide to have children some day, by the way!  Most parents will tell you what joy children bring to their lives.

    That was a post mainly towards EVERYONE, not just you. I'm sick of the drama, from you, from everyone. It's unnecessary and a waste of energy.

    And no, I won't change my mind. I like spending my hard-earned money on me, I have no patience, I don't think kids are cute, and I plan on having surgeries to prevent any "Accidental" pregnancies ASAP. :]

  10. I suggest that what is really insane is the suggestion that Sam Papich was a conspirator.

    There's a reason that I don't want children. It's the same reason that I really don't like "hanging out" with most people my own age. Immaturity, when taken to those extremes, sickens me. It really makes me want to vomit. I dislike people constantly trying to bring someone else down, I dislike constant bids for attention, I dislike people who constantly try to impress, and I especially dislike drama.

    The reason I'm registered here, is because I'm interested in this case. I'm not interested in middle school insults and terrible jokes from grown men that you would THINK were old enough to act with something resembling maturity.

    If you don't like members of this board, by all means, you are entitled to that - but please, take your bad jokes, your childish insults, and your pathetic vendetta elsewhere.

    I hate to sound rude, but I'm seriously sick of every other message posted being whining about someone. You're ADULTS, and this is NOT high school.

    There should be a rule against this dramatic BS.

  11. Tim, with all due respect.. You're 55, 56 years old. You'd think you could start acting your age, not your shoe size.

    We are not here, on this board, to insult each other. We're here to donate thoughts and share information and hope against time that we can find that one piece of information that might make a lot of other information easier to understand.

    If you HAVE to act like a four year old, then please, do it elsewhere. You're beginning to make me sick with your constant histrionics and completely obvious bids for attention.

    This isn't a soap opera, nobody's trying to DESTROY YOU!!!11eleventy-one! It's a MESSAGE BOARD. If you let it get to you this much, then clearly you need the help of a licensed psychiatrist.

  12. Nic said:

    I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

    I said:

    But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

    So you see, I agree...but there ARE those on the forum who would disagree, if only because I am one of those who believes this.

    I was simply supporting your theory.. And there are those on this forum that need a visit from the nice men with that nifty white jacket that makes you hug yourself, however - I won't name names. :)

  13. Of course, there are those among us who might say that, just because you [and I] have trouble refolding a newspaper perfectly, it may be that Oswald was sufficiently anally retentive to be obsessive about achieving a perfectly folded newspaper every time.  But I personally doubt that Oswald was so inclined.

    If Oswald was so obsessive about it, why didn't it show in anything else?

    I'm known for being a neat freak. I fold gum wrappers back into a perfect replica of what it was before I throw it away. My clothes are organized by color, my medicine cabinet & my bookshelves are organized in alphabetical order, & I can't leave the house in the morning before making my bed. I find it hard to believe that Oswald would perfectly fold newspapers back and then not show a single other side of a possible OCD, not in his boarding room, not in his writing, not in the memories of anyone else.

  14. For love of all things positive, can everyone just grow up already? I'm one of the youngest, if not THE youngest by now, person on this board and sometimes I feel like the teacher in a second grade classroom. Now all of you, go to seperate corners and THINK about what you've done..

  15. Thanks. :D Yeah, he doesn't sound very credible, but has anyone ever been able to prove for sure that he did or didn't live with Ferrie? It'd be an interesting look at Ferrie's character, even if all of his stories about the assassination are indeed just stories.

    In connection with my Ferrie biography, Broshears was one of the first persons I contacted in the late 70s by telephone. Some of the things he said initially seemed in conflict with other documented information (example: that Ferrie flew for Eastern Air Lines when Broshears roomed with him in the 1965 period), so I decided to slip in a few "test questions". I made a reference to the layout of Ferrie's apartment and he replied with incorrect information. I asked a follow-up and he avoided answering. I pressed a bit harder and he again seemed completely unfamiliar with Ferrie's apartment ("When you came up the back stairs, the door opened into the kitchen, wasn't it?" "Yeah, the kitchen."). I then pressed a bit about the general layout of streets in the neighborhood and New Orleans, and he seemed completely unfamiliar with the city. I came away from the call thinking he had never even been to New Orleans.

    In subsequent interviews with acknowledged friends of Ferrie, I could find nodody who even recalled him.

    This feeling was strengthened when the HSCA and other interviews with Broshears became available in the early 90s. I think it is very unlikely that Broshears was ever Ferrie's roomate.

    Thanks so much, that's exactly what I was looking for. :D

  16. Wasn't this the bullet Files took credit for? I think it had teeth marks on it, which Files claimed was because he held it in his teeth while loading the weapon - but it could never be matched to his dental records because he'd had some work done since then, or something like that.

    Hi Nic.

    No - that was the Remington .222, which was not found behind the fence. If it will load, attached is the graphic done by John Rademacher, who discovered 2 .222 caliber shells while digging around the Plaza.

    Happy Birthday?

    - lee

    Ah, okay, I see what you meant, my mistake. ;)

    And thank you.. :D

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